Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 24, 1913, Image 8

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t' i
in Telephone Regulation Much Inter
est 'Manifested Other Leg
4, Islatlve Meters.
Numerous members of tho loglsla
ture are hore evidently on antl-cor-Ioratlon
platforms, for up to date
there bavc been Introduced soventcen
bills a (Tec tint; railroads and a big
batch regulating telephones and anoth
er big batch to supervise tho opera
tion of automobiles. And the bluo
sky laws and bills providing for
workingmen'B compensation luws are
Bumerous and similar. Practically
ail of the blue sky bills aro dupli
cates with just a change In tho state
Beer who has to enforce and look
after it.
Tho railroad bills provide every
thing from compelling railroads to
hang out switch lights ut u certain
boor of tho day to limiting tho num
ber of cars that can he hauled us a
freight train. This bill, It Is said, Is
duo to 'tho fact that on certain roads
passenger trains are sidetracked for
freight trains, und In somo cases It is
necessary to hold a passenger train
a half hour or so to allow a freight
train to be divided and pulled Into a
station In sections. It wl'.l bo fought
by tho railroads with double trucks.
Many 'Phone Bills.
In addition to the compensation bill
prepared by a commission several In
dividual members Imvo Introduced
such measures and, of course, each
will try to got his bill passed. In tel
ephone matters, some of the bills pro
vido for tho merger of two systems
and others prohibit morgers. So there
will bo considerable fighting over
these measures.
Tho bills regulating automobiles
may not appeal to tho farmers as thoy
used to, Inasmuch, as most of the
tanners aro using machines to bring
tboir hogs and produce to market and
to limit speed to fifteen miles an hour
in tho country and three miles In
town may work a hardship. One bill
provides an automobilo license of 25
Oe&te par horse power per year.
So far the measure uhout which
there is the most talk is university
removal. Many people of Lincoln op
pose the romoval. The studonts are
interested in the outcome of tho fight
and the student paper contained an
editorial hi answer to tho address of
Prof. Wolfe, who opposes removal.
Board of Arbitration.
board of arbitration and Investi
gation to sottlo all disputes between
laboring men and tho employes Is to
fee propose In n bill to be Introduced
la tho Jcgialaturo at the request of
Labor Commissioner Guyo. The pro
posed law, according to the plan
worked out by the state official, pro
vides for a board of three members,
ono a union labor representative, ono
a representative of capital and tho
third a business man or farmer not
connected with either organization.
Hotel Commissioner.
Phillip Ackerman of Lincoln baa
been appointed hotel cummlHskiuer
fby Govornor Morohoud. Mr. Acker
man is a traveling salesman, lie
will take the place formerly held by
It D. McFadden of Hastings. Tho po.
sition pays $5 a day and oxpeuses
while the commissioner is ougaged in
'the work.
"Regulates" Women, Too.
Proposed sovero restrictions against
the marrlago of men suffering from
certain diseases aro to bo met by
lequally closo regulations as to worn
ea, according to ndvanco notices of
bill to bo introduced by friends of
the state prison association,
Model Men for Guards.
Only model, men need apply for
Jobs as guard n nt the ntato peniten
tiary under tho administration of
Warden W. T. Fenton. No wIvob. no
iwiao, no smoke, aro some of tho ro
Kroirements in the list of specifica
tions Issued.
Recodification of Laws.
The Joint committee of the senate
sad house which Is reviewing tho
iwork of tho statute recodifying com
mission, preparatory to Its accept
ance, have been hard at work every
day. So far the committee lias found
but few errors, and these minor ones.
Registering of Bloodhounds.
That bloodhounds should not be al
lowed to run loose around the coun
try, is the, opinion of Representative
McKissick of Guge, Ho Is supporting
a' bill providing for all bloodhounds
to be registered
Agriculture Is Looked After.
The agricultural Intorosts of tho
state should bo well looked after In
this legislature, at least Insofar as
the house is concerned, for thero aro
more farmers In that body than any
other class of business or profession.
And thero must bo considerable
wealth represented In tho houso, for
In addition to tho thlrty-llvo fanuora
thero ore eleven members who gavo
their business as "retired," Bvldontiy
Uipy, too, niuBt havo been farmers,
for it Is this class that can retire and 4
live on its accumulations,
Statutes of Nebraska.
