Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 24, 1913, Image 4

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    -?- -4
Sfte - Farmers' - Bank
rE desire to make the
EVERY farmer coming to the city. A Warm
Welcome Superior Service Sure Safety
Everything in GOOD Banking for YOU. (A
small present for you when you call.)
Mid -West Bsvivk
"That ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Paying taxes on 940 acres
Helps YOU. Guarantees
"Worth While."
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year.
A. weekly newspaper published nt
Dakota Oity, Nebraska.
Permission has been grantod for tho
transmission of this paperthrough the
maiiij as second-clues mattor.
Telephone No. 43.
Official Paper of Dakota County
In tho senate proceedings in tho
Omaha Boo of Inst Saturday tho fol
lowing mention is made of Sonator
Shumwuy'a bill regulating Indian
"Shumway of Dixon introduced a
bill by reqaost of a council of tho Win
nebago Indians, asking that tho cus
toms lierotoforo in vogue among tho
Indians who are now residing in tho
state relative to marriages to bo done
aTtay with and that thoso Indians be
required in tho future to marry ac
cording to tho laws of, the sUta. In
speaking of the bill Senator Shumway
said that he attended tho mooting in
which the resolution was passod ask
ing that a bill bo introduced covering
the matter and that it was one of the
most impressive meetings he had aver
" 'They seerd to understand fully,'
said tho Bona tor, 'the situation they
are in and they desire to have the past
customs entirely wiped away a ad wish
to start new and aooording to tho law
of tho state.'
"Indians who possess more than one
wife will bo roquired to take as his le
gal wife tho womon he (is living with
at thu present time and tho marriago
will be legalized. In tho futuro they
expeot to be punished should they
break any of tho marriage laws. On
or boforo tho first day q! April, 1018,
county judges shall keop a record of
all Iodiuns residing in tin ir county,
with tho name of tho wifo which tho
law recognizes and in case of violation
of this act tho vitlator shall be subjeot
to the Bumo punishment as a white
I Items of I nterest
5 !rom our Exchanges
Watfrbury Items in Ponoa Lendor:
Dan V Graves, of South Sioux City,
was on our streets Friday and Satur
day. Emerson Entorpriso : Mr and Mrs
John Hogan, of Hubbard, were reoont
visitors at tho homo of W M Korwin
and family .
Wakefield Items in Wayne Domo
crat : W V Stutoville. of Brownsville,
Was the guest of Geo Kohlmeier Sat
miday night.
Beacom Items in Emerson Enter
prise: Florenoo Warner returned IrbI
Saturday from a weeks visit with rel
atives at Homor.
Salix Items iu Sloan, la, Star: Miss
Broia Whittioar was taken to St
Joseph's hospital last Tuesday and un
derwent an operation for nppenoioitis,
Horniek Items in Sloan, la, Star:
Miss Marian Ulary lias returned to
.Jackson, Nob, at whioh plaoo she will
resume her studies at tho Bt Oathorino
Sioux Oity Jonrna), 10th : Norton
Tho funeral of Mi9 Nnllio Norton,
1016 West Eighteenth stroot, was held
yesterday ufternoon at 2 o'alook at the
Westoott chapel. Rev Wullaoo M
Short oonduotod tho services, whioh
Start Vje Year RigRt
Everything in GOOD Insurance- Fire Lightning
Tornado Accident Life.
Companies Rates Treatment guaranteed the best.
.ueai estate oougiir. and
now. Tell us your needs.
Farm Loans lowest
paymenti, prompt closing.
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases all legal papers drawn
promptly and accurately.
Hoping for a continuance of the liberal patronage
given this Agency, since 18C0, and promising you the
same good treatment,
Yours respectfully,
IS. F. McKcever,
Jrvolcaion, NobraaltUk.
Successor to Ed. T. Kearney.
Mid - West headquarters for
of good Dakota county farms
YOUR deposit.
wero private Interniont was in Lo
gan Park cemetery, Miss Norton died
Thursday afternoon of diphthoria.
