Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 27, 1912, Image 4

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u i
15 1-
The Woman Makes the Home
She makes it best who, looking after the
culinary department, turns her back resolute
ly upon unhealthful, or even suspicious, food
accessories. She is economical; she knows
that true economy does not consist in the use
of inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She
is an earnest advocate of home made, home
baked food, and has prAved the truth of the
statements of the experts that the best cook
ing in the world today is done with Royal
Baking Powder.
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Pricn. $1.00 Per Yenr.
A wockly nowHpapor ptibliHliucl at
Dakota City, NobniRkn.
Permission linn beun unuitod foi thq
tranomianion of thiapiiticr through tho
nirtiii an second-clivH mutttr.
Telephone No. IU.
Official Paper of Dakota County
A Merry OliMxtuuiH ami n I lnipy
Now War, lo The Herald Ucidum, ono
and till.
i Items of Interest
: from bur Exchanges I
posHeHsiun of the kitoliun anil dining
room procoodod to norvo a delicious
liuiohfon. The afternoon was very
pleasantly spent and tho giinntti de
parted for thoir rcspeetivo liomes,
willing Mrs Armbrlght a long and
proHperons married life. Mrs Arm
bright wiih the rot ipii lit of tiiiiuyhuiiu
tiful and UHoful ircHentB,
Walthill TimoH : John Lundy wont
to Homer Monday .... MrH C F Hates,
of Homnr, wlio Iiiih Iicmii viniting lmio,
n turned lionio TucHiluy . .. .Judge Hy
att and wife, of Homer, spent Htmduy
at the home of J V Qorliam . . . .Miss
Mabel Harvey, of .South Bioux City,
will Hpend OhriHtmiis with Mr and Mrs
Ij II Clement. .. . Mimtci Yernou Clem
eut goes to Booth Sioux City to spend
Sunday with his aunt, Mitts Harvey.
Mrs I) U Ames is on tho flick list.
Miss Noll Combs is homo from Lin
coin for Christmus.
Mrs Win Uovell is spending tho hol
idays with her sou in Nacora.
Mrs Chas Hates, Qortie Bueklund
and iJessio Hughes wero city shopjiers
The Yeoman lodgo initiated several
now members into tho order on Mon
day evening.
Miss Lena Wilkins eulertuiued the
Ilemoh Embroidery club at Iter homo
Wednesday evening.
It M Lorko has traded his farm hero
for a piece of laud in Keith county.
He expects to stay hero for another
year, howovor.
II J Jones and family have moved
here from Omaha and will farm the
old Eborly place south of town the
coining year.
Doth the Methodist and Lutheran
ohurehos gave Christmas programs on
Glirismas eye, both had good programs
and a full houso.
Margaret Hmitli nnd Earl Kisdul
are home ou a two week' vacation,
the former from Bioux City and the
latter from Lincoln.
Miss Oarrio Hansen went to Dakota
City on Hunday evening with Ruby
Van do Zeddo, both returning Mouday
Mr and Mrs Ed Crowley, of Lincoln,
Neb, aro spondiug Christmas at tho
Tim Murphy homo. Also Lorraine
and Eluoru Murphy aro homo (or the
Potor Katitz gavo a gruud opeuing
at his now saloon on Uoce'mber 17.
Roast pig was to bo tho treat but it
was a failure for 3omo cause or other.
Dr Bhololi, of Kansas City, Mo, de
livered a Hue address to tlio Woodmen
and friends on Tuesday evening. On
ly u fair sized crowd camo out, it be
ing a bad, stormy night.
Lyons Mirror: Chas Heott, a cous
in of M M Warner, wus a Wakefield
visitor in Lyons the past week.
Watorbury Items io Ponca Leader:
George Smith transacted hiutiucHS in
Dakota City, Friday of last week,
Pender Times: J F nefferuuu
wus up '.o Hubbard, Sunday. ...John
F llefforniui otijojed a vist from his
brother, T E Ilefeinim, yesterday,
Winnobigo Chieftian: II Ci Nie-
Imhr was in Hastings the llrst of tho
week ou business.... Mrs Gus (Which
returned to her homo in Crofton last
Friday, after a f"v days' visit with
her parents, Mr and Mis J D Gill and
Hartington News: 0 L Culler went
ti Dakota City Saturday and returned
in tho livening uccnmpmiitid by Mrs
Culler, who, since leaving tho hospital
in Sioux City, where she went for an
operation, had been staying with her
mother, Mrs M F Adair, in Dakota
Wynot Tribune: Mr and Mrs Jack
McQuirk.wero vibilors at Sioux City a
law days last week . . . .Mrs E J Morin
returned Saturday from a few days
visit willi her mother at Dakota City.
