:m,wKrs"'fww!mw A L. i i 1 5 Out of Town People AAAAAM- .AW -- Find a most hearty Welcome here at all times. "The Man Behind is country bred (and proud of it.) A country Banker for twenty-five years. Aims to make the Mid-west THE Bank for every farmer ever visiting the city. Very much desires your deposits your loans your business. Guarantees ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION. Exceptional Rood rates for Farm Loans Insurance Steamship Tickets. Drop in and "Get Acquainted" "Where you al ways KNOW you're Welcome." Mid -West Bautvk "That ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" EDWARD T. KEARNEY, President. Dakota County Herald IOHN II. REAM, PUBLISHER Subscription Trico. $1.00 Tor Year. A. weekly newspaper published at Dakota Oity, Nebraska. Permission has been grantou for tho transmission of this paper through the mulls as Hecoiid-claHS matter. Telephone No. 43. Official Paper of Dakota County I Items of Interest I from our Exchanges Emursou Entorpriso: Mrs Dort iMoEntiiffor loft this morning for hur now home ut Hnona, In, whithor Mr AIoEntuffor had proceeded her ovor a montii ago. Dixon .Touruul: Muriu IIohh wan lit) mo from Dukotn Oity lust Friday, tbo schools tliuro buiug closed to give the teachers time to visit tho schools in Sioux City. Winnubngo Clnofttiin: BidnoyFrnm was down from Dakota Uity Hundny to bh his fther, 0 O Friun. . . ,OIiuh Kilbourii has rented his Houoy Oreok farm to Chaa and Abnor Hughes, of Whitiug, Io, who will movo ovor in the spring, with about SO hnad of horses, two jaoksomo cows and a lot of hogs. Theso mini did a good job when they leusod tho llouoy Creek place, which is ono of the best hog ranches in Dakota county, Sioux Oity Journal, 15th: Judge David Mould yesterday ruled that tho distriot court of Woodbury oounty had no jurisdiction in the divorce proosnd ings instituted lust fall by Laura Etta 'Marking aguiust Thomas W Olarking, aud that the milt should have been brought in Monona county. Tho coun sel for tho dnfnndant argued boforo Jndgo Mould that Mm Chirking was a resident of Onawa, Io, and that tho husband was a resident of Nebraska, Homor Star: Born, on Tuesday morning, to Mr and Mrs Ed Hoard shear, a big baby boy,... Mrs Charles Bristol, tho Evangelist singor of Ho mer, is fllliug an engagement at Ona wa, Io....S A Blauchard arrived on Saturday for a short visit at tho homo of his parents, J L Blanchard, aud othor relatives.... Miss Lulu Ilirsoh left on Sunday ovoning for Spencer and Sholdon, Io, whoro sho will tako part iu Romo musical entertainments, Sho expests to roturu about Friday evoning. Allen Nows: J E Baker, of Good win, was in town Monday on business. ....Rev Sorensou, of South Bii.ux City, gave two flno sermons last Sun day. . , Mr and Mrs Jamoa Hatch loft Tuesday for Homer, whoro thoy will make their homo in tho future. El don Kcpford will run tho barber shop, ....Robert MoPhorrau purchased Art Hain't? 40 aore farm 1 miles northeaat of town on Monday of this week, price, $0,000. This is the place formerly owned by M O Prcsuall aud later by Fruuk Uerfel. Waltuill Times: Mrs Tom Ashford und Mrs D B Stidworthy, of Homor, wero tho guests of Mrs J Y Gorlium and Mrs Leo Clement, Wednesday uftornooou....Tho Mathowson party departed for Florida Sunday to spoud tho winter. Thoy oxpeot Io go to Tar pon Springs, whoro they wero located lust winter, uud will return ubuut tho middle of ApriJ. Thoso making up tho party aro Mr and Mrs O P Math Only a Phone Call Away Very anxions to talk about your next Insurance Policy. Phone or write and will at once drive out and see you. Any kind written RIGHT with treat ment unexcelled elsewhere, I have the agency of Ed. T. Kearney. The same old companies good for a quarter century back, the same brand of treatment he gave you. I buy and sell lands and hayc an excellent list to choose