K l u& i a f VfflTlE WOODEN BEATS J33 " H3iw4BPfjXjV0!rMv2vjB 4Cfl9S2!v9VBS2SIEV89'3 IHBBIh4M?1l''QBv3 a'PBsffsE'aWKFHFir beLeLeLeLeH 8t MflofcMj JKjMmw BCa.?oyjBMHBanWM jPtj js ' Sw i ii miPiiiKwi wwrTiii i .. HL v s&aw s&P&srj? fizzs &i&jBi2& s?& tm?cz92r&& . ' je&rzZ2r& &&rs,JcoSc N Incubator keeps on work- fc, ing as long as it is prop- eriy attenuea 10. hhu m hen often concludes to quit Anyono who has had much experlenco hatching with hens and with Incuba tors knows for himself that the Incubator Is to be preferred, for many reasons. Ono of these is that it is no moro troublo to take care of an incubator holding 200 eggs than it 1b 'o caro fcr two setting hens; and the incubator is always ready to work, no matter what time In the year it is called upon. ' The incubator of today is a very reliable machine, if properly handled. After long experlenco I have con cluded that most Incubators lack in the way of ventilation. By this I mean that they are not so ventilated that the proper quantity of fresh air gets into the egg-chamber. To over come this by Introducing more fresh air seems to be a rather hard task In machines, but cooling or airing the eggs rectifies this defect. I am not a believer in the nou-mois-ture featuro of tome incubators for all times and places. When an incu bator is operated In a cellar it usu ally brings off a good hatch without added moisture, but when operated in a room abovo ground, especially in a house where fires are kept up, it is without doubt better to supply boido moisture after tho tenth day. To bo absolutely fair I want to add that I have some excellent results from h non-moisture incubator operat ed v,IU'er unfavorable conditions. I now have and use an incubator which has a moisturo pan in it and I have never had a poor hatch from it. I would not hesitate to buy a non moisturo incubator because one can be used with moisture almost as eas ily as any other machine. I would, however, placo a pie-tin filled with water or a fairly large sponge well vetted, under tho egg-drawer about tho tenth day. Again It is often best to have as many chicks of tho same sizo nml ago as possible, as an even lot sells better than one of many sizes. Thoro are many other reasons why the incubator is preferable to the hen as a hatching machine, but it is not necessary to go Into this. Some short rules which have been found good by long experience will be bet ter than a long discussion of tho sub ject and I give these below: Start the incubator and operate it a few days beforo putting In the eggs. This will give the operator a famil iar knowledge of tho workings of the machine. Try to keep tho terapera turo in the egg chamber as near 103 degrees as possible. A variation of ono degree either way will not do any particular barm. When you have learned how to keep a comparatively even temperature put tho eggs In the truy. Tho tempera ture will fall, at once, but do not try to change this by putting on more heat. The cold eggs cause) the fall In temperature and as soon as they become warm tho temperature will go back to tho proper point. Learn to keep tho lamp flame Just nt tho placo where it will furnish enough heat to keep tho regulator damper about one-eighth of an Inch above tho top of the flue or chimney. This will glvo enough surplus heat so tho temperature will keep up during tho night. Turn tho eggs for tho first time at tho end of tho second day and after that turn them nt leabt twico a day. Recent experiments have shown that a hen changes the position of her eggs us many aB five times In a day. It is not necessary that eggs bo turned half over. If they are turned only Part way over tho effect will bo Just as good. Keep tho larger end of each egg a little higher than the smaller end When turning the eggs do not bo in a hurry about getting them back into the machine. Onco a day leave them out to air and cool off. This cooling should last from ten to thirty minutes according to tho state of tho weathor. 