:vr ty h II 1 I 'I hi H ! lr 1 ft w MS K5 S ii u 11 1 it fir Ml n i1 ik D1 stH r lv Oh If l! flllRllM III--VJ fAAWflAMVJltf W 1 1 m "Well, I've Got a Rug Up In My 8YNOPSIS. George Pcrclvnt Algernon Jones, vice president of the Metropolitan Oriental Ilui? comnany of New York, thirsting for ro TnnrtC", li tn Cnlrn on tt business trip. Horace Ityanno arrives nt the hotel In Cairo with a carefully Eunrdod bundle. CHAPTER III. (Continued.) George's romanco gathered Itself for a flight. Perhaps It was lovo thwart ed and the Gntlomnn with the mus tache and Imperial, In Bplto of hla ami ability, might be the uKro. Perhaps It was lovo and duty. Perhaps her lover had gone down to sea. Perhaps (for lovers aro known to do such things) he had ran away with tho other girl. If that was tho caso, Georgo did not think highly of that tentative gentleman's taste. Pcrhnps and perhnpa again; but Georgo might hnvo gono on porhnpslng till tho crack o' doom, with novnr n military glimmer of tho true state' of tho girl's mind. Whenever ho saw an unknown man or womnn who attracted his at tention, ho novor could resist tho Impulse- to Invent a romanco that might apply. Immediately after dessert tho two roso; and George, llndlng that nothing moro Important than a pineapple Ico detained him. got up and followed. Mr. Ryanne almost trod on his heels an they went through tho doorway Into tho cosy lounglng-room. Georgo dropped Into a vacant divan and wait- Q for his cafo a la Turquo, Mr. Ityanno walked over to tho head-porter's bureau and BBkcd If that Kentlo- man would bo bo kind as to point out vm n . ti a v Mr. Qcorso P. A. Joncn. If hn t-rm anywhere In sight. Ho thoughtfully, not to say regretfully, laid down a mall bribe. "Mr. Jones?" Tho portor knew Mr. Jonca very well. Ho waa generous, and treatod tho Ben-ants as though thoy woro really human beings. Mr. nyanno, cither by his Inquiry or as tho result of hla bilbe, went up cev oral degrees In tho porter's ostlma tlon. "Mr. Jones is over there, on tho divan by tho door." "Thanks." Dut Ityanno did not then seek tho young man. Ho studied tho quarry from n diplomatic dlstanco. No; there wns nothing to Indicate that Georgo Porclval Algornon Jones was In any way handicapped by liU ArthurH(juo middlo names. "No fool, ns Gloconda In her infinite wisdom hath said; but romantic, ter ribly romantic, yet, llko the timid bather who puts a foot Into tho water, finds it cold, and withdraws It. It will all depend upon whether ho Is a real collector or merely a buyer of rug. Forward, then, Horace; a sovereign has already dashed headlong down tho far horizon." Th curso of speaking his thoughts aloud did not Ho heavily upon him tonight, for thoso cogitations were mado in silence, unmarked by any facial expression. Ho proceeded across tho room and sat down besldo Goorgo. "I beg your pardon." he be gan, "but are you not Mr. Jonos?" Mildly astonished, George signified that ho was. "Georgo P. A. JoneB?" Georgo nodded again, but with some heat in his checks. "Yes. What la It?" Tho girl had Just finished her coffoo and wbb going away. Hang thU follow I What did bo want at this mo ment? If Ryonno eaw that ho waa too aoucb, as tho French say, bo also per ceived tho cause. Tbo doslro to shako Georgo till his teeth rattled was In stantly overcome. She hadn't seen him, and for this ho was grateful. "You aro interested in rugs 7 I mean eld ones, raro ones, rugs that aro bought onco and seldom If over Bold again." . "Why, yes. That's my bUBlneBB." Gorgo bad no ellly ideas about trade. Ho had never posed as a gentleman's "son in tho mbbo that It meant tdlo- TTTISSMSS '. "v - mil 'oMwiwttitt:tfi0 'tjr&,r.. k 3i!K i hi Room I'd Like to Show You." Ityanno presentod his card. "How do you pronounco It?" asked Georgo naively. "As they do In Cork." "I nover saw It spelled that way be fore." "Nothing surprising In that," replied Ryanne. "No ono lso haB, either." k Georgo laughed and waited for 'tho explanation. "You sec, Ryan Is as good