Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 20, 1912, Image 3

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Fire as Pest Destroyer Advocat
ed in Agricultural Fable.
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Show Girls Dance "Bear"
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MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Two chorus
girls danced a ragtimo danco on
the platform of tho pulpit of the Rot.
O. L. Morrill In Minneapolis the oth
j f er day, Uustratlng his sermon on
"Praise Him With tho Danco." Tho
most amazing and bold dances were
"put on the boards" by tho two girls
from a Minneapolis burlesque house
and tho audlcnco fairly gasped at this.
The "Turkey Trot," tho "Crab
( Crawl," tho "Tortolso Tango," tho
"Jolly Wobble," the "Anglo Worm
Wriggle," the "Grizzly" and all others
known to these two girls of tho stage
were danced.
Then began the Rev. Mr. Morrill's
"Now you have witnessed Just how
fashionable society carries on when it
gets started," said tho Rev. Mr. Mor
rill. "I admit thero Is a decent danco,
n danco helpful to the body, pleasant
Stop Game , of Cards to
from friends that they get married
at once, made half in fun, it is said,
caused John Patterson and Miss
Emma Shopp to disturb a penuchle
game in which John Rauch, county
clerk, was playing. They sought
Rauch in order to got a marriage
Jicenso, and they arouBed Mayor
Shank from his slumbers shortly
after midnight that the mayor might
perform tho ceremony.
It was not a full dress affair far
from It. The mayor was clad In a
pair of trousers, his nightshirt and a
Prince Albert coat, and also wore a
pair of shoes, which were unlaced.
Patterson and Miss Shcpp were out
calling on friends, when pome ooh
suggested they get married at onco.
It was agreed it would be a "lark,"
and an automobile was called.
'Rauck's homo was visited, and ho
was induced to leave a penuchle
game and go to the court house about
11:00 p. m. and Issue a license.
"Let's get Mayor Shank," Bomo one
"But tho mayor Is probably in bed,"
aid another.
"That don't make any difference,"
replied thn first "No one but the
mayor will do."
Woman Faints at Movies
ST. LOUIS, Mo. Mrs. John C.
Muckermann, wife of tho first
vice-president of the local lco com
pany, will hereafter eschew moving
picture shows.
Tho last one Mrs. Muckermann at
tended cost, besides the prlco of ad
mission, one new $25 hat, black vel
vet, trimmed with small red roses.
The other night, aftor tho Mucker
mann family had dinner at their
liome, at C034 West Cabanne placo,
someone suggested a night of amuse
ment at tho "movies." The sugges
tion was adopted, and Mr. and -Mrs.
Muckermann, with a party of friends,
adjourned to a theater.
Tho atmosphoro of tho placo was
"bad. Mrs. Muckermann stood it as
long as sho could, and thon fainted.
Revolutionary Ghosts Stirred by" Abbey Fire
NEW YORK. Ghosts of a score of
Central and South American revo
lutions were stirred from their lurk
ing places in tho arms-filled corners
of Westminster Abbey's "what-not"
store, No. 61 Front street, by a fire
tho other afternoon. SInco 1830 It
has been possible to get anything
from a print of eighteenth century
Now York to a pound of "good mixed
tea at 20 cents" in this store, but mu
nitions of war have boon its chief
stock, and if seamen's gosblp meant
anything filibusters havo had good
reason to know this for moro than a
Westminster Abbey who got his
strango namo becauso his fathor,
Jared Abbey, intended him for tho
church watched the progress of tho
fire with tear-filled eyes.
"Every one's got a bug," he said,
"and my bug Is my business. I had
things In there that you wouldn't
take as a gift, but that I wouldn't
havo parted with for any price you
could have offered."
Many of these things wero ruined
by smoke and water, but for tho most
ipart tho damage was confined to
flags and uniforms from half the
Uncovered Family Group,
An Interesting discovery was re
cently made in Edinburgh in tho
.course of tho demolition of the old
church buildings of a parish church
In Roxburgh Place. A vault contain
ing tho remains of Lady Glenorchy, a
member of the Broadalbano family,
and the founder of the original churcb,
was laid baro.
Had a Good "Tako."