from. LIST WITH ME. I make Farm Loans and can guarantee my rates very lowest possible, with service the very best possi ble to give. Steamship tickets in the best companies. Conveyancing with thirty years experience learn ing how. RipeReady and Eager to serve you faithfully and help build up Jackson and Dakota county. H. F. McKccvcr, Jtv.ok.son, Nobraskiv Successor to Ed. T. Kearney. owson, Olivo and Ashloy Mathowson, Mr Ilobort II Mathowson and Mr W W Armour, of Dakota City. flioux Oity Journal, 18th: Qcorgo M Elwoll and Miss Margarot Harris, both of Emerson, Nob, worn married yesterday by Justice Olo T Naglestad in tho vault of tho oflloo of tho clerk of courts, . . .The force of six brush cut tors, undor Foreman W P Broughton, wiuoii lias boon omployeu on tho gov ernment revetment work horo, depart ed yesterday for Oonuoll Bluffs to Bpond tho wintor. Tho mat work on the rovotmout on tho Dakota county sidnof tho Missouri river lias boon en tirely completed, although there is about 2000 feet of it yet to bo ballasted aud sunk boueath tho ice. F'onca Journal : Mrs Fred Itogosoh, accompanied by hor daughter, Mrs Arrabright, of Dakota county, wont to Sioux City, Saturday.. . .Miss Mario ltogossch, daughtor of Mr and Mrs Fred Itogosoh, of Pntioa, who linn been teachi ig near Dakota City, wan se cretly married at LoMnrs," Io, about ilvo weeks ago, to Olay Armbiight, who resides near Dakota City, The wedding was not known ovon to tho brilo'fl paronts until last Saturday, when the young couplo oamo to Ponou. Tho brido is well known in Ponoa, whoro sho has lived with hor paronts for sovoral years, and whoro she has many friouds. The groom is fuvoru ably spokon of by thoso who have seou him. Tho young oouplo will Hvo on a farm noar the school, whinli tho brido will coutinuo for the proseut. Ponder llepublio: Mrs Horry Pounds roturmd to hor homo at Wy uot, Thursday moniina. nftnr vinillncr several days with rolativos aud frionds anout I'enuor ana Thurston. Hany was down ovor Sunday.... Mr and Mrs Honry Bayer oamo down yester day from South Sioux Oity for a visit with Pondor rolativos aud friends and to look after some miBinosa matters. ....For downright norvo M M War rior of tho Lyons Mirror haa all thn democrats who aro trying to got next to the phi couutor undor tho now ad ministration "skinned to a frazzle." Moses thinks ho ought to bn given tho postoflloo at Lyons without him having to ask for it. Most oflleo seokors aro glad to got an oflloo after having put forth an heroin effort for it. Very few havu tho solf-ponooit to think that tho oilloo tho waut should bo handod to thorn ou a platter. Sioux Oity Journal, 17th: A now eleetrio sign, iivn feetBquaro, Iiub boon hung by Ed T Koarnoy at tho Mid West bauk. 408 Pearl street.... Tho waterworks pumping station to bo erected by South Sioux City will ho located at Dakota street and Dakota avenue, on tho samo blook with tho old courthouse. Plans are being mado for the laying of ono and one half miles of wutor main nn Dnlmtn. street, with laterals two blocks long ou ootb Bhles. w V Stontoville, attor ney for South Sioux Citv. will im to Lincoln this wook to havo tho $25,000 worth of bonds approved aud register ed by tho Nebraska stato auditor. Ar rangements thou will bo made to Boll tho bonds, ho stuled. Tho bonds run for twenty years at 5 por cent, tho city haviug tho privilego of taking thorn up at nny time altor tlvo years. Work ou the waterworks plant proba bly will not bo started boloro spring, Mr Stoutovillo Baid, South Omaha Drovors Journal Stockman, 10: T J Hartnett, a piomi n'ent breeder uud feeder of northeast ern Nebraska topped the cattle market toduy with rwonty-two head of long yearlings Weighing 1,009 pounds that sold for 10.00. They woro Whito faces, all but three of them boing reg iatercd cattle, and had been raised and fed by Mr Hartnott, who