a name as thoy mako them; but It classes with prlzo-flghters, politicians and bar chemists. Tho two extra letters put tho finishing touch to tho namo. A Jewel Is all right, but what tolls Is tho way you hang It round your nock. To mo, Ihosu additional letters repre sent tho jewel Ryan In tho hands of a LaliQUC." "You talk llko an American." "I am; three generations. Whnt's tho matter?" with sudden concern. (Jcorgo was frowning. "Hnven't I mot you somewhero before 7" "Not, to my rccollvcllon." A specu lative frown now marred Ryanno's forehead. It did not Illuslratu a. Bnrch In his memory for such a casualty as tho meeting of Georgo. Ho nover for got a faco and certainly did not re member Georgo's. Rathor, tho frown had Its sourco In tho mild dread that Pcrclval Algornon had Been him Homo whoro during ono of those Indisposi tions of tho morning after. "No; I think you hnvo made a mistake" "Likely enough. It Just struck me that you looked something like a chap named Wadsworth, who was half-back on mo varsity, wnen i entered my freshman year." i ., . a univTBiiy uiani Lord, no! I was turned loose ul ten; boon hustling over bIiiuo." Rjanno Bpoke easily, not a tremor In his voice, although ho had recolvcd a slight mental Jolt. "No; no college record hero. Dut I want to chat with you about rugs. I've heard of ynu, Indirectly." "From the carpot fellows? Wo do a big business over hero. What have you got?" "Well, I've a rug up in my room I'd llko to show you. 1 wnnt your Judg ment for ono thing. Will you do mo tho favor?" Slnco tho girl had disappeared and with her those Imaginary nppurto nanci'B that had for a space trans formed tho lounglng-room Into a Btago, Georgo saw again with normal vision that tho room was simply a common mueutiK-Kiuunu ior won Grossed per sons and lll-drossed persons, of the unimpeachable, tho Impeccable, tho doubtful and tho peccant; for In Cairo, as In anclont Egypt, thoro la every clasB and kind of humans, for whom tho IX'caloguo waa written, tran scribed, and shattered by tho turbu lent Moses, an Incident moro or less forgotten these days. From tho tall of his yo ho gavo swift scrutiny to his chance acquaintance, and ho found nothing to warrant suspicion. It was not an unusual procedure for men to hunt him up In Cairo, In Constantinople, In Smyrna, or In any of tho Orlontal cities where his business Itinerary led htm. Tho houso of Mortimer & Joucb was widely known. This man Rynnno might havo been anywhoro between thirty and forty. !! was tall, well set up, blond and smooth-Bklnned. Truo, ho appeared to havo boon Ill-fed re cently. A llttlo moro flcBh under tho cheek-bones, a touch of color, and tho Irishman would havo been a hnndsomo man. Georgo could read a rug a leaguo off, as thoy say, but ho was a child In tho matter of physiognomy, whereas Ryanne wqb a past-maBtor In this re gard; It wbb necessary both for hla business and safety. "Certainly, I'll tako a look at It. Dut I tell you frankly," wont on Georgo, "that to Interest mo tt'a got to bo a yory old ono. You see, It's a llttlo fad of mlno, outsldo tho business end of Jt. I'm crazy over real rugs, and I know something nbout overy rare ono in cxlstonce, or known to ex ist. Is It a copy?" i '.vs. -afflu.".wau;tfii!ffi.,ffflr.s c, "V'WTSffi&KW HADHin AvrfKor of HEARTS AND .MASKS XDho AAN OH THE BOX ct&s. Illvisf:raiioTs by Al.O.KETTvnsn- COPYTilGHT igil ly BODD3 - MERRILL COMPANY "No. I'll tell you moro about It when wo get to my room." "Como on, then." Georgo was now nulto willing to discuss ruga and enr pets. Having gained Iho room, Ryanno throw off his coat and relighted his cigar, which, In a saving mood, ho had allowed to go out. Ho motioned Georgo to bo watcd. "Just a llttlo yarn beforo I show you tho rug. Seo theso cuffs?" "Yes." "You will observe that I havo had to reverse them. Noto this collar? Same thing. Trousors-hcms a bit frayed, coat shiny at tho olbowa." Ryanno exhibited hlfl solo fortune. "Four sovereigns between mo and a Jail." Georgo