One of the latest novels says: "Ho
toopod a little and printed a round
dozen of swift kisses on htr sur
jprised Upb." Evidently a job print
(r Cleveland Plain Dealer.
and "Tango" in Pulpit
to tho mind and harmless to tho soul,
but these rag dancos that you bava
witnessed, not at all exaggerated, will,
mako tho devil blush, and he would
hesitate to introduco them Into purga
tory. "There was a tlmo when statues
were made of graceful dancors, but
today thero Is a crying demand fof
statutes against dancing which is dis
graceful. The dancing whirlpool of
society has drawn into its drowning
dopths many of tho best craft that
ovor sallod life's sea. The dance you
havo witnessed has degenerated from
devotion and diversion Into dlsslpa
tlon and debauchery. Theso rag
dances aro animal In name and na
turo and often as much moro passion
ato than tho oriental danco as Vesu
vius Is warmer than an iceberg.
'We seom almost ready for tho
naked dance proposed by Plato In his
Ideal republic. The animal world is
libeled. Mr. Bear and Mrs. Turkey
were never guilty of, such antlcB and
doubtloss look with surprise and
shame at tho dances which bear their
Aa tho two chorus girls performed
theso "rag" dances, now and then a
coin would fly toward tho pulpit,
while tho big organ of tho churcb
pealed forth rag-time music to oo
company the dance.
Get Marriage License
Tho couple, accompanied by three
young women and a man, went to tho
mayor's homo and with considerable
difficulty aroused him. Rnuch, Wil
liam Brommer, a saloon keeper, and
August Pohlman followed in an au
tomobile, wishing to see tho fun.
Shortly nfter midnight the coremonj
was performed hii1 the couple said
they would leave at once for a trip
to Pittsburgh.
"John was feeling good and I
thought we had better get married
while ho felt like it," the mayor saye
the bride explained.
Immediately after tho coremonr
the bride exclaimed:
"Now that I am married I am go
lng to kiss a fat man," and sho kissed
a member of the party.
Tho mayor declined to accept a fee.
Patterson is a printer. The brlde'r
home is In Muncle.
and Loses a $25 Hat
Her husband Dlcked her un and
started for home. A friend started;
for the Muckermann garage and got
out the automobile. Ho met Mucker
mann about a block from the house,
and the two lifted tho unconscious
woman Into tho car. In the exertion
they knocked oft Mrs. Muckermann's
"Get her hat," said the friend.
"Oh. that'll bo all right; got It
later. Hurry up for tho house," re
plied Muckermann, and they whirled
When Mrs. Muckermann rovived
she Inquired for her hat Whon told
that it was lying in tho gutter a block
away sho sent a senrchlng party.'
Muckermann and his friends dug
up lanterns and electric torchos and
wont nfter the hat. It was gone. A
search until midnight failed to reveal
tho hat and tho searchers wero com
pelled to go home and break the
news to Mrs. Muckermann.
But, determined to havo that hat
back, Mrs. Muckermann published an
advertisement and will pay a liberal
reward to the perron who brings
back tho missing badgcar.
countries In the world; to tenting
and Ashing tackle; to teas and cof
fees Jumbled In with ship's paint; to
pYints and etchings, and to some an
cient paintings of greater sentimen
tal than artistic worth. Some $60,000
wortli of arms and ammunition es
caped harm.
PerhapB the most valuablo relics
owned by Abbey come under this last
The building occupied by Abboy
was said by tho police to bo the old
est along Front street. For three
generations It has beon known as
"tho shop with the little brass can
dlestick," from its trademark, a tiny
gun that could hardly carry more
than a buckshot, but which Is of great
age and valuo.
Opulent Bard.
"I can't understand bow that poet's
wife Is ablo to dress so well. I thought
there was no money In poetry." "I
guess thero Isn't; but hor husband has
tho Job of writing all tho advertising
rhymes for one of tho biggest break
fast food concerns in the country.
Have you soen tholr new automoblloT"
From "Old Slwath."
"Wo are moro frivolous in our eol
lego life than in our business," Goorg
Fitch said. "Still, college life hs
mado business what It is. Fraterni
ties aro a clearinghouse for ability td
ambition." Kansas City Star
firebug In the Person of 8clntlflo
Farmer Wrought Havoo With Pes
tiferous Family Who Had
Moved Into WlnUr Home.
