Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 21, 1913, Image 1

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Motto: All The News When 1 1 Is New.
VOL. 21.
NO. 25.
Wn tKt '
V y
Chairman Explains He Was Simply
Seeking Full Information. Kecklcy
Didn't See It That Way.
Lincoln. Tho proposed reduction of
freight rates by tho legislature, with
out regard to the State Hallway com
mission, was the one big question be
fore tho house, brought up this aftor
noon by Keckley of York, who, rising
to a question of personal privilege,
gave a talk on his treatment at tho
hands or tho railway committeo, be
fore which ho appeared Friday eve
ning. Tho action of tho committeo
was defended by Holllgor, chairman,
and Stephon of Merrick, a member.
Keckley wanted tho committee to
make a report on his bill last night,
but instead it wont over for a week
bo tho committeo could get more facts
In tho caso.
Keckley said, after telling about be
ing tho author of tho bill to reduce
frolght rates 20 per cent: "That bill
wont to tho railroad committeo and
was discussed Friday evening. I
asked the committeo to report tho bill
back to tho house and I was not par
ticular what report It made. I told
tho committee I was not competent to
discuss freight rates with' tho railroad
exporto. I wanted to show my data
upon which the bill was based to tho
committeo of tho whole and not bo
compelled to show my hand to the
Forced to Show Hand.
"But the committeo Insisted that I
show why the bill should be passed,
lnstes-d of compelling tho frolght ex
perts to Bhow why it should not bo
passed. While making a running fight
with tho experts I was forced to pro
duce some of my data. I snowed tho
committeo figures to prove that the
people of Nebraska in comparison
with the people of Iowa were extorted
out of $D,12G,000 last year. Tho com
parison I showed tho committeo
showed that tho extortion in freight
rates is about 60 per cent"
Bills Passed by House.
Bill passed were those:
House Roll No. 14, by Fries of How
ard Provides for marking county
roads on both boundaries and for
concrete, iron or stone monuments on
survey points. Passed, 92 to 0.
House Roll No. 13, by Fries of How
ard Defines powors, duties and fees
of county surveyors and prescribes
method of establishing and restoring
lost or obliterated corners. Passed, 88
to 2.
House Roll No. 13, by Fries of How
ard Gives state surveyor power to
summon witnesses, administer oaths
and compel testimony in boundary
disputes. Passed, 87 to 0.
Houso Roll No. 40, by Hardin of
Harlan Repeals tho Smith mortgage
tax exemption act of 1911. Passed,
53 to 38.
Houso Roll No. 59, by Keckley of
York Established a civil service sys
tem in all the state institutions under
administration of state board of con
trol. Passed, 88 Jx) 0.
House Roll No. 51, by Richardson
of Lancaster Makes it a felony to
give or sell "dope" or Intoxicants to
penitentiary or asylum inmates.
Passed, 8C to 0.
Houso Roll No. 92, by Norton of
Polk Proposed constitutional amend
ment enabling a reform of the state
tax system. Passed, 87 to 0.
Houso Roll No. 18, by Brain of
Douglas Permits the voting of bonds
for sower construction in villages
where no newspaper Is published.
Passed, 90 to 0.
House Roll No. 142, by Oreenwalt of
Custer Allows cities of from 2,000 to
5,000 population to adopt the Ban
ning commission form of government
Passed, 92 to 0.
Saloon Limit Bill Killed.
Lincoln. The houso killed H. R. 86,
by Anderson of Kearnoy, providing tho
number of saloons shall be limited to
one for every 1,000 people In wet
towns. The Judiciary committeo re
ported tho bill for indefinite postpone
ment. To Probe Industrial School.
That C. B. Manuel, head of tho
boys' Industrial school at Kearnoy,
has foiled to furnish any information
as to a deficiency of nearly $50,000,
was asserted by c. H. Busch, chair
man of tho houso deficiencies com
mittee, who asked a committeo to In
vestigate whore tho money was
spent. He said the deficiency
amounts to half the total maintenance
appropriation. A committeo of three,
with the senate committeo, will
Says Horse Disease Is Dreaded One.
State Veterinarian Bostrom has
heard of no other cbbob of the horse
oplderalc of which four cases were re
ported from the vicinity of Beatrice.