H. H, Wheeler- of Lincoln, who is
tho compter of tho Btatutoe bearing
his name and who is taking much m
torest Jn ha work of investigating
the revision of tho array of Nebraska
Jaws, thinks that it's a caso of "take
the TOvieed btatutea or nothing: How
ever, any favorable action taken by
the Joint investigation cominittoo of
tho lechiture, Mr. Wheeler thinks,
wffl fulfill the iaistilou of reduciwt
eeat of litigation to the people ot the
.state and at" tho same time will out
,towa ftes of the attorneys.
House Goes on Record as to Their
By a decislvo vote tho house went
on record as opposed to Interfering
with the committee on employes or to
putting any restrictions on the work
of that committee. The action was
taken on the resolution by Norton of
Polk, which limited tho employes to
thoso actually needed, each ono to bo
assigned to that work to which ho
or sho was fitted.
Tho fight on the resolution camo
when Fox of Pierce Introduced tho
"Whoreus, Thcro is a resolution
pending with regard to the placing of
employes In this house; and,
"Whereas, Said resolution, doubt
less Inspired by lofty sentiments of
economy and patriotism, would tend
to confuso tho deliberations of that
group of martyrs known to tho pub
lic weal as tho regular house stand
nlg committee on employes; and,
"Wheroas, Said martyred committee
on employes has braved the vicissi
tudes of the first legislative week
with uo fatalities, physical or politlcu.l
and has secured a full list-of compe
tent omploycs now being assigned to
various posts of duty with prospects
for good service; and,
"Whereas, Tho total list of em
ployes has not yet reached tho consti
tutional limit, and does not oxeced
tho number actually required when
tho legislative grind is fully on; there
fore, bo It
"Unsolved, That It Is the senso of
tills houso that the cominittoo on em
ployes has acted with good Judgment
and discrimination, und that so far as
this hohsIoii Is concerned its services
to dato aro hcartly approved."
Tho resolution, It was held, could
not ho debated, and upon vote, was
tabled "indefinitely."
Railway Commission Advises,
The railway commission has (lied a
special roport with Governor Moro
hcad, In which it makes recommenda
tions to the legislature.
Tho icport glvos a digest of the op
eration of several laws passed at tho
1911 Hussion, uniting them tho stock
yard law, tho law regulating the con
struction of caboose cars, construc
tion of stock sheds on railroad right-of-way,
tho construction of hog sheds
at all shipping yards, tho building of
railroad bridges and proscribing the
waterway dimensions, amondmenl to
tho Banning domurrage act by giving
the railway commission uuthority to
act upon complaint and the law pro
viding for tho direct appeal of com
plaints from tho commission to tho
stute supremo court
Tho latter law, according to the re
port, has been Invoked In but two In
stances, but this has been sufficient to
show Its morlt and to set it out us an
important step toward tho more ox
pedltloiiB settlement of complaints.
Dr. Spradllng Holds On.
Dr. Sprudllng, physician at the state
penitentiary, called at tho stato house,
hut did not got to see Governor Moro
houd. He denies' the ntttnint that
ho has refused to give up his Job at
tho prison In favor of Dr. G. K. Will
lams of Havolock, who has been ap
pointed by Governor Morehead. Ho
says ho Is ready to quit uny time, hut
ho doslros tho governor to tell him to
do so before ho stops work. Ho asks
for tho usual courtesy of hoing allow
ed to servo until April 1. Ho was ap
pointed .Tanunry 0, lull, but Dr. Low
ry, his predecessor, did not leavo tho
position until Mnroh M, thm months
after the dale of .Dr. Sprudllng's ap
pointment Dr. Spradllng Bays It has
boon ciiBtomary to chango physicians
March 1, but he did not gel In until
Muruh 31.
As to Indian Marriage.
Shumwny of Knox Introduced a bill
by request of a council of tho Winne
bago Indluns, asking that the cus
toms horotoforo In vogue among tho
Indians who aro now residing In the
stato rolatlvo to marriagos be dono
uway with tuid that theso Indians bo
required In tho future to marry ac
cording to tho laws of tho stato.
