Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 27, 1912, Image 7

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The hats were doffed to Canada
during tho two woekB of thu Land
Show and tho week of tho Live Stock
Show at Chicago. Willing to display
Its goods, anxiouB to let tho people of
tho central states know what could
be produced on Canadian farm lands,
and ttie quality of the article, Hon.
Dr. Roche, minister of tho Interior
of Canada, directed that sufficient
spaco be secured at the United
States Land Show, recently hold, to
give some adequate Idea of tho Hold
rosourceB of western Canada. Thoso
in cbargo had splondld location, and
installed ono of the most attractlvo
train and grass exhibits ever seen
anywhere. Thousands, anxious to get
"back to the land," saw tho exhibit,
aw wheat that weighed 63 pounds to
tho measured bushel, oats that went
48 and barley that tipped the scales
at 65 pounds. Tho clover, tho alfalfa,
the wild pea vino and vetch, tho ryo
grass, tho red-top and many other suc
culent and nutritious varieties of wild
grasses demanded and deserved from
their promlnenco and quality tho at
tention thoy received. Tho grain in
tho straw, bright in color, and carry
ing heads that gavo evidence of tho
truth of tho statements of Mr. W. J.
White of Ottawa, nnd his attendants,
that tho wheat would average 28 to
85 bushels and over por aero, tho oats
55 to 105 bushels, the flax ,12 to 28
bushels, wero strongly in evidence,
nnd arranged with artistic taste on
the walls. Tho vegetable exhibit was
a surprlso to tho visitors. Potatoes,
turnips cabbage, In fact, all of it
proved that not only In grains was
western Canada prominent, but in
vegetables it could Buccesfully com
pete with the world.
One of tho unlquo and successful
features of tho exhibit was tho suc
cessful and systematic dally distribu
tion of bread mndo from Canadian
flour. It was a treat to thoso who got
it. Canadian butter, Canadian chepso
and Canadian honey helped to com
plete an exhibit that revealed in a
splendid way the groat resources of
a country in which so many Amer
icans have made thoir home.
A feature of tho exhibit was tho
placards, announcing tho several re
cent successes of Canadian farm
produce and live stock in strong com
petition with exhibits from other
countries. There was poatod the
Leagor Wheeler championship prize
for Marquis wheat grown at Rosthern
in 1911, beating the world. Then I.
Holmes of Cardston entered tho com
petitive field at Lethbridgo Dry Farm
ing Congress, and won tho wheat
championship of 1912, beating Mr.
Wheeler with tho samo variety of
wheat Hill & Sons of Lloydmlnstor,
Saskatchewan, in 1911 won tho Colo
rado silver trophy for best oats grown,
competed for in a big competition at
Columbus, Ohio, in 1911. The produce
of British Columbia at tho Now York
Land Show in 1911 carried off the
world's championship for potatoes,
and Incidentally won a $1,000 sllvor
trophy, and thon, but a few yeais ago,
tho samo province carried off the
world's prize for apples at tho Horti
cultural Show in London, England.
But that was not all. Those Cana
dians, who had the temerity to stata
that corn was not the only feed for
finishing high-grado beef cattlo, en
tered for the fat steer championship
at tho Llvo Stock Show in Chicago a
polled Angus "Glencarnock Victor."
Nearly 300 entries wero In tho field.
"Glencarnock Victor" didn't know a
kernel of corn from a Brazilian wal
nut. There wero Iowa, Illinois, Ne
braska, Kansas, Minnesota. Wiscon
sin and their corn-fed article, deter
mined to win, bound to beat this black
animal from tho north, and his "noth
ing but prairie graBs, oats and barley
feed," aa his owner proudly stated, but
they didn't. Canada and McGregor &
Sons, with their "Glencarnock Victor,"
won, and today tho swelldom of Amor
Jca is eating of U& steaks and roasts
tho champion stoor of tho world.
But onco more thu herd of cattle
that won the Sweepstakes at the
tame show was bred and owned by
the owners of "Glencarnock Victor,"
fed only on prairie grass, oats and
barley, near Brandon, Manitoba. Tho
royal reception given to Mr. Mc
Gregor on hia return to his homo
town was well deserved.
