Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 28, 1913, Image 7

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    -. . JZTiwS Uf 'Jjij'iA'itf
1A W&rf
First Chorus Girl What do you
think of that roport ahout hor hair?
Second Chorus Qlrl False.
St. Clair, Mo. "My trouble began
about fifteen years ago. It was what
como claimed eczema. Tho form thn
disease worked under was a breaking
out with watery blisters on my hands
which would then dry and scale, and
then would follow tho trouble of
cracking and bleeding, also Itching
and hurting. My hands wero disfig
ured at tho time, and sore. Tho trou
ble was very annoying, and disturbed
my sleep. This last February It was
ever so much worse than before. I
did not do all my work on account of
the condition of my hands. I could
not put them In water without mak
ing them worse. I tried a lot of homo
remedies, also salves and liniments
that claimed to bo a euro for tho
trouble, but I did not obtain a euro.
"At last I saw the advertisement for
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment I sent
for a sample. I thought they would
cure, so I sent for a fifty-cent box of
Cutlcura Ointment and some Cutl
cura Soap. A doctor advised mo to
keep ahead with the Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment and they cured me com
pletely. No trace of the trouble re
mains." (Signed) Mrs. Mary Taylor,
Mar. 29, 1912;
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston."
In the Day of the Billionaire.
A brilliant New York lawyer said
at a dinner at the Lotus Club apropos
of certain trust magnates:
"Thanks to watered Btock-and wa
tered stock Is criminal abroad these
men are indeed rich beyond tho
dreams of avarice.
"If the watering of etock is allowed
to keep on we'll hear our billionaires
talking like this some day:
'"Hullo! There goes Jones In his
300 horsepower car. Do you know
"'Do I know him! Do I know
Jones! Why, man alive, Jonea and I
were struggling young millionaires to
gether!'" New York Times.
Automobile Aroma.
Farmer Hiram was mending the
front fence when an automobile
whizzed past, emitting a trail of blue
smoke from Its oil-choked engine.
Farmer Hiram's hand went to his
nose. When tho car had disappeared
far down the lane and the smell had
died away he ventured to address tho
hired man.
"Sam," he said, "they may be swell
city fellers an' all that; but they cer--tninly
was smokin' some vile sec
gars. Loyal to Her Teacher.
Sunday School Teacher Yes, chil
dren, the Lord made everybody.
Small Girl Did ho make you, teach
er? Teacher Yes. He made me, too.
Small Girl And he's got nothln' to
be ashamed of, either.
He U Still Single.
"You are the first girl I havo over
"And you'd bo the last man I'd
ever love."
Not In Sight.
Hokus "Do you think wo shall over
have universal peace?" I'okus "Not
bo long as women continue to play
bridgo for stakes."
Figuratively speaking, a man and
his wife are one, but the figures on
the grocery bill are apt to dlsprovo It.
Good Humor Returns With Change to
Proper Food,
"For many years I was a constant
sufferer from Indigestion und nervous
ness, amounting almost to prostra
tion," writes a Montana, man.
"My blood was Impoverished, the
vlBlon was blurred and weak, with
moving spots beforo my eyes. This was
a steady dally condition. I grew Ill
tempered, and eventually got so nerv
ous I could not keep my books post
ed, nor handle accounts satisfactorily.
I can't describe my sufferings.
"Nothing I ate agreed with mo, till
one day I happened to notice Grape
Nuts in a grocery store, and bought
n package out ot curiosity to know
what It was.
"I liked the food from the very
first, eating It with cream, and now I
buy It by tho case and uso It dally.
I soon found that Grape-Nuts food was
supplying brain and nerve force as
nothing In tho drug lino ovdr had
dono or could do.
"It wnsn't long beroro I was re
stored to health, comfort and happi
ness. "Through the uto ot Grape-Nuts food
m digestion has bqen restored, my
nerves aro steady once more, my eye
sight is good again, my mental faculties
nro cear and acute, and I havobecomo
no good-natured that my friends aro
truly astonished at the change I feel
younger and better than I have for 20
years. No amount of money would
Induce mo to surrender what I havo
gained through tho uso of Grapo-Nuts
food." Namo given by Postura Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a rea
son " Head tho little book, "Tho Road
to Wellvllle," in pkgs."