6 v M 1 W Young Barbarians at Play True Sportsmen, They Play the Gamo Purely for the Results That May Accrue From the Pastime. Tho black children of north Queens land aro as much absorbed In tholr Barnes as white children Ono praise worthy aspect of their sport, writes Mr. E. J Hanflold in "My Tropic Isle," (s that they play tholr game for the sake of tho game, not to gain tuo THE LIVE ONE MILLER PURVIS, Editor of"PavXtvy It is not absolutoly necessary to test tho eggs, but it is best to do so. I usually test eggs after tho morning of the eighteenth day. Tho chick 1b full formed by this timo; the eggs do not need turning. Do not open tho gg chamber after tho chicks begin to pip tho shell. This rule Is not invariable, but tho only ex ception is to tako out tho chicks when a very good hatch is secured and they crowd to tho light in the door. Thon open tho door, roll tho chicks out into a basket and closo the door as soon as possible. Don't try to help a chick out of the Bhell. If it cannot get out without help it Is not worth saving. Don't worry if the chicks gasp and strugglo for breath. This Is naturo'3 way of opening up the lungs and giv ing the chickens strength. Don't worry about tho machine. If the temperature the first week is bo tween 101 and 103 degrees it Is good enough 1 only try to keep It about 103. It will not hurt anything If the tem perature happens to run down to 05 degrees sortie night. Don't bo alarmed if the tempera ture gets up to as high as 105 degrees for an hour or so. Simply tako the eggs out and let them cool and change tho regulator a little. If a very good hatch Is coming off tho tempcraturo will rise tho last week. In warm weather I have often taken tho lamp away from the machine dur ing tho middle of tho day. At this timo the animal heat of tho chicks tends to increuso tho temperature and 104 degrees Is common. Bo sure to get perfectly fresh eggs fiom healthy hens. Use only the best grade of oil. Fill and trim tho lamp in tho afternoon rather than in the morning and do this every day. Do not trim the lamp wick with scissors, hut gently rub the charred part off so as 'to give an even, broad flame. If these directions are followed a good hatch may bo anticipated. They aro based on an experlenco reaching back to about 1881. (Copyright. 1913, by C. M. Shultz.) THE DAY OLD CHICK INDUSTRY. By Elizabeth Clark Hardy. There Is good money In tho day old chick Industry, both to the buyer and the seller. In going Into tho poultry business tho first lesson for the ama teur to learn is to mako hasto sjowly, instead of Investing too much money in an untried industry. A woman may raise a fow hundred chickens on a small lot, without investing in an in cubator and high priced eggs. It will bo much cheaper for hor to buy day old chicks, and In caring for them she will learn some valuable lessons, and gain n fair working knowledge of poultry business. In the spring thero will always bo found advertisements In the agricultural papers for tho sale of baby chickens, and these may be bought with but Httlo risk to tho pur chaser, for if any should dlo during transportation tho seller will always replace them free of cost. The price of day old chicks range irom 4 to 20 cents, according to the breed. It is not advisable to buy tho cheapest grade aB thoy usually come from weak parent stock, and Inferior chicks aro unprofitable to ralso wheth er they come from tho hatcheries or aro hatched at homo. Hut It Is much safer nnd cheaper to buy day old chicks from a rellnblo dealer than to buy eggs for hatching, as in buying chicks you got a guarantee of safo ar rival and full count, while In buying eggs you havo to tako yQUr chances, and sometimes they are disappoint ing. in starting In with day old chicks ono must, of courso, understand some, thing about tholr caro and feeding or things will go wrong, but until ono has had somo experlenco with an In cubator things aro likely to go wrong, which is still more expensive, and a chick In tho hand Is worth two eggs in the Incubator Of courso when chicks havo been ordered preparation tor their caro must bo mado. Warm brooders must plaudits of an Idlo crowd or in ex pectation of reward. In order to acquire dexterity, tho flBh spear In tho first instanco Is a mora toy. A colored boy, in all tho Joyous abandon of nakedness, sports with a snear snltnMn m i,i i.i..i.. and strength for a month together, I floating chips and ncraps of bark Jr. I tho water as targets, until hands and ' eyeo aro brought under aLsoluto con-, LxLLClxtexxxLSSzZlMML KvT.jjtt4rvi; iJftfcMSIKBEWHHH yWcf SX&O s&yfVm-J JC&&AWM! bo provided and suitable runways nnd food. As soon ns tho chicks arrive they must bo taken from tho crato ono at a time, their bills dipped In water nnd then put immediately into a