Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 03, 1913, Image 4

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    j. t 3
" H,""' .
For 1913
Our sinccr; wishes fpr your Health, Happiness and
That we may all 131$ good DO good be Happy.
We pledge you our earnest efforts to give you
GOOD Banking each day.
To merit your friendship and patronage give you
Superior Service Sure Safety.
To be the REAL Home Bank of ALL the People .
Mid -West Bs.nk
"That ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Abstracts of -Title
A $10,0011 Surety Bond
(lmriiuta"B tho aoonracy of every
Abstract I make
awwwt orww rm.nMti m mnA'm
Successor to
Dakota County AbBtract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
J. J. B I M B
fR'jWf t0vrjbi i
R8 I
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Trico. $1.00 Per Year.
a wookly nowspapor published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission bas been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mails as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 48.
Official Paper of Dakota County
Mrs Fred Cornell, Monday, December
23, a girl.... Mr and Mrs C E Arm
bright and Mrs Wm Armbright spont
Christmas with relatives hero.
Dloomllold Monitor: Herb Kinnoy,
of Jaoksou, Irvin Dolphin, of Omaha,
and Mrs Dolly Featherstouo, of Hiotix
City, aro all Christmas visitors in
New Ycar.s Greeting
(The followlna orlalnnl poem was distrib
uted by llev. J. Crows to Ills congrogntlon
Sunday morning.) ,
Wo tnnil upon tills llttlo space,
Hot ween the old and now;
Anil halt a tnomont In our nvce,
And take n backward vlow.
Tho year hns come, the year )i h"""!
With nil Its hopes mid fours.
With all Its joy, with nil Its souk,
With n!llU8lKt)Sindenra.
"Wo Rtootl upon 1U thioshold now,
Our henrt was Kind, our aim, was hltfh ;
Wo'd spoud our lives with purpose true,
As nil Its KOldou tliiya pass by.
Rut liuvo wo reached oar hlghost nt m
And done onoh duty, one by ono.
Or must wo soo with mttorpatn.
Our year's work still undone?
Whnt bounties vast tho yenr hns brought.
From Hold and plain and hill,
And from (Jod'a word with bloating fraught
And from God's holy will.
Lord, wo nro hore thy will to know.
Thy will to Jovo and do.
May wo nil In thy footsteps go,
This precious now yenr through.
And If Its day bring e (mound Joy.
And If its hours be Kind,
And hope and pence without ulloy
And not a moment smlT
Or If the shadows of our life,
Aro dark and doop nnd chill,
.And hard tho tmk and'llurce the strlfo.
And steep and long the hill,
Help us to look beyond tho Joy,
Beyond tho dark. and chill, ,
Iloynnd the ponco without alloy,
Ileyond tho long steep hill,
To whfcro tho plains of glory rise
And nil tho scenes of earth nro post.
To that bright world nbovo tho skies,
Uur homo in hvnvuii nl Iitnl,
Tho years may como, tho years may go,
Hut thou ronmlnlstMtlll.
Bo help us l.oni, thy iniino to know.
.And do thy holy will.
Until wo hoar thy welcome word,
Your strlfo Is o'or, your battle won,
Tho blest applnudlt of our Lord
Thou faithful soul, "well ilone."
J.0HBW8, Pastor M. K.Oburcb,
Dakota Ulty, Nob.
Uaw. I ,....
humid ui iiuciaei,
Lyons Mirror: J O MoElhinnoy
and daughter Lnoilo left for Excelsior
Springs, Mo, Tuesday, to j'uiu Mrs
MoElhinnoy, who went down thoro
several weeks ago for her health. Hho
is not lnproving, we nro sorry to state.
Miss Kate came back last weok.
Pender Times: Mastor Maicom
Smith, of Homer, is tho guest of
Master" Guy Qravos....Mrs A L Au
demon, of Hubbard, who was the
guest of hor daughtor, Mrs N II Nye
and family, returned homo Sunday.