Omission must not be made of the
wonderful and beautiful display of
apples made by British Columbia, oc
cupying a full half section of tho
great Land Show. This was in per
gonal charge of Mr. W. E. Scott, dep
uty minister of agriculture for that
province, who was not only a host to
thoso who visited the exhibit, but
iwaa also an encyclopedia of informa
tion regarding the resources of that
country. With 200,000 Americans go
ing to western Canada this year, It la
pleasing to know that bo many from
this Bldo of the line can participate in
the honors coming to that new coun
try. Advertisement.
Fears Woman With Horns.
Declaring that he was being pur
sued by a woman with hornB and that
his lifo was in danger, Dr. Joseph
John Garslde, aged 60 years, of
Philadelphia, was committed to tho
Montgomery county Jail. Ho was ar
rosjed by a special officer whllo talk
ing and acting strangely in front of
tho Philadelphia &, Western Railway
Unconscious Vulgarity.
You can bo aa vulgar as you like, so
long as you know that you aro being
vulgar; It Is when you aro vulgar with
out knowing it that you are socially
lost "Adam's Orohard," by Sarah
One Proper Form of Pride.
Prldo is ono of tha seven deadly
(dna; but It cannot be the pride of
mother in her children, for that is a
compound of two cardinal virtues-
iaith and hope, Cnaxlos Dickens.
' i"R
A Ten-Year-Old's Party.
I wish you would give mo an idea
how to glvo a birthday party for my
llttlo girl who will bo ten in January.
(So you boo I am writing in tlmo.) I
Idon't know how to entertain children
that ago. Give me something easy and
iat tho. samo tlmo cnjoyablo; also how
'to do about tho cnndleB nnd what to
have for refreshments. M. L. B. 4
I am glad you have asked mo in
,tlmo, for I am obliged to disappoint bo
'many by not having their requests
soon enough. Put ten candles on tho
cake, with a tall candle in tho center
"to go on." Sometimes U'b called the
t"life" candlo. Serve cocoa with a
imarshmallow In each cup, and brown
bread sandwiches with a cream choeso
filllng; then Ice croam, tho birthday
,cako and candles. Let each child blow
fout a candlo and make a good wish for
he birthday child. You can hide pea
nuts nil over the room and let tho chll
'dren hunt for them, awarding a llttlo
prize to tho ono who gots the least
and most. Then If you ask tho child
what tUey'd llko to do I am sure
,she will glvo you some valuablo sug
gestions. Perhaps they would like
to cut out and dress paper dolls or
play some of tho many guessing con
tests. If you will send mo a self-addressed
envelope, In care of tho paper,
I will glvo you tho name of some in
expensive books that mothers tell mo
aro a great help to them In amusing
their children.
How to Acknowledge.
As usual, when in doubt as to what
is Just the proper thing to do, I make
my appeal to you for help. You'ro a
great comfort to me. 1 go out so sel
dom In a "big" social way I do not
keep posted as to what tho proper
thing Is. I havo cards for a debutante
tea, cannot accept; how shall I ac
knowledge tho remembrance of our
entire family? Parnell.
Just in the easiest way Imaginable.
Take one of your curds for each name
on tho invitation (presumably Just tho
mother and debutanto) and one of
your husband's cards for each lady
and one for tho man whoso name ap
pears on tho card; if your grown son
and a daughter In society bIbo re
col ved cards, take ono card of each;
Inclose all In one card-size envelope
nnd send by post or messenger to ar
rive on the day of the reception. I am
very glad to help you at any time.
For a Christmas Party.
Will you please glvo a program for
a Christmas party, an inexpensive
menu and prizes. I hope to give a
Christmas party for my classmates.
It is to be a girls' affair for an after
noon. M. C. D.
I feel very sure that tho abovo let
ter has been answered by tho previous
departments, so I will not say any
thing more. Tho letter came too lato
to be printed before today,
Regrets Should Be Sent.
I have received an invitation to the
marriage reception of a friend, but
cannot go, so should llko to know If
1 must send regrets. Jessie.
A wedding recoption requires re
grets, Just the same as any other so
cial function. I hope you sent regrets,
ib I fear this reply is too lato to help
you this time.