About six weeks ago there were four
or live cases of this disease reported
from York county. Tho stato veterl.
narlan says that the epidemic which
a few months ago raged over Ne
braska, Kansas uud Oklahoma. Ho
does not believe that a serious out
break of the dlseaso will develop it
this time.
House Committee Refuses Many
Monetary Advances.
With n deaf ear turned to practical
ly all entreaties Hie house finance
committeo mndo up Its salary budget
for tho blonnlum and presented (t to
the house in a bill. The measure car
ries a total of $883,200 for tho blcn
nlum as opposed to $1,194,140 two
years ago. This does not mean that
tho committee actually reduced sal
aries. As a nintter of fact tho total
increases footed up to $27,340 over
and above those of two years ago.
The difference Is due to tho fact that
no salaries wero provided for tho four
normal schools, tho Board of Chari
ties and Corrections, and tho puro
food department. These will bo cared
for In another way.
If all demands of heads of depart
ments had been acceded to tho salary
bill would have been almost 50 por
cent larger than before, but onco In
Its strldo tho committeo oven refused
advances of not moro than $100 for a
department. All through tho first
draft of tho bill the notation Is car
ried "not recommended" with expla
nations appended as to reason for
hardness of heart.
A separate bill asks that tho four
normal schools bo given a three
fourths mill levy. It comes from tho
finance committee, which has gone on
tho assumption that the measure will
pass and haB left salaries for the nor
mals out of its general bill. Tho nor
mal mill levy bill will bo called ufhy
Chairman Potts and ho will nsk that
it run parallel with the salary bll la
order that If it should fall the addi
tions can be made to tho general bill
before it 1b too late. .
Tho adjutant general asked fortwo
new officials at combined salaried of
$2,640, but both wero rejected.
The modest commissioner of labor
asked for $500 increase for himself
and for new positions In his depart
ment carrying salaries of $4,900 and
$860 more for his stenographed. Tho
committee turned down the proposed
new officials and refused advances for
those now In office.
The Board of Charities and Correc
tions waB cut out, the committee be
ing of the opinion that the Board of
Control would assume the duties of
this department. This action, If ap
proved, would leave the present secre
tary, Joel Piper, out of a Job.
A now position, second assistant
agent, for the state public school was
allowed at $800. per year, but In
creases for the' secretary, the gov
erness and the physician, aggregating
$900 were disallowed.
Tbo stato printing commissioner,
who by law has been getting $1,500 a
year for two years, was cut to $1,000
under a mistaken idea of the commit
teo that he had been getting but
$1,000 a year. t
A new position, superlntendent'and
physician, for the tuberculosis hos
pital at Kearnov was recommended.
Many other changes in salaries
wero made, but the committeo struck
a fair averago aB a whole.
Board of Control Bill to Senate
The board of control bill brought
molded out of all pending measures
before tho legislature and retouched
with Buggested changes that may In
sure better operation of this new ad
junct to tho state government, was
reported to the senate. Its consider
ation will bo a matter of special bus
iness at next week's session. Tho
bill bears the name of Ollis of Val
ley. It was prepared, following a
tilt on tho floor of the senate
by a committee consisting of Cordeal
of Bed Willow, Dodge of Douglas and
Wink of Buffalo, Tho measure pro
vides that members of the board may
be chosen from any county In the
state, this following action taken on
ono of the old measures by the sen
ate. Election Contest Undecided.
Tho senate committee on election
contests was to have had a meeting
Friday, but not all the mombers wero
present and no action was taken to
ward the writing of a report on tho
Pancoast-Grossman contest Kiechel
of Nemaha explained he did not know
there was to bo a meeting. ricek of
Saunders askod If he should not pre
pare a report for the committee,
"Why not let Senator Heasty write
It?" replied Kiechel. Placek said
Heasty might not write tho same kind
of a report he would write. Kiechel
said ho did not think there would bo
any trouble of that kind.
Defer Action on Phone Bill.
Following a short hearing on the
Fuller county ownership bill, tho sea
ate committeo deferred action until
the return of President Franlc Woods
of tho Lincoln Telephone and Tele
graph company from Chicago.