. ...Mr und Mm EJ Morin departed
for Omaha yesterduy to spend the
Christmas holiday. Conduetor Vaughn
it on tlio morning-run in his piano,
Sioux City Journal, iilst: .Scott
ltjokwoll, of Akron, Colo, visited
yesterday with George W Ueaeom.
He was ou his way to Dakota City,
Neb, to spend ChrihtmuH with his pa
rents. ...The cutting of ieu by tin
Consumers Ice company will start
ubout January 1. The io at Crystal
lake uud on tlio Rig Sioux river now is
ubout six inelies think.
l'onoa Lcudor: Mrs Fred Rogesoli
ivt-ut down to Dukotit county Satua
day to visit her diuiglitur. Airs Mario
llngnioli Armbright, riiturnliif; home
that evening. While Mrs Rogeseh
was at the home of her daughter about
twouty-ilvo of their neighbors sur
prised her with a "sweet and sour"
sliowof. The ladies came loaded
down with plow, oakes, pickles and
other good things to eat and taking
Allen Nows: Mrs W J Armour re
turned Saturday night ftom a few
days' visit in Sioux City. . Mis Morgan,
mother of Phil and Ed, spent Friday
and Saturday with her daughter, Mrs
Ed Morgan and family at Dakota City.
.... Mrs Robert Mel'lierrau underwent
an operation for cancer last I'riday at
St Joseph's hospital in Sioux City.
Last reports are that she is gottiug
along very nicely.
Sioux City .Tournol, 2ith:' About
twelve days will be necessary to com
plelo the paving on tho bunk of the
.Missouri river iu Dakotn county, Nob,
according to John S Cumpbpll, over
eeer iu ohargo of the froverument
river work near Sioux City. Eight
ears of rook will bo needed every day
to llniuh tho paving ou scheduled time.
About '2,01)0 feet of mat remains to bo
ballostod nnd placed. Mr Campbell
has dccl.lod to wait until tlio ice is
six iueliss thick before sending toams
with reek to load down the mat. The
mat will remain ou top of the ice until
tho support is molted away next spring.
Lunt winter it was found necessary to
dynamite the iee and let the mat down
because of the swift uurrent near tlio
Sioux point work. Mr Campbell loft
Sioux City last evening for Kansas
City to spend tlio holidays with his
Iitnulv. Tills is tho llrst viisatlon he
has had tho punt jeur.
Homer Star: Hul Thaokor iu$
family, of Sloan, la, visited over Su i
day with George Thaokor and family.
... .John C Davis, of Oinalia, ex man
ager of tlio tanners' elevator, is visit
ing friends and rulativesiu Homer,...
Georgn Smith and family, from the
Sand Hilla, arrivod iu Uomor Tues
day, to again resume their lesidenoe
and make it their home. . ..Sherman
Loomis resigned hiR position at the
Thos Ashford stoio as clerk last week
and has aeeepted a position at the
lIurHtiRton station . ... II MoKiuley was
a passenger to Sioux City on Thurs
day to help his soil-in law, 11 A Mon
roe, move to South Sioux Oitv....
Walter Rymill, ono of Homer's popu
lar young men, on Mouday of thin
week bought a half inteiest in the W
E Hneklaud confectionery and short
order houso. . . . Marvin Armour bouirl.t
the J M Churoh shoe shop which stood
nt tho corner of tho bridge and moved
it to his farm liomu east of town, Mr
Armour purchased an automobile and
will ueu the old building to put his ear
A Merry Christmas to you all.
John ltjiin was transacting business
iu Allen over last Friday night.
Mis Harriet MoMurphy, state food
inspector, inspected our stores last Eli
day. Mis Grace Lamb and daughters
Holeu and Honetta, departed Mouday
for Omaha to spend the holidays with
Luorotia Muuu, who is attending
school here, has gone to her home at
Blair for her vucatiou.
Tho young people aro enjoying their
vacation by tho tine skating at the
lake, especially thoso moonlight even
ings. Frank MoMahon,' of Wahpeton, N
D, is a guest of 'i'Uos Sullivan.x
Thos D Jones uud wifo spent Christ
mas with with the hitter's parents, P
Eugel and wife, ut Ponca, Neb.
