Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 07, 1913, Image 1

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    jf T
- 11 J - '
Motto: All The News When It Is News.
VOL. 21.
NO. 23.
Limits All Presidents to Only Six
Years In Office, After Which They
Are Forever Barred From the Chief
Washington, Feb. 4. Tho senate
Baturdny night by a vote of 47 to 23
ono more thM- the necessary two
thirds adopteiTthe resolution for an
amendment to the Constitution pro
viding for a single six-year presiden
tial term.
Following Is tho text of the resolu
tion as adopted:
"The executive power nhall bo vest
cd in a president of the United States
of America. Thte term of ofllce of
president shall be six years, and no
person who has held tho office by elec
tion Or discharged Ub powers or duties
or acted as president under tho Con
stitution nhd laws made In pursuance
thereof, shall be eligible to again hold
the office by election."
Tho vote on tho resolution was:
t For.
Ashurat McCumber
Bnnklidail Nelion
UrniHlogee New lands
Brown Ovqrman
Bryan Owen
Burnham Paynter
Burton PeijroM
Catron Pel cy
Chamberlain Perklni
Chilton Perky
Clark fWyo.) romerene
Clarke (Ark.) Simmons
Cummins Smith (Arts.)
Dillingham Smith (Qa.l
Du Pont Smith (Md.)
Fletcher Smoot
Gamble Sutherland
Gardner Swanson
Guggenheim Thomas
Hitchcock Wetmore
Johnson Thornton
Johnston (Ala.) Williams
Kavanaugh Works 47.
Borah Uppltt
Bourne Lodge
Bradley McLean
Briatow Oliver
CInpp Page
Curtis H'olndaxUr
Dixon Richardson
Calllnscr nnritT"
Jackson , Shlvely
Jones , Stephenson
Kenyon Townsend 23.
La Follctte
Senator Shlvely of Indiana was tho
only Democrat to vote against the res
olution. He based bis opposition on
tho. six-year provision, contending that
a case night arise where a bad presi
dent -rt)tt2d bold oUtce aud that Uiero
ought to be opportunity to geVrld of
him at the end of four years.
Washington, Feb. 3. The United
States senate here Friday by a nar
row margin of three votes, defeated
a plan to nominate candidates for
president and vice-president by pri
mary and to change the Constitution
so as to abolish the electoral college
and elect future presidents by popu
lar vote. The senate wont on rec
ord In favor of continuing old system
by a vote of 85 to 32.
Reminder 8ent by 8tate Department
That It Must Preserve Peace
on Border.
Washington, Feb. 1, -The state de
partment sent a shaip reminder to
Mexico Thursday of Its obligation to
preserve peaco on thn American bor
der. The note was prompted by re
ports of tho threatening aspect of af
fairs In tho vicinity of Juarez. Gen
eral Steever has also been directed to
enforce the general order by which he
Js to "prevont any fighting" at or near
Juarez, or any place else, by which
American lives and property may be
endangered on this aide of the border.
Tho Instructions to General Steever
empower him to send a warning to the
commanders of the rebel and the fed
eral forces.
Former U. S. 8enator From Arkansas
Succumb at Bentonvllle After
a Long Illness.
Fort Smith, Ark., Fob. 1. James H.
Berry, former Unltid States senator
and governor of Arkansas and ono of
the most brilliant statesmen In early
political days of tho state, died at his
home at Flentonvllle Thursday. Ho
was seventy-two years of age and had
been HI for sevoral weeks.
Declares Sins of Standard Oil Can Be
Forgiven by Work of Mag
nate's Son.
Louisville, Ky., Feb. 4. Dr. Anna
Howard Shaw, In a locture hero, says
"all thi sins of tho Standard Oil can
be forgiven for the work of John D.
Rockefeller. Jr., 1b doing against the
white slaV3 traffic." She also says
"that D.000 police women aro needed
In New York to keep the police from
aiding white slave traders."
Doctor Von Holleben Is Dead.
Berlin Feb. 4. Dr. Theodor Von
Holleben, formerly German ambassa
dor nt Washington, died hero Satur
day night In his seventy-fifth yeur. Ho
had been seriously ill for about two
Snowstorm at Springfield.
