' Dakota County Herald 10HN H. RRAM, PUBLISHHR Subscription Price. $1.00 Tcr Year. a weokly nowspapor published at Dakota Oity, Nebraska. Permission has boon grunted for the tranoiniBfllon of this paper through the maiis hb socoudclass matter. Telephone No. 48. Official Paper of Dakota County Tho Nobrasku logislntnro should eta; in session until the importuul measures bofoin it nro given propur consideration, if it takes nil summon or until they mko nprotcnnsuof cam ing their salary. Tlio state bus suffer ed enough from a grist of half-baked laws slipping through in the rush of tho oloso of tho session. Tho Lyons Mirror, in extending thanks to "a good demoeiatio legisla ture," for tho opportunity given tho officers of linrl county to hold ovor another year in compliance with tho bi-enniitl election law, undoubtedly forgets that tho people of the stato voted on this amendment to tho consti tution at the last election. Reports from Winnebago Htato that Superintendent Kueul lias boeu pro motcd in the Indian service and will enjoy a $1,G00 raioo in salary. His successor at Winnebugois a man nam od Spears. Pendor Times. This is a great (?) vlotory for tho fellows who have boen knocking Mr Kneal'a administration at tho ugouoy QmQMIJIOItllCmaWKKMlO3 Items of I nterest ..... rr..i. -, iiuimuui cxunaiiguu MXMrJCOMMWlWA0.WJWWX Waterbury Items in Allen News: Mr and Mrs Luke Murray wero visit ors in Jackson Friday, Sergeant Bluff Itoms in Sloan. In. Star: Mr and Mrs Wood Ivcrson have located on a farm near South' Sioux Oity. Lyons Mirror: Mninr (llmrlnn PM! lips camo up from Fremont Monday wuere no una open visiting Ins son Canfleld. Walthill Times: Mrs B J Sheldon returned from an Omaha visit Wed dosday....Frod Griffith, Gono Elliott anu James loutig went to Unkotn tJlty xuonuay evening.... aaille Jlinisou ro turned to South Sioux City Wednes day after a visit of several days' in tho uomo ot a JioureUo. Dixon Journal: Henry Wolfe oatno np from Waterbury Friday and is oaring for Joo Gloason . . . . R E Hugh es, formerly raanngor for tho Edwards & Bradford lumber yards hero, oamo up from Homer and spent Bnnday with Dixon friends.. -....Rov Father O'Snllivan, of Jackson, am! Fatlior MoMahan, of Omaha, assisted Father Fehily during tho forty hour devotion at tho Catholic church this week. Hartington News : Mrs .Too Thoouo and sou Herbert returned Friday from Hubbard, where thoy visited Mrs Jas Howard, a sistor of Mrs Thoono.... Mrs Jno Provauohn, sistor of 0 Gruou wood, of this plaoo, died at hor homo in Hubbard, Saturday, and was buried at Emorsou Monday. Mr Greenwood wont to Hubbard Saturday and his sons, J B and L D, aud daughter, Mm F E Ruff, wont to Emerson Monday to attond tho funoral. Pleasant Valley Itoms in Winneba go Ohioftnin: Uoorgo and Clifford Van Houten are haviug a well dug on their plaoo. Goorgo Johns, of Ho mer, is doing tho job Mrs John Van Houten wbb oallod to Hubbard Saturday by the death of hor grand motherher U tlier's mother. Clifford Van Houten stayed with tho children sad looked after tho wooden hen while Mr and Mrs Van Houten wore away. Pendor Republic: Rev J A Smith, u evangoiisi, viMtott at Dakota City Monday. Ho was oastor nf tlm m.i. odist church whon ho first ontorod tho ministory several years ago.... Hmy Bayor, of South Sioux Oity, in ,oro this weok repairing his store building. He has leased tho building to W A MoFarland, of Lyons, who will put in a slock of general merchandise Mr MoFarland has a department store at ItTonB and expects to conduct a simi lar Btoro horc. -"- Winnebago Chieftain: M J Her man was down from Homer last Frl