Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 31, 1913, Image 7

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    v f
-7fpi"--m' y
Prominent Doctor's Beat Preecrlp
tfon Easily Mixed at Home.
"From vrmr rlriiRKlst get on ounce
of Tori? compound (In original sealed
SncliriRe) nnd one ounce of syrup of
arsaparilla compound. Take the
two ineredlonts home and put them
Into a hair pint of Rood wlilekay.
Shake the bottle and take a tftble
(puonful before each meal nnd at bed
time" This Is said to bo the quickest
and best remedy known to the medical
profession for rheumatism and back
ache. Oood results como after the first
close. If your druggist docs not nave
Torts compound In stock ho will ret
It for you In a few hours from his
wholesale house. Don't bo Influenced
to tnko a patent medicine Instead of.
this. Insist on having the trenulne Torts
compound In the original one-ounco, seal
ed, yellow packaKe. Hundreds of the
wont cases wero cured here by this pro
scription Inst winter. Published by the
Globe Pharmaceutical laboratories of
William H. Maxwoll, tho superin
tendent of New York's schools, said
the other day, apropos of certain
demagogic proposals:
"But the best definition ot a dema
gogue will always remain that ot a
llttlo girl of seven, who said:
" 'A demagogue 1b a vessel 'contain
ing beer and other liquids.'"
A Diplomat.
Ron Pa. la a dlnlomat a man who I
knows how to hold his tongue?
Fnthpr Nn mv hnv. A dlnlomat Is
a man who knows how to hold his
l. i i . 1.-1.1 1.1- '
Mrs. Stewart Tells How She
Suffered from 16to45 years
old How Finally Cured.
Thmhemia. Ohio. -"Becauso of total i
Ignorance of how to care for myself
when verging into womanhood, and from
taking cold when going to school, I suf-
Xered from a displacement, and each ,
month I had severe pains and nausea
which always meant a lay-off from work
for two to four days from the time I
was 16 years old.
' ' I went to Kansas to live with my sis
ter and while there a doctor told me of
the Pinkham remedies but I did not use
them then as my faith in patent medi
cines was limited. After my sister died
I came home to Ohio to live and that
has been my homo for tho last 18 years.
"TheChange of Lifo camo when I was
47 years old and about this time I saw
my physical condition plainly described
in one of your advertisements. Then I
began using Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound and I cannot tell you
or any one the relief it gave mo in the
first three months. It put me right
where I need not lay off every month
and during the last 18 years I have not
paid out two dollars to a doctor, and have
been blest with excellent health for awe
woman of my ago and I can thank Lydia
E.Pinkh am 's Vegetable Compoundfor it
" Since the Change of Life is over I
have been a maternity nurse and being
wholly self-supporting I cannot over
estimate the value of good health. I
have now earned a comfortable little
home just by sewing and nursing since
1 was 52 years old. I nave recommended
the Compound to many with good re
eults, ns it is "Tccellent to take before
and after c, . abirth." Miss Evelyn
Adelia Stewaiit, Euphcmia, Ohio.
If yon want special advice write to
lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Yonr letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidence.
TUftUBtnil't QaleklrielleTeaert
1 1 nUlfirwUil O irritation earned
CHE UflTcD UT au.t, no or
tit WAlCK "fad. liooklet free
Sioux Gity Directory
"Hub of the Northwest"
h Mid- West Bank
ilem Gtj, I.. "741 Atwayt Tnatt You Rltht. "
Superior Serrlc Sure Safety Liberal Intern)
Live Block Commlaalon Merchants at
UOUXOITY, Ohlmmmo KmnmmmOMy
Aak (or one ol our WIS calendars
Sioux Oity Stock Yards, Iowa
Write or call on us for prices.
Full lino of Photo Supplies for
Professionals and Amateurs.
Fresh and Up-to-Date. Address
Zimmerman Bros., 61 5 Pierce SL. Sioux City, la.
