Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 20, 1912, Image 6

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Oeorga Perctval Algernon Jones, vlce
frtildent ot tin Metropolitan Oriental Hug
company of New York, thirsting for ro
teranco, li In Cairo on a business trip.
An Affable Rogue.
Tie carriage containing tho gcntlo
man with tho reversible cuffs draw up
fct tho side entrance. Instantly tho
iArab guides surged and cddlod round
him j but their clamor broke against a
composure as effectlvo ns granlto. Tho
roar was almost directly succeeded by
a low Kursle. ns of little) waves reced
ing. Tho proposod victim had not
cpoken a word; to tho Arabs It was
not necessary; In oomo manner, subtlo
and Indescribable, they recognized a
brother. Ho carried a long, cyllndrl
al bundle wrnppod In heavy paper
variously secured by windings of thick
rwlno. His regard for this bundle was
tmo of tender solicitude, for he tuotsd
it under his arm, cumbortomo though
It was, and waved anldo tho carriage
porter, who was, however, permitted
b carry In the kit-bag.
Tho manager appeared. When comes
Jm not upon tho scene? His quick,
calculating eyo was not wholly ni
ured. Tho stranger's homespun was
travel-worn and time-worn, and of a
put popular to tho season gono tho
Ear before. No fat letter of credit
ere, was tho not unreasonable) conclu
sion reached by tho manager. Still,
lth that caution acquired by years
of experlonoo, which had culminated
fa what Is known as Swiss diplomacy,
ji brought Into being the accustomed
Salutatory smile and inquired if the
Hentleman had written ahead for res
ervation, otherwise it would not be
poselblo to accommodate him.
"1 telegraphed," crisply.
"Tho name, if you please 7"
"Ryanne; spoiled R-y-a doubte-n .
Have you over been in County Clare?"
"No, sir." Tho manager added a
nueotion with the uplift of his eye
brows. "Well," was tho enlightening an
swer, "you pronounce it as they do
Tho manager scanned tho llttlo slip
pf paper in his hand. "Ah, yes; we
have reserved a room for you, sir.
The French style rather confused me."
This was not offered in irony, or sar
casm, or satire; mining In a Swiss
brain for tho saving grace of humor
Is about as remunerative as the ex
traction of gold from sea-water. Nev
ertheless, the Swiss has tho talent of
fcwlftly subtracting from a confusion
ot ideas one point of illumination:
there was a quality to the stranger's
tone that decided him favorably. It
was tho voice of a man in the habit
of being obeyed; and in these days it
as tho power of money alono that
obtained obedience to any man. Re
rand this, tho same nebulous cogita
tion that had subdued tho Arabs out
side acted likewise .upon him. Here
.was a brother.
"I will see, sir." Tho raanagor sum
moned a porter. "Room 208."
Tho porter caught up the omowhat
collapsed kit-bag, which had in all evi
dence received some rough usage in
Its time, and reached toward the roll.
Mr. Ryanna interposed.
"I will boo to that, my man," torse-
"Yes, air."
"Whero is your guest-Hat?" de
manded Mr. Ryan'ns of tho manager.
"The head-portors bureau, sir. I
Win seo If you have any mall." The
manager passed into his own bureau
It Was rather dlffloult to tell whether
W man was an American or an Eng
Ushman. His accent was western, but
Ms manner was decidedly British. At
any rate, that tone and carrlago must
p baationed by good English sover
eigns, or for onoe his Judgment was
at fault.
Tho porter dashed upstairs. Mr
Ryanno. fate huudlo ctill snug undr
tola i arm, sauntered over to the head
porter's buuau and ran his glanc Up
and down tho columns of visiting
cards. Once ho noddod with approval,
and again he smiled, having dlscoyl
ered that whloh Bent a ripple across
his sleeping senso of amusemont Ma
jor Callahan, room 206; Fortune Ched
boye, 205; George P. A. Jones, 210
Tliul tht, Major smells or CouW
Antrim and the finest whisky in all
the Isle. Fortune Chedsoyo; that is a
pleasing name; tinkling brooks, the
vravins green grasses in the mead
owe, the kine in the water, the fleet
lag shadows under the oaks; a pas
jtoral, a bucollo name. To claim For
tone for mine own; a happy thouiht"
As ho uttered these poesy expres
sions aloud, in a voice low and not un
Pleasing, for aU that It was banter.