Blanche ltilcy departed Thursday
for Chicago to spond a fow weeks
with her aunt, Mrs Julia Evans,
Win Franklin, who has boeti work
ing iu tho Moltriil.t saloon tho past
six months, bus gono to Obert, Neb,
whore he expects to engage iu tho sa
loon business.
Gertrude MoUulo, of Fuirbury, Neb,
is visiting her graudparouts, MQuiun
uud wife.
Tho quaruntiuo ou tlio Morgan t
ISoyio home for small pox, was remov
ed Monday. Thcro are no more esses
in town.
T J Uartuutt and family were guests
iu tlio M Farrell and John Green
homes at Hubbard last Saturday.
Ed T Konrnoy and family woro ovor
from Sioux City, Sunday.
Run Cullen cumo iu from Devils
Lake, N D, Tuesday, to spend Ol'rist
mas with his folks.
Mr ami Mrs M G O'Cfara, of Smith
wick, S D, arrived hero Sunday to
spend tue Holidays with tlio tatters
parents, M Roler and wife.
Invitations aro out for the marriauo
of Alice Denial uy to Glen Hays, of
Good in, Neb, to take piaoo March
25, 101!), at the home of the bride's
patents, Mi ami Mis Allied Donunty
Roth young peoplo aie null aud fa
vorably known here, the bride beiug
ouo of uur successful school tnaohnrs
and the groom is statiou eiauit ut
Among the teachers and s'ltdouts
homo for tho Yuletiilp seasou am Muiy
and Catlieiiuu Quinn, the former a
a teachor at Fuirbury, Neb, aud the
latter ut Raucioft, Neb; Neil Ryan,
who is attending the Culver Militaiv
academy; Frank O'Neill, from Lineolu
university; Mary Olurk. from Herman,
hub; Bonny Barry, Chicago: Mary
Waters, Madison, Wis; Nellie Teller,
Wsterbury, Neb.
erliood nill have their Christinas tree,
and -Saturday Uu Ornish joug pn
pies society vi ill have their Christinas
tree ftstivites. That's going t'Oino.
Mrs Kolloy returned ltiBt week to
her home iu Illinois, after an rx tended
visit with relatives here. Miss Jirid
gio Hayes accompanied her home,
John Green and family apeut Christ
mas at the Gtaudpa Green home,
Tom Long and Eugene Heady wero
out near Emerson inspecting bridges.
Highest market price at all times
for your oreum, butter nud eggs.
Bring them to us, Geo Timlin.
Mrs Lee Eldred is on tho sick list
this week.
C M Ilnsniusseu and family ate
Christmas dinner at the M Uunsen
homo .
Mr aud Mrs Louis Larsen uud
children visited Tuesday, Wednesday
mid Thursday nt tho Muds Hansen
home near Emerson.
Laura and Anna Reck ato Christ
mas dinner at the Edward Jensen
Cooking utensils and everything in
the lino of up-to-date tinware at C
Anderson Co's.
Mr and Mrs A Andersen, of Dakota
City, spent Christmas at the J May
Held homo.
Geo Reck nnd his niece, Laura R,
came down from Wskouda, S D, Sat
urday, to visit relatives and friends.
Maey ilagau came down from tho
city, Friduy, to spend Chtistmas va
cation at homo, .. . "7"" " '
E Christensen uud wife spent Sun
day afternoon with friends at Plum
Everything in groceries, and at rock
bottom prices, can be found at U
Audersoii Co's.
Clara Wilkins, John Rockwell and
Joseph Christensen eamo home from
Wayne to remain f(r the holidays.
Mrs Johnny Harty and danghtor
Mary, Mrs Jesse Graves aud children,
Sirs Heouey and daughter, W Goertz
and wife, Mrs Leo Biede, uud tile
Misses Green were city shoppers f i tun
horo Eiiduy,
Win Roninger and wife entertained
several families at Christmas dinner.
Illinium Nelson and family spent
Xmas day at the Louis Podorson home.
Win Goertz and wife entertained
several families at Xmas dinner.
Hans Nelseu came up from Holt
county Tuesday to spend Christmas ut
the Chas Dodge home.
E Christensen wus certainly over
whelmed last Tuesday when hu was
presented with a fur coat and a fur
robe. They wero proseutcd to Mr
Christonsen by Larsen Rros, and had
been contributed to by tho mtijarity of
tho patrons on R F D No 1 Mr
Christeuseu wishes to extend his
thanks for tlio beautiful as well as
useful gifts.