... .Hiram Halter and family, of Sioux
county, wero guests of 0 W Maker's
family sovoral days this and lust week,
Emerson Enterprise: Married, at
tho Presbyterian parsonage in Wake
Jleld, Neb, on Deoombor 21, 1912, Mr
Orvillo C Wisdom, of Emerson, to MIfh
Elieaboth Mao Hart well, of Wakefield,
Dr Caldwell, pastor of the Presbyte
rian oh u roll, oflloiating. Tho nowly
wedded pair will make their home at
Wakellold for tho present, Mr Wisdom
retaining his offlco at this place.
in a suit filed yostorday by J A Foye
against the other parlies in the suit.
Tho notion of suit states that on July
27, 1012, Howard agreod in writing to
held-Foyo harmless from tho judgment
soenred tho jear previous, but that ho
declined to make his promiso good
within tho past month. Foye hns also
filed notiue of another suit against
Howard for tho collection of throo
notes aggregating $415, given in Au
gust and Ootobur of tho ourrcut year.
Walthill Timos: Miss Lou Hirsoli,
of Homer, is tho guest of Mrs Wm
Ream this week.... Jas W iJiBlier is
down from Sioux City shaking hands
ith old friends... .Dr anil aire It-am
and Mabel, with Ihoir guests from
Linooln, spent Christmas day at tho
homo of L L Ileum in Homer.... Last
dntiday evening, iu Dakota City, oc
curred a happy wedding which is of
interest to pcopln of Walthill as one of
tho participants is a well known and
. . . . -1...1 li, ll.. I
lllglliy respecitiu umzuun oi tut, iuhii,
'L'he bride wus Mrs Jminlo O'Pelt, of
Oakland, Oal, and tho groom was Mr
Lowis Meals who has just Jlttod up a
comfortable and modern homo iu tho
fourth filing. The oeroaony was per
formed privately at 7 p m, Sunday
evening, December 22, 1012, by Hor
Thoodorn Blivon, pastor of tho Dakota
City M E ohuroh, after which Mr and
Mrs Neals went to Sioux City and
camo to Walthill Monday ufternoon,
where tlioy will mako their homo.
Though married late in lifo tho ac
quaintanceship is ono oi long years
covering far morn than a half century.
Both parties aro woll advancod in
years, Mr Neals being well past eighty,
but both are well prsorvod and in
good hoalth aud no doubt will find the
mutual companionship wholesomo and
happy during tho years beforo them.
airs Neals oomos a stranger to Walt
hill. She appears to bo u woman of
unusual refinement and in overy re
spect a worthy companion to hor esti
mable husband, and no doubt will
soon onjny n oirolo of friends among
thoso who oxtond hearty congratula
tions and wish the happy couplo many
years of hoalth and happiness.
Homer Star: Clara and Elsie Wil-
kins, who attended State Normal at
Wayne, aro spending tho holidays
with their parents. . . .Ted Shook left
on Saturdaj for Pago, Neb, to spend
from our Exchanges
Allen News : Tho W J Armour fam
ily went to Dakota county Wednes
day to visit relatives,
Watorbury Items in Allen News:
Sara Burb.ir.and Mary Way nro homo
from Emorson spendiug the vacation.
South Creek Items in Ponoa Jour
nal: Agnes Harvey and Josouhino
Winston have returned homo from the
Bondetny at Jaokson,
Dixon Journal ; Born, to Mr and
Mrs Leo Hall, JSunday. a daughtor.
....Loo Hall oamo from Horniok, la,
to spend Christmas at home.
Watorbury Items in Pouca Journal;
J Jiaber, of Goodwiu, was in town
Tuesday.... Harry, Peter aud Mary
Marrnn and Grsce Wilkins was in
Fonoa Saturday.
Pones Journal: Born, to Mr and
Winnebago Chioftain: Mra Eliza
beth Adkin, of Homer, was a guest
last Thursday at the home of Mr aud
Mrs O F Nichols.... M J Hormau, of
flomor, and Mm Ida Culomun, of
Sioux City, spout Christmas day at
at tho Louis Herman homo.... Mrs
John Norris aud sons wero down from
Homer tho first of tho weok looking
after their interests out at tho farm
....Johnnie Ashford is down from St
Paul, Minn, spending school holidays
at home. Quito difforout than 10
inohes of snow, down hero, isn't it
Saturday's Omuha Boo states that
aovon men of Walthill, Neb, woro ar
raigned iu fedoral court Thursday
afternoon on an indiotmeut charging
them with attempting to trafllo iu In
dian lauds on tho Omaha reservation
iu a way contrary to fedoral law. They
did not plead guilty, but announced
they did not euro to light tho eime.
