Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 13, 1912, Image 5

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Cooking under modem methods and con
veniences is made so attractive the whole
family is becoming interested.
"These biscuits are delicious; this cake is
excellent," says the father. " I made them,'
says the daughter, and both father and
daughter beam with pleasure.
Royal Baking Powder has made home
baking a success, a pleasure and a profit, and
the best cooking today the world over is
done with its aid.
Only Good to December 28.
Just now Tho statu Journal will necopt
St In puymoiit for tho Dully nml Kiimlny
Journnl until January I, lull, moru tlmn 11
whole j ear. anil M 11 tortlicr tmluvoiuonl to
have jou hruomn 11 li'iulor will Incluilu a
year's ijilirtiMliitlnii to tliu iiuUpumlctit
Karniur, a v.iokly farm ami slock pnpur,
iind Poultry TiipK'H, 11 beautifully pi luted
monthly poulu mid hoiuu ninoi-Miic.
AVltliout The Sunday Journal tho pileu will
boonlyj'l. Tho J mi 1 mil Is tho most Inch
pond (Mi t nml pioU'S1m nowspiipur In tliu
ntntu. It In uniibiinlb clran, excluding
liquor and nil misty ini'dlciil ndsnnd liodl
tud fur NuliinsKii lioinct. Tim comhiK ms
Hlonof tholcKlsliiturn will mulct) Tho Jour
nnl, which Is Unlit on the ground, tliu paper
you will iuicl wnntto tend. If u will
sond In now j 011 will lecoHo tlm pnpor tho
Imliineo of this your fioo. This cut price
olfor is not Kood nftor lit comliur 88. mmkI
your nionoy lUouco to Tho Statu Journal,
Iilncoln, Noli
liow to Bankrupt the Doctors,
A prominent N w York physician
Bays, "If it were not for the tliiu stock
ings anil tliiu told jdioes worn by wo
rutin llui doctors would piobably bo
bunkrtit " When you contract 11 cold
do not wait for it to develop info pneu
moniti but front it id oneo. Chamber
lain's OourIi llttuedy is intended es
pecially for coughs und colds, mid linn
won 11 wide reputation l its uien of
those disease. It in most effectual
and is pleasnut uud sufu to take. For
sale bv nil dealers Adv.
Local Items
Cranberries galoio 11 1 Van's, and Finest candies made, at Dakota Oity
fruits of all kiuila. Pharmacy.
Edgar Ayres nnd wifo nro lionio ' Jus Harry, of Jaokson, trnusaoted
from a visit nt Omaha. , business horo Voduesdny.
Dakota City Pharmacy hondqttartorH ' Christmas ttccs, nil sizes nml kinds,
for nil holiday supplies. !nt Dnkot.t Ciiy Pharmacy.
Goody-Goody untidy nt Van's. Ootno I Tho tuna w bo predicted n mild win
nnd see "tho display fo'r (he holidays. ,' tor tuts nnothor Riiess comiiiR.
Ilnrry II Adair linn beon helping' . Mrs U M Long, of Wakefield, is
out in tho Homer Stuto Hank this visiting her daughter, Mrs Denu Oor
veok, 1 null.
Uny ft good farm on tho Dnkotn I Geo W MaDoath returned Wedues
county bottom, I hnvo it. Eimors.iday, from n tiip to Floridn, where ho
Adv. I went Inst week to pilot 11 party of land
A baby boy was born to Mr nnd MlMM!k,rB for tllu '" "" Oo.
Thc SicreiLld. cracl
Now Idea Magazine $1
Sions Uity Daily and Sunday
Journal - 5
without Huuday 4
to rural 1 onto patrons 3
Iowa Homestead 1
Woman's vVorld 1
Hampton's " 1
Lippineott's " 2
Myron U Buclmnunn went to Omaha
Monday on railway b(isities.
Don't forgot Breuns coffuo, it is
still in tl n lend. Van sells it.
Scotf Hnokwfll arrived hero Sunday
from Akron, (Jol, to spend a week
with tlm homo fol l..
