Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 11, 1913, Image 5

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! '
Homestead Land
Biorrn Nevada FoothlUa, Good Land,
Water. Wood, Range, Big Oaks, Fish
mid Gunio. Living 1b okonp, winter a
joko, No snow, ltoum (or Hundreds.
You're Next. Copy ot Gov. Township
Plat ot the laud, nntl till questions
answered, $1.00. Saves yon $99.00.
No rouiittnnco, No answer. Rasidont
520 years. A. KENOYER, (looator).
Haniord, Oalifornin.
Extraordinary Offer
Farmer and Breeder 1 year $1.00
Dakota County Herald " $1.00
Both Papors 1 year for only- $1.00
Farmer nml Breeder is n weekly
faitu and livo stook magazine edited
nud published by farmers for farmers.
It is it journal yon want to know. It
is ably edited and strong in subject
matter. What you want to know is re
lated in lauiiniige yon can eaoily un
derstand. It makes no d iff 01 once how
many farm pipers you may bo leoeiv
ing you need Farmer and Breeder to
help yon in the livo stock branch of
your business.
Tako advuutago of the extremely
liberal offer above and also direct the
nttoutiou of yonr neighbors to this
special bargain. Papers Bent to dif
ferent addresses if desired. '
Make Money
a? a Merchant
Would you like to have-us
"set you up" in business? We
can and will furthermore it
will not cost you a penny. With
out capital and through sales
manship we can start you in
business for yourself.
We are establishing represent
atives in every city, town and
village to handle our full line of
Vacuum sweepers. They are,
we believe the best and cheapest
hand power vacuum sweepers
in the- world.
Let us show you how our
splendid organization transforms
your "push" and application
into dollars and cents, unusual
proposition made to General
General Appliance Factory, Inc.
1SG0-G8 Main St.,
Marinette, - Wisconsin
Trade: Marks
Anvono sending n rltetch nnd description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether au
Invention Is pronnbly patentable. Communion.
tlonBEtrictlyconUdcutlM. HANDBOOK oul'atciita
Bent free. Oldest occucy tur necurmp patents.
1'atontn taken through Munu & Co. receive
Trxeiai notice, mt noux raaruc, in mo
handsomely Mintrntoil weekly. I.nreest elr.
filiation of any peientluo Journal. Qernts, ft a
ear: four months, tL BoMbyaM newsdealer1..
ff1UNN&Co.3G,B'sd New York
Branch otSco. KS V Kt., WftriilnRton, I. C.
Roup In Poultry Can be Prevented and
sVAftor years An4.Wnnn 1ms proven
I ot trial MM LI" 1 1 uufj us value
25c i'acknge. 5 Packages $1.00
In Tablot Form.
ANTI-ROUP not only prevents, but
Ouros lloup In Baby OlilcWs nnd older
A Sure Cure or Money Back
With overy $1 order will lo given Freo
a fonntiliv for good J.lco lsxtorminaior
Better than Spanking
Spanking will not cure child
ren from wetting the bed, be
cause it is not a habit, but a
dangerous disease. The C. H.
Rowan Drug Co., of Chicago.
Illinois, have discovered a
strictly harmless remedy for
this distressing disease, and to
make known its merits they
will send a 5u cent package
securely wrapped and prepaid
Absolutely Kl'liO to any reader
of the Herald This remedy
also cures frequent desire to
urinate and inability to control
urine during the night or day
in old or young. The C. H.
Rowan Drug Co. are an Old
Reliable House, write to them
today for the free medicine.
Cure the afflicted members of
your family, then tell your
neighbors and friends about
this remedy.
C. H. Rowan Drug Co.
Dept. A. 4S2. Chicago, 111.
Whito Diarrhoea Oun lie
Prevented and Cured
After years of experiments have dis
covered a suie euie or money back.
25c Package, 6 Packages $1.00
Prevention U not u cure-ull. It only
prevents and cures White lilarrhoea In
baliy chicks mid Cholera In older fowls.
One ounce of proentloii Is worth tons
of cure. In tablet form.
Btiix OJ Omo cirr or Totceo. 1
lccas oouirrr. i m
FiUKIt S. ClirwiT raaVM 6th that h tl MBit
partner ot the firm ot F. J. Cuivit & Co.. OolM
business In tho Cltjr at Toledo. County use) ftUta
atnrrstld. and that ftald firm will pr Um turn ct
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor each and vcry
rase ot catarrh that cannot be cured by U PM tf
HALL-aCATAnnuCu. niAKK ,. cnEWEV.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In mjr pmooav
this 6th day ot December. A. D.. im,
t -- i a. w. otruooM.
