Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 31, 1913, Image 4

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Absolute Protection
At our service all times without charge.
All the Detectives of Pinkcrtons Burns Sheri
dan, American Bankers Ass'n, Iowa Bankers Ass n,
and our Burglary Insurance Co.
This-in case of Fraud Burglary Forgery
Robbery. Part of the many reasons for our "Safe as a
Government Bond" slogan. (If there be a safer
bank in all the world "Tin Man Behind" does not
know it.)
Mid-West Bsvnk
"That ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
4 on Time Deposits GOOD flanking
Dakota County Herald
dubsoriptlon Price. 81.00 Tor Your.
Official Paper of Dakota County
Dixou Tribune: W L Iloaa wbh in
Sionx City Woduesdny.
South Oreok Itoas iu Ponoa Jour
nal: Will HodsitiB, of Vietu, spent
Sunday with relativoH here.
Wnterbury Itoms in Ponou Journal :
Mr and Mrs Unn Qraros oamo up
from 8outh Hiour City to visit with
home folks.
Pender Republic: Free Pounds, of
Hubbard, find W E Pounds, of Kings
loy, I, woro hero Monday attending
their father's sale.
Martinnbtire Items in Ponoa Journal:
Mr and Mrs Pcttit and daughter
Ruth wont to MaBkell Monday for a
short visit with relatives.
Ilartington Nowu: Mr and Mrs N
8 Reinders, of Hubbard, were in the
city over Sunday, gnosts of Mm Rein
dor's mother, Mrs Felber.
Wakefield Itoms iu Wayne Demo
crat: Miss Olara Larson, who attend
ed fiohool hero tho past eomentor. re
turned Saturday to her home at Ho
mer. Salix Items in Sloan, la, Star:
Hazel Nelson retnrnod to her home at
Goodwin, Nob....Diok Roberts, oi
South Sioux Olty, visited bis sister,
Mrs F N Dunagan, last week.
Hutch was in town Tuesday and pack
ed up his barber outfit and shippod it
to Homer.... Art Halo has pitrohased
a new Ford oar of the local ageut.
Uhas LoveI,.last week. This car will
come in handy in tho livery buMuesB.
Pender Times: Judge D 0 Heffer
nan, of Hubbard, was in town between
trains Tuesday morning, enroute to
Lincoln.... Dr Leahy, of Jaokson, is
a oandidate for one of the places on
the state board of control. Ho would
fit tho plaoo exactly, and ho hau a lot
of friends down horo who would liko
to see him win.
Sioux Olty Journal, 28: W B Ho
ffrtn, who wbh arrested at Sao Oity, Iu,
at tho request of tho Sionx City polico,
is wanted in Dakota county, Nob, and
at Council Bluffs, In, it is said at tho
police station. Sheriff Frank Mahon
of Dakota county, today conferred
with Ohiof of Polico Miohaol O'Shon
nessy in tho chief'H ofilco concerning
Hogan. ilogan is alleged to liavo
stolen an automobile from a Dakotu
county resident.
Sioux Olty Journal, 29: Mrs Ella
Duggan, for many years a resident of
Sionx City, died at her homo, 323
Fourteenth stroot, at 12:30 o'clock
this morning, following a long illness
of pernicious anemia. Mrs Duggan
was born in Oulona, III, Novombor 16,
18G6. Sho came to Sioux Oity with
her husband, Dennis Duggan. Mr
Duggan died hero in 1004. Mrs Dug
gan is survived by thruo children, two
daughtors and a son. Thoy nro Miss
Mario Duggan and Miss Abbie Dug
ga'fi and Clement J Duggan.
Homer Star: Born, on Sunday
night, to Mr and Mrs Grover Davis, a
big ten pound boy... .Mrs Harris left
on Thursday of last week for a mouths
visit at points in Wisconsin... .Dan
Rockwell loft Tuosday for Tonnesseo
on a land Booking trip. He expects to
bo gouo several wooks....J E Mo-
Kinley left Wednesday for Crofton,
Neb, whoro he has started a barber
shop. He will move his family when
ho finds a suitable dwolling....O N
Haley, who was employed at tho Ed
wards & Bradford Lumbor Oo, has
been transferred to Oole'lidge, Neb,
where ho will work for tho saino company.