Atchison, Kan. Gen. Pestiferous
Chlnoh Bug, Jr., and family of Kan
sas havo gone to their winter home
In the bunch grass and blue stem.
Tho Kansas Industrialist a fow weeks
ago said the news of tholr departure
was brought to the agricultural col
lege by J. W. M-cCulloch, a special
field agent for tho entomology depart
ment of tho Kansas Agricultural col
logo. So it's official and aut$vjrittlv.
McColloch also gavo out tho Infor
mation here that there is consider
able uneasiness In tho C. B. house
hold on account of the many lncon
diary fires that destroyed blue stem
and bunch grass winter homes. In
fact. It was only aftor several days of
arguing and promising that Mrs. C.
Bug and tho girls consented to leave
the family's summer place on tho old
cornstalk. And they wouldn't have
gone at all had not the general
agreed, finally, to crawl to the top of
the winter home twice a day and look
for firebugs. It also was told here
by a neighbor of the Chinch Bugs
that Mrs. C. B. ordered flro extin
guishers for tho winter home before
he loft
Trouble for the Chinch Bug family
began whon a firebug, thought to be
Scientific Farmer, came to tho blue
stem and bunch grass homo and
burned It noarly to the ground. Young
Pestiferous, his bride and hlB brother
wero the only ones of a family of
slxty-flvo that escaped. And that was
tho mortality among moBt of tho oth
er families, Mrs. Pestiferous said.
And then that cold winter In only
a makeshift for a home. It waa too
much for brother. He died. But the
general and Mrs. Pestiferous survivod
somehow and reared a large family
on tho cornstalk.
"I think we mado a good move
when we camo to this side of the
road," General Pestiferous told his
wife. "I understand that there havo
boen no firebugs In this community
for years. This is the place we should
havo lighted In Instead of that farm
They Are Reckless at Play and at
Arms, but Honorable, Sayo a
London Letter.
London. It was Mr. Gladstone who
onco described Montenegro tho black
mountain as the shore where, after
bloody Kobsovo, tho wreckage of old
Servia was washed by the oncoming
Turkish tide, says a London letter.
They who escaped Into these fastness
es wero families of caste, chieftains
and nobles, who for five centuries
and more have remained unconquered.
Their very vices show breeding, a
reoklessness at play and an extrava
gance in dress. Yet gamblers though
they are and dandles, they are honest
as to cash, and If a purse of gold be
dropped by accident upon tho high
way It will be discovered by Its
rightful possoBsor.
Prison life Itself Is ruled by honor,
for convicts who may have pulled a
trigger wander abroad, meet their
friends, Join In festivals, and are
known only by the dull music of a
clanking chain.
Tho Montenegrin Is not devoid of
education. Ho has his school hi ev
ery hamlet, and there is an amazing
story of the great Ivan, tho prince
who burned his capital Zabljak to
savo It from tho Turk, sotting up a
printing press in Obod JUBt twenty
years after Caxton had begun his en
terprise at Westminster. Tho machine
vanished amid the chaos, but It re
vealed an Instinct
It Is an armed men that tho Monte
negrins now Interest us. When they
go marketing to the Austrian coaBt
town of Cattaro they aro required by
tho authorities to rob their belts of
the mighty pistol, but at tho frontier
they resume It, and It 1b tho symbol
of their liberty.
Humblo homage to the queen is
rigidly exacted by King Nicholas, and
In the palace of Cettinje, princesses,
so far from being disdained, aro de
scribed, paternally, as "my country's
moat valuablo export"
To behead ono's enemy 1b tho final
Joy of tho Montenegrins, who, there
fore, dlsllko long range artillery and
tho modern rifles which aro received
from Russia as Christmas prosents for
tho reigning houses.
Imperial Family of New Republic Has
Plan to Dispose of Palace
Now York. Art connoisseurs from
all parts of tho world are looking for
ward to an auction sale which prob
ably will bo held in London next
year, and which should provo the most
wonderful disposal of art treasures In
history. Tho articles to be offered to
biddora are nothing less than the
treasures of tho imperial palaces of
Tho collection, which Includes the
finest specimens of every form of Chi
nese procelalns and ceramics, Is
cnlquo and Its valuo Is enormous. It
is said that tho disposal of the treas
ures practically has beon decided up
on by the Imperial family.
