Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 13, 1912, Image 4

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    lb. I
Faurrsa Headquarters
Our aim to have every Farmer coming to Sioux
City KNOW this is HIS Bank Ripe, Ready and
Eager to serve him faithfully and well. 'I his a
Country Bred Bank that knows Farmers from A
It wishes to meet their every call for loans for
advicc-for help. EVERYTHING in GOOD Bunk
ing is here for you. Interest on Savings paya
ble on demand, S. S. Tickets, Insurance with a
Welcome from the heart that "WEARS WELL."
Mid - West
"That ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Trice. $1.00 Yer Year.
a weekly nowapapor publioliod at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
PormiuBion tins beon grantod for tlio
transmission of Una paper through tho
main an second-clans matter.
Telophono No. 43.
Official Paper of Dakota County
truiu on wliioli ho waB going to Hioux
City, and probably ovar-oxmtfd him
self. Ho reimiinod uudor tlio doctor's
earo at Siouz City until HuturiliiY,
when ho wus tali en homo. Mr Duvoj
lias beon very Hick during thin wnok,
and his condition is considered ex
tremely critical,
JJrucp, at Tokatnah, Neb. . ..John
Davis, of Omnlm, stopped off oti Holi
day to visit old (into ftiouds a few
tints... Mra Allltou Uitiu received a
ti'lcgram on Monday, Htating tho
doith of her mother at Htorm Lake,
IovTfi.. ..Oiotgo Timelier and family
and John Thuokor mid family atitoed
to Hloiin, Io, lust Sunday, to littlo
family ruuniou.. .. Mra Alary Armoui
and daughter, Agnoa, of Hioux Oity,
wero Saturday and Sunday visitors at
Marvin Arraour'a, east of town. Jes
ao Lake and family accompanied them
un their viait,. ..Alias lieaaio Ilughea,
of Uheldop, Io, spent Thanksgiving
vacation with her parenta, Mr and
Mra Gilbert llughoo, hilts Ungues
returned to Hlioldnu Sunday evening,
tccompauicd by her father,. ..At the
Intermission church in Wiunobugo on
tSuducaday of laat week occurred the
marriage of Miaa Iluzel Penry to Mr
Hutli Uucklaud, both well known peo-
plo of Homer. They wero married b
llov Father Grease... Dan Ilartuett,
of Hubbard, whl'o attending tlio fu
neral laet Moi.ilay in Homor, backed
hia automobile into tho buggy of
iluiiff Mation, iLrowing him out and
-t-voroly bruising hia fuoe. Otherwinn
no damage waa ilono... .Tlio marriugo
of Mihh Agnea A llorger, atop-daiigliter
of Oarl Laraen to Laurita Luracn, took
place Saturday, November SO, 1012
lit 112 o'clock, at tho homo of the
brido'a par .-nta. llov J fcorensun, of
tho Eugiiah Lutheran church, perform
ed the coromoay
Itamo nf I ntarocl T
UUIIId J I l,lfclvJ Jfr,
from our Exchanges
Pender Timea: B J Smith, of Ho
mer and Winnebago, waa in town
Daily Itnma in Ponoa Journal:
Mra Miohiiela returned to her home in
Dakota City Friday.
Lyona Mirror: Mrs Olvdo Hobbies'
slater, Mro Hnrlcy, of Homer, waa
bore this week on a vialt,
Wayne Democrat: Mrs Davoy came
from Sioux City Friday lo visit at the
homo of her daughter, Mrs F S Derry,
Albaton Itoma in Sloan, Io, Star:
Ed liakko and wife wore over from
Homer, Neb, tho latter part of tho
Salix Itoma in Sloan, Io, Star: For
ter Yaudusou and Miaa Gertrude Van
duaen, of Sioux Oity, visited several
days tho puat week with their parents.
... i Mra Roberts and two daughters
and son, of Smith Sioux City, and Mra
Jividen, of Onawa, viaiicd lust week
at the homo of Mr ami Mrn Fred Dun
agan. . . . Mrs IliiBimis Madison return
oil fllntmay evening to nor liomo in
South Sioux Oity after a short visit at
the home of Iter daughter Mra A 1)
Winnebago Ohieftaiu: Mias Geor
gia Mansfield, of Lincoln, spent
Thanksgiving at tho homo of her
brother, M 8 Mauallold.. . .Mra J M
King, of (Inniiir, and Mra II A Monroe,
nf Biour Oity, were guests at tho M H
Mam-field homo last weok....GiiBt
Gerlach and family, of Orofton, ar
rived hero Inst Friday for a almrt vinlt
at tho homo of Mra Gorlaoh'a parenta,
Mr and Mra J I) Gill, and at tho F, V
Ohamborlaiu home Oarl Hu renin
and family wont to Missouri Valley,
Io, last Filday, being called there to
attoud tho funeral of tho 5-year-old
son of Mr lluroum's sister, Mrs How
ard Thurbur. Tho funoral was held
California Woman, Seriously Alarmed.