Uor rend Hie nlior Irilrrf A urn
one- npiicnra from time to time. Thry
arc Ki-uiilnr. (rue, nnil full of liuuinu
trreat. Ad.
Partridge Battles With Kidnaper
of Her Chick.
After She Had Freed Victim, Golfer
Who Had Witnessed the Combat
Go to the Rescue of
Her Brood,
Omaha. J. D. Haskell, a banker of
Wnknllpl... nnil .Ttirlen Eric Johnson Of
Putnam, wh'llo playing a match game
of golf several days ugo, wltnosscd (
a battle royal between a mothor part-,
ridge, defending her young, and a
Tho players were putting for tho sev-
Ncutecnth hole. Tho banker had made
his third shot nnd won tho hole, glv '
tng him ono up and ono to play As
tho Judge was putting his attention
was suddenly called to tho loud cries
of a mothor partridge, which Mr. Has- .
IV fI 1 llA4nAl mmhIm Ann Al rf MTCIOtli n '
IVL'II U1BV;U VUi UU IU.'llllll IHU Clll!'-""
ground. Tho mother bird was anx
lous to get hor four young ones away
from the golfers
Sho whistled frantically, shrilly nnd
pleadingly, prompting them as If say
ing: "Hurry up. hurry up for your
lives, my children!" At tho eight
eenth holo Mr. Haskell had toed up
In readiness to drive off when thU
attention was attracted by a now and j
louder shriek from tho parent bird
Her mind had been on tho golf
players and not on a Ittrgn hnwk
which had been lurking nnd hovering
near by, its greedy eyes fastened on
the plump young birds with a fe
rocity In no way limited or modified
by tho laws governing the close sea- I
Tho hawk swooped down and grab
bed one of tho chicks before tho par
ent could divert attention wholly
from the players to the bird of prey.
Mr. Hawk was rising with it, when
tho mother discovered the seizure and
made what might bo called a flying
leap for the aerial pirate.
Then followed a duel In midair, 15
feet from tho ground, which held the
golfers spellbound. They could not
havo Interfered at this stage of tho
battle had they possessed tho oppor
tunity, so fascinating was tho strug
gle between, on the ono sldo of the
fearlessness, desperation and spunk
Inspired by the mother love of tho
partridge, and on tho other sldo the
savagery of tho hawk.
' Both tho combatants tumbled to tho
sward, with the partridge on top. claw
ing, pecking and rolling over and
over. Feathers flew. Mr. Hawk was
Head of Chicago Mission Tells
How to Rescue Derelicts.
Harry Monroe Declares He Was
Tough, But Was Called From Life
of Debauchery by Conviction
of Its Hopelessness.
"With a Bible in one band and a
loaf of bread In the other that's tho
only way to save the man that's
"Don't drop tho bad man, tho man
thnt's strong and wrong. That's the
man to stink to. If you win you've
got a real one."
"Kindness Is tho thing Slap him
on tho back. Help him 'get a front,'
then nmko him hustle."
"Tho liolnlpsm hnoze liehter has lust
lost his nerve He's a dead one. Help
lilm matnrinllv ns well as mentally If
you don't he's a goner. Ho can't make
a play at all."
Chicago --Harry Monroo gives these
remedies for tho redemption of those '
who have strayed or have fallen.
Tho kindly little fat man with the
twinkling eye and a handshake that .
has given hope to thousands thus j
sums up. in advice to others, tho acts t
that have mnde him successful at Pa
cific Gaiden Mission.