Now Open for Business. 250 Rooms.
Absolutely Fireproof.
Rates $i and Up.
Hudson &Greenameyer
Live Stock Commission
JJve Slock Commission Merchant!
Room 209 Exdiance Building
Sioux City Stock Yards Sioux City, Iowa
COO Cockerel. foral6,liO,n.00, 13 00. PuUeUtUNIo
11.25. tlood breeding atook on band at all timet,
Harden and farm aeeda Ponltrr anppltm. Hon,
monki-Ta and pet stock. IVKllTZ lllltl)
BK1SD blOKK. 4tU&rearlBt.,bloniC'UT,Ia,
Auto rhotie 4141 Iowa Phone 1048
MB MoQeo Hefner Brothers
Live Stock Commission Merchants
George F.Uefper. w. il MeOee, Cattle Haletmen.
O. JVUrrden. Hot and Bneep Baleaman. Itoom HO,
rcaange I1I1, Sioux aty.li. Inference f nmahed.
Soot Destroyer
Burn all toot by chemical action, and makea
boilen, furnace, atom and pipei oa clean ai
sew. II your dealer doetn't keep it write to
Johnton Compound & Chemical Co.
318 3rd Street Sioux City, Iowa
Many Prefer This Form of Landscape
Art In Making Plans for
Their Gardens.
Many admirers of Japanese art have
treated their backyards In tho Japa
nese style, which lends Itself admir
ably to small places. It is n stylo
I which ruquiruo uuuoiuuaum "i"
artistic nblllty to nanaio properiy. u
not well done, -It becomes grotesque
nnd ridiculous. Ono very successful
oxnmplo of this stylo is tho garden
of Mrs. Lllllnm' Uurkh&rdt Goldsmith,
tho well known actress and dramatic
reader. Tho mossy hills, tho water
fall, paths and tiny stream were all
laid out and very largely made by
her skilful hands. One ot the loveliest
things In tho garden Is tho wistaria
arbor, in spring a mass of pendent
lavender chains.
Instead of laying tho emphasis on
the garden plan, one mny use tho back
vntri no n ninfin tn nnllppt raro nnd
unusual plants. Better still, ono may
make a collection ot all the species
and varieties of one family or may
raise trees nnd shrubs from seed.
One Berkeley professor is making a
collection ot iris and is now looking
forward to the blooming periods of 18
now varieties recently imported from
Pnlentlno. Watching these como Into
bloom will not only glvo plcnsuro to
the family, but to many friends and
Growing lilies, Irises, dahlias nnd
i gladiolus from seed aro very fasctnat-
Inc. They vary so fronv seed that any
ono Is likely to get some new and
beautiful varloties. There is great ,
pleasure in watching tho blooming or
each new seedling.
The forms ot back yards are endless
ns the people themselves, for each
back yard should express the Individ
uality of tho owner, and should be In
keeping with the house and the sur
roundings. A simple cottage will have a simple
yard gay and sweet with homellko
flowers. The stately colonial house
will have the formal garden with sun
dial, pool nnd rose garden. Tho lines
of the house will dominate the gar
den and both will form that harmoni
ous whole which we delight to call
home. Boston Globe.
Shrubs Planted Around House or In
Garden Convey the True Home
like Appearance.
The charm of shrubB lies In their
purely natural adaptation to nooks
and1 corners about buildings, in the
borders, about well kept lawns, at the
edge of trees and their true sense of !
quiet and peacefulness. The begin
ner in plant grouping Is apt to mako
all of his groups alike. This is very
easy to do, and can be avoided by the
planter having in mind the finished
effect before he begins to plant. A
background is made up most natural
ly ot trees of various kinds and sizes.
In this border many specimens of
rough and uncouth growth can be
used which do not look uncouth when
a judicious planting of shrubbery l
made in the foreground. The garden
er should bear In mind that plants In
the foreground must stand closo ex
amination. For this reason Bpoclal
care should be exercised In their
choice. Flowering shrubB and herba
ceous plants nre especially adapted
for use In such places.
