sasl r Ks . Extraordinary Offer Farmer and Breeder 1 year $1.00 Dakota County Herald " $1.00 Both Papers 1 year for only- $1.00 Farmer and Bteeder is n weekly fnrm and livo atook uingazuio edited nnd pubHstiod by furruuru for farmcro, It ia a journal you want to know. It is ably edited and atroug i nubjout mutter. Wlint you want t i know is ru luted in lauRangu you can easily un derstand. It makes uo difference how muny farm imperii you may bo receiv ing you need Farmer and Breeder to help you hi the live- Htook branch of your business. Take advantago of tho extremely liboral offer abovo and also direot tho attention of your noigubors to this speoinl bargain. Papers sout to dif ferent addresses if desired. CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. Ruv.J.Orows, Pastor. Services at the Methodist Kplscopal church every Sunday as follows i Preach ing at Ham; Sunday schoolatlu am; olass snooting 12 m: Koworth League or o m' Di-eauhliiR 7:!M p in. I'rnyortueotlug Thurs day ovcnliiKs at 7:80 LUTHERAN. Ilev.S.L. Keller. Pastor. DAKOTA CITY Sunday school every Sunday at 9:45 am ; alias ltlancne Hamilton, superintendent, preaching at 7:110 p m. ovory Sunday. BALEM Preaching ovory Sunday at Ham: Sun day school promptly at 10 am. K.l'.Oul bertson, superintendent. The public Is cordially Invited to all these services OVER 6.6 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch nnd description mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably rmtpntnble. Communlcn. tlonsstrlctljrconUUcntKtl. HANDBOOK on Patents Dent free. Oldest ncency for securnifr patents. Patents taken through Slunq A Co. recolre Sjxeuil notice, without charge, lu tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Loreest clr .'illation of any scientific) journal. Terms, $3 a onrt four months, Jl. Bold by all nowjilealers. MUNN&Co.38" New York Branch Offlco, C25 V St, Washington, D. C. ANTI-ROUP Roup In Poultry Can be Prevented and Cured Aftoryears Anti.Rniin '"as proven of trial ttlllrnUUp its value 25c Package. 5 Packages $1.00 In Tablet Form. ANTI-OUP not only prevonts, but (hires Roup In Jlaby Chicks and older Fowls. A Sure Cure or Money Back With every Jl order will bo Given Fre a formula tor good Lice Exterminator LEROY SPECIALTY CO. PHILADELPHIA PA. AGENTS WANTED. Better than Spanking Spanking will not cure child ren from wetting the' bed, be cause it is not a habit, but a dangerous disease. The C, H. Rowan Drug Co., of Chicago, Illinois, have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease, and to make known its merits they will send a 50 COIlt packngQ securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Fl'CO to any reader of the Herald. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co. are an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. C. H. Rowan Drug Co. Dept. A. 482. Chicago, III. PREVENTION Yi lute Diarrhoea (Jan JJo Prevonted and Cored A Iter years of experiments we liavo dis covered a Huro euro or money back. 25c Package, 6 Packages $1.00 Prevention Is not o cure-nil. It only pruvcntH and cuies Whlto Diarrhoea til baby chicks and (Jholera In older fowls. One ounce of prevention Is worth tons of ciuo. lu tablet form. PREVENTION CO. D0X112T. