Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 27, 1912, Image 5

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TKee aid
A Merry Christmas A Happy New Year Peace, Plenty,
Prosperity Health and Happiness, for many years to come
GOOD BANKING "That AMVAYS treats you UiailT "
Friday in 1913
Friday will como iu for its own iu
15)13. Lucky or unlucky, moro feast
(lays anil holidays will tako place then
than ou ttuy other day iu tlio weak.
Fivu out of thu ordinary events couiu
on Friduj.
Wednesday is second iu tho list with
three fenst days. Tho first holiday of
iuo yeiir, rsow lear day, oomos on
Wednesday. Counting days of small
iiinl llig interest, religious fenst days
and national holidays the distribution
botwi'on tho days of the week will bo:
Sunday, two; Monday, two; Wednes
day, three; Thnrsduy, two; Friday,
six; Saturday, one.
Easter, March 2!1, and Discovery
day, Octobor 12, fall on Sunday. St.
Patrick's day and Labor day, Septem
ber 1, come on Monday, Inaugura
tion tint, Mnrch 4 and April Fool's
day, Apiil 1, will bo celebrated on
Tuesday. Now Year's day, Ash Wed
nesday, February fi, and Lincoln's
birthday, February 12, complete tho
Wednesday list. St Valentino's day,
February H: Good Friday, March 21;
Doeoration Day, May iJO; Indepen
dence day, July 4, ond Halloweou,
October 31, are ou Friday. Saturday
will bo saved from absence of celebra
ton by Washington's birthday Febrnu
ry'22. Thoro will he three eclipses of tho
nun during the year, all invisible iu
Iforth Americn, however. Hut two to
tal eclipses of the mpon will bo visiblo
in North America, The first one may
be seen in this place at 5 o'clock on
tho morning of March '22, aud the se
cond eclipse of the inoon will be visi
ble i at 3 :20 o'clock on tho morning of
September 15.
Cranberries galore
fmits of all kinds.
at Van's, and
The Herald for News when it is News
via the
NortK Western
Leave Sioux City Dally 4.50 pm
Arrive Chicago Daily 7.45 am
Daily Serviuo
TiV. Omaha 7.40am 12.S0 pin 0.00 pm ().! inn I TS& pin KXii) pm 12.45 am
Ar, Ohlcugo 8.l.ripni il.iriuin 7.45 nm H.:ai nm I 0.10 inn U.ainin l'.Ih) pin
Perfect Service
To a Perfect Terminal
Excursion Fares to Florida. Special
Sailings to Panama and the West
Indies. & Delightful Winter Trips.
Travel information upon request.
B. C. Buchannan,
Agout, Dakota City, Neb.
G. H. MacRAE, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn.
rz I a -s&mn ' . y.. ' ?rvv, . ...
i-t umi ;, ' r-mitiiai
4v A
High Prloo if Ccnttle Insures This to be en
Good Business for Many Ycixrs
It is not generally known, but it is a fact,' that one person
now take G40 acres of Government land in Wyo. as follows:
First, fila a Desert land entry on 1G0 acres where you can
catch the drainage from 1000 acres, in a series of small storage
reservoirs sumcient to irrigate as much as SI acres of the entry
and at least 5 acres of any 40 of the 1G0. For this 100 you pay
the Government 25 cents an acre at the time of filing and 51.00
an acre when proof is made.
Second, file on .'20 as a homestead no charge for the land
but entryman must reside upon the homestead seven months
each year for three years and raise a crop on 20 acres the second
year and have 40 acres in crop the third year.
Third, buy 1G0 acres from the Government at S1.25 per acre.
This 1G0 must join the homestead.
There are hundreds of such locations now open to entry. If
yon want one of these ranches write today for map and particulars.
U. Clem
Local. Items
Ileal estate loans. Geo Wilkins Adv
Finest oaudios made, at Dakota City
Mrs MM Keotn, of Sioux City, vis
ited relatives bore Sunday.
Elsie Loronz is spending tho holi
days at Lawtou, la, with relatives.