South Orook Items in Ponca Jour
nal: V Oasey, of nour Vista, spout
Tuoftday at tho home of his aunt, Mrs
Hlinbnn .... Agnes Uarnoy has return
ed to Jaokxon, aftor sponding tho holi
days at homo.
Ponca Loader: T J Casoy, who has
been living on routo three, near Vis
ta, has moved to Jackson, whoro he
ordors his Loader sont, lie will movo
to South Dakota in the spring.
Alton Nows: Mrs E E Ellis spont
Tuosday with her brother, Ed Morgan
and family, near Dakota Oity....Itov
Hard will speak nt Dakota Oity, Ho
rner, Walthill and South Sioux Oity
uext week in meetings like tho enu
hold horo Monday night.
Winnebago Chieftain: E 11 Paugh
was a Homor caller on Thursday....
Miss Minnio flarring is sowlug for Mrs
JOFoltzthis weok....Moll Niobnhr
wan down Sunday to see his fnthor
and sistor....Mra Tom Ashford nnd
Bister, Mrs Crowloy, wore guests Inst
Friday tit tho homo of Mrs John AhIi
ford....OIaUduL Tuaoker and wifo
spent Sunday nt tho home of tho for
mer's sister, Mrs Art Dormit and fam-
Homor Star: Oeorgo Thaokor was
at Omaha last week where ho attend
ed the Implement Doalers convention.
....Miss Lormino Murphy left Suu
day evening for South Sioux Oity,
whoro she will to a oh sohool for a short
time... Mr and Mrs Robert Jones
left for Allen Monday, being oallod
thoro by the serious illness of Mrs
Jouett' mother.... Mollio Hughes, of
Hommingford, Neb, urrived Wednes
day evening from Linooln to visit tho
Oilhort Hughos family,
Sioux City Journal, 20th : Harry
wuson is conditioning a string of
staudard brod horses at Woodland
park for E H Gribblo, of Dakota Oity,
Neb. They will bo takon to Chicago
noxt mouth and offered for sale at the
annual Uuioago auotion salo of higu
oIbhh horsub.... Rapid progress has
been mado on tho government rovet
mont work near Dakota Otty, Nob,
It is oxpootud that tho work will bo
oomploted boforo tbo first of tho
month, Tho fluo woathor has permit
ted tho rivermon to koop on tho work.
The grading now is complotod and
2,000 foet of mat has boon put in plaoo
ready for ballast.
Wayno Domoorat: E J EarunH.
who is now publishing tho Tolopost at
oaaxwoii, is wen Known in this part of
Nebraska, where ho formerly conduct-
oa newspapers, ilrst at Newcastle in
Dixon county, and later at Homor in
Dakota county. He is now a oaudi
da to for appointment as register of tho
U S land offloo, and his frionds in this
part of tho state hopo that ho will be
reoognized for the reasons that thoy
know him to bo enmpotout to perform
the duties of tho ofiloo and that ho is u
democrat on oluoliou day at the polls
and the other 801 doyB of tho year,
and he does not oven tako a day off
on leap year, It i a oase whoro u
good nowspapor and true domoorat
can both bo rooognizod iu ono appoint
ment for tho good thoy havo done uud
onii do.
Bioux Oity Journal, 18th: Minn
Nellie Norton, 1010 West Eighteenth
street, who died Thursday aftornoon
of diphtheria, wob to havo boon mar-
nou witinn a tuontti to W H Orr, of
Dnkota City, Mob. Final arrange
ments for tho wodding weiu being
mado, Miss Norton mado a shopping
sold, and a fine list rieht
We can supply them.
