Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 11, 1913, Image 3

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, . 3. y i$m
L- i i ii i ii i i i i -v...a. . . ....i... r--in iiirniiii'iiiMi Tr ' " u
Violet Massage, New and
ST. LOUIS, MO. If you should wan
der into your barber shop and spy
your favorite tonsoriallst shoving
largo electric sparks about another
customer's hair, using only his fing
ers to accomplish this result, don't
turn and run.
And don't try to guess how h- does
it, for you would ruffle your brain and
glvo up, believing that tho man
who had shaved your fnco for the last
threo or four years has been studying
magic and neglected to let you In
on his secret.
Just pretend you know all about It.
Stroll leisurely to a chair and stay
there until tho familiar, call of "next"
is yours.
In the muanwhilo watch closely
and you will sec your predecessor re
ceivo tho latest electrode treatment.
Yep, that's it electrode.
Should tho customer call for the
entire list, hero are a few of tho
things tho barber will do for him:
Darken his gray hairs, produce a
I $T: k,Z
He Is Four and She Three, So the Wedding Fails
(-p HICAGO. Ho was a littlo boy four
V years old and she was only three,
and so
Sergeant Volt slowly unllmbered
himself from his stool and craned his
body hallway over the desk of tho
Oak Pari: police station. Thus en
sconced he was able to look down tho
other afternoon upon tho upturned
Xuccs of tho station's two visitors.
"I wanta bo married," Davis Ender
son piped upward, "an she wansa
be married, too."
Tho tiny would-be brldo hung her
'head in becoming modesty.
"Ugh huh," sho whispered at tho
floor, "please."
"She's Mll-dred Guterson," Davis ex
plained, "an' If you'll hurry up 'cbubo
we've got ten chll-drens an' oh, yes,
an' a piece of ginger cake an' a cup
.an' sau-cor "
Awed by such a remarkablo prepara
tion for wedded bliss, Sergeant rolt
'only could gasp out a tingle word:
" 'Cause sho ast mo to," the would
be bridegroom culd with candor, and
the little girl admitted it unblushingly.
"An" we'll have a nice house all
pain-ted up pret-ty," tho happy bride-jroom-to
be confided, "an' a baby that
Priest Finds $5,000 in
RTBW YOIIK. Tho. deepest mystery
.Vi surrounds tho gift of flvo one thou
sand dollar bills which were placed re
cently In the poor box Just Inside tho
entrance of tho Church of Our Lady
of Guadaloupo, the new Spanish no
man Catholic edilico in West BGth
street, near Iiroadway. The sexton
said he thought tho donor was an el
derly woman who waB assisted Into
the church by a footman. As a result
of the Incident tho church 1b being
watched closely by tho police.
Tho Itr-v. Adrian Pulsson, rector of
tho pariah, Is accustomed to take out
donations placed In tho poor box ev
ery week. Tho other day he opened
"Laziest Man in Town"
MILWAUKEE, WIb. Described by
Theodore Puis as being tho laziest
man In Milwaukee, Hermnn Braasch.
ii probationer for abandonment, was
returned to tho municipal court for al
leged failure to work.
According to Mr. Puis, the depart
ment found a child of tho man desti
tute upon a visit to his home. Bo
causo of Illness it was necessary to
remove Mrs. Braasch to tho county
hospital and sho was not in court.
"We hud to treat him like a special
patient," sulci Mr. Puis. "Wo had to
tako him by tho hand and lead him
to work, lllvo taktug a child to school.
Whenever he had a payday, wo had
to collect his money and thon go to
his home tho following day and es
cort Tiini back to work."
According to Mr. Puis, tho dep.it t
went became tired of such ti torshlp
Ready for Emergencies.
Wlso men mako a point of having
two pairs of trousers to each evening
coat, and one pair of trousers is of
heavy cloth. Tiousors of this kind aro
probably of tho oamo thickness as
those worn In the day. They last
longer than trousers of thin cloth nnd
look better all tho time, because thoy
nre not easily knocked out of sbapo
with continuous hard war every evo
iilng. Knowing this, some men make
a point of having the trousers of their
evening suit mads of cloth a littlo
thlckf-r than that of tho coruLordon
Evening SUt.dard
Luxurious Barber Treat
rosy color to his chcoUs that will last,
from flvo to ton hourB, euro that tor
rlblo headacho of tho "morning aft
er," rcllovo backache, chaso away
warts, moles, corns or bunions, and
end with tho newest massago and
If you notice tho operation, you will
bco tho barber holds a Bmnll glass
tubo that shoots violet streams of
electricity. These sparks go up the
victim's fingers, up tho arm, around
tho shoulder, and Jump out of tho
ends of tho hair when tho barber
disturbs tho locks with his fingers.