To a Reader.
Thoro are contests pertaining to
Shakespeare, and they havo appeared
In this department. I cannot repeat
just now, ub our space is limited and
I there Is so much holiday material that
simply must be used now. However,
if you care to send mo a self-addressed
Btamped envelope, In care of tho pa
per, I will send you tho name of a
book that contains Shakesperlnn con
tests. Reply to an Anxious Reader.
You are porfoctly right in your
Judgment of n woman who leaves hor
personal toilot articles spread around
In a business offlco and scribbles her
name on magazines and papers -It la
most ill bred and I wonder tho man
permits It
Reply to "Blue Eyes."
All Invitations at which a luncheon
or dlnnor is to be Berved rcqulro im
mediate replies, also Invitations to
card parties.
Reply to "A. E. R."
Your question cannot bo answered
tn our department I think you had
better secure euch Information at tho
ofllce whero you procuro tho license.
Navy Blue and Scarlet.
As n last exainplo take an ndmlr
nblo llttlo frock of lino navy blue
serge sot In close pleating from tho
waist, over which fallB a scarlet cor
eelet made with a short basquo slit
up at the sides and held In position nt
the walBt by a patent belt pierced
with eyolot holes, through which Is
threaded a tasseled silk ribbon, which
ties tho belt together Tho coraelot
is embroidered all over In black In a
fine Bcroll-llko design, and tho sloovea,
which aro of navy bluo to match tho
pkirt, aro piped with scarlet and orna
(mented with little scarlet buttons.
Tho yoke of this frock Is of cream
spotted net (which Is matched by tho
rilling at tho sleoves), with n tucked
collar, and at tho foot, whero tho yoko
tnd corselet meet, a knotted tie of
blue silk spotted with red and finished
ff by llttlo labeels.
Nature's Most Helpful Agent as a
Not Always Properly Appreciated, but
the Woman Who Absorbs Sufficient
Quantity of It Will Be Pleased
With Results.
Water Is Beldom appi eclated at Its
truo value as a bcautiflor, although It
is frequently recommended by physi
cians and occasionally advised by
beauty specialists. Quito possibly, if
It camo in fancy jars or bottles with
n round prlco attached, wo would glvo
It greater consideration, but im long
as It is both cheap and handy wo nro
apt to overlook it as a helpful agent
In our search for the magic remedy.
Tho body requires u great deal of
water to supply Its needs, nnd uiiIcbr
tho necessary quantity Is furnished
tho skin suffers ns well ns the henlth.,
At least threo plntB of cool not Iced
water should ha drunk every dny. This
flushes the systom, cnrrlcs oft tho Im
purities and gives tho body Its normal,
supply. Whether water should bo
taken with tho meala is a question for'
tho individual to decide. Much Is said
for and against this prnctico, but tho
threo pints a day should bo takon as
regularly as you perform any other of
your daily duties.
Tho flrst glass of cool water taken,
upon arising Is the most refreshing
medlcino you can find, and tho last
glass at bedtimo will do much to
rest tho nerves and maku tho sleop
quiet and restful. Tho other eight
glnsaes can be taken to suit your con
venience. The necessity for water drinking
must bo especially impressed upon the
woman whoso skin 1b dry and with a
tendency to wrinkle, nnd the woman
who has a sallow skin or whoso com
plexion Is marred by moth patchesi
should bo equally generous In the
amount of water taken Into tho sys
tem. In both theso cases wonderful
Improvement is sometimes brought
about by tho faithful following of tho
abovo directions and the complexion
clears out, tho yellow look disappears
and tho texturo of tho skin changes in
a surprising wny after a few months
devoted to tho slmplo "water treat
ment" described.
If tho body is overburdened wth
fat, a lithia tablet in tho glass of wa
ter will prove helpful. If tho system
shows an exccsB of ucld a tiny pinch
of soda will sometimes correct tho
trouble. Just a llttlo bit of soda
hardly onough to change tho taste of
tho water Is advisable.
