Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 21, 1913, Image 8

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    -f..)..W. ,
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K I r tTnULJA V A-
An Cacter Social.
With Enster but a week oft wo begin
!to feci tbo subtlo influonco of tho mar
VoIoub resurrection miracle, tho breath
of spring gives ua couraEO, and wo
aro all making ready to Join In tho
ijoiful chorus of "Ho Is HIsen."
'TIb tho forgetfulnesB of Easter,
T1b tho Joyounness of Easter,
'TIs tho glory of Easter,
That my message brings to you.
I must tell you of a novel hat sale
that a young people's society could ar
range. Issuo Invitation cards some
thing like this:
A Spring Soil of HntH from tho
A Ituro Display of Headgear
Ml Sorts and Conditions of Men and
to Bo Capped by
An Auction Sale of Millinery.
Havo everything imaginable In head
gear displayed opera hoods, mortar
boards, baby bonnets, a Mexican som
brero, polo cap, Tnm O'Shanter, sailor
cap, (Iranian's helmet, imnbonnots,
cooks and waitresses' caps, fool' cap,
dolla hats, soldier capu and all torts
of up-to-date and out-of-date millinery.
This will mako an Interesting and at
tractive) display. Havo band boxes
with uutrlmmed hats and trimmings,
which tho guests must trim and wear.
Thoso may bo auctioned off with tho
others. Acommlttco and a competent
chairman will work out tho dotallB;
perhaps something llko a rummago
sale would bo profitable
Eaeter Fortunes.
Either children or grown-ups will en
Joy this novel pastime. Have eggs col
ored as mentioned in tho following
rhymes and plnco in nn Easter pic for
a (ablo centerpiece or In a large bas
ket sect with ribbons attached:
Draw tho egg of violet, hue, '
You'llhavo friends both fond and truo.
Pink will bring you luck,
A lover full of pluck.
Gladly take the egg of green
For good fortuno may bo seen
Tho egg of blue,
Means lovers rot.
Do not touch tho egg of rea;
If you do you'll never wed,
IfyOUilrnw the OES ?J white,
Your truo lovo you'll seo tonight.
"YoVll marry In nnothor town,
If vou chooso tho egg of brown.
Theso Jinglos may bo written with
gold Ink, which can bo used with an
ordinary pen, or tho paper may bo of
yellow nnd tho Ink of whlto.
Attach tho cards to tho ends of tho
rihbon, tha eggs,- of course, bcln? cor.
cealed at tho other end.
Easter Party for Llttlo Folks.
Tho invitations for this pretty party
aro china nost eggs on srhlch tho
namo and placo aro written with India
Ink o gold enamel paint. They aro
placed In email hnndlcd baskets, which
may bo purchased by the dozen for a
trifling sum. Delivering thoso novel
Invitations affords much pleasure to
tho children.
An ogg hunt will occupy a good
chare of tho time from threo until six
Complete Outfit That Will Give
Much Delight to the Small Girl
Tho little outfit pictured consists of
K pinafore dress, an under-sllp, coat
d knickers.
Tho dress Is made in tomato red
ne ser.se; It la cut Magyar with quite
short sleeves; tho square neck and
ileeveu aro outlined with rod and dark
blue galloon, the't waist-band being of
th ksb: tba tucks at each sldo front
are osmed to foot of skirt, thoso at
back to the walstband only,
Th? under-sllp Is of pleco embroid-
'' cry cut with . long shoulders, tho
' ileevefc being added under a tuck.
i tfor tho little Emplro coat, whlto
Procure tho dainty eggs made nt tht
candy-shops at this season of tho year,
hide them every place, then let the
children hunt for thu'in. Mako ogu
shaped bag3 of tarlatan to hold th
spollo or havo small baskets. Award
prizes of yellow chicks, rabbits, but
torflles and any of tho many charming
novelties provided by tho stores fot
tho Joyous Benson.
Aftor this neat tho llttlo folks al
tables with boxes of paint, brunhet
and fancy plctutcs. Qlvo each ono nn
egg with tho privilege of decorating it.