Nearlv everybody has heard of Har-
... ."- . m, iinD i,o
iy murnui- iuuiis "" u..-w ..-
Is known as a friend Among cnurcli
folk ho Is tho genius who guides tho
Pnclflc Garden Mission, the "mothor
of American missions '
Still nuother class of people know
Harry Monroe. Thirty-five years ago.
when Pacific Gar
den, at C7 West
Van Hureu street. '
was ono of Chi
cago's most no
torious "free nnd
easles," saloon,
cafe and dance j
hall, tho "round- '
era" knew Mon-1
roe as a "pal."
Monroo w a s
then a joung
tough who fought
his tfay In and
"Wejll A Man Who out of tle dives
Has Been on the 0f Whisky Row
Water 34 Years and most of tho
Should Not Look time waB drinking j
Old at 60." heavily An Inter- I
viewer lemarked about his youthfully j
pink cheeks and clear eye j
"That's from more than twenty years
w tlin intnr urnvnn " lnllfhnrl ITnrrV '
UII MIU ,vfc. ..nuss ...MO..M --.-..rf
Monroe "You think I'm R0
Well, I
passed the 60 mark last year
'Thirty years ago I staggered past
this place. I was wandering aimless
ly I heard tho singing. I came In
and sat through tho service Says I
to myself, 'This Ib tho game that's
right. I'm wrong' I tried to drive
away that feeling, but it wouldn't go.
I came back.
New Emperor Is to Pay Series of Vis
its to European Courts
London London Is looking forward
to a visit by a no less enltcd per
sonage than tho new mikado, who as
the first original head of a thorough
ly modern Japan, will follow the Inter
rnMrnal custom of monarchs and pay
t spfles of visits to tho principal
our'- of Europe Immediately aftw
i mmm trf mmi
i kWBmmm si 7 1 wi
s n&fian ah s ivi
"afafafaftfafafaBBssssssHsssssssssssssw V -. Wv$v , . saaaaaaaafsai
I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH I . $k. ' 'JHI
MaBaMaaaaaaaafflasaaaaaMaaaaaarT - v,.vx. MsSbbSbbi
Here are two of the Washington suffragists in tho costumes to be worn
In tho parade of March 3. On tho left Is Miss Kathorlno Hurst in tho brown
uniform of tho "Women Farmors," of whom there will bo fifty. On tho right
Is Miss Edna Stnhl, wearing the palo bluo co3tumo of the fifty society girl
on his back, and tho mother partridge
kept shrieking and whistling to hor
children to toko to tho tall grass. Tlje
hawk had so much to attend to In de
fending itself from tho attacks of the
partridges that. It was obliged in tho
early rounds of tho combat to drop
tho chick.
After u desperate battlo on tho
ground, lasting several minutes, the
partrldgo loft tho attack and flut
tered In tho direction of her brood,
while the hawk doggedly made a dive
to capture another of her young. Mr.
"I heard men tell their experiences
in here. Tho testimony rang tiue.
That appealed to mo. so I said. "Hero
goes I quit the booze right now.'
That's what I did it was an awful
battle, but 1 won."
Mr. Monroe retold tho story of tho
conversation of "Billy" Sunday, na
tionally known evangelist, when tho
latter was Capt. Anson's "fairy boy."
the most promising athlete of tho old
White Sox.
Sunday and a group of drunken ball
players stopped to hear tho street
service on South
State street that
was being con
ducted by Colonel
Clarke and Mr
Monroe. Ho left
his fellows. Joined
the mission and
j while accompany-
the team In
I other cities, re
1 fused to play on
i Sunday and con
ducted mission
i services instead
Mr. Mom oo was
asked what It Is
"Song The Stuff
That Gets the
Heart and Pulls."
that wins nipn
back to self-re-
spect after they
hnvo fallen He pointed to a sign on
the mission wall "How Long Since
You Wrote to Mother?" nnd thon, in
' a clear tenor voice, sang a sympa
. .... .. e. ,.. . ..
""-" -h. - " .'.,..
, Rng. ho said "Mint is tho stuff
Ulat Bth to a "" 1,Part' a,,1 VMs-
UliUVjnJ -f- l ou 1-iiJUU.rv j njn.ua.M,
Private Says He Is Called
Meyer Because He Was
Lost on Liner.