When constipation exists the water
drinking will bo often found n spe
cific and will usually benefit all ordi
nary cases. Whoro the constipation
1b chronic or serious a tcaspoonful of
ordinary table salt dissolved In thu
flrst glass of water taken before
breakfast will sometimes afford per
manent relief. For the anemic woman
a tcaspoonful of sugar In each glass
of water is excellent and often brings
decided Improvement In the health in
a short time.
First in tho list of beautlflers cornea
fresh ulr, plenty of cool water, deep
breathing and exercise. Thoso aro
absolutely necessary If ono would
have good health and good looks.
Breathe fresh air always; keep up n
certain amount of bodily nctlvlty to
keep tho muscles elastic, kcop tho
lungs active and tho blood circulating
by taking many deep breaths during
the twenty-four hours; drink copious,
drafts of cool water every duy In the
year, and beauty of comploxion, gracu
of body, fineness of skin nnd above nil
normal health and vitality will bo very
likely to follow.
Sister Prue. If you use powder, ei
ther tho liquid or tho other kind, It la
absolutely necessary to give your faco
n thorough cleansing at night, else tho
pores will become clogged nnd tha
skin muddy looking. Use cleansing
cream first, following with a facial
bath In warm water and mild eoap,
rinse in clear, warm water followed
with a dash of cold and dry thu face
gently. I can give you a formula for
an excellent cleansing croam, If you
will send mo tho necessary envelope.
Friendly. It is not well to usu
heavy 'fnco masks contlnuoiibly, bo
caiiKu tho skin needs a chance to
breathe and to olimiimte tho wasto
mutter. When tho face is covered ev
ery night and part of the day with a
pasto, it grows pallid and unhealthy
looking. Wear tho niufak occasionally.
If you liko, but not too often.
Uernlce. When tho lines in tho face
aru very deep you will find help from
tho use of wrinkle plasters in addition
to tho massago cream. Theso plas
ters aro easy to use and very Inexpen
sive and certainly aid very greatly In
smoothing out tho ugly creases In tho
New Reader. Tho reason why tho
bleach prepared without oils Is more
satisfactory than tho grensy bleaches
Is becauso It stays on tho skin and
ono gets tho full benefit of tho blench
ing properties. It enn be used cither
night or day, as best suits tho con
venience and does not Irritate tho
skin nt all.
(CopyrlRht, 1912, tiy Universal Press Sj n
illcnte.) Importance of tlnlngs.
Green as a trimming, especially an
eighteenth century shade of green,
will bo a feature, particularly as coat
linings for velvet and fur. Yellow
and orango aro also popular for this
purpose. Much can bo expressed la
a coat lining Many of theso linings
aro works of art In themselves, and a
lining denotes proper appreciation of
dotailo which augurs well for tho cb
sentlal. A fascinating effect I noticed
in a tailor-mado coat of a chestnut
brown tweed was a lining of olivo
green satin with a piping all round In
side of a nattier-bluo shot ribbon.
Mingled Furs.
A noticeable foaturo of tho year is
tho vogue for mingling furs. Here
aro Just a fow. Molo and musquash
much in request for stolos and muffs
also broadtail and chinchilla or
black fox or Russian crmino. Skunk
Is used with both broadtail and soal
musquash, skunk and wolf aro excel
lent for stole and muff sots, whllo red
fox has recently taken n big hold on
the affections of the really elegant
) ' ' 'v-V' aj "
p MlffiifcMJIlJIXKS
Mr. IVIIUnm A Hmlforrt will answer
qurstlons and ulo adlco KlltiC OF
COST on nil subjects pertaining to the
subject of bulldliiK. fur tlio traders of tills
paper. On account of his wide expeilenco
ns lMltor, Author nnd Manufacturer, ho
Is, without doubt, the highest authority
on all theso subjects. Address nil Inqiilrlri'
to William A Radford, No, KS West
Jackson boulovnrd. CMcuko, III , nnd only
enclose two-cent stamp for reply.
Tho oxtremo popularity Of tlm bung
alow stylo of architecture for suburb
an homes nnd summer cottages at
tracts renewed attention to It each
season. Tho combined elements of pic
turcsqueuess, comfort nnd conve
nience (servo to make this typo of
house building moro and moro attrac
tive The word bungnlow 1b variously
UBed to designate rustic camps, ono
story seaside cottages, low, broad ono
Btory structures and also two Btory
houses in broad oxtonded lines with a
low pitch to tho roof. With nil of
these a wide overhanging to tho roof
is n promlnont fenturo. This protects
the Bido wallB from rain uud sun and
makes for coolness.