Tho razor manipulators call tho ap
paratus tho harbor's X-ray, arid suy
It will perform a hundred feats never
heard of. To bring a rosy tlngo to tho
cheeks, tho violet stream Is directed
to tho desired spots and tho reddish
color soon looms up.
The stream of sparks Is tho entlro
Becret, and whatever your ailment Is,
tho barber can effect a euro by turn
ing the violet ray on tho location of
the pain.
Tho only danger that may result Is
tb,o setting flro to your hair, but
this won't happen unless your locks
havo been washed with an alcoholic
Whether an Inner conflagration will
follow If several alcoholic drinks
havo been consumed is an ex
periment tho barbers say has not been
goe3 'squeak-squeak' when y' press 'is
Miss Mildred interrupted with:
"An' an' Jes' lots of pretty mud
Tho last bit of tho planning was
done by tho would-be bridegroom. Ho
fondly called tho sorgeant's attention
to the fact that in his household thero
would be uo faco washing any moro.
"Or not b'hln' th' ears, anyway," ho
was declaiming positively, when
Georgo Guterson, stern parent of the
would-ba bride, rushed into tho sta
tion. V
And thus tho short honoymoon
camo to its waning. At tho gato to
hor home, 04 1 North Park avenue,
Miss Guterson raised her tiny lips and
kissed her almost-husband a fond fare
well. the Church Poor Box
the box and grasped a bill and drow
It out. Tho priest thought at first It
was a dollar bill, as tho collections
from tho poor box never amount to
moro than a few dollars. Ho looked
at tho currency and saw it had a yel
low back. Tho bill was for J1.000.
Tho next time he placed his hand In
tho box ho drow forth four bills. Two
of thoso were yellow backed and wero
for an amount equal to that of tho
first. Father Bulbson took the roll of
currency and tho pennies and silver
from tho box to his house. Thero ho
discovered that tho greenbacks were
for $1 000 each.
Father Buisson told a reporter that
the sexton of tho church saw an el
derly woman dressed in black, drive
up, to tho church In a brougham. Sho
offered a short prayer, wnlked to tho
poor box and placed tho bills In It.
It was at first reported that tho
bills had been donated by Mr. Freder
ick Cortlandt Penflold of No 787
Fifth avenue, an enthusiastic worker
in the cause of mligion Mr Pen
Held, however, denied any knowledge
of tho incident.
Goes Out for
and tho moment it permitted Its vlg
Ilanco to lax, Braasch did not go to
work. Ho was arrested for violating
his probation.
"All ho does all day Is to sit and
think." said Mr. Puis. "Ho bald to
mo one day, 'You don't think that I
do a lot of thinking, do you?' I told
him to wako up."
Braasch was sentenced for six
I months In tho house of corroctlon to
I cultivate tho "habit of working."
Barred Women From Funeral.
No womon at his funeral was tho
dying wish of an old lnnkeepur, John
Muxwoll of Germantown, Pa., who
died a few daya ago. His last re
quest was that no "fomalo squatters"
bo allowed at his funeral. Maxwoll
was proprietor of the hlstoilc Gen
eral Wayne hotel, nnd as a captain
had distinguished himself In the Civil
war. He was savonty-live years old,
and had conducted tho headquarters
of General Washington n a hotol for
almoBt half a century Captain Max-
wen was uurieu ucsido tho graves
of ills parents.