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J, AQCNTS WANTED M"r.irtrvjr uvi 'F'..imrii The II or aid, $1 per miKl-TXr-rwrtTtf'Tnnmi!Bnw-iimriTirjaBi BUCKBEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED I SPECIAL OFFER Mails t huHt New llmlorn. A trial Will makn ven our uettuanent customer. PrlZC ColleCtlUfl dUS,!7Trtetleil.t. 11 tn finest i Tmlp, 1 splendid t Uoio., a tmt tmIs- Uoa: id Bp"f mis. ci varttues in au, UUAUAM'KEDTpFl.EA'iE. Write to-day; Mention this Paper. SEND 10 CENTS t tc mtu poiug tnd pfceklof n4 rclT tLU vftln&ble etii L etHtqQ&l Of tCd poMbfttd, loftlbflr With toj blf icitruciiTDt eunuiui nrcunnu 'iaui iooift tUf Hi WOU kU 4Ct TUIIHN OI iMIU, riAQU, . ILW. BocUeo. T MWtSSS 1 dHB UASjMHVMMtf Vg-g 9 BsVHHHglHHi&BfllHHH&BBBB A Royal Baking Powder is tike luxury of eating -MADE AT HOME Local Items A baby girl was born to Mr and MrB Ed J lluey Sunday. Don't forgot Breuns coffoo, it In ntill in tbo lead. Van soils it. Andy Poterson has again tnkon tho job of motorman on tho strout car. Qoorgo Wilkins was in Lincoln on business last Thursday aud Friday. Prof Rioh and sister, Miss Francos, were over Sunday visitors at Winner. W L Boss was a business visitor at Dixon over Thursday night of last week. Fred Schmidt has purchased tho Harry Adair residenco, occupied by Vail E Purdy. Miss Mabel liouton, of Norfolk, 1b here on a several weeks' visit with rel atives and friends. Wanted to Purchase a 3-row corn cultivator. Address, T. J. Olson, at Sloan, Iowa, Route 1. Mrd Mollie Broyhill was tnkon to a Hiour Uity hospital last Friday for treatment for un nbocss. Mrs Sinclair, of Lincoln, was a vis ltor horo ovor Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs Geo Wilkins. M. O Ayros and Goo W Carter aro enjoying a duck hunt in the sand hill lakes in tho western part of tho state. Frank Kinkead arrived hero from Denver, Ool, Saturday, and is visiting at tho home of his sister, Mrs It L Broyhill. M M Beam and wifo and Clifford Judd and wife, of Sioux Git;, wero visitors horo Sunday nt tho Geo Bur nett homo. Mrs Geo W McBoath and Miss Alida Weeks were among the visitors to Omaha Sunday to see tho ruins of tho Easter tornado. J M Hney of Randolph, was a vis itor here Sunday at the homo of his son, E J Huey, while enrouto homo from Ida Grove, Iowa. Milo C Dodge, a firemauon tho C, M & St P By, nnd Miss Mario Halver son, both of Sioux City, woro married by tho county judge Tuesday. Wonted to Rent Small cottuge, 4 or C rooms, by August 10th, in either Dakota City or South Sioux City. Address, The Herald, Dakota City. Harry H Adair and wife, nnd Miss Pearl Wilson, of Sioux City, went to Omaha Saturday ovoniug to visit at the John W Gribble home and view tlio tornado ruins. George and Frank Barto. Mrs Bon Clinso and Delia Spencer, of Wake Held, and Mrs Henry Ctiuleo of Cairo, Neb, were horu last Wednesday to at tend the Jas Cooloy fuuoral. With tho opening of spring I nm again prepared to euro for your paper hanging, painting and docorating. Get my estimutes before ordering your work dnuo. Bert lirnsileld, Dakota City, Nob. Mrs N R Branfield camo over from Lnwtnn, Iowa, Wednesday, whoro she has been visiting nt tho homo of her daughter, Mrs John Barnes, and will make a short visit horu with hor moth er, Mrs S C Ililemnn. John N Johnson was down from Na ooru last Friday on business matters. His two children, Rudolf and Helen, who have boon attending school hero the past winter, accompanied him homo to help with the summer work on the farm, F L Graves and family woro sum moned to Norfolk last Wednesday even ing by tho illness if Mr Graves' moth er, Mrs Ilomor J Graves, who passed away tho following day. Tho fu neral services were held Sunday ut at Norfolk, tho homo of tho deceased woman. S M Sayre, step-brother of G W Sayro, died at his homo in Brookings, S D, March 12, from injurioB received from n cave-in nt a suud pit where he was working when several tons of earth partly buried him and injured him internally. Ho wns G2 years of age, und leavos a wifo und five child ren. Tho ladies of the M E church will hold a salo at tho S A Sliusou store Saturday afteruonn, beginning at 1 :30, when they will liavo tho following of ferings ou Hale: Bread, cake, pies, cookies, fried-cakes, baked beans, dressed chickeus, eggs and button A splendul