Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 04, 1913, Image 8

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An April Party.
My narao la April; and I
Often laugh, as often cry;
And I cannot tell what makes- toe;
Only aB tho fit o'ortakca mel
I must dimple, smllo and frown,
Laughing though tho tears roll down.
But 'tis nature, sir, not art;
And I'm happy at my heart.
Wo are all happy "at our hearts"
these days, and nono moro so than
tho llttlo mother who planned this
party for tho children of tho neigh
borhood, her own boy and girl being
tho host and hostess. Tho,usual In
vitations were sent out, save that In
ono corner woro tho words "Soap-Hub-b!o
Party." Tho decorations were urn
brollas suspended from tho celling.
Under each was a small tablo holding
two pipes ornamented with bows of
rnlnbow colors, a bowl and a bottlo
containing soap-bubble" water. This
xnlxturo was soapsuds with tho addi
tion of a tablespoon of glycerin In
every pint of water, which gives luster
and stability to the fairy bubbles.
Prizes wcro offered for tho laigcst
bubble, for tho ono remaining longest
in tho nlr, for the ono with the most
vivid coloring anil for tho ono soaring
the highest.
A pretty garoo was arranged by
Btrctchlng a board ribbon acrosB tho
room llko a tennis not, providing fans
to blow the bubbles. TIlo contest was
to seo which side could blow the great
est number of bubbles and get them
over tho ribbon. Two persons plnjrwl
at a tlmo, or four, as In tennis.
Tho tablo wns gay with a circle of
candles in tho soven prismatic colors
around a largo crescent-shaped cako.
Tho flowers were hyacinths In delicate
pink, lavender, whlto, yollow and pur
ple. Ono stalk in a tiny pot at the
plates made a beautiful table.
A Five and Ten Cent Shower.
This lolly affair was given for a girl
who gratefully and firmly declined all
parties known nB "showers," ns slio
eaid sho considered tliPin too great a
X upon long-sjffurlng irlends. In
vlowof JMtf, oTio of tho girls who was
a leader in tho crowd 'phoned about
thirty of the "crowd," both boys and
girls, and told thorn her scheme of
limiting the Rifts to tho "Five and
Ton," and all wero instructed to send
their offerings to hor (tho hostess'
house) on tho day beforo tho party.
Then on tho day sot for tho event, af
ter all had arrivod, tho parcelB, each
securely wrapped, were brought in
two great clothes baskota. Then all
woro seated in a circle, a atop inddor
and tablo brought in, and tho pack
ages wero auctioned off to the highest
bidder by tho funny man In tho bunch.
When all tho articles wero bid In thoy
wero bestowod upon tho bride and
Ijrldogroom-olect and the rest of tho
evening was Bpont In watching thorn
open their "goods."
Two April Showers.
Did you ovor hear of a "Troublo
Showor?" Well, if not, try ono on
tho noxt brldo-olect you wish to honor.
On tho Invitation notes pin down ono
corner with a needlo nnd tho other op
posite with a pin, lottorlng tho follow
ing nursery rhymo prohecy across the
"Needles and pins! When a maid
marries her troublo begins!"
Tho Idea to bo carried out Is this:
Tho hostoss provides a dainty work
baslcot or bag, 'as sho may prefer,
and the guests supply tho contents to
lit it out completely. If tho favorite
color of tho brldo Is known It Is
a pretty compliment to carry out that
color acliomo throughout. Tho shower
I hoard about had all In yollow. Tho
basket waB a gilded one, lined with
yellow satin, nnd tho ncedlobook of
yollow satin, tho. scissor caBo of pig
akin. Thero was a tapo measure
thimble, emery, ribbon threaders, pin
cuBhlon, spools of thread and ailk, but
tone, aafety plna, common pins and
cases of needles. To mako moro fun,
these articles wcro donu up separately
in whlto paper tied with yollow ribbon
nnd hidden nil ovor tho big living
Tho llttlo brldo-to-bo had a tlmo
Large Ornamental
y$2? Uwbs&N fUc
Accompany Modern Coiffure
Great importance Is given to ornamental combs by tho Inci easing Mm--pllclty
of tho present day coiffure. As curls and thu chignon havo glum way
to tho Bwathlng of tho hnlr lound tho fucq nnd over tho cars, eo tho comb bo
comea moro necessary as a form of decoration Thcso combs nro moro often
In a square or horseshoe shapo, some with big knobs on thorn, nnd others
having high gallery studded with Ltcel or pnBto nnd coloted stones. The
Jattcr ahapo la especially coincident as u means of hiding the bRSe of tlw
pigrettcB or paradise plumes which aro now do much worn
gathering all her possessions into her
baskot Tho hostcsa know Just how
many parcels thero wero and they all
had to bo found beforo "eats" could
bo served.