60 Days
RITA REESE, In the New York Press
Tho cnuso of Jealousyand the euro
for Jealousy! Which Is a most timely
subject tor discussion, coming along In
a season when green tilings aro bud
Not thatono would deliberately class
Jealousy with tho tondor, wholesome,
healthy green things of tho field. Jeal
ousy Is a green that arises from u to
tally different source, and it Is related
to tho tonic greun thlugs of tho forest
only as a brackish stream heavily coat
ed with miasmatic groen scum is it
Just hnpponod thorol
Fo Jealousy Is n green scum, and It
is rnlasmlcnnd It arises from a mind
diseased, an imagination disordered
but where you are asking, does the
lovo como in?
Tho Ibvo that Is supposed to go arm
In arm 'with tho green-eyed monBter,
We ell, I'm not so sure that Jeol
oiiBy Is minted ovon by a step connec
tion of murrlago to Truo Lovo.
Maybe ho is. Thero aro many poets
who claim thnt thero can bo no truo
lovo without its dread contemporary,
Do you bellovo that? I don't And
this Is tho reason I am Incredulous,
I bellevo in instinctive things, In
intuitions and deep feelings, forebod
ings, if you will warnings maybe.
And if you'vo over noticed Uttlo
bluo-eyed Truo Lovo when Jealousy
turns tho corner you must havo re
marked on how tho Cupid baby was
frlghtoned. Nny, more than fright
ened. Literally scared to death I
True Lovo had a fooling that a rab
bit or a vicious rejitllo was creeping
over tho grave that soon would bo his.
Love that best kind of love, the real
thing In lovoc doesn't hang around
whom Jealousy loafs. Not on your life.
When green-eyed Jealoimy comes in nt
tho door
Maybo you'vo heard it was Poverty
but. bellevo mo, that Isn't True Love.
Ho novor did fleo from lack of gold.
But when green-eyed Jenlousy stalks
in at tho door Cupid and Truo Lovo
scuttlo out of tho window or up tho
chimney anywhere anywhere to get
out of the reach of tho vicious in
trudor. Each Man Kills tho Thing He Loves.
JealouBy comes of tho desire to fill
tho frame tho frame that holds the
Hfo of tho beloved. You would like for
her to see only you. You aro her lovo
and because you love her with such n
surpassing devotion you resent every
interest, no matter how trivial It may
bo and how harmless, that would dis
tract ono instant her attention from
And you call that lovo! I call It
selfishness -tarried to tho ninth negrce,
and I challenge anyone to provo It
"Each man kills tho thing ho loves,"
tho poet sings. And most of them mur
der It by Jealousy.
Jealousy Is n survival of tho ages
when our lovers wero cavo men and
wo wero women who had to be taken
by stealth and cunning and bruto
strength. Truo onough thero nre thoBO
of us now who ndoro these same traits
in our lovers when they como a-woo-ing.
But once wo aro won wo como
to seo tho horror of having to live
with a croaturo dominated by these
same qualities.
Jealousy is a sinister and evil power
and onco it takes possession of a
man's brain it is deadly. It drives out
his reason and enthrones a demon
which Is Itself, and it knows no sober
moments, neither docs it understand
nor strive to comprehend anything
that is normnl or unrelated to Its own
egotlBtlcal Self-importance.
There! you see Jealousy unveiled!
Not as lovo, but as the somothing fur
thest removed from truo affection.
A something which tho ones who
know tremble boforo as tho most in
sidious enemy truo lovo moots in tho
going to tho hi.'avon lownrd which nil
truo lovers aro Journeying.
Sinco love, then, you aro asking, Is
not relnted to JonloiiB , moreover,
since Jealousy is a menaco to love,
how shall you set about eliminating
tho dread monster fioni oui life?
To be moro speclilc, I will tell you
about a man who has, written to nek
my advice. His caso covers exactly
tho situation In many other cases.
He tells mo that ho married a girl
who had boon much admired nnd
sought after. Thero wero many rivals
to him; several of theso wero richer
and more prominent than ho wns. But
ho won out and married tho girl and
they were very happy for a while
Thon ho grow suspicious.. Not that
there was really anything definite to
bnso his suspicions on, but ho know
that' his wife had mot some of her for
mer admirers hero and there, and ho
had observed that she was pleased
with tho meeting. Thnt sho seemed
to enjoy seeing them.
Bight hero let me say tho man gave
himself away as a profoundly selfish
person. Why shouldn't his wlfo enloy
meeting her old friends, whether thoy
wero men oi women? Because hhe
happened to bo married to him. why
should that kill all hor intorest in llfo
outside of him?