Now for tho refreshments, which are
to be served at six o'clock, so tho chil
dren will need no othor meal when
they return home. First aeryo "magic'
eggs, made by selecting good smooth
potatoes; bake until almost done, then
carefully scoop out a holo large
enough to hold an ogg, tlo tho top on
and replaco in tho oven to finish bak
ing. Theso aro wholesome and fur
nish n tnyatory as to how tho egg got
there. Pass sandwiches and cocoa, and
then comes the best of tho feast
vanilla ico cream in tho form of eggs
In nepta of randlcd orango peel strips.
A green wicker basket drawn by two
rabbits makes an attractive centerploc
for tho table.
Caster Luncheon.
The Easter season seems to brln
with It an ntmosphero of JoyouHness
that makes us all exclaim:
It is a pretty fashion to bo glad;
Joy is tho grnce wo say to God.
So we tako unusual pleasuro In plan
ning those pretty Eaator week febtlvi
ties. A young brldo Is to givo a beauti
ful luncheon embracing all tho lovely
green, violet and pink shados, but tho
truo Easter colora aro yellow nnd
white yellow tho emblem of tho sun,
shotting tho goodness of God, and
whlto, typlcnl of purity and all things,
made now. A whlto or yellow ogg
will benr the name of each guest in
stead of place cards. They aro made
by confectioners and may bo oidered
lu any size.
Fruit is served for tho first course,
then duchess soup, in cups. Tins is
made from whlto stock slightly thick
ened; rub the yolks of hard-boiled
eggs through a grater and sprinkle
over tho lop of each cup Just before
bervlng. Chickon breacta or equab,
with cucumbers, diced potatoes and as
paragus tips will follow. An egg aalad
is mado from tho yolks of hard-boiled
eggs mixed with minced ham, replaced
In the whites and served In nests of
watercress. "Tho dessert will ho Now
York lco cream, which is yellow,
frozen in a ring mold, with egg-shaped
dabs of whipped cream in tho center.
Shower for an Easter Bride.
So often I have only spaco to give
suggestions that aro echoes that tloat
In to mo from far and near. For in
stance, n delightful shower to bo ar
ranged for n dear llttlo Eastor brldo
who loves dainty belongings and has
only hurtiuH to depend upon in piepar
Ing a most modest trousseau. Eight of
her girl friends aro to havo a thimble
party, nnd this Is what limy aro going
to do: Mako Just tho dearest negll
goo of white albatross lined with pink
silk and a boudoir cap with pink roses
and pink bows, all to bo Inclosed in n
big roso paper covorud bandbox and
presontod at tho table when refresh
monta aro served. Tho centerpiece Is
to bo n big basket filled with spring
flowers, and tho favors uro the dear
est hat bon-bon boxes you can possibly
imagine. Tho plnco cards nro hat
shaped and nil done In water colors
with floWer trimmings.
Vnrlstlon cf "Sllr.d Man's Buff."
Heio is a way to play "Ullndman"
thnt may bo now to somo of our young
rentiers. Form a circle and "count
out" to ace whoshiill bo "It." Numbor
each player, and tho "blind man" re
mains In tho mlddlo trying to catch
tho two whoso numbor ho calls, when
thoy must tako each other's places.
When ho han called on threo or four
couplos to chnngo and has caught no
one ho says "ono hundred," when ovory
ono must chnngo, and tho chances aro
there will bo n victim.
serge Is used. The bodlco Is cut with
long shoulders, and has an added
sleevo. Tho box-pleat at back Is
stitched at each odgo part way down.
Tho collar and cuffs aro of embroid
ered lawn.
Tho drawors aro of madapollam,
trimmed with Insertion and ombrold-.
Materials required for tho dress:
1 yard 44 inches wide, 1 yard em
broidery for undersllp; 2 yards 40
Inches wldo for coat; 1 yard 3G Inches
wldo, yard insertion, 1 yard ifto
broldory for drawer?
'4m;',.--, MmH.
fa t t l'mlU ' i
y " 'muffs- V
Ed Sweeney, Catcher of New York Yankees.
One of the most valuablo members of tho Yankee squad claims Chi
cago as his homo. When Manager Frank Chanco opens the season with
tho New York tenm he will find Sweeney a valuablo aid both as a hitter
and as a backstop. Ed can be called a veteran player by now, having com
peted for several years In fast company.
Chicago nnd vicinity has
Stanislaus Zbyszko weighs 240
Tho City of Mexico has baseball
league playing weekly games.