by tho way makes a specialty of raising registered stonk. "As seems to hit the case all ovor tho state, hogs aso pretty scarce in onr part of tho country," said Mr Hartnett. "There was a good deal of cholera, and a largo percentage of the pigs died off. Cattle, also, aro con spicuous by their absence. Whilu tlioro is all kinds of feed tho stockmen seem to think that feeders are too high, We havo no kick on tho yield of corn this year, although tho quality seems to 'be a little off, I know "-of sovoral Molds that madu CO biiblut h per aero. Corn is selling at 35 and J! (J cents u bushel and from what I have heard hay is about 18 DO iu tho stack. My cattlo were fed on cotton seed meal until this fall when I put them on now corn. Cotton seod meal is :ut fed very extensively up there but thoso who do feed it havo had pretty good success with their stook and I have always found it a good gain oitikor. Wo havo not given silage a very thorough try out hh yet but I do not favor it very much for fatten cut tle, although I huvo heard some say thut.tuey would not feed without it," Sioux City Tribune, Hth: Within a short time tho voters of Woodbury county and Dakota county, Nob, will bo asked to express their opinion of tho freo bridgo proposition, at a special election, if tho pliuiB being worked up by interested parties on both sides of the river, aro carried out. Tho pro posal will carry with it tho issuance of county bonds, tho totul sum to be di vided between both counties. The South Sioux city Oommercial club has employed Ktijeri O Gayuor, for merly City engincor of Sioux City, to do tho preliminary work ou tho bridge plans. When ho has completed his work, ho will submit tho outlines to Wallaco & Company, of Chicago, The Wallace llrm will prepare the blue prints aud muko an estiraato of the cost, Mr Gayuor will make the neces sary surveys and soundings and select the site. It is proposed to build a bridgo patterned after tho two spanning tho Mississippi river at Dubuque, Iowa, It will be do sighed for street cars, teams and foot pappungors. Tho bridgo will be 28 or 80 feet wido, and T5 feet high, thereby doing away with tho necessity of having draws to allow boats to pass. At the present time it appears that Hitch a bridge would cost between $1(10,000 and $200,000. It would not bo neoesHary to havo heavy overhead work us iu a raihoed brhlgu. Steel caissons sunk and filled with couoroto would take tho plaoo of stone. Those who nro planning tho improvement aro figuring ou 21,000 squaro feet of ad vertising space to pay for tho upkeep of tho struoturo. It is proposed to in stall oreosoto wood blook pavemout and keop it in good repair. Tho bond proposition would huvo to bo approved by tho voters of both counties. Bonds ptobably would bear interest at 5 por cent, The Dakota county residents are keen for tho now bridge, as thoy assert thoy aro now obliged to pay moro thau $30,000 yearly for tho priv ilege of using the old combination bridgo. In aase the counties build s now structure, thoy will bo joint owners uuu it count not uo mouopo lized by a corporation The sito at tho foot of Pearl street looks most ao- ooptablo to thoso iu charge of tho plan. Another location being investi gated is at the foot of Douglaa street The last session of congress granted South Sioux Oity a charter for the building of a high wagon and street oar bridgo. II U Wallace, of Chicago, will ho asBooiatod with Mr Gaynor. Ho is a son of John F Wallace, who was chief engineer of tho Panama canal. nomwwwww:MMiiioMwanw(M I CORRESPONDENCE HUBBARD. Aunio Mogonseu visited a couplo of wooks with rolativos near Salix, la. Tho Danish Brotherhood had their gourul election of ofllcers last Satur day. A Hue Hue of jewelry, fully guaran teed, at O Audorson Co's. Fred Itonzo, who wont to Omaha about two weoks ago to study antomo biliug, is