Homo Hindi uinen meat, lOu n
pouinl at Vuu do Zoddn's, I'ry a
pouud and jou will want more.
'Lin M It A lndgo will hold n meet
ing Thiuhdiij evening, December 19th,
for the lection of oilleors. Hupper
will be seived after tliu lodge, seesiou.
George Wilkins, comity clerk, nnd
Gonimisviouers 'I'hos Litiitf. O V Fish
or and Geoijgo Thnoltur, took the Mon
ilny noon Burlington foi Lincoln to ut
tend a RtatM mooting of county clerks
and commissioners in sostjiou there
this week.
The Salem English Lutheran Sun
day sohool will give their annual
Olnistiuas i-ervioe ou Xmnn eve (De
cember 21). A beautiful program
prminrod b) tho Hoard of Education,
eoiisisting of bougs nml appropriitu
reoitiitious by tho children, will bo
prcHonled. 'I'lie public aio cordially
In remitting for tho Humid, Ar
thur Miuter viiteH from Douglas, N
D " Wo have had a very good crop
this year, although an early snow found
one-fourth i.f tlm grain yet in the
fields mostly, flux Thero were hun
dreds of acres of good flux uuout,
which, of courho, will bo n dead loss
The 11 ix crop on tho reservation was
immense, much of it going 20 bushels
to tho nore. The E E Woodurd fnmi
ly is qnitn well they are in Garrison
for tho winter.
-ly.X5'Jlll 4 1 1
U23 52D TSl
Choose from biond o. lloctious dietingnisbed by
high quality and exquisitu style nnd every slono or
piece of Diamond Jewelry evidencing au cstt-blialied
Dlnmoud ItliiBS, Special Christmas Values...,, 25
lJinuiond Knrilngs Special Uhrlslmns Vnluos.. SSO
ntnmond Studs. Spealnl OhilHtiuns Values $73
Dlninond Hiouolio.,. Spoclnl Olillstliins Values .$33
Diamond Soltnircs, Special Olirlstnuis Vnluos..$1.00
It 13 wlsn to select now. All selections will
ho resoiuil until cnllod for.
Iowa's Leading Jewelers
Established 1877.
Cor. 4th and Pierce Sts.
s f?s
lUllIB &1
High. Prloc if Ccitla Insures TKIs to bo sx
Good Business for Mcs.ry Yccxrs
It is not generally known, but it is a fact, that one person
can now take G40 acres of Government land in Wyo. as follows:
First, file a Desert land entry on 1G0 acres where you can
catch the drainage from 1000 acres, in a series of small storage
reservoirs sufficient to irrigate as much as SI acres of the entry
and at least 5 acres of any 40 of the 1G0. For this J GO you pay
the Government 25 cents an acre at the time of filing and S1.00
an acre when proof is made.
Second, file on 320 as a homestead no charge for the land
but entrymau must reside upon the homestead seven months
each year for three years and raise a crop on 20 acres the second
year and have 40 acres in crop the third year.
Third, buy 1G0 acres from the Government at SI. 25 per acre.
This 1G0 must join the homestead.
There are hundreds of such locations now open to entry. If
yon want one of these ranches write today for map and particulars.
i fmmTiimn
aw Mrfcmu
D. Clem DonYor, Immigration Agent
William J Sierk Thursday, Decern
bcr 6th.
Louis F Lorenz shipped hiB house
hold goods nml departed Monday for
Elgin, 111.
All kinds of Christmas candies aud
fancy boxes nnd nuts of all lauds, nt
Vau do Zodde's.
Mrs D O Stiusou was over from
Leeds Wednesday night to attend tho
Eastern Star meetiug,
Elmer Quiutxl camo homo Sunday
from Elk Point, 8 I), wheio ho had
beon working oh it farm.
Anjouo wiihing puro apple cider,
guaiauteed, for ninkliig miuoe-meat,
or to driuk, can find it at Van's.
V o hnvo a better stook of Hardware
etc, than ire ever had, and you will
find our prices right. Solnievcr Bros,
,Vo have just put in a fresh, new
lino of goods and would appreciate a
cull from ynu. fll E Kneppor Grocery
Dennis Mitchell, of Jackson, was a
business isitor in this plaeo Tuesday.