dayj...Georgo Gish was a passenger to Homor Sunday ovening,,, M S Mansfield, W E Niobuhr, E J Jnnson aud R F Woloott autoed to Sioux City Sunday.... Mr and Mrs Leonard Har ris, of Hubbard, wore gtiosts of Mr and Mrs TT Harris Wednesday.... Miss Hazel Williams and Miss Helen Neibuhr visitod in Sioux Oity last Wednesday and Thursday.... Ethel Priest, ot Hubbard, viiiitud from Hun. day until Wodnesday ovoning at the home of Mr and Mrs Albert Robort on..,. Meryl, Charles and Lloyd Pol ley and Mildred Hisoroto, of Homer, and Morris Phillips, of, Boyd county, Our Manufacturing Plant Makes Dollars of Dimes "Old Age Comfort" Pro tection for"That Rainy Day." There's Joy Pleas ure Laughter Smiles and Sunshjue in a Savings Account here. There'? Safety unsurpassed in all the land with Everything in GOOD Banking. There "Warm Welcome that Wears Well" (from the heart). It's really time YOU knew Mid-West Men and Methods. "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT," 4 on Time Deposits. Ed. T. Kearney, Steamship Tickets. Insurance. President visited heio with Clark Hixorote, brother of Mildred, und conoin of the others, Suudny hotweou trains. Sioux City Journal: Died In Sioux City, la, April 11, 1011), L.7 Wilsoy, 20 years old, of Wnterbury, Neu, ns u re sult of an oporntiou, The body is at Wcstcott's undertaking establishment, where it will be held until funeral ar rangements are mndn. Mr Wilsoy is survivod by his widow, two brothors, Harrr Wilsoy, of Oto, la, and Archi bald Wilsoy, of 8an Francisco, Gal, and threo mlrn, Mrs W J Bowern, nf Grand Rupids, Mich, and Mrs Wil Ham Anthony and Mrs J H Ritcher. of Sioux City. Ho is also survived by bis, father, D W' Wilsoy. of Wing, N D. Tokamah Horald: Tho Dakota county board hovo employed an export to chock up tho county clerk's office Mr Tallin, of Red Cloud, an expert stato accountant, will probably do tho work. 'L'ho snmo thing is being talk- od here by a number of heavy tax payers. Tlioy any, if tlio records aro juggled in one thing, why not auothcr? Everyone knows that no county board is oompotant to check up tho clerk s office. Mont counties atnploy an ex port fur that purpose. Tho peoplo hnvo n right to know... .Representa tive J J MoAllistor. of Dakota county, mndn a cowardly attack on Atty Gen Martin, in his report on water right frnuoliises. No fair minded man can afford to make a grand stand play of that kind. Ho displayed a woudorful amount of ignorance for a man who pretonds to ho a' lawyer. What this stato needs right now is water powor development. It con only bo secured by tho investment of prlvato capital, because tho stato is not in fluanoiul conditiun to invest millions in experi ments. ' Homor Star: Joseph Smith loft this woek for tho sand hills to look after his land interests... .Elizabeth Larson, of Wakoilold, Nob, arrived Friduy to visit relatives and friends in Homor and vicinity .... J E Munger returned last evening from Grand Island, Nob, whore ho had boen to at tend tho mooting of tho head oitmp, W 0 W....G O Mason left on last Thursduy for Sioux Fulls, S D, whoro ho has accepted a position as travel ing salesman for Haley & Lang.... Mrs A J Ronm nnd dmmhtnr. I)r Ml. n a Smith, roturnod on Sunday from a six months' trin through Flnriiln nml other points, Thoy report a ploasant ami uujoyuuio trip Airs Drank Gannowuv and sou. Harrr. nf f'ln.m borlain, S D, arrived on Fridny of lust wcok 10 visit nt tlio uomo of lior sistor, Mrs Louio Rockwell and family, who livo west of Homer.... Miss Anna Di neeu returned Sundav to leHiim- lur school duties ns timahnr. nftnr lw ing absoiitfor a woek on