becamo thoughtful. Ho was generous and kind-hearted among those ho knew Intimately or slightly, but ho had tho Instinctive rcscrvo of tho seasoned traveler In cases llko this. Ho waited. "Tho truth is, I'm all but dono for. And if I fall to strike a bargain hero with you. . . . Well, I should hato to tell you tho result. Our consul would hnvo to furnish mo passage homo. Wero you ever up against It to tho oxtont of reversing your cuffs and turning your collars? You don't know what llfo Is, then." Georgo gravely produced two good cigars and offered ono to his host. Thoro was an absenco of sound, broken presently by tho cheerful cracklo of matches; two billowing clouds of smoko floated outward and upwnrd. Ityanno sighed. Hero was a clgnr ono could not purchaso In all tho length and breadth of the Oilul, a Pedro Muring. In ono of hla doubt fully prosperous epochs ho had smoked them dally. JIow long ago had that been ? "Yondor Is a rug, a prayer-nig, as holy to tbo Moslem ns tho Idol's eyo Is to tho Hindu, as tho Illblo is to thu Christian. For hundreds of years It nover saw tho outside of the Sultnn's palace. Ono day tho lato, tho recently late, Abdul tho TJnspvnkabUi Turk, gavo It to tho Pasha of Bagdad. Whenovor this rug makes Its appear ance In Holy Mecca, It Is worshiped, and nono but n Sultan or a Sultan's favorlto may kneel upon It. Dagdad. tho hundred mosques, tho old capital' of Suleiman the Groat, tho dreary Tigris nnd tho sluggish Euphrates, 11 muezzin from tbo turret calls to pray er, and nil that; oh?" Georgo leaned forward from his chair, a gentlo terror In his heart. "Tho Yhlordes? Uy Jove I Is that tho YhiordeH?" Admiration kindled In Ryanno's eyes. To hnvo hit tho bull's-eye with so freo nnd quick nn aim was araplo proof that Perclvnl Algornon had not boasted when he said that ho know something about rugs. "You'vo guessed It." "How did you como by It?" Georgo domnnded oxcltedly. , "Why do you nBk that?" "Man, ten-thousand pounds could not purchaso that rug, thnt bit of car pet. Collectors from every port hnvo been nftor It In vain. And you mean to tell mo thnt It lies thcro. wrapped In butcher's paper?" "Right-OS" Ryanno solemnly detached a cuff and rolled up his sleovo. Tho bare muscular arm was scarred by two long, ugly knlfo-wounds, scarcely healed. Next ho drew up a trousers leg, disclosing u buttered shin. "And thcro'a another on my sboulder-blndo, tho closest call I oer had. A man who takes his llfo In his hands, as I have done, merits somo reward. Mr. JoncB, I'll bo frank with you, I am a kind of doiollct. Slncu I was a boy, 1 havo hated tho humdrum ot ofllcos, of shops. I wanted to bn my own man, to go and como as 1 pleased. To do this nnd llvo meant precarious ex ploits. This rug represents ono of thorn. 1 am tolling jou tho family fieerot; I am showing jou tho skele ton In tho closet, oonfldentlnily. I stole that nig: and when I nay that the tmvon labors of our old friend llorculcs woro slmplo diversions com pared, you'll recognize the dltllcultlos I had to overcome. You know some thing of tho Orlontal mind. I hand led tho Job nlono. I mny not bo out of tho Jungle yet." Georgo listened entranced. Ho could readily construct tho scenes through which thla adventurer had gono; tho watchful nights, tho untiring patience, tlio thirst, tho hunger, the heat. And yot, ho could hardly bollovo. Ho was a trlflo skeptical. Many a roguo had mado tho mistake of playing Georgo's ago against hla experience. Ho had made somo serious blunders In tho early stages of tho buslnoss, how ever; and everybody, to gain some thing In the end, must lose something at tho start. "If that rug 1b tho ono I havo In mind, jou certainly havo stolen It. And If It's n copy, I'll toll you quickly enough." "That's fair. And that's why," Ryanno doclared, "I wanted you to lopk at It. To mo, considering what I havo gono through to got it, to me It Is tho genulno carpot. To your export eyo It may bo only a flno copy. I know this much, that