log. the head-porter stared at him with
m&gUng doubt and alarm; and as if
t pronounoe these emotions mutely
"?. h ? t0 a their widest
"Tut, tut; that's all right, porter. I
an mrsed with the habit of speaking
S7 inmost thoughts. Some persons
art afflloted with Insomnia; Borne fall
VSSr1 l th,nk onllr' ,"t-
The porter then understood that he
-was dealing not with a species of
mid lunacy, but with that kind of
light-hearted cynicism upon which
tho world (as porters know it) ha4 set
Its approving seal. In brief, he smiled
faintly; and if he bad any pleasantry
to pass in turn, the approach ot the
manager, now clothed metaphorically
in deferentialism, relegated it to
tho Umbo of things thought but left
"Hero Is a letter for you, Mr. Ry.
anne. Have you any more luggage?"
"No." Mr, Ryanne smiled, "ghall
J pay for my room In advance?"
"Oh, no, Mr!" Ten years age tae
tMu;r vould have blushed at kT
ing been bo misunderstood. "Your
room Is 208."
"Will you have a boy show mo tho
"I shall myself nttend to that If
tho room Is not what you wluh it
may bo exchanged."
"Tho room Is tho ono I telegraphed
for. I am superstitious to n. degree.
On thrco boats I hnvo hnd flno state
rooms numbered 208. Twice tho num
ber of my hotel room has been tho
pnmo. On tho InBt voyage thcro were
208 pasBongors, and tho captain bad
mado 208 voyages on the Mediterra
nean." "Quito a coincident"
"Ah, if roulette could bo played with
such a certainty."
Mr. Ryanno sighed, hitched up his
bundle, which, being hoavy, was begin
ning to wear upon his arm, and signi
fied to tho manager to lead tho way.
As they vanished round pie corner
to tho lift, tho head-portor studied tho
guest-list He had looked over it a
domn times that day, but this was the
first instanco of his bolng really In
terested In It As his chin was fresh
ly shaven ho had no stubble to stroko
to exclto his mental processes; so
ho fell back, as we Bay, upon tho con
soling ends of his abundant mus
tache. Curious; but all these persons
were occupying or about to occupy
adjacent rooms. Thoro was truly
nothing mysterious about It, savo that
tho stranger had picked out theso very
names ns a target for hla banter. For
tuno Chedsoye; It wu rather an un
usual namo; but as sho had arrived
only an hour dr bo before, ho could
not distinctly recnll her features. And
then, there was that word bucolic.
Ho mcntnlly turned It over and over
as physically ho was wont to do with
post-cards left In his caro to mall.
Ho could mako nothing of tho word,
except that It amacked of tho East
Indian plnguo.
Hero ho was saved from further
cerebral agony by a timely Intcrrup
tlon. A man, who was not of bucolic
persuasion either In dress or spcoch,
urban from tho tips of his blcnchod
fingers to tho bulb of his bibulous
nose, leaned across tho counter and
naked If Mr. Horaco Ryanno had yet
arrived. Yes, uo had just arrived; ho
was even now on his way to his room.
Tho urban Kontleman noddnrl. Thn
with a finger slim and well-trimmed,
ne trailed up and down tho guest-list
"Hal I ace that you lmv ih rnt
of What-d'-ye-call from Ormnny here,
I'll give you my card. Send it up to
Mr. Ryanno. No hurry. I Bhall bo in
again after dinner."
Ho bustled off toward the door.
Ho was pursy, well-fed, and decently
dressed, tho Bort of a man who, when
he moved in any direction. nmntH th
impression that ho had an important
engagement somowhero else or was
paring minutes from tlmo-tables. For
a man In his business It wn n ivnr
expedlpnt, dnoolvlnu all but those who
Know him. Ho hesitated nt tho door,
Ran His Clanoe Up and Down
however, as if he had changed his
mind in the twenty-odd paces it took
to rach it He stared for a long
period at the elderly gentleman who
was watching the feluccas on tho
river through the window. The white
mustache and imperial stood out in
crisp relief against the ruddy sunburn
on his faoe. If he was aware of thU
scrutiny on the part of the pursy gen
tleman, he gave not the least Btgn.