1 iHi, f Nonnr punuc
lull's Catarrh euro Is taken Internally and acts
directly opod the blood and mucous surfaces ot ths
system. Send tor testimonials, tree.
F. 1. rilKNCY A CO , Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. "5c.
Take Hall's Family 1'Uls tor constipation.
R R Time Table
C, St. P., M.&O.
Trains leave Dakota City at tho fol
lowing tiruo:
(J:'J6 pm Otnuhn 7:58 am
10 :10 am Omalin 1 .30 pm
1 3:38 pro. Norfolk tS :33 am
t0:37 um Norfolk f6:13 pm
7:3.iuui ....Newcastle... . 10:10 am
2.00pm " . ...5 :50 pm
daily oxoopt Sunday, do not stop
12 :13 pin Omaha 2 :30 am
3 :38pm...... Norfolk 8:33 am
9:37 um Norfolk -l:5!I pm
."Jo. 91 Local Freight 7 :1G am
17 " Passenger.. 12:57 pm
No 92 Locnl Freight' 2 :25 pm
10 Local Passenger".. G :00pm
t daily. daily oxcopt Sunday.
Julius QuinUl ia on a land Booking
trip in Wisconsin.
Georgo Urikblo was np from South
Omaha auJ visited at homo ovor Sun
day. R L Broyliill has moved into his
no tv houso just north of tho E & B
lumber yard,
ltugh Alternua and family moved
last week to Correctiouville, la, whoro
lio owns a farm.
Geo W MoBeath and wifo rroro
gucstn at tho Leo Olumout homo iu
Wnlthill Sunday.
J S Taylor and wifo havo taken up
their residence at Lukotou, ho having
a job on tuo Burlington Hcotiou.
Earl Frederick has moved iuto tho
honso rocontly vucated by R L Broy
liill and family, which ho has purchas
ed. .Mrs Eliznbth Mintor departed Sat
urday for her homo at Garrison, N U,
alter a month's visit with old fiicnds
in Nebraska.
Tho Howard boys, Stovo and Wobb,
have taken up their residence at Uryn
tal Lake park, at tho homo of their
brother, Ira Howard.
Samuel Gribblo and wifo left Wed
ncHilay for Goodwin, S D. They spent
tho winter at llumeslou, Ia, and stop
ped off hero a week Vhilo enrouto
Miss Ruby Van do Zeddo returned
homo last Thursday from Homer,
whete sho has been assistant in the
telephouo oflieo for tho past six
Tho hoavieet snow of tho season full
hoie Wednesday night, about a foot of
tho "beautiful" falling during tho
night. Trees and tolophono wins
suffered much damage
A new plato glasn front is being
placed in tho building to bo occupied
bv tho Dakota City Pharmacy. Oth
er impovements will bo made bofore
.uli Neiswangor changos locations.
With tho opening of spring I am
again prepared to caro for your paper
hangiug, painting and decorating.
Get my estimates before ordoring your
work done. Bert Brasfleld, Dakota
City, Nob.
Mrs Kato Nordyko is offering her
hotel and completo furnishing, in
Allen, Neb, for sale. Rho lias built
up a lino business sinco locating 'in
Allon, Poor health iu tho reason for
selling out.
The government boat, Lieutenant
Lowis, stranded on a sandbar cast of
town last Ftiday and manouvored
thoro until Saturday morning bofoio
it could llud water enough to lot it
through to Sioux City.
Miss Frana Hall returned home
Tuesday from a two weelib' viBif at
Allen, Nob, Hho was accompanied
home by Miss Fay Cleveland, who will
visit until Saturday with her grand
parents, Mr and Mrs J F nail.
L Ooodran moved his family tho first
of tho weok to Tildou, Neb, to reside.
Ho will remain hero and linish tho car
penter work on tiio building recently
purchased by D M Weiswaugor for a
drug store, and whioh ho is romodel
mg and adding onto.
.1 H Queen, of Macoy, Nob, and Mrs
E lliltman, of Sioux Oity, woro marriod
Wednesday of laht week, and N J
llrouletlo and Miuno Kas)or, both of
Sioux City, were marriod Tuesday,
both ceremonies being performed
by llav J Orews, ftl E pastor.