Don't forget Breuns coffee, it is
still in tho lead. Van sells it.
George Gribbhj was up from South
Omaha aud spent Christmas with rel
atives. Miss Eflle Z Engolen wont to Dixon,
Neb, Tuesday, to spend Christmas at
the W L Ross home.
Ilotco-ruruUi mince meat, lOo a
pound at Van do Zoddo's. Try a
pound aud you will want more.
Frank II lorrest and family wont
to Movillo, la, Tuesday, to spond
Christmas with Mrs Forrest's parouts.
Miss Bess Robertson camo up from
Iudianola, Nob, where sho is toaohiug,
to spend tho holidays with old friends
here .
A short session of district court was
held hero Monday evening by Judge
Guy T Graves to look after some
equity business.
W L Strong aud son Vorn, of Wil
mont, Minn, were visitors hore a fow
dayj the past week, having como to
Sioux City with a shipment of cattle.
Tho M 13 A lodgo electod tho follow
ing officers at their regular meeting
last Thursday night: E II Cribble,
president; Mrs Agnes Hartrauft, vice
president; S A Stiuson, secretary
treasurer; Mrs Ida Gribble, chaplain;
George I Millor, conductor; E ,1 Me
Keruau, wutchmau; Herman Bierrnau,
sentry; Dr D 0 Stiueon, local exaiu
or. Lyman Sholes,
Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nobr.
n Ml
Denver, Immigration Agent
Frank Sides, a university student,
is homo for thu holidays.
Frank 1'' Ilaa&c, of Emersou, was ,
a homo visitor Wedueaduy,
Vail K 1'urdy.and wifo were visitors '
in Omaha this week with lelstlves.
Eugene Loomis, of Omadi precinct,
was hero on busiuass last Thursday.
Huss Polly bus moved to Neweastlo
where ho has rented a farm for another
yoar. '
Win LthrB iu having a new kitohcu
built to his residence iu the wesi part
of town.
Bam Keller camo up from Fremont
to spend the holiday vacation with his
Sunday, tho 22nd, was tho shot test
day of the year, beiug ouly nine hours
Miss Mildred Ihirkott wont to Wil
meriting, Fa, to spend her holiday va
cation at 'nor old borne.
M O Ayies aud sou Edgar aud wife,
wcro Christmas visitors at Cody, Neb,
at the II J! Skeeu home.
Vo hnvo n hotter stook of llardwaro
etc, thau we ever had, and you will
flud our priues right. Suhriever liros.
Mrs Albert Waddell returned to
Allen last Thuisday, nfter a several
days' visit with her daughter, Mrs
Miss Alida Weeks went to Ilosobud,
S 1), to spcud x the holiday vacation
with her mother, who is posmaster at
that place.
Miss Myrtlo Powell camo up from
Arkansas City, Kas, lust week to
spend the holidays with relatives and
frionds here.
A macriago liconso was grautod in
Sioux City, Monday, to Eddie Jinui
sou, of Wulthill, and Auuio L Robbo
giou, of South Sioux City.
Baby daughters were born nt tho
Dallas Q Evans homo on the 21st, aud
at thu John 13 Evans homo ou tho 22ud.
A great week for the Evans.
Mr aud Mrs M E Tipton, of lint
Springs, S D, havo oliurgo of the
board at tho local telephone oxohaugc,
succeeding Miss Qattio Ohristensou.
Mrs Ueorgo Harnett loft for Humes
ton, In, Tuesday, noon to spoud
Christmas with her parents, Mr and
Mrs Samuel Gribble, aud otbor rela
tives. U V Mathows bars ordered bills from
tho Herald for a public" sale which ho
will hold at his farm just soutit Invest of
town ou Tuesday, .lauuary M, 101!J.
Watch for bills.
Houry Woigand and family, of bioux
City, spent Suuday hero ut the II L
Broyhill homo. They wont ou to
Lincoln to spend Christmas with Mr
Weigaud's parents.