Those flood wero Harry L Keefn aud
Walter T Diddoak, $300 eaoh; James
J Orr and Ernrst 8 Kelly, l00 each ;
Emmott W Roasitor and Frauk God
dington, 125 ouch , and William E
Estell, $50.
Bionx City Journal, 28tli Nellie
Kuapp was grauttd a divorco from
Charles Knnpp in district court yester
day by Judgo David Mould, ou tho
grounds of cruel aud inhuman treat
ment, Tho husband offorod no de
fense. Tho oo n pit was manied at
Dakota City, Neb, on Septoruber 1G,
1008, aud lived togother until July 1,
1012. The mother was given the cus
tody of tho only child, a boy 18
months old.... Relief against a judg
ment seouied by tho Gntoway Im
provement oompany against Riloy
Howard aud himself in tho district
court on October 12, 1011, is petitioned
dinuer nl tho homo of his brother
O Mogenficn.
Wo aro told that ono of tho school
ma'ams iu this vicinity is about to
ehango her name. Somebody is al
ways busy enticing our teachors away.
Bring in your produce, butter, eggs,
etc Wo always pay tho top price. O
Andcreon Co.
Mra O M Rasmussen, Mrs L Mogen
sen and Mrs E Christenson spont Mon
day visiting Mrs A Anderson.
Rev IlntiBon, of nnmor, has been
holding meetings hero tho past weok.
Mrs Geo Timlin and Mrs J Qroun,
with their children, visited at tho Joo
Ilngnn homo.
Flannel shirts of all kinds and at all
prices at O Anderson Co's.
Herman Nelsen and Louis Pedersen
togother shipped a car of cattle Tues
day. Mr and Mrs Herman Nelson went to
Ralix, la, Tuesday, for a few days vis
it with frionds,
When you need n pair of overshoes
call and lot us fit you out in tho kind
that will suit your needs the best. O
Andersen Co.
A baby girl was born to Mr nnd Mrs
Ollio Halo, Wednesday, December 25.
Mrs Loo Eldred has recovered from
hor recent illness bo far that sho can
sit up.
The Leap Year danco given here
Thursday night of last weok was a
groat success, thoro being G2 numbers
Highest market prioo at all times
for your oream, butter and eggs.
Bring them to us. Geo Timlin,
Leo Biodo and family visited with
tho former's brother, Will Biode, of
Emerson, Tuesday.
Mrs A C Hansen entertained several
families at Now Year's dinner.
A baby boy arrived at tho O Miller
home south of town Sunday, All con
cerned doing woll.
Our heavy underwear stock is oom
ploto, and all sizes to soleot from. Beo
us for bargains. O Anderson Co.
Joseph Ohristenson entertained a
few friends Nc:r Year's evo.
B R Dyer and family visited
Sunday at the homo of Mr and Mrs A
Mrs Tom Cnllen was in Sioux City
Wednesday visiting relatives.
Helen Long enjoyod a visit from
frionds from tho city tho past week.
Nola Hansen expects to move into
his now houso about tho last of Janu
ary. If you Iiko a - good rich blond in
coffee, try tho celebrated Millar's
coffee, and you will nnd it just what
you liko. 3 Anderson Co sells it.
Mr and Mrs Leedom ato Now Yoar's
dinuer at tho Sam Thorn home.
James Knox died at his homo west
of Hubbard Monday, December 30,
1012, iitnl iv ob bui led Wednesday, the
funeral services boiug held in tho Elk
Vulley ohuroh. Mr Knox was an old
pionoer and had been ailing for saver
nl years. Ho served as postmaster at
tho Elk Vulley postoffloe for about
twenty years, until the oflloo was dis
continued. Ho was a good, honorable
citizen aud leaves a multitude of
friends and acquaintance! to mourn
his demise.
Omndi Grain ojmpany's elevator, is
piok with lung fever. John Davis, of
Omnha, former elevator man, is bore
taking his place in tho elevator.
