Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 28, 1913, Image 6

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van In truth, prepared for a long and
continuous Journey. There wcro three
pack-enmcls, lndcn with wood, tents,
find such cooking utensils ns the fru
gal Arab had need of. Certainly Ma
homed wns a rich man, whether he
owned the camels or hired them for
the occasion. Upon ono of tho beasts
they wcro putting up a mahronl, x can
opy used to protect women from tho
.un whllo riding. Ono Arab, taller,
more robust than th J4hers, moved
hither and thither Authoritatively.
Wound about his Uifhoosh or fez was
i' bright green cuiln, signifying that
the wearer had made tho pilgrimage
to Holy Mecca. This Individual
Georgo assumed to bo Mahomed him
self. And, ho recognized him ns the
beggar over whom ho had stumbled
two nights gone. Pity he hadn't
known, and pitched him Into tho Nile
when ho had the chance.
Mahomed completed his directions,
and walked leisurely toward George,
but his attention was not Uirectea
toward him. A Bhort distance away,
at Goorgo's left, wns a man, stretched
out ns If In slumber. Over his Inert
flguro Mahomed watched. He drew
back his foot and kicked the sleeping
man soundly, smiling amiably tho
...,n.n. n i-irlr wlilph hnd Mohamed's
foot boon cased In western leather,
muBt havo nlov In tho sleeper's ribs.
Strange, tho victim did not stir. Ma
homed shrugged, and returned to the
business of breaking camp.
GeorKo waB keenly Interested In
tual warfare, thrust George back so
vigorously that tho young man lost
hlB balance and fell prone upon the
sand. He was so weak that tho fall
stunned him. Mahomed stepped for
ward, doubtless with the generous Im
pulse to prove that In tho matter of
kicks he desired to show no partial
ity, when a hand caught at his bur
nouse. He paused and looked down,
(t wns tho girl.
"Don't! A bravo man would not do
Mahomed, moved by some feeling
that eluded Immediate analysis,
turned about. It was time to bo oft,
if ho wished to reach Scrnpoum tho
following night. Pursuit he knew to
bo out of tho question, since who
was there to know that there was any
thing to pursue? But many miles in
tervened between hero and his desti
nation. Ho dared not ontor Sorapeum
in tho daytime. Llng upon tho canal
bank as It did, tho possibility of en
countering a stray white man con
fronted him. Every camel-way fre
quented by Europeans must of ne
cessity bo avoldnd, every town of any
slzo skirted, and all tho while he must
keep parallel with known paths or be
como lost himself. Not to become
lost nimseir, mat was bis real con
cern. Tho caravan was provisioned
for months, nnd ho knew Asln-Mlnor
ns well ns the linos upon his palms.
There were snnd-stoims, too: but
. against these blighting visitations he
would mntch his vigilant eyo and the
Instinct of tho camels. Tho one way
It Wat Ryanne the Erstwhile Affable Ryanne
ttila mnn whn rnulil accent sucll a
kick apparently without feeling or re- ,n wh,cn hcs Peculiar storms might
Bentment. Ho stood up for a better , distress him lay in tho total oblltera-
vlow. One glanco was sufficient. It"on 0l ln way-signs, certain rocKB,
was Ryanne, the erstwhile affable j certain hills, without the guidance of
Ryanno of tho revorslblo cuffs: his wnicu, imo a goou snip oorcu or us
i;uiuiubb, uu luiKui luu uway irura ins
Ocorf Psrcival Atsarnon Jone, vice-
Jpresldent of the Metropolitan Orlontal
- Bug company ot Nw Tork, thirsting for
Smance, te in Cairo on a bualneaa trip,
oroce Ityanne arrive! at the hotel In
Cairo with a carefully guarded bundle.
JRyanne aella Jones the famous holy Yhl
ordea rujt which he admits having atolen
from a r"hi nt naeilad. Jonea mectn
a later ia inirouucru iu
rortune Chedsoyo by a woman to whom
he had loaned UO pounda at Monto Carlo
Major Callahan am
Fortune Chedsoyo
dim months tirevloualy. and who turns
out to be Fortune's mother. Jones tnkea
Mrs. Chedsoye andsFortune to a polo
game. Fortune returna to Jonea the
money borrowed by her mother. Mrs.