raro ruga and paint ings havo many copies, and that Bomo ono la being hooked, sold, bamboozled, sandbagged, overy day In tho week. If this Is tho real article, I want you to tako It off my bauds," tho adventurer finished pleasantly. "Thoro will bo a hue and cry." "No doubt ot it." "And tho devil's own Job to gut It MACGMffl out of Hgypt." Theso wero set phrases of tho expert, preliminaries to bar gaining. "Ono might na well carry round a stolen elephant." "But n man who Is na familiar with tho garao as you nro would havo llttlo difficulty. Your Integrity Is an estab lished fact, on both sides of tho water. You could take It to Now York as a copy, and no nppralser would know tho difference. It's worth tho attempt. I'd take It to New York myself, but you seo, I am flat broke. Come; what do you or I caro about a son-of-a-gun of a Turk?" drolly. "What do you want for It, suppos ing It's genuine?" George's throat was dry and his olco hnrsh. His con science roused herself, feebly, for It had been n long tlmo slnco occasion hnd necessitated her presence. Ryanno narrowed his eyes, carefully balancing tho possibilities. "Say, ono thousand pounds. It Is llko giving It away. But when tho dovil drives, you know. It Is beyond any set price; It la worth what any collector Is willing to pay for It. I believe I know tho kind of man you, aro, Mr. Jones, and that is why, when I learned you wero In Cairo, I came directly to you. You would never sell thlB rug. No. You would become llko a miser over hla gold. You would keep It with your emeralds (I havo heard about them, too) ; draw tho curtains, lock tho doors, whenever you looked at It. Eh? You would lovo It for Its own sake, and not because It Is worth so many thousand pounds. You nio snlllng In a few days; thut will help. Tho Pasha Is in Constantinople and It will be throe or four weeks beforo he henrs of Iho theft, or tho cost," with a certain grlmness. "You haven't killed any ono?" whis pered George. "I don't know; perhaps. Christian ity against paganism;, tho Occidental conscience permits It." Ryanno mnde a gesturo to Indicate that ho would submit to whatever moral arraignment Mr. Jones deemed ndvisablo to mnke. But Georgo mado nono. Ho rose hastily, sought his knifo nnd, without so much as by your leave, slashed the twine, flung nsido the paper, and threw tho rug across tho counterpnne. It was tho YhiordCB. Thcro wai not tho slightest doubt in his mind. Ho had heard it described, ho had seen a photograph of It, ho knew its history and, most vital ot all, lie owned n good copy of it. Against temptation that was robust and enorgetlc and alluring (llko tho man who Insists upon your having a drink when you want It and ought not to have Itl, what ehaneo had con science, grown InnocuouB In tho long period of tho young man's good be havior? Collectors nro always honest before and after that moment arrives when they wnnt something desperate ly; nnd Georgo wbb no more saintly than his kind. And how deep Ryanno and his confederates had delved Into human nnturo, how well they could read and Judgo It, waB mado manifest In this moment of George's moral re lapse. Bagdad, tbo Jlnns. SInbad, tho Thou sand and Ono Nights. Alibaba and tho "Good night." Goorga passed down tho corridor to tho adjoining room. And now, bang! goes Pandora's box. CHAPTER IV. An Old Acquaintance. That faculty which derides on the lawlessness of our actions; so the noted etymologist described con science. It f,ell to another distin guished intellect to add that con science makes cowards of us all. Ay. Sho may bo overcome at tlmca, sido tracked for any special desire that do mttiulH a clear way; but she'a a'tcr us. fast enough, with that battered red lantern of hers, which, brought down from nil tnnguos crlBply into our own. leadB "Don't do it!" Sho herself Is not wholly w lthout cunning. Sho rare ly stands boldly upon tho track to (lag us ns we come. Sho realizes that sho might bo permanently ditched No; It I3 far safer to