Tho Llcruld acknowledges a friendly
Pouoa bus now recovered from n
light siege of Htnallpox. Whit few
cases are thero now uio under strict
Ilenry Hiermasu left Tuesday of
this week for n visit at his old home
in Btnimbke, Germany, It is about
ten years since he left tho fatherland .
A social di-nce will bo Riven in the
A) res hall Thursday evening, Decem
ber 19th. Uletuens oiuhestra oT Shel
don, lo, has been engaged for tho oc
casion. No need of going 1 1 Sioux City for
candies when you can get tho best
candy manufactuied in binux City at
Viii do ZimIiIo'h, tin tho samo price
you pay thero
li C Uuchuunan was called to South
Sioux Oiy Tuesday o reliovo tho
ugent nt that place,, who was sum
moned to Omaha to take railroad em
ployes examination.
Mrs Chas II Bryant was oporated on
Monday at tho Samaritan hospital,
Hionx City, for gall stones uud appen
dicitis Tho operation was a serious
one, but she is recovering nicely.
1 nines Graham, son of Mr and Mrs
J Thomas Graham, has boeu danger
ously ill witli tjphoid fever for tho
past two weeks. Bo has boen taken
to tun German Lutheran hospital in
Sioux City for treatment,
Mrs Elizibeth Gamble, of Omaha,
gland woithy matron of tho O E S of
Nebraska, made tho local lodge an offi
cial visit Wotlnenday evening, Lunch
was served in tho lodgo room, follow
ing tho exemplification of tho work.
8 W Eoltz in.d John D Foltz return
ed homo Satuulay from Bidden, Neb,
where they wont lust week to attend
tho funeral of an aunt. Thny made
the trip up thero by uuto, but on ac
count of tliu snow wero obliged to
leave the macinu at Laurel ou tho re
turn trip.
Chas Brynut made a rocord sale for
farm land tlu past wook when ho clos
ed a deal with Win H Dierkiug for tho
4.7-acro farm just uortli of town, Tho
land sold for $11,000, and as there aro
in tho neighborhood of -17 acres in
tho pioco it brought a triflo over
$234 per acre. Mr Bryant and vifo
expect to spend a year or two in Cali
fornia, and will leavo for tho coast ns
soon as they can dispose of their per
sonal tffects.
"Royal Block.Fruit Oake," mado by
Alico Masou, (who has n national rep
ut.ition in tin's line), iu Homo Murtc
IJiikory, nperatid by women, and
packed in 2-lb bind: and gold boxes
All fruit3, both foreign and domestic,
aro puro and storilized. These oakes
aro being used now in nil parts of the
U. 8. Price 80 cents per lb Also,
Old Elglish Plum Puddings nt GO conis
per lb. Address, Iloonbliol & Emory
Mfg., Lincoln, Nebr.
Chris Pauls! n, n former resident of
this place but for thopast year or two
in tliu employ of the Lytic Construc
tion company of Hionx City, was mar
ried Saturday evening to Mins Anna
Jen"'!!, of Hionx Citv. Tho wedding
ooromouy took plaeo at tho C F Lytlo,
homo in Sioux (Jity, where the groom
and bride will livo this winter while
the Lytlo family are sojourning iu
California, Tho well wishes of n host
of friends of the groom hornabouts aro
extondod tliu hnppy couple.
ITi'ih i'h Home thing tlm t eveiy gruiti
grower will ho interested iu, Tho far
mers m ftniiriisKu win hold their an
nual state com show uh usual during
Organized Agriculture week, Jan 20-24,
1013 Not only for men but for boys
and girts, Program for tho week can
bn obtained by request from F G
O'dell, Stato House, Lincoln, Neb.
The many cash prizes, the silver
trophies, and the $126 00 manuru
spreailor aro Worth working for.