Berlin. Whenever tho kaiser re
views a regiment personally Interest
ing stories concerning conversations
between him and somo of tho sol
diers form tho topic of overling talk
In tho barracks and eventually find
their wav Into tho nress. " These may
, ,. mnv not be true, but thoy aro al-
wftyB interesting, and tho latest Is
we vouchoij for
According to this roport the em
peror, whllo reviving tho gunrd regi
ment at I'otsdnm, was attracted by a
prlvato who was unusually tall and
awkward. Tho kaiser approached him
and nsked
"What's your namo, my son?"
"Tlfnnln llnvfli vnllr mftlnalv" on.
Bwored tho soldier
' "Titanic Meyer?" repeated itho
, , ll(lllll U J . , J WU. .....JM. J , ....
kaiser, smiling. "Don't you know you
bear tho name of a ship which sank
Intt April? How comes it you aro
named after a Bhlp?"
"Yes, your majesty," replied tho sol
dlrr. "That's tho roaBon I'm called
Titanic Meyer. When tho ship was
lost tho captain said to me: 'Meyer,
his coronation Ho probably will, In
deferonce to Japanese etiquette, mnko
the trip on boaid ono of tho lino cruis
ers of tho Japanese navy, although
being a poor Bailor ho would prefer
to travul overland in tiio splendid
IlUBKlnn court truln which the czar
has placed at his disposal.
In London It is generally sulci that
tho mikado Is a groat admirer of King
George and that ho is particularly
anxious to visit this country, but here
wo probably ur as usual nattering
t ourselves, for everybody who knows
Haskell and Judgo Johnson, wielding
their drivers, tlipn mmln for thn free
booter of tho ntr, and drove him oil.
Whllo they woro doing this tho
partrldgo and threo of hor chicks
mado their oscnpo, leaving behind tho
ono that had been dropped from tho
hawk's talons. It had sustained a
broken wing. The golfers placed tho
wounded chick in the tall grass near
by, whero tho hawk could not find It.
It waB still there when they wont
back in tho evening to Investigate,
but It was gone in the morning
Kindness Is the thing, though. Most
of the men who come In here are help
less booze-tlghters. Tho booze-fighter
has lost his nerve He's a dead
one. What he nvedH Is u friend.
"Chicago Is tho mecca of tho down
nnd out, because they know that Chi
cago offers more kindness than any
other city in the land. It is surpris
ing how fast young chaps from tho
country strlko the skids and go, They
get dizzy In tho big city, and fall
Ktndness Is the only thing that will
bring them back."
Mourners Obey Deceased's Wish
They Go to Cemetery In
Paris. When an old man named Jo
seph Hugheb was burled rocontly at
Aramon, near Nlmea, tho funeral pro
cession, according to the terms of his
will, followed tho cotlln with every
one singing an old song of which
Hughes had been fond. The old man,
who mot his death tluough falling
upon tho fire uhilo his wife was pre
paring his supper, was of an original
turn of mind and had kept his coffin
under his bed for twenty years, using
it as a wardrobe.
New Yorkers, Each 83, Long Friends,
Breathe Their Last at Fated
Mlddlctown, N. Y. At exactly tho
same hour Archibald Little Vail and
Abram Wilcox, old frlendB and former
business men of this city, died at their
homes after years of illness. Each
was eighty-three years old
" IM IT f 5) C M A TlTFT
why weren't you on tho Tltunlc? Then
we wouldn't be bothered with you
hero.' Since then I'm called Titanic
The kaiser laughed unrestrainedly,
but the captain appeared not to en
Joy the incident.