tun after us nnd catch Forty TIiIovoh; Georgo waa transport ed mentally to that magic city, stand ing between tho Tigris and the Eu phrates. In nil Its white glory of a Poor as a Church Mouse $& Slnco Confetti Came Into Use, tho Saylnn Has More Meaning Than at Former Times. Tho sexton of a fashionable Now York church was sweeping Into a largo mound tho bright purplo, red and yoltow discs of confetti which Ut tered tho church entrance nnd stops. "Thla month," ho said, "I havo had already 35 weddings In my church. Aud at ovory ono of theso weddings paper contottl was thrown at tho brldo Instead of rlco. "Tho confottl fnBhlon Is vory wel como to ua sextons. When rlco was used our churches woro overrun with niloo. Tho saying, 'Ab poor aa a church mouso,' was thou meaningless. Why, In my church, whero woddlnga nro bo popular, several hundreds of mlco fat qbapa thoy were, too found an amplo food supply In tho rlco that waa sprinkled over tho brldos. "Now that rlco has been aban doned for papor confottl, theso mlco hnvo all disappeared. They woro starved out. Thoy couldn't llvo on papor." - '".' 'V' ' Ml , ' ' 1- -SVCT "' ' Bw M " :C , h:.ii..';;.i'fi .'WW- thousand yenrs gone. Rynnno, tho room nnd its furnishings, nil had van ished, till gavo tho exquisite fabric pat terned out of wool and cotton nnd knotted with that mingling lovo nnd skill and patience tho world knows no more. Ho lot his hand stray over It. How many knees had pressed Its thick yet pliant substance? How many strango scenes had It mutely wit nessed, scenes of beauty, of terror? It shono under tho light llko tho hide of a healthy hound. Tho nerves of a smoker aro general ly mado apparent by tho rapidity of hlB exhalations. Theso two, in the several minutos, had filled tho room with a thick, bluo hazo; and through this tho elder man eyed tho younger. Tho sign of tho wolf gleamed In his eyes, but without unlmoslty, modified as It was by tho half-friendly, half cynical smile. "I'll risk it," said George finally, having stepped oft tho magical carpet, as It were. "I can't glvo you a thou sand pounds tonight. I can glvo you three hundred, and tho balance tomor row, between ten and cloven, at Cook's." "That will bo agreeable to me." Georgo passed over all tho available cash ho had, rolled up the treasure and tucked It under hjs arm. That some whero In tho world wna a truo be liever, walling and beating his breast and calling down from Allah curses upon tho giaour, the dog of an Infidel, who had dono this thing, disturbed Georgo not in tho least. "I say," as ho opened tho door, "you must tell me all about tho adventure. It must havo been a thriller." "It waa," replied Ryanno. "Tho story will keep. Later, If you caro to hear It." "Of course," added Georco, moved by a discretionary thought, "this trans action is Just between you and mo " "You may lay odds on that," heart ilv. "Well, good night. See you at Cook's in tho morning." us. A degression, perhaps, but moro pertinently an application. Temptation then no longer at his shoulder, George began to havo It Was tho qualms, little chaps, who started buz zing Into his moral ears with all that maddening, Interminable drono which makes one marvel hoWoor do school teachers survlvo their first terms. Bending with difficulty to collect a few obstinate plecos of tho bright pa per confetti that stuck to tho floor, tho old soxton added: "Ot course, theso bits ot paper aro much more awkward for mo to sweep up than rlco. But, evon so, I hopo the confottl fashion baa como to stay." Public Schools. In antiquity tho mnsses of tho peo ple grow up In ignoranco of things literary. Public education tho educa tion that exists for the massoi of tho poople began, practically, with John Calvin's rule In Gonova, from which time popular education hnd steadily gained ground. Tbo freo school sys tem had Us beginning In Great Brit ain, nbout tho year 1780, with Robert Balkes and hla Sunday school move ment. It was not until 1SC0, however, that