Springfield, 111.. Feb. 4. A terrific
snowstorm hit Springfield and cen
tral Illinois Sunday night, crippling
traffic Edwin Carter, a contractor,
was found In tho street frozen to
Historical Sockt;
Mrs. William Kent, wife of the Pro
Qresslve congressman from California,
la one of the leaders In the suffragist
campaign that Is being conducted In
Review a Long Parade and Takes the
Oath of Office In the 8tat
Springfield, 111., Feb. 4. A great,
concourse of people, mostly Demo
crats, from all soctions of the state'
were In attendance on Monday at the
Inauguration ceremonies which In
ducted Edward F. Dunno Into the ofTictt
of governor. The ceremonies were
quite elaborate, but In keeping with
the occasion.
Mr. Dunne and the other Incoming'
officers and all the outgoing officers
except Governor Deneen, gathered at1
the St. Nicholas hotel, and at 10:30
o'clock entered carriages and reviewed
the long parade, which marched past
tho hotel In it wero political organ
izations from many cities and towns.
As the rear of tho procession passed,
the official party fell in behind and
the whole assemblage proceeded
through the downtown greets t,o the
governor's mansion, where Gdvemor1
and Mrs. Deneen joined it. The pa'
rade then moved on to the north door
of the state houso, where It divided to
allow the carriages to drive between
the ranks. The new officers alighted,
and, with their wives, went at once to'
the floor of the house. There, pre-1
clsely at noon, the oath of office was
administered to Mr. Dunne by Chief
Justice Frank K. Dunn.
In the evening the usual formal pub
lic reception was held at the govern
or's mansion. No Invltntlnnn -warn Itu
sued, and the affair was open to all!
who desired to attend.
Washington, Feb. 3. Pauline
Wayne, President Taft's famous cow,
will follow him into retirement March
4. The president called In Senator
Isaac Stephenson of Wisconsin and
! guve tho cow back to him. Mr. Taft
believes that on Senator Stephenson's
farm Pauline will regain her youthful
Detroit, Mich., Fob. 4. The govern
ment's criminal suit against the mem
bers of the so-called bathtub trust, 10
In number, was called up hero on
Monday for retrial. If the defendants
are convicted they may be sentenced
to the penitentiary.
Paris, Feb. 4. Tho Church of St.
Honore d'Bylnu on the Place Victor
Hugo was tho scene of a notable wed
ding on Monday, when Helen Stallo of
Cincinnati, daughter of Edmund K.
Stallo, and possessor of millions In
her own name, was married to Prince
Michel Murat.
Chicago, Fb 4. Patrolman Poter
Cloary of the Englowood police station
declared an act of congress unconsti
tutional. He arrested Dr. Mary
Walker because she was walking on
tho street In men's attllre. She waa
later released.
London, Feb. 1. By a vote of 860
to 437, the national convention of the
Labor party adopted a resolution to
oppose any franchise reform bill
which does not Include a provision
for votes for women here Thursday.
London, Feb. 1. As a matter of
form, the house of lords rejected the
home rule bill by a vote of 326 to 99
Thursday night. Lord Curzon of Ked
elston, Lord Wllloughby do Broke and
Lord Lansdowne made the final
speeches against the bill.
Solicitor McCabe Resigns.
Washington, Feb. 3. George P. Mc
Cabe, solicitor of tho department of
agriculture, presented to Secretary
Wilson Friday his resignation, effec
tive March 4. It was accoptod. Ho
will go to Portland, Ore.
Miss Henrietta Whitney Dead.
New Haven, Conn., Fob. 2. Miss
Henrietta Whitney, granddaughtor of
EH Whitney, Inventor of tho cotton
gin, died hero Friday of pneumonia
at her residence in Elm street. She
I is survived by a brother,
msy'S' will
PROVIDE $100,000,000
Wyoming, Delaware and New Mex
ico Votea Give More Than Needed
Majority Congreaa Will Enact
Law at Special Session.
Washington, Feb. 6. The Constitu
tion of tho United States has an In
Come tax now as one of Its pro
visions. Wyoming's ratification Mon
day of tho Income tax amendment
tho sixteenth change In tho (Constitu
tion and tho first since the, recon
structioncompleted a list of thirty
Ix states, three-fourths of tho Union,
which have approved tho provision.
Congress will enact a law to levy
the tax and It probably will become
offectlvo during the extraordinary
cession to be called by President
elect Wilson In March.