Margaret Smith entertained n orowd
of young folks with Somorsct at her
homo Mondny evening.
Mrs J M King received word Mon
day evening that her father had died
at Pouca, Nub. She left Immediately
for that placo.
Miss Mary Monahan, teacher of
Plum Grove school, spent over Sunday
with Mies Lena Wilkins,
Mr Orvillo Legg and "Miss Laum
Borgor wero married Ohristmaa day at
tho bride's homo. They left for a
short honeymoon trip aud on Tuesday
ero surprised by a reoeptiou given at
tho homo of tho bride.
A family reunion was held at tho
Rtigh Altemus homo ou last Sunday
Mrs Wm Altumus and son Yurnon, of
Dukotu City, wero tho out of town
Mrs Georgia Gulbortson died on
December 10, 1012, at Seattle, Wash.
Mrs Rytcill, her mothor, was with her
until sho died, uud is now viBitiug
another daughtor before sho returns
to Homer.
His Stomach Troubles Over.
Mr Dyspeptic, would you not like to
feel that your stomach troubles wero
over, tUat you could oat any kind of
food you desired without injury? That
may seem so unlikely to you that you
do not even hopo for an ending of your
trouble, but porrait us to assure you
that it is not altogether impossible.
If others can bo cured permanently,
and thousands liuvo been, why not
you? John R Bakor, of Battle Creek,
Mich, ii ono of them. He says, "I was
troubled with heart bun, indigestion,
and liver complaint until I used
Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver
Tablets, then my trouble was over.
Sold by all dealers. Adv.
Public Sale
Having sold my farm with the intention of moving to Florida,
I will offer at Public Sale at my farm 1 mile south of
Dakota City, Nobr., on
Tuesday, January 14, 1913
6 Head of Horses and Mules,
Five Head of Cattle,
12 Head of Shoats,
Full Set of Farm Machinery
and numerous other articles.
Sale begins at 11 a. m. Free Luuch at Noon.
Terms: All sums under $10, Cash; on sums over that amount
ten months' time will be given at 10 interest.
XT. P. Mathews, owiier,
H. O. DORN, Auctioneer. HARRY H. ADAIR. Clerk
First publication 1-3-lw
In the District Court of Nebraska, In nnd
for Dakota Uounty.
Eagle Tank Oompnuy,
Sidney T. Frum
Who assumes tho ofllco of County
Attornoy of Dnkota County, succeed
ing J J MoAIIiotor.
Merry Christmas - Happy New Year
Everything in GOOD Insurance Fire Lightnings
Tornado Accident Life.
Companies Ratts Treatment guaranteed the best.
Real Estate bought and sold, and a fine list right
now, Tell us your needs. We can supply them.
Farm, Loans lowest rates, long time, optional
payments, prompt closing.
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases all legal papers drawn
promptly and accurately.
Hoping for a continuance of the liberal patronage
given this Agency, since 18f)G, and promising you the
same good treatment,
Yours respectfully,
H IT McKcevcr,
J&okson, Nobraslcck.
Successor to .Ed. T. Kcarncr.
Christmas at tho homo of his sistor,
Mrs J E Smith.... Wiss Grace Wil
kins.who toaohes school at Woterbnry,
returned last weok to spend tho holi
days with homo folks.... John Rock
well, a Wayno student, in spending
the holidays with his parents, Mr and
Mrs Louis ltnnkwcll, west of nomor.