Mr Herbert Ycagcr, of Kansas City,
Mo, and Miss Mabol Soely, of Emmets
burg, Io, were united in marriage in
Dakota City, ou tho l'Jch, liov S L
Keller performing tho ceremony.
Henry Loomis, of Homer, wus an
over Sunday visitor hero at tho John
H Ream homo. Ho camo up from thu
soldiers' homo at Grand Island last
week to remain until after tho hoi
dayB. Tho dato for tho Dakota County
Farmors' Institute is sot for Tuesday
and Wednesday, February Urd nuit
4th. Keep tliin iu mind and arrange
your affairs ho that you can attend till
tho sessions.
E .7 Huey and wife went to Ran
dolph, Tuesday evening, to spend
Gliristmiis with their parents. Mr
Huey leturued Thursday, while Mis
Huey will remuiu for another week
with rolatives.
Appropriata Christmas services wero
held iu the Lutheran church Sunday
evenu.g and in thu Methodist church
Tuesday evoning. Beautiful exorcises
and bountifully loaded trees made tho
gatherings pleasing.
Bert O Harden arrived homo Tues
day evening from Hot Springs, Ark,
to spend the holidays with tho folks
hero. Ho In ought a big fat tuiltoy
with him, thoy being mora plentiful
in Arkansas than hero.
D II Hager arrived horo Saturday
from Moosejaw, Gauadn, to spond the
holidays. He expects to return shoit
ly nud finish up a job of erecting a
sot of buildings and sheds tor thu Se
curity Lumber company at Moosejaw.
J A Mill, ol rierie, h I), whs an
ever Sunday visitor with E J Huey,
mauHger of the E & II Lbr, yard here.
Mr Hill had a shipment of cattle ou
tlio Sioux City market aud took ad
vantage of thu opportunity to visit his
friend, Mr Buoy.
Niss Anderson, from near Nacora,
was in town on business last Thursday,
aud was a friondly caller on tho Hor
aid. Mr Andersen is planning to leave
thu farm iu tlio spring aud locate iu
Euiemou or Sioux City. Quo of his
suns will fnrm tho placo.
Mr and Mrs J N Hartrauft, of Mars
land, Nub, stopped off hero Wednes
day anil spent thu day at tho Jas Fues
tun homo, beiug euiouto fiom Omaha
to their homo in western Nebraska.
Mr Hartranft conducted a uutohor
slinp in this placo some years ago.
Tho followinp marriage ceremouies
wero performed by Rov J Crows, M E
jinhtur, at this placo: F DMc.Juukins,
Onitwa, la, and Mrs Blanche Preston,
of Tnblu, Okla, Deooinbor 23rd; Louis
Nnh. of Wulthill, Neb, aud Mrs Jen
nie O'Pelt, of Oakland, O.il, Sunday
evening, Deaetubor 22, 1812, tho coie
mony being performed at tho homo of
Mr and Mrs Theodore Bliven, old
friends of tho groom; P MoOrill and
Miss Laurie Taylor, hctli of LoMars,
la, ou December 18th, and M L Brink,
aud I E Winn, both of Meokling, S D,
on December 11th.
Peter Morgan, one of tho earliest
pion.ior residents of Dakota county,
died Tuesday at 10:30 o'clock a m, at
tho homo of his son, El Morgan, iu
Bruhhy Bend, mx miles northwest of
Dakota City, at the age of 77 yoars.
Ho had boon a sufferer with dropsy
for a yoarpast. Mr Moigan uame to
Dakota county from England in 1857,
und settled ou the fium where he re
sided continuously until his death.
Ho is survived by two sons, Edwin
Morgau, of this prt'ohwt, and William
A Morgan, of South Hioux City, and
one daughter, Mrs Hannah Ellis, of
Allen, Neb. His wife died several
jears ago. Th.u funeral was held
Thursday fiom the homo at 9 o'clock
a m, with services ut tho M E church
at South Sioux City ut 11 u in. In
torment was mai'.o iu Logan Purk cem
otory, Sioux City.
The lUnk Tlmt ALWAYS Treats You KK1IIT"
Slouz City, town.