warm brooder. If they are 48 houro old they should bo fed with hard boil ed egg and dry bread crumbs, but caro must bo taken not to give them sloppy food or to overfeed at any time, thoy must havo plenty of fresh water and their runways and brooders must bo kept clean und dry. On tho other hand, if ono Is in the poultry business for keeps thero Is a good profit In selling baby chicks. With two or thrco good Incubators ono may hatch and sell several thousand in a senson with much less labor than to ralso them to maturity, and with good proflt, Thoro is but little rlBk in shipping chicks. They havo been known to havo been shipped 2,000 mlleB and to have arrived at their des tination nono tho worse for their Jour ney. In March, April and May tho supply of day old chicks never qulto equals tho demand, and In July and August tho business Is faitly good. In Sep tember und October it again increases, but later than this wo would not ad vise shipping them, as tho risk from cold Is too great in northern states. In raising chicks to bo shipped great caro should bo taken to keep tho breeding' stock strong and vigorous. They should be given plenty of fresh air and exercise and their food should be such as will produce bono and mus cle Instead of fat. Run down stock always produce weak chicks, and weak chicks are an unprofitable Investment both to buyer and seller. It Is not advisable to buy eggs from hatchers who havo mixed breeds and sell named chicks. A good crato for shipping chicks may bo mado of a shallow box tivo Inches deep by 12 wido and 30 long. Soma, chaff or sawdust may bo put in tho bottom and the crato lined with burlap or somo coarse meshed mate rial to glvtf tho Httlo fellows a foot hold. HATCHING AND BROODING. By Kathrine Atherton Grimes. The boy with ten to twenty fowls will probably do most of his hatching with hens. But whero tho breed kept Is of somo non-sitting variety, tho In cubator becomes almost a necessity, especially if ono wishes to get early chicks tho only ones that pay well. For a flock of this slzo, a S0-cggs machlno is plenty large onough, and, as theso may bo had at qulto small cost, it Is about as well to uso ono of theso, and let tho hens go on sit ting. Tho eggs they will lay whllo it 1b doing tholr hatching for them will soon pay for tho machlno. If an Incubator Is not ubed, tho best plan Is to get hold of somo-two-ycar-old hens, of ono of tho largo, quiet broods, and keep them Jubt for sit ting. If thoy aro fed for eggs from November on, thoy will bo ready for business byCMarch. Even with a machlno, half a dozen hens of this kind will provo a good investment, for reasons which you will see a Httlo farther on. Thoy may bo disposed of as soon as their work Is done, so one need not bo out much excopt their feed to securo tholr sorvlces during tho hatching season. ThoBe who havo had considerable ex perience with Incubators tell us that lien-hatched chicks aro usually the most vigorous. Evon tho best Incuba tor Is likely to turn out a fow weakly or crippled chicks with each hatch. But tho machlno Is far moro likely than tho hen to bchavo well at the critical timo when tho fluffy babies are coming out of tho shell, so, ns tho say ing Is, It Is nbout "six of ono, and half n dozen of tho other" A systom that makes out to tako advantage of tho good points and avoid tho worst drawbacks of both, has been dovlscd, and carried out with good results Tho plan is to put tho eggs under tho hens for tho first two weeks, nnd then remove them to tho Incubator, und let It llnlsh up tho 1 trol. In tho meantime lie has also practiced on small fish, and soon ho Is a regular contributor to tho larder. Tho klrra-kul treo provldos tha means of satisfying that dcslro for a noiso that Is instinctivo in tho boy, whatover his raco or color. Young, lusty shoots several feet long and full of sap are placed In tho flro for a fow minutes. When thoy aro "bash ed" on a log or other hard substanco, tho heated gas in tho pithy coro bursts out with a plstol-llko roport. It Is duo to tho crudo folk who W ..W.Jam -tV jiTj' " "wail w&s&hSs HENSR I B JpEaW 1 Job. In this way the eggs are brooded mostly by tho natural mother, nnd, nt tho Bamo time, escapo tho conse quences of her norvous excitement when tho chlckB como out. In this method about four hens should bo set nt a timo, on fifteen or sixteen eggs apiece, so that, after thoy