E. M. Morseman and C. N. Pratt of
tho Nebraska Tolephone company ap
peared before the committee and ar
gued against tho bill on account of
Its alleged confiscatory objects. W.
M. Morning of tho local public owner
ship league urged Its passage bo that
the people might hold an effective
"club" over the companies.
Lincoln Holiday Bill.
Overriding all opposition the house
With shouts of assont lifted tho bill
which sought to make Lincoln's birth
day a legal holiday and recommended
it for paasago. This was dono In the
midfit of third reading progress, on
motion of Hubbard of Adams, In
honor of tho birthday of tho martyr
prosldent. Two years ago tho legis
lature made October 12 a logal holiday
only after a prolonged debate Both
senate and houso mombers adjourned
long onougb to honor tho martyr.
Former President Oaetro of Venezuela 1b enjoying himself in Now York while awaiting tin a I decision of
the question of his deportation. He, has been peeing the sights of tho great city and oven has been entertained
at Albany by Governor Sulzer.
Run From $1 to $10,000 on Fourteen
Men and Thirteen Companies
Total $51,007.
Detroit. Mich., Feb. 18. Judge
Clarence W. Sessions In federal dis
trict court Saturday imposod fines
ranging from $1 to $10,000 on tho four
teen individuals and thirteen corpora
tion defendants convicted in thp trial,
of tho ""bathtub trust" for criminal
conspiracy. The fines totaled $51,007
and they mUBt be paid before March
1. In the cases of the Individuals, if
the fines are not paid before that day
a sentence not exceeding six months
In the Detroit house of corrections
vNll bo imposed.
The sentences follow: Standard
Sanitary Manufacturing company of
Pittsburg, $10,000; Barnes Manufac
turing company of Mansfield, O.,
$1,000; J. L. Mott Iron works of New
York, $5,000; L. Wolff Manufacturing
company, Chicago, $5,000; McVay &
Walker, Braddock, Pa., $500; Nation
al Sanitary Manufacturing company
of Salem, O., $1,000; Union Sanitary
Manufacturing company of Noblos-
vllle, Ind., $1,500; A. Welsklttel & Son
company of Baltimore, $1,500; Wheel
lng Enameled Iron company of Wheel
ing, W. Va., $50; Humphrys Manu
facturing company of Mansfield, O.,
now In the receiver's hands, $1; Mc-Crum-Howell
company or New York,
also in the receiver's hands, 1; Uni
ted States Sanitary Manufacturing
company of Pittsburg, which pleaded
nolle contendere, $500; tho Day-Ward
company of Warren, O., also In the
hands of creditors, $1.
Individual defendant fines were:
Theodore'AhronB, $5,000; E. L. Dawes.
$5,000; Frances Torrance, $500; Frank
G. Borden, $1; A Welskittel, $1,000;
Herman Hoelschor, $5,000; Lloyd
G. McCrum, $1; Howard T. Gates,
$500; J. B. Wright, $500; A. G. Ward,
$1; A. II. CMno, Jr $1,000; J. W. Ar
rott, $1. "
Chicago Bandit Makes Full Confes
sion of Crimes and Is Promised
His Life Shall Be Spared.
Chicago, Feb. 17. Robert Webb,
tho captive bandit, confessed to
State's Attorney Maclay Hoyne that
he 1b tho slayer of Detective Peter M.
Hart. Ho also confessed hla part in
tho automobile bandit raids, revealing
the strong organization that existed
and Implicating business men as
among his confederates. Many ar
rests will follow Webb's confession.
In return for his confession the death
penalty will not be demanded. Stute's
Attorn oy Hoyne will consent to Im
prisonmentfor life as Webb's punish
ment Honor "Uncle Joe" Cannon.
Washington, Fob. 17. "Undo Joe"
Cannon of Illinois, former spoaker of
the house, was the guest of honor at
a big farewell banquet Saturday night,
given by membors of the senate and
bouse and others In public life. After
nearly forty years of service In the
house, Mr. Cannon goes out in March.
Many Attend Ex-Mayor's Funeral.
St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 17. Hundreds
paid tribute to the memory of Robert
Smith, once mayor of St. Paul, Satur
day afternoon. Prior to tho funeral
tho body lay in state four hours In
the Masonic temple.
