" n-- r tftii TWWJIHIW,I' S f K U HOW MRS. BROWN SUFFERED During Change of Life How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Made Her a Well Woman. Iola, Kansas. "During tho Chango of Lifo I was sick for two years. Bo lero I took your med icine I could not bear tho weight of my clothes and was bloated very badly. Idoctored with threo doctors but they did mo no good. They said naturo must havo its way. My sister advised mo to take Lydia E. Pink ham's Votrotablo Compound and I purchased a bottle. Before it was gono tho bloating left mo and I was not so coro. I continued tak ing it until I had taken twelve bottles. Now I am stronger than I havo been for years and can do all my work, even tho washing. Your medicine is worth its weight in gold. I cannot praiso it enough. If moro women would tako your medicine thcro would be' moro healthy women. You may use this let ter for tho good of others." Mrs. D. B. Brown, 809 N.Walnut St, Iola,Kan. Change of Lifo is ono of tho most critical periods of a woman's existence. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to 80 successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If yon want special adTlco write to lydia E. Pinkham Mcdlclno Co. (coufl 4eat!al) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will to opened, read and Answered by a woman and held In strict confidence Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cat out cathartics and purgative. They are n ui, nau su, unnecessary i xja CARTER'S LITTLE UYER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act genur on the nyer. eliminate Due, ana aootne tne denote. SnernbraneoiUie. Txroel. cur CanilleaUen, aUlleasness, Sick But. ach an laUfastlsa, million know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature &uttg ' "Tat a LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SALE tAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER. UNION 521-331 W. Adaraa St, Chicago ALLEN'S FOOTEASE, I mBKL TheAntiserticpowder shaken Into kw the chocs Trie Standard Rem HBJ edy lor the lect for a. Quarter MhQ century 30 000 testimonials. Sold Trade Hark, everywhere, 23c. Sample FRKH. Address, Allen S. Olnnted I.e Rov. N Y, The Man who put the E E in FEET. VftlfiprC this P3!1" desiring to buy IVCauCIS anythmgadvertisedinitacol amna should Insist upon having what they ukfor.refusin2alleub&itutesorimitationa ifjTjvrjTTjTnv ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegecablc Preparation for As similating iheFoodandnegula ling (he Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion,Checrful nessandRest.Coniains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic Ptitpt tTOM DrSAMUUmtjrSl MxStntm A,MJ,Smti Amu JttJ ffaxrmlnl . Hirm Stid CtmAtU Jit f Wmkyrrt fYitytr Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa ion , Sour Stornach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions.Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Foe Simile Signature of &&&&&. The CENTAim Company. NEW YORK. puaratiteed under the FoodaMJ Exact Copy of Wrapper. , tt I l I II. .11 Kl t iiij'VV I'pii"1 ,'' aaBSSSTT .mKaiHKir.K3 saaBBBKaaaT hitti r afavaVjssaWr aaUVHK PWWaBWm HflL.L.&- mVWrm&Wtgff9itwWFS9K9tKMUM i naimKin Kfn ra.lr!3lTTJrtfa, a h m wf nira TRUCK GARDENING AND POULTRY RAISING THESE, AS WELL A8 OTHER MIXED FARMING BRANCHES, PAY IN WESTERN CANADA. Truck gardening and poultry grow lng aro two branches of ngrlcultura In which tho farmers near tho mnin lines of tho threo transcontinental lines traversing Western Canada ara much concerned. Tho abundanco of sunshine during the long days from May to September, and adequate mols turo In tho spring and early suinmor permit of a wide variety of crops. The soil is rich and warm and is easily worked. Closo attention to cultiva tion has resulted In record yields of all sorts of vegetablo and small fruits which bring good prices in tho cities and at the numerous railway construc tion camps. Mr. Harris Olum, an Alberta farmer, camo from South Dakota eleven years ago and homesteaded the first 160 acres In his township in 1902, which was divided botween grain and pas ture. Ho earned sufllctont monoy to buy a quarter section of railway land at $11 an aero. The half section netted proportionate profits and he gradually Increased his holdings to 1,920 acres, which was devoted to mixed farming last year. He