The new law probably will super
code the corporation tax and provide
for a tax on all Incomes above $5,009,
although there has been some senti
ment In favor of making tho limit
as low as ?4,000. Congressional lead
ers who have been preparing for tho
final ratification by the states esti
mate an Income tax would bring In.
about 1100,000,000 a year to the govt
The provision authorizing an In
come tax will be known as the "six
teenth amendment" and reads as fol-5
"Artlolo XVI. Tho congress shall!
have power to lay and collect taxes,
on Incomes, from whatevor source!
derived, without apportionment'
among the states, and without regard'
to any census or enumeration."
Following is the list of statos;
which ratified tho Income tax amend-i
Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Call-!
fornia, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia,
Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kan
sas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland,
Michigan, Minnesota. Mississippi,!
Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada,;
Nw Mexico, New York, North Cnro-
Una, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,)
Washington. Wisconsin, Louisiana
Ohio, West Virginia. Wyoming.
The following rejected:
Connecticut New Hampshire,:
Rhode Island, Utah.
No action or only partial actlont
wan taken In 'the seven other states.
- The' three latest slates td- ratify tha,'
income tax amendment wero
Thirty-sixth state, Wyoming; thirJ
ty-seventh state, Delaware; thirty-)
eighth state, New Mexico.
Flames Cause Wild Panic In Moving
Picture Theater Famous South
Carolina Hotel Burns.
New York, Feb. 4. Two women
were cruBhed to death, 18 men, wom-i
en and children were injured so bad
ly as to necessitate their Instant re
moval to the operating room of Belle-i
vue hospital, and almost a hundred
others were painfully hurt In a panic
at tho moving picture theater at 145
East Houston street, known as tho
Houston Hippodrome, Sunday.
Aiken, S. C, Feb. 4. In ono of the
most spectacular Ores Aiken has ever
aeon and, In which upwards of a quar
ter of a million dollars' worth In prop
erty, Jewels and personal offects was
destroyed, tho Park-In-the-PlneB hotel,
Aiken's fainoim hostelry, was burned
to the ground here Sunday.
Savannah, Ga Feb. 4. Fire hero,
destroyed tho docks and warehouse
of the Merchants and Miners' Trans
portation company, a large amount of
freight and five blocks of email houses
In tho Yamacraw section of the river
front. The loss will b between!
$500,000 and $750,000.
Supreme Court Holds Organization of
Big Leather Machinery Concern
Did Not Violate Law.
Washington, Feb. 5. The govern
ment suffered Its first big defeat in
the antitrust campaign when tho su
preme court Monday held that tho of
ficials of the United Shoe Machinery
company had not violated the Sher
man anti-trust law by organizing that
The action of the Supreme court
grew out of the Massachusetts fed
eral court's annulling one of two indict
ments brought ngalnst the shoe ma
chinery company officials.
Specialist for Czar's Son. '
Berlin, Feb. 5. Prof, fenderleln, the
well-known Wurzburg specialist, left
that city Monday for St. Petersburg in
answor to a summons from the czar
to attend a consultation over tho con
dition of the young czarevitch.
For Direct Vote on Senator.
Denyer, Colo., Feb. 4. The Colorado
house adopted tho constitutional
nmendment providing for the direct
election of United States senators
Saturday. It had alroady been adopN
ed by the senato.
Frank M, Ryan Released.
Leavenworth, Kan., Feb, 4. Frank
M. Ryan, president of tho Internation
al Association of Bridge and Struc
tural Iron Workers, was released
from the Fort prison here on ball
IflHs HSiP! !
Herr Roth, a Leipzig genealogist
has announced that Frederic II., reign
ing duke of Anhalt, Is a direct descen
dant of Brian Boru, and haa a better
right than any other living person to
tho Irish throne. The duke of Anhalt
was born In 1856, and, In 1889, married
Marie, princess of Baden. He has no
children. ,
Roar of Cannon at TchataIJa Indicates
Fierce Engagement Rioting In
Constantinople, Feb. 5. The vast
rumblo and roar of many cannon waa
heard here Monday night and Tues
day, Indicating that tho proralod re
sumption of hostilities between the
Turks and tho allies was on. Tho
city la in a perfect frenzy of unrest
Rioting has broken out In n number
of places and the officials have their
bands full in keeping a semblance of
order. t , "
It was reported here Tuesday that
the allies were storming TchataIJa
and had been since seven o'clock
Monday night. Their sorties wore
repeatedly repulsed.
Paris, Feb. 5. M. StanelofT, Bulgar
ian minister to Paris, who. In his
capacity as an officer of the reserve,
took part in the war with Turkey, ex
plained why the allies felt compelled
to recommence hostilities.