Thoro Is something about the bung
nlow thnt 1b wonderfully taking with
homo builderB, and It muBt ho that It.
more than any other typo of dwolllng,
harmonizes best with ordinary outdoor
surroundings, set back away from tho
road, preferably on a knoll or slight
rise of ground, nnd sot oft with a fow
trees and Bhruhs, nothing can bo more
pleasing than tho low, broad eaved,
wide vprnndned bungnlow. with Its
K.&KSSfcJS... v.
homelike ulr of comfort; It is a per
petual and standing Invitation to hos
pitality. While the general idn may be tho
same, tho plan of a bungalow Is capa
ble of many modifications and changes
to suit special needs. In fact, tho In
genuity of the skilled nrchltect, mak
ing a specialty of the designing of
small houses and bungalows, Is test
ed by tho variety and excellences of
Bed Rm
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Floor Plan.
his bungalow plans. Ilulldcrs will
toll you that all cottages aro Just
alike; thoy aro, but bungalows aro upt
to ho dtffcrcut In tho hands of a
skilled designer each ono can ho given
dlRtlnctlvo fenturps both in outward
appearnco and In tho arrangement
Fashionable English Women Color
Them to Harmonize Vith Dre68es
They Are Wearing.
Tho odd eye Is tho l.iteal freak
fnncy of tho fashionable woman, but
to obtain it she must be prepared to
risk serious damngu to hor eyesight,
tho london Minor asserts, if you
wish to bo alluring, weird, mysterious,
have odd eyes to match thu odd sides
of your dreRs.
Nowadays gowns havo In many
cases an odd Bided appearance. Soma
havo only ono sleeve, the second arm
being covered with floating chiffon.
Other drestfes aru trimmed nnd draped
at tho back on ono aide only or lncos
and soft materials aro swathed around
ono hip or ono Bide of thu bodlco and
not the othor.
Thus has evolved tho Idea of tho
odd oyo, and now women aro using
belladonna to mako onf) eye larger
and brighter in appearance that the
other. A woman who has adopted tho
"odd eyo" fashion recently stated that
It Is supposed to farclnato men who
aro known to llko anything unusual.
KngllBh women aro dropping bella
donna Into ono eyo, hut coloring mat
ter Is sold In Paris which enables i
woman to havo Persian pussy cat or
rabbit eyes, Buch aa a pink nn1 a blue,
or a brown and yellow, as tho fancy of
tho gown thoy aro to wear suggests.
Destiny of America.
A nation is not a conglomeration of
voters, to bo represented by hungry
politicians empowered to partition
tho spoils of office, but a people ani
mated by a common impulse and
Booking to work out a common doe
tiny Tho destiny of America is mu
tual servioo; labor is tho corner stone
vl our nationality, tho labor of each
I tor all. Ralph Waljjo Emerson.
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nnd disposition of the spaco tusldo to
meet tho special needs of any family
With a bungalow a tnnu has no need
to fear that his house will be Just the
same as nil hia neighbors.
This Is of more real Importance
than Is sometimes thought; for. If a
houso 1b ever to be sold to ndvnutngo,
It must have Individuality. Too often
homo builders construct dwellings
that lnck style, and when n rainy day
cornea nnd they want to sell, thcro Is
no buyer bocnuso the house l "llko
thousands of othurs,"
Tho striking thing nbout bungalow
dwellings Is that they do havo indi
viduality. Thoro Is something nbout
them that makes the passerby turn
again to such a placo and say: "How
cozy nnd how different from most
This Is tho kind of a houso you
want to live In, and this is tho kind
of a housu it pays to build.
Tho design Illustrated hcrowlth
shows tho bungnlow nt Its best This
Is n llttlo structure Ideally suited for
a summer cottage, or, It moro sub
stantially constructed, for a perma
nent rosldouco tho year round, it has
six largo, well lighted rooms, threu of
these being bedrooms and affording an
abundance' of closet space. Tho ar
rangement nt the front of tho bunga
low, comprising tho living room, din
ing room nnd reception hall, deserves
particular attention. These threo
Bpnces connect together freely, being
Rlmplv marked off with colonnades.