Three Arrested as 8lavers.
St. Paul Minn., Feb. 18. William
Porter, Albert Porter and Pearl Ray
mond wore arrested at Lake Park
Sunday for alleged violation of tho
Mann whito slave law. All were
wanted In Spokane,
Leader of Expedition Found With
Head Resting on Diary Food Sup
ply Exhausted Long Bfore Death
a .'
London, Feb. 17. According to the
Daily Mall's ' Christchurch dispatch,
the position of tho bodies when found
proved that Captain Scott was the last
of the three comrades to die in the
antarctic disaster. Wilson and Bow
ers were lying dead in their sleeping
bags, but the leader was seated with
his head leaning bnck against tho
tent pole. In that position ho had
breathed his last, and between his
head and tho tent pole, with his last
feeblo gesture, ho had placed his diary
with the records of his Journey and
his last message 'to the public.
Every ounce of food was exhausted
long boforo death came to Scott's par
ty. Only a small quantity of tea was
found with the bodies. Possibly an
expedition will be pent for tho bodies
next summer. A memorial cross to
Scott, Wilson and Bowers was erected
on Observation Hill.
Members of the expedition Indicate
tho possibility of disappointment at
Amundsen forestalling thorn took tho
nervo out of Scott's party for tho re
turn Journey.
"First, the party was delayed b,y the
Illness of Seaman Evans," Command
er Evans states, "and Captain Scott
dates the beginning of tho failure of
Evans from the time of reaching tho
polo, For a month after tho polo was
loft bohlnd Evans delayed tho party.
In tho descent of a glacier ho fell and
suffered a .concussion, making the
anxiety regarding him oven greater,
His final collapse came on February
17. After Evnns' death tho partv
pushed on, but onco again tho condi
tion of ono membor of tho party
(Oates) caused delay."
Commandor Evans again states that
thin failure to maintain a higher spew
was duo to tho falling condition of
poor Captain Oates, who was a con
stant tax on tho energies of tho party
and was rapidly weakening thorn. Dr.
Atkinson, ono of the search party,
found traces of scurvy on the throo
dead men.
New, light Is thrown on the mystery
by Commander Evans, tho successor
In command of tho expedition, in a
long cable message from Now Zealand
to the Dally Express. He describes
in detail the final dash to tho south
pole and explains that tho shortage of
fuel was duo to the failure of tho par
ty to keep up the average speed ex
pected on the return Journey.
"Nine miles a day was tho averago
speed prepared for," he says, "but tho
records left by tho dead heroes show
tho averago was much below this, fall
ing at times to so low as three miles
a day."
None of tho Information contained
In the diaries of tho dead heroes will
be forthcoming for some time.
Violinist Kubellk III.
Geneva, Fob. 18. Violinist Kubellk
cnhcoled his engagements for a Berles
of concerts in SwIbb cities Sundny. HIb
manager wired that Kubellk wbh
BoriouBly ill at his home in Bo
hemia. Dr. Hertz Succeeds Dr. Adhr
London, Feb. 18. Tho British fed
orated synagogues oloctod Dr. Joseph
II. Hortz of New York chief rabbi
of England Sundny afternoon. Doctor
Hortz will succeed tho lato Doctor Ad-ler.
Feeling Over the Killing of Nazlm
Pasha Is Reason for Attempt
ed Assassination.
Loudon, Fob. 18. Turkish soldiers
on Monday attempted to nBsasBinnte
and succeeded In badly wounding En
ver Boy, the Young Turk leader.
A news agency dlBpatch by wireless
from CoiiHlunlliioplu uuya that Enver
was Btabbod Boverely several times,
but gives no further details.
Enver last week made. a disastrous
effort to plorce the flanks of tho Bul
garian army on the shores of tho Sea
of Mnrmora with a foreign hopo of
Ottoman troops, who wero beaten
back with terrible losses.
He was one of the leaders in the re
cent revolt of the "Young Turks,"
which led to a renewal of tho war be
tween Turkey and tho Balkan stntos.
Several threats against IiIb Ufa had
been mado among the disaffected boI
dlory, who wero aroused by tho as
sassination of Nuzlm Pasha, their be
loved cotnmaudor-ln-chlef.