Stamps for Members.
An offort wus niudo to secure 15
cents' worth of hIhiiiph for indt mem
ber each day of the session, these
stamps to bo used in something tho
samo way us llm friuiklim .hilvllene of
members of congress Protest was
mndo und the mutter went over for
tho present.
Board of Control Named.
Govornor Morohead lias named ox
Governor A. C. Shallenberger, Henry
Gerdcs of Uchunlmm county and
Charles Gregg of Koarnoy as tho staW
boaul of control.
Economy In Help,
Norton of Polk la anxious that the i
house of roproscntatlves mako u rec
ord for eoonomv In tho matter of the
employmout of holp. To this end he
Introduced n resolution providing that
no employe bo put to work unless tho
services worn actually needed.
Appropriations Are In Early.
Members of the house 'aro getting
their appropriation bills In early, tho
total amount of monoy iiBked for ut
Uiis time being $707,)5.93, In addi
tion to tho 1-mlll levy for the Btoto
university und u 1-mlll levy for por
muuent university bulldlngB at tho
state farm This levy Is to bo made
for six years, tho total amount ex.
pected from It being $2,500,000. Of tho
big appropriation bills Introduced
there Is ono for $140,000 to buy tho
Fremont Normal school nud $100,000
for building for tho Btato fair
For State Insurance.
Tho Fallstond bill provides for state
Insurance, roqulring that tho various
grades of hazardous employments
shall pay to tho state treasurer from
,1C ot 1 per cent to .65 of 1 por cent
ot tho monthly payroll, and non-hazardous
employments .10 of 1 per cout,
theco cuma to bo kopt aoparate. A
cominisolou of three appointed by tho
governor shall handlo tho funds thus
derived. Each commissioner is to re
ceive $3,000 por year and tlio conv
BahMlon may hiro help not to exceed
$W,000 a year
Machine May Be Mounted on Frame
of Aerial Craft or Placed on
Tripod on Ground.
Several types of cameras are now
being made especially for the purpo-i
'of taking snapshots from and of aerial
'craft. The machine illustrated is ono
iof the best examples. For use in the
air It is mounted on the framo of an
(noroplnno In such a position that tho
isecond man In tho machine may focus
Camera on Ground.
It on tho country underneath, says,
'the Popular Mechanics. When used
'on the ground, It rests upon a tripod
and Is nlmed at the object in tho air
'in very murh tho samo way as a
rapid-fire gun.
JMethod of Transmission of Infantile
Paralysis Discovered by Profes
sor of Harvard.
Infantile paralysis, the exact cause
and the mothodB of transmission of
which has hitherto baffled physicians,
(may be carried by the stable fly, ac
cording to Prof. M. J, Rosenau, of
'Harvard university, says the Popular
Mechanics. He has apparently suc
ceeded In transmitting this fatal dis
ease from sick to well monkeys by
'the blto of the common stable fly. Ho
'allowed a number of these files to bite
'monkoys In various stages of the dls
'eaae, and then later allowed thorn to
bite 12 woll monkeyB. Of tho latter,
six became 111 with well-marked symp
'toms of Infantile paralysis, and three
The stable, or biting fly, usually
ifound around and In stables. Is, how
ever, not uncommon in houses. It
ibltes animals ob woll as men, and
'sucks their blood, upou which It feeds.
'Professor RoBenau concludes that af
itor tho virus 1b taken into the body
lot the fly by biting an Infected animal
lor person, some time must elapse
Jboforo tho fly Is capable of trans
mitting jhe disease, but that the
porlod is probably less than 21 days.
Apparatus Arranged to Withdraw Foul
Air From Room Keeps Out
Rain or Sleet.
Tho ventilator which is shown here
with Is arranged ndt to admit air Into
ja room, but to withdraw tho foul air
ifrom tho room. Tho cross-sectional
jvlov Fig. 2, shows how this is done.
'A small box projects from the upper
(part of tho window at tho outsldo. Tho
ends of the box are open, so as to per
mit the air to flow through in eithor
direction. An opening through the
center of the box communicates with
the Interior of the room. By an ar
rangement of baffle plntes in the box,
Window Ventilator.
