ezr K r. lSSfcQ !k.V rfJO.Xr .r The. only Doting Powder II II - !B arHH II II it 11 flplLsiB Royal BakingPowder AbsolutelyPure 15 rfMKKl No Alum No Unto Phaophatmm SCHOOL NOTES. The Pliynics class are taking iloublu periods in laboratory work. They are studying specific gravity. Tho fifth und sixth grado havo learn ed a very pretty Christmas Bong and they siujr it well. The pupils nrn all juliilnnt over M.o prospects of 11 two weeks' Christmas mention ami uoue of the teachers nro objeeting to tlio vnoation. Wo notico from ono of the Omaha papers, tliatovor COO pupils of thu Omaha High School failed in their work the first homester. This is a much grcator poruentago of failures, wo beliuve, than tlie pcrceutage of tho average small town school. Probably ouu oaueo for so raauy failures in tho very uuiueruiiH high uuhool "fuuotioiib" so often found in large high schools, Tho ntorm windows woro put on tho first of tho week, Lelia Keller w3 absent from school Tuesday. Murie Ross was out of. school two days lust week . How to Bankrupt the Doctors. A prominent New York physician says, "If it wero not for the thin stock ings and thiu sold shoes worn by wo raou tho doctors would probably be bankrupt." When you contract a cold do not wait for it to develop into pneu monia but treat it at once. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy 'is inteuded es pecially for coughs and colds, and has won a wido reputation by its oures pf these diseases. It is most effectual and is ploasant und safe to take. Tor sale by all dealers. Adv. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Iliiukwnltei -Smith do to Krnost T Har ris ctal, 190 ncros In 20-27-8 $17i;w Luther E l'rlugtnnd wlto to Mattlo K Priest. vJ4 awii 115-27-7 5 N S Orr and wlfo to Dlancho Wnterbu- ry. lot 3, block I, Central So Soo City, 80 CHRISTMAS . GIFTS ', Jewelry Diamonds Silver Precious Stones Lamps Watches Leather Cut Glass Fine Stationery Will H. BECK Company ' Corner Fourth and Pierce Sts. The Pacific Grandest Railroad Journey in the World There are more than one hundred different ways to go or to come, out tne an-year way to uuitorma, tne way in one direc tion at least, is through the Denver gateway, with Scenic Colo rado and Salt Lake along the way. If you desire a more southerly route in winter, go via Den ver and the Santa Fe Grand Canyon Route, through New Mexico the way of Sunshine. If this is not far enough south, go through Kansas City and Texas, returning through Salt Lake and Scenic Colorado. But to realize the maximum possibilities as to scenery, cities, agricultural landscape and "travel educa tion" of this comprehensive tour, you should include the Shasta Route and the Pacific Northwest the Portland, Puget Sound and Spokane regions. In "Seeing America First" you see its mighty and magnifi cent half on a Pacific Coast tour. You should not only "See America First" but you should see all of it you can frum a Bur lington train. Sill ma made from Royal (SamTaitar. Real estate loans. Geo Wilkins Adv Finest candies made, at Dakota City Pharmacy. Kido Ream was down from Water bury over Sunday, Christmas trees, all sizes and kinds, at DalyjU City Pharmacy. Don't forgot Breuus coffee, it is still in tho lead. Van sells it. If you want to do some real oheer ins; this OliristnmH, buy Red CrosB Seals. Mrs W II Hoy visited Tuesday night at South Sioux City with Mrs Emma Harden. Home-mado tninco meat, lOo u ponud at Van do Zeddo's. Try u pound and jou will want more, Chan T Bailo was down from Wako field the latter part of laHt week look ing after his property interests. Every penny you invest iu Rod Cross