For Beautiful Chinatown.
The idea ot "the city beautiful" is
gaining ground. Even Chinese resi
dents of America are taking It up.
The Chinese chambor of commerce in
Los Angeles haB adopted a plan for
creating a Deautlful Chinatown in
that city. It Includes projects for a
largo number ot buildings ot the Ori
ental type, with pagodas, a tea gar
den and other things. This sounds
like a permanent Midway of the Chl-
nese tVDe.
Of course, business con
Blderatlons are at tho back ot the
enterprise; the projectors think that
the Chinese residents will tnus win
more attention from Americans. But
if this Los Angeles movement helps
to end the Chinatown eyesores that
exist In many places, It Is a movement
toward the good. It is interesting to tlon of this comprehensive system of
note that many Chinese piogressives bookkeeping in every public depart
urge steps In an opposite direction: ment. This will not be for some
they would have Chinamen in Amor- ' montlu yet, ns the volume of lntorma
lea adopt American customs In the tlon I havo collected Is very large,
matter of buildings, clothing, etc. If and it will probably tako me all win
this progressive idea carries the day, ter to prepare my report,
the distinctive Asiatic features of ' "At the same timo I shall start an
Chinatowns , would disappear. ( effective campaign In my own stato
for the municipalization of all public
Beautifying the Home. 1 sorvices along the same lines thnt I
All decorative planting of home ' have found In oporatlon here, for I
grounds should havo for Its first and
( highest aim tho beautifying of the
home, for the onlovmcnt of the home
, e0ple. How It will look to outsiders
is never to bo lost sight of, but tho
first consideration should be, must be,
how It will look from within. It must
be a homo picture for home-folk. This
same law ot construction should rule
within and without.
His Past
Iiankln Say, did you over do set
tlement work?
Fyle No. In my younger days,
though, 1 did some unsottlement work;
I UBed to lecture on "Tho Folly of Be
lieving in a Hereafter."
Getting Even.
Mrs. Lansing Our old society Is
going to give a church social at the
Lansing I know It It didn't pay
expensos, so wo'ro giving another to
make up the deficit of the last one.
"Did you mako a success of keeping
"To a certain oxtont Whoro I fell
down was in trying to sell thorn 01
oersuado them to lny eggs "
1 4MV sr3$rVt ?j WUl 4 ' -.l n isesieJ sssBJiijrl-ag HU
slUfu,l.iS .HsMsfkBfesLB- iB iPKr? BBIBIBIbV BPVvj
yLlvj- .ibbbbL "2u 'VkiLLLLLLBV sWrNf .
Here are four of tho leadors in the National Womon's Dumocratlo League which met tho other day In Wash
ington. From left to right thoy are: Mrs. Duncan U. Fletcher, wlfo of tho senator from Florida; Dr. Julia
Holmes Smith of Chicago; Mrs. John Shorwln Crosby, rotlilug president of the league, and Mrs. Jonnlo L. Mun
roe ot Washington.
Ex-Congressman Asserts English
Systems Superior to Others.
M. Todd of Michigan Discusses
Public Services Have Wonder- v
ful Method of Bookkeeping
Co-Operation's Part.
London. Former Congressman A.
MTodd ot Michigan, who early last
spring came to Europe to mako an
exhaustive study of the system In
vogue among the public sorvices, with
special refcrenco to municipal owner
ship, has como to the conclusion that
the best managed public service sys
tems In the world are those of Grpat
"In France and Germany," said Mrt
Todd, according to a London corre
spondent, "I found much to admire,
and perhaps even more to condemn.
So far as mere mechanical methods
are concerned both countries show
many important and valuable im
provements, but in nearly every case
their organization and management
are loose and lacking in system,
which of course means a certain in
crease in the cost of operation and
a corresponding decrease In profits.