account of tho serious illness oi nor lather at Sioux Citv. Miss Tinrrnlnn Mnrnliv tnnnlit in hor place Tho Farmors Ex change bad their plans drawn for a now briok building. Tho building will bo one story high, 70 feet vido and 00 foet lontr. at a nnnt nf nlmut $9,000. This will bo nnothor now briok to our streets which will greatly iui(uvu nml, corner . South SiotU Citv Record: Mml'n.1 Christoidiorson of Oinflon i'h nt thn homo of hor parents, Mr nud Mrs W v i-ugrim....nirs J'red Oornoll, of NowouMtlo, is visitinc her DaruutH. Mr. aud Mrs John W HuKnlcrrnvn ti.ia woek.... OhnB Fox, of Elk Point, an unclo of Mrs J B Boaoom, diod at his homo there Tuesday. Mrs Boaoom wus unuuio to attend tho funeral.... Tho homo of Adam Sohindlnr mm. antined for smallpox. A light onso is reportoil. Mr Sohiiullor will now bo delayed in mnkiui his trin tnfl,i,, J S Ennis, of Atkinson, n foinier liquor uuuiur uuro, una a property ownor, is visiung in town tills woolt. Atkinson voted dry at the spring" election aud Mr Ennis is looking for a now location. , , . .Prof Fred W Rice, who had boon re-elected to tho suporiutoudenoy of tho city schools for tho next year, lar,t week notified tho board that ho would not accept tho plaoo, tho Balary nuos- tion not boiUET to his liking. Mr m Iihr been au eflloient and progressive uuuii ior inn sonoois and His, leaving will ho rei'retted bv nuinv! Hnunroi applicants have appoarod for tho,plaoo, uumo Heieoiiou nas ueou mado.,.. Tuesday nioht several llflitu ,.f i,.. onu oi mo aomiunntion bridcro wero uroKen. it wus probably tho work of boys, although some think tlmf llmo. plaunod to Btago a holdup on tlm "nujjo. Aiiouier suggestion was made that oitizetlS Who urn dnnlrinnn nf lw(. ter lights on tho bridge luvn started a campaign of bronkiug tho old fashion ed keroHono lamns in tlm limw.H iimt the Combination Bridgo company -vill lub iu uiuoiriu iigius. Sioux City Union Advocate, ilrrt Of tho numorous establishments in Sioux City which mako a speciality of paying unuivweu ationtion to tho wants of tlio workingman, tho Mid West bank is unexoollod in favor. Tho little financial institution around tho corner on Pearl streot is getting bigger every day chiefly through tlm patronago of tho thrifty labor union element of tho Oity. Tho wide experionco of Edward T. Konrnoy, president of tho Mid-West, in ovory branoh of tho banking business is a suro indication that tho business of depositors will bo handled in a mod ern and ii p-to date manner. Mr. Keai noy ' remarkable success duriug tho twenty-sovon years of bis successful banking career is a sufitoinnt gituran- lee iniu ins methods nro reliable and trustworthy. Whiio it is a gratifying fact thut Sh.ux Oity had a numbor of substantial finuhciul institutions when Mr. Konrnoy entered tho local banking field a little ovor a year ago it is none thu loss gratifying that tho Mid-West hank has scored nn unquaii fled succors from tho day its doors were urst ononeu. in order to thor- ... .-.. - -- ...,- ..uo.if ui.w.uwuu tv ta JUtJ ULUUa- Mlil.U'not'n Itimlnnon ( tn nnl. ....... sary to stato unit during the urst year of tho bank's existence tho depositors nnmborod over 1000 porsons und tho deposits aggregated one quarter of a million dollars. Safo and sane bank- iiiK id tuu HUHjJiMiiru ui iiio 1111(1 West management and tho guiding motto of .in, jumiiiuy iur uu una suceesB ior everybody. Emorson Enterprise: Mr and Mrs Wm. Korwiu and Mrs. John Komin attended tho funoral of Mrs. Gcorgo Hayes iit Hubbard last Monday.... Levi McEntaffor and family loavo today for their homestead in Logan county, this stato. Lovi