Stampeded by Black and Tan About
the Size of Kitten, Beatt
Creates Havoc.
Paris, France. Stampeded by a toy
black and tan about tho size of a
small kitten, ono of the hugest elo
phsnts Paris hns over seen did $1,000
worth of damage tho other night In
tho traffic-thronged Boulevard Beau
tnarchals Tho elephant was shuffllnp' along
iwomvooo Q..uKnwo r-
This photograph of one of tho streets of Klrk Klllssoh was taken Just
after the enpturo of that city by the Bulgarians, and shows tho awful dev
astation wrought by tho bombardment.
across tho dlvldo. Over thero It
seoraed as It all tho yeggs on that
section combined forces n gainst us.
Bvory grovo of blue stem and bunch
grass In sight wont up In smoko. And
you know as well as I that If our
grovo had been burned a llttlo closor
to tho ground we'd have perished
with tho rest of them."
"Yob, I know that only too well,
Pest, but I'm worried about this
smell of smoko In the air this morn
ing. I wish you'd forgot tho paBt
long enough to go on tho roof and
Bound and Gagged, West Orange, N.
J., Man 8ees Tormentors Eat
Wedding Feast
West Orange, N. J. Bound and
gagged, Bernard Cunningham, a young
business man of this town, was
forced to sit a wrathful witness at a
feast which ho himself had prepared,
but which he was not permitted to
share. The feast in question was the
victim's wedding supper, and had been
spread in the dining room of his now
home, at 4 Main street. Mr. Cunning
ham was married to Miss Mary Bren
nan of this city, the ceromony being
held at the home of tho bride, 105 Al
den street. A wedding breakfast was
served, and It had beon planned by
tho brldogroom to Invito a few inti
mate frlenda to a supper In tho ovo
nlng before starting with his wlfo on
their honeymoon Journey.
During tho aftornoon a party of
friends called with a carriage at the
home of the brldo uud enticed tho
bridegroom to go for a short rjde
Onco In tho carriage ho was bound
and gagged nnd was taken a prisoner
to his now home, where his captors
mado short work of tho good things
prepared for tho supper that night
Aftor they had completed tholr ropast
they released Cunningham, but not
until he had beon detnlned long
enough to necessitate a postponement
Fashion-Plate Crook Picked Up In
New York as He Is About to
Dine In Restaurant.
Now Yoik. Following complaints
from Broadway restaurants and hotols
that tho pockots of patrons had been
picked, Detoctlvo McGeo came to tho
conclusion that clover enough for
such work was Walter Henry, a crook
of International reputation, a fashion
plate and as agreeable a companion
as ono could find.
Henry also Is known as Boh Hart,
Walter Hogan, Big Bob,, "tho Doctor,"
"Big English Bob" nnd "Broadway
McGeo was In Rector's when Henry
strolled in.
"Where have you boon?" nsked Mc
Gee, as Henry tossed his coat and hat
to a boy.
"I've had great troublo," replied
Henry. "My father has Just died In
Brooklyn. That accounts for tho
mourning band on my hat.
"Well, come to the station houso
with me," said McGeo. "You aro
wanted for that little trick pulled off
on Nov. Oth In the Kalsorkeller.
The affair referred to by tho detec
tive was the robbery of Albert M.
Markler of E5S West lDCth Btreot.
who Is connected with a Wall street
bank. On Saturday Markler got from
Marsello Pitt & Co., 170 Broadway, a
diamond cluster valued at $800; n
diamond ring set with rubles, $500; a
diamond bar ring, $300; a la valllere,
tho boulevard for advertising pur
poses, attendod by an ebony-skinned
whlte-turbanod mahout, armed with a
long prod polo. Dashing from the
crowd on the sidewalk, tho dog op
posed the elephant's further passage,
offering battlo with a cackle of wild
Horrified, tho elephant wheeled nnd
broke Into a ponderous gallop, trum
peting shrilly. Tho dog pursued,
snapping at his heels. The mahout
tried to stop tho runaway, but his
charge was hysterical with terror.
squint around a llttlo. You haven't
been up this morning. And you know
what you promised."