Chedsoye appears to be engaged In iomo
Mysterious enterprise unknown to the
daughter. Ityanne Interests Jones In the
United Romance and Adventure com
pany, a concern which for a price will
arrange any kind ot an adventure to or
der. Mrs. Chedsoye. her brother. Major
Callahan, Wallace and Ityanne, an the
jtJVflzmA '
united Ilomanco and Adventure company,
elan a riikv enterorlse Involving Jones.
Ryanne makes known to Mrs. Chedsoye
kt Intention to marry Fortune. Mrs.
fihedsoye declares she will notpormltlt.
lans are Imiu tu ivtiit Juftw fiMlltrif
for home. Ryanno steals Jones' letters
and cable dispatches. He wires agent In
New York, In Jonea' name, that he Is
renting houae In New York to aome
friends. Mahomed, keeper of the holy
carpet, Is on Ryanne's trail. Ryanne
Jromlaes Fortune that he will see that
ones comes to no harm ns a renult ot his
purchase or me rug. aianomou accosts
Ryanno and demands tho Yhlordcs rug.
Ryanne tells him Jones has the rug and
suggests the abduction of tho Now York
tnerphant as a. means of securing Its re
turn. The rug disappears from Jonefl'
room. Fortune quarrels with her mother
rhen tho latter refuses to explain her
mysterious actions. Fortuno geta a mes
sage purporting to bo from Ryanno aslt
mysterlous actions. Fortune gets a men-
rage purporting to bo from Ryanne ask
ng her to meet htm In a secluded place
that evening. Jonea receives a mesange
asking him to met Ryanne at the Engllen-
Bar th
e same evening. J ones is cornea
ft Into the desert by Mahomed and his
accomplices after a desperate fight.
CHAPTER XII-(Contlnued.)
The wind blew cold against his
cheat, and tho fact that he could nei
ther aee, nor ue lit tongue to moist
a hit bruited llpt, added to the dis
comforts. Back and forth be awayed
and rocked. The pain in hit aide wat
gradually minimised by the torture
bearing upon bla ankles, hit knees,
acrota bla thouldera. Finally, when
in. dull despair he was about to give
BD and slide off, indifferent whether
the camels following trampled him or
not, a halt waa called. It steadied
him. Some one reached up and un
tied the thong that strangled the life
in hia hands. Forward again, This
was a trifle better. He could now
eate himself with bis hands. No one
Interfered with htm when he tore off
the bandages over his eyoa and
south. The camels were now urged
to & swifter pace.
Egyptian night, well called, no
thought. He could discern nothing
but phantom-like grey silhouettes that
bobbed up and down after the fashion
at corks upon water. Uofore him and
behind him; how many camels made
up the caravan he could not tell. He
could bear the faint slip-Blip at the
beasts shuffled forward In the fine
feeavy aand. They were well out into
the desert, but what desert was as
7t a mystery. He had forgotten to
keep the points of the compass In hit
tiled. And to pick out bit bearings
T any particular ttar wat to blm no
ore simple than translating Chinese.
Far, far away behind he saw a lumi
nous pallor in tho sky, the reflected
lights of Cairo. And only a few houra
ago he had complained to the head
waiter because ot the bits of cork
boating in his glass of wino. Ah for
the dregs of that bottle now; warmth,
revival, new courage J . . , Curse
the Uckl There went one of his
pumps.- He called out. The mun rid
ing In front and leading George's
rarocl merely gave a yank at tho rope,
4'be camel responded with a cough
and a Quickened gait.