will become a f ulifloRod tiller of tho soil this summer. ....Grandma Beith, motherof Charles and Thomas Beith of Wakefield, died at the homo of hor daughter, at Win throp, la,, on March 31st at tho ad vanced ago of 93 yoars. Sho was born in Kilbride, Scotland, and wbb married in that country coming to America in 18 14. bhe loaves six children, thirty grand-children forty-four great-grandchildren and two groat-great-grandchildren .... Mrs. Amelia Proyunoha wus born iu Mnntrmil. Cnnmlii. In 1H'l7 and departed this Jifo athcr homonear uiiuuuru, xKourassa, April O, lata. When but a small child sho came with hor parents to Illinois. Thorn sho Was united in marnago to Jos Varies, who diod leaving hor a widow with two small children, Chns Variss and Mrs Louis Doroin, both of whom survive her. Ovor forty years ago sho oamo to Dakota county and wan joined in marriage to John Provanoha, who with ono daughter, Mrs Bert Francisco, onobrolhor, C Greenwood, and two sisters, Mrs Zapp und Mrs Lussier, sr. aro loft to mourn hor departure. Sho wbb always a hard working womun, but was grently nfllioted for soveral years. Tlio deceased was brought up iu mo umoiio iiiuu and has novor departed from hor religious training, although for 'a long timo sho bus nfllili ated with tho protestant ohurohos. Sho was always faithful in hor devo tions aud dopnrted with a firm faith in God. Tho funeral was held at tho M E church at Emorson, on April 7, nt 8:80 pm, conducted by Rev Kuhn, of Wayne, pn6tor of St Luke's Ev Luth ornn church of that place. Intorment took plaoo at Roso Dill cemetery. The doceasod was formerly n resident of Emorson for about twelvo years and a largo congregation of rolatives and friends attended tho funoral services. 8 CORRESPONDENCE I awwaitoKJWMrtQrJttitf DUHUAHO. Tom Long shipped a oar of calves to tho city last week. Soo the latest in shnnn tlin"Ttniinli. or," a seusiblo shoo for ohildrou, at O Anderson (Jos. Carrie Nnlsnn has been nn Mia atnlr list for some timo. Carl Fredflriuknn wnn nn nvnr m'rrl.t visitor in tho oity Monday. A full Hue of Bumraor underwear of tho highest quality. Goo Timlin. Henry Cain, John Hnrtnott and James Hoonoy shipped cattle to South Omaha Weduesday night of last woek. Littlo Bonniu Long was taken to a Sioux City hospital last weok to havq a growth removed from his noso. Dan Hartuott shipped a car of oat tlo to Sioux Oity Thuroday of last week. Rubbor hoots and heavy leather boots will como in handy this time nf year. A full atook at O Andersoii Co's. M t -l a i i )!! An.Uorson Bl'ont a couple liaVR Willi rnlnhVAD nnl frln.,.l,. I of days with relatives and friouds heie UJU IJUHt WOOK , I Jumes Dopau, Johu Provanoha and Louis Knildseil wnrn miunr.nrro.-o (., hero to tho oity Monday. Muslin underwear in all sizes at 0 Andorson Oo's. Born to Mr and Mrs John Labahn, on Friday, April 11, 1013, a daughter. No wondor John has been stopping high the past woek . Raymond Graves wns taken to the city Monday to havo one of his oyos (rented, Whon you buy a Gato Oity or Cow nio men's work glovo, you got jour money's worth of wear, besides com fort aud fit. Geo Tiniliu. MrB Geo Johnson spent tho past week ut tho John Labahu homo. Tho snow storm did n groat deal of tolephono damage hoio and wo aro still waiting for tho phono doctor to fix the trouble . Como to us for anything you uood in tho lino of noultrv Hiimdinu n stock includes tho famous Leo Rood w -,'...w. Vill Is, iiiat always sntisty. uoo Timlin, John M Johnson oelebratoJ his COth birthday on Thursday, April 10th, oy inviiiug in a large numbor of Ids frieuds, B B Gribblo trausaotod business iu Sioux uity Monday. Wo carry a full lino of tho celebrat ed M&xioan-Amnrionn nrrnw Imiu ti,n smoothest and best woarinir lint far tho money. '0 Andorson Co. Bring in your cream, butter aud 0KKB. nud cot tho ton mnrknt nrlnn 0 Andorsou Oo. Miss Bridaio nml Wllllnm nn0 woro in Ponoa Tuosday botweon trains. Gooroe Haves wus n Iuihiiipub null... in Sioux Oity Tuosday. Fonoy dross shirts and dress gloves at 0 Anderson Go's. Oharlos Goortz was n oity passen ger Sunday. j Miss Murv Timlin nun In l. u. .