Really Form of Insanity.
That's tho best word to uso to do
bcrlbo Jealousy. It Is evil and vicious
and Hlnlster related as It In to dark
ness and distrust and ingrowing bus-
Conductor Stopped the Car, But Small
Boy Contributed Nothing to Reve
nues of Company,
It was Sunday wauiIng, and tho con
ductor, as his tram rushed along, was
perhaps not so wldo awake as usual.
At all events, he didn't observo tho
bmall boy Nvho dashed out of un entry
piping; "HI, there, stopl" and It was
only whon tho stout old man next tho
door hnd prodded him in tho 1p thnt
tho olllclal became nwaro of tho pur
suing figure.
"Btop tho car for tho hoy, conduc
tor," observed tho prodtlor.
Tho conductor lookod dlnparaglngly
at tho chasing hoy. hut bcoIiib that ho
was holding up a penny, docldod ho
niuat bo a pasoougar, und rang tho boll.
"Now, thou, shaver, hop on," ho
said, whon tho boy panted up.
"Who aro you calllu' "Bbnvor?' " in
quired tho youth, bcornfully. "An'
what d'you mean by running away
HssgiESkviB nStfSIB
plclon, All Jenluusy Is born of bus
plclon, nnd suspicion is relnted to ly
lng and onco you got a thing down
to that foundation thoro Is no good
left In It.
But Doubt sonio ono asks Isn't It
human to doubt to doubt everything
- evon Lovo.
Mnybo It Is, but tho really big na
ture always In tho end puts Doubt to
Who no'er has suffered, ho had lived
but half. k
Who novor failed, ho never strovo or
Who novor wept Is strangor to a
And ho who never doubted never
Ah, but doubt isn't relnted to tho
retty JealouBy that is supposed to ba
an attendant on lovo. Doubt Is bigger
than Jealousy, and it Is moro honest.
Jealousy Is a dosplcnblo thing, becnuso
It slinks nnd attacks one from tho rear.
Doubt walks upland lauds ouo a blow
strnlght out from his shouldor and be
tween tho eyes. That's all right, tho
squaro way to fight, whllo JealouBy
with a keen-polutod blado creeps up
nnd plnnts his envenomed wonpon
deep in tho back of tho ouo ho would
lay low. ,
What Is tho causo of Jealousy?
Distrust, to bo RUio and lack of
faith and too littlo love
Yes, I know you'd Interrupt mo to
tell mo I am mistaken. You think you
nro JealuiiB becnuso your lovo Is such
a great lovo. I say you nro Jealous bo
cnuBO your lovo is Buch a puslllnnl
mous littlo lovo!
Porfcct lovo caBtoth out fenr and
fear ovon you wouldn't dare deny
that fear Is all twined around and
mixed up with Jealousy.
Jealosy Is throe-fourths fear.
Fear thnt you can't hold tho lovo of
your beloved.
Fear that sho will seo somo ono
who will nppcnl to her us you have
never appealed.
Fear that she will glvo some of tho
lovo, tho Interest sho now feels In you
to sonio ono elso.
'Not nccessnrliy a rival. No, Indeed.
I've seen n man got mad enough to
murder every dog in Christendom bo
cauBo hln wlfo happened to show her
affection for a tiny toy dog.
You'vo seen manifestations of Jeal
ousy qulto as potty und as ridiculous.
And they call this lovo!
If wo knew tho real narao of it I
wondor If nny of us would hnvo tho
faco to call It right out by Its name.
I rather think wo wouldn't--and for
this reason. It would show up too
many members of tho human race as
being not far removed from tho
beasts of thu field.
Jealosuy fJorn of Suspicion.
This waB tho beginning. Ho goes
on. it would Beom Idiotic If tho be
ginning of Jealousy weio not nlwnyB
sig trivial ac the beloved's meeting
old friends "and seeming to enjoy
meeting thorn." Time passed on, tho
llunio was kindled. Ho began to watch
his wifo. To keep a surveillance over
IiIb wifo. To keop n surveillance
that ho oven followed her ono day
whon sho waB downtown. Ho had a
fooling, engendered, ho know not by
whnt, that sho was going to meet ono
of tho mon who had loved hor before
sho married him.