OhiistmoB Seuls will bring to 7011, your friends and relativos l,unu per cent interest in health. Frod Culbertson let a frozen qaarter of baef full on his foot one day lust weak, and v.h n consnquenoe hn haB been laid up since. If Frod will toll us whero he hangs his beef wo will guarantee it won't fall so heavy on him next time. A very Buocessf ul bazaar, both social ly and financially was held last Friday afternoon and evening in tho court houso by tho ladios'aid of tho M-E church. A good crowd was in uttend uuce at tho supper'and the ladies re ceived many compliments on their cul inary efforts. A fine display of fancy work, as well as tho moro common and useUil articles, was evident, and everything ou display was disposed of. Coast Tour ft I) 1 flu NIB p . Local Items W. Iv. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr. L. W. Walklev, G V A, Omaha, Neb Oranborrics galoro ut Van's, and fruits of all kinds. Scott Roakwell was n visitor at Lincoln over Sunday. Dakota City Pharmacy hoadqunrters for all holiday supplies. Goody-Goody candy at Van's. Como and seo tho display for the holidays. Mrs Waddell of Allen is visiting hor daughter, Mrs Waldo Hoy, this week, Deputy U S Marshal John F Sides vus a business visitor ut Allen Tues day nipht. If you don't know where to get Red OroBH Christmas Bunts, ask ut tho postofllco. , Mrs C L Culler uccompauied hor htiBbaud tn their home at Ilartington last Saturday, All kinds of Christmas Candies and fancy boxes and uuts of all kinds, ut Van do ZoddiVs. Miss liouniu Harden, of South Hioux City, was a Suuday guest at tho Hoy home west of town. Leo O Kearney, cashier of tho Uauk of Dakota County, of Jackson, was n business caller hero Monday. v o have u bottor stock of Ilardvvaro etc, than wo over had, aud you will Qud our prices right. Sohriover Bros. E J ftloriu and Waltor Cheney woro passeDgers to Omaha Thursday where tho latter goes to consult an ear spec ilist. Mrs Bower Delaney, sistor of J F Hall, urrived horo Saturday from Diokiuson, N D, for a visit with rela tives, Let all tho boys como to tho M E Knepper grocery storo Saturday morn ing aud work for a prizo, besides learn ing to bo rustlers. Ed J Moriji, wifo and baby, camo down from Wynot Wednesday for n few days visit at tho Mrs Chonoy homo west of town. You aro neglecting your health if you don't buy Red Cross Ohristmus SeulB. The mouoy from theso go to protect you from tuberculosis. Hoyden W Davis, of Sioux City, and Miss Lillian BrigeI,of Lornars, la, 'woro maaried at tho Lutheran parson ago on the 10th iust, by Roy S L Kel lor. Tho M M Knepper grocery storo is offering a piizo of a handsome wutoh to bo given to the boy who baiugs in tho largest amount of orders beforo Chriismas. No neod of going to Sioux City for candies whon you can got tho best uandy manufactured in Sioux City at Van do Zoddo's, an tho sumo prico you pay there. Mrs John Blessing aud son George A and daughtor Boatrico, moved from their farm homo 111 Brushy Bend to their now rosidence in South Sioux City Wendesday. H O Hansen, of Hubbard precinct, aud James M King, of Homer, havo been drawn as petit juaora to servo at the January term of tho federal court (o bo held in Omaha. Kuymond Broyhill iulistod as n na vy rocruit this week ut Sioux City, und was sent to Omaha, from which place ho will be transferred to tho Pu ciflo coast. Sylvester Suuford applied for enlistment also but could not get the consent of his parents, Don Forbes camo in from Bullagh, Neb, last Friday for a weoks visit at the home of his mother, Mrs Libbio Forbes, north of town. Dou is think ing seriously of disposing of his