- .h .uu W4.JI iubi, naiuruay. JollU Mitchell, of Nnnnrn. nri.a i.. Hubbard botwoon trains Sunday. Sunday school nt 10:00 n'nlnoir .. ... Public worship ovory second and' font Hi Sunday nt 11 :00 a m, at Luther an churr-h. Alice Bunconi nitinn hnmn Hiilnnliiv I from tho oity. Littlo Holga Dyer returned homo Sunday, after a week's stay at tho homo of hor aunt, Mrs A Andorson, Ladies flnn silk gloves nt 7tio por pair ot O Anderson Co's. John Hogun and Chns Hoonoy woro in tho city Monday. .Tnhn Nnlonn Al Mil. ,.".... ...! W Roninncr and wlfn rn nmnnf. Mm ---.w ,u.u ta.uvun wuw nlir mnummi.. ., i rp....i j 1',D.n iiuju uuru xutrnuu Wash goods in all tho latest patterns 0 Andrson Co's. Mrs Pearl Porsinopr .ind Acrnna MrB .I,0ftrl Powinger and AgnoB poloughry wero in Sioux Oity Sunday to seo thoir Bister, Mrs T H Sullivan, who is ill in n hospital. uo" ""'"c uume uu B0" D, last Friday Leo Brune came down from Jeffer friends tn rah here, .. J, -w uwv Liquid Voucor, for oleaning and polishing is just what you need ut housecleaniug timo. Wo sell' it. Go Timlin. Fred Nelson had a prorty muddy ride last Buuduy. Oh woll, Fred don't mind it. Mrs Harry Covoll camo homo Sun day from tho hospital. Art Nordyko was in Hubbard Tuea bard between trains. House drossoB aud aprons in a big variety of patterns, at 0 Andorsou Oo's. Louis Pcdorson and wifo visited tho first of tho wcok at tho H NelBon homo. Mrs Paul Sharp, who has boen se riously ill for Bomo timo, is slowly con valescing, Romemombcr whon you have pro duce to soil, that our prices for it aro always tho top of tho market. Geo Timlin. t Henry Cain was a sight-soor in tho city tho first of tho week . John Burg, an inBiiranco man, was arrested hero Tuesday and turned over to Sheriff Frank Muhon, chargod with forgery. He had been working insu rance iu tho K of C ofdor and was uabbod for doing.somo crooked work. tio is also wantod in Sioux City for LbuntlD8 board bill Wo pay 32o for nrnnm thin wnnlr. 0 Anderson Co. Word was received bore last wtfok that Roy .Wilsoy, a former resident ot Hubbard, had died in a Sioux City hospital last Friday ad a result of au operation, which was porformed ono week ago last Saturday, and fiom which ho seomod to sink and grow gradnally woakor until last Friday, when the end camo. JACK80N. L P Murray was down from Wntor bury Monday . Agnes Louhy has purchased the MoDonnld homo aud will move therein iu tho near futuro. A bridgo gang on tho Burlington aro stationed bore for tho present, doing somo repairing on tho railroad bridgo noar M Heffernan's. Petor Cullertou camo up from South Omaha, Monday ovoning. He formerly attonded school hero. J M Johnson, nuditor for tho E & B Lbr company, was looking aftor tho company's business hero Tuesday. Mrs J M Barry roturnod tho last of tho woek from u two weeks' visit with her daughter Bonuio, iu Ohicngo. Annio Carpontor, who spout tho past two months' in tho 0 A Middle ton homo, returned homo Monday. Mrs Thos H Sullivan Jb recovering rapidly from an onoration at Ht Vin. cout's hospital. Joseph FJjnu returned to his homo nt Oklnhntnu (litv