opportunity to avoid your Saturday baking uud sample somo ono cIbo s cooluni;. George Corwiu aud Miss Emma Grier, both in tho employ of Mat l'miglt, oi near wiiiiicuugo, wro mar ried horo last Saturday at tho George Harnett home, J P Rockwell, justioo of tho peuou, officiating Mr Uorwiu is un old Dakota county boy, having been a resident of OmaU prccinot nearly all his lilo. Wo wish him and his bride ubundant hoppinens in their murii.urt life. They will continue their residence on the L'uugh fnira. A change in business ilrms and lo cations took plucu huro tho past week in which uuothor grocery store will bo added to the list of business arras. Y li Ross will put a stock of groceries in tho store room ownod by him in tho bauk block. D M Noiswangor has purchased tho building formerly used for a saloon and owned by tho Sioux City Brewery company, uud will move his drug storo, tho Dakota City Phar macy, iuto it as soon as nooded repairs mm improvements enn Do ma In. will mako him it nice cozy plaeo. Tho pool hall operated by Ohus Hall hus beon discontinued for tho present tho stock disposed of and tho fixtures ro I moved to the Fred Deorman building. Tho Herald for Nows when it is Nows Wm Rhody hns gono to Hubbard to work on a farm. For Salo Cottonwood lumber, $20 por thousand. Thos Ourran. A big bouncing boy wns born to Mr aud Mrs Jas Clark last Thursday. Robert Evaus jr camo up from Lin coln last wcok for a short vacatiou. Mell A Sohmicd was homo from Lincoln from Friday until Monday. Harold Londrosh wns up from Wiuut bago a few dnys tho past week. Buy a good farm ou tho Dakota ounty bottom, I havo it. Eimors. V P Matthows nnd family departed tho past wcok for Espnuola, Fla, to mnko their homo. Mr and Mrs Vail E Purdy woro vis itors ut Oniuha from Snturday uutil Monday, with relatives. Mrs O A Bakor, of Randolph, is visiting horo this w"eek at tho homo of hor sister, Mrs Ed J Huoy, Mrs Emma Halo nnd Mrs Douthott, of J'ouca, wero guests at tho Alfred Seymour homo last Friday. Olarcnoo Howard camo in from Rook county, Neb, Saturday, for a visit with his mother, Mrs C B Howard. , Mrs Henry Wcignnd and daughter, of Sioux City, spout a fow days hero this week at tho R L Broyhill homo. Wo have a better stook of Hardware oto, than wo ovor had, aud you will find our pricos right. Sohriovcr Bros. Frank Halo, formerly of Allan, Neb, orders his Herald sent to Wallace, Calif, whero ho and his wifo now re side, Anton Liu-son, from nonr Ponoa, wns down on business Monday. Tho Herald wilt visit his homo each wuok hereafter. Mrs Ida Stallborries camo ovor from West Point, Nob, Wed nesday, to soo tho now baby nt tho homo of hor brother, Jas Ulark, Frank Hirsoh and family, of Sioux City, who removed to Kissimmep, Fin, last fall, returned to Sioux City, Sat urday, whero thoy will again tako up their residonco. Henry Beorman returned Saturday from n several months' visit nt his old home in Stcimbke, Germany. His brother, August, accompanied him to Amorioa nnd will mnko his futuio home hero, Tlio bill introduced in tho houso of representatives by McAllister for an appropriation of $1,C00 for thu im provement of Crystul luko, was indefl nately postponed which nt this time means nothing dying. Tho election in Dakota City Tues day wns without interest, only ono ticket being in tho Hold. Thirty-two votes wero enst, of whioh Henry Lnhrs received 23, Wra Neimoyer 27 aud D Van do Zeddo 29, with four scatter ing votes. Alfred Shepherd, of Sioux City, brother of Mrs Bert Powell of this place, was found dead at his homo Tuesday afternoon. Shepherd had suffered with stomach trouble, and hud been using morphino lor rolief, and it is thought that ho had taken an ovcrdoao of the drug. Snmuol Gribblo uud wifo arrived hero Saturday evening from Humes