D Van do Zeddo tvent to Grand Is
land, Neb, Monday to ropreHent the
WO lodgnof South Sioux Oity at
the grand lodge in session thoro thin
week. Eurl Morrison chaperoned him
and represented tho Daltota Oity lodge.
Tin y returned homo Wednesday ovon
ing. William Braltoliag and Miss Daisy
May Mentor, both of Webster, S D,
were man ied by Rev J Grows Satin
day, Apiil 5th. Tho groom was 25
aim the Imdo 11 yoarn of ago. A
wntton consent of tho bride's parents
accompanied tho application for a
marriage license.
Tho old M E parhonugo was sold to
tho highest bidder last Friday, R E
Evans hoing tho lnoky puichasor.
Plans and specifications havo been
completed for a now parsonage to bo
erected on a site oast of tho M E
church, Tho building committed is
now negotiating with architects and
seuriug iigures on tho cost of erecting
tho building.
Oscar L Snyder, eon of Mrs M O
Snyder of this place, and Miss Wini
fred B Davis, of Nowburg, Iowa, woro
happily joined in maniago on Thurs
day, tho 3rd iust, at tho Luthoriui
pursonagu in Dakota Oity, Rov S L
Keller performing tho ceremony, Tho
newly wedded couple are residing nt
homo of tho groom's mother, Mra M O
Snyder, cast of tho Eaglo oflieo.
Local Items
Tho Horald for News whon it ia Nows
For Hale Cottonwood lumber, $20
per thousand, Thos Ourran.
Don't fororot Breuns coffeo, it is
still in tbo lead. Van sells it,
Buy a good farm on tho Dakota
ounty bottom. I havo it. Eimors.
Hira Feru Vernon, of Dixon, Nob,
was an ovor Sunday guest nl tho W L
Ross homo.
John Ashford, f Winuobngo, was
an ovor Friday night visitor nt tho Dr
Maxwell homo.
Wo havo it bettor stock of Hardwuro
oto, than wo ovor had, and yiu Mill
ilnd our prices right. Schriover Bros.
Mrs Martha Adair went to Harting
tou. Nob, Friday for u weok'a visit
with nor daughter, Mra Ohiifl' L Cul
ler. limitations havo been issued f r a
danco in tho Ayreo hall Friday even
ing, April the 18th. Good music and
a good time is itfsured.
Tho Herald is in receipt of a portfo
lia of pictures of tho Easter Tornado
at Omaha, published by tho I5oo. It
is printed on fine paper and is a vivid
description of tho awful havoo created
by tho btorm,
Georgo WJUcBoath and lamily ex
pect to got away next Monday for
thoir now homo at Espauola, Fla,
where Mr MoBeath has purchased 120
acres of land, and will begin clearing
it up for farm use,
Rov Joel A Smith, a formor M E
pastor iu this placo, now doing evan
gelistic work iu tho whuroh, was hero
Monday and Tuesday from Pendor
where ho is holding a serios of tabor
naclo meutings, and visited many of
his old friends.
Mrs Holon E Weoks has rotigned as
postmistress at Rosebud, S D, and is
expected hero this weok on n short
visiit with hor daughter, Miss AHda
Weeks, bofore roturning to Cedar Rap
ids, Iowa, whoro sho will again tako
up her rcsidenco.
Rev H F Carson, statu superintend
ent of tho Anti-Saloon League, will
present tho causo iu Salom Lutheran
chinch on tho 13th inst at 11 o'clock,
and in Emmanuel Lutheran churoh at
8 o'clock p m. Tho two congregations
in town will unito iu tho last namod
Thoro is a sowing timo and a timo
to reap. Tho wise man said : "Bring
a child up in tho way ho should go,
and whou he is old he will not depart
from it." So it is with tho boys of to
day who aro allowed to run on tho
streets till niuo or ton o'clock at night.
This docs not mean our towu alone, as
most all towns aro similarly aflllo'oJ
for an afllictiou it surely proves to bo to
many families in tho after life of tho
boys. Parents, sec after your boys,
and tho company thoy keep. It willjjo
worth moro than gold to you and them
in tho years to come.
A recent issuo of Tho Iowa Home
stond contained nu illustrated article
on tho subject of " Common-Sense
Treatment of Dairy Cows," that should
be printed in pamphlet form and dis
tributed among tho farmors. Tho faets
given will enable any farmer to dou
blo tho net piofit on tho number
of cone usually kept on tho farm.