The revolving door spun round, send
ing a puff of outdoor air into tho
lounglng-room. The elderly gentleman
then smiled, and applied his thumb
and forefinger to the waxen point of
his lmportal.
In tfe Intervening tlmo Mr. Ryanne
entered his room, threw the bundle
on the bed, sat down beside it, and
read his letter. Shadows and lights
moved across his faoe; frowns that
hardened it smiles that mellowod it
Women bold the trick of writing let
tors. Do thy bats, their thoughts
flash and bun from line to line. Do
they love, 'tis lettered muals. Do they
conspire, the breaitb of tbsdr imagi
nation Is wUbavt horisoB. At best
nam eaa Udlte only a polite business
tester, kla lavs ire adjudged
Avifkor of HEARTS And .TASttfi
Ofe M& On THE 3C$C .
lllvisfraiiaivj by AI.G.Kktttr- . .
long since a maudlin collection, of
looso sentences. In this letter Mr. Ry
anno found tho three parts of lifo.
"She's a good general; but hang
these brimstone efforts ot hors She
talks too much of heart. For my part,
I prefer to rcsnrd It as a mero phys
ical function, a pump, a motor, a pow
er that gives action to tho legs, clthor
In coming or In going, moro especially
In going." Ho laughed. "Well, hers
Is tho inspiration and hers la tho law.
And to think that nho could plan nil
this on tho spur of tho moment, down
to tho minutest detail! It's a sclonco "
Ho put the letter away, slid out his
logs and glared at tho dusty tlpB of
his shoes. "Tho United Romance and
Adventure Company, Ltd., of New
York, London, and Paris. Sho baa-tho
greatest gift of all, tho sense of hu
mor." He roso and opened his kit-bag
doubtfully. Ho rummaged about in
tho depths and at last straightened
up with a mild oath.
"Not a pair of cuffs In the wholo
outfit, not a shirt, not a collar. Oh,
well, when a man has to leavo Bagdad
tho way I did, over tho back fenco,
so to speak, linen doesn't count"
Ho drew down his cuffs, detached
and reversed them, ho turned his fold
ing collar wrong-Hldo out, and used
tho under side of the foot-rug as a
shoo-pollBher. It yan tho Ingenious
procedure of a man who was used to
being out lute nights, who mado all
thing3 answer nil purposes. This rapid
and (singularly careless toilet com
pleted, ho centered his concern upon
tho moro vital mattor of finances. Ho
was closo o tho nadir: four sover
eigns, a florin, and a collection of bat
tered coppers that would have tickled
tho pulso of an amateur numltmiaUHt
"No vlntngo to-night, my hoy; no
long, fat Havana, elthor. A bottle of
stout and a few rags of plug-cut;
that's tho pace we'll travel this ovo-
ning. Tho United Romance and Ad
Yiittir Company la not listed nt pres
ent If It was, I'd sell a few shares
on my own hook. Tho kind Lord
knows that I've stock enough and to
spare." Ho laughed again, but with
out the leaven of humor. "When the
fool-killer snatches up the last fool,
let rogues look to themselves; and
fools are getting scarcer overy day.
"Pcrclval Algernon I O ago of po
ets! I wondor, does ho wear high col
lars and spats, or has Bho plumbed
him accurately? She is generally
right But a man changes some in
soven years. I'm an authority when It
comes to that. Look what's happened
to'mo In seven ycaral First, Horace,
we shall dlno, then wo'll smoke our
plpo In tho billiard-room, then wo'll
softly approach Peielval Algernon
tho Columns of Visiting Cards.
and introduco him to SInbad. This In.
dopemlent excursion to Bagdad was
a stroke on my part; It will work luto
tho ceneral nlan ns smoothly nn If It
had been groovod for tho part SInbad.
I might Just as well have assumed
that name: Horace SInbad, sounds
well and looks well." Ho mused in
silence, his hand gently nibbing bis
chin; for ho did poBsosa tho trick of
talking aloud, In a low monotono, a
habit acquired during periods ot lone
liness, whon tho sound of his own
voice had succeeded in steadying his
tottering mind.