Chief Richard thinks Mr Rust has lit
tlo Interest iu tho case, Saul assorted
confidently that Rust would not prose
onto him. Evldonoo of Rust will not
bo necoisary to convict Saul, Ohiof
Rlohard thinks. The signature on tho
chock, which is hold as evidence, cor
responds to tho address on a letter
found on Saul's person, whioh was to
havn heon aent to Rust. Mr Kenrnoy
will prosecute Soino confirmation of
statements in tho letter, to tho effeot
that Saul had been "robbed" by a
tvoman, has boon received by Chief
Riohard. Saul's deolarod intention of
mnrrinrinir tho woman and killing him-
solf is thought by tho polico to bo
"moonshine." A sorawl at tho end of
hn Inttnr. nhieh at first could not bo
deciphered, has been found to oontaln
instructions to his mother to pay Saul's
dues iu a fraternal insurance order.
Sioux Oity Journal, 25: Lottors
declaring tho Intontion of Elmer Saul,
alias L T Rust, to kill a woman and
himself in Sioux City, vesterday woro
found ou tho person of Saul by tho po
lico. Saul had been arrested in con
nection with alleged forgeries. 'Ino
namo of tho "fated" woman was not
montioncd iu n letter addressed to L
T Rust, Elk Point, 8 D. Tho letter
was written, it was stated, at Omnlia,
and was to bo mailed in Sionx City
Tho woman, Saul wrote had robbed
hlra. Together with requests thut his
mother should nutgrievo for him, Saul
wroto oynioal advice to Mr Rust
" Whatovor you do, let the dam women
alono," ho advised. Tho letter con
cludes with tho request that it bn giv
en to tho papers. Other scraps of pa
per found on Saul, dated January 22,
boro instructions to those who should
find his body. "Tolephono to Elk
Point," wroto Saul. "Tell mother not
to worry about me. for I have been a
fool." Saul vesterday presented a
chock for $10 at tho Mid-West bank,
Sioux City. Saul talked over tho tol
ephono to tho Fiist National bank at
Elk Point and that bank indorsed his
request for mony. Later tho Elk
Point banker saw the real Mr Rust
pass tho bank and telophonod Ed T
Kearney, of tho Mid-West bank, that
tho other man was a fraud. Mr
Kearney found Saul and obtained
his mnnoy. Chief of Dotectivos
J B Riohard arrested Saul. Saul
left Elk Point for Sioux City yostor
sociable last Friday
very well attended.
uight. It was
Tho procoeds
itmounted to $30 15, whioh will bo used
for beautifying the school.
John Hogan had a narrow csoapo
with his lifo Monday whilo driving in
a lumbor wagon, His team in somo
manner became frightoned and Mr
Hogan losing control of tho team was
thrown out, striking his head on one
of tho wheels. Dr Loahy was sum
moned at once to dress tho wound
and roporto aro that Mr Hogan is
resting oaBily.
Jesus Now Makes Ready For
His Bible, the Church.
Mrs O E Johnson roturned Monday
evening from an ovor Sunday visit
with relatives at Dakota Oity.
Mrs Jbb Nolan, of Strublo, la, is a
guest at tho T B Jones homo at Vinta.
Mrs Emma Frathor. who was visit
ing in tho Frank Welsh homo, depart
ed for Elk I'oint, H V, last i-riauy.
Altco O'Neill, of Sioux City, spent
over Sunday with the homo folks.
Supt Margaret Murphy, of Homer,
inspected tho sohools here last Thurs
day. Mr and Mrs Roeoe departed tho last
of tho weok for Lyons, Neb, whoro
thev exneot to snond a month. On
returning here they will move into
John Ryan's honso now occupied by
Henry Martin. Mr Martin will move
on a farm near Vista.
fllliiH Nelson is attondinK tho nor
mal college ut Wayno for tho remaind
or of tho term.
Elmer Brown 1b receiving treatment
at an enebnate hospital at Kansas
Oity, Mo.
Mrs M Mimnaugh returned to
Waterbury, Saturday, after a short
visit with relatives hero.