To Our Frionds:
merriest days of all the merry years,
Hero's hoping Christmas with you
was a glorious day of uhoer, of hope,
of happluess, to you, aud through you,
to others.
That 1913 may bo all your fauoy
hopes ami paints, a year of action, gain
aud good. ("New Year's day wheu
blooms tho good Rosolvc" tho Uplift
tlio Casting UK bad liuuits )
One Good Resolution Know this
good liutiK uetter during illl if umi
our convouieuces profit by tho Su
perior Service Suro Safety, ripo aud
roady for YOU horo,
"Thu Man Behind," and his six
Associates hereby pledge themselves
to do all iu thoir power to merit ALL
your business to care fur it faithfully
and well. To supply iu fullest mo.
suro Promptness, Accuracy, Courto
so and Appreciation, nud nbnvo all,
SAFETY. (Secured loans spoil that.)
Especially do wo wish to make tho
Mid-West Bank, headquarters for out
of town people, thoir place of meeting,
est and business. (e'armors from
three states hero daily. Drop iu most
uny timo nud see the Busy-Bee Hank.)
Our first nine mouths brought us
nourly double tho deposits hopod for
tho ilrst year. Wo wish to at leaut
Double those during 1913, and will
with your holj .
Our Aim to supply your overy
Banking want Bettor than olsewhore.
To "ALWAYS troat you RIGHT,"
merit your, confidence friendship
Everything in Good Banning with
protection to depositors unsurpassed iu
all the land.
This Tho New Old Good Bank.
Backed by a Quarter Century's suo-
oessful banking experience and overy
uero of land (somo 3,700) of tho own
ers. Lioauingouly on secured note
using overy precaution known, (Past
record $50 losses in a quarter centu
ry loaning.
May wo not Suo You Soon? Just a
Get Acquainted call, if nothing more?
This, tho REAL Bank for ALL tho
People ''Where Welcome, Wears
Well," where each receives equal treat
ment whorovon KNOW you are at
With our grateful thanks to the
kind friends new aud old,
Wo aro
Sinooroly Yours,
ED. T. KEARNEY, President.
"Safe as u Government Bond."
How to Bankrupt the Doctors,
A prominent Now York phyaiciau
says, If it wero not fortlie thin stook-
ings und thin sold shoos worn by wo
men the doctors would probably be
bankrupt." Wliou you contract a cold
do not wait for it to dovolop into pneu
monia but troat it ut once. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is intended es
pecially for coughs and colds, nnd has
won a wide reputation by its cures of
those disoases. It is most effectual
und is ploasout und safe to take. For
salo by all doulors. Adv.
,-.- . TO BE
A- most interesting little brochure
has recently come off tlio press setting
forth with Bible proofs that tho com
munications received by nnd through
Spiritist Mediums h of Demon origin.
The writer traces his subject through
tho Scriptures from the time when
certain of the holy nngels became dis
obedient. Tie proves from the Scrip
tures thnt these fallen spirits per
foliate (be human (lend, with whose
past history, spirits, though InvIslbTo,
are thoroughly acquainted. lie shows
that they itlso frequently person
nto the Creator nnd the Iledeemer,
commanding their deceived ones to
pray, do penance, etc. This, however,
Is merely to lead them on nnd to bring
them more thoroughly under demoni
acal control. Sometimes by breaking
down the natural barrier, the human
will, thoy possess their victim, and rule
him more or less to his ruin frequent
ly sending such to the mad-house.
Numerous Illustrations, Scrlpturul und
otherwise, are given. The price of tho
little hook Is but iivo cents; It should
bo In the hands of nil Interested In
Spiritism or who have friends Inter
ested therein. Kucloso stamps to tho
Bible and Tract Society, 17 Hicks
Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Cured of Liver Complaint.
i whn nuuuiiuK wiiu iivur cum-
plaint," h...vh l va fimitl. of Point Diana,
was suffering with liver
Toxiis, unit (teeuleu to try a "iuo box
of Oliainberlain'u Stomach anil Liver
Tablets, und nm happy to say that I
am completely ouroil aud can rocom
nionil tluun to overy one." For salo
by all dealers. Adv.