rates, long time, optional
trip in Sioux Oity Batnrday afternoon
with her flanco, Until Thursday
morning tho illness of Miss Norton
was not considorod serious. Bbo had
walked about the premises Wednesday
afternoon. Tho attaok, thought to bo
tonsiuuis, wn1 uiukiiobuu hh uijjuiwuuh,
and quarantine waB cstnbllnliod. Anti-toxin
wan administered to Miss Nor
ton. Doath occurred early in the
afternoon. Miss Norton was born at
Waterloo, la, and camo to Sioux Oity
whon 4 years old. Sho was 27 years
old at tho time of her doath. During
the last soYon yoars sho taught in tho
public schools and was teaohor of a
girl's class at tho First Congregation
al Sunday foLool. Miss Norton's
mother died six years ago, and sinco
that time sho has lived with her father,
H M Norton, and her brothor, Olar
onoo Norton, on West Eighteenth
street. A sister, Mrs J S Spaydo,
lives at 1801 Ross street. Miss Nor
ton bolonged to the Bay View club
and the Eastern Star lodge. She was
a membor of tho First Congregational
church. Tho funeral will be held this
afternoon at 2 o'clook at the Westcott
ohapol. Rev Wallace M Short will
conduot tho services. Interment will
bo in tho Logan Park oemotory. Res
olutions of condolence directed to tho
family of Miss Norton wore adopted at
a meeting of tho principals of the pub
lic sohools in a mooting in' tho old
council chamber of tho city hall.
Sioux City Journal, 21: While
loading ioe at Crystal lako yesterday
afternoon Charles Harnett, 38 years
old, was caught in tho lifting chain
running from the ico chuto to tho lako
and suffored a broken leg. His right
leg was broken bolow tho kneo. Ho
was taken to tho Samaritan hospital,
wboro tho broken mnmhor was sot,
Harnett lives in South Sioux City and
is employed by tho Consumers loo
compnuy. This is tho first serious ao
cident during tho present ice harvost.
....Peter Henslor, aged 85 years, a
pioneer settlor in D&kota county, Neb,
died Sunday at his homo, Watorbnry,
Nob. Ho had boon ill several weeks.
Funeral services wilk bo held this
morning at 0 o'clook at tho Cathedral
of tho Epiphany. Interment will be
in Mt Calvary cemetery. Mr Heusler
is survived by his wifo nnd seven
ohildren Mrs'P J Waohtor nnd A
Burns, of Waterbury; John Henslor, of
Arco, Minn; Mrs F Christianson, of
Minnesota; Peter Hensler, jr, of Wat
erbury, and Mrs F Latzenborgor and
A Brauugor, of Sioux City. Mr
Hensler was born iu Germany. He
ohuih to Amorica whilo a younu man.
Ho was married to Miss Kato Sehnyder
and lived in Lincoln couuty, Minn.
In 1878 Mr and Mrs HenBlor movedto
Dakota county, where they lived du
ring thirty-two years. Recently Mr
Honsler quit active farming and moved
to Waterbury .
Tom Long shipped a car of bogs
last Thursday morning.
John Mitchell, of Nacora, was in
Hubbard Sunday botweon trains.
Now is tho time to invest in a heavy
winter coat, whilo we havo a big line
to seleot from. Thoy won't last long.
C Anderson Co.
Mrs O D Hall and two children
wero visitors at the Mrs Loo Eldred
homo Tuesday .
A largo bunoh from hero attended
thu danoo at Jackson last Friday
John Rockwell and Joseph Christen
bou camo up from Wayno Saturday to
romain over Sunday at thoir homes.
Try Boll coffoo. You will find it
the highest quality for your money.
Goo Timlin.
Mrs Leo Eldred loft Tuesday oven
ing for Dakota City and othor points.
Fred Nelson, with hia beBt qirl,
spont Sunday at tho K RaBmusson
homo near Waterbury.
Bring in your produoo, butter, eggs,
etc. Wo always pay tho top prico. O
Anderson Co.
Dan Hartnett was nuite sick tho
past week but we aro pleased to state
that he is now able to be out.
Henry Hansen spout Monday and
Tuesday with friends iu Sioux Oity.