Olrln. Innr. TiViMnv. after a few days' visit in tho homo of ins unoio, jnmoB i-iynu. Amonsr tho damages noticed from tho rocent big storm was thu largo oattlo shed on tho Mrs Ella Malonoy farm, routed by Roy Hollor, whioli had fallen dnwn liillinrr l.lirnn linmnn n,l eight oattlo, also breaking n new bind er and stacker which woro undor it. Word has boon received bent liv ml. "" until nu mum uuu urougui a big baby girl to tho homo of Mr and t i ...... . -r. ,. . auves tunc tuo storK una brought n Airs i1 iu billion ut Uouvor, Col, on niirii j.u, ivio. kith ouuon was ior merly Josophiuo Davoy of this place April 10, 1013. Mrs Sutton was for A weddinir of inturnut, tn thnir m,mv friends hern nnnnrrnil nt llin (lntlinlin church at Vista, Weduesday morning, wnen Miss Ainymo (Jarponter, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs John Ournnntnr was united in marriago to Thomas O'Neill. Rov Fnlir MnCnrtv nffin!tinn They woro attended by Catharine Car penter aim James O JNelll. Aftor a short honovmoon tlinv will liv, fnr M, present with the groom's parents, John unein ami who, near l'onoa, A big dance was held in thnir liminr in 111. Iut'b hall iu tho evouing. SALEM Mr and Mrs F W llnnrrrmn nml fen. ily visitod iu Ponoa ovor Sunday, re turning Tuesday. Tho W Y D nlnh WnilnoH.lnv ,,,. taiuod at lnuoheon in tho homo of Mr aud Mrs Lowis Blauohard aud daugh ter Jennie. MrsFW Boormau, Mrs Flora Boorman. Mrs Fred .Tiinnlium, and Mrs Alta Boals woro assistant hostossos. Pink nud whito woro tho oolors. Bonnets of iris and uink man wero attractively nirangod on tho long table. All inttmlinrM Arn tii-noniil with Mrs Foreshoo as olub guest. B M Boals, 0 0 Boorman and F W Boormau marketed hogs in Sioux Oity Tuosday, Tho Missionary Aid fltll moot at tho homo of Mrs Bernard Boals on Thursday, April 24, at 2 o'olook p m. Roll call, answered by Soripturo vorse A Suro Foundation. Tho oommit tee on entertainment nro, Mrs Frod W Ueermann, Mrs Elmor Blessing and .Mrs Bernard Boals. Four o'clock lnuoheon will be sorved, Gladys Armbright returned to to hor homo Saturday from St Joseph's hospital aud hor many frieuds aro glad to know of her epoody rooovory. A child of Ollm Finlinr wnn null.. a. riously injured by getting its baud I caught iu n clothes wringor Tuesday, nOMHU. M Mason, for twonty-flvo yoars in tlio drug business hero, bus sold his drug stook to 0 S Ronpp, of Naponoo, Neb, Mr Mason and wit'o oxpoot to wiuuBJHiwju .., mmtmmnm i WLLLasaaanBaBwrrapn mm HmmaaMKXHmmimimwmfm Are You Buying the Best Oils If not it is time to change and get better values for your money. Remember These Are the Kinds Polarine Auto Oil Jas no equal. Stands most heat and cold. Lubricates best. Goes farthest, and will not carbonize. Best Castor Machine Oil An eXtrcmoly heavy, strong oil that won't thin ---- ------- down with heat. Red Machine Oil Not so heavy but best all around machine oil on 'the 11 market Also Cream Separator, Gas Engine, Capitol Cylinder and Grain Harvester Oils and Grease of every description. All to be found at vciCr w,,a Edwards & lonvo soon for California to reside. Mrs D C Ames left Monay ovoning for Ohlllicotho, Ohio, whero sho will spend a month with her parents. Georgo Rockwell was u passenger to Sioux City Saturday evening. Born to Mr and Mrs John Labahn, April 11, 1903, a daughter. Mrs A Monroe and Gertrude Mo- Kinloy.of South Sioux Oity, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs B MoKinloy. Mrs Fred Edwards and daughter, Elizabeth, woro pnssongors to Sioux Oity Monday ovening, Mrs G M Best and daughter Nova, wero up to Dakota City over Sunday. James