expected homo to spend tho holidays. Sovoral from here attonded tho fu neral of Mrs Oaus Audcrseu, A full lino of Christmas candies, fruits, and uuts. All fresh uud at special prioos. Geo Timlin, A Loap year dance will ho given Thursday, Dooember 20. A cordial invitation is oxtendod to tho public Come aud havo a good time Good music is promised. John Mitchell, of Naoora, was iu Ilubbnrd botweuu tiuitis Suuday. If you like n good lioh blond in coffiui, try tho celebratod Millar's coffee, and you will llud it just what yon liko. 13 Anderson Co sells t. B It Dyer is ou the sick list this weok, Henry Hanson is also some what under tho weather. Larson Bros marketed a oar of hogs at Sioux Oity last Friday. Useful presents such as table wnro, writiug papor, boxed goods of all kiuds, mittens, glovos, shoes, caps, neckties, anil a thousaud othor articles, ou display at O AudorBon Go's, Mrs Herman Iteuzo returned homo Monday after a several week's visit at Omaha. Louis Mogeusou and childroo, Mrs B J Oobleigh, Mrs John Sierk and daughter, Mrs Herman ltouzu and lit tle sou, and Mrs L Harris were Sioux Oity shoppers from here tho llrst of the week, Oookinirutonsils and ovorv thine in (tho lino of up-to-dnto tinwnru at C Anderson Cos. Henry Ouiu recoived word last week of tho death of his brother's wife, Mrs Mike Cain, at Seattle, Wash, from tho effects of bums reneived when lmr clothing caught flro from an open ilro place, Tom Long had a car of hogs ou tho market Wednesday, Wo aro roudy for Christmas aud you? Everything for your tablo and much for your Christmas stockings you will Uud hero at the right prices. Geo Timlin. Set vice at the Hubbard Lutheran church Suuday next. Immediately nfter the morning wotship there will ho a council meeting held, Sunday, December 20, tho Holy Communion will ho administered, Thn ineinliors should bring their quarterly bonevolent offering on thut dav. Albert Hanson went to Wayne Sat urday morning, returning Monday evening. Mr and Mrs A Podorson, of Dakota Oity, visited Sunday at tho J Mayfield homo, Highest market price at all times for your cream, butter and eggs, Briny them to um, Geo Timlin. Minnie Itusmussou was the "hollo" girl Sunday. Miunio Clatmon visited Sunday at hor home in Plum Grove. Sleds aud skates for'tho boys, knit goods, scarfs, hoods and sweaters for the girls, and over-thing In fancy goods or substantial everyday articles for old and young, atO Andorson Co's. Mr und Mrs Peter Sorensou weio among those from hero who wont to tho city Monday to seo Santa Olaus. Tho Blue Valley ornamnry man wns in Jiubbard Tuesday to do his usual amount of visiting iu this vicinity. Hcott Rockwell came up from Dako ta Oity Tuesday evening for a fow days visit at the Ernest Goortz home. The little sou of Mr and Mrs Bert Dyor, who was quito sick last wook, has fully recovered. Dora Smith camo down Monday from YiBta to cater tho Hubbard school. Everything in tho lino of candy for tho holiday trade at O Anderson Go's. Mrs Hans Nelsen roturned Saturday to her homo at Lynch, Nob, after a two weoks visit at the homo of her son, Chaa Dodge. Mrs A O Hanson entertained u uuni bor of familes at dinner Sunday, There is nothing gives more pleas ure than a Christmas tree at home for tho children. Wo havo thorn, nlso candles and trimmings. Geo Timlin. O It Smith, of Vista, was in Hub bard tho llrst of tho week. Tho Modern Woodmon had thoir annual election of ofllcers last Friday oveniug. Christmas goods erj thing useful and all members of tho toys, and ornamental, family, can ov for be found at tho O Anderson Co Btore Mrs O L Thompson was a Jackson visitor Sunday. Tho Ladies Aid society met with Mrs D L Loap, Wednesday. A complete lino of tho best canned goods for tho money, at C Anderson Co's . James Barry, of Jackson, was in town Tuesday on business. MiBB Pedercou oamo up from Pon der