. Curtailments.
Many of tho young readers of our
department lovo puzzles and contests
of all kinds. I wonder how they
would llko to wrnck their brains over
tho following which 1 am assured "Is
bully good fun." Qo to work on it
right now.
The word "damo" answora the first.
Curtail a woman and leave a bar
rier. Curtail a alight depression and leavo
a lair.
Curtail a pair and leavo a bevcr
ago. ,
Curtail a conflagration and leave a
Curtail a trade-mark and leavo
Curtail a four-footed animal and
leavo a serpent.
Curtail ono vohlclo and leavo an
other. Curtail an organisation of men and
leave a limb.
Curtail an orchestra and leavo n
Curtail a building and leave an ob
struction. Curtail a fissure and leavo part of
one's faco.
Curtail a vcgetablo and leavo an In
sect. Curtail a thick shrub and leave a
public vehicle.
Curtail a ayatem and leave a fish.
Curtail a garment nnd leavo a head
covering. Curtail a ringing bound and leave a
Curtail a circular vessel and leavo
part of a' ship.
Qurtall a sound and leavo a weight.
Curtail a brcezo and leavo victory.
Curtail an organ of tho body and
leavo to listen.
Curtail to color nnd lenvo a bodily
Curtail a camp and leave n num
ber. Curtail n club and leavo a bever
age. Curtailments: Dame, dam; dent,
den; team, tea; lire, llr; brand, bran;
boar, boa; cart, car; army, arm;
band, ban; barn, bar; chink, chin,
bcot, beo; bush, bus; code, cod; capo,
cap; clang, clan; bowl, bow; tono,
ton; wind, win; heart, hear; paint,
pain; tent, ten; team, tea.
A Poem for Each Month.
Soma ono has very carefully com
piled thla list of poems, ono for each
month in the year. I am sure all our
readers will wIbIi to cut Jt out to bo
UBed as occasion domandB. It will
givo a touch of novelty at a birthday
feast to havo a poem for tho month
rend aloud, and equally fitting to Bend
to a friend who has a special anniver
sary in tlm month,
January "Tho Evu of St. Agnes,"
February "Afternoon In February,"
Mnrch "A Morning In Match,"
April "Welcome to April," Tenny
son. May "An Evening In May," Wal
ton. June "A Day In Juno," Lowell.
July "Italn In Summer," Longfel
low. August "Forest Hymn," Hrynnt.
Soptombor "Hymn for September,"
Georgo Horbort.
October "Pleasures of Autumn,"
Novombor "Death of tho Flowors,"
Decomber "Tho Holly Treo." South-
Novelty Spoon.
Convenient for tho fomlnlno trav
eler who uses only a special brand of
tea Is a spoon with a cover that Is
perfoiated tdmilnily to a lea ball. This
spoon works on the prlnelplu or a pair
of aclsBors, being governed by a
spring nenr tho root of tho hnndle,
which BendB tho base of tho contriv
ance. In ono direction nnd tho lid In
tho other. Ry wuukiiiK thin hiiuuu ot
(solld or plated silver In the cupful of
not water wnicli railway portora are
always ablo to provide tho traveler
who is a bit "fitBBy" about tho quality
of tho choorlng hovorngo may have
it precisely to her liking.
Quilted Silk Mufflers.
A pretty notion for femlnlno wear la
a quilted Bilk inufllor cut soinowltat on
tho lines of tho man muiilor. TIipbo
aro mndo of pink or pnlo bluo, bro
cado lined with quilted whltu silk, or
thoy may bo ordered to match the
opera cloak. Thoy pro perfectly Hat,
and nro bordored tbtstr entlro length
with marabou matching tho brocade,
Heady mndo thoy eoat $2. CO ench
, i ,-T..-..