ton, Ia, whore thoy spent tho wintor with their children. Mr Gribblo will go to Goodwin, 8 D, noxt week whoro he owns Innd und whoro two of his sons reside. His wifo will romaln hero for a while with her dnughtor, Mrs Geo Barnott. Tho election in South Sioux City Tuesday wits rather spirited, and brought out a total of 283 votes, Tho newly elected ofllcors are as follows: Mayor, W A Morgun; City Clerk, Os car Stamm; Treasurer, Ileimuu Fouls; Police Judge, J P Moredith; City En gineer, John Burtlott; Counoilmon, First ward, A B Cownie and J H Smith; Second ward, Josoph Clements and M V Klarraan; Third ward, H A Phillips aud E J Metz. Tho resignation of Rev S L Keller, as pastor of tho Salom aud Dakota City Luthurau pastorate, which whh handed to tho joint counuil on tho 21st inst, wan duly considered und a unani mous voto taken declining to nccept said resignation. Rov Kollor viewing this uotion as an ondorsomont of his labors in tho abovo pastorate, has siuoo then signified his willingness to with draw tho icsignation, and contiuuo his labors among tho oxcollont and be loved peoplo of tho two churches. Card ofThank3. Wo wish to thank tho many friends who co thoughtfully and kindly assist ed us in thu buiiul of our husband and father. Mrs James Cooloy and Ohildron. Tho following clipping from an Or egon City, Ore, paper, has roforonoo to Michuel Long, brother of Thoo Long, of Hubbard; Pat' Long, of South Sioux City und Richard Long, of Poucu: Michael Long, of Greenpoint IToao Corapnuy, No fj, was eleoted chief of tlio iiro department Monday. He re ceived 44 votes. F W numphrys, of Columbia Hook & Ladder Compuuy, Wo 1, received 25 votes. O T Gott borg, of Hose Company, No 3 receiv ed 35 votes und Fruuk Schoouborn, of Fountuiu Hoso Company was hon ored with 21 votes, Joseph Myors had no opposition for ussiBtant chief and received 90 votes. Mr Long bus been assistant chief for one your and sucooods Charles Huuuuford, who has mudo a lino rec ord. Tho now chief assumes tho du ties of office noxt Monday. Dtspito tho fact that it was expected tho voto would be the lurgest over cast for u flro chiof, it was smaller than lust year, only 132 ballots being deposit ed in tho box. More than 150 votes woro oust last year. Tho ofllcors of olection wero Jack Frost, chuirman J of tho judges; Harry Frcomun, judge uud Jacb Ulcasou, clork. Look to Vour Plumbing, You know what happons to a house in whioh thu plumbing is iu poor con dition overybody in tho house is lia bio to contract typhoid or somo othor fover. Tlio digestive organs perform tho mi mo functions iu thu huinuu body us thu plumbing does for thu houso, It fund thoy should bu kept in first olutn condition all the time. If you liavo any trouble with your digestion tako Chuniburluin's fitomuoh aud Liver Tuhlots uud voll aro certain of nuiok - --- -4 - iclief. For oalo by all doalors. Adv. ADVERTISED LETTERS ltomntnlnir in tho pcstodlco at Dakota, Neb., for tho mouth oimIIiir March 31, 1V13I Oharlos Acton Mr. CalSackott Mr. Wroy Anderson Mrs.Artlo Htcplions Sllvln Anderson May Wanner Mr. I.eoro llarton Mrs. Ornco Wood V. H. Maxllnld Mrs. AV. W. Whitfield Parties callttift for tho above plenn say "advertised." Jon: II, Kkam, Postmastor. List of letter? miunlnlnfi unclaimed In tho lKntolllco at Jackson, Nob, for month t-imniK .1111 run iii, ivim Mrs.Tonoy Larson Mrs Karl Nojcdty Frank llyrno Jake llortclson Jno iMc.IiOonoy lI.V.Hlanson Parties cnlllmr for tho aliovo plrnse say ntiveriiscu." a, j. i-iyks, rosinmslur Wanted you estimates Ml io maico you estimates una prices on your bufUtlugs largo or Bmall. Can inako you plnns mora practical than somo architects, at half tho prioo usually ohnrged. W O Mitchell. Care Herald, Pound a Cure for Rheumatism. "I sufforod with rheumatism