"We were compelled to recommence
th war," he said, "because of the ter
ritory which cannot bo left under
Turkish misrule and because Turkey
refuses to pay a war Indemnity "
Women Madly Battle Each Other
Effort to Hear Evangelist Sun
day Preach the Gospel.
Columbus, O., Feb. 3 Twenty thou
sand women battled with each other,
battled with policemen, nnd were
beaten, and bruised, and crushed In
an effort hero Friday to get into tho
tabcrnaclo where Itov. W. A. Sunday,
the baseball evangelist, wbb conduct
ing a revival, In which more thnn five
thousand persons were converted.
Women , fought v. 1th umbrellas and
with lint pi MR, policemen ubihI their
clubs. A score of women fainted,
hundreds suffered injuries In being
jostled ngalnst each other and against
tho building, and a dozen policemen
received scratches nnd brulHes. One
crlpplo was budly hurt. A door was
torn from the building nnd fell on to
the mob surging around It. The
tabernacle holds ton thousand; as
many as got Into tho building -wero
forced to turn away It was a meet"
Ing for women only nnd drew the big
gest crowd that has yet attended tho
Dynamite Blast In Hardware Store at
Clenfuegos, Cuba, Deals Death
and Destruction.
Havana, Feb, 4. -A terrific explosion
of dynamite In a hardware store at
Clenfuegos Sunday killed eleven per
sons and Injured more than a hundred
others. A number of the Injured will
probably die. Tho cause of the explo
sion Is unknown as the owner of tho
store, Josp Mnyo, a Spaniard, Is so
badly Injured that ho Is unablo to
talk. A number of buildings In tho
vicinity of tho hardwaro store woro
wrecked and the shock was felt for 20
milos, Throe Americans were Injured.
Uphold Martial Law,
Washington, Feb. 5, Tho Supremo
court Monday declined to Interfero
with the martial law ordered by Gov
ernor Glassock In tho Cabin Creek
coal district' of West Virginia, whero
trouble arose from a strike
Chinese Loan Arranged.
Peking. Feb. 5, Tho $125,000,000
loan to Chlnn by tho slx-powor group
wbb arranged Monday. Tho loan Is
for 50 years at 5V4 por cent., redeem
able In 1C years at par. Tho security
U the salt of tho Qabello,
The Bill la An Exact Duplication of
Bill Pasted by the New Jersey
Representative Foster of Douglas
county Introduced a bill In tho lower
houso, providing that stato ofllcorB
slinCl bo carried froo by tho railroads
in Nebraska.
If parsed, thla would lncludo tho
olecLho stato officials, tho adjutant
cueral, clerk of tho supremo cquxl
and officers and membora of tho leg
islature. Tho Btato officers would only ride
rfreo when on stato business, but tho
ileglslatoiH, according to tills bill,
would rldo free at all tirr.es.
Representative Foster declares that
thl lu an exact duu'lcate of i tho bill
passed by tho New Jersey logiBlaturo,
,aud blgued by Governor Wllbun last
year. He also pays that Governor
Morehend favors It.
McKIsslcic Introduced a bill appro
priating ? 15,000 for a Nebraska ox
,hlbll at tho Pamuuu-Snu Francisco ox.
position, nnd authorizing a state com
mlBslon of three appointed by the
sovernor to ninnneo wuno.
Sugarman Introduced n nun partisan
Judicial election bill.
Other blll or Interest Include", that
of BurketL gMug tho state railway
commission tho powur to regulate the
uorvlco of atreot railway companies,
and that of Smith of Douglns, empow
ering the commission to tlx rates for
o'octrlc light power companies.
Tho minority report of the work
lngmcn's compensation commission,
providing an elective syBtom of com
pensation and a state mutual employ
era' liability usiraclatlou, 1 was Intro
duced in tho house by Bolluu and In
the senato by Ollls, Urott, liuslk and
Ayws proposed to let any county em
ploy a count) demonstrator of agri
cultural methods if 5 per cent of the
freeholders request It, he to work
under the direction of tho stato ami.
cultural college.
To Investigate Institutions.
Apart, from 4I1C -action of UIo houso'
In providing for it leBfslntlvo Ihvt.Btl'-
gatlon of tho affnlru of stato luHtltu
tiona for tho past ten yeurs, tho son
ate will bo given nn opportunity to
express itself along the muno llnca. A
resolution Introduced by Wacek of
Saunders provides for such an investi
gation of four yours of tho Manuel ad
ministration of the boyu Industrial
school at Kearney.