And sho discovered him on hor trail
nnd was proporly Indignant and In
sulted by his lack of faith, nnd this
was tho beginning.
"What stage It has reached now.'
ho writes. "I tromblo to toll you. I
am consumed with a mighty flainu of
Jealousy that Ib burning my brain out;
that sears my heart; that holds my
soul in fco."
Stiong word, but doubtless true,
nnd I would, say well deserved, It It
wero, not bornu upon mo that tho, in
nocent woman in this caso, ns In all
cases, Is tho chief sufferer.
There was In his caso, please bear
this in mind, not ono scrap of 'evi
dence only tho suspicion. Jealoimy Is
nlways suspicion and moro suspicion
and moro suspicion 1
A JenlouB man can't seo straight;
he can't talk straight, and for loving
straight well, what ho calls his loving
is tho crookedest thing about him.
Thoro's no mental henlth In him, for
his heart and brain aro raging with u
fever and nnd ho calls this the fer
vor of lovn
God help nny poor wretch so de
luded. Because 1 was sorry for tho
woman I tried to help him. Ho ennio
to seo mo and wo talked it over. I
showed him, or thought I showed
him how urountllL-as wero his sus
picious. Then ho turned upon mo and
said JrAlouuy was feeling, ninl know- i
lng had nothing to do with It.
Then, I said, jealousy Is a form of
Insnnlty and tho sooner tho law
recognizes It ns such, and any victim '
of It as a person too dangerous to im
at largo, tho hotter for nil concerns 1
and for tho general good of tho com
munity. Thoro Is no reason ono may ubo In
reaching u Jealous person. On tho
faco of this Is tho truth that reason .
Is tho last thing ho considers Just
us ho rofusoB to coiiBldor evidence
all evidence except tho crazy snap!
clonfl of his own Inflamed mind. a:
Whnt can ono do with a Jealous per
son to cure lilm of his Jealousy?
1 hot us consider the mattor What
pnn onn do to reduco tho fover of a
mind Inflamed!
Tho cuio of a Jealous porson must
begin with himself. If ho really
wants to bo curort, Just as tho dlpBO
maniac holds In himself throe-fourths
of his own cure.
Only a littlo heart hurrors Jealousy.
Hear that l,n mind, it you really lovo
n rini nv fi wninnti vnt frnnt flint nnn
'any whero, any thno, with any ono.
from ycr customers? 'Ero, mother
wants two 'a'ponnles for thin penny;
bIio'h goln' to church." Tit-Uita,
Not So Bad.
"So ou wont out to tho zoo?"
(KacotlotiHly.) "Did you noo nny
thing out thoro that lookod liko mo?"
"Von, I did."
"Vour littlo boy wau out thoro with
ula nurse."
1 lOOKing
of hieh ltvlncr cost Calumet
ful saving in your baking. But it docs more.
It insures wholesome food, tasty food uniformly raised food.
Calumet is made tight to (tell right to baka right. Ask
ono of the millions of women who use It or ask your grocer.
World1. Pura Food Eapmitioo. CMcbi. HL
Pari EapMiUon, Fraaaa,
You don't ttt tninttt tehtn you
Don 'I io mltlead. Bit Calumet. It '$ mora economical mow wholaomf
fj 'ft hett rendu. Calumet U far superior to $oar tnllk andtoaa.
Six Genuine
Teaspoons for only 1UU
Galvanic Soap Wrap
pers or coupons from
Johnson's .Washing
Here is the Offer
For each teaspoon desired send
Soap is
us one two-cent stamp ana
wtnty Gtliinlc Soij nwrt (front
finfl only) cf couro from John-
Known as
ton'i wiuunt rowncr.
"Tlw Famous
Easy Washer"
Six leaspoons
Itni 100
cump to
we will
It's a white Soap
and the cocoanut
Ktot tu
oil in it makes it
the easiest lathering
soap on the market.
Test it out your
next wash day and
don't forget to
save the wrappers.
Mail them to the
Premium Department of
B. J. JOHNSON SOAP CO., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 "SBW
I '? b!
Sfl.OO S3.5Q S4..QO
4to AND $5iOo
S2. 00, S2.6Q and S3.0Q.