"She Hcrstld &nd
Now Idea Magazino $1 30
Sioux City Duilv and Sunday
Journal 5 00
without Sunday -1 20
to rural loutu patrons t HO
Tow a Homestead 1 25
Wnmau's World 1 20
Hampton's " 1 75
Lippincott's " 2 75
i" ' 1...' 1 1 New Ilii.ttirn. A trial will '
'k i our ii'.iuaeul customer.
'xt7C. Collection i""'! HTf "'." '.'"'
llti" e.vxt j 1 unlp. 7 pletKLil i Union, ii but Tartu.
I. ., Utpl. - fg-rrlor llolU-Ut vnrltllM lU till.
ui aiiantj:i:i to im.kasi'.
iV'lic to-day; Mention this Paper.
l vm ki.( nd icklci n4 rtctln Ihli ralniblfi
L t.i.....i.. it. ,....(.. I It .. ..
.l!' tij iw ntwiix niiiiniiiii. irjriiiiii viitt m I. u
b nrruviiTT, iitiiuiiiui nrru itnu i'lmni Jiuofc
oui tut iit vtiutiw of fcii, riiou, u.
Buckbee, ""KS&oTi
' 1 y& w fa L3 JiJ xi E?$3 '
lATI ,
Parcels Post Information.
Postmaster John II Ream has re
ceived the parcels post map for Dakota,
Nobr, dolluing thu ,difiorcut units of
area, zones, and rrftos for each zone.
The units of area aro nil given on
individual numbers, ours being 2904,
In order to find what the postage will
be ou a parcel addressed to allot hor
ollloe, tho puree post guide, furnished
naoh otlloo and containing tho mamrs
of all oflliies and tho number of thu
unit in which thoy are locatod is con
sulted, this shows tho unit iu which tho
desired oflloo is lnouted. The map is
then consulted and this shows the zone,
or distance, from this oflloo, which
regulatOB thu amount of postage re
quired. Special parcel post stamps must bo
used on all matter sent by parcels post,
Do not uso ordiuury postage stamps.
Packages weighing over 11 pounds
cannot be seut by mail .
Tho ratu is as follows:
Local, iiioluding rural routes, Co for
ilrst pound and la per pound for each
udtlitionul pound or fraction.
Zone 1, within 50 miles radius, Tic
for Hist pound aud !lo for each atldi
tioiiul pound.
Zone 2, within 150 miles radius, Go
for Ilrst pound und lo fur eaoh addi
tional pound.
Zone 3, 300 miles radius, 7c for 11 ret
pound and Co for eaoh additional
Zono 1, (100 miles radius, 8o for ilrst
pound and Co for each additional
Zono 5, 1,000 mile radius, 9o for
first pound aud 7o for ouch additional
Zono C, 1,400 milo radius, lOo for
first pound and 9o for eaoh additional
wound .
Souo 7, 1,800 milo radius, lie for
first pottud aud 10c for each additional
pound. '
Zono 8, all points beyond tho 1,800
milo radius, 12a far each pound.
Tho dimension of packages is limit
ed to 72 inches iu length and girth
Parcels weighing four ounooa or leas
are mailable at the rato of nno cent
per onnco regardless of distance.
Fractious of a pound counts as a full
Fit His Case Exactly.
"When father wus siek about six
you i s ago ho read an advertisement of
Chiiiuberlaiu'rt Stomuoh and Liver
Tablets in the pupr that fit his caso
exactly," wiites Miss Margaret Camp
bell of Ft Smith, Aik. "Ho puiehiis
od a box of them and he has not been
sick since. My sinter had stomach
trouble and was also bouellted by
them." Sold by all dealers. Adv.
Horses and Mules
Always on baud for salo for every
body. J M Barry, Jackson, Neb.
What Should ihe Legiclaturc Do?