tho free public schools began to got Itself firmly rootod In tho British Isles. In this country from tbo start tho Idea of universal education was championed by Jefferson and other leaders among us, and tho Idea has never vceased o bo fundamental with us, as absolutely necessary to the " vl TA . - j,sir it,,,- Sj , 1 , r- Z.' CI rv. - .TCI UtAmmm'fm 1 ,' 1 1 .ujm 1 "l riw 1? r"j'ijC..Jrf-" Among theso qualms there waa nono that pleaded for tho desolate Turk or his minions whoHo carelessness had mndc tho theft possible. For all Georgo cared, tho Moslem might grind hla forehead In tho soulless sand and make tho air palpitate with his plaints to Allah. No. Tho disturbance was duo to tho fact that never beforo had ho been wittingly tho purchaser of stolen goods. He novor tried to glozo over tlie subtle distinction between knowing and suspecting; nnd If ho had been variously suspicious In regard to certain past bargains, conscience had found no slzeablo wedgo for her de murrers. Tho Yhlordes was confessed ly stolen. Ho paused, with hla band upon tho door-knob' of his room. It ho didn't keep tho rug, it would fall Into tho hands of a collector less scrupulous. To return It to tho Pasha at Bagdad would bo pure folly, and thankless. It was ono of tho most beautiful wenv lng3 In exlBtencc. It was as priceless in Its way as any Raphael In tbo Vatl-, can. And ho desired its possession in tensely. Why not? Insidious phraso! Waa It not better that the world should sec and learn what a wonderful craft tho making of a raro rug had been, than to allow It to return to the sordid chamber of a harem, to Inevit able ruin 7 As Ryanno said, what tho deuce was a fanatical Turk or Arab to him? Against theso-speclous arguments In favor of becoming tho adventurer's abettor and accomplice, thero was first the possible stain ot blood. Tho man agreed that ho had como away from Bagdad In doubt. Georgo did not like tho thought of blood. Still, ho hnd collected a hundred emeralds, not ono qf which was without Its red record. Again, if ho carried tho rug home with his other purchases, he could pull it through tho customs only by lying, which was as distasteful to his mind as being a receiver of stolen goods Ho had alieady paid a goodly sum against tho purchase; and It was not likely that a man who was down to reversing his collars nnd cuffs- would Yhlordes. tako back the rug and refund the money. Tho Yhlordes was his, hap pen what might So conscience snuffed out her red lantern and retired. (TO UD CONTINUED.) prevention ot tho liberty on which tho government 1b founded. Odd Cass of Friendship. At tho present .time a most unusual caso ot affection between a domiciled and a comparatively wild animal 1b to bo witnessed nt tho llttlo English ham lot of Spoonloy, near Market Drayton. On tho farm of Mr. William Woodburn for a week or two past, a small rough, somewhat vicious terrier from the farmstead has been noticed gambolling In tho fields with a large well-developed haro. Such an attachment li most uncommon. Happens Sometime. "Got off and let's gb to the ball gamo." "I got off tho other day. Can't re peat so soon." "Then we'll go to the theater to night." "Can't do that either. The ofTlce plays a doublo-header and wo work to night" Ingenious Alarm Clock. A French Jeweler has brought ou. an electric alarm clock that will ring n bell or perform other services one or more times a day at a Bet hour overy day or only on designated day. Baking Mado Almost AulomatJo Science has done many wonderful thlnn In the way of lightening kitchen-wont, but possibly iho most u 1 ome of lt manv a-h!ev ments Is the prepirtlon of n. baking powder that niuuea balii almost autonmtlc . , , Thin wonderful baking powder Is known as Calumet Biking Powder As ou pcrhap know from your own epTlnee baking Is Innrc lv a matter of "luck" If your bnklim' jiowilei happens to b Just rlttht, your baking will be good But If It nries In quality or In strength ns v,, mnnjr baltlns powders do. your