,an aspirating effect Is produced, which
Mil draw out tho foul air from tho
(room. Tho bufllcs aUo provent rain
or sleet from entering the room In
stormy weather. Sclentltio American.
Saving Ice Cream.
For sorvlng leo cream without wast
,lng It by melting an Illinois man has
patented u can tho bottom of which
'is lifted as n handle Is turned, forcing
isomo of tho contents out into a meas
ure. To Prevent Forgery.
, To a convict in a California prison
jhas boon granted a patent on a ma
'oUino to provent tho alteration of
chocks or tho forging of signatures
ito negotiable paper.
Test Child's Hearing.
Apparatus Invented by a Now Jer
Boy sohool toucher to tost tho hearing
of chlldron oauaoa a bell to mako
ifcounds of'varylng lnteuslty, to whioh
n child listens through tubus.
Barking of Dog.
Tho barking of a dog is tho last
sound which tin balloonist briars from
Uio eurth, and under fuvorablo qlr
ntini i ' i MK noise lmB been heard
at an .t.ot i, .itu: four miles
i -
rtwiSKfr li V -""-"
to l
Iim J-j Vf 111 I '"' I
'nils t
Hi ( 72&1
Practical Apparatus Invented by Mstc-1
sachusetta Man for Charging of
8toruue Battery.
George F. Coro has invented thai
first practical apparatus for harness-!
ing tho aun'a rays, Is claimed. Ha!
has proTcd its efficiency for month
by lighting his own home at Bomer-,
vlllo, Mass., from storago batterlo(
charged solely by tbo sun gencrator.j
Mr. Coro believes thcro is no heat In
the sun. Ills strongest argument he
considers that based on the experi
ences of aeronauts. They alwaya re
mark that at great altitudes the thor
momctcr ceases to mark any varia
tions of temperature.
Certainly a man bo high in the air
that tho earth Is barfly dlscornlble
Is nearer tho sun that we aro. If
the heat bo In the sun why does he
not feel It more strongly than those
on tho earth's surface? Tho seeming
hoat in tho tun rays does not come
from tho buu Itself, but from elec
tricity. Light Is tho omnipotent force.
It is tho great sourco of terrestrial
electricity, magnetism and heat What
over moves Is matter. The human
mind can conceive of nothing else.
Neither can It concelvo of motion"
without associating it with the idea
of an object to be moved. Hence light
which moves, is matter.
Light thrown upon tho sun la re
flected to tho earth through tho ether.
Light passing through this with mar
velous speed must produce everywhere
enormous friction, and with It elec
tricity and magnetism. Electricity!
by the Junction of its opposite polari
ties, evolves heat, and also Imparts
magnotlnm to ail substances that are
capable of being invested with It
it is electricity, thi, that causes
heat, and not, as has been thought!
for agoB, direct rays from tho sun.
Relieving that the sun's rays pro
duce electricity, Mr. Core evolved a
simple apparatus for utilizing it and
he did this so successfully that it Is
possible to Btoro In a battery the
eloctrlclty from the rays of light
Since ho finished his reasoning ho
found a little volume now not of print
called "Blue and Sunlights," written
by Gen A J. Pleasonton thlrty-flvo
years ago, and advancing theories
H-mtical with his own.
Discharge' Pipe of Tub Is Left Open,
to Let Water Out Without Fill
ing Receptacle.
From Germany, where the number
of medical baths Is legion, comes an,
Invention that enables tho average
man to take a steam or hot air bath:
at home. A hood, with a bolo at
tho top for tho head to some through,
fits over one end of the tub and forms
Steam Bath for Tub.
an Inclosed chamber lo hold the ttteam
In. Tho user sits on a seat which
han3 over that end of the tub and
a tube connected with the hot water
spigot leads under him. ThiB tubo
lies along the bottom of tho tub and
has a wide, flat nozzle, turned up
ward. Ab the hot water flows out
tho steam that arises envelops the
body of the person In tho hood and has
tho same effect as the steamroom of
a Turkish bath. The dlschargo plpo
of tho tub is left open, so the water
can run without filling the recep
tacle. NOTES OF
& if a-y m jvj
One horsopower will operate
000,000 watchos.