The largest makers of
Men's $3.50 and $4.00
shoes in tlin world.
AU your dnalnr to hIiow
-iv. i iimiiMaft S3.BII. om.uii
Sis.BO Bliop. Jtiwt cood
luii-nw'-, 33l
ut-s-. Jk
fit nnit rnnr na otner iimune coating nn.uo to 97.00
-tno only iiiirniencn la
li-atlinrx. styles nnd (linnets to stilt ovoryboriy,
If you could visit W. I,. Douglas large facto
ries nt llrookton. Moil., and nro for ynurnelf
limr enref ullv Y. I..
vim would thru understand
to fit better, look bettor,
lunger tnnn uny outer
It W. I. DougUa alioea are
tlireci iroin mo lanory aiiu
Mnoea ror 6Tery intmneroi
1 arm rni, inisibhoiitc.
CutiiluK. it will oliow
and wliy you can it
-.(ha 110 sir.-'UJk.
vr Vv 5)D-rX.
Stops Backache
Sloan's Liniment is a splendid remedy for backache, stiff
joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica. You don't need to
rub it in juit laid on lightly it gives comfort and ease at ouce.
Best for Pain and Stiffness
Me. Geo. BuciiAMAN.of Welch, Oltla., writes: "I have used your lin
iment for tho past ten years for pain in back and stiffness and find it the best
Liniment 1 ever tiled. I recommend it to anyone for pains of any kind."
is good for sprains, strains, bruises, cramp or soreness of the
muscles, and all affections of the throat and chest
i Jg
VgHL H?B by occupation, and since last September havo
I IsBfilLS
EisVBVHZ .IgflgwfjL. a xk
H T&l W aWSSSSsiriaaBSSBBUBBlsssBBBBBHgflgEa sV .alV
"What did tho railroad man got for
IiIh birthday prcsont?"
"Somo now tleB."
Mrs. WInftlow'a Bonthtng Byrup for Children
tcctliliur, softens tlie gum.1, rtducra luflninniiv
Uou.alluyn patu.cure wind college a bottleuUi.
Many a man eaves monoy by not
using tobacco, but It ia doubtful If tho
monoy has tho saino soothing offect.
Thoro's nothing platonlo about a
man's lovo for himself.
n thins you ara
tor in theso days
insures a wonder
March, 1912.
hat cheap or blfcan laifng poitier.
Rogers Silver
Spoon Regular
6-Ia. length
These tea-
Offer for
sDoons are
the kind
Cilnnle Sot;
and 5 2-cent
pijr rctuiei
Kod you a
that you'll be
proud to onn.
They are the gen
uine 1881 Roger
ware, heavily triple
plated silver on a
white metal bate. The
pattern is the famous
laVigne, or Grape,
with the beautiful
French Gray finish.
Willi ordinary wear
these spoons will last a
life tine. Siart taring your
wttppen todtr, or better rtlU
bur a box of Olrantc and n'll hare 100
wrappers. )uat encash for a act of ipoooa.
In ktvln.
1110 price, riuncs in all
Doueliu shoes are innde.
why they nre warranted
Hold their shape und near
ujbko tor me price.
not for aal In your vicinity, onler
mto ina uuuairnuwi rouu
ine ismuy, at an pncei, oy
Heft thnt
you how to order brmtitl,
money on your footwear,
llroektnn. Mim
name la atamped
on tna Dottom,
L AY 551 countus
- - t : .i'v
jt v sm.
I WT : Wa -Wii3fWl
I 7 . 1 t-wxyV
1 ligLntKc. I ifhJ A
maaaaatY -11 " I -Wj!"Br Tri'UsssssmVjfcA 5 J M
-T.4VJ 'JC
s-VW Jr V
I mft liWOMl
1-tiT rW
Cot Entire Relief
R. D. Burcoynb, of Maysvllle, Ky RR. i, Box
5, writes 1 "I had severe pains between my shoul
ders; I got a bottle of your Liniment and had entire
relief at the fifth application."
Relieved Severe Pain in Shoulders
Mr. J. Underwood, of 2000 Warren Ave.,
sV Chicago. 111., writes t " I am a piano polisher
suffered with severe pain In botu shoulders.
I could not rest night or day. One of my
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