Enver was a prominent military
lender in the war in Tripoli, and was
called by European exports "tho best
soldier In tho TuTklsh. army."
Unconsored special dispatches from
Constantinople all confirm tho utter
failure of Enver Bey to land troops,
on the coast of tho Sea of Mar
mora. Ills forces, tho dispatches say.
are now huddled at Galllpoll.
Athens, Feb. 18. Tho piotectlng
powers, Great Britain, Russln, France
and Italy, evacuated tho Island of
Croto Sunday and the Greek flag was
hoisted amid enthutjItiHtlo demonstra
tions by tho Cretans.
Charleston, W. Vn Feb. 15. Col.
William Seymour Edwards, candidate
for United States senntor, was arrest
ed hero Thursday ou n warrant luuued
by Justice Marion Gilchrist, charged
with bribing Delegate S. U. G.
Rhodes, ono of tho Jive men arrested
February 12. Edwards furnished
Princeton, N. J., Feb. 1C. Gen.
Rosalie Jones and a weary band of
suffragists, unmindful of tho wild
demonstration, caring Icbb about
tho presonco of President-elect Wil
son and desiring nothing but food,
hot baths and bods, limped Into tills
town on tho verge of physical and
mental exhaustion Thursdny night.
Tho hike was over 27 mllos of very
bad roads In tho face of a bitter cold
Denver, Colo., Feb. 18. Mayor Hen
ry J. Arnold removed George Creel
from tho position of polico commis
sioner Saturday, after hearing of the
charges filed against Creel when ho
was BUBponded two weeks ago.
Lob Angeles, Cal., Feb, 17. Their
facoa singed with powdor and their
uniforms perforated by revolvor bul
lets, two pollcemon managed to arrest
three mombers of a band of flvo al
leged automobile bandits Friday.
O'Rourke Wins Damage Suit.
, London, Fob. 17. Tho king's branch
division of tho high rourt Friday
awarded Thomas O'Rourko, tho box
ing promoter, $250 In his suit for dam
ages ngnlnat the proprietors of Uox
ing, a nporting publication.
Nat Goodwin Loses Auto Suit.
Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 17. A C.
Harrington, a Santa Monica gtocer,
who sued Nat Goodwin, tho actor, for
$10,000, was awarded $1,000 Friday
Goodwln'u automobllo ran tho grocer
1 down soino time ago.
John H. Patterson, Head of National,
Also Fined $5,000 Officers of Com
bine Convicted In Cincinnati Fed
eral Court of Violation of Law.
Cincinnati, Fob. 19. Prosldon John
II. Patterson of tho National Cash
Register company, who, with twenty
eight other officials or former ofilclnls
of tho company, wns convicted of
criminal violation of tho Shormau
nnti-truBt law, wns sentenced hero
Monday to pay a flno or $5,000 nnd to
serve ono year In. Jail. Tho twenty
olght other defendants wero" sen
tenced to terms ranging from thrco
months to a year In Jail nnd to pay
tho costs.
Judge Holllstcr In passing sontenco
Boverely arraigned tho dofondnntfl, de
claring that tho maintenance of tho
competition department with Its
"gloom room" and "morgue" con
stituted business methotln that should
not bo countenanced.
Ono of tho defendants wns given
throo months In Jail, whllo three oth
ers wore Bontencod to nine months
and tho rest to ono year. George
Edgetor of Dayton, secretary of tho
company, was given the scntonco of
three -months. William Blppus,
treasurer; Alfred A. ThomaB of Day
ton and Jonathan B. Haywood of Now
York wero given nine months In Jail.
Tho following wero sentenced to
ono year:
Edward A. Deeds, Dayton, vice-president.
William II. Muzzy, Dayton.
William Pfium, Dayton.
Robert Patterson, director.
Thomas J. Watson, sales manager.
Joseph E. Rogers, assistant sales
Alexander S. Ilnrned, salesman.
Frederick S. High, district mana
ger, Boston.
Pllney Eves, district manager, San
Arthur A. Wontz, Columbus.
Georgo E. Morgan, Dayton.
-Charles T. Wulmsley, Chicago.