About $2,000 urooffored in all to senior
and junior exhibitors. Such friendly
competition adds pleasures fo the sea
son's work. Fair treatment is assured
to all exhibitors. All exhibits will bo
ditqilaycd to the public during this
corn show which will bo hold ut the
Lincoln auditorium iu connection with
tho beautiful stuto ujq lo nnd flower
show. It is a simple mutter to enter
exhibits. Premium lints uud full iu
formation regarding the boys and girls
contests may bo hud by writing to O
W l'tigsley, UnivorHily Farm, Lincoln,
Neb, For entry blanks aud premium
lists for the senior contest wtito to T
A Kisselbuch, Seo'y Nebraska Corn
Improvers' Association, Linooln, Heb.
In addition to the show, the Nebraska
Corn Improvers' Association will hold
a very interesting uud instructive pro
gram on Jiitniury 20 and 21 ut the
Stuto Farm. Careful consideration
will bo given to matters of Marketing,
Soil Tillaue aud Soil Fertility. You
cannot afford to miss those disoussioDU
iu which everyone is invited to take
Milan Webster, of Emerson, wis in
dicted by tho federal grand jury lust
week ou u ohargo of tampering with
tho mail while employed as a mail
clerk iu the Linooln postoflloo.
Chris Giester was here from South
Siuox City, Monday, looking uftorsomo
work nt his fnrm west of town, Ho
expects to leave in tho spriug f.ir Van
Tiinsel, Wyo, w hero ho has n U20 acre
Geo C and Will II Orr returned
from u trip to Chicago tho llrst of tho
week. Wlnlo in tho Windy City they
attended the big stock show suvoml
days laht week, aud purchased u herd
of twi nt fancy brid Holsteiu hoifots
and ti thoroughbred bull With a
start of this kind they will have a
bird of fancy milk cows that are hard
to beat, and will bo iu slmpo to sup
ply the demand foi a better grudo of
dairy cows for those who desire to
take up daiiy ing fur a business.
Parcels Post.
The official parcels post map wns re
ceived at tho Dakota postoflico Mon
day. Tho map includes the United
States alone, and is checked off in
Small squares, each)f which bears a
number, The square iu which we aro
located is No 2901 Hurrouuding this
squaio ui u n soiles of circles called
. ties, the tltst is 50 miles aud the last
1,800 miips.
A sptcial sories of stumps is being
pioptuod foi tho parcels post business
and when tho law becomes effective,
Jan 1, 1'.) lit, it will-Mo iiwiiy with tho
merchandise or fourth class rate of 1
cent tin ounce uuw iu vogue.
The lutes of postage for tho different
zones tiro as lotions.
Thero Is only ono
Itrnl fnrm paper In
Nebraska, nml that
Is Tho Nebraska
Fnrmcr, published
nt Lincoln by S. K,
Tho Nobrnskrv
Fnrmer is n weekly
fnrm nnpor, oor
fifty years old. Dur
ing n Bluglo year It
contains over 1,200
pnges, nnd Is edited
by men who hnvq
spent n llfe-tlmo
In connection with
Nebraska farming. It cnrrlcs no med
ical, liquor or uurellnblo ndvcrtlslng.
Tho annual Now Year's number
alono Is worth moro than tho aub
ecrlptlon prlco for ono year. That
beautiful numbor will bo sent to all
who accept this Decembor offer.
McKolvIo snya tho only wny to run
n fnrm pnper Is to keep It clean nnd
reliable stop It when tho tlmo Is out,
I Rlvo no premiums or other free stuff,
and sell the paper nt tho lowest pos
slhlo prlco. Tunt Is his policy with
Tho Nebraska Farmer, nnd It la now
received on that basis In moro than
40.000 Nebraska fnrm homes,
I During December only Mr. Mc
KolvIo makes the exceptional offer ot
Tiuin: yi:.uis roit $uo. This is
lust one-half tho regular prlco
I In order to accept this offor, cut out
tuts uotlco and mall it today to Tho
Nebraska Farmer, Lincoln, Nebraska,
or ask for n free snmplo copy beforo
subscribing After rending u copy ot
this Krai farm paper, you will bo suro
to subscribe. Tho locnl roprcsontntlve
will mnke you this Bamo rato.