Ozonized air strengthens the lungs
and Increases weight
The ordinary brown kltchon soap Is
a strong disinfectant
An alarm which indicates a flat tire
has been patented recently.
A motorcycle driven by a petroleum
onglne was patented as far back as
r he roller Jewel of a watch makes,
432,000 impuctn every day against tho
Tho public automobiles of Anvors,
Belgium, must be ntted with mud
guards for tho protection of pedes
trians. A Norwegian expedition will study
tho natives, flora and fanna ot almost
unknown regions of northern and cen
tral Asia.
A photographic map of tho sky
showing 1,600,000 stars hos boon pre
pared In sections for the astronomers
at Hr.rvard.,
According to a French scientist
ultra-violet rays from mercury vapor
iamps will purify the air within sub
marine boats.
Tho man who in 1879 Invented Vola
puk, an artificial languago onco widely
heralded for universal use, recently
died in Germany.
Building a concrete tank fitted with
a window, a Scotch doctor euccoeded
in getting n number ot motion photo
graphs of ottors and other under
water animals.
Tho wondorful meteoric display
known as tho "Btar showor," or "tho
tlmo when tho stars foil," occurred
in 1833. It was on tho nights ot tho
twolfth and thirteenth ot Novombor.
A metal bull moving in a curvod
glass tubo filled with a liquid haB boon
Invented in England to enable an
aviator to boo at a glance tho devia
tion ot his noroplnno from the horizontal.
k frK '
How to Act at a Reception,
Will you please answer tho follow
ing, questions In regard to a recep
tion? How Is punch or frappo served?
Should one shako hands with those
who serve it and with those serving in
tho dining room?
Do they have some one to show you
around and introduce you .to those
you havo not met? If not, do you In
troduce yourself?
Tell me some of the pleasant things
to say to those receiving. Greenhorn.
Punch and frappe are served from
a largo bowl In small glasses. It is
not necessary or customary to shako
hands with anyone except those in tho
receiving party.
There should bo several intimate
friends to look out for and Introduce
strangers to at least two or throo per
sons, thus putting them at thoir ease.
Under certain conditions you might
introduce yourself.
It is impossible to writo out In de
tail pleasant things to say. Express
your pleasure at being prosent and, of
course, remark that It Is a charming
affair, or words to that effect.
For a Huntsman's Party.
I wish to entertain a party of hunts
men and would like you to suggest tho
tnble decoration and what refresh
ments I should serve. I expect to
have them In the evening and thought
a Dutch lunch would be nice.
A Dutch supper would be suitable,
for men always like plain things with
few frlllB. Why not have a camp ket
tle with flowers for the centerpiece,
with small ones filled with salted nuts
at each plate? It would be Vun to
have a regular camp supper broiled
bacon, eggs, baked potatoes, flapjacks
and sirup, with coffee. This -would be
a decided novelty and very informal.
Ask the men to come in huntsman's
garb and the ladles In shirtwaist suits.
You might have a fish and game din
ner. A Valentine Reception.
The Junior clasB of our high school
is going to give a reception to the
seniors on February 14. How soon be
fore tho reception should the Invita
tions be sent out? What could we
servo for refreshments? We do not
desire anything very elaborate about
two courses. Could you suggest a
pretty way for decorating the table,
Fancv Dresses for
The first child pictured wears a
Folly dress, a species of carnival cos
tume; or, If you prof or, April fool.
It would look woll carried out In pale
yellow, blue and white; tho skirt of
yellow nlnon would havo a tunic ot
pale blue faced black with white, the
triple nlllauce being equally carefully
distributed In the construction of the
corsago and cap. A folly stick Is car
ried In the hand.
Tho boys' costume should bo made
ot some cotton material, tho edges
slit up Into long points, while ono
black and ono red stocking adds to
tho general domonlsh appearance, and
alBO the eloso-flttlng llttlo skull cap,
with Its ears and horns, tho latter
fashioned out ot cap wire closely cov
ered Turning out a dress of this
description at homo provides an In-
Odd Collars.