Evtry farmer she uld read Tho Iowa
Homestead and rccetvo tho benefit of
tho practical articles that appear in
its columns weekly. Wn aro glad to
club it with our papor at tho low rate
of SI. 25 per year for both papeis.
Mrs. Npra Hayes
Called Home
Died At her homo near Hubbard,
Neb, Friday, Apiil 4, 1913, Mrs Nora
.Hayes, widow of Georgo R Hayes,
who preceded her iu death somo eight
een mouths ago. The funeral was
held from St. Mary fy churoh in Hub
bard Monday morning, 1vith burial in
tho Hubbard cometoiy.
Iu tlio death of Mrs naves Dakota
county has loRt ouo of tlioso splendid
types of womanhood that stand for
everything uoblo and good. As a wife
and mother she did her duty fearlessly,
faithfully and well, as tho family of
live boys and four gills, all at home,
eloquently attest.
Sho was born in County Tipporary,
Ireland, iu 1855; was married to Mr
Hayes at Chicago in 1675, coming to
Dakota county in 1877
Always a faithful and loving help
meet, hho and hor husband aoouinu
lated a fortune, owning many acres of
Dakota county's best land.
Besides her nine children sho leavos
two sisters to mourn her death, Mrs
Michael Green and Mrs Josoph P Ha
gan. us also one brother, John Greou,
iu Iroland. Since tho deatli of hoi
husband Airs Hayes has rapidly failed,
being unable to control her griof for
the good husband who was all tin
world to her. Everything that loving
hands and caro could do for her, was
done and she died as sho had lived,
with all her children about her, forti
riod by all tint rights of her churoh.
Mrs Hayes will bo long remembored
and mourned by those who knuw her
best, for tho nobility of her lifo and
character is a landmark and an oxani
ple to all trim womanhood. Quiet,
homo lives like In rs preach more elo
quently than words, of tho truo mis
sion of truo womanly lifo, tho homo,
tho fireside, tho tearing of a laigo
family of boys and girls who would do
credit to any mother in all the world
Sho has gone from our midst, never to
return, but the memory of her good
deeds, hor loving, christian cliaraoter,
will ovor remain as a comfoit and so
lace to all who know uud knowiug
loved hor.
(iod'ri wraiulust handiwork, still stands,
Tlio noblo Wife uud Mother,
Who (lives hor life, hor stuniK'.li, her all,
As ne'er can Klve another.
I ear Mother true, w-Jiodwollson Illicit,
Look down with pltyluic eyes
And know thy children sadly mourn,
Thy Memory dearly prize.
Look to Your Plumbing.
You know what happens to a 1wuho
in which tbo plumbing is in poor con
dition overybody iu tho houso is lia
ble to contract typhoid or somo other
fover. The digestive organs porform
tho S'uuit furctionu iu the human body
an the ulumhinir does for tho limine.
- , - ... - ,
and they should bo kept in ilrst class
condition all the timo. It you havo
any trouble with your digestion tako
Ohamberlaiu'ri Stomach and Livor
Tablets and you are certain of quick
relief. For salo by all doalors. Adv,
Eighth grado examinations will bo
hold at tho usual plnces April 10 and
A ftpcoial toachcts' examination in
county certificate subjoots only will bo
givcu April 18 and 10.
Roading oirolo examination n ill bo
given Saturday, April 10.
A numbor of boys of Dakota county
havo registered for tho "coru contest"
and thoro should bo many tuoio, All
boys wishing to cuter should sond iu
tl names,
Tho March teachers' meeting at
Fremont and Norfolk had few rep
rcEontativen from tlna county as only
a Bmall number of sohools had spring
vaoatiou. Our schools should plan to
havo exhibits at these meetings. Tho
work being done compares favoralilj
with tho work of other scIiooIb. Whv
not mako a showing?
Tho iirst grado are now reading from
"Stepping Stones to Literature."
Ruth Orr, Kenneth Woldon, Ernest
Gieso and Viola Fneston had a perfect
grado in tho spelling test last Friday.
Tho eighth grado received tho re
turns from thuir examinations last
Lulu Conklen, of Sioux City, visited
tho grammar mom Tuesday.