Thecplllng all tho way through In this
house Is divided Into square panels
by means of wood beams, and tho de
sign for the columned doorways works
in exactly with tho paneled colling de
sign. In this wny a uscablo living npnrt
ment la secured 12 feet wldo. by 34
foot long, usually spaclouB for a cot
tage of this size. Divided up tho way
It 1b, this room, or, rathor, group of
rooms, loses nothing of cozIiipbb or
Tito kitchen Ib arranged convenient
ly to the dining room and Is nicely fit
ted up with built-in enses and cup
boarda. Tho bedroomB nro convenient
ly located nnd yet provldo moro pri
vacy than Is had in most bungalows.
Tho general outline of this bunga
low Is very nearly square, being 38
foot in width nnd 3C feet C Inches In
length, not Including tho porch Ub
lng first clasB materials throughout. It
should not cost moro than $2,800.
Tho pctspcctlvo drawing herewith
bIiowb this bungalow finished with
coment plaster This Ib n very popu-
I Inr pvtnrlnr pontine feir lilllllllncs of
this kind nt tho present tlmo. The
cement plaster Is applied either over
wood lath, metal lath or plaBtor-hoard.
and forms a durable, warm and wonth
erproof exterior.
For thoso who prefer It, an oxtorlor
finish of fihlnglcB, beveled siding, drop
siding or rough boards could ho very
easily HUbstltutcd In its place.
Altogether, this will 1m found an ex
tremely desirable model for those
wishing to build an attractlvo llttlo
house of this kind this senhon.
Rude Forefathers.
Nuwly found neolithic deposits
near IjyotiH comprlso remains hldde
In ati oval grotto 17 feet long and 10
feet wldo. Tho grotto was discovered
by men digging In a quarry. Whllo it
contained human bones. It w-jih not a
sepulchor. Thu plure was an ossuaiy,
used for boucH oast out of sepulchcrs.
The bones wero either Bkulls or from
limbs, thoro were no other parts of
thu skeleton, nnd nothing was found
with the bones but objects hollowed
out of Htones, molds, or other recep
tacles Of tho H BkullB taken from
tho ruins, 12 aru distinctly long-headed;
tho others, which aro short-headed,
show that there had been an In
filtration of new blood The bones
wore from a skeleton which, If normal,
wns of a height of about llvo feet. Tho
skull was regular, tho forehead was
rounded and woll developed, tho fnco
was short nnd tho orbits were low and
widened transvorsally Evidently tho
men of tho giotto wero of tho raco
thnt occupied tho south of Franco to
ward the end of tho paleolithic period.
-Harper's Weekly.
Starting In Goud Shape.
Charles J. O'Connor, a Chicago at
torney, told tho following Btory at a
recent dlnnor gtvon by tho "Horrowod
Tlmo club;"
"An old gentleman who had Just
passed the throe score und ten mark
mot u friend who was still spry at
100 years of ago.
"'Woll, Undo Jim, how long do
you expoct to live?' asked the sep
tuagenarian'. '"Oh, I don't know.
" 'Well, you don't oxpeot to live an
other hundred years, do youT'
"Tho old man soratched his head re
nootlvoly and said: 'I don't know as
to that. I'm starting on my secondj
hundred a good deal moro port and,
chipper than I did on my first,' "
SORfc- tt
Coming and Doing.
Church 1 uupposo there will be
a lot of boot and chlckons and oggi
jgolng into tho cold storage placet
about now.
Qotham Why so?
"To tako tho place of tho funi which
nro coming out"
Couldn't engineer,
Bacon You say ho's fallod la v
srythlng he's gono into?
Egbert Ho euro has.
"Did ho over try onglneoring?"
"Oh, ho couldn't engineer anything.'
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$HCUUpO7F7g4 F6MX, 1
WOKKX . glverA AT
J J 3 r 7325
Mrs. Jackson Doctor, will my hus
band pull through?
Dr. Emdeo Oh yes; I think so.