values his land at $50 an acre. Mr. Olum markets from 100 to 125 hogs and a similar number of beof cattle each year. Ho has 200 hogs, mostly puro bred Poland China, 25 head draft horses and 35 head of puro bred Hereford cattle. By feeding bar ley to hogs ho estimates that the grain nets him SO cents n bushel, as com pared with 40 cents, tho average mar ket price when delivered to the ware house. His average crop of barley is 40 bushels to the acre, while oats av erage SO bushels. By writing any Canadian Govern ment Agent, full particulars as to best districts on which to secure home steads will be cheerfully given. Ad vertisement Julius Caesar. Tho almost unanimous verdict of ancient and modern times Is to the ef fect that Julius Caesar msb what Shakespears calls him: "The fore most mau of all this world." Never before or since has any one exhibit ed In so high a degree all the qual ities of a born ruler of men. And never had any mun a grander role to play. To preside over the most Im portant crisis in tho history of the most Important branch of the human race was a task that none but the g-eatest of men could successfully perform. Caesar swept one obstacle after another aside, and stood at last whero ho meant to stand. What They Trusted. Having ascertained his weight on the railway station weighing machino the man said to the porter: "Isn't It a lack of business foresight to put one of those machines that dis tribute prizes to persons who guess their own weight correctly, bang up against other scales that they could get weighed on 'before hand, and thus guess on a sure thing? You must havo great faith In human nature, you?" "Oh, no, sir," said the porter, "but wo have In the machine." Dr.PIoroo's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invig orate stomach, Uverand bowels. Sugarooated, t.2; b-..SU.CS. Cay U Uiivd ua caiidjr. Adv. No sprinter can get over tho ground fast onought to overtake the golden opportunity that has escaped. Oslx Una "IlltOBtt. QUININE" That Is I.A.XATIV1I BltUMO OUININH. look for the signature or K W. UHOfH. Cures a Cold In One Day, Cures Grip In Two Days. Be. The devil considers It safe to sleep In the church whoro tho preaching keeps nobody awake. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTOBIA M ir tu FRIEND OF CONVICTS New York Sales Agent Long Ac- tive in Prison Reform. Frederick H. Mills Transferred Men From Jalla to Responsible Jobs In Banks and Spent Much Time Aiding Unfortunates. Now York. In 1881 a Chicago mer chant took a young man to tho First National bank In that city nnd Intro duced him to tho president, Lymuu J. Gago, afterward secretary of tho treasury, as Frederick Mills, chief clerk of tho stato reformatory at Elmlra, N. Y. "I want to got a position In your bank for a friend of mine, Mr. Gago," Bald young Mills. "Ho Is a man of experience nnd ability and has tho best of references from tho Uank of North America In Montreal, where he waa employed for several years. "Where is ho now?" Mr. Gage In quired. "Ho Is In the Elmlra reformatory," replied tho young man. "Ho has just finished his term there nnd Is watting to got a Job In order to bo allowed to leavo." The bank president stared hard at hla visitor for a moment and, discover ing from his manner that ho was seri ous, resisted an Inclination to becomo angry, but laughed long and loud In stead. "Did you come out hero with the Impression that tho Chicago banks se lect their clerks from tho reforma tories?" ho asked. Thirty years ago, before the new penology was born of sclenco and philanthropy, the Idea of giving an ox convict employment seomed prepos terous to tho average man of business. Young Mills, however, was not to be rebuffed. He related to Mr. Gage tho story of the coming of tho Montreal bank clerk to New York to better his fortunes nnd of his vteldlne to tomn- tatIon In the metropolis; ho told of tho opportunities no naa tor studying tue other's character In the reformatory office and ho asserted his oDlnlon t it here was a chance for tho bank presi dent to save a human life from wreck. Mr. Gage argued tho matter with Mr. Mills for half nn hour nnd dis cussed It with him for an equal period ana at tue end of an hour promised TELLS OF Amundsen Declares He Found It Under a Hot Sun. Explorer and Party Reached Southern Axis of Earth In Shirt Sleeves, He Asserts In