bak Inps .re rnoro thnn likely to be ruined. Calumet Balclnc Powder puis a stop to the dependence on "luck " AVIth It all qulckly-rnlsed foods can bo made without the slightest trouble-mai'e pure und wholesome and tunty. Fur Calumet Itself li pure In the can Hnd In the baklns and so uniform In iimllty, bo carefully pre pared, that falbirei ore Impossible. You can Judco of Its purity, too, when you know that It him bfn Riven the highest awards at two World's Pure Food Impo sitions ono nt Chicago In 1907 nnd th other at Paris, France, last March. Adv. Frenzied Arithmetic. Three-year-old Amy, who has a vory lively llttlo brother, waa being put through a lesson In arlthmotlo by her undo. Sho had successfully added ono nnd one, but stuck at two nnd one. "Your mamma," said hor uncle, "has two children. If sho had one more, what would that mako?" ""O," cried Amy, "that would mako my mamma cwazyl" Woman's Homo companion. She Believed Him. She Do you lovo mo moro than over, dear? He oh, yes, moro than nover, darling. A bravo man Is always ready to "faco tho music" -provided It Isn't that old tune from "Lohengrin." THE PRICE OF BEEF I TUOIT ANT RO is Tin: vjueisjur OATTLK. For rears the ProTlnce ot Alberta (Western Canada) nas tbe III! HanchlneCountrj.MRDT of theso raiKlics tortar are laimensoKruln Holds and tbo rattle hare nlaco to tbo cnltlvnttonof ..oat barler and flax: the change lias maun tnanr thousands or AtnericaiK. vtllcd on tbrss plains, wealthy, bnt It tins In creased tbe price of llvo stocr. There Is splendid opportunity sow to get a Free Homestead of 1M acres (and another an a pre emption) in tho nowcr districts and prodncocltherrattloorcraln. 1 ho crops aro always good, the cllmatols excellent, schools and churches aro convenient, markets eplendtd. In either Manitoba, bias La tchon nn or Alberta. td. ... lllu.Fii... ,Vn ..mk. -ii,i j.,i iiii'ik.uiu. lug ...it.. lnIorinatlon,,raUway rates, etc., to f J. H. HjcIkMli, Dnwcr 57!,ttilcrt,wn. S. a U. CAR3ETT, 315 Jjdson $!., St. Cut Uba. Canadian novcrnmrntAgenta, or address Huperliitanclont of Immigration. Ottawa, "S9 G RB Ri I For Coatsand Kobe. When you loso a horse or butcher a beof, sarotho htdo and cot a beautltnl coat or robo mado out of lu Wrlui for catalogue, and no donbt tb In om. one at your placo whom wn can refer you to, Trnsxc you can see a sample of our work. COWN1E TANNING CO. Git Market Street De Moines, I owe Watson E.Co!emnn,Wih Ington.U.C. llooltsfree. Tllgh eot references. Best resoltav Sioux City Directory "Hub of tho Northwest." Bank by k Mid- West Bank Mail wi Sioux City. la. "Thai Alwayu Tnalt You Right. " Superior Service Sure Safety Liberal Interea roit urcsT sisitvicK sinr RBCE BROTHERS Live Stock CommlRslon Merchants at SIOUX CITY, Chicago of Xanana City Poo! & Billiard Tables Iceless Fountains G. H. Jenklnton Co..42l-423 Pearl St.. Sioux City. la. IOWA PHONE 2443 AUTO PHONE 4478 CRAIGHEAD m, CO. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS STOCK YARDS, SIOUX CITY, IOWA Ask fur ono of our 1U13 calendars NEW MARTIN HOTEL Nbw Open for Business. 250 IvOOitu. Absolutely Fireproof. Hates i and Up. INGWERSEN BR.OS. Live Stock Cuininhjiuii Met chants Room 209 Exchange Building Sioux City Stock Yards Sioux City, Iowa "8 You Gtrt VhIiw Received When You Buy i IT SOAP The kind with (lie YELLOW BAND Sold byaH crocers. tlio bnmls uro a1ujblo 1 W Live Stack Commission Merchants Correspondence by Mall or Wire Answered Promptly SIOUX OITY IOWA FOR BESTRESULTSSHIPTO Hudson Gree nam eyer Live Stock Commission Merchants SIOUX CITY IOWA Soot Destroyer Bums all soot by ckemkal action, and males boilers, furnaces, itovet and pipes M dran a new. If your dealer doesn't keep it write to Johnson Compound & Chemical Co. 318 3rd Street Sioux City, Iowa LIVE 8TOOK COMMISSION MEROHANT8 BALDWIN, K1TSELMAN&TIMMEL Sioux Oitv Stock Yardfl. Iowa I fffr?3.rJ?irsi Hi ftijim . A' tttiT riven pi mam f 141 n m m aLafc BMLICtOUB C ( m m wen aeo. mu WM (unantuaitMiMt mW Of S'