. . . .Charles O'Connor, sou of T J, is
spending his holiday vacation at homo,
Ho Is attending sohool at Columbus,
Nob.... Earl Randal and Antouius
Larson, two students from tho univer
sity at Lincoln, univo.l home lust
week to spend the holidays with their
purnnts....RoHo Smith, daughter of
Mr and Mrs Joo Smith, who attended
school in Lincoln, arrived homo lust
week to spend the holidays with homo
folks.. ..MIhh Lona Knudsen spout
tho latter part of last wook with hor
iister, Mrs Johu Harris. Miss Knud
sen is a nurse from one of the hospit
als in Sioux City.. ..Miis Mary Ash
ford, who is attending school at Sin
siuawa, Wis, is visiting nt tho homo of
her parents, Mr and Mrs Thos Ash
ford, during tho holidays.. .-Miss
Gale, a sohool teacher of tho Uomor
schools, left on Fiiday of last weok
to spend hor two weeks vaontion at
tho homo of her mother, Mrs E 0
Q alo, who lives in Omaha Miss
Lulu Fonts loft for her homo at South
Sioux City on Friday of bn.t weok to
speud Christmas at hor homo. Miss
Fonts has boon teaching sohool west
of Homer, but resigned her position iu
order to attend school at Sioux City,
....Mr nnd Mrs Gilbert Hughes weio
passengers to Sioux City ou Friday
evening of last wook. Miss Hcsmo
Hughes, daughter of Mr and Mrs
Huglios, who is attending sohool at
Slieldou, la, returned homo with them
on Saturday.
Dan Hartuett shipped stock out of
hero Tuesday.
Mr aud Mrs Herman, of Homer, vis
ited tho jiuHt week at tho L Iliuris
Wo still havo a splendid asoortmout
of hhiukbU uud uomforts to select
from. O Anderson Co.
A danco was given iu Hubbard New
Yoar's evo. Wo did not hsr.r how
largo the nUendnnc" was.
Hubbard is taking on quite a b'lild
ing boom, with tho now buteher shop
and tho addition to the Hefferuau
Urooorios of all kinds, and tho best
L'radutt, at prions as low us the Ion est.
U Anderson Co.
L Mogonscn and family ato Sunday
Happy New Year.
RaBmus and Morris Smith returned
Mondnj evening from an over Christ
mas visit with relatives and friends at
Ida Giove, la.
Matt Barry, of Bolmond, la, visited
the last of tho week with relatives
Bun Cullen returned to Devils Lake,
N D, Wednesday.
Misses Murio and Margaret Good
folloiv wero Now Year guests in tho J
P Twohig homo, Sioux City.
John Hogan and uephew, Willio
Hartuett, are spoudiug tho holidays
with his brother, F A Hogan, Omaha.
nuzol Grubert, of Sioux City, spent
over Sunday in tho John W Ryan
homo here.
Loo Koaruey is enjoying a visit
from his brother, Ed Kearney, of Elk
tou, S D, tho past wools.
Frank RubIi and wifo nro visiting
relatives in Chicago.
Joseph Quiuu, of Omaha, arrived
hero Christmas day for a months visit
with the homo folks.
J Redmon and wifo, Alox Newell and
family, of Lemurs, la, attondod tho
Demuray weddiug horo Christmas day.
D F Wators finished his annual in
voicing thiB weok.
Joo Hogan wifo and baby, of Water-
bory, spent Christmas with Mrs Ho
gun's parents here.
Quit a number from here attended
the Leap Year danoo at Hubbard last
Thursday evouiog.
Herb Kinnoy returned tho last of
tho weok from a visit with his folks at
WakcUeld, Nob.
Mary Waters, of Sioux City, attend
ed tho dance hore Monday evening and
was a guest at tho homo of her uuolo,
D F Wators.
Tho Leap Year dauoe horo Mouday
evening was a success, there boiug 60
couples present aud a flue time was
eujojed by all.
Eugene Konuolly attended a Watoh
party at tho Hotel West iu Sioux City
New Years ove,
Tho Misses Follis, of Sioux City,
am guests iu tho M Bartels home.
John Ryan aud wifo, of Sioux City,
attended the dance hero Mouday even
ing. Tho J W Collins aud Horaoo Dugau
families were called to Allen, Hundnj,
by tho death of their father, B Cava
naugh, a widely known and respected
pioneer. Ho formerly lived hero with
his daughter, Mrs Duguu,
Kruzcr Brewing Company, et.nl.)
To Union Fiber Company. Tho Dounhorty
& Bryant Company, Hloux City Boiler &
Hueei iron works, Kewanee uouor compa
ny, Ford Lumber Company, K.J. Hulzbncli,
Novelty Mfg. Company, Crnno Compnny,
Hioux City Iron Company, Strange Broth
ers, J. II. Hnoll Company, corporntlons, and
Jacob Zetnan, Kd T. Kearney, Waldo Jeep
and Rosa Kruger.