aro tested out, thero will bo enough to fill tho machlno pretty well. Tho hens may thon be sot again, on a fresh batch, and so on until thoy hnvo started four or Ave lots of eggs. It does not hurt a hen to Btay on duty olght, ton, or oven twelve wcokB, If sho has good caro. Thta allows the rest of tho flock to attend to tho lay ing part of tho business, and insures having quiet, persistent sitters. Tho nests should bo thoroughly scrubbed nnd dusted with sulphur be fore using. If they can bo whlto washed, so much tho bettor. Tho hen, too, should be well dustod with a good insoct powder. Moth balls and tho coal tnr preparations, though death on tho lice, are also hard on both hens and eggs, on account of their Btrong smell. It Is 'hotter to uso preventives thnt havo aB Httlo odor as possible. The porous shells admit odors, and tho sweeter tho air can bo kept tho better. After tho hens have been sitting seven or eight days, tho eggs should bo tested. By this timo It Is possible to tell pretty closely which eggs will hatch. A good tester can bo mado by taking an ordinary pasteboard shoo box and cutting a holo In tho bottom nbout a third smaller than tho oval of tho egg. Tho holo should bo at tho lovol of tho flan$o of tho lamp to bo used with It. Stand tho box on end, with tho bot tom towards you, and put tho lamp behind It. Tho sides should bo left on to deaden tho outer light as much as possible. Hold tho egg up to the opening, so tho light will shlno through It, turning It slowly In tho lingers. 'If It Is clear It Is Infertile. If It begins to look black, thero is an embryo chick in It. All Infertile eggs should, of course, bo discarded. The eggs should be tested again tho fifteenth day, when all that aro not nlmost wholly opaquo should bo thrown out. Sometimes tho germ will die after starting, leaving tho eggs only partly dark against tho light of tho tester. At the end of two weoks It should be all black except tho air spaco in tho largo end. A Httlo ex perience will enablo ono to tell Just how they should look at different stages. It Is very important that tho eggs be handled gently whllo testing. A slight Jar will kill tho embryo. Never -test where a draught of cold air will striko them. Chilling will either re tard tho growth of tho germ or kill it entirely. Whero ono keeps only a fow hens it is best to Int thorn go on Inying and tako care of tho chicks "by hand." This Is not so hard aB it sounds. Thero is a kind of brooder which does not uso any sort of artificial heat, which Is rapidly gaining In favor, nnd those who havo used them for sovoral years say thoy aro far ahead of tho lamp-heated systems, and tako Just as good caro of thu chicks no tho hens would They aro very easy to mako and to operate Ono of theso brooders will caro for about twenty chicks, so It is well to allow two to every Incubator full of ofcgs. They aro merely Httlo boxeB of half-Inch lumber, sixteen inches squaro and olght Inches hlght, with ,a floor of tarred building paper. Thoy aro covered with a rcmovablo top mado of a squaro of canvas tacked on n Httlo framo which Just sets down lnsldo the box. This cover rests on small nulls driven into tho corners of tho box, and Is raised as tho chicks grow. The chicks aro put Into thn brooder as boon as they are dry and well fluffod out. They should bo loft alone for from thirty to forty hours, except hav ing n Httlo sip of water given thorn when thoy aro first removed from nest or machlno After that they should bo fed every threo or four hours for a fow days, and then less often nbout threo times a day. Tho main princlplo In brooding tho chicks Is to keep them warm without crowding, and to guard against damp ness. Tho hcatless broodor, If cor rectly managed, will do this Just ns well as tho hen, and nllow tho flock to go on with egg production. Tho lit tlo boxes can easily bo carried lnsldo a building on cold nights, and taken to the outdoor runs again in tho morn ing. Thoy are easily cleaned, and keop tho chicks froo from lice. Even whero ono has plonty of henB to do tho hatching, It Is a question if this systom Is not tho best. (Copyright, 1313, by C. M. BhulU.) owned Australia not so very long ago, to say that thoy had Invented tho top bofore tho whlto usurpers came along. Tops aro mado from tho fruit of one of tho gourds that Is abqut the slzo of a small orango. Tho splndlo Is a smooth and