Oonnio Cttvanaugh departed for
Lincoln Thursday to resume I'or
studies at tho university.
D F WaterB has installed a now
lighting plant in his store. It was
put in by M Zulauf.
The ico harvest is practically finish
ed here. It waa of a fine quality and
about 18 inches in thickness.
Matt U Hogan departed Mouday
for Omuha to visit in tho home of his
brother, F U Hogan, a few doys.
Tlios Hartnett and wife attended
fourth degree banquet nf the Knights
of OolnmbuB at the West hotel in Sioux
Placet For Humanity and For tho
Angels of Various Degrees, Cher
urblm, 8eraphlm, Principalities and
Powers, but None Previously Pre
pared For the Bride She Is God's
New Creation Hera to Be the High
est Place, the Divine Nature.
Hn' afBBj
BBBBBBBBmtf' .Bmygssl
"A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation"
Cattle, Hogs and SKeep
Steele. Siman & Co,
Tom Steele,
Ray Slman, Otis Earl v. Dare Prujmtr, Merry Epptrsen,
Onttln HnlnxniPti. Hoa&Hhoop Salesman, omco.
Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us.
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters.
We Work for You.
Write Us. Ship Us.
day, the polioe think. A bad check
for $100 was passed at !dk I'oint by a cu TaeB(iay eVeuiog
man unsworiug Saul's description, it is ..... .ni.n
said. Saul is boing held in tho wo
rn on's ward at tho oity jail. Saul was
employed at the MoLain home, near
tho pluco of Mr Rust, Chief Richard
is informed.
Emerson Enterprise: Joe Heeney,
of Nsoora, visited in Emerson Friday
evening.... Mibs JuUu Dbvib, of Nu
oora, visited friends in Emerson from
Saturday until Sunday Frank
Heouey arrived homo Suuday morning
from Hay Springs, Nob, whore ho
had been buying foodors. Ho pur
ohised two caru of cattlo and two oars
of hogs to put In his feed yards.
Walthill Times: Miss Barbara
Neiswauger, of Dakota Oity, visited
Mattie and Carol Gorham Saturday
and Sunday.... Dr Ream attended tho
aioux Valley Medical meeting at Hioux
Oity Thursday ami Friday .... Miss
Katuryu MoElhinnoy, of Lyons, was
the guest of Mrs H E Morris from
Monday till, Wednesday. . ..Rov J
Crewe, of Dakota City, will fill tho to
E pulpit next Sunday, exchanging
with' Rv Peudett.
Ponoa Journal: Mr and Mrs O E
Armbright, of Dakota county, visitod
Sunday at tho Fred Rogosoh homo,
luring oomo up in the auto. Carl Ro
goBob, who had been visiting tho Arm
bright, returned homo with ttiom....
Sirs J Harney and daughtor, Myrtle,
were passengers to Sioux Oity Wed
nesday, Thoy woro mot at Jackson
by Agnes, who is attending school ut
St Oatheriue's noniltiiny, She accom
panied them to tho oity,
Allen News: W J Armour and Oliaa
Lovel were City visitors Mouduy....
Mra Geo Nordyko, of Sioux Oity, spont
Sunday hero with 'relatives.... Jamon
Winnebago Ohiof tain: C O Fruni
returnod from Omaha Friday evening,
where ho had boon as a wituesH ou
somo liquor oases.... Mrs M S Mans
field went to tho Samaritan hospital,
in Sioux Oity, last Saturday evening
for troatmeut. Wo learned on Tues
day that she had been operated upou
and is getting along nioely....Frod
Loodom, formerly of Winnebago, says
Hint lie Is going to buy all tho shares
iu the now eleotrio oar lino throngh
Wiunobago and Homer that ho can.
tie tmyn lie is all tietormlnou to be a
stroot oar magnate in Bpito of all Joo
Bloukiron can do to him.