You aro heroby notified that on tho 20th
day of December, A. D., 1912 plalntllT Ulod
a petition ngnlnst defendants named above,
nnd others rosldonts, In the said Court, for
Judgment nnd docroo for J1088.26. nnd legal
lntorostfrom August 1st, A. 1)., 1912, on ac
count of labor and material furnished by
plaintiff to defendant, Kruger Hiewlng
Company, In the Installation of mnchlnory
In Us Urewory Building at South Sioux
ility,NHlir.. Hltimto mi lots thieeCl) to hlx
toon (10) Inclusive, Blookthlrty-slx(Sfl), Joy
I'lncn Addition to South Sioux City, Nobr.,
nnd for deeroo establishing said amount
nnd lntei est nnd cost of suit ns n lion upon
said lots nnd buildings, nnd as a Hon prior
to that of nil dofoudnnts lu tho suit, except
II. W. Wood.O. S. Brlghnm, and tho me
chanics Uon-hoIders who estubllshed lions
ngnlnst said premises, nnd for deuiee for
nxef ntlrin nnrt nnlo oi sulci premises or mi
much thereof ns Is necessary to satisfy snld
Judgment, Interest nnd costs, nnd decree
barring and foreclosing the equity of re
demption of nil defondants, oxcept those
above unincu, on failure to icueem ns pro
vided by inw.
That no porsonnl Judgment Is risked
ngnlnst uny defendants excopt Kruger
Browing Compnny.
You nro heroby lequlrod to answer the
snld petition on or before tho third day of
February, A. V., WIS, or on fnllure todoso,
petition will bo taken as true and Judgment
rendered accordingly.
Knglo Tank Company,
By It. II Brown A J.. I. McAllister,
Its Attorneys.
Dated this 20th dny of December 1B12,
V II VBfci-
It lv'"gw iiia AJ
ftiMWin flit mr4 rtf MlUtir
ftR? Saw ft'ft? fmti.w nl;
iftftiii i until ii miriTii
Try Solace At Our Expense
Money Back for any case of
Klieiimtuisni, Neuralgia or
Ueuduclie that. Solaco
Fails in lielieve
SOLACE REMEDY Is a recent medical
discovery of three Uerninn Scientists tlint
netitrulUos Uj-lo Acid nnd pull lies the blood.
It Is easy to take, urn! will not effect the
It la guaranteed under tho I'm o fond nnd
Drug I my,- to bo absolutely freo of opiates or
harmful drugs of any description.
SOLACE Is a pure speclllc In tnblet form
nnd hns liocn pi oven beyond quostlon to bo
tho surest nnd quickest lemedy for Uric
Acid troubles known to medical science, no
matter how long standing. It readies and
remooH the root of the trouble (Uiln Aeiu;
and purltlos the blood.
THE SOLACE CO. of Bnttlo Creek are
tho Solo U. S. Agents nnd hnvo ovor two
thousand voluntary testimonial lottois
which hnvo been rocclved fiom giuteful
people SOLACE has restored to health.
Testimonial letters, llteiaturo nnd FREE
BOX sent upon request, ,
It. Loo Morris, president of the First Na
tional tianl: of Chlco, Texas, wroto tho Sol
aco Company us follows:
"I want you to send a box of Solaco to my
fnthor In Momphls.Tonn.. for which I on
eloso SI. This remedy has been used by
some frionds of mind horo nnd I only hopo
It will bonellt my fnthor ns It has them.
(Signed ) It. b. Morris.
I'ut up In 2.1a. 60c nnd fl.00 boxes.
SOLACE. No Special Treatment, Schemes
or Foes." Just SOLACE alone does the
work. Write today for the freo box. etc.
SOLACE nCMCDY CO., Battlo Creek,
E. F Rasmussen
Write me, Jackson, leb. R 1.
or call, 1 mile west of
GoodviJ, TVeb.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
To the South Homeseekers' excursions are announced for
January 7th and 21st, and February 4th and 18th. They fur
nish low rates for a most attractive tour. Southern tourist fares
every day with longer limits; many of these tours include going;
one way and returning another. flf
Denver, Colo. National Stock Show, January 20 to 25
Special rates January 13th to 20th.