Tho special Held agent bollovcs the
fenrs of tho Chinch Bugs aro well
grounded. Tho Buccosa with which
tho family of Gen. Pestiferous, Sr.,
was routed hns convinced Scientific
Farmer that the winter houao warm
ing plan is tho best yet for fighting
his old enemy. Ills torch Is ready
nnd ho's only waiting now till tho
last of tho Chinch Bugs aro In tholr
wlntor homes.
of his wedding Journoy. Cunningham
took tho joke good imlurwlly, but lias
sworn to got ovon with his tormentors
California Bandit Makes Strange
Court Plea for Clemency
Autos His Specialty.
Los AngoloB, Cal. Moving plcturo
shows caused his downfall, according
to Cornelius Hadsaackor, who plead
ed guilty to highway robbery, after
which ho mado a pathotlo appeal for
Tho "movies," according v to tho
prisoner, showed him "how easy It
was dono," nnd ho doscrtcd tho ranch
for tho highway shore. Ho mado a
specialty of holding up automobiles.
Kings of New York Zoo Get First
Taste of Our "National Bird,"
and Like It.
New York. Tho lions In tho New
York zoo Iibb n tasto of turkoy recent
ly for tho first tlmo In tholr llvos.
They havo beon brought up on dress
ed boot ovor Blnco they loft a milk
diet Keeper Snyder bought n turkoy
for each of tho ton. Tho nnlmnls woro
suspicious of tho now food at first, but
a fow sniffs convinced thorn thnt It
wns all right, nnd when they woro
through not oven a wlshbono wbb
$500; a small dhnend ring, $10, nnd
a gpld olgnretto caso, $100, making n
total of $2,010,
On his way homo Marklor slopped
nt tho Kalsorkellor to havo dinner,
Thero ho wns Joined by two moro
ngreenblo strangers, who Insisted that
ho dlno with thorn. Ho consented,
nnd on starting for homo noticed that
tho larger uf Ihu nioii biuMied against
him. Then suddenly ho discovered
his Jowolry wns gone, but tho man
wab gone, too.
Mnrklor Identified Henry through
his rogues' gallery plcturo.
California Prisoner, In Contempt,
Dares Judge to. Punish Him
Sent Back to Jail.
Sncrnmento, Cal. "You aro In
contempt of court," Suporlor Judge
Hughes exclaimed to a witness named
Jordan. "Supposo I am, what aro you
going to do about It?" coolly replied
tho witness, who was a convict
brought from Folsom prison to testify
regarding a stabbing affair within tho
"If you can ndd any to my twenty
yenrs, go to It," ho added.
Although Jordan refused to testify
against tho prlsonor on trial, ovon
withholding his own glvon namo and
sneering at his examiners, tho court
wns helpless, and In tho end Jordan
wns allowed to go back to prison.
Into a tobacco shop ho daBhed full
tilt Tho door was too small for him
so ho took part of tho wall with him.
Showcases wont ovor nnd tables
woro smashed, chandellors craahod to
tho floor and customers plied thorn
solves in heaps In an effort to oscapo
being flattened. The olophant had
little tlmo to waste on them, howovor.,
Ho merely toro down tho rear wall
and niBhod Into a back yard whore,
finally, the mahout caught and calmed
him. Under cover of tho confmlon
tho dog vanished,
NOT loss than 20,000 Amorlcans,
so tho rough nnd ready esti
mates havo it, will go south
during tho four wlntor. months,
beginning with tho first of De
combor, nnd extending to tho end of
March, to visit tho Isthmus of Panama
and soo what they may of tho result
of tho eight years' work which Col.
Goorgo W. Goothnls nnd his army of
SB, 000 men havo brought almost to
complotlon. Tho Panama canal 1b
nenrly dono; only tho part of another
yonr remains boforo thlB $100,000,000
waterway will Join tho Atlantic nnd
tho Pnclflc. Noxt Soptombor will
mark tho complotlon of tho task. And
flooding of tho canal will moan that
most of tho work will bo forovcr hid
don from vlow.