Sunday sohool at 10 o'clock a m.
Publio 'worship every seoond and
fourth Sunday at 11 a m, at Lutheran
Tho new butcher shop will
finished for unothor wcok.
MrB O L Thompson was a business
visitor iu Homor tho first of tho week.
w o havo a small quantity of homo
mado molnssoi, ami if you want a sup
piy bouu iu boforo it is all gouo. O
Anderson Uo,
Roy Armour had a oar
tho market Monday,
of hogs uu
iioury iiauson transaotod business
hi tno couuty seat Monday.
liromo-Quiuiuo will cure a cold.
we uavo it, uiso of full lino of Dr
juyuotr lumlly medicines. Goo Tim
lin. Tom Long muy bo able to success
fully ruu a farm, uu elovaior, uud u
third of the couuty, but ho can't run
an auto ftir shucks, Ho demonstrated
tuut wiion ho ruu l'ut Duggau's ma
ouiue luto tho ditch uud sent it to the
hospital (or repairs.
Will Hayes had a shipmout of
ou the market Tunsduy,
Wool hoso of all kiuds, for wiutor
wear, at U Anuoraou Oo s.
Mrs VarvuiB visited her daughtor
at Winnebago last week,
William Geortz shipped a car of
cuttle Tuesday morning.
Louis Kuudsen, Mike a root), Hardy
Ogbaru, C M Rusmusson uud Luiiis
Hogg wero ull shippers from horo
During tho noxt wook wo will offer
some bargains in canned fruits and
vegetables. Como in and take advan
tage oi thoso spooials, Goo Timlin,
Harry Hookwoll, Johntroderiokson,
Hill Piokuaiu, Pote Andorsou and
Ohiist Pi'dorsun woro nil city goors
from hero Sunday.
Mrs Uoweom vlsitod Friday uud Sat
urday with her duuglltor at Nuuoru,
Siua IJruoit was uu over night visitor
at tho homo of her ptironta tiuuduy,
Ouriio Nelseu ictnrucd home Huu
duy nftur u weoka visit at tho Georgo
Thackor home noar Homor. Sho
leaves for Bioux Oity Saturday.
Nell Hogan spont Saturday and
Sunday at her homo in Jaokson,
Chns Dodge is getting along slowly
and as well as could bo oxpeoted, but
it will bo spring boforo he will bo ublo
to use his injured limb.
Tono Bros spices will improve your
cooking as they are nf tho best quality.
Wo sell them. Geo Timlin
Mr and Mrs W Goertz wore Sioux
City ohoppers Tuosday.
Tho Methodist ohuroh will soon be
in Hubbard. Just a fow days more.
It is now in sight of town,
L Hogg, O Rasmussen, L Knudson,
M Greeu and Hardy Ogburn wero city
passengers from here Wednesday.
Minnie RaBmusson and Mamie
Clansson woro among thoso from here
who attended the dance at Jaokson
Friday night.
New goods aro arriviog daily, includ
ing fancy (Irons goods, ginghams, out
ing flannels of all kinds, calicos, etc
Seo our splendid assortment of dry
goods. O Anderson Oo.
Mrs II Nelsen was on tho sick list
tho pant wools.
JooHagenjs somewhat hotter at
this writing.
A child rons party was given last
week at tho Fnk Uffinsr homo. It
was largely attondod, about forty be
ing prosont.
Mr and Mrs Hanson visited a couplo
of days the paBt week at tho homo of
Mrs 11 Jonson,
William Frankliu was dowu from
Obert, Neb, Monday.
Chas Ingram and wife, who were
visiting the ast mouth in tho Paul
Sharp homo, doparted for their home
at Charleston, Okla, Monday. They
wore accompanied home by Mrs Sharp,
who is a sister of Mr Ingram.
Pearl WoIbIi doparted last weok for
Plankinton, S D, to visit relatives.