Criminologist of Cincinnati Says More
Than Seven Hours' Rest Is
Cincinnati, O "Seven hours' sleep
is all that Is necosBary for any hu
man being aud If obtained regularly
In certain hours nightly will keep the
body and mind In u healthy state,"
suld Koortmeyor, coronor of Cincin
nati, and famed throughout tho coun
try as an authority on criminology
"Much of tho disease of today In due
to too much or too llttlo sleep. A
person who hleepa over seven hours
has had too much rest. Men and
women who commit crlmo uro as a
rule long sleepers. Their minds grow
weak from too much sleep and thoy
acuulre tho don't caro habit, which
often results In crlmo."
tho now emperor of Japan Is awaro of
tho fact that ho Is a great admirer
of tho kaiser and that ho looks for
ward to a visit to Berlin with far
greator anticipations than to England,
llo considers the kaiser tho greatest
ruler living and desires very much ta
study tho German soldier and German
military Institutions close by.
City Wants "Real" Policemen.
Pittsburgh, Pa. In order to obtain
"real" policemen, Dellovuo borough
will advcrtlso for them.
It Is reported that eight now Trans
Atlantic liners nro under construction
for tho exclusive use of tho Canadian
Trndo. TIicbo aro being built by the
White Star, Canadlnn Pacific and
Canard Companies
The liners to bo built for tho White
Star are to be of tho wimo typo as tho
Laurentic and Majestic, and will re
place tho Canada and Teutonic. Tho
Cununl Ltnu'tt new steamer, Ascanla,
has already completed successfully
hor maiden voyage from England to
Montreal, nnd hor slstor ship will bo
launched early noxt year.
It Is predicted that tho Canadian
Northern will not bo slow In following
tho oxamplo of tho other big concorns,
as It Is a matter of common bellof that
Canada, moro than any other In tho
world, will bo tho country of tho fu
ture, nnd tho best field for Investment
by shipping Interests.
An ofilclnl of ono of tho companies
already building uleHiners for this
trade told tho American yesterday
that tho Ideal stcamor for this servlco
It tho two-cabin boat, having acorn
modatlon for second-class and steer
age passongero only.
"Wo do not expect that tho $5,000
cabin de luxo class will travel be
tween Canada and England vory ox
tenslvely." ho said, "but the business
that Is to bo obtained there will be
immensely lucrative and for tho noxt
hen years the oyos of the shipping
world wm ne rivoieu on uaiiaua. iu
Pannma Canal, undoubtedly -111 re
colvo a lot of attention, but tho busi
ness In that routo will bo nothing com
pared with the Canndlan trade for the
lmmpdlato future. Panama will do
volop and become bigger In tho years
to come, but at the present wo aro
most concerned with tho tremendous
tide of immigration that Is being di
verted from the United States to the
"The farm land of the vnst North
I Ty" Is tho attraction, and whllo this
flood of Immigration Is at Its height,
tho Canndlnn Government cxorclsos a
Btrlct censorship over tho class of Im
migrants ndmltted. In thlB way thoy
aro drawing their futuro citizens from
tho Northern countries nnd havo
shown an unwelcome fnco to tho poo
plo of Southern Kurope." Advertise
ment. When the Sun Will Die.
It may bo said unqualifiedly that
tho sun, like overy other thing con
nected with the presont order, will
finally cease to bo what It Is today.
Tho time will most surely come when
tho sun will havo ceased to throw off
light and heat. Long before that hap
pens, however, tho earth and other
planets will havo become "dead
worlds," like tho moon no life of any
sort upon them. It has boon calcu
lated that the sun will ceaso to throw
out Its heat somowhero about seven
million of years from now.
Nolle ProsBed.
Rastus had caught Sambo rod-handed.
"Ah'm gwlno hab yo' arrested foh
stealln' innh chickens, yo Sambo
Washln'ton dnt's Jess what ah'm
gwlno to do," said Itastus.
"do ahead, nlggah," retorted Sam
bo. "Go nhead and hab me arrested.
Ah'll mek yo' prove whar yo' got dom
chickens yo'self!" Harper's Weekly.
Important to Mothers
Bxamlno carefully every bottle ot
CASTOItIA, a safo and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
Hears the
in uso i'or uver 30 Years
nnrn '
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
"You called mo a dog, sir."