Charles A. Snyder, Elizabeth, N. J.
Walter Cool, Donvor. ' --
Myer N. Jacobs, Pittsburg.
Mont L. Lnsley, Detroit,
Earl B. Wilson, Los Angoles.
Alexander W. Sinclair, New York
John J. Range, Wnshlngton.
M. G. J. Keith, Now York. j
William CummlngB, Brooklyn.
J. C. Laird, Toronto. j
W. C. Howe, Snn Francisco.
E. II. EpperBon MlnneapollB.
Boforo passing Bontpnco Judge Hoi
lister denied tho motion or tho do
fondants for a now trial.
Famous Poet of the Slerrao Dies In
Piedmont Hills Home From
Senile Old Age.
San Francisco, Fob. 10. Clncln
nntus Holno Miller, better known as
"Joaquin" Miller, tho poet of thq
8lorras, died In his ono-room cnbln,
which ho built with his own hands In
tho Piedmont hills many yearB ago.
His daughter, Juanlta Miller, nnd hla
wlfo woro with him.
Sonllfty was tho only causa of death
tho physician could give.
Mr. Mlllor was born In Wabash,
lnd., on November 10, J 641. He wan
tho uuthor of "Songs of tho Sierras,"
"Pacific Palms." "Songs or tho Sun
land." "Tlio Ship or tho Desort."
"Lifo Among the Modocs." "First
Families of the Sierras," "The Danltes
or tho Slotras," "Shadows of
Shasta." "Mnniorln nnd Rime."
"HflronoBR of Now Yotk." "Songs ot
Farawny Lands," "Tho Destruction or
Gothnm," "The Building or the City
Beautiful," "A Poetic Romance,"
" 'Forty-Nino; or, Tho Gold Seekers or
the Sierras," "Chants for tho Boor,"
"True Bear Storlos" and of several
plays that wero well received wher
ever presented.
"The Seven Sisters" Measures Passes
the New Jersey House and the
Governor 8lgns Them.
Princeton, N. J., Fob. 10, Governor
Wilson's corporation bills, christened
by him "Tho Seven Sisters," went to
third reading nnd passed the house ot
assembly Tuesday. They received tho
governor's signature Immediately
thereafter, and thus becamo law, as
they had already passed the senate.
Vassar President Resigns.
Poughkeopslo, N. Y Feb. 19. Dr.
.Tamos Monroo Taylor, whoso resigna
tion as president of Vassar college
was announced Monday, maintains
strict silence as to hlB reasons for
wishing to quit.
Prince Henry's) Car H.lts Child.
Heddernholm, Germnny. Feb. 19
Prince Henry of tho Netherlands ran
over and severely injured a flve-yenr-old
child when driving an automobile
through tho principal street of thlB
town Monday.
House Passes Public Building Bill.
Washington, Feb 10 The public
buildings bill passed tho houso carry
ing appropriations of n little more
than $25,000,000, Monday Tho Vote
wns 134 to 10 Tho debate lasted
throo hours.
Coming Events In Nebraska.
February 20-21-22. Loyal ,Ordcr of
Mooso Fair and Bazar, Omaha.
Feb. 24 to March 1. Omaha Auto
mobllo Show, Omaha.
March 5 to 1G "Mnde-in-Nebraska"
Show, Omaha.
Alliance will get tho flro tourna
ment this summer.
Trailers nro being put on all th
street cars In Omaha.
A new camp ot W. O. W. Is belnt;
organized nt Ansolmo.
Merrick county's now court hous
is ncnringl completion.
Franklin pays Rb city superintend
ent of schoolB $1,12' a year.
Four hundred and fifty-four bills
hnvo boon Introduced In tho senate.
Alnsworth Monks of MoCook wa
killed at Wrny, Colo., In a train ac
cident. About 500 tons of hay was destroy
ed in a pralrlo flro near Hyannis rec
ently. Tho farmors in tho vlcnlty of, Pent
closed a successful throo days' farm
ers' Institute.
Three wolves were killed near
Ohiown this woek. About 800 pcopl
Joined In tho hunt.
J. C. Franklin, nged 95, a wealthy
pioneor of Nebraska, died at Fre
mont on February 12.