Presently George became Rwure of
el singular fact: that he could see out
of one eye better than the other;
and that the semi-useless orb shot out
little stars with every beat ot -bis
fcoart. One of bis ears, too, begau to
' Mtrob and, burn. He felt ot it. it was
(too Uk W r than a mushroom. It
had been a rattling good mix-up, any
how; and he accepted the knowledge
rather proudly that tho George Pcrcl
val Algernon, who but lately had en
tered tho English-Bar sprucely and
had mnde his exit In a kind of negli
gible attire, had left behind ono char
acter and brought away anothor. Nev
er agnln was ho going to bo shy: tho
tame tiger, as It were, hnd had his
first tnsto of blood.
Dawn, dawn; If only the horizon
would brighten up a little so that he
could get his bearings, Uy now they
wore at least tlflccn or twenty miles
from Cairo; but In what dlroctlon?
Hour after hour went by; over this
lingo grey roll of Blind, down into that
cuplike valley; soundless savo whon
the camels protested or his stirrup
clinked against a bucklo; all with the
somber aspect of a scene from Dante.
Several black spots, moving in circles
far above, ence attracted George; and
he knew them to.be kites, which will
follow a caravan Into the desert even
as a gull will follow a Bhlp out to sea.
Later, a torpid lndlfforonce took pos
session ot him, nnd tho senso of pain
grew less under the encroaching
And when at last tho splendor of
the dawn upon the desert flashed like
a sword-blado along the tsky In tho
east, grow nnd widened, Gcorgo com
prehended ono thing clearly, that they
were In tho Arabian desert, out of tho
main traveled paths, In the mlddlo ot
IIIb sense ot beauty did not respond
to tho marvel of the transformation.
Tho dnrk grey of tho sand-hills that
became violet at their bases, to fade
away upward Into little pinnacles ot
ehlmmrln(j gold; tho drnb, forralesB,
scattered boulders, now assuming
clear-cut shapes, transfused with ruby
and sapphire glowing; the sun Itself
that presently lifted its rosal warm
ing circle above tho aUspplug-nfl
place George saw but noted not. Tho
physical picturo was overshadowed by
the one he drew In his mind: the good
ship Ludwig, boring her way out into
the sea.
The sun was free from the desert's
rim when the leading camel was halt
ed. A confusion ensued; the camels
following stupidly into ono anothor, In
a kind of panic. Out ot the silenco
came a babble of voices, a grunting, a
clatter of pack-baskets nnd Baddlo
bags. George, ns his camel kneeled,
slid off Involuntarily und tumbled
against a small hillock, and lay there,
without any distinct sense ot wnat
wns going on round him. Tho Band,
lino and mutable, formed a couch com
fortingly under IiIb aching body; and
ho fell oBleep, exhausted. Already tho
Impalpable dust, which had risen and
followed tho caravan ull through tho
night, had powdered his clothes, and
his face wns stained and streaked.
His head lay In tho sand, his soft Fe
dora crushed undor IiIb shoulders.
What with tho bruises visible, tho
rents in his coat, the open shirt,
soiled, crumpled, collarloss, he In
vited pity; only none caino from tho
husy Arabs. As ho slept, a frown
gathered upon his face and remained
When ho came back from his
troubled dreards, a bowl of rlco,
thinned by hot wntcr, was given hlrn.
Ho cleanod tho bowl, not because ho
was hungry, but becauso he know that
somewhero along this Journey he
would need strength; and tho recur
ring fury against his duress caused
him to fling the empty bowl at tho
head ot tho camel-boy who had
brought It. The boy ducked, laugh
ing. Georgo lay down again. Let
them cut hla throat if thoy wanted to;
It was all the enmo to him. Again ho
slept, and when be was roughly and
forcibly awakened, he sat up with a
snarl and looked about.
His head was clear now, and he
began to take notes. Ho counted
ten, eleven, twelve camels, a car
feet and hands still in bonuago, nis
clothes torn, his face battered and
bruised llko a sailor's of a Sunday
morning on shore-leave. Tho sight of
Ityanne brightened him considerably.