Mayor Fitzgerald of Doston is pres
ident of tho Municipal Athletic asso
clalon. Tho Columbia university soccer
eleven has Chang, a Chinaman, among
Its forwards.
University of Chicago basket ball
players seem allllcted with tho old dls
oaso of nearly-itis.
Palthnoro will bid for tho National
and Mlddlo States rowing races. Tho
latter Is annually rowed on Labor day.
Brooklyn billiard players, like tho
baseball men, seem to havo tho qual
ity of coming closo, but novor quite
Outfleldor Weed of tho Northwest
ern league lias a record that would bo i
hurd to bent He caught C12 tiles In a
slnglo season.
Henry Gowdy. who caught n few
games nnd nlso covered first baso for
a short time for tho Uraves, has boen
sold to Buffalo.
Glenn Warner denies ho recolvod
?2,500 for Thorpe's release to Mc
Graw. Will Christy Mathowson kind
ly look Into this?
Jo BuuhlliiK, Clark Grimth's young i
southpaw, saj'B if thcro la anybody
who is going to win a horth on tho
WnshlnKton team It Is he
Mnnagor Stalllngs, of tho Boston Na
tional club, states that thoro Is abso
lutely no chnnco of Tyler, Porduo or
Swoonoy bolng trndod by him.
Thoy say Chief Moyera didn't know
much moro baseball when ho Joined
tho Giants than dom .Mm Thorpe to
day Is that a knock or a boost?
"Constant Header" writes to say ho
likes baaebull players on the field, but
not as authors. Hut oven that is not
bb bad as having them in viuidovlllo.
lleio's u now schomo of Manager
McOrdw'B. On tho trips of tho club
ho will give tho youngsters tho lower
bertha and put tho votB In tho uppers.
Tho oddest bnsobnll sorlcs over
played would bo a world'B clash bo
tweon tho Now Yorks, led by Chunco,
nnd tho Chicago Cubs, owned by Mur
phy. "Hud" Cloment, former third base
man of tho Philadelphia Central High
School team, has signed to play with
tho Tronton club, of tho Trl-Stato
"Congratulations on coming into a
good town" McGraw. "Thanks, Mac!"
Chanco. Thero was no knock In this.
It was a case of show lng nelghborll
nuBB, thnt's all.
Five CubanB will appear In big
league uniforms in 1913. It 1b now up
to tho newspapers of that Island to
triple their forco of correspondents in
tho United States.
Somo gink dares to romark that tho
combined salaries of tho three regu
lar outfloldors of tho Red Sox Is less
than the salary said to havo bcon de
manded by Ty Cobb.
What's tho hotting that Mr. William
Charles Keltkaapunlhonua of tho Uni
versity of Chicago baseball squad Is
not nlcknamod "Kelly" by those orl.
glual college klddors?
That baseball is n lucrative profes
sion 1b shown from tho mannor In
which the players uro buying up good
farm land. Fred Clarko Is faat pur
chasing Montana and Kansjxa.
Another Member of Newspaper Pro
fession Enters Ranks of National
Sport si Secretary.
When William Locke bought tin
Philadelphia National league team hi
was not tho first member of tho news
paper profession to occupy tho execu
tive chair of a major league club. Ban
Johnsop, prurient of tho Americas
league, was a baseball writer in Cln
clnnatl 20 years ago. Harry Pulllani
was a Louisville city editor before be
coming secretnry of the Louisville
club, and later boenmo president ol
the National league. Ernest Barnard,
vice-preaidenl of the Cleveland club,
was a baseball writer In Columbus.
President Charley Murphy, of the Chi
cago Cubs, onco wrote baseball for u
Cincinnati daily, nnd qx-PrcDident
Horace Fogclj of the Philadelphia Na
tionals, was a Philadelphia baseball
reporter. Herman NIckerson was
sporting editor of a Boston newspapei
beforo accepting the secretaryship ol
John B. Foster.
tho Hoston Nationals, and John' 11.
Foster wrote baseball In Now York
boforo becoming secrotary of tho New
York Nationals.
Air. Foster succoeded Mr. R. H. Mc
Cutcheon almost nt the samo tlmo
thnt Mr, II, N, Hempstead succeeded
Mr. Frank Brush (his late fathor-ln
law) bb president of the Giants. They
will both keep closo watch on Mr.