Mrs Orlando Garner, of Newcastle,
Neb, arrived hero Saturday for a
weeks visit with relatives.
James Barry, jr, was home from
Sioux Oity over Sunday.
Jumcs Flynn enjoyed a weok end
visit from his sister, Mrs James Gor
man and husband, of Hereford, Pol,
tho past week.
The Misses Mary and Annie Beacom,
of Waterbury, attended tho dancing
party hero last Friday night and wero
guests of Mary MoGonigal until Sat
urday ovening.
Mrs James McIIenry, of Plainview.
Nob, spent several days here last weok
visiting relatives.
J E McGonigal wbb transaotincr
businoss at Waterbury last Saturday.
John 11 Oampbell will hold a pub
lic sale at his farm west of Jaokson
on l'ttbrnarv loth and W A Brown
will will have a salo on February 11.
Thos Sullivan this week sold $1,200
worth of hay to E J Frost, of Coleridtro.
M Boler, sr, met with a painful ac
cident last week which nearly co6t
him tho loss of an eye. Whilo driviug
near his home uud iu passing somo
trees a branch struck him iu the eye.
He is under tho doctor's caro and now
no bad results are anticipated.
Mrs A Reeco returned from Plank
inton, S D, Tuesday.
Tho oleventh and twelfth grade pn
pile took the stuto examinations laBt
Friday and Saturday.
Matt B Hogan, of Hettingor, N D,
arrived hero Monday ovening for a
visit with relatives.
M Zuiauf hriB purchased an automo
bile The Misses Margaret Ryan and
Monica Hartnott attondod tho charity
uaii in oioux uity Tuesday evening
and wero guests in the Ella Malonoy
Lydia Teller returned homo Mon
day evening from an over Sunday vis
it witu relatives at MoUook, 8 I).
V J MoGonigul is looking ufter somo
land propositions in Holt county this
Dr D B Stid worthy wont to Sioux
Oity Thursday to uttoud the fnneral of
Mrs Stidworthy's mother who had
boon sick for some time. Mrs Stid
worthy was at her mother's bensido
wheu she died.
M Mason is on a two weeks visit and
business trip through Oolerado. A
druggist from Sioux City is putting up
juuouuiHiuiiH uunug xur muBon s ou-
Loo Mungor is siok with a bad
Harold and Oathorino, ohildren of
T J Ocounor, are both vory siok.
Furmers aro having their coru shell
ed, but can't haul any more to tho
elevators, thoy aro all full and cura
Orttinot bo supplied for tile domand.
Elmer Uroyhill was surprised on
Saturday night when several young
people stepped in to spond tho even
ing. Edwards & Bradford gavo a freo
supper iu honor of tho firo fighters
who worked so hurd to huvo tho lum
ber sheds. Tho Lutheran and M E
ladies sorvod tho supper in tho E & B
hardware storo.
On Mouday night somo ono broko
into tho mill nnd laid in a supply of
flour. The bloodhounds woro put on
tho trail uud tried out but no trnoo of
the thief was found.
E II Cornell, of Ponca, was't visitor
in Salem Monday.
iMorlo tlileraan is laid up with' a bud
attack of rheumatism,
Tho W Y D olub mot with Mrs Fred
JacobBon lust Wednesday afternoon,
Roll cull was uusworod by favorito
Mrs Horuiau Roost was operated on
last Wednesday at St Joseph's hospit
al, Sioux City, for gull Btoues, At
thiR writing shuis jotting along nicely.
Georgo C'oughtry, of Euiorson, lias
ucoopttul a poiiittou witlt M G Luumor
fur inn oumtiig year, and will rosidu
it! the farm house roceutly vacated bv I
12rl Froil-riok. " I
Tho ladles of the Kaloni Lutheran
clam-It will niv. uu oyHirr supper in'
f li.t Mill, mi nliiimli tlifu It .-.lit v iti,., jnn
"" -"- " -i ". iii.'imuB
January 24. Chiokon and rolls will
bo served. Also will have homo made
candy stand. Every body invited to
Tho Salem Missionery Aid will meet
at tho home of Mm Hugh Graham on
Thursday, January 30, at 2 o'clook p
m. Four o'clock lunch will bo sorvod,
Committee, Mrs Tom Gribblo, Mrs
John Miller, Mius CoJrin Fisher and
Mrs Hugh Graham. Visitors will be
Best Cough Medicine for Children.