for two years and could not got my right hand to my mouth for that lougth of Hum," wj-itos Loo L Chapman, Maplcton, la. "I Buffered torriblo pain so I could not sloop or lie' still a night. Five years ago I bocan using Chamberlain's Liniment and iu two mouths I was well uud have not sufforod with rhon mntism since." For sale by all doal ors. Adv. For Sale. 05 bushels boardless life Wheat, 25 bushols Flax. DO bushols Barloy, All Burleigh County, N D, grown, aud of best quality. Louis Brutsoho, Hubbard, Nobr. Unusual Offer to Our Readers. For a limited timo, uud subject to withdrawal after 80 days, tho well kuown publishing house of tho J B Lippinaott Company, Philndelphin, founded 1702, offers tho renders of this papor a 15 mouths' subscription to "Lippiuootl's Magazine" and a year's subsoiption to the Herald, both for $3.00. This is tho pricu of a twolvo months' subscription to "Lippincott's" alouo. Additional to obtaining ovory issue of this papor for u yoar, our read ers will reodvo in "Lippincott's," 15 great complete novols by popular nu thors, 105 short storios, crisp, enter taining, original; 45 timely articles from tho pens of mastors, nnd cuah month somo oxcollont pooms with tho right sentiment, und, "Walnuts nnd Wino," tho most popular humor soc tiou in America. To obtain this extra ordinary offer prompt notion is neces sary. Remit to J B Lippinoott Com pany, Washington Square, Philn, Pa, Straight at It. , Thero is no uso of our "boating around tho bush." Wo might as well out with it first as lust. Wo wunt you to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tho next time you havo u cough or cold. Thero is no reason so fur us wo cau sop why you should not do so. This pre paration bv its romnrkablo cures hus gained a world wido reputation, nud people everywhere speak of it in tho highest terms of praiso. It is for sale by all dealers. Adv. Lost. Tho publio will take notice that a noto answering tho following descrip tion was lost during thu summer of 1912 Noto for tho principal sum of Ono Thousuud Dollars ($1,000 00) nnd dated at Dakota City, Nebraska, ou or about Fobruury first, 1912, duo in one yoar from its dnto, and drew interest at tho rato of 3 por annum from its date. This noto was executed by John F. Borgor uud Ida Borgor in favor of Lucy Ann Bergor. The finder of this piomissory noto will kindly roturn tho sumo to Lucy Ann Burger ut Dakota City, Nebraska. The publio is warned ngainst the pur chase of tho sume since any negotia tion of tho sumo will bo criminal. Dntod Dakota City, Nobraska, Maroh 17. 1913. Lucy Ann Borgor. Cough Medicine for Children. Too much care cannot bo used in se lecting a cough medicine for ohildron. It should bo pleusant to take, contain no harmful substauoo and bo most ef fectual. Olnmborluiti's Cough Re medy moots theso requirements and is a luvonto with tho mothers of young children everywhere, For sale by all dealers. Adv. Saving Time in the Busy Season. The busiest business man takes many short cuts iu getting his work dune quiokly and well. Farmers find many short cuts iu doing farm work in the columns of Tho Iowa Homestead. Many of thorn havo illustrations of labor-saving devices Hint any farmer cau make at little cost. Wo furnish I ho Iowa Homestead in connection with our own papor at tho low rato of $1.25 por your for both papors. For Srxla A quantity of llux sood, Enquiro at Tho Herald oflloo. Homestead Land fiiorra Nevada Foothills, Good Land, Water, Wood, Range, Uig Oaks, Fish aud Oumo, Living is choap, wintor a joke, No snow, ltoom for Hundreds, You're Noxt. Copy of Gov. Township Plat of tho land, und nil questions answered, $1.00. Huves you $99.00. No remittance, No unswur, Itosidont 20 yours. A. KENOYElt, (locator). Hanford, California. REAL ESTATE TRAN8FERS. Hurry It Adnlr nnd wife to Minnie Schmidt, lots 7, H unci V, bile 170. Dulo tu Ulty t Kqiilldlilo (Jo. J A Muuntm. pros, I M, noo, to IJ M Is'tiUuitiiRur, nnrt of lota ID. II, IS, III Ic UO, Drkou Ulty.. I.lliolu Oeoruo and litislmnd to John Hlirovu, loin 1 und 'J lu hlk 'J, Moun A Hunt's add to Ho HluuxUlty It M I,o r l(o and wlfu to flora J lltr rliiu, oHswiinwh 2-27-S Wm V llatclcft und wifo to K II Hor, 875 irxx) 12(X) 2O10 so'j no)., M.B7.