1 1 IJRsjwv Jl Ja'JL
Invention Simplifies Work of Coaling
Furnace or Stove No Back-
Straining Labor Needed.
Tho labor of coaling tho furnace
or stovo has been simplified by tho
Invention of a North Dakota man.
This Invention 1b known as the
gravity fuel feeder and iho coal
merely flows Into tho stove ns a
valvo Is opened. To do this, of
courso, tho coal bin or hopper that
holds tho fuel must bo located
above tho furnaco or stovo. A plpo
then leads down from this source
of supply into the back of tho stovo
Gravity Coal Feeder,
and tho weight of tho fuel nbovo
keeps thla pipe always filled. A
cut-off at tho bottom of tho valvo
holds back tho avalanche, but when
moro conl Is needed thla cut-off is
opened and thero Is a rush which
fills tho furnaco In an Instant, with
out tho back-stralnlng labor of
carrying shovelfuls or scuttlofuls to
English Inventors Hope to Be Able
to Produce Garments Costlnc No
More Than Laundering.
London, which recently announced
tho discovery of economical wnys of
making artificial rubber, la tho scene
of experiments in paper clothing. Pa
por garments havo been mndo and
worn as curiosities, but they wero
pasted together and they did not
commend themselves to a cllninto
whuro ralnB fell from tlmo to time.
Paper napkins, towels nnd handker
chiefs hnvo been offered to the pub
lic, but their Introduction has been
Blow. They do not look onough llko
tho articles thoy aro designed to ro
placo. Paper garments will not dis
place cotton nnd linen until thoy re
bomblo them In texture. That la tho
promising fenturo of tho London ex
periments. It Is Bald that a process
has been perfected wheroby paper
can bo produced thnt will deceivo
tho eyo and puhh for cotton or linen
fabrics and will hold buttons, scams
nnd buttonholes. Tho Inventors hope
to bo ablo to produce garments that
will cost no moro than tho prlco of
laundering. Howovor, cotton plant
ots are unlfkely to take alarm for
tho present.
Does Away With Necessity of Man
Stooping While Working on Scaf
fold or Side Well.
Tho painter working on a scaffold
or side wall must stoop to dip tho
brush In tho paint pot. To do away
with this stooping, I built n pot stand
of ouk barrel staves, ripped to ono
and ono-half Inches In width, writes
Aug. Meyer of McCloud, Cal., in
the Popular Mechanics Tho cross
pieces aro 12 and IS Inches long, to
sprcttvely If tho paint pot Is largo.
A Paint Pot Stand,
the bottom rests on tho top pleco nnd
ngalnst tho wall. Thla iitand nlso
comes handy many times as a step
luildor to reach high places in gables.
Spikes aru fahtened in tho lower unds
to ki'op them fiom slipping. When
moving the scaffold tip or down, thu
stnnd Is hung on tho guard top'o or
Value of Oil Fuel.
Engineer nlllcers of the United
States navy mo apparently most fav
orably Impressed with oil fuel, and
this aa tho ret.uK of their practical
exporlonco on shlpB thnt nio equipped
for Its usn. Llout. Com Allen of tho
Nebraska estimates that, weight for
weight, fuel oil will carry his ship one
third farther than coal, and nt much
U'bh cvpenBo, tho aavlng of course
varying with tho local market price
of tho oil In thnt ship, ono thousand
tons of oil can bo cnrrlod in tho dim
bio bottom, over nnd nbovo that which
could bo stowed In tho bunkor spneos,
nnd this ono thousand tons would be
sulllclont to carry tho vosboI about
live thousand miles.
tiBaaBaUaBlJ T TTIIT II I I 1 1 Y -J-- T1 -Tl
Artificial Saltpeter.
Thorlakhavn, tho heat nntural har
bor on tho south const of Iroland, has
boon acquired by a French company,
along with neighboring wntorfnlls
jloldlng about 200,000 horsepower, nnd
n plant will ho erected at this placo
for manufacturing nrtlllclnl saltpeter
tho utilisation of utmosphorlc nltro
rpii according to tho Hlrkoland-Kydo
Film Will Be Displayed In Picture
Room of Future Dwellings An
other New Industry.