Story to Chi- cagoans. Chicago. Ho aid Amundsen discov ered the Bouth pole In his undershirt. The Norwegian explorer, who on De cember 16, 1911, planted his coun try's flag at tho earth's southern axis, Is himself authority for this state ment. It need not startle any ono. Tho sun was shining in a cloudless sky nnd the thermometer registered only 15 degrees below zero. This seemed real warm nnd summery to a man who had become Inured to temperatures 60 and 75 degrees below during the antarctic winter. Captain Amundsen was visiting Chi cago. As he sat In the University club, Immaculate and smartly groomed as any dandy of tho boulovards, ho did not appear as if ho could bo capa ble of anything so unconventional as Capt. Roald Amundsen. discovering the south pole in his un dershirt. Ono would fancy ho would have dono It In evening clothes.'' "Our Journey was very pleasant." said tho Buave Norseman. "We un derwent no hardships to speak of. Wo had a little tiouble getting over the great Ice range of tho Queen Maud mountains at 85 degrees south, but af ter that wo camo out on a high plat eau, which sloped down In one smooth and unbroken expanso of hard, frozen snow to the pole. "It was downhill all the way and we were on skis. So you might say wo tobogganed to tho polo. The sled dogs had hard work to keep up with us. "There wore five of us Holmor Han Ben, Oscar Wlstlng, Sverre Hassel, Olaf njaaland and myself. We had plenty to eat, banqueting every day on pemmlcan, blBcult, chocolate and powdered milk. Tho weather was hot We dripped with perspiration, oven in our light clothes. DOG GUARDS MAN IN DITCH Remarkable Faithfulness of Animal Shown at Louisville Wreck After Owner Dies. Louisville, Ky Whon roscuers reached tho sceno of a wreck which occurred here, when throe cars of a Daltlmoro & Ohio freight train dropped over an eight-foot trestle, they found tho mangled body of Charles Woodsman, switchman, In n ditch still clutching his lantorn, with HEAD OF NAVY FINGER PRINT BUREAU I H tWJvifr.a.a.araaw. s. h 0 JrkskkkkrkBjgLkkkkkB. ...: m m HHHHHiiiiBkaA MjNX3M'iLLLLlHLLLLLBa' ri9HBHBvBK'iiLLLm I Surrounded by files containing over 130,000 cards, holding a silent but posltlvo Identification of every man who hub enlisted In tho navy Blnco 1907, J. B. Tuylor, chief of tho navy's finger print bureau, Is becoming tho terror o'f mon who havo proved unfaithful In their country's service. In the four years tho system has been in operation 1.700 men havo been caught. Of thoso npprchended last yoar many wero deserters, and others had been dishonorably discharged nnd forbidden to re-enllst. that tho Elmlra graduate should havo a plnco in tho bank. Tho man rose to tho position of head bookkeeper In the First NnMonal bank of Cliicaso and was a trusted omployo until his health gave out a few years ago. President Gage then sent m to a health resort in California and took care of him until his death. This Incident Is only ono of nany of tho same nature that explain why it Is that Frederick Hamlin Mills, who of fered his resignation as sales t;ent of tho prison department of the stato recently In order to promote harmony between Superintendent of Prisons Scott aiiu Governor Sulzer, Is a man of many friends. Theso friends' range f. m tho penologists and Btudcnts of criminology of America and the rest of the world, tho pilson officials the United StateB and a wide" church and social circles, to scorrs of ex-convlcts who are today earning an honost POLE TRIP "Our first observation, on December 16, showed 89 degrees, 65 minutes. We were five miles from tho pole. Wo hurried forward. Skiing along under a blazing sunthat's the word, blaz ing made us hot. We took oft our sweaters and silk coats and threw them on the sleds. Still It was warm work, even In our undershirts. When wo thought we had covered five miles wo took another observation. We were at 89 degrees 59 minutes. That left tho polo a mllo away. Wo trav ersed that mile and erected a tent and placed a Norwegian flag on top of it above what we believed was tho pole Itself. "We remained ni tne pole throe days and set up flags in all directions. Then we went forty-five miles beyond the polo. The land or tho ice and Bnow, that covered It to an unknown depth, still sloped downward. . It seemed an If we were still going south. But wo were not. Wo were going north. In