What a woman, what a wife, she
would havo been to tho right man I
Odd thing, a man can do almost any
thing but direct his affeotlons; they
must bo drawn. Showas not for him;
nay, not even on a desert lslo. Doubt
less ho was a fool. In time she would
havo mado him a rich man. Alack I
It was always tho one we pursued
that wo loved and novor the ono that
pursued us.
"I'm afraid of her; and there you
are. There isn't a man living who
has gono back of that Mona Lisa smile
of hers. If sho was the last woman
and I u th last man, I don't say."
Ho hunted for a cigarette, but failed
to find ono. "Almost at tho bottom,
boy; tho winter of our discontent, and
no sun of York to mnko it glorious.
Twenty-four hundred at cards, and to
loao It llko a tyrol Wallace has taught
mo all ho knows, but I'm a booby.
Twenty-four hundred, Ann's monoy.
It's a falling of mine, tho firm's monoy.
But, damn It all, I can't choat a man
at cards; I'd rather cut his throat"
Ho found his pipe, and a careful
search of tho corners of hla coat-pockets
revealed a meager pipeful of to
bacco. Ho picked out tho llttlo balls
of wool, tho ground-coffoe, tho cloves,
and pushed the chargo homo Into tho
crusted bowl of his briar.
"To tho devil with economyl A
pint of burgundy and a perfecto if
thoy halo us to Jail for it I'm dead
tired. I'vo seen threo corners In hell
In tho past two months. I'm going as
far as four sovereigns will tako me.
. . . Fortune Chedsoyo." His blue
eyes became less hard and his mouth
less doflant. "I repeat, tho heart
should bo nothing but a pump. Oth
erwise it gets In the way, becomes w
obstruction, a bottomless pit. Will
power, thnt's tho ticket 1 can face a
Hon without an extra heat, I can face
the various countenances of death
without an additional flutter; and yot,
hero's a girl who, when I see her or
think of her, sends tho pulso soaring
from soventy-seven up to eighty-four.
Hnd business; besides, It's bo lnfor
nally unfashionable. It's hard work
for a man to keep his balance 'twlxt
tho devil and tho deep, bluo sea; Glo
conda on ono side and Fortuno on tho
other. Gloconda throws open windows
and doors nt my approach; but For
tuno locks and bars ners, nor knuuku
at mine. That's tho way It always
"If a man could only go back ten
Everything Worth While Seemed to
years and tako a now start. Ass!"
balling his fist at tho reflection In tho
mirror. "Snivel and whluo over tho
bed of your own 'making. You had
your opportunity, but you listened td
tho popping of champagne corks, tli
muttor of cards, tho inane drivel of
chorua-ladles. You had a decent col
lego record, too. Bah! What a gullo-
' lt
, m
ff Try Giving Joy to Others
Shedding of 8unthlne Will Be Found
to Have Go6d Effect on Those
Who Practice It
It was Mr. Barrio who quaintly said:
"Women who bring sunshine into tho
Hot ot others cannot keep it from
That Is a roolpo to learn and npply.
If you will not try to bo a apreador of
Joy for tho Joy It gives do jiOjfroin
selfish motivos.
Girls may think this farfetched.
Their one thought is to snatch at Joy
tor tnouiBolvoa. It takes experience,
porhaps bitter oxporlenoe, to loam
that tho Joy that counts most la tho
one with a rebound. Llko a rubber
bull, tho harder you throw it tho
qutoker It returns.
Tho girl who starts on a Joy quest
for herself cannot say; "I'll bo nice to
poor Maria, she has had Buch a atupld
timo," and then go about her sunshine
shoddlng with patronizing airs. She
may give Joy, but the chanoes are that
her patronage will bo folt and relent
ed. Tho sunshine that counts glows
in the heart and must come out
One need not go Into sunshine soci
loss fool you were! You ran on, didn't
you, till you found your neck In tho
loop nt the end of tho ropo? And
perhaps that soft-footed, CBtlmablo
brother of yours didn't yank It taut as
a hangman's? You heard tho codicil;
into one ear and out tho othcr. Even
then you had your chanco; patience
for two short years, and a million. No,
a thousand times no. You know what
you were about, empty-headed fool!