Howovor many go to tho lBthmus,
It Is snfo to any not mora than ten per
cent of thorn will como away with
Woro than a vitguo conception of what
hns really boon accomplished by tho
engineers. Tho fault will not havo
boon with tho canal. That fairly
matches all that hnB boon Bald about
It Tho fnult will havo boen with tho
visitor For. notwiUiHlniidlng all hlo
careful guide-book preparations before
hand, lio will not, aftor nil, see moro
thnn tho'eurfneo aspect of things down
In tho Canal Zono. In this manner ho
will rosomblo tho majority of visitors
who havo already been to Pannma;
'ono of ovcry ten of theso, perhapH, can
boast that ho descended to tho bottom
of tho giant lockB, thero to gropo his
way through tho concroto culvcrtB or
gazo up at tho spans, like cathedral
arches, of theBo great stcol gates that
noxt year will lock In the waters of
tho completed canal. One of every
twenty, perhaps, can tell you that ho
climbed down Into Culebra cut, to
spend a day In tho eternal bustle of
tho deep canyon which man hnB made
throifgh tho hills, nnd which so soon
will bo the chnnnol of grunt ships ns
thoy plow tholr way from soa to soa.
From the Observation Train.
Tho nverago visitor to tho Panama
cannl sons tho Gatun dam from tho
broad scat of tho observation train
that Ib pushed out over thnt pilo of
21,000,000 cubic yards of rock, sand,
concreto, and earth onco a week. For
this seat ho payB a dollar. Nevor docs
ho got out and look nbout for himself.
Tho hired lecturer oxplnlna ovorythlng
co well. To boo tho locks tho avorngo
visitor may tlptoo gingerly to tho
concroto edgo, nnd gaze down for half
i n mlnuto, only to turn fearfully nwny
nnd spend tho rest of his hour watch
ing busy coment-mlxors thnt aro ex
actly llko nny other comont-mlxers
Tho tourlBt's Impression of tho Pan
ama canal hnB not boon allowed to
Blnk In. A throo "days' stay on tho
Isthmus doos not pormlt of that. Tho
mnn who hns Bpont sovon to nine
dnys at sea from Now York, dreaming
of tho.wondorH ho will find, spondn a
hrlof hour nt Gntun, half un hour at
MlrnflmoH, nnother hour nt Culohta.
I and thon is off to IiIb train or to din-
' nor. Moat of (lie cannl ho sees from
tho roar plntform of hla train on tho
way across. Deep, wd, and long ns
is Culebra cut, tho view of It from tho
train as tho engine swoops around
tho bend Is distinctly disappointing.
All about nro towering hills which
dwarf tho cut that winds In and out
among Ilium. You gfl out your
glasses, but before you get them nd-
Justed, the train has started, Culobra
l 1b hidden from view, nnd tho concrete
tops of tho Pedro Miguel locks nro
I seen, Yet becnuso thoy aro only tho
tops of tho locks thoy appear smnll,
nnd you got another shock of dlflnp
polntmcnt. Tho fnct Is, It Is only by getting out
"on tho Job" that ono can obtain a
comproheiiBlvo understanding of what
tho cannl has cost, In onorgy nnd tlmo
nnd brnlns. Ono must rub elbows with
Idea That Originated In Paris Spread
ing Among the Ranks of tho
Foolish Rich.
Tho drug habit la being olovatod to
tho level of an oxponslvoly fashlonnblo
crazo. Of couihq you will want to
know all about It, choro madamo, bo
I will haston to explain this nowest
and moat fantastic form of vlco. Mor
phlno, cnffolno and cocaine nro hopo
lessly domodo. UnleBS you would bo
a rank outsldor, you must cut them
out. But attar of roses, violet or
chorry blossom may bo Injected un
dor tho skin with exactly tho samo re
sults and an abiding porfumo, which
will at onco proclaim you to tho world
an an unspeakable fool or a brilliant
Jsocloty dame according to the tasto
of your Judge will remain.