On Bomo ot tho ono-ploco frocks
made of silk or cotton tho lace or em
broidered linen collars aro finished
off in strange ways, running down un
dor a girdle to form coat tails, fall
ing in looso panels or turned up to
make hoods. Comparatively Bmall
roll collars aro much used, evon on
vory drossy frocks. Whon a coat
Is to render tho toilet a three piece
ostumo tho collar Is usually fixed on
ho corfir.ge and tho coat ta colar-Icbs.
which will bo square and in tho center
of tho dining room, while the guests
will bo seated along tho walls? Ruth.
Just as soon as you read this get
out your Invitations, for young peoplo
have many engagements at this sea
son. For refreshments got your baker
to mako to order heart-shapod patty
shells to be filled with cream oysters;
decorate with hearts cut from carrots
with vegetable cutter; havo heart
shaped sandwiches. Then havo pink
ice cream, cut heart-shaped, with a
gilt arrow sticking In it. Have the ta
blo powdored with tiny pink hearts
laid on in heart outlines, surrounding
a heort form flllod with flowers. Tho
tinsmith will make it.
As to Wedding Expenses.
What expense should tho groom
boar In tho preparation for his mar
riage? Also what should tho bride or
her peoplo? E. S. T.
The only expense borno by the
bridegroom Is for tho carriage that
takes him and his best man to tho
ohurch and himself and bride away.
Ho buys the wedding ring, bouquet
for bride and attendants and usually
gives his best man and ushers favors
and, of course, pays tho marrlago fee.
Tho bride's family entertain the wed
ding guests and meet all other ex
penses. Duty of Groom's Parents.
When a couple become engaged Is
It necessary for tho groom's parents
to send cards or any message to tho
bride's parents, they having as yet no
acquaintance and not residing near
enough to each other to exchange
calls? Martha.
When a young man notifies his
parents, of his engagement they cer
tainly should send a noto of welcome
to the prospective daughter-in-law.
And it Is a very pretty courtesy to ask
her to visit them.
Wedding Refreshments.
What would be the proper refresh
ment for a two o'clock wedding, and
should a bride wear a veil? The wed
ding Is to bo In Juno. Genovleve.
Chicken salad, sandwiches, coffee.
Ice cream and wedding cake with cof
fee will bo the proper outlay. Just the
samo as for an evening wedding. By
all means a bride should wear a veil.
It Is the ono and only occasion a girl
haB that privilege and sho should
avail horself of It. What is sweeter
than a June bride? June Is the month
of roses and of brides.
For' a Handkerchief Booth.
Will you please send mo sugges
tions for a handkerchief booth for a
church fair, to be all In whlto? Chair
man. Have the attendants wear handker
chief capH and aprons; make ballB of
handkerchiefs by stringing from the
center and hang round the booth.
They can bo cut off as sold. For a
background use white crepe paper,
dipped In thin mucilage and then cov
ered with diamond dust.
the Winter Season
crodible amount of Interest and fun,
and incidentally brings forth all man
ner of resouices hitherto undream
ed of.
Tho dear little milkmaid speaks for
herself, a suggestion that could bo
successfully carried out for a child
from six years upwards. The inten
tion is frankly picturesque, and espe
cially designed to bo carried out in
the most Inexpensive washing mate
rials. A flowered niercorlzod muslin
for tho bouffant tunic, and a thin strip
ed cotton for tho skirt, a soft white
muslin kerchief and cuffs imparting
tho daintlost of touches. The throe
legged stool and milk pall aro neces
sary accessories, the latter carried on
tho head, which Is picturesquely tied
up In a silk handkerchief, the ondB
knotted undor tho chin.
Collars on Children's Coats.
While a number ot largo collars aro
still bolng used on children's coats,
Bays tho Dry Goods Economist, the
tondoncy Is to have thom a llttlo small
er than was tho case last season. The
revers also aro made to conform with
this stylo. Many of the nowost mod
els have lingerie collars. Theso
nro eithor buttoned or basted on so
that thoy can bo readily taken off
whon soiled. Furthermore, the oppor
tunity is prosented ot having ono or
more collars to the sjuna coat
President Fulti of Players' Protec
tive Organization Would Bar
Abusive Spectators.