taking two steps at the pole we went both south and north, and I maj say that at thnt. point where nil meridians convorgo' one stride would take us from the longitude of New York tn thnt nf San Francisco. "There was no excitement when we found ourselves at tho pole." Captain Amundsen added. "No one danced or hurrahed. I knew we would get there. We all knew it. Wo had never doubt ed It. It seemed a nerfoctlv nntumi thing to bo there. Wo felt at home. If we hadn't got there, there might have been occasion for some excltoment." GOTHAM TO GIVE UP NAVY Cost of Maintaining Training Ship for Merchant Marine Proves Too Ex- pensive for Results Obtained. New York. The nnvy of Now York will bo put out of commission within the year, unlesB something unexpect ed comes tip to rescind the order which has jiiHt been Issued, nnd the flag of New York will bo seen no more on tho high sens or In tho ports of the Mediterranean nnd tho north At lantic Ever since 1874 New York has muln tained a naval school for tho training of officers for the Amorlcan merchant, murine. Tho fact that tlioro was no American merchnnt marine to speak of did not at all prevent a great many boyn from attending the school and cruising six and eight montliB at a tlmo, partly at the expense of the state, partly of the city and partly of the nation. In accordance with a long-established policy, the United States navy has furnished a vessel nnd a com manding officer for each of the naval schools of the coast states. During the winter the ship Iny at a pier In the East river, comfortably housed over and furnlsllinc a cnnvnntnnt nnd mtv I schoolhouso for the boys, numbering from 100 to 250. who worn students The board of education of New York city has had charge of tho school Klnco the organization of Greater Now York, and it IiaH L-rllmhlvl nrrnnlnnnl. ly becausn of tho cost of maintaining 1 (he schoolshlp. A fow years ago the which a momont tiorore ho had flashed the danger signal, and, standing above tho body, his dog, which had been following tho train through the yards. Only after the dog had been draggod away by foroo were tho members of tho train crow able to extricate the body. According to tho engineer, tho train wns bncklng on tho trestle in tho yards when WoodBmall, who was on top of the second car from the ond, flashed a dangor signal and a moment later disappeared Tho engineer ap- livelihood through Mr. Mills' Instru mentality and to men t . tho prisons who look to him for assistance on their rolonso. It was his success with tho first two ex-convicts for whom ho obtnlnod em ployment that led Mr. Mills to koop up tho work, Ab an Illustration of the possibilities of reform among men punished for crime, Mr. Mills relates an experience In Chicago a fow years ago. On this occasion ho was asked to dlno with five ono tlmo convicts ho had befriended, threo of them from tho Elmlra reformatory. Ono of the five was Jarvls, then head bookkeeper of tho First National bank; another was private secretary to tho general managor of one tho most famous rail roads In tho country; a third was vice-president of a big coal company, and the others wore tho chief cashier of a manufacturing company and a theatrical manager. URGES BLUE DRESS SUITS Italian Nobleman Says Conventional Black Is Sign of Artistic De cadence Here. Boston. Duke Pompela Lltta of Mi lan, Italy, who 1b In this city as guest of the Twentieth Century club, be Hevqs that the convonttonnl black eve ning clothes worn by Amorlcan men Is a sign of artistic decadence, "Tho art of bolng magnificent is on tlroly lost In America," ho declared in an Interview. "The only thing of color In American life Is the color of the hats of ladles. They are wonderful. Where do they- como from? Even In Paris 1 have never seen such hats. "But the men, I pity them. Always somberly clothed, they scorn to go through lifo so sadly. I can under stand why, perhaps, they wear black and grays and browns to business. But oven for evening wear they choose black. "I do not lolv in this. Why can not tho Amerlcnn gentlemen, on pleas ure bent, relax? I should suggest a dress suit. of pprhnps pale blue or gray or with a fine stripe, In the fu ture." Blamed Carrier for Loss, New York. "I want to know the name of the parcel post carrier who ate tho other half of this cake?" de manded an Indignant suffragctU as sno