Although ho was singularly froo from
tho spirit of mulevok-ncf, ho was, nev
ertheless, human enough to subscribe
to that unwritten and much denied
creed that tho misery ot one man rec
onciles nnothcr to his. And here wub
company uch as miry loved; here
wns a man worse off than himself,
whoso prospects wero a tllousnnd
times blackor. 1 oor davlll And huro
ho was, captive of tho men he had
wrongod nnd beaten and robbed. As
seen through Georgo's oyes, Ryanne's
outlook was not a pleasant thing to
contemplate. But oh! tho fight this
ono must havo beenl If It hnd taken
flvo natives to overcomo him, how
many had It taKen to Deal uyanne
Into such a shocking condition? Ho
was genuinely sorry for Ryanne. but
In his bouI ho was glnd to gee him.
One white man could accomplish
nothing In tho face of these odds; but
Saw Fortune, Unresisting, Placed Upon
Camel, Under Canopy.
course, notwithstanding that ho would
always travel toward tho sun.
And there was also the vital ques
tion ot water; bo must measure tho
time between each well, each oasis.
So, then, aside from these dangers
with which ho felt able to cope, there
was one unforeseen: tho chance meet
ing with a wandering caravan headed
by white men In search of rugs and
carpets. Theso' foplB wero eternally
hunting about the wastes of the
world; they wero never satisfied un
less they were prowling Into countries
where they had no business to be, wore
always breaking the, laws of tho cn
llphs and tho Koran.
Tho girl was beautiful In her pale.
foreign way; beautiful as the star of
the morning, as tho first rose ot the
Persian spring; and he sighed for
tho old days that wero no more. She
would havo brought a sultan's ransom
In the mnrkot Hut th accursed
Ferlnghl wore everywhere, and these
sickly If handsome white womon wero
more to them than their heart's blood;
two white men, that was a different J why, ho had never ceased to wonder,
matter. Ityanne, onco ho got his legs, ; But upon tills knowledge ho hnd
strong, courageous, resourceful, Hy-, mnpped out hla plan of torture In re
anno would get them both out of It . gard to Ryanno. Tho Idea of selling
somohow. . . . And, It Ryanno ' Fortuno hnd dimly formed In his
hadn't tho rug, who tho dickens had?', mind, whllo his blood hnd burned In
Tho Jumble; of questions that roso ' anger; but today's soberness showed
In his mind, Booking answers to the him tho futility of such a procedure,
riddle ot Yhlordcs rug, subsided oven ' Ho would havo to mako tho bestsof a
as thoy roBo. Tho bundle to tho fnr foolish move; for the girl would
side of Ryanno stirred. Ho hnd, in hla oventually prove nn encumbrance. At
genoral survey of the scene, barely i any rate, ho would wring ono white
set a glanco upon It, believing It to man's heart till It beat dry in his
bo n conglomeration oft. saddle-bags .breast. That her health intent bo ru-
(mndo of wool nnd cotton) and blan
kets. It stirred agnln, Georgo stud
led It with a peculiar sense of detach
ment. A woman; a woman In what
had but recently been a Hmnrt Paris
ian tallor-mudo strect-dresB. Tho
woman, rubbing her cyos, bore her
sclt up painfully to n sitting posturo.
She was white. All tho blows ot the
night paBt wero as nothing in com
parison with this invisible ono which
seemed to strike at tho very source
of his llf,
Fortuno Chedsoye I
Inod, that sho might sicken and die,
In no manner nrouBed his pity. This
attribute was destined never to be
awakened In Mahomed's heart.
Tho klswoJi, tho klsweh, always the
Holy Yhlordcs; that ho must have,
even If he had to forego the pleasure
of breaking Ryanno. Ho was too old
to start life anew; at leaBt, too old
to stir ambition. Ho had wielded au
thority too many years to surrender It
llglvtly; he had known too long his
golden-flaked tobacco, his sherbet,
his syrupy coffee, the pleasant loaf
ing In tho bazaars with his merchant
friends. To return to the palace, to
coufoBH to tho Pasha that his careless
ness had lost him tho rug, would re
sult either In death or banishment;
I and so far as he was concerned he
Not a Cheerful Outlook.