Harold, Alta and Chester Atitrim
havo returned lo school after two
weok abBoncc on account of tho meas
Iob. Isaao and Ray Oooloy aro btiok iu
school again,
Blanche Blivou has been absent tho
past two weoks on account of sickness
Tho sixth grnde have finished "The
Little Lamo Piinco" and are now road
ing "Black Beauty."
All momboia of tho Botany class
who took tho state examination, also
the mombors of tho Civics class, pass
ed witli good grades.
To mako you estimates and prices
on your buildings largo or small.
Oau mako you plans moro practical
than some architects, at half tho price
usually charged. W O Mituliuli.
Caro Herald,
Good Pasture
I havo splendid pasturo for about
eighty head of cattle and horses, at
tha old Ed T Koarney farm north of
$4 00 per head for cattle.
$5.00 per head for horses.
John W. Nowman. Hubbard, Nob,
Found a Cure for Rheumatism.
"I suffered v.itli rheumatism for two
years and could not get my right hand
to my mouth for that length of time,"
writes Loo L Chapman, Maplotou, la.
"I suffered tmriblo pain so I could
not sleep or lio still i" night. Five
years ago I began using Chamborluiu's
Liniment and in tvo mouth? I was
well and havo not suffered with rheu
matism siuco." For sale by all deal
ers. Adv.
For Sale.
95 bushels boardloss lifo Wheat.
25 bushola Flax .
50 bushels Barley.
All Burleigh County, N D, grown,
and of best quality.
Louis lirutsoho,
Hubbard, Nebr.
Items roprodncod in the Sinux City
Journal from files of tweuty yoais
April G, 1803: The caisson to be
sunk for tlio draw pier of tho Missouri
River Bridge company's biidgo iu tho
channel ou tho Nebraska side is now
being constructed in CoviDgton. It is
to bo built of Bessemer steel, 1 inch
thick, will bo 37 feot and 7 inches iu
diameter and will bo suuk 104 feet hi,
low tho surface of tho river. It will
ho put down iu three, .sections.
Tho public will talfu notice that a
noto answering the following descrip
tion was lost during tho summer of
1912 Noto for the principal sum of
Ouo Thousand Dollars ($1,000 00) nud
dated at Dakota City, Nebiaska, on or
about February fast, 1912, duo iu ouo
yoar from its date, and drew intercut
at tho rate of W per annum from its
date. This noto wnt executed by
John F. Bergor and Ida Bergor in
favor of Luoy Ann Berger.
The finder of this piomissory noto
will kindly return the samo to Lucy
Ann Berger at Dakota City, Nebraska.
The public is warned against the pur
chase of the same since any negotia
tion of tho samo will be criminal.
Dated Dikotn City, Nebraska,
March 17. 1013.
, Luoy Ann Beigor.
Ilessy V, Kllriibuth, Kiisiut, I-etty L,
liesslo 13, Win I. ami I3sther 1' Uraw-
ford to Thos Ashford, part of swM
ZO-ZfU.., t zuou
Ohrls Ohrlstensen und wife to It J Len
ity, n i)"'-i anil it 1! hV.. of nel4 17-SU-7. 1200(1
Geo I) UnrilH to I31va A 1'iirdy, lot 6,
OtK I. SUlllll M llllCl 10 lioilinr IT-VI
Couch Medicine for Children.
Too much care cannot bo used in se
lecting a cough uiodicino for uhildtcu .
It should bu pleasant tn take, contain
no harmful substance and bo most ef
fectual. Oh iniborlaii.'s Cough Re
medy meets these requirt meuts uud is
a favorite with tho mothers of young
children every wheio. For sale by all
dealein. Adv.
Hov. J.Oiuws, Tastor.
Services at the .Methodist Kplscopal
ohtireh evory Sunday as follows: 1'reach
Intent 11 a in; Sunday school at 10 a in; class
nicotinic 13 in; lluworth Leincue i);:K) n in!
uieaehtiiK 7:i) n nt. I'rayermeotliiij Thurs
day ovenlnKs ut 7:80
Kov.S. I.. Kollor. I'astor.
Sunday school iry .Sunday at 0:45a in i
Miss Hlaiiulio Hamilton, supeiliitendeut. .
nt oachliiKnt 7:110 p in, oi-ry Sunday.
l'rcnoliinir every hniidit at 11 am: Klin-
day school promptly ntl'tiiiii. K. 1. (Jul
liertsou, superintendent
Tint ptihllulscoidlally Invited to all those
Tho Herald, $1 per
StNIGreator FrGCdom With King
ly Honors Thereby Secured.