rushed Into tho New York post of fice, exhibiting part of a sponge cake. "I suppose ha got hungry while ho was carrying It around and kept nib bling nt It." PostnifiHtnr Twrl plained that the cake had not been eaten, but crushed Into crumbs. SL Mary was recalled and the gun boat Newport was substituted. The Newport, unlike hei predecessor, has engines and uho has proved to bo a mighty coal eater at a tlmo whon coal Is costly. Also, tho board complained. paruntB persisted in, looking upon tho schoolshlp na, a sort of reformatory, whero they could load bad bovs and get rid of them for half a year in hands that wero capablo of handling them without glovs. If It wus necos snry. Accordingly, tho bonrd has ap plied for a change In tho city chartor abolishing tho nnvnl school altogether DINNER BY PARCEL POST Each Guest Malls an Item on Menu Is the Very Latest So cial Novelty. the Pee'ksklil, N. Y. A "parcel post" dinner was Introduced as a social nov elty by Mr nnd Mrs. A. J. Giles of Peeksklll, who gave ono in their homo with a menu of foodstuffs prepared In distant localities and shipped to them by parcel poBt. Tho out-of-town guests mailed their contributions to the dinner beforo starting for Peeksklll to enjoy the fensL Thero was a largo roasted chicken from Bound Brook, N. J., corn bread and cheese from Vir ginia, meat products from Chicago, fruit from Washington, D. O., and pas try from New York No food was pre pared by the host or hostess. piled tho emorgenoy brakeB and stoppod tho train, but not In tlmo to provent the throo hindmost cars from dropping over the trostlo. Tho causa of tho accident has not boon deter mined. 8eek Historic Cup. Mainz, Germany. Government do toctlves are searching for a historic Bllvor cup used by Hmporor William In 1898 In toasting tho Oorman troops, which has mystorlously disappeared from tho Mnlnz musoum, TAKE PERUNA FOR COUGHS AND COLDS If you used Pe runa at tho begin nlnjt of every cold you would then ap prccialo tho vsluo of this great rem edy. Do not wait until tho cold has fastened itself up on you. Tako it at the first evmntom. This la the way to ward off tho cold so that it does you no harm. Pcruna uted In S.B.IURTMAN.M,D.C0,d ' , Columbus, Ohio cough entirely. Yc, I mean what I say. It pre- vents a cough. A couh Is an effort to expel catarrhal discharges in tho bron chial tuhca. There would bo no catarrhal discharges In the bronchial tubes if Pc runa was taken at tho beginning of a cold, therefore thcro would be no cough. Don't you catch tho point? After tho cough begins Peruna will top it just as quickly as it ought to bo stopped. To stop a cough beforo all of the oxpectorntinn has been removed is Can bo 80 IT WOULD SEEM. "What Is a 'figure of spooch,' par "Well, If talk is cheap, it must be a pretty small figure." A GRATEFUL OLD MAN. Mr.W.D. Smith, Ethel, Ky writes: "I have been using Dodd's Kidney Pills for ton or twelve years and they have dono mo a great deal of good. I do not think I would be alive today If it wero not for Dodd's Kidney Pills. I strained my back about forty yeara ago, which left It very weak. 1 was troubled with lnflam- mntlnn nf thn lilnrl. D. Smith. der Dodd'a Kidney Plllo cured me of that and tho Kldnoy Trouble. I tako Dodd's Kidney Pills now to keep from having Backache. I am 77 years old and a farmer. You ar) at liberty to publish this testimonial, and you may uoo my picture In con nection with it.'' Correspond with Mr. Smith about this wonderful remedy. Dodd's Kidney Pills, SOc. per box at your dealer or Dodd's Medlclno Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household Hints, also muslo of National Anthem (English and German words) and reci pes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. Adr. Where He Got It. "The first time my little boy fell In love he got It In tho neck." "Sho Bnubbed him, eh?" "No, but ho started In to washing his neck without being told." Robbery 1b robbory, no matter whether It Is done by tho sandbag, or a trick In trude. sH9Ksilrifl BSil JHQKKKvi sBaBDsaflKJ w iLLnvwiimflKi' v w 6 Silver Spoons Free For 100 GALVANIC Soap Wrappers THESE SPOONS mint not be confused with the USUAL premium silverware. The spoons shown HERE are the same as you would buy at your jewelers. They are GENUINE Rogers ware, the beautiful and exclusive LaVignc or Grape pattern, finished in the fashionable French Gray. Each spoon is guaranteed extra heavy A I silver plate on a WHITE metal base. With ordinary wear they will last a life time. Here is tho Offer One spoon given for 20 Galvanic Soap wrappers (front panel only) and one 2c stamp or SIX SPOONS for 100 Galvanic wrappers and five 2c stamps. Coupons from Johnson's Washing Powder count the same as wrappers. Why Yon Should Buy Galvanic by the Box I st. It is cheaper than buying a few cakes at a time. 2nd. When the wrappers are re moved the soap dries out and goes almost twice as far as when fresh. 