farm at Ballngh aud returning to Dakota county to reside, School closes here today far a two weoks holiday vacation. Miss Thom as, assistant principal, goes to hor home ut Utica, Nob; Miss Snyder, to her homo at Pluttumouth. Neb; Miss Sinclair, to hor home at Lincoln, und Miss Sutherland to her homo ut Le murs, Iowa . Miss Hattio Christonrion, who has had charge of the board at tho tele phone station iu this place for tho past fow months, resigned her position and on Wednesday left for her homo ut Holden, Mo. Miss ftlinuio Burr, of Norfolk, will have charge of tho board temporarily. Tho annual report of County Clerk George Wilkins will show tho sale of 809 resident hunting and fishing li censes at $1.00 each; five non-resident fishing licenses at $2 00 each, aud four non-resident hunting aud fishing li censes at $10 00 each, a total of $350.00, which ho has turned ooer to tho state. County Clerk ,Geo Wilkins returned homo last Friday noon from Liuoolu, whero he went Monday to attend tho mroting of tho otato association of county olerks, cornnifsHionerH and ru porvisors. Ho also attonded a Shrine mtieting at Omaha Thursdaycvcning. Mis Wilkins, who accompanied him to Lincoln returned home Friday ovening, Tho annual Christmas services of Emmanuel und Salem Lutheran Sun day schools will bo given Sundny even ing the 22nd and Thursday ovening tho 20th rospeotivtly. A beauti ful program of appropriate songs and recitations is being prepared to bo ren dered upon tho occasion in both schools. An offering in tho interest of the Board of Education will bo made. AH aro invited to bo present. Job Hogan, of South Sioux City, lost seven hogs in a rathor mysterious mannor luBtThnrnduy night. A quan tity of Puris green was found iu tho feed trough und it was supposod thut thu hogH had been poieoiicd. Ho no tified the sheriff's force in this place, and also soutto nomor for the Rymill bloodhounds, but by tho time tho dogs urrived tho ground in tho vicini- uity of tho hog pen had boon tramped over so muoh that th hounds wero unable to work. No oluo to tho parties who did tho deed haB been found yet. William I) Horry, an old timo rea dout of Wayne county, died Decotn mm Dili, ut the home of his daughter iu Sioux City. His deuth was follow oil b$,tho sudden death of his sou, Frauk A Horry, of Wuyno, of thu law tl r 111 of Berry & Berry who dii'd sud denly iu u Hioux City hospital from a stroke of apoplexy following nn opera tion for curoiaomu. Mr Borry'H law partner, Frederick S Horry, was county attorney of this county for two yours, and is one of tho prominent lawyers in this part of tho state, Ho is counsel in tho Wm Fliogo cuko from Dixou county whero ho won gconsidorablo prominence. Tho Herald for News when it 1b Nows Earl Hooh hat purchased a plnoe uear Leeds, Iu, und is moving thereto, Go to Kneppers Grooery for jour Xntns trees, he has a nico assortment. Buy a good fnrm on the Dakota oountv bottom, I havo it. -Elmers. Adv. Gcorgo aud Frank Haase, of Emer son, woro visitors ut tne parental Homo hero Sunday . Mrs U W Long, of Wakefield, is visitlug hor daughter, Mrs Dean Corj nell, tliis week. Invitations nro out for a Bciul danco in tho Ayros hall noxt Friday evening, December 27th. Collins Bros otohes- tra has been engaged for tho occa sion . Ono of the humrsomost, na well as one of the most instruolivo calenders wo havo seen for this year, is that sent out by tho White & Wykoff Man- ufactunug Company, manufacturers of "Autoorut" nnd exclusivo corres- poudeuco stationery, Uolyokc, MasR, Thu lnrgo type, tho featuring of holi days And uotablo days of tho year, in threo-color prouens