So far it has beon takon up by tho
most prominent socloty and stage
'beauties of ParlB which means, of
course, that all respectable femininity
elsowhoro that' can afford that sort of
lunacy will promptly Indulge. Wo aro
'sured that the experiment la prov-
tho workmen and talk with them; no
muat get down Into tho culverts be
neath tho locks and stand by whllo
thoy lower n forty-ton valvo gato into
placo, ho must got out boncath the
dam and Into tho cut, out over the
foot-bridgo that sways 200 feet abovo
tho lockB, and oft around tho complet
ed parts of tho Atlantic and Paciflo
Especially ono must bo willing to
spend days nt Culobra cut From tho
platform up on tho Bldo ' of the cut
you cannot adequately feel that here
it wns that tho French and American
onglneora struggled against appalling
oihlH for years. You cannot reallzo
that out of this single stretch of tho
cajtnl 90,000.000 cubic yards of earth
havo been dug and that another 10,
000,000 will bo takon out boforo tho
canal Is pronounced complete. But
begin your day with a climb down the
long flank of an earth "slldo" to tho
bottom of tho cut, nnd then try to
scramble out again. If you succeed
In either of theso ventures, you will
havo found at least ono way of com
ing to nn appreciation of Its stupend
ous proportion, ami what tho digging
of Culebfu cilt meant to tho" men who
hnvo nlmoBt finished digging it
Down in Culebra cut, whero glraffe
llko drills aro boring Into tho bed
rock of tho isthmus, and long dirt
trains aro clattering away with what
romalns of tho foundations of Mount
Culebrn and Gold Hill, one Is literally
overwhelmed by tho magnltudo of
this, the cuiml-diggui's' greatest ac
complishment. At the bottom of the.
cut you gaze toward tho crest of Gold
Hill, towering Into tho sky, a thou
sand feet above. TJp thorn, whero'
Balboa Is said to have cllmbod to see;
both the oceans, tho tall palm trees!
aro bending to tho breozo, but here
tho workers aro sweltering In tho deafll
heat of tho midday sun, far down lm
tho foundations of tho earth.
At the Bottom of the Cut.
If you go down to tho Panama canal
thlB wlntor, go down Into Culobra cut.
Try thero to mako yourself heard
ngalnst tho din of tho steam hammers
and drills; against the Incessant dull,
thundor of the dynnmlto blasts;
ngalnst tho crunch and blto of tho
steam shovel; against tho scream of
tho locomotives and the crazy clatter
of tho dirt cars. Dodgo about the
labyrinth of tracks to escape tho ten-mlle-nn-hour
onslaught of tho blustor
lng engines, ns they mako tholr way
toward tho sea, hauling their strings
of laden cars; get closo beneath ono
of thoao long-armed steam shovels
which swings Its tons of rock and dirt
In every direction with such seeming
recklessness. At last lose yourself
itinuug llitj swarms of human ants who;
nro shoveling away tho soft dirt that)
has como down tho long slopo ofj
Mount Culebra In ono of tho "slides"
that onn fo ofton roads about.
Aftor all thlB, If you aro not fairly
staggered nt tho Immensity of v tho
accomplishment of our engineers, thon
you am of Btuff less Impressionable
than tho Isthmian rocks. For Culebra
cut Is tho mastorpleco of the $400,000,
000 canal Job; its completion will rep
resent tho ultlmato fulfilment of tho
work. Tho locks and gates at Gatun,
Mlrallores, nnd Pedro Higuel are won
derful In that thoy represent tho
largest of their kind In tho world,
So nlso Ib tho Gatun dam, which has
made posslblo tho Impounding of tho
dirty ChngroH rlvor water in tho Gatun
lako, and which has mado out of am
entlro countryside an Inland boo. But
Culobra cut transcends thom all. Here
Is not meroly tho largest thing of its
kind. Hero tho Continental Dlvldo,,
tho rocky backbone -of tho Americas,
has been carved through, after dofy-(
lng all tho efforts of tho Fronch fort
twenty years. A mountain has boon!
hown away. '
lng highly attractive In really smart'
circles tho circles of tho
fools. Iob Angeles Times.
Girl and the Game.
A young man took a young womaal
friend to a ball gamo for the first
time, and In his superior knowledge
ho nsked her after tho first Inning
wns over If there was anything about
tho gamo sho would like to havo ex
plained. "Just ono thing," snld tho sweet
young thing. "I wish you would ex
plain how that rhouraatlo bush-league
rello In tho box over gets tho ball
ovor tho plato without the aid of an
express wagon."
And In tho sllenco that followed
all that could bo heard was the faint
chugging of tho young man'8 Adam'a
applo working feverishly up and
No Need.
"Why doosn't that old millionaire
limber up by taking gymnasium oxer
clsos?" "Ho doesn't need them. He gets
enough agllo practlco dodging hi
r u