Frank Fnrrell and Frank Chanco,
who abplro to mako tho "Hilltop' of
tho Now York Americnn leaguo more
popular than tho Gtnnts.
Reveals His Name.
Ted Corbott, veteran player and
manager, last year with Beaumont In
tho Texas loaguo, was marriod recent
ly and had to tip off his real name,
dropped because tho scorers could not
spoil It. It runs something like this:
CzkhapllcBhkl. Tho brldo vna MIbs
Cecilo Czaplowskl. Mr. and Mrs. Cor-
bett aro said to be distantly related.
It's a great old American game, any
way you look nt It.
Another Cuban Sinned.
Mannger Percy Wilder of tho Jack
sonvlllu Sally league champlonB hai
signed nnothor Cuban, recommended
by Victor Munon. Ho Is Theodore
Perez, nn lnfleldor, Ho will report
with Manuel Cuoto and expects tc
I work his way up to tho majors.
ES Mitm,M '4b,i
Kn w. vs VHP rasHisr
i i. A-w .uiii uuvk'.. ni ?vx t
I l iP ' : Mmi Dcals Becker.
1 v V- ?v t :X4MSatJl to take his place. Ho is assured of
1 r- ffif3Pi
V Jk
I 4lPlilll
For First Time Cincinnali Club
Picked as Winner.
Joo Tinker Will Strengthen Infield
Where It Waa Weakest Good Haul
Mado Vhen Seals Becker Wta
Secured From New York.
Cincinnati, for the first tlmo In
years, is picked to bo an acute con
tender for the National league base
ball championship. Its selection is
due to its having a now and versatile
manager in .loo Tinker, formerly of
tho Cubs. Cincinnati is said to havo
had a missing link in its llnc-up over
since Tommy Corcoran left tho team
In 190C. Corcoran played short and
tho ex-Cub Is now expected to supply
tho missing link that has kept tho
Kcds from winning a pennant.
It Is generally conceded thnt with
Tinker at short tho Reds will be at
least CO per cent, better than last
year, when they put Up a romorkable
fight. Basoball men in President
Lynch's organization say tho club
would have finished bniter, and possi
bly would havo won a flag, If Garry
Herrmann had had an lnfleldcr of
Tinker's caliber. They expect tho for
mer Cub to place tho club in the
thick of tho battle with Chicago, Now
York and Pittsburg. Their contention
Is that ho has men who can hit the
ball with any other set In the organi
zation, who can field as well, and
who havo tho speed. If ho can ob
tain better than fnlr pitching, It is
thought ho will give the first division
teams a lot of worry.
Tinker's Infield, taken at a glance,
is not tho worst in tho league. It was
only medlocro last season, and In
spite of that did remarkably well.
Tinker's presence will mako It ono of
the fastest in the league. No club
in tho organization, except Brooklyn,
can boast of a better first baseman
than Hoblltzell. His Hue nblllty has
not been brought out yet, but It will
bo with Tinker at tho helm. Egan Is
a sterling second baseman, but waB
handicapped by not having an 'experi
enced shortstop to help him. Assist
ing Tinker at Second, Egan is expect
ed to be a wonder.
The right side of Tinker's Infield
nnd half of tlio left can be compared
with any of tho other seven teams.
Third baso is a perpelxlng problem
for tho new manager. He has a com
petent man in Eddie Grant, but the
latter has lost much of his aggres
siveness and hitting strength. It is
thought, however, with Tinker at
short Grant will play as ho did with
tho Phillies. Should ho do so, Tinker
will havo a good lnfleld. He has fair
utility men in Esmond and McDonald.
Tinker's duties aro light when it
comes to choosing men to play the
outfield positions, although ho did lose
a good man In Mitchell. Some say tho
Reds will profit by tho Mitchell trade.
He had been with the Reds so long
that ho lost his enthusiasm. Marsans,
the Cuban player, is an excellent man
to take his place. He Is assured of
playing regularly In right field, as he
ts a natural .300 batter, fast and show
ing development In his hcadwork.
Reseller will bo In loft field and to
day rankB aa tho leader of the league.
That takes into consideration his Held
InK, batting, throwing and base run
ning. Ho fell below tho .300 mnrk
last summor, which should not havo
happened, experts say. It is expected,
though, that ho will climb abovo this
flguro this season under Tinker's sys
tem of playing. Hescher nlso ought to
be better In base running and field
ing with the spirit and ginger Tinker
plans to Inject into the club.