Sionx Oity Journal. 26: Ed T
Kearney, president of the Mid-West
bank, who oapturod Elmer Saul, al
leged forger, Friday morning, will tile
a ohargo against Saul and will press
the case. Haul will bo arraigned to
morrow morning iu the polioe court,
it is expected. Saul expressed confi
dence that L T Rust, whoso name
Saul is said to havo forged, would not
push the eS6. A reference to "Mack"
in one of tho lettora found on Haul's
person is now thought by tho polioe to
bo au admission of guilt in tho passing
of a oheuk for $100 that boro tho forg
ed aiguature nf a Mr MoLain, for
whom Saul worked noar Elk Point.
Sioux City Journal, 27: Elmor
Saul, alleged forgor, sulks in his cell
at the polioe station nnd refuses to an
swer questions, He will bo arraigned
this morning in tho polico court on tho
forgery ohatgu, states J A Riohard.
chief of detectives. No oflloial word
has boon received by Ohiof Riohard
from LT Rust, of .Elk Point, S D,
whose name was signod to tho oheok
passed in Sionx city by Haul. As tho
monoy paid ont was recovered by Ed
T Kenrnoy, presidont of the Mid-West
bank, aud no loss aooruod to Rust,
Start C6e Year RigRt
Everything in GOOD Insurance Fire Lightning
Tornado -Accident Life.
Companies Rates Treatment guaranteed the best.
Real Estate bought and sold, and a fine list right
now. Tell us your needs. We can supply them.
Farm Loans lowest rates, long time, optional
payments, prompt closing.
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases all legal papers drawn
promptly and accurately.
Hoping for a continuance of the liberal patronage
given this Agency, since 1S50, and promising you the
same good treatment,
Yours respectfully,
H. F NoKcevcri
Jek.ck.son, Nebraska.
Successor to Ed. T. Kearney,
Anna and Margaret Boacom visited
zelatives hero tho paBt weok.
Now is tho time to invest iu a heavy
winter coat, while we have a big line
to select from. Thoy won't last loug .
O Anderson Co.
W Roonoy was in Sioux Oity last
week getting tho Pat Duggan oar doc
tored up.
Helen Long was in tho oity visiting
fiicnds a couple of days last weok.
, Try Boll ooffee. You will find it
tho highest quality for your money.
Geo Timlin.
H Thompson with his family autoed
to Sioux Oity Saturday.
Gilbert Audorseu was in Waterbury
last Friday.
Bring in your produoo, butter, eggs,
oto. Wo always pay tho top price. O
Anderson Oo.
A son was born to Mr and Mrs W
Mossersmith last week.
Minnio RaBmusson was a Sioux City
Bhopper Thursday of last woek,
Sunday sohool at 10 o'clock a m .
Publio worship ovory aeoond and
fourth Sunday at 11 a m, at Luthoran
Ethol Anderson is assisting in tho
hbmo of her sister, Mrs W Messer
s unth.
John Jonaen attondod tho danoo iu
Danish Brotherhood hall laBt Friday
We have a small quantity of home
made molasses, aud if you waut a sup
ply aeud in before it is all gone. O
Auderson Co
Tho Methodist ohuroh is coming
slowly. It is said it will be placed on
tho lot this wook for sure.
Oarrio Nols.tn left for Sioux Oity tho
first of the week,
Gonrgo Wilkins was in Hubbard
Tuesday botweou trains.
liromo-Quinino will euro a cold.
We havo it, also of full line of Dr
Jaynos' family modicines. Goo Tim
Maggie Thorn will go to Lake Park,
la, next weok. Sho will visit relatives
thete for about a week.
Maud Soreiison wan the "hello"
girl Tuosday.
Mra Harry Pounds has been quite
sick the past week.
Wool hose of all kinds, for wiutor
wear, at (I Auderson (Jo's,
Tho ice harvesting was finished hero
tho past weok
Mr and Mra E Ohristonseu outer
taiuod eovoral families at dinner Suu
day. Tho danoo givou iu tho Danish
Brotherhood hull last Friday whb a
great Buooess, fifty-eight couples be
ing present.
Tono Bros spicos will improve your
oookiug nit thoy aru of tho best quality.
Wo sell them. Geo Timlin.
The ueat sum of $20 was realized
from the supper served in the Wood
mau hall Saturday evening by the
Ladios Aid sooiety.
Miss Margaret Murphy visitod our
school last weok aud Plum Urnvu
school Monday.