Politics and tho necessity for pro
viding places for party supporters
mny have something to do with this,
as In my own country.
"On the other hand, I have so far
been able to find only ono point to
criticise In the equipment and oper
ation of the various municipally
owned public services of Great Brit
ain, and that is the construction of
the double decked tramcars controlled
by the London county council. They
are not broad enough or heavy enough
at the base for their height, and the
danger of capsizing seems to mo to
bo too groat. It seems surprising that
so few accidents happen, considering
the tremendous congestion of traffic
In most of your streets. Perhaps this
danger Is discounted by the superb
way in which the cars are handled."
Mr. Todd was particularly struck
with the running of the various pub
lie departments In Glasgow. "Politics
is eliminated there, and the solo aim
of the authorities seems to bo to give
the public the best possible servico
at the least possible cost. Birming
ham and Manchester- are much the
same in many respects, with only mi
nor differences due to u changed en
vironment. "Ono striking phase ot these public
service systems of IOngland nnd Scot
land, which I found well worth study
ing in detail, is the wonderful system
of bookkeeping and auditing ot ac
counts. I don't think I ever saw a
more perfect method of classifying ac
counts on so largo a scale, where
even the smallest item may bo traced
at a moment's notice, while a balance
gheet can be furnished practically on
demand. In the published report ot
my investigations, which will be sub
mitted to the governing bodies of all
the principal cities In the United
States, I shall recommend the adop-
believe no better system ot roally effi
clent service could bo dovlsod In the
present stage of our civilization."
Hut Mr. Todd's enthusiastic eulogy
does not stop here. He has been par
ticularly struck with another peculiar
ity of English civil life, tho big co
operative concerns which have begun
to play a leading part In the Drltlsh
world of business Ho says;
"One institute whoso plant I In
spected with tho moBt absorbing In
terest .not only manufactures an im
mense output of superior goods for
tho markets of the world, but gives
bprofitable employment to thousands ot
men, women and children undor the
moat wholesome conditions and sunl-
Boston's Principal Thoroughfare May
Be Longest In the World Will
Total 150 Miles.
Boston. Forty years ago Cyrus
Wakefield, of rattan furniture fame,
earnestly and energetically advocated
a plan to cxtond Washington street a
dozen miles northward from Boston to
tho town of Wnkolleld With Mr
Xt7 trnflrtl rl'a nnaalniv tlwa oilinitiA tuna
lost sight of but recently It has beon
tary regulations. All of them aro pro
vided with comfortable homes at rea
sonable rentals and everything Is done
to make them contented and happy,
while each In addition enjoys a pro
portionate sharo in the general profits.
"Moreover, this concorn him its own
steamship lines for shipping its goods
to foreign markets at a minimum ex
pense for freightage and for bringing
back supplies of raw materials from
its own plantations and forests in Af
rica and South America. And all of
those vast enterprises in ono are op
erated simply and easily, because the
principle of co-operation behind It In
sures a unity nnd harmony of, both
purpose and effort for the common
Science Spots Real Cause of Mexi
co's PlightHow Indians Mix Piety
With Booze and Roulette.
Mexico City. Following a line of
reasoning based upon many ycarB of
experience, scientists announco that
the real causo of the revolutionary
fever in Latin-American republics is
not the desire for glory on the battle
Hold, but Is lodged in the ovcr-prosont
flea. It Is asserted that sleep, undis
turbed by ravages of parasites, is
practically unknown In Mexico, and
the states further south. For thlB rea
son, entomologists contend that tho
explosive temperament of the aver
age Latin-American is In part, if not
wholly, due to the fact that restful
slumber departed from the country
long before tho conquest. The scien
tists assert that no nation can be
great whoso sleep is broken into fit
ful snoozes. The average Mexican is
certain to arise In tho morning nur
sing a spirit of murder in his heart
because his nightly visitants liavo un
dermined his chivalry until he Is un
consciously transformed Into a flond
In Sea Fights They Were Dreaded and
Did Effective Service at
Siege of Tyre, a
London. Nothing In the narrative
of many old sea fights appeals more
Strongly to the modern Imagination
than the doings of tho flreshlps.