And today, two pennies for a dead
man's eyes."
Ho dropped his fist dejectedly.
Where had tho first step begun? And
whero would bo the last? In sonio
drab corner, possibly; drink, mor
phine, or starvation; he'd never havo
tho courago to finish It with a bullet
Ho was terribly bitter. Everything
worth while seemed to havo slipped
through his fingers, his pleasure-loving
"Come, come, Horaco; buck up.
Still tho ruby kindles In tho vine. No
turning back now. Wo'll go on till wo
como bang! against tho wall. There
may bo somo good bouts between hero
and there. I wondor what Gloconda
would say if sho know why I was so
eager for this game?"
Ho went down to dinner, and they
gave him a table In an obscure corner,
as a cub tie reminder that his stylo was
passe. Ho didn't care; ho was hungry
and thirsty. Ho could seo nearly overy
ono, ever. If only a few could bco him.
This was somewhat to his vantage. Ho
endeavored to pick out Perclval Alger
non; but there wero too many high
collars, too many monocles. So ho
contented himself with a mild philo
sophical observance of the scene. The
murmur of voices, rising as the wall
of tho violins sank, sinking as tho
wall roso; tho tinkle of glass nnd
china, the silver and linen, the pretty
women In their rustling gowns, the
delicate perfumes, tho flash of an
arm, the glint of a polished shoulder;
IiiIb was tho essence of life he coveted
He smiled at tho thought nnd the sure
knowledge that ho was not the only
wolf in tho fold. Ay, and who among
Have Slipped Through His Fingers.
thesQ dainty Red Riding Hoods might
bo fooled by a vulpine grandmother?
Tnith, when a fellow winnowed It all
down to n handful, thoro wero only
fools and rogues. If one was a fool,
tho roguo got you, and ho In turn de
voured himself.
Ho held his glass toward the table
lamp, uoved It slowly to and fro un-
eties to bask In tho rays of Joy giving.
Nor need that sunshlno be for out
siders. Sunshine-shedding, like char
ity, can profitably begin at homo. It
Is not bo exciting, perhaps, to try to
brighten the Uvea of mother or small
brother or slstor as It Is to bo a Lady
Bountiful, but tho reflex action Is
quite as strong.
Try shedding sunshine wherever you
arc Do not let a day pass without do
ing aorao llttlo thing to brighten that
day for somo one olso, and you will
find your day moro Joyful.
Mystery of tove.
If a man should importuno me to
give a reason why I loved him I find
it could no otherwise be expressed
than by making answer, because it
was he; becauso it was I. There is
boyond all that I am able to say, I
know not what Inexplicable and fated
power that brought on this union.
Immense Flottlng Drydooka.
A floating drydook with a lifting ca
pacity ot thirty thousand tons has
bees built for the British admiralty.
dcr his nose, eplcureanly; then U
sipped the wine. Something llkel It
ran ncroes his tonguo and down his
throat In tingling fire, ncctarlous; and
ho went half way to OlympuB, to the
feet of tho gods. For weekB he had
lived In tho vilest haunts, in desperate
straits, his lifo in his open hands; and
now once more ho had crawled from
the depths to tho outer crust of the
world. It did not matter that ho was
destined to go down into tho deptliB
again; so long as the spark burned
ho was going to crawl back each tlmo
Damnable luck! He could have lived
llko a prince. Twenty-four hundred,
and nil In two nights, n steady stream
of gold Into the pockets of men whom
ho could have cheated with consum
mate enso, and didn't A fino wolf,
whoso predatory Instincts wero still
riveted to that obsolete thing called
"Conscience? Rot! Lot us for
onco bo frank and wrlto It down no
caution, as fear of publicity, anything
but tho white guardian-angel of the
Immortality of tho soul. Heap up the
gold, Apollyon; heap It up, higher and
higher, till not a squeak of that still
small voice that once awoke the chap
in tho Old Testament can ever again
bo heard. Now, no moro retrospection,
Horace; no moro analysis; tho vital
question simmers down to this: If
Perclval Algernon balks, how far will
four sovereigns go?"