Georgo, his brain In tumult, a fierce
tigerish courage giving fictitious
strongth tohlfbodj.Btaggored toward jind no choice, tho one was as bad as
her. It was a mad dreum, a mirage
of his own disordered thoughts. For
tune there? It was not bellevnble.
Tavern Ailso a Pawnshop
the other, 80, If the young fool who
had bought tho rug of Ryanne told
Uho truth when ho declared that It
What plnro had bIio In this tangled had been stolen again, then Ryanne
weui no run 1111 iincrrn into ns nnir. i-.i, nri,... it .,.. nn,i h pnuiri Rn
--.. -. JVIIUfl ,,J,t7 b I, ..0 , t..l V MUM.. U-W 1 .. ' .
gripped, and pulled. If It was a dream J made to toll; he, Mahomed, would nt-' things,
me puui uiu not wagen mm; fortune
Bat there still. Through what ter
rors might alio not havo passed tho
preceding night? Alone In tho desert,
without any of those conveniences
which nro to women ns necessary ns
the air thoy breathe! Ho tried to run.
but hlB feet snnk too deeply In tho
pnlo sand; ho could only plod. He
must touch hor or hear her olco;
otherwise ho stood upon tho brink of
madness. There wns no doubt In his
mind now; he loved her, loved hor ns
deeply and passionately as any sto
ried knight loved his lady; loved hor
without thought of roward, unselfish
ly, with great and tender pity, for un
consciously ho saw that sho, like ho,
was all alone, not only bore In tho
desort, but along tho highways where
men sot up their dwellings.
Mahomed, having an eyo upon all
things, though apparently Boeing only
that which was under Lis Immediate
concern, snw tho young man's Inten
tion, and more, read the secret In his
face. Ho was Infinitely amused.
Thero wore two of them, bo It seemed.
Quietly ho slipped In between George
and tho girl, and his movement freed
George's mind ot Its bewilderment.
Unhesitatingly, ho flung himself upon
the Arab, striving to reach tho lean,
brown throat Mahomed, strong and
unwearied, having no hand in the ao-
tend to that. And when Ryanne con
fessed, tho girl and the other would
be conveyed to the nearest telegraph
post That they might at onco report
tho abduction to tho English authori
ties did not worry Mahomed. Not the
fleetest raclng-cp el could find him,
nnd behind tho walls of the palaco
of Bagdad, only Allah could touch
him. Ho had figured It all out closely,
nnd ho was an ndmlrablo strategist
In his way. Revenge upon Ryanno for
the dishonor and humiliation, and the
return of the rug; thero was nothing
more beyond that.
Before Georgo had tho opportunity
of speaking to Fortune, bo was raised
from the sand and bodily lifted upon
his camel; and by way of passing
pleasantry, his hat was jammed down
over his eyes. He sworo as he pulled
up tho brim. Swearing wns another
accomplishment added to tho list of
transformations. Ho had a deal to
lprn yt, hut In hla present mood he
was likely to proceed famously. Ho
readjusted tho hat In time to see Ry
anno unceremoniously dumped into
one of the yawning pack-baskets, his
arms and legs hanging out, his hoad
lolling against his shoulder, exactly
like a marionette, cast aside for the
time being. A mnn of ordinary stam
ina would have died under such treat
ment But Rynnno possessed an ex
traordinary constitution, against which
years ot periodical dissipation had as
yet made no permnnont Inroads. More
over, ho never forgot to keep his chin
up and Ills waist-line down. They put
him Into the pack-basket becauso
thero was no alternative, being as he
wns lncapablo of sitting upon a cam
el's back.
Next. Georgo saw Fortune, unre
sisting, placed upon tho camel, under
canopy. At least, she would know a
llttlo comfort against tho day's long
ride. His heart ached to see her. Ho
called out bravely to her to be of
good cheer. Sho turned and smiled;
and he saw only the smile, not the
swift, decisive battle against the on
set of tears', sho smiled, and ho was
too far away to boo the Hwlmmlng
A bawling of voices, a snapping of
tho kurbnsh upon tho fianlta of tho
camels, and the caravan wns onco
more under way. George looked at
his watch, which fortunately had been
overlooked by tho thieving natives,
and found It still ticking away brisk
ly. It was after nine. It was a com
fort to learn that tho watch had not
been Injured. Most men nro method
ical In tho matter of time, no matter
how desultory they may bo In other
There Is a peculiar restful-
Establishment in the City of tondon,
England, Is in Enjoyment of
Unique Privilege.