3rd. You get six Rogers Silver Teaspoons. Mall wtapfxn to the premium department B. J. Johnson Soap Co. Milwaukee, Wis. J Hut CoD(h Syrup. TmIm Good, Vt fejj "ffsffr to do great Injury. After tho expectora tion has been properly removed the cough will stop jUelf. That is the only proper way to stop a cough. Occasionally a cough depends upon aa irritablo condition nf Hia !;itir ,,r !.. chial tubes, in which there is little or no expectoration. Tho timhlcm nf atnnninir aiirT, a fmiot. is a slightly different one. Even in thos cases reruna ought to bo taken, but some times it is necssary that local treatment be added. Hut in any case Peruna Is needed. Yoi do rot have to stop fo write me. Geo Peruna il once and commence takine It. You can get rid of that cough sooner I beliore than in any other way. Should you wish to consult me at any tlmo while you aro taking Pcruna you ara at perfect liberty to write me. Your let ters will bo held strictlv MnRittl.1 ..! you will receive prompt answer. I want to stop that cough of yours. I want to stop it beforo it really begin. I want to uton It hitfnrn U Vina ,.. to injuro your lungs, an Injury that you may not recover from during your whom life. Yes, I do. You do your part. I wdl do mino. No, 54. COLT DISTEMPER handtad TUrr caillv. ThABtolraMmirait antl wlfc !. aaniaiubla, no natter hoaiio,'ltnt from havioa- tbadla. Bl-UUN'H LIQUID UIBTKMI-ER CliltK. OU oa a a uoina oi iiruggiM ana narnn doalen. or ant or pre lanufacturera. Cut Ihon hn tn nnulti,. Ihnub Mid br Ourfnn looklrtKlroaaTfirTthloir. Local acanta wasted. Lanraat aalllaar lorMremovlrlnaiUteaeatwelTaTeara. " SrOHN MKDIOAk CO.aCaaafataaalBaetarklasMa, GOShn Ind.. U.S. A. No Nostalgia. II, Atterbury Smith, who with hla open stairway plan promises to revo lutionize the tenement house, said In New York: "Tho open stairway tenement, with Its abundanco of sunshine and fresh air, will make a tonement apartment actually a homo. The tenement dwell er of the future needn't feel like Cap? tain Salt. " 'I've Balled the seas for 67 years,' Captain Salt, a seasoned old 'shell back,' boastod. " 'Don't you ever get homesick, cajr tain?' a lady asked. "'Homesick? Me homesick? said Captain Salt. 'No-airco! I ain't boms enough for that'" Flattery, Visitor So ho trimmed the people hero out of thousands of dollars? Ho must have boon smooth. How did he do it? Native Simply by addressing every Democrat in town, in an apparently absont way, as "postmaster." Puck. Will Dawn Upon Him 8oma Day. "Oh, yes; Jack adores me; I've known It for weoks." "Then what's bothering you?" "What's bothering mcl Why I'va got to wait for him to find it out." Boston Evening Transcript ALBERTA THE PRICE OF BEEF T ninn awn am astaiHfc For yaars tba Proviso or Albert (Western Canada) tba Bit? UaneblDgOonntryJlaojr otlboae ranchea todajr aralmmeDSeiralnflahts and tha cattla hava Diana ta tba cultivation o wheat. oat. barter anil flaxi tba change baa Dad man? Utoatapo of Americans, settled on this plains, wealthy, bat It baa in. creased the prlc of live stocK. There la splssdla opportunity now to get, " Free Homestead o f 180 sere (and another m pre emption) tn tha newer district and proancoeltaercaUMor grain. The crops ara always cood, tba climate Is excellent, schools and obnrchea are conrenlent, market fplendld. in either Manitoba,, Sas katchewan or Alberta. , Hend (or literature, tha latest intormaUoB. railway rates, eta, to J. M.HidKUai, kiw JUtHtrttw. 1 R l.. GUUTT. )1I Jsdois St. St rst, lbs. Canadian Oorarnmant'AfanU, or addreaa Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa Caasaa. to 1 THOMPSON Qaicltlr relloTM I TaaK. I ft Hum wi aa vua. EYE W ATERfeaKPH8 JOHN r..TUUMTtOX UON9& CO.,Tro,X.X'. Hi satfcJalatBSSsi siren I .wiaa i gl 'afriMiruj m W. N. U., 8IOUX CITY, NO. 6M913.