Specials for Saturday. Dec.14
For this Dsy Only
A rdrc bargain in Lace on this date Laces
worth up to lGc per yard, for 2c
All our Sweaters at a .Discount of 10 per cent
A 25c package of Dates for 20c
Stinson'3 Pride Baking Powder, a 25c Can for.. ..20c
3 pkgs Quaker Corn Flakes for, 25c
1 Cans Co-operative Baked Beana 25c
A 12c Prune, per pound 10c
A fancy Smoked White Fish, per lb". . .V.7.. ... 17c
A nice Florida Orange, pir doz 25c
A new supply of Rutabagocs, per lb 3c
Zone of Distance
O E&
City nnd rural delivery. .$0 05 $0.01
Within 50 miles 05 ,o:t
50 to 150 miles 00 .01
150 to 300 miles 07 .05
300 to GtiO miles 08 ,00
GOO to 1,000 mites 01) .07
1,000 to 1,100 mileo 10 .00
1,400 to 1 800 miles 11 .10
1,800 miles aud over. . 12 .12
"Includes non-contiguous possessions
Weight limit, 11 pounds.
Size limit, 72 inohes in length und
girth combined
Estray Notice.
Picked up as an estray on tho 2nd
of Deoembor, 1012. two Holsteiu
heifers about 3 years old. Oin-r can
have same by paying charges of keop
ping, aud for this notion .
Frank Uilling,
1J miles oast of Hubbard, Nob.
Stick 'Urn on tttc Back.
' lied CniMM Seals?" iuquiiodn young
woman nt a selling booth iu a Wash
ington poHt-ollloo to an (.ldorly man,
who haltod as nlio spoke.
"What anrthoy foi?" ho nskod.
"To help iu the cure of tuberculo
sis "
".My, My," bioko iu tho old man, "if
I hud only known about tliofio before
my wife died I might havo saved her 1"
nnd as ho wipod his ores ho wont ou,
"Iloiv do you use them?"
"You stick thorn on the bank "
Hut tho Toting woman was interrupted
"On tho buck? How simple I Oh,
if I had only known I" limned tho man
as he walked on with in 1st y oes. Jtut
ho bought no souls; it was too late for
All kinds of Fruit Oysters Sweet Potatoes Grapes
Oranges Grape Fruit always in stock, and at
the Lowest Prices
BBalcoisx. Ciiy
Everything in the line of
J Harness and Horse Goods j
Harness Made To Order, Only I
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS. n they cinnot reach
tho Beat ot tho Uheano. Catarrh li ft blood or consti
tutional (llseAKC, and In order to cure It jou must taks
hitrrniU remedies. Hall's Catarrh euro Is taken In
ternally, and acta directly upon llin Mood and mucoui
Fractional pounds considered pounds fine. It was prescribed by one ot tho best pliysieians .
It Is raranavil nt llin best tnnlm known, combined I
Willi Hie bt-it bkx.nl pnrlliern. nillnri illicitly on 11.0 I
inucuua Buniices. inu pencci cuiniimtiiiuii ui ma
two Ingredients Is what produce such wonder ml ro
eults In curlnK catarrh, fend tor testimonials, ireo.
1''. Ji CHUNK V ic CO , Piups , Toledo, O,
Bold by Drnlsts, prleo 75c.
Take Hall's family rills for constipation.
Blankets and Robes of all kinds. ,
Big Assortment of the best brjuid of Whips
Repair Work that's our specialty.
FVedrick-set (Si Son.
Card of Thanks.
To tho neighbors and, frionds who
usuislud.ux in our boreavemeut, of a
dear husband und father, also to tho
M 1$ A lodgo for tho beautiful ilorul
offoriup, wo wish to oxond our siuoom
Mrs J C Gribblo and Children.
Fit His Case Exactly.
"When father was siok about six
years ago ho read au advertisement of
(JhambHrlaiu s stomach and Liver
Tublets iu tho papr that lit his oasu
exaotly," writes Mit.s Margurot Gump
bell of Ft Smith, Ark. "Ho purchas
ed it box of them and ho has not been
sick siuce. My sister had stomuch
troublu and was also buueilted by,
them." Sold by all doalors. Adv.