Tho Idea of using Incendiary vessels
for the destruction of a hostile lleet
was of great antiquity. They are
said to havo been employed at tho
siege of Tyre In 333 B C, and again
by tho Ithodesians about a century
and a half later. By the English, how
over, they were first used. In 1370, and
two centuries later had como to bo
looked upon as a legitimate naval
weapon, tholr attacks being regard
ed and dreaded In much the came
way as aro those of the torpedo craft
and submarines at tho present time.
The explosion vessels, or "infor
nals," Invented by the Italian nnglneer
Olanlbelll, were the most formidable.
The designer procured two vessels of
about 80 tons each and laid along
their bottom a foundation of brick
work. Upon this ho erected a marblo
chambor with five foot walls contain
ing 3,000 tons of gunpowder, while on
top of this chamber was a six foot
layer of gravelstones placed edge
wlHe. A marble roof rose over thesw.
and upon It was piled a quantity of
round shot, chain shot, milestones,
blocks of stono, iron shod, milestones,
anything heavy which would cause the
explosion to tako a lateral effect. The
effect of this floating volcano was ap
palling, for tho masseB of mono and
shot, disintegrated and flung skywards
by tho explosive, fell and destroyed
any vessels, buildings or men In tho
Threo years later tho Spanish ar
mada before Calais was attacked by
flreshlps prepared by tho EngllBh
Eljjht vessels wero selected, and so
great was tho haste that not oven
tholr guns or stores were romoved.
They were Ignited and launched, and
with tho wind and tide in their favor
advanced straight for tho center of
the anchored armada. Ship fouled
ship amid the cries ot terror and the
revived us the nucleus ot a plan to
lengthen Washington street so that It
will roach from tho Now Hampshire
line, north of Lowell, through Massa
chusetts and Rhode Island and across
the Connecticut border to New -London.
If the plan Is carried out, Washing
ton street will be approximately ISO
mllos long, one of tho longest thor
oughfares under a single name In the
world, and a very effective memorial
to the name and fame of tho father
ot this country
Incarnate, especially If brought undci
tho Influence of Zapata, tho so-called
Atllla of tho South Americans liv
ing In Mexican territory readily sub
scribe to this theory, as woeful ex
perience has taught them that the
habitual loss ot sleep is not conduc
ive to tho higher life. Ono ot tho po
litical slogans of the successful party
in tho futuro will be that "tho flea
and all lila trlbo must go before peace
reigns again."
Speeches Are Sought from 0,000
Clergymen Who Aided Movement
Last Year.
Now York. The 6,000
who last year obsorved Child Labor
day aro being asked to speak on that
subject. For seven yenrs tho national
child labor committee has issued such
an nppeal and the Interest aroused
by tho last Child Labor day resulted
In a general demand for the passing
111 a genenu uemunu ur iuc psnius
ot tho federal children's bureau bill.
in Improved cnua moor laws in ton or
tho fourteen states holding legislative
sessions and an Increasing use of lec
ture slides and exhibits about child
The day has never been used as an
appeal for fundB and this year special
attention is called to child labor In
tenement houso manufacturing. The
national chitd labor committee also re
minds clergymen that child laborers
become unskilled adult workers, and
tho Chicago vlco commission gives as
the second greatest cause why 40.00C
girls are sacrificed annually to an Im
moral life "tho economic stress ot In
dustrial life on unskilled workers, with
the enfeebling influences on the will
power." This cause tho commission
gives as second only to tho lack ot
ethical training and religious Instruc
tion. Qlves Birth to Five Children.