Dave Fultz, president of the Base
ball Players' Fratornlty, has mndo
public a letter which he sent to the
notional commission on Decembor 7,
and which ho hopes will do away with
rowdyism in major league grand
stands. The letter is the outcomo of
the strike of the Detroit ball players
lost summer, which took place after
Ty Cobb of the Tigers was Indefinite
ly suspended by President Johnson ot
tho American' leaguo for slugging a
rowdy fan In American League park
hero. Tho lotter follows:
"On bohalf of tho Baseball Players'
Fraternity, an organization composed
of players from the National and
American leagues of professional base
ball clubs, we wish to place before
you a matter which we think of suffi
cient Importance to Justify Its being
brought to your attention,
"From time to time during the
past theio have boon numerous occa- u iiU
slons upon which tho players during .
the performance of their duties on the
field havo been subjected to Insulting
and abusive language addressed to
thom by spectators. The occurrences
havo not only had a harmful effect
upon the mental condition of tho play
ers, but have disgusted many of the
better class of fans to whom the
cheap, vulgar language Ib exceedingly
offensive. It would thereforo seem
as though some determined effort to
minimize this would not be out of
"We appreciate the difficulty of
such an undertaking, and also the
fact that the spectator Is entitled to
a certain latitude in tho expression
of his feelings, but we feel that when
he exceedB this latitude, the Interest
of not only the player, but of the fair
minded public, demands that all rea
sonable efforts bo made to put a stop
to such offenses.
"It may seem advisable to you to i
pass legislation that will render It
obligatory upon every team to adopt
such safeguards as will most effec
tively do away with the evil In ques
tion. This, wo think, can best be ac
complished by posting suitable signs
in conspicuous places; by properly po- i
llclng the stands with attendants who li
aro made to realize that they are .V
there for a purpose; by giving the um-
plre supervision over these attend
ants; and by vesting In the umpire
a more complete Jurisdiction over, and
holding him responsible as far aa
practical for, the action of all persons
within tho inclosure.
"It Is tho effort of our organization,
as far as possible, to do away with
all rowdyism on the field, and as we
believe that rowdyism In tho stands
Is often a potent factor in causing
trouble on the field, we trust you will
co-operate with us In our endeavor,
and will accept theso suggestions as
evidence of a sincere desire on our
part to lessen tho friction where the
player Is concerned and to make base
ball a morn wholesome and a more
attractive game to the better classes
of the sport-loving public."
Manager of Kansas City Babeball
Team Was Born In Coatesvllle, Pa.,
Thirty-Six Years Ago.
Charles C. Carr, the former major
league ball player and present mana
ger of tho Kansas City team, was
born in Coatesvllle, Pa., December 27,
1876. Charlie was graduated from tho
sand lots to the major league In 1898,
being tried out In that year by the
Washington team. Ho was not qulto
rlpo for the big top and was sent to
Worcester, Mass., where he played In
The season of 1900 and 1901 found
Charlie hooked up with tho Toronto
team, and In 1902 he played In Jersey
City. His good work with the Skeet-
crs aiiraciea me aiconuon oi tno do' v
trolt management with the result
that he wore a Tlgpr uniform In 1903.
Charles C. Carr.
Thn next vear he was traded to Clove.
land and remained there until 1906, i!
when he signed as manuger for In
diannpolis. He remained in tho Hoosier
capital flvo seasons and had the satis
faction of hoisting an American asso
ciation pennant in the Indians' ball
In 1911 Charlie bought an Interest
In the Utlca club and managed the
team. Last spring ho returned to the
American association ob manager of
the Kansas City Blues. During tho
summer he got into tho game himself
And his batting was a big factor in
keeping the team well up In the pen
nant race.
Judgment Against Western.
At Lincoln, Nob., after taking testi
mony for two days and listening to
arguments County Judge Rlsser enter
ed Judgment In favor of the defen
dants in tho case of Guy W Green
against the Western League club and
Norris L-. O'Neill, the league presi
dent Green who was a former club
owner In tho league, sued to recover
a rebate, which he claimed was duct
htm from the league for excess of:
dues paid In tho season ot 1909 Pres
ident O'Neill was in Lincoln to defend
the suit
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