The infant child of Pearl Porsinger
Iiub not been very well tho past weok.
New goods are arriviog daily, includ
ing fancy dress goods, ginghams, out
iug ilnuueU of all kinds, calicos, oto.
See our sploudid ntmortmiuit of dry
goods. O Audersou Oo.
Those from hero who went to Hioux
City Tuesday were: Maggio Thorn,
Mrs Emit Audorsen, Mrs E Ohrintou
boh nnd Herman Reuse,
The Plum Grove school had a basket
Katharine Mitoholl, who is teaching
school at Colome, S D, was called
home on account of tho death of her
brother, Henry Mitchell.
E T Kennelly, tho 11 FD carrier,
while covering his route Mouday uud
when coming down a hill near uoou-
win. at a 35 mile an hour clip tho
stoaring wheal broke so that Mr Ken
nelly was unable to control tho mo
chine He jumped out aud escaped
with only a few bruises. The oar was
badly damaged. Ho finished his routo
with a team. The oar is now at the
garage for repairs.
D Mitchell was called to St Joseph,
Mo, last Friday by the illnesB aud
subsevuent death of Ids sou, Henry,
after a short illnoss of meueug'itis
Tho deceased was about 1G years old
and wan attending the Ohristiau Bros
collese. The remains aruveit in
Sioux City at 10:!i0 p m Saturday
evening, aocompanied by his father
and brother Tom from St Joe. Un
dertaker Sawyer conveyed the remains
to Goodwin. The funeral wib held
from tho Catholic ohuroh at Vista
Monday morning. A solemn mass of
reqieum was celebrated by Father
McCarthy, of Vista assisted by Fr
Moore, of Ponoa, aud Fr O'Sullivau,
of Jackson. Interment was mado in
St John s cemetery, Mis deatu is a
Bovore blow to his bereaved parents,
relatives and u large oirclo of friends,
Born, to Mr and Mrs Grover Davis,
on Tuesday January zi, ivio, a
Rev Hosmau and two other minis
ters oaoh gavo a fine talk for men and
boys at the M E revival on Tuesday
O N naloy, who is working for the
Edwards & Bradford Lumber oomro
ny, has been transferred to Randolph,
Nob. Mr and Mrs Haley left for their
new homo ou WcdueBday.
Mrs J Van do Zodde was a visitor in
Homer with frionds and relatives.
Mr and Mrs Wisen aro homo again
after a months vacation.
Mrs O J O'Connor was confined to
her room sevoral (.ays this week.
Honry Wagner spont ovor Sunday
with frionds iu LeMars, la.
Ruby Vau de Joddo was at home
from Saturday evoniug until Monday.
E L Ross was a county seat visitor
last Friday.
Mrs G M Best aud Miss Christine
Blessiug wers passengers to Dakota
Oity Mouday evening.
Walter Ohonsy and Goo MoBoath
were down ftoin Dakota Oity Sunday
and autoed ont to the Ja5 Foltz farm.
Tho W Y D olub mot with Mrs II
Boals on Wednesday afternoon.
Thooystor supper hold at Salem
church Friday evening was woll at
tended. .Tho sum realized was about
Tho Salom Missionary Aid moots
with Mrs Hugh Graham Thursday,
January 30, ut 2 p m.
Mrs Stula, of Morniugside, visited
at tho homo pf Wm Ebel,. Tuesday.
Mr aud Mrs Wm Beormau and Mrs
Baltty Werner, of Battle Oreok, Neb,
who attended the funeral of their
brother-iu law, Henry Oehlerkiug, on
Friday last, uIhu visited their brothor,
Fred Moorman, a few days, returniug
to their homo Tuesday.
Buffalo. N. Y
Dec. IB. Wo re- I I
port one of Pastor
Russell's discourses
hero today from
tho text, "In My
Father's House ore
many mansions;
1 go to pre
paro n place for
you; 1 will
come ngnln nnd re
ceive you unto My
self." John xlv,
The Heavenly Father "dwelleth not
in temples mudo with hands." In the
Inrgest sense the whole Creation Is
His House, every npartment of which
shall ultimately be peopled with holy,
huppy beings. "All the wicked will He
destroy." I'salin cxlv, 20.