A time-honored London (Eng.) city
tavern, tho Castle, at tho corner of
Cowcross atreet, facing Farrtngton
street, enjoys tho unique distinction
of being also a fully licensed plcdgo
shop. Over the door lu tho bar, which
glveB access to tho landlord's prlvato
room, and thrown Into bola relief oy
the ofllclal document behind It, tho
hlstorlo three-sphered symbol is dis
cernible. Any ono may here nego
tiate a loan upon his personal belong
ings without being under the neces
sity ot first calling for refrshment
Formerly the houso had a special
pledge counter resembling tho modern
"Bottlo nnd Jug" department, but this
is no longer In evidence.
This strango combination ot mist-
uobs dates from tho reign ot Goorgo
IV.. who. after attending a cock tight
at Hockley-ln-tho-Hole, applied to the
landlord ot tho Caatlo for a temporary
accommodation on tho security ot his
watoh and chain. By royal warrant a
few days later ho invested that oblig
ing bonlfaco with tho right of ad
vancing money on pledges, and from
that tlmo down to tho present a
pawnbroker's Hcoubo has been annual
ly granted to tbo Castle. This hostel
ry 1b mentioned once or twice by
Dickens In his novels.
ness In knowing what tho hour Is,
whether it passes quickly or whether
It drags.
Further Investigation revealed
that his letter of credit was undis
turbed and that he was th proud'pqs
ocssor of six damaged cigars and at
box of cigarettes. Instantly th
thought of being days without tobacco
smoto him almost poignantly. He was
an' inveterate smoker, and the fact
that tho supply was so pitiably small
gavo unusual zest to his craving. Ho
now longed for tho tang of the weed
upon his lips, but ho held out man
fully. Ho would not touch a cigar or
cigarette till nightfall, and then he
made up his mind to smoko half of
either. Tho touch, selfish and calcu
lating, of tho miser, stole over him.
If Ryanno was without the soother,
so much tho worse for him. The six
cigars ho would not share with the
archangel Michael, supposing that
gentleman came down for a smoke.
Forward, always forward, winding
In nnd out of th valleys, trailing over
the hills, never faster, never slower.
Noon camo, and tho brilliance of aft
ernoon dimmed and faded Into tho
short twilight. Wero they never go
ing to stop? One hill more, and
George, to his Infinite delight, saw a
cluster of date-palmB ahead, a mile
or so; and he know that this was to
bo the haven for the ship of tho des
ert. Tho caravan camo to it undor
tho dim light of tho few stars that
had not yet attained their refulgence.
Under tho palms wero a fow deserted
mud-houses, huddled dejectedly to
gether, llko outcasts seeking the near
ness rather than the companionship of
tho co-unfortunates. Men bad dwelt
hero onco upon a time, but tho plague
had doubtless counted them out, one
by one. They made camp near the
well, which still contained water.
Prayers. A walling chanted forth
toward Mecca. "God is great Then
Is no God but God."
George had witnessed prayers sr
often that ho no longer gave attention
to the muozzln calling at eventldf
from tho mlnnret, But out here, Id
the blank wilderness, It caught him
again, caught him as It had nevei
done before. A shiver stirred ,tho hair
at the base or hlB neck. Tho lean
bodies, ono not distinguishable from
tho other now, kneeling, standtng,
sweeping tho arms, touching tho 'ore
head upon tho rug, for even the low
est camel-boy had his prayor-rug,
ceaselessly Intoning tho set phraseB
Georgo felt shame grow in hlB heart
WaB ho ns loyal to his God as these
wero to theirs?
"Then they enn pay their money
and take tholr cbolco, and If they lose
their hair and comploxlon they can't
como back on mo for damages."