The Holy Yhlordes.
George drank his burgundy peifunc
torlly. Had it been astringent ns the
native wine of Corsica, he would not
havo noticed it. Tho llttltf- nerves
that ran from his tongue to his brain
had temporarily lost the power of com
munication. And all because of tho
Rirl across the way. He couldn't keep
his eyes from wandering in her di
rection. She faced him diagonally.
She ato but little, and when the elder
ly gentleman pouted out for her a
glass of sauterne, sho motioned It
nslde, rested her chin upon her fold
ed hands, and stared not at but
through her vis a-vls.
It wub a lovely head, topped with
colls of lustrous, light brown hair;
an oval face, of white and roso and
Ivory tones; scnrlet lips, a small, reg
ular nose, and a chin tho soft round
ness of which hid tho resoluto lift to
it. To these attributes of loveliness
wan added a perfect form, the long,
flowing curves of youth, not tho abrupt
contours of maturity. Georgo couldn't
recollect when he had been so im
pressed by a face. From the moment
sho had stepped down from tho car
riage, his Interest had been drawn,
and had grown to such dimensions
that when ho "entered tho dining-room
his glance Immediately searched for
her table. What luck in finding her
across tho way! Ho questioned if ho
had ever seen her before Thoro was
something familiar; the delicate pro
file stirred some sleeping memory but
did not wake It.
How to meet her, and when ho did
meet her, how to interest her? If she
would only drop her handkerchief, her
purse, something to give him an ex
cuse, an opening. Ah, ho was certain
that this tlmo tho hydra-headed ono
should not overcome him. To gain
her attention and to hold It, ho would
havo faced a Hon, a tiger, a wild-elephant
T diagnose these symptoms
might not ho fair to Georgo. "Love
at first sight" reads well and sounds
well, but we hoary-headed philoso
phers know that tho phrase Is only
poetical license.
Once, and only once, she looked In
his direction. It swept over him with
the chill of a winter wind that ho
meant as much to her as a tree, a
fenco, a meadow, as seen from tho
window of a speeding railway train.
But thin observation, transient as it
was, left with him the Indelible im
pression that her eyes were the sad
dest ho had ever seen. Why? Why
should a young and beautiful girl have
eyes like that? It could not man
physical weariness, else tho face
would In some way havo expressed It.
The elderly man appeared to do hla
best to animate her; he was kindly
nnd courteous and by the gentlo way
ho laughed at intervals was trying to
bolBter up tho situation with a Jest or
two. The girl never so much as smiled,
or shrugged her shoulders; she was as
reaponslvc to Uipsa overtures as mar
bio would have been.
Surprise Boxes In 8hark Stomachs.
Fishermen In the Caribbean sea re
cently found in the stomach of a shark
which they had killed a good sized
bottle in which was a half-decipher-able
letter from a Bhlpwrecked oaflc-r.
Mnny such relics have been fouad, la
cno case a lady's bracelet was found
In a state of perfect preservation, to
gether with a silver spoon and a thou
sand Spanish reals In money. The
curious Teaturo of the finding of the
monoy was that it was in an official
receptacle lost In the city of Spanish
Town (Jamaica) during a negro upris
ing in tho seventeenth century. Where
had it been meantime? Surely not in
tho shark's stomach, unloas the shark
lives a much longer time (or some ot
them) than science has any reason to
supposo possible. On the other hand.
If in the sea it would have been ren
dered unrecognizable In a few weeks.
Had it been in the possession of some
ono shlpwreoked. why had it been left
Intact? The conclusion was inevit
able that the shark must have fished
It out from a compartment ot some
long-submerged vessel. Harper's
Uncle Pennywlse Bays:
Some of ub can laugh when the
Joke is on us; but nono of ub beUeve
In carrying that kind ot a Joke too far.
Whero Autos Are Barred.
Prlnco Edward Island baro automo
biles, not because tho Islanders can
not afford tho machines, but bncaUBO
of accidents caused by tho rceklnB
ne8s of drivers who brought In tho
first cars. They caused many run
aways, and a few had tragic endings.