(1 I.oi lU Kiliniwlodo uud wifo to W H ilicUoy. nwh itwh II, and K imH H, all In .'U-7 t.uolln Ktosltolf to I, II Kordor, lit'!-, fcw'4 und lots 4 und fi lu Ilirinaii Itlorinan uud 1 f o to V J a- trunUui,ol4 ivi-.s , iwxi wt I860 II I'M Horses and Mules Alwaya on hand for salo for ovorj' .. I bo ly. J M JJany, Jaolteon, Nob, HOMKK. Mien Mnbol Miles arrived from On nvra, la, on Saturday nnd after April 1st will bo Homer's now "110110" girl, with Bossio Lacomb as Assistant, J E Wagner is hero en a short visit with his sons , Walter Rymil wns a business caller in tho city Wednesday aud Thursday Helen Stidworthy wns homo ovor Sunday with her folks, A necktio basket sooinl wn elwen M tho Combs school, fouth of town, on Friday ovening. Results, nbout $10, Tho Rotuoh club had a banquet at tho hotel, Tuesday ovoniug. Mrs Job Cooloy and children visited horo several days tho past week nt tho Geo Whaloy homo. Mrs Alfrod Soymour, of Dakota City, viBitod at tho Beardshoar homo horo ovor Sunday, Geo O Blessing was looking nftor business nt tho county seat Monday. Mrs G M Best visited nt Dakota City ovor Sunday. TIib body of Mrs N Diertip, who diod in a Sioux City hospital Sunday, from injuries roooived in a fall somo wcoks ago, wnB brought to Homer Tuosdny for burial, At tho vitiligo election hold horo Tuesday Dr D B Btidworthy, W E Kinnoar aud N R Smith woro oleotod mombors of tho board. So Homer will contiuuo to bo a "wot" town. Fred Oohander nud wifo autoed to tho city Wednesday. Willio Sanford captured a big groy wolf ou tho George Hi.rris farm, south east of Homer, ono day lust wcok in a stool trap, SALEM Mrs M G Leamor returned homo Saturday from a Sioux City hospital, Herman Sundt went to Atkinson, Nob, Snturday, to visit his mother, who is taking treatment for rhonma tism from a spociulist located thero, Uo returned Monday and states that his mother is rapidly rocovoriug from tho diccaso aud hopes to entirely re cover. MrB Ed Morgan was hostess to tho WYD club laBt Wednesday. Tho rooms were decorated iu purplo nud whlto. A 4 o'clock luncheon was sorv ed. Gladys Armbright was oporatnd on nt a Sioux City hospital laBt Thursday for appondioitis aneia rooovcring uloo- iy- E H Cnrnoll enrao down Tuesday from his pluco uenr Ponon, and re turned Wednesday with four loads of machinery and bo mo cows. Btati or Omo art or TOlWM, I . Lucas oocirrr. f Frank 1. Cheney makes onth that be to senior partner of tho erm ot F. J. CiiiNir & CO.. dotoc, business In the City ( Toledo, County tod ! aforesaid, and that said firm will py tb m ot ONE IIUNDnED TJOLI.AH3 for each and rverT run nt Catarrh that cannot bo cured by KM DM M HALL'S CATARRH CUIIC FltANK J. CIIEWBV. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my prasenoa, this 6th day ot December, A, I)., I'M. I I A. W. OLEAOON. 