printiug, makes tho calendar a most douirublo one. A cal endar will bo mailed upon rocoipt of 10 cents in coin or U S stamps. Kit His Case Exactly. "When father was sick about six yours ago ho read nn advertisement of Chamberlain's Stomnah nnd Liver Tablets in thu paper that fit his case oxaotly," writes Miss Margaret Camp bell of Ft Smith, Ark. , "Ho purchas ed a box of thorn and ho has not boon Biok siuce". My sister hud stomach trouble nnd wus nlso benefited fj them." Sold by nil doalors. Adv, What Should the Legielature Do? Three prizos of $25, $15 and $10 oach, will bo paid for tho best ans wers to thin question reoeived nt this ofllco before January 1, 1918. Tho length of tho article will havo nothing to do with tho nwnrd, but uono of moio than 500 words will be consid ered . "What Should tho Legisluturo Do?" Send articles to Legislature, Statu Journal Co, Liuooln, Neb. CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. Hov. J.Orows, Pastor. Survives at the Methodist KpMcopul church every Sunday nt follows: I'leiioh Intt at 11 am: Suuilay school nt 10 a 111; class meeting IS 111; Hpworth I.caKuu d::k p nil preaching 7:!!U p 111. LUTHERAN. Hev, S. Ij. Kollur. 1 'as tor. DAKOTA OITY Sunday school ovory Sunday ntOMSn m: M13S Hlancno Hamilton, superintendent, prttttolilnx ut 7:W1 p in. vury Sunday. 8ALKM Preaching every Sunday nt 11 n in: Sun day school promptly nt 10 am. lM'.Cul bortson, superintendent. Tho public Is cordially Invited to all theso sorvlccs Cured of Liver Complaint. "1 was suffering with liver oom plaint," sayslva Smith of Point Blunk, Texas, "und docided to try u 25o box of Ohamberluin'e Stomach nnd Liver Tablets, aud am happy to say that I am completely cured aud can rocom mend thom to evory ono." For salo by nil dealers. Adv. Subscription Bargains "Ghc Herald and Now Idea Mngazino $1 Sionx City Dajly und Sunday Journal ." 5 without Sunday 4 to rural routo patrons 8 Iowa Homestead 1 Woman's World..... 1 Hampton's " 1 Lippincott'e " 2 California Woman Seriously Alarmed. "A short timo ago I coutruotod n Be- voro cold which Bottled on my lungB. nnd caused mo a greut deal of annoy auco. I would huvo bad coughing apella and my luugs wero bo soro aud iuilumed I begun to bo seriously alarm ed. A friond rocommondod Ohambor lain'B Cough Remedy, saying bIio had used it for years, I bonght a bottle and it relieved rhy cough tho first night, and in u wouk I wus rid of tho cold and soreness of my lungs," writes Miss Mario Qorber, Suwtello, Cul. For solo by all dealers, Adv. OFFER AN Investment In Health Every Consumptive Properly Cared for Inline Your til Agebut TuberculotU. . . . - Every Seal You Buy Helpt (o ProTi'dn Hotpilali, Sanatoria, Dls peiuarlei, and Vhlllna Nunei for the Care and Curo of Consumption in your com munity BUY RED CROSS SEALS AND PROTECT YOUR OWN HEALTH I For Sale at the Postoffice. , Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. o thy cannot roach the scat ( the illaciuie. Catarrh H a (iIochI or consti tutional illeesM', and in order to cure It you mtut take (ntrniM rimed li-s. Haifa Catarrh Cure M taken In. tcrnally, anil acts directly upon the blood and roucoui surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curo li not n quack inrdl cine. It was prescribed by one of tho beat phydclans In this country lor years anil Is a reirular prtmrlpllon. It Is composed ot tho best tonics known, combined with the best blood nurlntrs. actlnu directly on the mucous surfaces. The ..