"I am vory glad to say a fow words
in praise of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy" writes Mrs Lida Dowey, Milwau
kee, Wis, "I havo used it for years
both for my ohildren and myself and
it nevir fails to relievo and cure a
cough or cold. No family with child
ren should bo without it as it gives al
most immediate relief in oases of
croup." Chamberlain's Cough Rome
dy is pleasant and safe to take, whioh
is of great importance when a modi
cine must be given to young childron.
For salo by all dealers. Adv.
Tho Herald for Nows when it is Nows
First publication 1-8-4.W
In the District Court of Nebraska, la and
for Dakota Oounty.
ISagleTankOompauy, )
vs. Notlco
Kruger Hrowlng Company, et.al.)
To Union Flbor Company. Tho Douahorty
& llrynnt Company, Hloux Oity Holler &
Sheet Iron Works, Kownneo Ilollor Compa
ny, Ford Lumber Company, F. J. Hulzbach,
Novelty MfK. Oompnny, Crane Company,
Sioux City Iron Company, Strnnge Itrotli
ors, J. II. Snell Company, corporations, nnd
Jacob 7,o nmn, KU T, Kearney, Wnldo Jeep
nnd Hosn Kruger.
You nre hero by notified that on the 23th
day of December, A. V., 1012, plaintiff tiled
n potltlou ngnliist dofondnnts named above,
and ottiors residents, in tho Bald court, for
Judgment and decreo for 11088.25, nnd legal
Intorestfrom August 1st, A. D., 1912, on ac
count of labor and nmterliil furnished by
plalntUT to defendant, Kruger Browing
Company, In the. lnstnllntlonof machinery
In Its Hrowory Building at South Hloux
Clty.Nubr.. sltuntoon lots three (3) to six
teen (IR) Inclusive, Block thlrty-slx(tM). Joy
Place Addition to South Sioux City, Nobr.,
nnd for decreo establishing said amount
and Interest nnd cost of suit as a lien upon
said lots nnd buildings, nnd ns n Hen prior
to that of all defendants In tho suit, oxcopt
H. W. Wood. U.S. Urigham, and tho me
chanics Hen-holders who established liens
against said promises, and for decreo for
execution ami salo of said promises or so
much thereof ns Is necessary to satisfy said
Judgment, Interest and costs, and decreo
barring and foreclosing the equity of re
dumption of all defendants, except thoso
above named, on failure to ledeem us pro
vided by law.
That no personal Judgmont Is asked
ngnlnst nny dofondnnts except Kruger
Hrowlng Company. '
You nro hereby requlied to nnswor tho
snld petition on or bofore the third day of
February, A, D 1013, or on failure to do so.
petition will bo taken as truo nnd Judgmont
rendered accordingly.
Kngle Tank Company,
Uy H. II Brown J. J. McAllister,
Its Attorneys.
Dated this 20th day of DocomborlU12.
free ladici9 and gcn1s watches.
Rugs, Bracelets and jewelry op
every Description, lace curtains
Ruas. house furnishings, rifles,
our Beautiful Fnncy Brown and Satin
Striped Ilandorchlofs at 10c each. They
sell rapidly, 0 can gonorally be sold In every
bouse. Don't send us any money, but write
us to Bond you a lot of Handkorchlefs to soil,
that whon sold you will send us the monoy
and got tho premium selected. Selling 24
handkorchlefs entitles you to your choice
of an Elegant Watch, 3 Gold Laid Kings,
Lnco Curtains, Ktc. Wrlto us to-day, we
wo trust you and tako back the goods if
you cannot soil them.