A prediction mny safely bo mado
that in tho very near futuro provision
will bo mndo for moving pictures in
tho home. When a man decides to
build a hoiiao to cost, say, $25,000 or
moro, tho architect will plan the pic
ture room in which the family and
their guests can enjoy a select pro
gram of latest productions. It may
bo In connection with a dancing room
or It can bo accommodated In much
less spnee. A projecting machine suit
able for the houbo will not bo very
coBtly, nnd the films will doubtless
bo dellvured each weok by companies
organized for that special purpose.
Travelers returning from abroad will
find pictures of cities nnd scenes thoy
havo visited a wonderful help In re
citing to friends and lelatlves Inci
dents of tho places they havo vis
Ited. Another now Industry which will
soon como Into existence In all tho
larger cities will bo film photography,
II. II. Windsor writes In Popular Me
chanics. Children's birthdays, gar
don parties, weddings and other func
tions which in later days or years re
call pleasant memories will bo thus
perpetuated by the film photographer.
Ho will eventually bo considered aa
much a necessity ns tho orchestra.
Undoubtedly ono of the most accept
ablo wedding presents In days to
come, from parents to brldo nnd
groom, will be a set of progressive
films Bhowlng tho children as they
advanced from Infancy to high school
days. As a feature of tho wedding
festivities these pictures would afford
both amusement nnd entertainment.
Machine Works Automatically and
Wheel Registers Lengths In
stantly Useful In Store.
Rope Measurer.
A Kansas man hns invontcd a de
vico for measuring ropo that might
well bo called automatic, inasmuch as
the ropo Is measured as It pnsses over
a wheel and tho lengths instantly reg
istered. This whcil Is pivoted with
in a casing that can bo fastened at
some convenient place. In tho upper
portion of the casing is a spring arm
that presses tho ropo against tho
wheel with Just enough force to make
Rope Measurer.
It engage the cogB and turn tho wheel,
yet not forcibly onough to impede tho
movement of tho ropo. This wheul is
connecetd with a rpglstering mechan
ism, and each revolution represent so
many Inches, or foot, as tho case may
bo. As tho rope passes out, there
fore, the length la recorded at tho
same tlmo. Such a devlco would bo
useful In a hardwaro store or other
places where ropo Is Bold
Moro than half of tho lako ship
ments consist of iron ore
Missouri In 1912 produced 3.C05,
013 tons of sand nnd gravel, valuod
at $1,012,074.
Tho Increase in tho cost of plat
inum haa forced tho chemist to look
for a cheapor substitute.
Hy January 1, 101-1. there will bo
ono automobilo in use to every 7f In
habitants of the United States
Alaska broko another leconl last
year b producing minerals valued at
$21,850,000, an Incronso over tho year
beforo of $1,200,000.
If rubbor tipped rcrows bo placed
near the ends of tho rockers they will
provent a rocking chair upsetting if
tilted too far back.
Ab far back as 1791 a gas englno
similar in many ways to tho Internal
combustion euglnoB of today, was
patontct tn Rnglnnd
Final tlgures on the lead production
of the I'nlted Stntes last year, re
cently Issued, show r record output
of -IHl.iiTt'. short tons
Lessons In practlcnl sheet metal
jwotk and metallurgy are Included in
n couif" ior hnidwaro ealesmen in an
English technical school.
! A fortunate landslide In China re-
! cently uncovered a rich deposit of
j coal inanv inlleB from whero any coal
had been known to exist.
I Aluminum can be blackened by 1m
i morslng it for a few moments In n
l boiling of 30 per cent, solution of
i caustic soda, drying It nnd polishing
witn a plumbngoed brush.
In the -IS years that records have
been kept moro than $1GO,000,000
worth of sowing mnchlnos hnvo been
exported from tho United Stntos,
The brick mado In tho ynrds along
tho Hudson river, In Now York, since
1901, if laid flat, would mako a side
walk 20 foot wldo around tho world.
A speclos of treo of unlimited
growth In Nntal, herotoforo regarded
as worthless commercially, has bcon
found to yield a Juice that contains
I lubber lu largo quantified.
1 So that machine oil may bo usod to
I lubricate vohlclo wheels InBtond of
I giease, a Seattle man has invented a
hub In which a channel is packed
with wool, nnd with nn oponlng to ad
I mlt tho point ot on oil can.