Immedlato notion was not taken on
tho resolution, the protest of Cordca.1
of Red Willow being BUfflciont to lay
tho matter over one day undor tho
senato rules. A promised deficit of
close to $30,000 nt tho school furnish
cb tho supporters of tho resolution
with BUfllclent rouBonB for its adop.
lion by tho sonata It Is likely tunt
former LdtnJ Commissioner Cowles of
Fairbury, whoso rows with Superin
tendent Manuel during tho past two
years havo boon mnny and varied, will
be cai'led in to give testimony If the
senato decides to approve tho Placelc
Buslieo'B Mil relating to ' tho fahu'
advertising of real estate olferpd nn
oxcuso for several senators to give
their Ideas on the printers' Ink jjnnie
and tho real estate business ao well
It waB finally agreed to by tho mom
born, but a somewhat drastic nmend
ment prodding that all real nuato met
should inspect all N'ebraeka '.ant
listed with them for sale before thn)
ondeavored to dlsjtune of It to theli
clients wan voted down.
Bills Passed by Senate.
Dills rend the third time before the
senate and which wuie passed unani
mously by that body:
Senate Filo No, 110, by Hoaglnnd 01
Lincoln- Requires irrigation compan
ies to report amounts to be Irrigated
each year direct to Btato engineer, in
stead of to suprlnt"tidnntK of watei
divisions. Also makes more stringent
tho penalty for not complying with
tho law.
Senate Fllo No. 105, by Kemp ti,
Nance Makes smuggling of dopo or
fireurms Into tho sate penitentiary, or
any Jail of tho stato a felony and pro
vltles punishment thorofor.
Senate Fllo No. 80, by Recodifica
tion Commission- Antl sodomy law.
Senato Fllo No. fil, by Grace of Har
lan Provides that nil" roii d, Irrigation
and cimnl companies shall maintain
passagoways over their tracts and
Senate Fllo No, 102, by Hongland of
LancasterProvides for extermina
tion of prairie dogs,
State Treasurer Fiscal Agent.
A bill to innko the stato treasurer
the fiscal agent of tho state and to do
away with the rather expensive- hublt
of having a financial (Inn In Now York
City act lu that capacity was consid
ered briefly and received tho approval
of the senators, Tho measure is
hacked by Btato Treasurer Georgo and
other Intel ostod p.wtioa and will net
onl pi cent commissions and Interest
money from going out of tho1 state,
but will keep the money In the state's
strong box, whero Jt can bo used to
coed advantage.
By Vote of Ten to Twenty-Two Meas
ure to Prevent Sunday Baseball
Is Defeated,
Tho Benate went on record in favor
of Sunday baseball. By a voto of ten
to twenty-two It defeated nn amend
ment Intended to leave tho matter of
playing baseball on Sunday to city,
village nnd county ofllcorB. Tho bill
under consideration wna S. V. iS, by
BarUlug of Otoo county. Tho bill la
In tho same form aa tho one that
passed botlt houses two years ago
and waa vetoed by Governor Aldrlch,
lloaglund of Lincoln county, chair
man of tho Judiciary committer that
placed tho bill on the gmernl tile,
moved to amend the bill by provid
ing that Sunday buaeball tshall bo
prohibited In this stato except In
cities, vlllaqcB or counties where tho
olllclals authorlzo It to bo played. Ho
supported his amendment In an ox
tended apeech In which ho euh! tho
UnrtllitB bl'l contains a Joker. Ho
said It confer no powor upon olTlcora
to regulato or prohibit the game,
and In fact forces Sunday bosobnll
upon every city, vlllago and county
In tho Btato.
I'lacek of Snundora defended tho
bill and emphatically denied tho
statement of Hoagland. Ho said that
undor tho Bnrtllng bill city nnd vll
lago boards and county hoards can
prohibit tho gamo within their ro
spectlvo Jurisdictions.
Tho BartllnR bill amend'1 the Jiroo
ont law prohibiting common labor on
Sundny or rioting, quarreling, hunt
ing, fishing or shooting, but leaves
out all reforonco to sporting and
adds to tho present law the follow
ing: "Provided, further thai nothing
heroin RliBll bo construed to prevent
or prohibit tho playing of lawn ten
nis, golf or basoball between the
hourB of utid C p. m. on the first
day of the week, commonly called
Sunday. Provldod, however, that
nothing heroin contained sliatl bo
construed aa preventing any village,
town or city from controlling, regu
lating or prohibiting tho playing of
liflBeball within ita t-otporato limltn.
or from preventing county boards
from controlling, regulating or pro
nlbltlng tho playing of btiBoball out
iMdo of tho corporate limits of towns,
-t'lagea or cities."