Tho legislature nt onco passed a law
barring nutos from Ihe island. Somo
of tho loading cities havo sinco 6n
deavored to havo tho enactment re
pealed, but tho country lnfiuencoj has
always beon strong enough to ovor
como all such efforts.
Cruel, Cruel Answer.
"Seo, darling!" and Mrs. Justwod
held up for hor hubband's gazu three
mirrors arranged bo as to givo na
many reflections. "I can got a trlplo
view of myself." "Humph!" gurgled
her bruto of a man, struggling with
his collar. "You seem to bo qultet
popular with yourself I" Judgo.
Accounting fpr It.
"What makes Joggs so chesty?"
"Tho only thing I can thing of is
that ho lives In a houso with a
swell front"
A scientist has discovered that the
onion is n euro for love.
Method will tench you to win tlmo.
Free Ilomoatoadg
in the new Districts of
lnnltoba, Baskalcbo
nan and Alberta tbers
uro thousands of tree
Homesteads left, which
to the man maklngentrr
In 8 rears time will be
worth t rom I3J to GS per
acre, Thene lands are
Well aduuted to crn.ln
growing and cattle raising.
In many cases the rnllwnjs In
Canada hare been ballt In ad
vanco of setUement, and In a
short time thero will not be a
settler who need bo mor tlmu
ten or twolre miles from a line
of railway. Haljwar Rates are
reeulalea bj Uovernnient Commission-Social
The American Bttlerlathomo
In Western Canada. Helsnoia
st ranger I n a stm ngo land, bar
Ing nearlj- a million ot bis own
people, already settle thero if
you desire to know why thncon
altlon ut tho CnnadlanScttlerls
prosperous wrlto and send Xor
uteruture, rates, etc, to
J. M. Mldidilxi, Driwtf 57S,Ci!cri8wn, S. 0.
M. CASCETT, 31S JidW SL. St. CkI, llliu.
Canadian Governmcnf.Agonts, or
address Superintendent of
Immigration, Ottawa, Cum.
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of the Northwest"
Mid-West Bank
Hail villi
IfeaxCr.'s. "TJul Atway Treats Yea Right."
Superior Service Sura Safetj Liberal Interest
Pool & Billiard Tables
Iceless Fountains
B. H. Jenklnton Co -421-423 Pearl St.. SlouxCitt. la.
Sioux City Stock YardB, Iowa
(00 Cockerels for sale, tl M, COO, J3.00. Pullets it 00 to
I1.2&. Good breading stock on hand at nil times.
Uarden and farm soeds Poultry sapnllns. dogs,
S2itflLBi-.JV!K uclc wnitTSf juru ss
BEKD STOIIK, 4th & Pearl bt-.bloai CI ty.Ta.
Ask for ono of our 1J13 calendars
Live Stock Commission Mercbantu at
SIOUX CITY. Chicago or Hanmas City
Now Open for Business. 250 Rooms.
Absolutely Fireproof. Rates $1 and Up.
JJvo Stock Commission Merclumts
Room 209 Exchange Building
Sioux City Stock Yards Sioux City, Iowa
Kudsuii &S:55:-aey:r
Live Stock Commission
Soot Destroyer
Burns all toot by chemical action, and make
boileri, furnaces, stoves and pipes as clean as
new. If your dealer doesn't keep it write to
Johnson Compound & Chemtcsl Co.
318 3rd Street Sioux City, Iowa
Write or call on us for prices.
Full line of Photo Supplies for
Professionals and Amateurs.
Fresh and Up-to-Date. Address
Zimmerman Bf o& SI 5 PIcrcs SL. Sioux City, la.
Oscar JL Hob erg
410 Pierce Street
Martin Hotel Sioux City, lows
paJme& V
m M wm.i a. co. B
mW smiigmnss W
sHmSrfViMWKi W
Anto Phone 4141 Iowa Phone luiB
t MVimAiMaa Hefner Brothers?
Uvt Stick CimmltiUn Mirchanft
S.'SJt.Hf'?,1'' Wi St Me2" Cattle Salesmen.
ississskac lUd. Aeax a W.li. Betereaao tumlshoa.
. n c
.'"- fr Ta fcbiA -! )'
(iWiti-4t-"t -