Lawmakers Express Indignation; Re
port of Investigating Com
Lincoln. "Can tho beef trust defy
all law; can that poworful comblno
ntono for tho loss of work taken away
from a poor girl simply because alio
testified beforo a leKlslatlve investiga
tion committee?" woro tho worda
burned into tho minds of members of
the lower house when n letter
from Jerry Howard waa read in con
nection with tho Losey report on fe
male working conditions nt tho South
Omaha packing plants.
Tho letter followed disclosures of
tho fact that a girl who had testified
beforo tho commlttoo had lost hor Job
wholly on that account. Two scoro
legislators applauded tho sentiment
expressed In tho Howard letter. Many
moro than that number said, "Shame
ful!" "Awful!" and other words that
would not havo sounded soothing to
tho keen cars of tho packing barons.
Representative Foster asked that
inasmuch as tho entire delegation
from Douglas county had been re
ferred to as "porch climbers" tho com
munication bo disregarded.
"No, sir; it's to go in the records of
the investigation," indicated Chair
man Losey of the committee.
"Tho lottcr will bo taken cognizance
of," nssorted Speaker Kelloy, aa ho
rapped tho Douglas county member to
his ec at.
Losey Committee Report.
That 1,257 girls out of 4,750 whoso
wages and working conditions wero
investigated hy tho legislative com
mlttco chosen for that purpoao or
moro than ono girl of every four is
working for compensation entirely in
adequate to keep hor soul from tho
squalor of Immorality la tho aubstanco
of a report made to tho house by
Chnlrman Losey and associates, who
conducted the investigation.
The report follows a personal re
port mado ten days ago by Represen
tative Losey, In which conditions aur
rounding tho work of fomalo employes
of the South Omaha packing houses
wcro laid bare to the people of tho
Tho committeo reported that, ac
cording to the ovidenco given by the
female employes, a girl who had no
home cannot livo respectably on loss
than $ or ?9 per week. Tho employes,
however, sworo .that the female em
ployes must servo an apprenticeship
for a greater or less time before they
are qualified to earn those wnges. Of
tho conditions under which girls work
tho committee said:
In Lincoln and Omaha.
"Wo find that tho sanitary condi
tions under which the laboring girls
aro working in most of tho leading
manufacturing and business houses of
Lincoln and Omaha aro good. Wo
would recommend that tho labor com-
mlssloner Investigate the sanitary con-
.1111... .3 il. tad11 l,tiflHlnn a4f 41ia
UlUUUb ul nio aiimu muiiuiica ui iiiu
state. The conditions of the larger
laundries is good.
"Wo find from the evidence that tho
girls and women employed in tho pack
ing houses recelvo smaller wages than
thoso employed in any lino that wo In
vestigated, and in a number of cases
nre working under extremely unsani
tary conditions.
"Tho committeo investigated tho
weekly earnings of 4,750 female em
ployes Their wages ranged from $1 50 I
to $40 per week. Of thoso receiving
the latter wage thero were but three; (
bKtct'ii lecelved $25 a week, twenty
threo received $20, thirty-six received ,
$18, seventeen received $17, fortj-four
received $lfi, 111 received $15, fifty re-1
eolved $11, forty recoived $13, 131 re-
ceived $12, 332 received $5, G14 re
ceived $0, 311 receded $7, 292 re
ceived $S, 420 received $S.50, 210 re
ceived $9, 273 received SO 50, 331 re-
!,.. .,1 tm 11Q rnnnll'nrt 11 nnn rrlrl
received $1 GO, ono received $1.70, one
$1.80 and ono $2 17, forty-sovon re
ceived $3 and ninety-two received $4."
Tho committee further usstTted that
it feels under obligations to tho com.
mittett of Omaha women who helped
in securing information, 'and especial
ly to Mrs. D. G. Craighead. Tho busl
nebs men of Omaha and Lincoln were
commended for assistance In tho gath
ering of data.
Insurance BUI Favored.
After BometUitiK over four days' dlu.
ciiBHlon of tho code Insurance bill, tho
senate- recommended tho measure for
Passed by the Senate.
Tho following bills woro passed by
tho senate:
II. It. 3, bv Fuller of Seward
County ownership of telophones.
S. T. 39'l, by Tnlcott of Kno--Nlne-hour
day for womon.
S. P. 250, by Shumwny Releasing
stiito claims on school lands of Dixon
S. T. ISO, by PlaceU Provides that
riparian owners must clear streams
along their pioperty.