Abbeville, La. Five mole children,
all perfectly formed, wero born to
Mrs. Audray Lasson. wlfo ot a local
carpenter. Three of tho five are alive.
crash of falling spars and though the
Spanish finally succeeded In getting
to sea tho flreshlps' attack complotoly
disorganized and demoralltod them,
and helped largely to make the event
ual battlo of Travel In os tho success
It was.
The, most recent, and at tho same .
timo one of the most Interesting fire
ship exploits which ever took place
was that carried out against tho '
French fleet at Basque Roads In 180D,
by Lord Cochrane, Ills explosion vos-1
sel Intended to destroy the boom be
hind which lny the French fleet, was a
truly awful contrivance. Cochrauw (L
piloted the vessel .aid lit tho trnin at ,
the last moment and on tho evidence
of a French captain whose ship was
close by, It did Its work well, for the
nir was filled with shells, grenades
and blazing debris, whllo the explo
sion tore a huge rent In tho boom.
Millionaire Father of a Young Ml
sourian Has Court Set Marriage
Aside for the Present. i
St. Joseph, Mo, After Milton
Tootle, Jr., millionaire banker of St.
Joseph, had tho marring .. his son,
George Duckworth 'tootle, to Mitts Za
nonl Travers annulled In court ho an
nounced that tho two aro engaged.
Young Tootle and Miss Travers,
also of a wealthy family, eloped to
Troy, Kan., and wore married. Ho Is
elghtoen and she Is nineteen, hut ho
gave his age as 21. Tim elder Tootle
was away at the time of the elope
ment, When ho returned he took tho
matter up In court nnd had tluj uiar
rlugo annulled, on the ground that It
was Illegal.
Immediately nftor the marrfago was
annulled tho engagement of tho
young peoplo was announced. It was
explained that the pnrenta objected to
tho early nutrrlage, but n wedding
may tako plnco again when young
Tootle Is of age Ho and his former
wife, now his fiancee, wero guests at
a box party given by the cldor Toptle.
The present Washington street Is
the longest street east of tho Hudson
river, and ono of tho longest In the
United States. Its fifty miles of road -
way, reaching from tho Charles rlvor
on the north to nearly the center of
Providonce, provides a long drive, at
tractive scenery and historic houses.
Promised Not to Nag.
8t. Louis, Among several promises
made by Miss Sadie Tnsker when she
married Joseph Altman was one that
she would never nag her husband.
"How old Is Do Swift's youngest
"It can't bo more than a year old.
It's Just lonrning to fly."
Ransom, 111. "Tho troublo started
on our baby whon ho was only about
two wookB old. Star tod llko little
whlto pimples, looked llko nn old s6ab
of blood and rnattor. His wholo head
waB covorod for a few months, thon it
went to his oar, shoulders, and his
wholo body. It seemod to como out
thick and sticky on his head, whlto
on tho other parts of his. body It was
moro llko water coming1 out of the
okln. Ho would scratch until tho erup
tion would bo all covorod with blood
and gradually spread. Tho least HtUo
stir or rub would cnuso tho soros to
,blced, spread and itch. Nover had a
full night's sleep, restless all night
"Tho sores wero horrid to look at
It lasted until ho was about two and a
half years old. Then wo saw an ec
zema advertisement in tho paper to
use , but it did no good. Thon
wo used Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura
Olntmont Wo put tho Cutlcura Oint
ment on thick at bed timo and put a
tight hood on so ho could not scratch
tho sores. Then wo washed it clean
with Cutlcura Soap and warm water
twlco a day, and ho was completely
cured." (Signed) Mrs. E. F, Sulzbor-
". Doc, 30, 1911.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston."
Adv. ,
A man may worship tho woman
beautiful, but he usualy marries the
wolnan jutlful.
Some men begin to cconomlw nr
mnrrlago by growing whiskers.
AVrgctable Preparation for As -similating
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion,Cheerfut
nessandRest.Conlains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not TMahc otic
Rnipt roit DrSAHVEimrrat
Jhih SJ
hinmSttd .