"Oh, no! Somo dogs nro vory flno
creatures, I called you a cur."
It is far worse for a womnn to mar
ry a man she can't love than it is for
a man to lovo a woman ho can't mar
ry. When a man begins to think of get
ting married ho never figures on a
church wedding.
Don't Let Catarrh
Best of You
It you have catarrh and arc neglecting it you are doing a
great wrong to yourself. In time it will undermine your
whole constitution. You cannot begin too soon the work of
shaking it off. Doesn' t require any great effort. Begin today.
"I Feel like a New
Uas. IIsnj, IIlaxe, of Port
tv.r. Out.. Uoz M. wrl
' 1 lisTo b. so a great sulf cr.r
lor 7.STS from Ihrosl trout)..
SaHaHSrtta organs, will be plain to you if you
aitrru. laoiuMiwD. isnikis
u 'St feWi wm under maw extracts irom the writings of eminent medical authorities
diCrir.ul doctors' cars, sna , , , . , , D. ... .
SSf.d &,.to'itl5ufiT;l!,wn endorsing its ingredients and explaining their curative proper-
ff 0,nfem0!1.nu:ni ties. It is mailed free on request.
Ttsrf I aw this poison In mr
Ph,?'i?a5SInBBa "The "Discovery" has been put up and sold In its liquid form for oyer
hViH'ico"c"i 40 years and has cvcn great satisfaction. Now it can bo obtained of medicine
KwftatsnStl'c.iS: dad5" in frm M wcll A trial box sent prepaid for SO one-cent stamps.
fMJ!fS"7'i.SI? -hsfJiSl Address Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
1ctlUf of Dr. Ban's Catarrh
,1 'i i
id. I sm imw abls to da
ork uni vrslk with lil.u-
tor work
ork antl wsl
yrs. 1 fMlllks a asw wonuui.
I swot
v .vcrvthlntf armiiul fn
thauk Odd. fur Idling- m
Uvs luntf snouit n to nnd soms-tllnillLsticaaBwUsff4ln,''
Wm. A. Rogers Silverware
given away
Absolutely Free
for wrappers from
or coupons from Johnson' sWashing Powder
This Is Our Offer, Read It:
For each teaspoon desired send us one two
cent stamp and twenty Galvanic Soap wrap
pers (front panel only) or coupons from
Johnson's Washing Powder.
Send 100 Galvanic Soap wrappers nnd G two-cent stamps
to pay postage; we will send you a set of SIX TEASPOONS
The3e spoons are Wm. A. Rogers silverware, Uie name
stamped on every piece. They are the Lavlgne or Grape
Pattern, Heavy A-i Silver Plate and guaranteed. You'll
be proud to own them. Go to your grocer today and buy
Galvanic the soap used by a million housewives. This
offer absolutely expires May 1st, 1913. Mail wrappers to
B. J. Johnson Soap Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
Tho American What'a your father's
business? '
The Englishman My-aw-fathaw-hos-RW-no
Tho American Then what's his
Queen Victoria Detested Tobacco.
Tho number of smoking roomB now
distributed over Windsor castle
would considerably astonish Queen
Victoria could she but see them. Ilor
lato majesty could never bring herself
to do moro than tolerate tho weed in
any form, nnd tho smoking room was
always rologatod to a vory distant
part ot hor varlouB .residences. Nor
wore tho guests permitted to solace
themselves with a quiet smoko in
their own apartments, ,as on their ar
rival thoy wero spoclaly warned not
to do so,
one ili mailer utter utltiK Allen's Poot
Uut, the Antliet'tle powder to ba ihalcen In
to the ahoea It inukea tight or new alioea
(eel eaiy. Gives reit anil comfort, Refuaa
BUbetlt"a Kor Funis trlnl paokage, ad
drcas Allen B. Olmated. Le Hoy, N. Y. Adv.
Its Kind.
"I UiIb a tentative arrangement?'
"Nothln' like that. It's jest to try
It out for awhile."