to visit ovorvSnnday with her sis tor, Mrs Mayileld. Oomo in and look over our special holiday goods, you may seo just tho thing you want, uud if you buy it from us you will find it of tho best quality. Geo Timlin. Tho Danish Brotherhood will have their Christmas tree Friday evening, December 27th. All Danish people aro invited to attend. It is for the Danish people only. Willie Mitchell, son of Mike Mitch ell, whilo riding horseback Sunday, his horse stumbled and fell, breaking tho hoy's leg below tho kueo iu two places. Dr Leahy was sumraonod and after the setting of the log the little fellow waB taken to Sioux Oity to bo cared for at u hospital. Tho boy in ubout.ll years old, Evorythiug in grooories, and at rock bottom prices, can be found at O Anderson Oo'h, Mrs nans Andersen, aged 7D years, was stricken laBt week with a stroke of paralysis and diod Sunday night. Tho funeral services woro hold Tues day at 11 o'clodk a m, at tho homo, conducted by Rev Boronson. Inter ment was made in llie Taylor ceme tery. Mrs Anderson was a native of Doumark haviug como to this country sovoral years ago, she with her hus band sottling ou a farm in Plum Grove, whoro thoy resided until about four voara ago when Mr Anderson sold bin farm to James Henrieksen, after which thoy roturned to thoir uativo laud, re maining thoro a fow months. On thoir return they agaiu looatod in Plum Grovo, at whioh place pho died. De ceased leaves a husbaud, four daught ers and two sons, Mrs Louis Podersen and Mrs Nels Andorson, of Hubbard, Mrs Hans Kuudsen, of Juokeon and Mrs Fred Schumuohor, of Solon Springs, WIb, Tho two sons rosido iu Washington. JACKSON. T J Hartnett departed Saturday evening for Ohioago with a car load of oattlo. Among thoso who saw tho bill at tho Orphoum Sunday wero E A Leahy, V J MoGonigal, Jas Flyuu, jr, and W J Keunolly. Sam Fryo and family moved tho llrst of the week to tho James Casoy farm uoar Pouea, William Mitchell, sou of M Mitchell, while riding horseback ftom his homo to Hubbard, Suuday, was thrown from his horse, fracturing two bones iu his leg. He was taken to a Sioux City hospital where tho fraoturo wuss re duced aud ho is resting easy. Thos Sullivan returned Monday ovouiug from an ovor Sunday visit with his sistor at Sioux Oity. Mrs HauB Kuudsou wob culled to Hubbard, Monday, by thudoath of her mother, Mss Hans Andersen, who died that morning after a lingering illuoHS of paralysis. MrsOA Middleton is oujoyiug a visit from hor sister of Coleridge, Neb, Mrs A Recce is visiting relatives at l'laukiugtou, S D, Bert Smith aud family havo moved horo from South Sioux City aud occu py ono of Honry Francisco's houses, Mrs Eric Asnes, of Dakota Oity, was a guest iu tho Jus Nolan home last Thursday The Misses Lillie Johnson aud Lucy Fryo attended u dauoe at Herman Smith's last Saturday night. iJEMcGonigal returned homo Sat urday from the western part of tho state where he proved up ou a half seatiou of Kiukaid laud. Margaret Hartnett, who isattoudiug j 8t Clara college at Sinaiuuwu. Wis. Is expeolod homo the lust of tho week for tho holidays. B F Sawyor was transacting busi ness in Sioux City, Monday. Jas Kcefn, who is a student at tho university at Lincoln and sistor Min uio, who toadies ut Parkor, S D, oro expected homo Friday for the holiday vocation, Lydio Teller on Tuesday booamo a convert to tho Catholic faith by being baptized, Rey M J O'Sullivau ofllciat ing. Her sponsors wero Mr and Mrs John T Daley. Miss Teller is a mem ber of tho 1910 graduating class at St Catherine's academy. Edna Merrill, of McCook, 8 D, was an over Sunday guest in tho Geo Tol ler homo. St Catharine academy closed Wed nesday for tho holidays, and tho pub lic school closed Friday with 11 nice piogram by tho little ones. James Barry sold his farm, consist ing of 100 acres, noar Vista, to Jas Hendriokson, consideration, $18,090. James