Lincoln, Neb. Great Convention of Organized Agricul
ture, Week of Jan. 20 to 24. Twenty-two societies meet for
the advancement of Nebraska Agriculture.
Corn Improvers, Combined Apple and Corn Show, State Horti
cultural, State Swine Breeders, State Dairymen, Nebraska Horse
Breeders, Dairy Cattle Breeders, State Live Stock Improvers,
Nebraska Rural Life, and many others.
W. FC. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. Wakklet, G P A, Omaha, Neb
, 15. i vl
V &bu Vi
The Homor Star editor, Ilonry Wag
ner, ato Chiittmas dinner with filouds
iu LoMurs, la
Several Houior joung folks went to
the Laap Year duuou at Uubbitrd,
last Thurafluy evouimj. -
Miss Mattie McKiuley, of Paulina,
la, is home on a short oatiou.
Aire O W Haley entertained a Sioux
City club of 1 idits on Saturday after
Hugh AUcuhh, manager of tho
VUv . lu'M New KnrinrM. Atrial Will
r jij3wi t it i-.m.AiuiHi customer.
Pr'7f Collection Uli. IT TaTlctlri t t-1
11 1 ti.-wiu T ji sip, t rlfnd.it t Onion, s wit rule.
ti'31 Jk it.r.ria Buib.-ciTariMlsslnim.
(11 AUMKi:i lO l'I.EAJl-
Wnto tfftipy; Mention this Paper.
t" rc,Abi trtck.of and rKtWt this Tftlontile
ui o waa itoftfiifiiii, Kiriiiifr vriib my tif
.. vci-ut iirvntuvi rtrcu una -int jioou.
&. mui t butuj itt..rcirv(scxEiiit nuu,(c .
'i. iti n inn uunrirc rr r
.M.W. liwiaeo, w-""tfdc&diu,i
The Dakota County Herald
Daily Journal-Stockman
both one year at regular price ol the Journal-Stockman alono
What is he Worth?
How can you get full market value out
of your Cattle. Hob, Sheep, Grain, Hay,
etc., unless you get tho official market
reporlM of the Dally Drovers Journal
Stockman. To sell nnythlnu'for less than It Is
worth Is simply giving money away.
Tho Dally Droveis Journal-Stockman
tolls you ccry Uny the correct market
pi Ice of Important farm products. Tells
you whero the market Is, as well as
what It Is. Hnnbles you to get 5 per
cent to HO per cent mure money for everything by knowing what
It Is worth and when to sell to the best advantage.
The Dally Drovers Journnl-Htockman is a dally nowapapei
that gives you nil the dally telegraphic news of the world that
Is worth reading A lrgo force of editors and reporters, give
their entire tlmo to making the Journal-Stockman the! Ideal dully
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Tho (Name of your paper) is your own homo newspaper. It
stands for your best Intai ests and the upbuilding of this community
all the time. In connection with the Journal-Stockman you get
all tho nows locul and foreign. i"ou want both papers.
The regular price of tho Dally Drovers Journal-Stockman
alono is 4.oo n yeur. Send or bring us your cash or check for
51.00 and you will get l.otli papers one full yoar. jTour time will
be advanced If, you are already paid up for either paper.
vu-&?;2; r,?' .
VW'V'jafV Vff
$53,000.oo v,
Being Given Away
R R Time Table
Xo. 91 Looal tfretKht 7 :1D am
17 " Passengei.. 12 :57 pm
No 1M Looal Freight 2 :U& pm
10 Local PaisonBor..0: 0pm
daily. daily oxoopt Suuday.
to those who act
as the local rep
resentatives of Everybody's Magazine and The Delinea
torall in addition to liberal commissions. Let us show
you how you can
Secure a. Share
simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your friends
and neighbors and collecting the renewals of our present
subscribers. Try for THIS month's prizes. There are lots
of prizes that can be won only by persons living in towns
same size as your own. Write at once to the
&2iicrclc jPnalbfixsHSing Co.
Buttorlolc BuUtitnii, Now York City
tShe Heralds only $1 a yV