A Nervous Woman Finds
Relief After Many Years
Women vflio suffer from extreme
nervousness, often endure much
suffering before finding any relief.
Mrs. Daniel Kintner, of Defiance,
O., had such an experience, regard
ing which she says:
",I had stomach
trouble when I was
eighteen yenra old
that broko down
my health, and for
years I suffered
with nervousness,
headache, Indiges
tion and nervous
spasms. Tho
spanms sot so bad
I would have them
thrco or four times
n weok. After try
ing nearly every
remedy recom
mended, I began
taldtiL' Dr. Miles'
Nervine, and I must nay It helped mo
wonderfully. I have had no severe nerv
OumifRR for several years."
1002 Pleasant St., Deflnnco, O.
Many remedies are recommended
for diseases of the nervous system
that fail to produce results because
they do not resell the seat of the
trouble. Dr. Miles' Nervine has
proven its value in such cases so
many times that it h unnecessary
to make claims for it. You can
prove its merits for yourself by
getting a bottle of your druggist,
who will return the price if you
receive no benefit.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Spanking will not euro childron from wot-
ting tho bed, becauso It Is not a habit but a
dangerous disease, Tho O, II. Howan Drug
Co,, Chicago, Illinois, have discovered a
strlotly lmimioss, remedy for this distres
sing disease and to make known Its morrlts
thoy will send a 50 cent package bccurcly
wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any
reader of Tho Horald. This remedy also
cures frequent doslro to urlnato and lnlbll
Uy to control urlu during tho night or day
In old or young. Tho O. II. Howan Drug Co.
nro nn Old ltollablo Iloiue, wrlto to tlmni
to-todny for the freo medicine. Cure tho
nlUloted monibors of your faintly, then tell
your neighbor!) nntl friend nliout this rem
Tla II. rU I .war, SI.
Winter Friends
For Your Feet
Steel Wool Sole Rubbers
Anything in rubber boots and shoes at this store for men,
women, children in a variety that will enable you to find what
you want.
"A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation"
Cattle, Hogs and SKeep
Steele, Si man & Co.
Tom Steele, Ray Slman.Otlt Earl v, Dave Prusmer, Harry Bppenen,
Manager. Cattlo Salesmen. IIog& Sheep Salesman. Ofilcet
Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us.
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters.
We Work for You.
Henry's Place
East of the Court House for the Best in
Wines, Liquor and Cigars !
Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies. I
riiure oeer
BottU or Keg
Henry Krxmmwiede. piot city. N.br.k.
via the
NortK Western
Leave Bioux Oity.
Arrivo Ohioogo . . .
Dnily Service
Lv. Omaha 1 7.40 nm 1 12.30 pm I 0i
Ar. Olilcago I 8.45 pm I -4Sam I 7.4S
Perfect Service
To a Perfect Terminal
Excursion Fares to Florida. Special
Sailings to Panama and the West
Indies. & Delightful Winter Trips.
Travel information upon request.
B. C Buchannan,
Agent, Dakota City, Neb.
G;. H. MacRAE, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn.
Comfort in bad weather
will be yours if you let us
help you in tho selection
of rubber sandals, arctics,
boots anything in the
rubber footwear line.
It doesn't pay to bo in
different in the purchase of
these articles when the best
costs no more.
represent the highest quality
of materials, the greatest skill
in manufacture, the largest
measure of comfort.
The Steel Wool Soles
which have fine strands of
steel vulcanized into the heel
and sole give remarkable
Write Us. Ship Us. J
.Doily 4.50 pm
.Daily 7.45 nm
pm 1 8J15 pm 1 7.M pin I 8.60 pm 12.45 am
am I 8JH) am I 0.10 nm Ill.'JOnin 1MM pm
L'man Sholes,
Div. PnsBongor Agout, Omiihn, Kehr.
E4 rw ...
' ' fi.