Proposed Workmen's Compensation.
A minority report of tho Nebraska
vorkmun'ti compensation commission
vont Into tho legislature to be intro
duced at the sauio tlino lu both
houses, it Is'Blgnod by A. L. Wcath
orly. Lincoln A. C. AVoltzcl, i.tiha,
and I. D. EvanB, Kenesaw, minority
inieinberH of tlia commission. For
fcbthe" dayw; Ib'flfatoUvhoyiuvoi
ucen going over iiih uuiuiienuiiuu
laws of- various states, notably Now
York, Pennsylvania and MIcIiIkuu,
and this bill !b lnccd lnrgoly upon
these. It makes it elective whether
omployor and employe In any factory
or industry shall chooco to go under
tho provisions of this act or remain
under the old law.
Fifty por cent of tho wage Is to
be paid In caso of accident to a work
man for total disability for tho llrst
300 weoka, and 10 per qont after that.
mnJu"'nns league will begin the latter pirt
porar ly disabled is based upon cal- . ,-,, ,n tno two,vo ds
cuiations. 1 f dl8trlo"j championship honors
n case of death from accide, ho o
Injured workman's dependents Ket a I , .. . . .. . .. ,,.
Compensation for Injury while torn
maximum compensation of 50 per
cent of tho wuge, or, iiiot to exceed 1
$10 and not less thair $5, and If re- ,
reiving when he wus working less
than ?5, got full pay. This compen
satlon runs for "100 weeks.
Those compensations, it is stated,
aro as good ns thoso undor present
methods. Thereforo, It Is argued, it
Is to Ibo advantago of omployor .ind
omployo to elect to go undor this bill,
the monoy paid out and received be
ing the same In either case, but uji
dor tho act there Is no waste of time
or money In litigation.
Recommended to Pass. I
In committee of the whole the houso ,
recommended for passage the follow-'
Houso Itoll No. 27, by Simon
Douglas Permitting Omnhu to pen
sion widows or police olllcers from tho
city funds of not less than ?20 por
mouth. '
House Roll No. 14, by Flies of I row-
.ml -Providing for tho marking of . - ' '""--sounty
roads on both boundaries nnd , o the state and keep Nebraska
'or nonum-ntf- "f rmwrote. iron or , favorably before thQ country,
stone on aurvry points. Bau r.3l-.fi Att,ntinn k"-.h r.-"
House Roll No. 15, by Fries of How-
ard-i-MiikliiB it unlawful for any per
son to establish corners in Imitation
of corners established by tho United
States government.
House Roll No. 84, by Anderson of
Kenmoy Allowing farm mutual In
surance companies to Insure farm Im
plements, vehicles and tools.
Three-Fourth Jury Verdict.
House Roll No. 40, by BoMon of
Knox For a constitutional amend
ment permitting a verdict by flvo
slxths of a Jury In all civil cases and
In criminal cases, or felonies.
Would Repeal Prairie Dog Law.
Smith or Sewurd Induced the sen
ato to strike a blow at a home In
dustry. In committee of the whole
his bill, S, F. 102, to lopeal the law
for tho destruction of pralrlo dogs,
was recommended for passage. An
emergency clause was also attached,
Smith fcald lie doslred to kill the In
dustry of getting monoy fiom land
owuers for tho killing of pialrle tlrgs
whon little ovldonco hud been pro
duced to show that the Utile dogu
had really beon killed
Fourth Nebraska Conservation Con
gress, In Lincoln, February
19 to' 21.
Lincoln --Twenty-live stato de
partments, under the leadership o
tho Stuto Board of Health, will co
operate In a great exhibit of tho vital
resources of tho stato and tho agea
clcH which act for tho preservation
of the puMIe health at the Fourth
Nebraska Conservation oCngrese a
Lincoln, February 10th to lut- Th--Unlvorslty
Temple will be filled wHa
department exhibits, illustrated lec
tures and graphic charts domonstraV
ing why Nebraska takes high rank)
aa a permanent health resort whor
tho productive power of a highly in
telligent people is wisely conserved.