Throe prizes of $2C, SIC and $10
ouch, will bo paid for thu best tins
wrs to this question received at this
ofllco bofore January 1, 1913. Tho
length of the artiole will havo nothing
to do with thu award, but uono of
more than COO words will bo consid
ored .
"What Should tho Legislature Do?"
Seud articles to Legislature, Statu
Journal Co, Lincoln, Neb.
Something good for Supper
If you want
to make your men
folks hurry home, buy
. r
your groceries at our store, for
the way to make a man hurry
home is to have something good
to eat, and that's what you
will have if you buy your gro
ceries from us.
J. Van de Zedde
Your Grocer
Dakota City - - Nebraska
NOTlt'K kou inns.
Notice Is liuruliy Klviui that on or Ixiforo
Junimi-y lbt. lUlil, (iilccl huls will
li rtiut'lv
cd nt tlio county i'li k'ri
olllcn for (urnlHli-
lint books, blanks
a anil atatlonury as follows:
llbuorilx, H-nr, plain, imch.
ltci'onls. H-nr, prill toil IiimiiIh, each.
ItrcorilH, pi In tell iani, I'Mi'h.
(luiuiriil liuluxitg.tWif, riilcil, printed head,
All hooks to lie made of limit lliinu ledunr
pa pur, full Ituisla lilndliiK, to upon Hut, and
to forii'hpoiid with ImjoIih now 111 UhU.
l.vtloi'lit'iidH, printed, ICniplic bond or
eiiuiil. nor .M.
Knvidopi'H, i lint I'd. No 1, hUu (I'v, white,
pur ,M.
I'invt'ioptm. prinu'ii, flianina, r() iu. pur m
Kills. r'ii or DUoii'm puiicllH, hnx, tier uioih,
him ford 'h, Oiu tur'H or Arnold' Ink, pei'dt.
MpciKHTlan, (lliielnuni or (illlott'h pcim,
por int.
Huiiutu Horatuh pail, por do..
I.oual liliiukx, full Hbcot, pur inn.
lA'iml hlaukK, tiulf Hlii-ut. pur Km.
I.oual blanks, (inarlor Hboot. purine,
l.oital blanks, uluhth thcul, pur 111.
Hcparato sualeil hldn will iiIbo hu iccolvod
iionnty pilntliiK,
l'libllfclilnK thu ilullmniuiit tax list.
(lounty pbynkdan.
Thu lioiuil rehurvuH thu rlulit to rujuctany
and all bliU.
Accepted lilddor to kIiu IkiiiiI for faithful
purfoi uiiincu of contract.
Dakota Ulty, Nob. Nov :U, ltd'.',
OvorKu Wllklua, Uonnty Olork,
Specials for Saturday. Dec. 28
For this ivy Only
7 Bars of Beat 'Km All Soap 25c
25c package of Oats for 20c
0 Cans Beauty Milk ', 25c
Good Country Butter per lb .30c
3 Cans Extra Standard Corn 20c
Mixed Candy per lb t 10c
Mixed Nuts per lb . 17c
1 pound pkg Coffee .25c
Oranges per doz i 30c
10 discount on all our
Priced especially for today
Dakotsv City,
We Have
Coming soon. You had better place J
your order tor some betore it is all i
taken. I
Edwards & Bradford
U. J. Huey
!h ar
Harness and
Harness Made Xo Order, Osly
Blankets and Robes of all kinds.
Big Assortment of the best brand of Whips
Repair Work that's' our specialty.
FVedrickseir tf& Son
Hubbard Nobrasket. I
City - Meat - Market
WM. F. LORENZ, Proprietor
Dakottv City. Nobr.
Back in the old stand, ready to
serve you at all times with the best
Meats at the lowest living prices. $
Order your Poultry and Meats for
the Holidays NOW. $W &
Agent for Seymour's Laundry, Best in the City.
Licensed Jmbalmcr
Ambulance Service
Wm. F XMckirason.
Ball 71
Auto 2471
a Car of I
Lumber Co. Daksrcirj
n ESSi
in the line of
Horse Goods I
Lady Assistant
415 Sixth Street
Sioxxx City, Iow&
' J