M Barry fcttonded the funeral of Frank A Berry at Wuyiio Wednes day. Tho students of St Catherine's ucod emy departed for their'homes Wednes day noon to spend their Christmae va cation. lord Gulp is working barn. in tho livery HOMER. Mrs T J Oohandor stoppod off at Dakota City Wednesday ovening on hor way to Sioux Oity to do some Christmas shopping, Mr and Mrs D O Ames left Homer by auto to go to Dakota Oity on a short visit and before returning went to Sioux City to do some shopping and tako in the show at the Orphoum. Seth Bucklaud has started a short order restaurant in connection with the confectionery store. Mrs G M Bebt is on duty again at tho Homer State bauk after u short illness . Mr and Mrs MaEutaffer aro back from Florida. They liked it Hue aud as soon as they can sell out, they ox peot to move south. Dun Auckland aud Rob Rymil aro buck from Florida, but say there is no plucu like Home-r. Mrs Aud Allow ay was iu Dakota City part of the week helpiug to care for her sick mother, Mm Altemus. Mrs Chaa Jordon and two children wero oity visitors uud shoppem from Friday until Sunday. Mrs O H Maxwoll and daughtor, Mary, woro Homer visitors Sunday afternoon. Goo Rockwoll wont to the city Sat urday evening, returning Sunday uoou. Mrs G M Best was a shopper iu the city Wednesdav and Thnrsdav, While Hope Dickover was iu town Monday some groceries and meat, amounting to $10 wero stolen from his buggy. The bloodhounds were put ou the trail and thoy stopped at a house iu Blyburg. Try Solace At Our Expense Money Back for any case of Rheumatism, Neuralgia or lloaduche that Solace Fails to Koliove . SOLACE REMEDY Is n recent liiccllcnl discovery of tliruo Uerinnn SclontlHts that neutralizes Uric Acid mid purlllos tho blood. It Is easy to take, and will not ollect tho wi'iikost Htnioucli. It Is guaranteed undor tho 1'uro food and Drug Law to bo absolutely firo of opiates or harmful druKS of any description. SOLACE 1" a pure upecltlc In tablet form and lias boon pioveu Iwyoiul quostlon to bo tin Hiirent and qulnktixt remedy for Urlu Acid troubles known to medical bclonco, 110 matter how I011K standing. It roaches and removes the 1 oat of tho troublo (Uric Acid) and purifies tho blood. THE SOLACE CO, of Ilattlo Greek are tho Hole U. H. Agents and havo ovor two thousand voluntary testimonial letters which havo boon recoived from grateful people SOLACE has restored to health. Testimonial letters, literature mid FREE BOX sent upon request. It. I.oe Morris, presldont of the First Na tional bank of Olilco. Texas, wrote tho Sol aco Company as follows: "I want you to send a box of Solace to my father In .Memphis, Toun., for which I en close l. This remedy has boon used by some frlonds of mind hero und I only hope It will benefit my father as It has them. (Signed ) H. U. Morris. I'lituplniSc.fitK) mid $!.) liorin. IT'S MIGHTY FINE TO BE WELL AND YOU CAM SOOM BE SO BY TAKING SOLACE. "No Hpoclal Treatment, Schemes or Fees." Just SOLACE alone doos the work. Write today for the freo Ikx, etc. SOLACE REMEDY CO., Ilattlo Greek, Midi. NOTICK FOR BIDS. Notice Ik hereby given that on or boforo January 1st, lOlil, sealed bids will bo receiv ed at tho county clerk's otllce for furnish ing books, blanks mid stationery as follows: hooks Hocords, S-qr, plain, ench. ltecord", H-qr, printed liend", ench Records, printed pago, ench. Weneral Indexes, i-ci'. iiiled, minted head, each. All books to bo made of best linen ledger paper, full Russia binding, to open Hat, uud locorioBpond with books now In uiu. I.KTTKK HEADS AND KNVKI.01-ES l.ettorhends, printed, Kniplro bond or equal, por M. Kuvolopcs, printed, No 1, stzo ilh. white, per M. Envelopes, printed, Manilla, No 10. per M Fabor's or Dixon's pencils, hex, per gross. stationkbv ZZZ Sanford's, Carter's or A mold's ink, porqt. Sponcorluu, Glucliium or Glllotfs pons, por