1 t. I Notart PCDUC. Hall's Catarrh Curs Is taken Internally and sets directly mxin the blood and mucous surfaces ot tbo system. Send tor testimonials, free. V. J. CIIUNEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druenlsts, ;sc. Tuke Hall's Tamlly I'llls lor constipation. First publication .i-'JS-Dw NOTICE HOU TAX DKKD. ToOhnrlcs I). Sinlluy. AV. ir.Oooruo, Oar rle K. Guntt, and James M. Woodcock, tlio porsons lit whoso mimes tltlo or apparent title appears ot record In tlio olllcnof tlio Olork and cx-olllolo lteiilstor of Deeds of Dakota Uounty, Nebraska; and to Junius M. Woodcock, the person lu notunl pos session: You nnd ouch of you nro lioroby notified, Unit nt u l'rlvato Halo of lands and lots for tMx, IihMoii AnrllR. lull, by tlio TiiuiHiirnr of DakolaUounty. Nobrnskn. Lot S, In llloe.k 4, In Smiley nnd UeoiKe'H Addltloir to Konlh Sioux Ulty, In Dakota Uounty, Nebraska, was sold to Alfred l'lzoy for the delinquent taxos Interest nud costs of the years lbU! to to llMfl.lnoliiHlvo; tlint said real estate was not assessed In tlio liiiiuo of any person for nny of said yt-arsorfoi'tliosubscuiiontyelirs of 1010. 11)11 and 1U12. oxcopt the years 1NU7, 1SW and 101'J: that for said years I8V7. lros and 1U12, snld renl eytatu wns nshessed In tlio numo of GurrloK.Guntt: Mint said real estate was taxed Mroacli of said .veais lbVJ to HU'.', Iioth Inclusive; that after the expiration nf three months from tlio date of tho service If this notice, application will bo innde for a tax deed to said real estate. AI.FUKD l'IZKY, Purchaser. First publication l)-28-;iw. NOIIOE FOB TAX DEED. To A. V. Knstman, Oarrlo K. Gantt and Jiunes M. Woodcock, the persons In whose names title or apparent tltlo appears of record In thu olllco of tho Olork aud ux otllclo HoKlstorof Docds of Dakota County, Nebraska; and to James M, Woodcock, thu person lu actual possession: You and each of you ant hereby notified, that at a Private Hale of lauds and lots for taxos, hold ou April G, 1011, by thu Treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, Lotl, In lllock 10, of Hallway Addition, Dakota uounty, Nebraska, Hecond l'lat, was sold to Alfred 1'1ey for dullimtieiil taxes, In terest and costs of tho years 1801 to 1PU0, Inclusive; that sMd real estate wua not assessed lu the nnmu of any pursou for any of said year or for tint subojittnt years of 11)10, 1011 und 1012, except tho years 1807, 1808 and 1012; that for said yenrs 1807. 1st and 1012, said real estate was assessed In the name of (Jiirile K. Gantt; tl.nt said real estate was taxed for cacli of said years 1801 to 1012, both Inclusive; that after the expi ration of throo months from tho data of the service of this notice, application will bu made for a lax deed to said real estate. AliFltKI) l'l.KY, I'uichaser. First publication 3-28-Hw. NOTlOC KOU TAX DKED. To Oharlt'H 1). Hinlloy. W. H. Ocorito, Onr rlo Unntt, K. If. Ilubbnrd.Trustoo, nud .inmoH ,M. Woodcock, tho norsons lu whoso iiitmoK tltlo or nppnrout tltlonppoursnf roc orl In tho olllco of tho Ulork and cx-olllolo HcKlfitcr or DcoUh oi Dakota uounty. No lirasluijand to Jiuiioh M, Wooucoclc, thu nnrsnn In actual nossosaloil! You and each of you aro lioroby iiotllled.that at a 1'ilvato Halo of lands and lots for taxos. hold ou Aprils, lull, by thu Treasurer of Dakota Uounty, Nonruskn, i,oin, in iiiock 4, of Hiulluyuuil (ioorKo's Addition to Houth Hloux Ulty, lu Dakota Uounty, Nubraskn, was sold to Alfred l'lzoy for thu Uolliiiiuunt taxos, lntoiOMt aud costs of tho yuars WJ2 to iva, Incluslvo: that said real ustutu was not nssossod lu tho nnmu of any poison for any of snld ytarsor for tho subsoquuut yours of 11)10, 1011 and 1012, oxcupt thu yours 1Mi7. 1HI and 1012; that for tho yours 1SU7 und 18VH said roni ttsiniu wus iissusseo ju mu iiuuiu ui i-. i II, Hubbnrd. Trnstoo.and for tnu yoar iviz was assofcsod In tho inline of l'l. II, Ilub-I bard I that snld roul ostato was tnxotl for iiuch of said years 1SW ts 11)12. Ixith Incluslvo: that uftor thu oxplrntlou of thiuo months from tho dato of thu sorvlco of this notice, application will bo mudo for a tux deed to suld leul ostntu. AI.KUIJl) l'IZKY, l'uruhascr. Klrst publication IWl-lw 1'IIOIIATH NOTI0K TO OIIKDITOUH. In thu county court of Dakota county, No braska. In tho