Blonder pleco of wood fastened to tho top with gum To spin tho top, tho players rovolve tho Bplndlo betweon tho palms of their hands. Somo blacks aro so ex pert that tho top "goeB to sloop" be foro tho eyes of tho smiling anil ex ultant playor. Youth's Companion. A BOY INTERPRETER A Youna MatsachutetU Swede In Can ada Twenty Years Ago Want to Return Twenty years ago, a blond-haired young Swede, a boy of nbout 10 years ot ago, accompanied a party of his ffallow-countrymen on tho then long trip to Western Canada as uii Inter preter. Tho party ho accompanlod lo cated nt Wotnsklwin, Alberta, now ono of tho most thriving and best settled districts in Western Canada. For threo years ho remained In tho dis trict. Ilomonlckncsa took him back to his homo at Fltchburg, Mass., nnd ho has remained thoro for 17 yoars. Ho haa heard frequently from hla friends In tho West. Ho has followed their movements nnd watched their progress. Ho haa hoard how tho town ho helped to establish has risen from a shack to a growing, thriving, brisk business center, with tho surrounding country peopled now by thousands who aro occupying tho territory in which ho was ono of tho first to help plant tho colony of twenty or twenty flvo. In his letter to an official of tho Department of tho Interior, ho says: "When I was up in Canada, Calgary was a small town nnd so was Edmon ton, but I understand thoy havo grown wonderfully slnco." Tho young man when ho went Inst learned n machlno trado, ho has pat ents und Inventions but ho wants to go to Canada again. And ho llkoly will, but when ho docs ho will find a greator chango than ho may expect, Calgary and Edmonton nro largo cltios, showing marvelous nnd wonder ful growth. Whoro but ono lino of railway mado a somewhat tortuous and indoflnlto way across tho plains to Its mountain pass, thero aro threo lines of railway dividing tho trado of hundreds ot thousands of farmers, carrying freight to tho hundreds of towns and cities crossing and criss-crossing tho prairies in all directions, reaching out into now settlements, nnd preceding districts to bo newly opened for Incoming sottlcre. Ho will not bo nblo to socuro a homo stead unless at a considerable distance from tho town, tho threo dollar an aero land is selling at from $15 to (35 an ncro. Ho will find now what was hut a theory thon, that this land that was then $3 an ncro is worth tho $30 or $35 that may bo naked for it, nnd a good deal moro. But ho will find that ho can securo n homestead Just as good as any that woro taken in his day, nnd today worth $35 an ncro, but at somo dtstanco from a lino of rail way, yet with a certainty of railway In tho near future, -und he will find too that he can still got land at $15 to $18 an ncro that will In a year or two bo worth $30 or $35 an ncro. Mr. Moso son Is talktng to his countrymen about Canada. Advertisement ' Willow 8wltchea Given Away. Tho small boy whoso fathor has time to apply tho switch should be ware with a Httlo moro than Ills ubuuI caution. Tho United States govern mont Is giving away willow switches. Tho dopartmont of agrlculturo has an experiment farm at Arlington, Vn., and somo parts of It woro found to be too wot for raising ordinary crops. Therefore tho exports Bet wIIIowb out in tho wot places, nnd thoro has boon so smart a growth that tho govern ment wants to got rid of the willow switches. It otfors to glvo them away under tho guise of willow cuttings to mako baBkets or bottom chairs, but no smart boy will over bo docolvod by that kind of talk. Ho may bo safo only In the assurahco of tho government thnt only ono hundred of tho cuttings will bo given to ono person. Worces ter Telegram. PIMPLES COVERED FACE 1613 Dayton St, Chicago, 111. "My face was very red nnd irritated and was covered with pimples. Tho pim ples festered and enmo to a head. Thoy itched and burned and when I scratched them bocamo core. I tried soaps and thoy would not stop the itching and burning of tho skin. This lasted for a month or moro. At last I tried Cutlcura Ointment and Soap. Thoy took out tho burning nnd itching of tho skin, soothing It very much and giving tho relief that tho others fallod to civo me. I used tho Cutlcura Soap and Ointment nbout threo weeks and wna completely cured." (Signed) Miss Clara Mueller, Mar. 10, 1912. Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each freo, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dcpt L, Boston." Adv. Dayton Has Had Six Floods. Dayton, 0 has stood In tho shadow of disaster from flood ever slnco Ita foundation. No less that six times previous to tho presont inundation havo tho rivers which flow through It left their accustomed courses and brought death and destruction of prop erty upon tho town. Tho first of these flood occurred In 1805, tho very year thai Sayton was Incorporated as a towh. Tho sixth was In 1808 and tho others In tho years 1847, 1803, lfeCC and 188G. His Consolation. "So you've lost your nlco pussy-cat sluco I wa3 hero last!" sympathized grandma. "Too badl Of courso you miss him dreadfully, don't you?" "Well, yes;" six-year-old John as sumed a look of chastened sorrow; "but then, grandma, slnco I'vo heard so much about this gorm business, I try to think it's Just as well I" Suffer Little Children. "Ho says ho loves Httlo chlldron." "Ho ought to. Ho employs about 2,000 of them and thoy are making him rich." Truo Love. "And would you dlo for mo?" "Cortnlnly not I would rather Hvo forever than to glvo you such a causo for grief." FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS For Backache, Rheumatism, Kidneys and Bladder nrnmop thky arc niohest in ourativk qualities btUAUNk CONTAIN NO HAUIT rOKMINQ DflUOS ubvnuuu AE BArEt aurte. and oavk you money uiV T PUTNAM CoTawnure goods brighter and faster colore than dye any Raiment wuhout ripping apart. Wnto Woman's Beauty is Based on Health To Have Health. Boxval Movement is Absolutely Necessary How Best to Obtain it If woman's beauty deponded upon cosinotlcs every woman would bo a picture of lovollnoas. But beauty lies deopor than that It lies In health. In tho majority of cases tho basis ot health and tho causo ot sickness, can bo traced to tho action of the bowels. Tho headaches, th'o lassitude tho sallow akin nnd tho lustorloss eyes aro usually duo to constipation. So many thlngB that womon do habitually con duco to this troublo. They do not eat carefully, thoy oat lndlgcstlblo foods because) tho foods nro Borvcd daintily and thoy do not oxorclso enough. But whntovor tho particular causo may bo it la Important that tho condition should Do corrected. An ideal remedy for womon, and ono especially suited to their dellcato ro quiromcntB, Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which thousands of women en dorso highly. Mrs. Jonnlo Sncdokor, 1041 West Monroo St, Chicago, testi fies thnt sho is "cured of gravo stom ach nnd bowel troubles by using Syrup Pepsin and without tho aid of a doc tor or nny other modiclno." All tho family can uso Syrup Popsln, for thou sands of mothors glvo it to babies nnd children. It is also admirably suited to tho requirements of elderly pcoplo, In fact to nil who by reason of ago or Infirmity ennnot stand harsh salts, ca thartics, pills or purgntlvc3. Theso should nlwnys bo avoided for at best tholr effect Is only for that day, whllo Special Notice OUR OFFER FOR Free Silverware EXPIRES MAY 1, 1913 HURRY - HURRY HURRY Buy a box of Galvanic Soap today and get r set of Six Roger Silver Teaipoons FREE THESE SPOONS must not bo confused with the USUAL premium silverware. The spoons shown HERE arc the same as you would buy at your jeweler's. They ore GENUINE Rogers ware, the beautiful and exclusive LaVignc or Grape pattern, finished in the fashionable French Gray. Each spoon is guaranteed extra heavy A-J silver plate on a WHITE meta! base. With ordinary wear they will last a lifetime. Here Is the Offer One spoon given for 20 Galvanic Soap wrappers (front panel only)and one 2c stamp, or SIa SPOONS for 1 00 Galvanic wrappers and five 2c stamps. Coupons from Johnson's Washing Powder count the same as wrappers. Mall wrapper! to tht premium department B. J. Johnson Soap Co. Milwaukee, Wii. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.oo 3J50 S4..00 4.go AND sB.oo SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BEST flora SHOES In tilt WOULD fZ. up. 17.60 and I3.0U. The largeit makers of Men' $3.50 and $4.00 uu-riKinfr CTS& aW ihoei in the world. AiliTour dealer to ihow V. C l)ollCla 3.fi0, (M.OO ami 4.80 1kmh. Jiiit a kooiI nt ami wear na oilier iu umj niiicrencn iuun, iTir nuu GOTHAM v.5 MJtlJfca.'lP a juu uuum vib it. Am ljuuKlal mrQ IBCIO- rlea nt Ilrocktnn, Mu and lee for Tonmeir liow carefully W. I.. you truuld then understand io nt ueiier, iook ueiter, longer tnnn any oilier W. L. DonglM ilioci are Clrtct from the firlonr ouuc lur avctr uioiuivi dutnlag. .