Bros. Senate scratch pads, riordoi. III.AMKH Legal blanks, full sheet, per KXi. Legal blanks, half sheet, por 100. Legal blanks, quarter sheet, por 1DU, Legal blanks, olghth sheet, por IUO, Separate sealed bids will also bo received for: Oounty piloting. Publishing tho delinquent tax list. County physician, Tho board reserves tho right to leject any and all bids. Accepted bidder to ulvo bond for faithful performance of contract. Dakota Oity. Nob, Nov ?0, 1012. tlcorgo Wllklus, Oounty Clerk. (he Genitns DOMESTIC Mow $ A MONTH You ran !lc U Utut thm!, v rnuia Uomov tM),Ui rcrnlid ijUMq of all ilntf livu ninM.in Jtiur rannw . um it cuntinually wtiil tuiyinff $2 a month, anil en l.m n kn knarlal lirlr TTIf direct Utom o from our rjrtl We Will Tolrc Your Oltl Machine ''JJi'i ttrl rtltowmn- cm a pivndii nw 1 el tha wpwcUt pttc and euj STIC TrwvM-V t invriin T ino hnt has alwiF loI all otbrt .. u, j. i u I 1 U t'r than r. Two machtnaa In ana -lo atrd m( chain atttch. titraftfltt tkup h jni twiUftuiuK A ioanltt wt of ttjk awau ft I lff 4 Km Dl 1 ffl W1 f 1 4-Rjca pft tircH, rn '- . iv UMirtir iiaiUM . in"1 11 j nr dm tf rwttr r'ninuw CC, Thj'iruth Alout -1nfl fa.. 'JhiUIU it wad tfT' U KB t U t.f!MrtMIW :j I t ONLY 1 mitfiih l-it h. n M. AvB. ..J i UU 11 Jft YRAI2 1 it l.. t..!.l Witt MOM rati VtMM. ironi for it NOW. n bit uv ouiiim, 9' -.r- njHwmiiii, CM,, Mrs Mary K, McDeath, Agent mmsm DOM' s Winter Friends For Your Feet try 7?jX ,&virfj " Banigan ...and... Steel Wool Sole Rubbers Mwfm WifcirEnr MrMKtn irmXy jEraraSr " .irBBtTfe rfcaj-iaatt Anything in rubber boots and shoes at this store for men, women, children in a variety that will enable you to find what you want. C. ANDERSON CO. HUBBARD, - NEBRASKA fee MIM M C W fliw,nj lift, 'J ! -ntlUlnr. &v w arafegMs Xs LXi--PkW7 fciiiaKttRSlgabFO CONCORD TEAM HARNESS. QAjua Sjotvy: & JfUBaBgiHnggini iiMirrrii Henry's Platcej East of the Court House for the Best in - " I TT AAW79 LfiVJMU; w Igd.1 3 I Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Vfcv m t" AsAie Bottle I Hcnary Ii.rv8xvvvBGJct pj cy, wiir.ki THEKOUTHS C0MPANI0KT The nest Investment lor the Family. Liicrnture vlth a purpose, entertainment with an Ideal, Information and Incentive combined. Every Interest ol lamlly Hie irom housekeeping to athletics Is covered EVERY TIME THE COMPANION ENTERS A HOME IT DOES THAT HOME A GENUINE SERVICE 'fe.rt'vuUruVt.rtr it It , , -ui uui mis advertisement NFW iind,send with $2 for the 52 5 .. INJ-jVV .. weeks of 1913 will receive nil th j SUBSCRIBERS Full Prospectus fur 1013 null Specimen Copies sent on request THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. BOSTON, MASS- Great Family Combination Offer We ilo not kuow of any Family Weekly that we can more heartily recommend to our readers than The Youth's Companion. It nVes ua pleasure, therefore, to announce that we have arranged with the publishers to make the following oiler: The Dakota County Herald, Regular Price, - $1.00 The Youth's Companion, " . $2.00 Both Papers together, 1 Yr., $2.75 Send ail Subscriptions to The Herald, Dakota City, Neb. i s Comfort in bad weather will bo yours if you let us help you in tho selection of rubber sandals, arctics, boots anything in the rubber footwear line. It doesn't pay to be in different in the purchase of these articles when the best costs no more. represent the highest quality of materials, the greatest skill in manufacture, the largest measure of comfort. The Steel Wool Soles which havo fine strands of steel vulcanized into the heel and sole give remarkable durability. ' If m!.J.JgilfeH!i i.. xcttw,,; V? ZM$, CARRIAGE HEATERS. lAroe.' I Sherwood Rye Whiskies. n neer or Ko ! a !- !. ALf. 1 a ' mk-yrriMP'tJit:f&r? M ggzm in" wffiOh iiji SW WSBfl remaining Issues for 1912, also The Companion Window Trans parency and Calendar FREE ri J iiiMiW""Wrtyitei tK