Allaway has been summoned as a petit juror in tho fedoral court at Omaha, to appear there Monday, m m Look ta Your Plumbing. You know what happens to a Iiouro in whioh tbo plumbing is in poor con dition everybody in tho hoiiBe is lia ble to contract typhoid or somo other fever. TJio digestive organs perform tho Biimo functions in tho human body ns tho plumbing dops for tho houeo, and they should bo kept in first class condition all the time. If you havo any troublo with your digestion tako Ohamborluio's Stomnoh and Livor Tablets nnd you are certain of quick reliof. For salo by all dealers. Adv. I MESSIAH'S KINGDOM. Th Glorious Day of Divine Favor Is Nearing. Tho period In which sin Is permit ted has been n dark night to humani ty, never to be forgotten; but the glo rious day of righteousness and divine favor is soon to be ushered in by Mes siah. He, as the SUN OF RIGHT EOUSNESS, shall arise and shine fully nnd clearly Into and upon all, bringing henling nnd blessing, which will more than counterbalance the dreadful night of weeping, sighing, pain, sickness nud death, in which tho groaning creation hns been bo long. "Weeping may en dure for n night, but Joy cometh in tho MORNING." For further LIGHT on the coming Kingdom send thirty-five cents for tho Holping Hand for Bible Students, entitled, "TnY KINGDOM COMK." Bible and Trnct Society, 17 Hlcka Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. First Publication 4-18-aw. Notice of Application for Liquor License Notion is hnrnliv alvmi Hint, nn tlm Irtth lny of April, 1013, Honry Knimwlctle Med with tlio vlllaKO olork or Dakota Oity, Nubrakn, his application nnd petition for u license toBOll limit, splrltluous and vinous UnllOrH ILllfl to onncltint. n. Kiilnnn nn lnt 1 block 110. In snld vlllnpo of Dakota Oity. Nubiaskn, undor tlm laws of tlio atato and ordinances of said vIIIiikc Any and nil ob Joctlons to tho (truutliiK of snld liconse Hhould Iw llled with tho vIIIukb clork on or boforo April :), 1VI.1. Honry Krumwlede, Applicant. S. T. Kriiin, Vlllnno Olork. Dated April 18, 101S. First publication 4-11 Uw Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is horoby Klvon tlint on tho 8th dny of April 1013, LniHKim & Uoffornnn llled with tho vlllnno clerk of Hubbnrd, Nobr., their application nud petition for n llcniso to soil limit. 8Dlrltuous nnd vinous llnuo. nml conduct a saloon in snld village on lot 15. in oiouK in, uuuor tiioinwsoi tlio state of Ne braska nml ordinances of snld vlllnce, dur ing tho llscal yonr Ix'KlunlnK tlio llrst Tnosdny In May. 1013. Anv unci nllnlilont. Ions to tho granting or snld license should bo on lllo with tho villain clork by tho 110th day of April, 1013. DuRgnn A. IIorTornnn, I). O. HolTornnn, Applicants. Village Olork. Woman Finally Recovers From Nervous Breakdown Impoverished nerves destroy many people before their time. Often be fore ? sufferer realises what the trouble is, he is on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown. It is of the utmost importance to keep your nervous system in good con dition, as the nerves arc the source of all bodily power. Mrs. Anna Kotmz, 2ii Mechanic St., Pueblo, Colo., says: "For many years I suffered from nervous prostration; I was unable to do any house work aud doctors failed to help me. Remedies I tried from druggists did not do me a particle of good. A neighbor told my husband about Dr. Miles' Nervine and he procured a bottle. After the first few doses 1 showed a marked improvement aud after taking two bottles I was entirely cured. 