Man's fallen condition is the result
of heredity. God made Adnm in Ils
own Image, perfect, upright, holy Dis
obedience and sin have wrought men
tal', moral nnd physical Infirmities, nnd
"There Is none rlchteous, no. not one."
All ure prone to sin "as the spnrks' to
fly upward." ,
Ood provided Adnm n ninnslon the
earth Paradise. But sin (not unfore
seen) brought Adnm and his race 'un
der a death sentence. God choso to
permit sin nnd death to reign during
Six Great Dnys of n thousand years
each, thus to give valuable lessons to
both angels and men. He does not In
tend that this lesson shall work disad
vantage to any. He has provided n
great Itedemptlon. which shows His
sympathy for nis creatures nnd the uu
chnngeableness of Ills Law.
The Divine Program for dealing with
this rebellious province Is to be enr
ried out by the Kingdom of Messiah,
during the Seventh Great Thousand
year Day. Sntnn and every evil influ
ence shall be restrained. "The Sun of
RiRhteousncss shall arise with healing
In nis beams," and the curse of death
will be set aside. Man will be assist
ed townrd righteousness nnd life ever-
lasUng by the Interposition of the
Kingdom for which we pray. "Thy
Kingdom come; Thy will be done on
earth, even U3 It Is done in Heaven."
Humanity's Mansion Perfected Earth.
At tho close of Messiah's reign the
"mansion" appropriated to Adam nnd
his race will be fully released from
the curse, and God's footstool will be
a glorious Paradise. (Isnlnh !x, 13.)
All refusing the blessings ot Messiah's
Kingdom will be destroyed by the Sec
ond Death. Acts 111. 23; Itev. xx, 14, 15.
While there were places arranged lu
the Divine Plan for the angels, rtnd for
humanity, no hnbltntion was perfected
for the Church. This is because the
Church Is a New Creation.
Writing of these, St. John says:
"The world knoweth us not. even as It
knew Him not." St. Paul refers to
this New Creation as the "mbnlsters of
God." All of these demonstrate their
faith nnd obedience by talking the
"narrow way" of self-sacrifice, "by
faith and not by sf7if." To nil of them
It is declared, "Through much tribula
tion shall ye enter the Kingdom." But
this class have tho assurance that "nil
things work together for good to
them"; thnt they "shall not be tempted
above that they are nble to bear."
ThH New Creation is "made a spec
tacle to angels and men"; God Is giv
ing the nngcls u great object lesson in
connection with the development of
this class. He Is able to transform
sonic of tho mean things of this world
Into polished "Jewels," "a royal diadem
In tho hands of thy God." Mnlachl
III. 17; lsnlah l.xll, 3.
Heavenly Mansion For Church.
St. Peter tells about the "mansion"
designed for the Church, saying. "God
halh given unto us consecrated fol
lowers of Jesusl cxcccdtug great and
precious promises, thnt by these we
might become pnrtakers of the Divine
nature." II Peter I, 4.
Thus we see 'what It means to be
member of lhe New Ovation! "Eye
hath not seen; ear hath not heard; nei
ther linve entered tho human heart the
things which God hath In reservation
for them that love Him" the choicest
mansion, the highest place! As our
Lord Jesus In His Resurrection nscend-
ed "far above nngcls." so will His
Church, who will share His Resurrec
tion, and bo made "Jlkc Him." "see
Him as Ho Is," aud share nis glory.
The Master's death was for human
ity in general, but its merit remained
to he appropriated at the InaugurnUou
of Ills Kingdom. Tho whole world
still 'lleth In the Wicked One," until
Christ makes satisfaction for their sins
with the merit of Ills sacrifice.
Meantime, our Lord deals merely
with Ills Church, as we lead: "IIo ap
peared in the presence of God for us"
(Hebrews Ix, 241 as the Church's Ad
vocate, to make "satisfaction for our
sins." 'Vlti preparation in us and for
us will be completed when tho number
Is full- 141,000. It Is for us to comply
with the conditions of our coveunnt of
sacritice and to "walk In Ills steps,"
thus to innku our "calling aud election
sure," as members of tho Now Creation.