-rrwt combination of the two Umredlenu U what produces ruth vondrrful re sults in curini; catarrh. Hcnu lor leaiimoniais, tree. r. J. CIILNLV A. CO., Props . Toledo. O. Hold by DruKsrlsts, price 75c 'Jake Hall's Family puis fur constipation. R R Time Tablo C B& Q OVTll So. 01 Loo.ll I'rolpfht' 7 :16 am 17 " L'itHHeiiK('r..12:57i)u. NOHTII No 92 Loml Ytoight' 2 :26 pm 10 Local lUHH()tiKf-r.,0:ii() pm daily. daily ozrppt Suuday. Tho Herald, $1 por COMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS. (OFFICIAL) Dakota City, Nob, Deo 10, 1912. Tho? hoard of county commlssloncra met pursunnt to adjournment. Present, Thoinn Uiiiu, ehnlriimu: (loorno W'Thaek cr, Oliver W I'ishcr nnd Ueorsri' Wilkins, clerk. Tho followlim proceeding ware lind. to wn: Tho following bonds wero npproved by tho hoard: (JeorKo N OeorKonsoii, ovorscur district Noil. Phillip Vnn Otove, overseer district No 1. it M lA'rke, ovorcor district No 6. The following claims wero allowed oi tho county uoncral fund: .liiini's KiimiIoiii w linens fees In State Vm Doarllnr I !JI (Witness lorutcd this (eo fromcoail- J P Itookwoll, Justice court coiti. Statu vi DoorliiK, Stato v McUor illicit. Statovs Moore I' 04 Kred Schmidt, conntnhlu ice. Statu s Nelson, State vs HeartiiK ft:'") Krnnk Million, shcrlinees state vs Mc Ooruilck, State vs Knuon ft 60 Ii J Hoodsell, constahlo fees In Statu vs Uriu, State vs Pcderson 11 to Geo Hayes, polos, diamines, and road wik 8lO (let) Hayes, damiiKos to lend ly relo location SM li Maranrot A Murphy, salary aud ex pousuiiccount :n vl Flunk Muhoiw Mtlary for December and toll tor Outaiul Nov 11160 J P Itocl. well, deputy sher I IT's salary for December 40 00 Mell A Schmlud, Kill extracts from compulsory uuhool laws , U CO KuowllonA MaillllllB, DTOYMnu for Mis Ani1 Adams i!S 78 Kiiowltoiitt Munnlnit, provisions for Mnrtln Tldd 7 1X1 Knnwltnn ,t MauutiiR, provisions for O KMonroe.,.. W 10 Ooo Wilkins, hcitvutiKur record fees, court costs, expense nccount ftstt 17 James Kuestou, boardtuR prisoners and salary for December 1:1 ST 11.1 Nolan, claim for resetting fence, I.VI.W, allowed 23 eO Klnpp .t llartlett Co, Honoral election ballots , 81 00 Klnpp .t Hnrtlntt Uo, probate record. 25 W Mell A Sohmlod, prlntliiK tax list.... liW 40 1) M NulsuaiiKur. drugs aud paint,,.. 10 7S HS lVelo.fcUo.1 scrapers 11 U) It A HlohnrdsUo, 0 boxes carbon pa per & 10 Nebraska Institution for Feeble Minded Youth, euro of Sherman T Sayruand Martin Joyce 78 10 DO Kvnns, 2.UU stamped envelopes., 42 48 Kdunrds.t llrudfonl Lbr Uo, bridge matorlal, otu 80 35 Kloppfc llartlett Uo, scavenger cash book 20 60 Klopp.ljliartlottUo.legrtl blanks 1122 J .1 MoAllster.llrd nunrter salary 200 (K) Mrs Johli llaohort, nursliiK Thomp son an.l MoKenzle 'S US Austin-Western Uo Ltd. ouu Austin uvorsed grader 225110 John Jensen, appraising road dam ages 2 1X) John Hartnett, santu 2 0" Herman House miiiio .., 2 (XI Ira Waddell, hamu D Ul Tlio following claims were allowed on thu road district fund: .outs Iinrscn, road work,dlstNol.,..J IN tX) liouls I'edersou.same.dlstl .... M 25 J lll.uku,Hiimo, dlst II) Ill 60 .lames MeUornilek, same, dlst7 .. . tH Ul PO Vim Oluvu, NMino, illst 1 15 75 Uhiis Smith, same, dlst 4 67 1X1 Oarl lllrsuh.'xaliie, (list In , ill 50 OhrMMIUer, saino.dlst 17 10 00 Ohrls Hanson, same, dlst 17 a 00 Kerdeuaud Ktihl, same, dlst 17 H txi Otto Swauson, same, dlst 17,.... 2 IX) Wm WUklo. same, dlst 17 il ) Ohils Key. Batno.dlst 17 1 Ul M U Thorn, same, dlst 17 10 00 lleuey Olou, samu.dlst 17.,, 7 00 Jolui Ithnde, sainxi dial 17 2 00 Wm lllede.snmo, dlst 17 8() Fritz nioe.Kiiiiiu, dlst 17 I U) Geo W Hates, miiiio, (list 2 122 50 Cloo V Dates, sumo, dlst 2 10 no Olay Arinbrlght. Hiiuio. Ulst2.. ., 15 75 Win Lorouz, same, (list 2 II 60 K PUulbertsoii, same, Ust2 .., . 