Buy a good farm on the Dakota
county bottom. I have it. Eltueiu.
Merry Chrjstmas Happy New Year
Everything in GOOD Insurance Fire Lightning
Tornado Accident Life.
Companies Rates Treatment guaranteed the best.
Real Estate bought and sold, aud a fine list right
We can supply them.
rates, long time, optional
now. lell us your needs.
Farm Loans lowest
payments, prompt closing,
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases all legal paper drawn
promptly and accurately.
Hoping for a continuance of the liberal patronage
given this Agency, since 18f0, and promising you the
same good treatment,
Yours respectfully,
II F. McKccvor,
( Joi.ok.fson, Ncbrask.Dk.
Successor to Ed. T. Kearney.
Niss Audresen was a city piisieuger
last Thursday.
Putiick Jonus has reopcuod tho ho
tel to the public again.
A complete Hue of the best canned
goods for the money, at C Anderson
Co's .
C 11 Thompson was among tho pas
seiigeis to tho county soat Monday.
Rert Francisco aud Postniator Fred
eriokseu wero city passuugois last
A line lino of jewelry, fully guaran
teed, at 0 Andeisoii Co's.
Lot the members remembor the
coinniuuiou service in thu Lutheran
eliureh Sunday uoxt. Following tho
Nurvice a congregational meeting nil)
be held uud the new oilloors of the
church will be installed,
If ,iou like a good lioh blend in
coffee, try tho colobrated Milhu's
coffee, aud you nill tlnd it just what
you like, 'J Anderson Co sells it,
Mrs 1! ivi com was an over night visit
or, Tuesday, with her daughter, Mrs
11 Covell, at Naeoia.
Mrs Rert Coblelgh spent ovor uight
uith Mrs Eldred Saturday.
Mrs A L Auderseu spent last woek
iu Pender withhir duughtor, Mrs Nye,
Bring in your produce, butter, eggs,
eto. We ahiajs puy tho top price, C
Anderson Co.
llubbiud is certainly in it with
dances. This week, 'Thursday, Leap
your dunce ; Friday, the Danish Rrotli-
Tho girls iu tho sowing class iu the
second primury room ara now making
Tho following of the second grade
have a peifeot locord in srolling for
tho past four weeks: Mudrod Ream,
Muurico Noimoyor, Segrid Skovo,
Sam ruin Stinson, Mildred Frederick,
Nellie Triggs, Wilfred Ream, John
Pizey, Ralph Perry. Cecil Ledom,
aud Warren Heikes have a pcriict rec
ord for eight weeks.
Tho pupils of tho tenth grade have
an attendance record for the past four
mouths of 08 por cent.
Rudolph Lischko was absent from
Bohool Friday.
Some of tho boys in Miss Snvder'H
room have douo somo work iu the soil
ing uIiub Tlio speoimuns they have
prepaied aro as good as tho oues pre
pared by tho girls.
The two basket ball toams are en
joying some very exciting pruetion
games thoso days. We expect to have
a fow match games with other high
school teams dining the winter,
Tl'io lower grade pupils enjoMil a
Clnistmas treat from thoir teauhsr just
before dismissal Friday.
Mrs Harvey was a Friday afternoon
visitor in the primary department.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL AITLIOAIIONH, as tliey cannot resell
the 'lit ot the dlms. ("ntarrli H n him or rontil.
tulloiul il House, anil In order to cure It you muU take
Internal remedies, UnU'n Catarrh Cure U taken In-ter-ullv.
anil nrla illrtclly upuii tho blood und muioui
BurLicca. Ilall'i t'atirrli Cum in nut it uimik nn-di-clne
It win prteerlih'd by ono or the best physicians
In ilih luiintrv lor eirs nnd Ls n reirular nreMTlntlon.
It U composed or Ilia lust tonics known, combined
ivllli tlm best blood partners, uctlm; directly on the
mucous surfaces Tho perfect combination of tlio
tun Ingredients U wlut produces sueti wonderful re
sults In curing catarrh Hend fur testimonials, free.
r 1. Clin.VCV A CO , l'rops Uolcdn, o.
Bold by DnntKlstH, price 75c.
'rake Halls 1'umlly l'llls for constipation.