S. T :tti2, by Clrossninp of Douglas
Non-partisan judiciary bill.
Sunday Ball Bill Signed.
Governor Morehead has sent word
to tho sonato that ho lind signed Sen
ate Wo 2S, tho Ilartlliitf bill relating
to basoball. Tho bill as amended In
tho ltouso and accepted by the sen.
ato provldos that It bhall bo unlaw
ful to play baseball In any city or
vlllago without tho consent of tho
olectors thereof eprossed nt a speclnl
or goneral election, and unlawful to
play boll In territory outaldo of cit
ies without authority fror,i tho board
of county commissioners o pressed Irs
a resolution.
-- -w t------i-- v asanas
"A Growing Business
Cattle, Hogs and SKcep i
Steele, Si man & Co. !
Rny Slmnn,Ott Earlv,
Unttlo Salesmen.
lorn Steele,
Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us.
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters.
We Work for You.
Licensed Embalmer
noil 7i
Auto N471
Everything in the line of I
Harness and Horse Goods I
Harness Made To Order, Only "
Blankets and Robes of all' kinds.
Big Assortment of the best brand of Whips e
Repair Work that's our specialty.
FVedricksera (L Soul
Henry's Place
East of the Court House for the Best in
Wines, Liquor and Cigars
Bond & Ullard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies.
Nxslife Beer
Bottle or Kerf
JS.Grry Krumwiede,
j ji'
Sir. Unlnn
ti hta
A rctnitar graduat In madlclne. Oldest In atra and loncestlocatod.fi,
41 year' Special Practice ac snd experlonco are important. 14
Ovor 33
Authorized by tbe
Statu to Treat All
Ourible chhcr guaranteed
. ..
or injurious meuiomed used.
i treated by tnll and express. Modlclnes sent cvorywhera, free from gzo ory,
U breakaco. Charges low. Ovor60,000 canes
Lj CoQbtiliallon free and confidential, personally or dj letter. r-J
H Seminal Weakness and
Sexual Debility. oyot'hf'ul
CJ follies and oxoess causing night losses
and loss of nezual power, ptujpiefl and
blotches on tho faco, confused Ideas and
forotfulness, baabfiilncss and aversion to
society, etc. , curod for life. I stop nicl'l
losses, restoro sexual power, nerve and
bralu power, enlarge and btrcngtheo wealc
parti and make you fit for marriage. Send
for tS-e.n book and Hut ot Questions.
M C;f!Tiir Cured with a new In
H OlrlCIUrt? fauto Home Trent
W nnl fl mont. Mo Instrument!,
M Miiui 'wwa no pain, no detention
K from business. Cure guaranteed. Uool:
and list of questions frto sent sealed.
Ask Your Dealer to Show You
S The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness
If they Don't Have
Sluices Bros., in
X3sa s&stB
Abstracts of Title
A $I0,0U0 Surely Bond
B Guarantees the aconraoy of erory
Abctraot I make
v cscumbs cstnsr
m mmmm wmw w - .
Built on Our Reputation" I
city, Iowa
Dave I'rujmcr, Harry Bppvrstn,
IIoe& HlicopSnlosmnn. Ufllce.
Write Us. Ship Us,
Lady Assistant
415 Sixth Street
Sioux City, Iowa.
Dakota CHy, Wbrak
KnnlM Clfv. Mn.
Years In Kansas City.
.... M ... .. .. .. .MnKM.iH I
No detention from business P&tlcnu at a distance N
cured. State your case and send ior terms Sf
IF.. : a aim Enforced veins
vailbtlboiu tho scrotum, urus-1
Ins nervous debility, weakness of the!
sexual system, etc., permanently cured
111 M
without pain.
Ctindli;- That terrible disease In I
jguiiiiisi all Its forms and st jurf
cured for life. Blood poisoning and ail I
private diseases permanently curea.
On Chronic, I
Nervous asdj
Sscclal Dlx
eases. Vort
both sexes 90 piges. 2? plctnre. full I
description of above dlseascn, effects sndl
cure, sent sealed In plain wrapper.
iinflflwT.i."'1" lWm
Them, write or call on
Pearl St., Sioux City, in
causae 0
9 Successor" to
Dakota County AbBtraet 0
Bonded Abstracter
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