niattorof thoestuto of JolurHlerk, Hr.. deceused. Notlco Is lioroby kIvoii, that tho creditors nr tlio snld deoonsoil will moot thu execu tor of said estate, iH'foro me, county JikIko ot Dakota county, Nebraska, at tint county court room In said comity, ou thu 10th day or July, 101D. on thu inth day of Almost, lulls, and ou thu 2(lh day of HuptomlMir, llllll, at liUi'olock a m.euch day for the pur pose of proKontliiK their claims for exam ination, luljustliiont uud allowance, Hlx niontliM ure allowed for creditors to present their claims and one year for the execu tor to settle said estate, f lom the IfHh day of March, Wi. Till notice will lie publish i d lu the Dakota County lleruld, for four unit euccissi( iy pnor to tuo lutu uuy of July, A 1) mil.'.w my hand, and soul of snld court, this 13th day of March. A. D. loin. 1), U. llK.Kl'KU.NAN. skai.. Uounty Judue STINSON'S iHMaiiHHaVMNaHi .Specials for Saturday, Apr. 5 For this Dvy Only One-half gallon Home Made Kraut 10c 3 lbs dried Peaches. 25c 5 lbs Prunes 25c 9 lbs Sugar 50c 1 lb of Good Baking Powder FREE with our 50c Broom ,v 3 Boies Matches 10c 7 Bars Beat 'Em All Soap ; 25c 4 lbs Al Rice 25c 5 lbs hand pickefd Beans 25c 1 doz Eggs " 16c Horse Radish, per Bottle 10c 1 lb Honey 15c We will have a full line bf the Celebrated "Hansen" Gloves in the first of the week. You ought to see our elegant line (also money savers) of Ladies' up-to-date Shirt Waists. StinsOn's Da.2c.ote. City Ilusht children, A Distant Message It is wonderful how much pleasure can bo obtained from a talk ovor tho Boll Telephone. To tho members of tho family who are away, it is so pleasant to hear tho laughing, cheery; voices of tho homo folks ovor tho telephone. To ho of the greatest valuo tho tolephono must mako neighbors of everyone everywhere. Bell Telophono service takes no heed of city limits or stato lines. Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everyzvhere, NEBRASKA B - Khe Hersvld !H ARN ESSi Everything in the line of v Harness and Horse Goods Harness Made To Order Only Blankets and Robes of all kinds. Big Assortment of the best brand of Whips - Repair Work that's our specialty. Fredricksefn (Si Son Hubbard WHY NOT MAKE S200.o a M0NTH- Ws v SSO.00 a Week, almost 310.00 a Pay BollliiR Victor Bafos and flrc-proof boxes to merchants, doctors, lawyers, dentists and well-to-do fanners.ttll of whom roullietlionecd of a saf o, but do not know how easy 1 1 la to own ouo. BiueHinon dcclaro our proposition ono of the best, clean-cut ninney.inukliiR opportuni ties over rocolvcd. Without previous experi ence YOU call dujillcalo thu euceess of others. Our liiindsoiuely illustrated 200-pauo cutaloR will enable you to present tho subject to cuh- WZjSSmm toraors in as liucresiuiK you wero pllotliiB tliom tnrouKii our iiioiory. sale iu it receivo auvico unu aniruuiiuu. u; . rr V'"B " t""" " . i- eonvliieliiK tulkliiK polnta which It Is Impossible for a prospective customer to deny. liy don t YOU bo tlio first to apply from your vicinity before someone olio rjew tho territory r Wo can favor only ouo Mhwaui out ot each locality. -...,. -.-, .f ... Our New Home. Capacity 20,000 . NcbraskeL it's daddy talking." TELEPHONE COMPANY NT for All News C6e Whan. It IS Nw I I I 1 Nebraska. hwhuwhb uiuuku vn uiiwiuini on f w e company vrau celebraied by orcctliifi tho most modern fafo factory In tho wofW' Wide nwatto men who received our special selling Induceraent, rendered It necessary lodoublo our output. V o aro Epenalmt many thousands of dollars en larijInBOurtaleaoriianlratloii, but to learn all particulars, I will coat you only the price ol a postal card ibk for Catalogue 16T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK GO. CINCINNATI, QHIQ . Safes Annually. "fl 4 ,1 HI jii ki s -&l 41