Mrs. Jackson Then I'll miss that
bargain salo of mourning goods at
Slashcm'B tomorrow 1
Stratford, Iowa, "Threo years ago
thlB winter my soven-ycnrold son had
ringworm on tho faco. First it was in
small red spots which had a rough
crust on tho top. When thoy started
they looked llko llttlo red dots and
then they got blggor, about tho slzo
of a bird's egg. Thoy had a white
rough ring around them, nnd grow
continually worso and aoon spread
over his faco and legs. Tho child suf
fered torrlblo itching and burning, so
thnt ho could not Bleep nights. He
scratched them nnd thoy looked fear
ful. Ho was cross when ho had them.
Wo used several bottles of liniment
but nothing helped.
"I saw whero a child had a rash on
tho face nn(l wn8 curod by Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment and T decided to
ubo them. I used Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment nbout ono month, nnd thoy
cured my child completely." (Signed)
Mrs. Barbara Prim, Jan. 30, 1912.
'"Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Snmplo of ench
frco, with 32-p. Skin nook. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept Ij, Boston."
"My wifo is ho most economical
woman in tho world," said Dubklns,
proudly. "Why, do you know, she's
oven found a uso for tho smell of my
"Great heavens you don't mean
ltl" Bald Harkaway.
"Yes," Bald Dubklns. "Sho hangs
cheesecloth over tho gasoline exhauBt
and packs her furB in it to keep the
moths out during the summer.
"Unfortunately tho girl in tho boat
with him when he rocked the boat
did not know how to swim."
"That was unfortunate."
"For him, yes. You boo, sho clawed
him under the surface and stood on
his. fnco to keep her head abovo war
tor.". t Lucky Star.
"This la tho third tlmo you havo
been hero for food," snid tho woman
at tho kitchen door to tho tramp.
"Aro you always out of work?"
"Yos'm." replied tho itinerant. "I
guess 'I was born under a lucky
Best Way to Find Out
Ile-yWhat would you say if I should
klBB you?
Sho Why ask for a mero guesa
when you can eaBlly got tho exact
facts. Stray Stories.
"Peoplo sometimes travel miles
their dreams."
"Do thoy do it on night mares?"
Even tho intoxication of 'love may
leave ono with a headache tho morn
ing after.
All women aro born free and equal
but thoy don't look it at tho bathing
(Copyrlnlit 1012 by tho TonlUvna Cu )
Tired Blood causes Backache, Bear
ing Down Pains, Irregularities, Womb
Trouble, Bloodlessness, Norvou3noss,
Lack of Strength and other Com
plaints, peculiar to women. Tho blood
becomes not only
tired, but doplet-
Tf"V-rini-ririi rinn 'l n"'1 a conui-
-aailHLUDUJUU tlon known aa
Anemia Bets in. Much suffering, and
perhaps llfo itself may bo saved by a
timely and thorough treatment ot
Tonltlvps, to bo fertilize) and enrich
tho blood, that it will not lack the ele
ments nocoBsary to porform Its variouB
functions. 75c per box of dealers or by
mall. The Tonltlvea Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The Army of
Is Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible they
not only give reliet
they perma-
iti)tion. Mil
lions use,
them for
IndljtilloD, bick Headache, billow akin.
Genuine must bear Signature
, ... ..... .
Local Agents Wanted
We want a good responsible party in each
town to demonstrate and tell the wonderful
-TKY-NEW-UFK." The marvelous reiults
obtained from tho use of this instrument in
oases of rheumatism, lumbago, paralysis, neu
ritis, headache, weak kidneys, deafuesj and
many other troubles, make It a household
neewittjr. Our agents are making trig money
rrtrywbere. Only part of your time necesurr.
Easy, pleasant, profitable work. Inreat only
In demonstrating; machine at agent's UUoount,
Out tbla ad out and send at once for free book
and further particulars. Orasp tbU oppor
tunity and write Immediately to HAMIUOsV
BEACH SALES CO.. 320 W. 8th St., Det Molnei, la.
W. N. Us SIOUX CITY, NO. 52-1912.
LLLbh.'' 1.
Br p
IVITOel hitti r
QJIbt im
iBllHV n!
jbPhv jrii.i.d