Aid to the Unlovely.
"I try to be an efficient city direc
tory," said the hotel clerk, "but balk
of recommending a boauty doctor to
women guests.
"That is one of the first things they
want to know. Churches, theaters,
even dressmakers can wait a few days,
but the beauty doctor is an immediate
necessity. Unfortunately, they do not
gat ranch satisfaction out ot me. Any
numbor of beauty specialists leave
cards for distribution, but so many of
them havo been mixed up in lawsuits
that I tool squeamish about delivering
their cards. To satisfy, my own con
science and tho women at tho same
time I band out a bunch ot advertise
ments with tho remark that I guess
they are about all alike.
I When I
I Buying I
! Baking I
I Powder J
I For this is the
baking powder
Jj that "makes the
baking better." fi
It leavens the P
ffl food evenly $
throughout; puffs
J it up to airy light- 9
1 ness, makes it dc-
lightfully appctiz- a
2 ing and wholesome. "
S Remember, Calu- 5
met is moderate in I
f price highest in ft
m quality. a
fAsk your grocer for J.
Calumet. Don't take a 1
I substitute.
World's Pura Toad Bxpodtlon.
IChloalo. Illinois. Paris Exposition,
Trans. Kirch. 101.
Cbaking powqj-
NftTi.. .-TOIlS?
jy-'t riADEBYinc. "LfJ
You don't lave money uhn you bay
cheap or tig-can baling powder. Don't
be misled. Buy Calumet. -It's more
economical more wholesome gleet
best results. Calumet is far superior to
tout milk and soda.
Hazel Some folks don't kno
what's good for them In this world.
HenryYes, but they're better of
than tho people that know and haven.'
the price to get it
Prospective Customer.
Small Girl Teacher, did you
tho lord makes hnbies, too?
Sunday School Teacher Yes, indeed.
Small Girl About how much does
he charge for one, 'cause I want a
baby bi other awful bad.
Has To.
"Do you really believe in this home
rule business?"
"Of course I do. Ain't I married?"
What You Don't Know.
Hero aro somo things you probably
don't know, yet thoy aro simple, every
day things with which we have been
familiar from babyhood. Take a pen
ell nnd write down from memory tho
figures on your watch dial. Simple?
Yet you are pretty certain to make
nt lnimt two mistakes. You've seen
pennies and two-cont stamps all your
life. White down from memory the
words and figures on a one-cent piece
and a two-cent stamp. Can you do it?
Ten to one you can't. Perhaps you
can repeat without mistako, a long
poem or song that you have read only
a few tlmos. Nearly anyone can do
that, but you cannot repeat corroctly
from memory the few words or fig
ures on stamps, coin and watch that
you have Boen every day all your life.
Why not?
Evils Worso Than War.
There are things worse than war
Tbo passions that lead to war; self-
l.hnaH imhlttnnBtriuAA arm tho ui.
Jprem etUa.
Its Style.
"Tho child actress In that piece has
a part which fits her llko a glove."
"Yes, so to speak, a kid glovo."
Somo people are as unpopular as a
last year's popular song.
Munyon's Paw-Paw
Pills are unlike all oth
er laxatives or cathar
tics. Thow coax the
liver into activity by
gentle methods, thoy
do not scour; they do
not gripe; they do not
weaken; but they do
start all the secretions
of the liver and stom
ach in a way that soon
pats these organs in a
healthy condition and
corrects constipation. Munyon's Paw-Paw
Pills are a tonic to the stomach, liver nnd
nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken;
they enrich the blood instead of impover
ishing it; they enable the stomach to get all
the nourishment from food that is put into
U. Price 5 cents. All Druggists.
Boil Cost Srop. TutM QooJ. Uh
la tlmo. 8cl4 17 RrairliU.
V)mtWmJt4mm tfnimt'iaXif&mm.-' - &. riMJsfc
""$,,. ) V 'tevSWf-"' "fl""- m 4"i)- &riiw!aja-atfiirf'TjPfr'"
.j, it .jr-.
rffismzijz,M&Fr.'r m