Pastor Russell's Discourse the Third
and Last of n Series Upon tho Texts
Which Embellish the Famous Union
Station of WaohlnQton City.
Washington, D.
C January 10.
Pastor Russell
preached nt Wafih
lngton Tcmplo to
day hh third ser
mon on our Un
ion Depot texts.
Today's text was:
"Tho Truth shall
mako you free."
(.Tohn 8:32.) Ilo
T ruth is the
Kteat Emancipa
tor. All enslavers oppose tho Truth,
knowing its power on tho minds of
their victims. Tho taskmasters of to
day would fain hide tho truth from
wugo slaves, hut find it impossible so
great Is tho power of the pressand
there nro publishers who have not sold
their moral sense for sordid gain.
When chattel slavery provnlled, the
master found It ndvnntugcoui to edu
cate his slaves and thus increase their
value, hut disadvantageous to Instruct
them along tho lines of human rights.
Tho feudatory lords woro very willing
that tho common people consider them
denilgodi, not subject to law ns others.
The samo prlnclplo apparently
prompted tho emperors to proclaim
themselves, "pontifcD maximus," and to
pticouniKi! their peoplo to worship
thorn. The natural selfishness of man
ever prompts him to take ndvautngo
of others; and ignorance has been the
chnlii which has bound tho mnsscs.
The Blblo has been tho great Eman
cipator of slaves mcntnl, moral and
physical. It Is tho Torch of Liberty,
lighted by Dlvlno Providence. The
Itible alone tells us that nil humanity
are of one blood, creatures of tho samo
God, nmcunblo to Him. While tho Bi
ble Instructs that kings nnd nil In au
thority should bo recognized, It also
telli that tho king is ninenablo to ex
actly the same laws as his most menial
fclaye, nnd that if ho violates these
laws he Is as sure to be punished.
Moreover, tho Blblo points out that
the present is related to tho future life
as cause to effect It shows that every
net. word and thought bears upon
character-development, nnd prepares us
for higher things In tho life to come or
gives us moro dllllculty In reaching per
fection and everlasting life.
"Hope Thou In God."
r.opklng iuto the past, wo see Israel,
Foddon with rear of their Egyptian
taskmasters, not daring to tnke steps
for liberty. Hut after the Exodus, nfter
God's Covenant with them nt Sinai,
'they wore u changed people. The hopes
inspired by the Scriptures preserved
them ns a nation when contemporane
ous civilization perished.
Tho Jews undoubtedly destroyed
tlielr own nationality. The Itoiuuns
merely performed tho funeral rites In
destroying Jerusalem, A. D, 70. Tho
Emperor evidently claimed that tho
Jewish religion must necessarily be nt
tho foundation of their ungovcrnnble
eliiiraeler. Their liberty, used contrary
to Divine instruction, led to discontent
and anarchy
Christ's Followers Set Free.
The Message of Jesus nnd tho Apos
tles attracted Mtuio "Isrnelltcs indeed,"
anxious to serve God. Tho early
Christians courageously suffered perse
cution and carried the Gospel every
where. The Itomiin emperors, Nero
and Diocletian, perceived Unit Chris
tians had a courage which they feared
would he inloctious, and persecuted
them horribly. Hut the Master hud
freed them irotn fear of death.
Then came it long period of darkness,
when the Scriptures were forgotten,
and only the words of bishops were
heard words misunderstood lo bo of
Divine authority through Apostolic Suc
cession. Nest came centuries under
control of creeds and church councils.
Darkness, ignorance mid superstition
prevailed, although God had Ills wit
nesses throughout that long period.
Finally the Bible again emerged, when
printing camo Into use. God's time
hud come for the Itlblo again to bo tho
Torch of Liberty, nnd Independence
proiMirllountel.N came forward. Today
Hrlliilii, (frmatiy, Scnndlnnvla and
America lead the world, because of the
light from the Word of God.
Danger Now, as to tho Jews.
The danger that the Jews encoun
teied In the end of their Ago. confronts
us Not ull receive tho Truth in Uio
love of it Not all, therefore, are sanc
tified by It. Few have turned to the
Lord, to become followers of Jesus,
Hence we are on tho threshold of a
gre-it disintegration. Liberty is lihout
In turn to license anarchy; our civili
zation is about to be ruined, ns was tho
Jewish polity, by liberty unrestrained
by the Spirit of the Lord.