This exhibit will ho original and.
unique, furnishing ono of tho axli
lury attractions of what is oxnocted
to be the greatest conservation con
gress ever held in. this country. Emi
nent speakers vfll be present from
ovory corner of the United Gtaios,
attracted by thq novel plana mad
for tho exploitation of tho physical
and human resources of Nobraaka.
Tho Veterinary Department will show
hog cholera, tuberculosis and other
cxhlbltH of vital interest to tho farm
er; tho Geological Survey will 6T
plolt the mineral rosource of tho
state, which have been hlthorto a,
sealed book to nil except experts;
tho Conservation and Soil Survey vlll
show soil maps and outline the water
resources of the stato', tho tSnglnoer
ing dopnrtment will make extenslvn
cxhlbitn of road building and rood
mntorlals which arc to be found in
Nebraska; tho Department of Itural
Bnclncerlng will exhibit plans for
the farniBtead and for typical modern
conveniences on the farm.
The Stato ICn-jIneer'a office will co
operate In explanation of the wnter
power reaourcos of tho state, irriga
tion, drailiHg and bridge, planai i
Food and Drug" department, Oil In
spector, Medical college, Bacteriolo
gist, Dopartmoutfl of Animal Hus
bandry, Forestry, Entomology, State
Board of Agriculture, Church Survey,
etc., aro Included In the Hat of ex
hibits with vnrlouB. sectional meet
ings on these subjects.
Tho Department of Public Educa
tion will co-operal", showlns th pro
gress of education with special refer
enco to rural schools; tho Women's
department will to specially proviacd
for and draw a, number of the strong
est speakers and 'the Nrwiia-FK .
erUoi. of qinrch;B,vllJ hajre chrg?. -
nt it -At-ftia nf aral Inntil trlilnt Inir-i rVHi
r ; . ; . ..-.::" t;v at.
ueuilQU uy alien flpcHKero a "'--M'J15r""il
B. McNutf of Now York and "Unclo A .
Honry" Wallnco of Des Moines. J
Admission is free to all sessions of
the congress and exhibits, For fur
ther information address DopartiM-
of Publicity, Conservation" 'Commis
sion, Lincoln
School Debating Work.
Lincoln. Tho sixth annual contest
of the NebrnBka High School Debat-
sentntlvrs of the schools unI the dis
tricts to compete in the Jcngue'B state
contest for the state championship
at the stnto university on High school
fete day In May,
Program for Ml'itja Encampment.
Lincoln. Adjutant General HaJl la
planning n novel and liilereatlug pro
gram for the minimi encampment of.
tho Nebraska national guard next Au
gust. He proposes to have eacJk of ,;
tho two regiin'its start nt dlffrept
points and. spend about live days
marching nnd the bajnnen of tho ten
days In a permanent camp.
To Advertise Nebraska,
Osceola. -If Norton of Polk secures
t favorable action on Ulu measure, Ke
nrnsKii win snortiy ne puuusneu to tno
world as it really is. Tho Norton bill x
creutes u pubMc welfare cqmmlsslon
and appropriates $25,000 to bo used in
cany ing out the plans of, the com
mission, Its duty will be to collect
-.,1 B...I.1 f .. Hnl-.tl-M . it..- ......
That the 191, crop uf seed, iorn Is
not up to normal Is the report of C.
W. Pugsley of tho Nebraska Experi
ment Station. Wliile tho seed corn Is
in much better condition than It was
last year, yet it requires some care
ful uttoutlon, according to Prof. Pugs
ley. He states that corn Is full of
moisture and a sudden frooze or con
tinued cold woathor might result in
much of It being badly damage-.
Prof. Pugsley has asked the Bureau
of Publicity to urgo the people of th
state to use oxtremo caro to see that
thn seed corn Is properly stored, tud
to test It before R la planted.
State Brotherhood of Threshermem
Lincoln Nebraska's Brotherhoo
of Threshermen, representing 4,00ft
farmers and workers, Is to gather 1
Lincoln, February 11-13, in annaal
convention, Stato Representative
Gustafson, secretary of tho associa
tion, has Just finished mailing 4,00
programs oyer tho state, setting forth,
tho first-class program that has beesi
arranged. At the opening sesssloa,
February. 11, F. K. Shannon, pre
dent, will speak, as woll also Is A.
Hardin on "Wlnil-n-lta Us as
" -ar
,.) i nt
l HiMLit
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