Itoms reproduced in the Shux City
Journal from tiles of twenty year
Deoembtr i!2, KSUli : The steamboat
Ciipitid Butt, nhieh has been lined by
the Pontoon Bridge company for the
P'ist mouth or so, lias been tied up at
Coviugtou aud will nut bo able to
reuoh winter quarters in Sioux City.
Decoraber i!5, 18'Jl!: Coungton
people will observe Christmas this
afternoon with an atliletie euteitain
inout and concert by the Twin City
Tandoliu club at the White House.
Try Solace At Our F.xpense
Money Back Tor any case of
Uhounuitisiu, Neunilgia or
lleiiduclu1 that iSoluco
Kails to Koliovu
SOLACE REMEDY In a rci'out liloilh'itl
illbL-oMuy of tliri'O ilnrinaii Si'leullslN that
iivutrallzi's I'rloAolUnml imrllli'stlio liluoit,
it Is ussy tij, take, ami Hill not ulToet tlie
iioakest Ktoiimoh.
It li Kunruntt't'tl uiuler tlu I'uin foott ami
Diiiu Law to lie alisiiliitul fie of opiates 01
harmful ilruus of any ilcst'ilutltm.
SOLACE Is a pluti MH'elMo In tablet form
and has Ih'cii iiiihiii binml nuostlnn to l
thu kiirost ami nutcki'il ti'inoilj for 1'ile
Aelil tumbles known to inoilU'iil seleuee, no
matter how Iiiiik HtaiutliiK. It reaehestiuil
rtunoes tho loot of the. tiouble UTilo Aclil)
anil inirllles tho bliuxl. .
THE SOLACE CO, ot Hattlo Ureek ale
thu hole II. r. Auonts anil haiooiur luo
thousaiul voluutary testimonial letteis
iihleh haio been leeelieil from itiateful
people. SOLACE has lestoreil to health.
Testimonial letters, llteiaturo ami FREE
DOX sent upon neiiuest.
H, l.eu Morris, liioslileut of the Kiist Na
tional tianlc of (Mileo, Texas, m rote tho Sul
ace Ooinpnny as follows:
"I want you to semi a box of Solaeu to my
father Iu Memphis, Toon., for which 1 en
close II. This remeily has 1miiii tiseil by
Htinm frleiuls of mlmt here ami l only hope
It Mill bonettt my father as It luu them,
(Slmieil i It. Ij. Mori lb.
Tut up lii?6t'.D0oiilut $!.( boxes.
SOLACE,"NoSpeelal rreatment.rieheiiies
or Keoi." Just SOLACE alone iloos Ihu
Mink. W'rllo tmliiy for the fteo box.et .
SOLACE REMEDY CO., Untile ('H'ek.
Pastor Rcsssell on Fruit ot tlio
Gospel In Louisville.
!"ho Passing of the Year Suggests the
Closing of the Present Age The
Dawning of New Year Reminds Us
of New Epoch Which God Has Prom
isedDawning of New Era Is Mani
fest to All, but Understood by Few.
Louisville, Ky
Dec. 21). P n s t o r
Russell delivered
two uddrcsses here
today. Woreportonu
from tho text: "He
that sat upon the
Throne suid, He
boid, I make ull
things now." Reve
lation, xxl, 5.
Pnstor Russell du-
yHTtmrmno!. tmxrj cinietl Hint 1110 pnSS-
PASTOR. RUSSELUJ lug of the yenr II-
iiistrnicit tlio puss
lng of tho Ages. Labor with sweat of
face hntl culiulnated In harvests. Rrnm
bles, thorns and thistles had been
gnthered and burned. These burnings
nre little Gehenna llres, or Ures of de
struction, by which all things Injurious
will bo destroyed. In business, the
closing year is marked by taking slock,
reckoning profit nnd loss, tlechirlui;
dividends, advancing faithful servants
and discharging the unsatisfactory.
The Pastfor likened these matters to
thu elusion of one Age and tho open
ing of another. It Is -his opinion that
we live In the lapping of the Gospel
Age and the Millennium. He believes
that modern Inventions are foregleatns
of Messiah's Kingdom.
The Day of Reckoning.
God Is bringing Christendom to a
great day of reckoning. The Gospel
of the Kingdom was preached for the
purpose of gathering an Elect people
to be the Rrido of Christ and bear Ills
name. (Acts xv. 11). Incidentally, a
great mass of professors have associat
ed thoni'-.ehes with the saints of God.
but hnie neier been begotten of the
Holy Spirit. In the end of the Age, a
separation must take place, and the
effect will be a general time of trouble.