- v, uub.bku ..t.i. TAKE NO ami why you can lata III SUBSTITUTE w,L.jiaijaiiAs 3zm MWP RATfin PU PfQ n C IklUUDAlUn UnluIlO UlL mvuuniuii wiiiuiiu uiu "Oh, 80 Sudden." Ho was not a rapid wooor, and Blio was getting somowbat nnxlous. A per. fllstont ring camo at tho front door. "Oh, bother!" uho said. "Who can bo calllng7" , "Say you'ro out," ho suggested, "Oh, no, that would bo uutruo," aho protested. "Then say you aro engaged," ho urged. "Oh, may I, Charlie?" sho cried, aB sho foil Into his arms. And tho man kept on ringing tho front door bell. Answered. ' "I'm about to glvo an opora party. What boxes should I tako?" "Any, oxcopt chattorboxes-." Judgo. Despondent?1 Ilavo you f roquentheodaehea, n coated tonirue, Utter taate In the morning', heartburn," belcbintr of Baa, acid tuv Ine in throataf ter eatlnir, itomach gnaw or bum, foul breath, dizzy ipolli, poor oppcUUil A torpid liver Is thn trouble in nino cases out of ten Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery li a moatefflctontllrcrlnvla-orator,stonv-ach tonic, bowel regulator and nerra ItrezurUiener, lYour DragsUt Can Supply Ya k"-friVV'ffll aVvLiwXm . .K!7. ir rt '. i sK?m I 'fen n FADELESS DYES anvolherdra. One lOeoadtaev colors all fibr They dr x Colors. lor (reo booklet How to Dye. bleach and Mix Mrs. Jennie Sncdeker. a genuine remedy Hko Syrup Pepsin acts mildly but permanently. It can ho conveniently obtained at any drug storo at fifty cents or on dollar a bottle. Results aro always guaranteed or money will bo refunded. You will And it gentlo in action, pleas ant in taste, nnd free from griping, nnd Its tonic propTttes havo a distinct vnluo to women. It io tho most widely used laxative-tonic in America today nnd thousands of families nro now; never without It. If no member of your family haa over used Syrup Pepsin and you would Hko to mako a personal trial of It beforo buying it In tho regular way of a druggist send your address a postal will do to Dr. W. B. Cald well, 203 Washington St, Montlcello, 111., and a freo sample bottlo will b moiled you. to In ttYle. liittKre online .1.00 to S7 n mo price, nnoes in nil auniics io suit everybody. Doueln ahoei are mmla. why they nro warranted itoiu tnelr ihnpo and wear maue lor tne price. not tor aala In your Tldnlly, order ami aara the mltldlvman'a prom. nt aiTcnioa ui mo mum?, at au pnocl. by 'tMtmw ill gizi fesjV FV... 's aH9ialMarll IO -W-i !I womis ajaaftaB .evAv'V aw9Rn .4" 'jeaMI n'-T, . 1 w m -jff.i-iru..T uurt .km- ERii.m It Will BUOWTOU hnw in nrilAf h ..! .. ...vairr !, mim money on your footwear. '.L.l)ou!rlaa N Ulft.1 Ilrocktnn, Man. name Is tamped on ina Dniioin, Write for book BuTlnffronnffchlclre. Send na ""nes"' 7 frlenda that uoo Incubators and get booltfree. Halaall Hemcdy Co., Ulackwell,Oiaa. SPECIAL TO WOMEN Do you reallzo tho fact that thousand of women uro now using A Soluble Antiseptic Powder na a remedy for mucous membrano af fections, ouch ns soro throat, nasal or pelvic catarrh, Inflammation or ulcera tlon, caused by fomalo Ills? Women who havo boon cured say "It Is worth iiB weight In gold." Dlssolyo In water and apply locally. For ten yoars the) T ln m TilMl.L. r...ll-t 1- t Tvi'tJBrU "UIU AJ. X-IJIIUIUIU iHUUlUlUU J1, una , rccommonded Faxtlno In their private) correspondence with womon. For all hygienic and toilet uses it has no equal. Only DOo a largo box at Drug, gists or sent postpaid on rccolpt of prlco. Tho Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass THE NEW FRENCH REMKDY. N1I.N1I.IU THERAPION 8fcl f reat mccrii, cukes chiohiq wuuiui, lost viooa. 4 VIU, KICNEr, DLADDtlt. nilUlU, BLOOD rOltOK, riLES. EITHER No. DRUOOMrl or MAIL 11. fOJT 4 OTS rouaat co. M. exeuan ar.MEW roKKorLTUAN a an Toronto. waiTEioa FRKKaooKTODa. LE CLcaa) Med. Co, HavetoceHd. iUumtud, loxdom, Ban. TBTNEWDRAOEEITAlTELEIDrjRMOV KAEY TO TAXI .THERAPION SaIJiJocw (IX THAT TRACE MARKED WORD 'THIRATIOM' If OB) . BEIT. QOYT.iTAWr ATIIXEO TO ALL OINUIME r ACEXTa. VOR B AI.E-One of thabaat ImproTea Waorolni gated alfalfa (arms In Ihol'eeoa ValUr ot N.Max.t Moellanl artealan well, aid anil bottom ooooreted, reaorrolr, oujhouie. rrua r, tsi4, imut, a. aaa. PATEHTSLV-i WatMMKeColciaaBi'WMfei iwuiim, it ic a W, N. U., 8IOUX CITY, NO. 16-19tV drain cold water better Qua &&1ftEm nunxoc ubjuu v