Tho Omaha Woman's club's resolo-
tions n gainst tho ropoal of tho Albert
law, the Sackott law or tho 8 o'clock
closing law have been received by the
In a one-Bidod gatno of basket ball,
University Placo defeated Beatrice
by tho Bcoro of 4 G to 18. Allen of tho
visitors was tho star and made niost
ot the goals.
Ono case of smallpox has beon re
ported to tho city physlclun at Au
rora, nnd In order to take procautlon
the hcIiooIb have boon closed for tho
purpose of fumigating.
-Tli Cortland basketball toaniwdci
fented AVllbor at Cortland' by 1EV
score of 3C to 28. Cortland haB won
eight straight games and claims the
championship of the county.
The Union Pacific has announced
tho posting of a reward of $1,000 for
the uiieot and conviction of tho par
ty, or parties, who murdered George
J, Hood, tho station agont at Miller.
Tho progresslvoness of the Village
,of Dodge ia .best alwvm by the con- .
Btructlou ot tho new $40,000 scheei
building now nearlng completion upoa
tho .alto used for Bchool purposes for,- .
many years.
Tho Rov. L. W. Corey, pastor ot the
First Baptist church ot Fremont for
tho past five years, recently tendered
his resignation to his congregation.
Ho will go to Kenosha, Wis.,, to ae
sumo chnrgo of a church.
John Elmer recently sold his fin
ono hundred and twenty-acre farm.
a low miles southwest of Snyder. jfor
tho longest prlco paid for farm lands
in that section, getting $165 per acre.
It Is a line farm and one of the best
in tho soctlon, though the. Improve
ments woro only ordinary,
Flro caused by tho explosltlon of a
barrel ot headlight oil damaged tho
Union Paclflo roundhouse nt Kearnoy
Thuibday night-to tho extent ot $35,
000. One engine burned nnd another
wns badly dumagod. Tho damage to
tho building wns heavy. The flro
raged for two hours.
At a mooting of tho Alliance retail
merchants' association Tuesday ways
and means were dlscusued and plans
formulated for placing before tho pco
plo of Box Butto county tho necessity
of a new court house and the getting"
out of tho vote, April 7, to decide for
tho issuanco of bonds for the build
ing thereof. - - -
Contracts wero signed nnd work be
gun this week on a 16 room hotel at
tho town ot Van Tansoll, Wyo.t near
tho state line. Work Is to bo ruBhed
and building uonpleted by April 1st.
Cost of building $3,500.00. J. H.
Knooter of Spearflsh, S. D., is the pro
prietor, and he will spend fl.eoortn -moro
In furnishings tills giving Von
TnBcoll an upto-dato hostelry,
Stephon T. Rcnsoncr, a well known
business man of Kearney and for two
terms county superintendent of Bufi
falo county, died at Rochester, Minn.
Ho kid boon successfully operated
iponfor Intestinal troublo In July,
out if second operation Wednesday
was fatal. Tho funeral will bo held
from Ashland, Neb., his old home, on
Monday under tho auspices of the Ma
cons,, of which order ho was a mem
bor. Tho clorks In the auditing depart
ment ofvthe Burlington at Omaha have
begun packing up preparatory to tak
ing tho records of Uint office to Chi
cago, on or about March 1. Thore aro
a lot of clerks in the sorting room
and who come under tho Jurisdiction
of tho auditing department, who havo
rebelled. Vincent Astor has selected
tho field ot agriculture for aiding
humanity. Govornor Sulzer announoed
today ho had appointed Mr. Astor to
head the delegation which will repre
sent New York state, at the raeetlatr
of tho general assembly of the later
national Institute of Agriculture to bo
held In Rome, Italy next May.
Bailey R. Simmons, a pioneer of
York, died recently.
Lon Wright and Dave Rockie woa w
the Fremont bowling tournament dou
bles by Bcorlng 1,0 IS pins. The tour
nament has been in progress for six
Farmers living in the locality of
Arnold nro profiting over a fleree
compotltlvo fight tho three creamed
loo of that place nre putting up,
An effort Is bojng made on the part
ot the citizens of Alliance to induce'
tho newly appointed bishop of Kear-
ney dlocoso to make Alliance his re
idenco, '
in I
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