If you would strike a man favorably
novcr hit him in tho vicinity of tho
That I
tnr h Hlfrnatnra nf 15. V. flltOVl?. thrrrvl ft tVl!d
In uuo IJujr, uures urip in two inys.
. --. , -- ... - .
The uverngo man has a lot more to
say about what ho Is going to do than
about what he has dono.
Mra. WltiHlow's Boothlng Bjrup for Children
teelhtiiRi Bofteus the ruiiih, reiluceH lutlnmuiiv
Uonsllaya palu.curcH wind collc,2fto a bottleJUs
Pay compliments If you
pay your bills first.
will, but
Mnny n man fools hlmsolf when ho
thinks that ho lc fooling his wlfu.
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
has a curative effect upon all mucous surfaces, and hence
removes catarrh. In Nasal Catarrh it is well to cleanse the
passages with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy while using the
"Discovery" as a constitutional remedy.
Why the "Golden Medical Discovery"eradicates catarrhal
nffrntrrc r( t1i errrrorii i"rmr1c r1lf1rlr nnrl nthet TvOtrif
Dr.Pierco'a Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stomach, Liver
and Dowels. Assist nature a little, now and then, vita searching
and cleantloff, yet gontle cathartic, and thereby avoid many disease.
M2i Aetasl
Vi' til rtgnlir
1 1 ilx
sl leisgti.
iff clilclts. Hcnu ua
nainen of 7 friends that una tuculiatorn nnd f-et
book free. KivlwUlKemeay (Jo.,iiiacKweii,ukt.
Plants Need Nourishment.
A German investigator has discov
ered that plants resist cold best when
thoy are given special nourishment to
keep them warm. For Instance, to
feed a plant sugar stimulates its pow
er of resisting low temperature, much
as like food acts upon animals, though (
In less marked degree
Kver notice how eager one doctor
is not to boast ot the ability of an
other? Any man who shaves himself Is apt
to cut his best friend,
In the Provlno f
Western Oanada
DoTondeelra to acta
lrr 1 1 nmeetaail o I A A
AUItKM of that well
h-nnfl Vh.lt Ln.11
The arralabecomlngnoroUmltod
but no lesa valuable,
naya recently bean opened np for
aottlcment, and Into throe rail
roada are how being built. Vfc
(It will eonn coma when tnara
will 1m no
. A Bwlft Current, Sakatcot;a67.
farmer wrlupi 't cams on my
homeitead, March 1(00. with about
u,uuonnoi nursraanamacmB
err, and Juit IBS in caan. Today I
hayeVU) acres of wheat, SW acres
uf cats, and M aorrs uf flax." Mot
bad fonts: years, butonlr an In
stance ot what may bo done in
Western Oanada In Manitoba,
BaokBtcnewnn or Alberta. i-
bend at onca for Llteratarav
Maps, Hallway Bates, eta, to
J. I. hdKitM, trwer SW.IFArtt.Vi'S
.. wan. :u jidsH , u, rutaai.
aoTernment Acentt,oi
address Superintendent of
XnunUrratloii, Ottawu.riniiV,
Iowa land, 210 a. near Canning, Hughes Co..
B. D., 110 a. cult, bal. prairie, all tillable,
T r. house, eic. 3 A. Jonea, lllnton. Iowa.
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of th Northwest."
rW If
is NOW
Sioux City, la. "Tkat ALWAYS treat yesRICHT2:
Superior Service Sara Safety Farm Loaaa
Ask fur oneot our l'JU calendars
Lire Block CoiumUslon Merchants at
moux oirr, viwm oh
Auto Phone 4141 Iowa Phono 1S4S
Moaa A MoOaa Hafnar f rothara
Llv Sttok Commlssltn MiroMnts
tleorge ". Hefner, W. II. McQoc, Cattle BalesuMa.
I). D. Dryden.Uog.and Sheep Salesman. Boom ?,
Hichanelllii bionaCtty.Ia, Helerenca famished.
Get the
will read a booklet of