The Harvest of the Jewish Age pic
tured the closing of this Gospel Age.
Then- "wheal" was Mpnillted from
"ihaff." Iu the Harvest of this Age.
"wheat" will be separated from "tares."
The wheat of the Jewish Age. or
"Israelites Indeed," were gathered to
the garner of Divine favor, by the be
getting of the Holy Spirit. The wheat
of this Gospel Age will be gathered
Into the Heavenly garner by the Klrst
Resurrection. The chuff of the Jewish
Ago was burned us respects hopes and
prospects. Similarly, all tares, or Imi
tation Christians, will be destroyed in
the Kcnse of having their hopes nnd
prospects us tho Elect wiped out.
The Pastor said that MesMuh will
make all things new by ushering In the
New Dispensation and enforcing right
eousness by Divine Power. For a long
lime Rible students were confused on
this subject. They thought Unit God,
not content with seeing suffering and
distress in the present life, had pie
pnrod mi eternity of toiture at the
hands of (Itoproof demons for all the
non elect.
Now, the eyes of our understanding
aie opening to see God's Love. Now,
we see that Satan, "the prince of this
world." "the god of this world," Is
blinding nil except God's Elect blind
lug them In respect to God's real char
acter and purposes. (U Corinthians iv,
I.) He has taken advantage of human
weakness, and appearing "as an angel
of light." has deceived u, sometimes
using ministers of Christ and college
presidents mi Ids unwitting tooK
Satan has Interwoven with our theol
ogy what St. Paul styles "doctrines of
demons." li Timothy iv, 1.) Many
serve him ignoruntly. "not knowing the
Serlptwes. nor the Power of God.'
.leMis declines that He will bind Satan,
"that he may deceive the people no
more until the thousand years" or the
Kingdom be "llnished."
"I Make All Things New."
Tho liist thing that Messiah will
make new will be the "Heavens" the
Church iu glor.i. The net thing made
new nill be the "earth" society recon
structed along the lines of righteous
ness. Evidently tho Lord does not mean
that there Mill be u new Heavens of
Divine abode, or a neiv physical earth.
St. Peter decline-. Hint tho present
"earth" will be consumed by "lire."
ill Peter III. HU The heat of tiugt'i
passions, already engendered between
the elements of society, will before
long break forth lu "lire." to destroy
the picscnt order of things This strife
will extend to the ecclesiastical struc
ture, so (hut the present "heavens, be
ing on lire." shall pass away. Then
the Prince of Glory will establish "the
New noons nnd Earth" the new so
cial older bused on Justice and Love.
Let us remember, however, that all
profe-slng the name of Christ now
stand before Ills Judgment teat, to
give ncLoiint of our conduct as pro
fessed members of the Church of the
I'lrst horns Some with Joy will hear.
"Well done, good and faithful servant!
Enter thou Into the Joys of thy Loul."
Others will hear the Master's voice say
ing. Depart from Me. 1 cannot recog
nize you In My nuino yo prophesied
(preuehedi. cast out devils nnd did inar
elniis works Rut ye were servants
nf Satan and accomplished Iniquitous
work, even though ye called it Mine.
Mutt ill. l-'J:'.: Luke vl. -10; UI. ti.VJS.
Winter Friends
For Your Feet
Comfort in bad weather
will be yours if you let us
help you in tho selection
of rubber sandals, arctics,
boots anything in the
rubber footwear line.
It doesn't pay to be in
different in the purchase of
these articles when the best
costs no more.
Steel Wool Sole Rubbers
represent the highest quality
of materials, the greatest skill
in manufacture, the largest
measure of comfort.
The Steel Wool Soles
which 'have fine strands of
steel vulcanized into the heel
and sole give remarkable
Anything in rubber boots and shoes at this store for men,
women, children in a variety that will enable you to find what
you want.
East of the Court House for the Best in
I Wines, Liquor
Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies.
Nilifc Beer
1 Henry Krumwicd,
Bottle ot- Keif
Dakota City. Ntbrmka
The Dakota County Herald
Daily Journal-Stockman 5
both ono year at regular prico ol tho Journal-Stockman alono
What is tie Worth?
How can you tut run market Miluc out
of oui Cattle, Hoks, Sticuii. (Irani, Hay.
etc, unlcHS von fi't H'o nfflrlnl iiuirkvt
report if the l)ail HroxuiH Juuinal
ritoi Kniiin
To bell unythlniT tor luss than it l
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