St Paul declared that tho Gospel had
set him fceo from all other bondages;
but that he surrendered Ids liberty to
Christ, to do, not Ids own will, but tho
will of his Redeemer. Forcefully he
states that Iu so doing he became o
hondsl.ivo to Christ.
Messed hi the condition of those wh
gladly surrender nil to become follow
ers of the Lord! Such can rejoice, be
enurfe they know that all things work
together for their good, to preparo them
fO!' the II "' '"lew
Straight at It.
Thoro is no uso of our "boating
around tho bush." Wo might ua well
out with it ilrst as last. Wo want you
to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
tha next timo you have a cough or cold.
There is no reanou so far as wo oan seo
why you should not do so. This pre
paration bv iti remarkablo euros has
gained a world wido reputation, and
pooplii'overy whoro speak of it in tho
highest forms of praise, It is for utile
by all doalors.-Adv.
Tho Horutd 1 year, $1,
Tfae onffy BsskSn Powder matta
from Roy a Sasgf5ts?!reimt of Tartar
MmmmmmmmmmiaammmMKmmwaamwmmmmmammmammmmmiitmmmmMmmmm I
Specials for Saturday, Apr. 12 1
For iHis 3Dtxy Only
3 lbs dried Peaches 25c
2 3-lb Cans Peaches for 25c
One 25c Can of Aspagagus 18c
6 cans Oil Sardines . . . ..25c
3 pkgs Corn Flakes ' 25c
2 cans Wisconsin Peas 25c
Six 12-inch Bars Queen Castile Soap 25c
lb of Good Baking Powder FREE wifh
our 50c Broom
1 doz. Frosted Cookies 5c
Apples, per peck 35c
1 lb Coffee 23c
1 full quart Ammonia , 25c
Stinson s
Ialcotsn. Gaiy
Mtd - West Bivivk
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT."
The Key-Note to Mid-West Success is "Supe
rior Service Sure Safety" (That brought us out first
year, S218,000 deposits a thousand delighted deposit
ors each sending others.)
We Invite Comparison for if there be better
banks wo wish to improve this. s
We Need Deposits to loan to the farmers of
three states, who aro coming to us. (Tho snfent class of borrowers
tho world knows for the Earth, and all it produces, is theirs.)
We Pay 4 on Time Deposits-Also G and 7
InvoRtmeuts. Out savings department pays interest ou monoy
payable on demand.
Each Deposit Guaranteed by every dollar
ovory aore of land of tlio owners and is exchangeable any timo de
sired, for our choice scoured notes. A featuro of tliia "Different"
Bank that's "Worth While,"
Farm and Residence Loans. Low Interest
Optional l'aymenth Prompt Service.
Steamship Tickets. The good Lines. Rates .
Hotter Treatment alio it.
Insurance All Kinds. Insure here and get the
boneflt of a quarter century's experience, the best companies, ratos,
Notary Public and Conveyancing. Twenty-seven
yoaro learning how.
Everything in GOOD Banking, Ripe and Ready
for You. "Hafety Ovor All."
Each Employe has your best interest at heart
Trying to be the ltoal batik of ALL the people, regardlcps of wealtii,
race, creed or class. Whore tho poorest and humblest know they
aro Welcome that tho Best the bank affouls, is theirs.
If Yon Doubt This ink the customer sinco 1880. Thoy Know.
With 'grateful tlmnlts to those who help,
Starting Yours for MORE business,
Ileal Estate Department, Ed. T. Kearney, Pres't.
Oity and Oouutry Pioperly Bought, Sold, Itented.
The Mid-Wont Olub coming Fine. Noxt month will havo
something of intorebt for yon. If not n mombor send us your
name today. No fees, dues or nxpensis. "Worth While," Wo
havo your Olub mombeiship card ready for you when you oall.
Ploano get it.
f ct&etmm 0
Harness and
Harness Made
Blankets and Robes of all
TliiT AconrHiinnf- nf
.-..b .,w........ .
FVedrlclksera ll Son
Hubbard Nebraska.
H JPklm
Nt3bra.sk. 8k.
in the line of
Horse Goods I
To Order-, Only
tbf liocf- hrntifl nf Wliina
v.. v. w. ,,...r
Work that's our specialty.