Clmrtttl Sff?
ADerfecl Remedy forConsllpa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature of
The Centauh Company.
Guaranteed under the Foodoi
Exact Copy of Wrspper.
rnr sun- -k,
S"fa " ' '"Jin '
Stops Backache
Sloan's Liniment is a splendid remedy for backache, stiff
joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica. You don't need to
rub it in just laid on lightly it gives comfort and ease at oncer"
Best for Pain and Stiffness
Mr- Gko. Buchanan, of Welch, Okla., writes t "I have used your Lin
iment for the past t-n years for pain in back and stiffness and find It the bet
Liniment I ever tried. I recommend it to anyone for pains of any kiid. '
is good for sprains, strains, bruises, cramp or soreness of the
muscles, and all affections of the throat and chest
- '
Housework Is
hard enough for
a healthy worn
'an. The wlfo
who has a bad
back, who la
weak or tired
all tho time,
anas horHutios
a heavy burden.
Thousands of
nervous, dis
couraged, sick
ly women have
traced their
troubles to sick
kidneys have
A aiory
found quick nnd thorough relief
through using Doan'o Kidney Pills.
Tho painful, trying times of
woman's Ufa aro much easier to
bear it the kidneys are well.
A California Caso
lira. H. Walth, 1M Tenth Are., Ban Franclaco.
uai aarii -i haa tnen anarp, anootini piu
through tar kldnefi. It aeemmt thata knife were
belna thrat Into mn. Mr back wna so lama I
ooaltl nardlrattxip. Doanl Kldnr I'lllietired rag
atlorductn ra f ailed, thara had no troublaalnoo."
Gal Doan'a at Anr Star, B0e, Box
F03TER-MILBURNCO., Buffalo. NtwYk
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely ana
gently on the
liver, wiro
ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
If Ton f el "out of aorta"
BluM'auBer from kldnr.
iorta,'-unin down,,or''ot tb
bMddar.nanOBlcuauUL -
ehrunla waakneaaes. nloan.akla ruptloaa.pl Injfcv,
writ for mr SKKM book. It lath bom lutraoUr
Madleal nook urer written. Ittoila U aboot tbaao
Vraneb Hmedr"THKI
and roa can Uwslde for yuuneif If It la the rewwly for
nnr Ki mnL ijon anna & aunt.
onr allmonu Dont aend a cent. It abaolntaly
FHKK. HofollowBp"clmilar. Ir.l
HK. No "roiiownp' circulars, iir.ijei.icrojaca.
Co.. llavoratock ltd., llampataxl, i4m,
Completely removed by internal mo
dicinal treatment at home. Full par
ticulara upon application. v AA&nm
E. B. STILES. Superintendent, .
BIO 3ttX Btr. Oil MUaa, Sf
W;- N. U., SlOUX CITY, NO. 8-?l9H.
For Infant! trnd Children.
The Kind You -Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Bff f
.bbbbbbbbbV mitti r
aaaaa BIUED
VVB BriWhli
V Alt
Cot Entire Relief
K. P. Burgoynk, of MaysviUe, Ky., RR. I, Box
5, writes i "I had severe pains between my shoul
ders i I got a bottlo of your Liniment and had entire
relief at the fifth application."
Relieved Severe Pain In Shoulders
Ma. J. Undkkwood, of aoco Warren Ave.,
Chicago, HI,, writes j I am a piano polisher
by occupation, anailnce last Bepiemoer nars
suuerea wa serere pain m uum auuuiucia.
cookl not rest night or day. One of my
friends told me about yoar Liniment.
Throe sppHcations rctapletely cured
me ana I will never be vritnout u.
MoeSUe.,S0e.,ssd9L0O at All Sestet.
Bead for Biota's free cook oa hones.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan,
Boston, hfass.
t .--WHlrf(,y