24 oil Fred lleerniann, Jr sanio, dint 2., ...... 11 (X) Krunic i.eamor,suian, dlst.'..., 1700 Herman Siindt.same. dlst 2 .......... 20 26 lOrlo lleerman. same, dlst 2 20 Ul M 11 uornell.sauio, (list 2 71 m DoauOornell, same, dlst 2 0176 Hans Uonnlckson same, dlst20 'J7 60 Heuzu JcUreon, repair work, dlst 10... U 25 Honzi) it Oreun, siiine, dlst 4. 1 no Itnuzo A Urcen, same, dlst 22 4 76 Honzo AOi'con.suiuo, dlst 21 U Ul Konzu t (Jreun, siiino, dlstt) 876 W O Slork, retund poll liix.dlsl 11,... 2 .Ml KM Lerko, road work, dlst 6 ail IX) Krnost Harris, sumo, (lists 7 Hi Dan Harris, sanio, dlst 6 , In M Ira Waddell, sumo, diutll , Iffi Ulaluis allowed on commissioner's dls tret No 3: John Gilt, ((lagging road I 2 00 FI1 Uulbortson, same, f, 21 00 Tlio following claims woro allowed on the county bridge fund: Oeo KI1I0, making ceuiont culvert....! 18 00 Putor Soreusoii, furnishing and de livering seven loads of sand......... 81 00 Iluaidsheai A Davis, brldgu material: 41 40 Holmq vlsl (irnlu A Lumber Uo. claim for bihlgo matorlnl, txi.-.".', allowed.. 32 70 Josopll Smith, posts 2 00 Krnnk Davis, voi k on comont culvert 1 00 Hoard adjourned to meet Tuesday. Jan uary, 14. nn:). Geo Wilkins, Oonnty Olorlc. E. F. Rasmasseiv flacHoiveer Write me, Jackson TVeb. R 1. or call, 1 mile west of Goodwin, Teb. Satisfaction Guaranteed HURRY HOiVIE Something good for Supper If you want to make your men folks hurry home, buy your groceries at our store, for the way to make a man hurry home is to havo something good to eat, and that's what you will have if you buy your gro ceries from us. J. Va.ni de Zcddc Your Grooer Dukotit City - - Nebruoku Tho Herald -1 your, $1, Bn. STINSON'S Specials for Saturday, Dec. 21 For this Da.y Only Puritan Full Patent Flour, per sack $135 2 Cans Extra Standard Corn 15c Good Country Butter per lb 30c Stinson'3 Guaranteed Baking Powder, per lb. ... . .20c Candy Beans per lb 9c 1 Cans Co-operative Pork and Beans 25c 7 Boxss Crescent Parlor Matches 25c 3 10c Bottles Bluing v; ..' 25c Large Grape Fruit, each .10c 4 No. 1 or 2 Ivanip Chimneys, for 25c Laces up to 10c per yard, for 2c All kinds of Fruit Oysters Sweet Potatoes Grapes Oranges Grape Fruit always in stock, and at the Lowest Prices Stinson's Dakota City, !H A R Everything in the line of Harness and Horse Goods Harness Maude To Order, Only Blankets and Robes of all kinds. Big Assortment of the best brand of Whips Repair Work that's our specialty. Fredricksen (Si Son Hubbard NebrasktL City - Neat - Market WM. F. LORENZ, Proprietor Datcottx. City, Nebr. Back in the old stand, ready (o serve you at all times with the best Meats at the lowest living prices. & Order your Poultry and Meats for the Holidays NOW. 3 & Agent for Seymour's Laundry, Best in the City. AN XMAS GIFT Nothing PHOTO For Photographs of the Babies, Children, Sweethearts, Parents and Grandparents; Confirmation, Family Group, or the particular kind you want, the Weddings. We also do enlarging, and Copying from Old Photos. For GOOD PHOTOS, and Photos that will give the recipient of a likeness of yourself as an Xmas gift, you can not do better, in Price and Quality, than by going to the De Luxe Studio, 405 Fourth St., SiouJt City, la. Rtnicmber, prices are the lowest, and satisfaction guaranteed. THE DE LUXE STUDIO 405 Fourth Street Next Door to 5c and 10c Store. Sioux Gity, Iowa. Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Service Undertaking noil 71 J.tto 2471 IHeBrask. e. J IN ESSi i I a I I I gusag WORTH WHILE is Better than a OF YOURSELF Lady Assistant 415 Sixth Street Sioxxx City, Iowa. H -A I G?l , I Mill I i ' I H I i i 4 M i