City - McM - Maurket
'WML F. LfOR.ENfZv Proprietor
Dakota. City, Nebr.
Back in the old stand, ready to
serve you at all times with the best
Meats at the lowest living prices. &
Order your Poultry and Meats
By Phone
Agent for Seymour's Laundry, Best in the City.
East of the Court Hot
I Wines, Liquor
East of the Court House for the Best in
Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies
NiHfe Beer
Bottle or Keg
Henry Krnrwielet nko city. w.braik
It Is ICetsy Now
To Own ei Farm
Here is an opportunity for the farm renter, the farm nand,
and others to take advantage of Uncle Sam's generosity and
become a farm owner.
The new Homestead Law gives you title to a Government ir
rigated or a Mondell 320 acre free homestead in three years and
allows five months absence each year; thus a residence of 21
months now makes title as against 60 months under the old
Personally conducted Hemeseekers' Excursions first and third
Tuesdays. I will be glad to take a personal interest in helping
you. Write today for maps and illustrated folders.
I). Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent
Licensed Embalmer
Lady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wm. F Dickinson.
415 Sixth Street
Sioxix City Iowe.
Abstracts of Title
A $10,00(1 Buruty Bond
Guarantee thu aoouracy of erarj
AliMtrunt I mak
Succeiioi to
Dakota County Almtraoi 0t "
Bonded Abstractor
.r I
Rl I
Beat Cough Medicine for Children.
"I am vory Rliul to Hay u few words
iu prniiu of Ohtimlitirliun's Oougli Ruin
ed j" writes Mrs Liilti Dowoy, Milnuu
keo, Wis. "I hnvo uswl it for ytmrH
liotli for my ohililron nml myiwlf iiml
it nev r fails to roltovo nnd ouro u
oougli or cold. No fmuily with nhilil
ran should bn without it ih it given ul
moHt ininiwliuttt relief in oiihps of
oroup." .(JliiuiibHrluiu'rt Oough Unm..
dy is plunsunt itud tuft) to titlte, wlnuli
is of groat iiuporUnau when a raudi
oiut) iniiHt be given to young ohihlnm,
For siilo by nil dealers. -Adv,
E. F Rasmussen
Write me, Jacksorv, leb. R 1.
or vail, 1 mile west of
Goodwin, TVeb.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
815 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Mo.
A razular graduate In madlclna. Oldest In ago and longest located.
41 years' Special Practice-age and experience are important.
Ovar 33 Years In Kansas City.
Ourablo oases guaranteed. All medicines furoUbed ready (or use no mercury
ni- ini.-imi nmriiMaea uied. No detention from buelnCB Patients at adtttturro
tranta.i h. mall and exDreBS. Medicines Bont everywhere, free from Kiza or VI
breakage. Charges low. Orer 60,000 oases cured. State your case aud tend for turn.:.
Consultation free ana oonnatntist. personally or oj letter.
Varionr'nln Enlarced veins In
VdntUCeiO the scrotum, caus-
Inst nervous debility, weakness of the ft
aexual system, etc., permanently curou yi
Seminal Weakness and
i nu:i:i.. the results
aexuaiuouiuiy,ot youthful
follies and eioess causing night lossss
and loss ot sexual power, pimples and
blotches on the face, oontused Ideas and
forgetfulness, bashtulness and aversion to
society, etc, cured for life. I mop night
losses, restore sexual power, nerve ana
brain power, enlarge tauiuouKiuoB ni
parts and make yoa fit for marriage. Send
for free book ana list oi questions.
CMlrtaisa uurru wuu a new in.
SiriCIUTO fallible Homo Treat
.J Cloktxi raent. No Inrfirumeuts,
and UIOOI no pain, no detention
from business. Cure guaranteed. Hook
and list of questions free sent sealed.
without palp.
CunMllc That terrible disease In
wj N"ui all Its forrait nnd staces.
cured for life. Ulood poisoning and mil
priTaio aiaetsos permanently cured.
On Chronic,
Nervous a il
hDrclul li
easea. For
both seies 9o piges 27 plcturx. fun
description of above dlsessea, eiTccts r.io
oure, sent scalod In pUin wrapper
.". v'jrsrMg:ra?EKC?J
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