What Should ihe Lecic.lat.ure Do?
Three prizes of $25, $10 and $10
each, will bo paid for tho best ans
wers to this question received at this
cilice beforo January 1, 1918. Tho
length of the artiolo will hnvo nothing
to do with tho award, but none of
moie than 500 words "ill bo consid
ered .
"What Should tho Lpislnturo Do?"
Send articles to Legislature, State
Journal Co, Lincoln, Neb.
Tho pupils of tho second grade are
especially iutorosiud in spelling this
mouth, caolt ono is trying to mako a
perfect record.
Helen Johnson, from near Nucoru,
has (tutored tho soveuth gtade, Her
brother, Itudolph Johnson has entered
the sixth grade.
Theru wero thruo perfect days, ns
regards attendance, iu the grammar
room tho past weok,
Anna Evans r a tided fust iu thu
arithmetic contest lust week.
The bookkeeping class nro studying
simple accounts and btisinesH forms.
A little later they "ill write suvunil
eomploto tluorctical sots iu donblo en
try. Thoy will also briefly study
single entry.
Tho teaohors spent a very profitable
day last Friday visiting tho Sioux City
schools. Tho principals of thu va
rious uurd schools are very courteous
aud obliging iu showing visitors
through their respective chools.
The Dtkota City schools will eloso
Friday, December 20, for a holiday
vacation of two weeks.
M H DaKor ami husband A I, to IlexMu
KryKor, lothilaiiit 7. Iilk 'J, Gilbert'!
mid to South Hloux Otty t
Alfreil T Havlilcu to 13 J Motr. lot 12 III
1)11; !), UttlJuij- uUii to So Hoo Ulty .,
Reulostato loans. Ooo Wilkins Adv
Something good for Supper
Our Stocks are Complete
and We Can Make
Prompt Delivery on
If you want
to make your men
folks hurry home, buy
your groceries at our store, for
the way to make a man hurry
home is to have something good
to eat, and that's what you
will have if you buy your gro
ceries from us.
Try Our
for Kitchen Stove
DakoUi City, Nob.
JT. "Van die Zeddc
Your Grocer
Dakota City - - Kthraihii
Cured of Liver Complaint.
"1 was suffering with liver com
pluitit," uays Iva Hmith of Point Ulank,
Texas, "and decided to try a 25o box
of Ghumborluin'tj Stomach and Liver
Tablets, und am happy to say that I
am completely cured and can roconi
mend thorn to ovory one." For sale
by all dealers, Adv.
Ladieu Aid to Hold Bazaar.
The Ladies Aid socioty of tho M E
church will hold a bazaar at tho court
liouso Friday afternoon, Decembor 13. '
Selling articles both useful aud orna
mental ut reasonable pricos,
A substantial supper will bo eorvod
ut 2Da a jilate.
Laznur begius ut 2;30, serving sup
per ut (3:30.
Every body como anil enjoy your
IttttpSfii'Rp'ii1 'I
lligliii Sealsfj
is Better than a
Investment In Health
Every Consumptive
Properly Cared for Iniurci Your Ufa
An.iiist TuberculoiU. .
Every Sent Vou Buy
Helpt toI'rovMa lloipll.U. Sntorl, Di
ponrlti,nl Vltlllnit Nurie. for tho Cue
and Cure of Coiuumption In your com
munity. ......
For Sale at the Postoflice.
I'or Photographs of the Babies, Children, Sweethearts,
Parents and Grandparents; Confirmation, Family Group,
or the particular kind you want, the Weddings. We
also do enlarging, and Copying from Old Photos. Foi
GOOD PHOTOS, and Photos that will give the recipient
of a likeness of yourself as an Xmas gift, you ean not do
better, in Price and Quality, than by going to the Pe Luxe
Studio, 405 Fourth St., Sioux City, la. Remember, prices
are the lowest, and satisfaction guaranteed.
405 Fourth Street
Next Door to 5c and 10c Store. Sioux City, Iowa.