1 have been perfectly well for years and cannot praise Dr. Miles' Nervine too highly." If you are troubled with loss of appetite, poor digestion, Weakness, inability to sleep; if you are in a general run down condition and unable to bear your part of the daily grind of life, you need some thing to strengthen your nerves. You may not realize what is the mat ter with you, but that is no reason why you should delay treatment. Dr. Miles' Nervine has proven its value in nervous dis orders for thirty years, and merits a trial, ro j nttc how many other remedies have failed to help you. Co'' u c'l clrutitjlstj. If flret bottlo fll to benaflt your money Is returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Bradford Dakota City, Nebraska mmmKmmmKmmKmmmmmmmmamtmtma yovr. chance: now Government land that will increasp in vnlno ic vnttrC5f you want it. A start in life, a llie U. S. Government is offering SO acre irrigated farms, and 320 acre farms without irrigation, on the same kind of land that is raising the crops which are m'aking Wyoming prominent. The new homestead laws make it easy to get one of these farms. I will send you maps and pointed matter and answer your questions then you can join one of our homeseekers' excursions which I will tell you about, and at small expense you can see exactly what you can have. For anyone who has a wish to better himself and family this is the chance of a lifetime. Write me a postal and state whether you are interested in irrigated Kind or non-irrigated land. I). Clem 1 LENGRAND I No. PEDIGREE :-SJ rod by Prince du Ohenoy (21S08), ho by nuc du Ohenoy (liiKU). out of Ohnrlotto II (15409), I)nm, Moucho (Iu i Thistles (62899), sho by Orgnnlsto (3091). out of Fanlo do Vlllers (40716). P ,riSNGIlANI) Is a liny IIolBlnnStnlllon, 7 yenrs old, weight I, 1G0O pounds, with smnll strlpo In forehead, nnd rlBht hind ft foot white. Ho wns bred by Air. Follx Ooupoz, of llnssllly, r, and Imported March 1. 1911, by v'. A, LniiB A Co., of Greoloy, ? Iown, Ho wns fonled In 1900. It , Will Stand the Season of 1913 as Follows: y Mondays nnd Tuesdnys, ut.tlio Olins. Bllvon fnrm. j. AVednosdnys, nt Fred I.nhrs', on tho Wm. I.nhrs fnrm, nenr V7 uiiKuui uiiy. AJ. Thursdnys, nt Ohns. Ilnlkes', on Hugh Grnhnm fnrm. Kff Fridays, Saturdays nnd Hundnyx, til K. I,. Hoss'. on tho old aL , Wm. Nixon fnrm. Just south of Homer. Jl TERMS J15.00 to liuuio with foal; $).0) for stnndlntr colt. i. Upon tho snlo or removal of mnrcs from conntv. fonl bill Js beeomos due nt once: or whon mares nro not properly 7& Nt, returned for trlnl sclvico, 'foes become duo nt onco. .rX Sfc Duecnro will bo taken to prevent nccldonts, but nt risk of JR owner of mnro If sho sustains nny. jjj LEONARD ROSS f Owner and Attendant, Dakota City, Nebr. Jfc Spring -Time Plans for Summer Trips The travel idea grows stronger with the approach of vacation days. Where will you go this summer? Planning is half of the pleasure. Begin now! Special Excursion Fares via the IHorth Western. Lfine To the East Round trip excursion tickets on sale June 1 to September 30, 1914, to a large territory in the East. To the West Excursion fares June 1 to September 30, 1913, to the Southwest, California and Puget Sound. Special Convention Fares from time to time. Diverse Routes Liberal Stopovers Upon Advice as to the Trip You Have in Mind, the otopovers Required, Etc., Com plete Travel Information will be Furnished B. C, Buchannan, Agent, Dakota Oity, Neb. G. H. MacRAE, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Lumbar Co. prosperous future! Deayer, Immigration Agent OMAHA, NEBRASKA 59062. ft ft Lyman Sholes, Dir. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr. ' f - v-