A fairly good haul was mado when
Beas Becker was secured from Now
York for tho wnlvor price. It Is not
likely he will play center field, as
Tinker has a better man In Bates.
Becker Is fleet, but is only a fair
hitter and fielder. "Bates possesses nil
theso requisites and llko Bescher is
assured of a regular borth. Ho In
jured his leg last season and played
In only oighty-nino games for an aver
ago of .289. Cincinnati's outfield Is
to bo ranked with tho best, critics say.
Goldlng Finds His Successor.'
George Goldlng, tho champion heel
and too walker of tho world, now liv
ing In Toronto, Is of the opinion that
tiiore Is a walker In Denmnrk who
sooner or later, will succood him as
champion His namo Is V. B. Gylke.
He competed In tho 10,000 meters
walk at tho Stockholm Olympic
games, making a good showing. Tho
Dane Is a natural walker, with a
tinooth and finished stylo.
DcPalma Gives Up Racing,
nnlph DePalma, winner of the 1912
Vanderbllt cup, has retired from tho
racing gamo. DaPalma has not fully
recovered from the- Injuries ho sus
tained In tho collision with Calob
Bragg at Mllwaukeo, and ho doubts
his nblllty to "como back" as a
driver. Ho will enter tho automobile
I business In El Paso, To., It waa said.
8 ip re n$ i i
2 "A Growing Business
xtic, nogs
I Steele, Si
Ray Slman.Otl Carl v,
Cnttle HBlcamen.
Tom Steele,
Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us.
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters.
We Work for You.
Licensed Embalmer
Wm. F
Ball 71
Axtto N471
j Harness and
Harness Mencle To Order, Only
Blankets and Robes of all kinds.
Big Assortment of the best brand of Whips
Repair Work that's our specialty.
FVedricksex u3L Son
jHenry1s Place
East of the Court House for the Best in
S xWines, Liquor and Cigars
Bond & Lillard, Old Elk,
HKeTitry Krumwacdc,
UEiRinLBiDQft) Ml
815 Walnut
A roBular sroduato In modlclno. OWoit In ate and longest located, k
41 vanrm' Sneelnl Proctlco nco and experience) arc important. -
Over 33
Authorized by the
Sluts to Treat All
Curable oases guaranteed. All mwilcme turnlabetl ready Jor use no mercury
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treated br raall ond ipriss. Medicines sent everywhere, free Worn gazo or
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Consultation tree and confidential, personally or by letter.
Seminal Weakness and
Sexual Debility, o'rVul
tollies and oxecus ousiiie night lotuses
.ind loss of r.csual power, pimples and
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.tociqty, etc., curedfor life. I stop nlfiht
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brain power, enlarge and strengthen weak
parts and make you (It for marriage, bend
for free book and list of questions.
ri.!.iMi Cori-rt with a new In
alTICtUre fatnblo Home Treat
j Aicpi mont. No instruments,
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from business. Curo fuarsntecd. uooK
and list of questions free sent sealed.
a masam
Ask Your Dealer to Show You
The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness
If they Don't Have ThEm, write or call on
'sturfjes Bros., 411 Peart St., Sioux City, la.
Abstracts of 'Title
A $10,000 Surety BoDd
Qnaranteefl the aocoraor of trtxj
Abctraot I mke
Built on Our Reputation" I
ana. sra.tsw
man & Go.
city, Iowa
Dnve PriMiner, Harry Gpperten,
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Write Us. Ship Us.
Lady Assistant
415 Sixth Street
Sioxxx City Iowa.
in the line of
Horse Goods j
Sherwood Rye Whiskies,
or Keg
Dakota City. Webrmka
Stroot, Kans&3 City, Mo.
Years In Kansas City.
Varicocele StS:,S..
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?...!: That terrible dlseasolnl
ygJIIIIIS) all Its forma andstaKes.M
cured for life. Blood poisoning aca all
private diseases permanently cured.
bottt sexCV-94 paei
BV fM StvAlklA
1 Nervous aid
i Special Dls-
cakes. For
bottt sexfia 94 paes. 27 pictures, fell
description of above diseases, effects and
cure, ssnt seaiea in plain wrapper.
Bueoeoi to
Dakota County Abstract Co:
Bonded Abstracter
i .
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