"A short time ugo 1 contracted u so
voro cold which Bottled on my lungs
and caused men great deal of annoy
anco. I would have bad coughing
spells and my lungs were no sore and
lull uneil I began to beaetioualy alarm
ed. A friend lecommeuded Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy, saying she hail
usi.d it for yours. I bought a bottle
and it relieved my cough the Ural
night, and in a week I waa rid of tin
eo.d and KoreiieaH of my lungs," write
Miaa Mario Gerber, Sim U lie, Cal.
For sale by all dealers. Adv.
ter Kriatitie, Mrs A 0 Hansen ami
children, Mr mid Mrs Ed Campbell
mid son Orval, George Campbell and
Mary Green.
Wo ato offering a new lino of fanoj
ruga. Come in and seo them before
tho holidays. Uco Timlin.
Fred Uartels waa a county aout vis
itor the latter part of laat week.
Rasmus Nelsen and Fred Johnaou
shipped catllo Monday.
Wo will tn alio u special prico on
aiipplitb for Cliristmas trees at school
houses. Seo us boforo ordering, 0
Anderson Co.
Mrs T Long sprung n great surpriao
on her better half Suuday cvouing, it
being hia 48tlv birthday. Mra Long
had invited all the K C'i and tlioy
arrivoJ at 8:80. A very enjoyable
evening wan spent and at tho mid
night hour all departed for their homes
wishing their host muny happy birtli
Fred Uartela, tho shoop man, has
boon having all kinds of grief and fur
with tho oo)u tea. During the snow
atorm laat week ho had to get on a
horse nnd drive the coyotes out of the
stocic Held tielore Ho could turn Hie
sheep in. He could seo a dozen of the
varmints at one time. lie put some
poison on ouo of tho sheep that had
been killed by tho coyotes and the fol
lowing morning ho found two dead
ones. Die nova shot another one
frim tho wagon in which they wero
riding, and atill there a few left to
pester the sheep.
Heport of the Condition of
he Hubbard State Bank
of Hulilmnl, charter No, 748, In the state of
,Neinikn, at tlio cloie or business Nov
ember W.1K12.
Lonns ami discount I SfM.VJ Kl
Overdraft itfl
Hanking homo, furniture and fix
tures 2,150(0
Current expense!, taxes nnd Inter-
OH paid , 7I'S 42
Due from national nnd
slate luniks 43,67(1 62
Currency , if.WU HI
(fold coin Wttoni
Silver, nickels and cents. 741 67 BUM OB
. .-r-.r-.r-.-.,-.. t ....... ,.
Total 1116,180 80
Capital stock paid In 1 10,000 no
Hurpuia ruiui 1.K1H w
Undivided profits UK) 06
Individual deposits sub
ject to check J6v,l!il 87
Demand certificates of
deposit, WW
TJmu cortlllcatcs of de
posit 70,421 11 181.011 41
Depositors' Riiarnnty fund 716 7
Total 1145,180 80
Htato of Nebraska,
Oouutyuf Dakota. iB" I. Michael Wators.
cashier of the nlwve named lirtuk, do hereby
suenr that the aliovo statemunt Is ucorn-ul
and true copy of the report made to tho
state ItimkliiK Ixiard. MiohakL, Watkhh.
Attest .1. It. WntuiH. Director. Cashier.
O. K. Wntois, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to liefoio mo this
fjtli ilay of December, 1U12.
11. U. Oiiiimii.k.
(seal) Notary l'ubllc,
,My couinilsnlou ox pi run .Maroh 4, 1917.
Wakefield Xtims in Wnyno Demo
crat: D 0 Learner was a Norfolk vis
itor Sunday ....Frank Crane returned
from Oolrioka, 8 D, Sunduy.
Doacon Itoma in Emerson Enter
prise: Harry Warner loft Friday for
McGregor, Minn, to visit hia parenta.
Thoy formerly tived nt Homor, Neb,
Watorbury Itoma in Allen News:
John Uogau, of Goodwin, was iu town
Thursday.... Arthur "ronk anil fami
ly ato Thiinkngiviug dinner ul tho Dun
Graves homo in South Sioux City,
Watcrbury ItemH in Pouea Journal:
James linker and wife, of Vista, wero
horo Tuesday... .T Hodgins, of Vista,
was in town Thursday.... Guy Ander
son returned home after spending tho
fall nt Hubbard,
Hurliuglou Nows : Miss Doeaie Var
vaia returned Friday to hor homo at
Hubbard aftor a week's visit with Lor
sister, Mra Ohas Iroluiid. Her uncle,
Mr Dufraiu, returned with hor for n
mil with relatives.
Sioux City Journal, flth: Mr aud
Mrs JP Twohlg, liul Summit avenue,
have returned from a ait weeks' visit
in New York.... Mrs Will Ryan, of
Homer, Neb, aud Mrs J 0 Duggan, of
Goodwill, Neb, have returnod to their
home aftor a visit to tho 0 11 Duggau
Sioux Oity Journal, 10th: Ico on
tho tilitBOuri river at the. Dakota coun
ty bhoru yesterday was thiol: ouough to
support mou and matorials, and mat
weaving for tho revetment work was
resumed. The crow lost about a weok
ami a half while the ico was forming.
W J .McDonald, a United Stat, s boiler
inapeotor, will be hero today to test all
tiie boilers on government bouts aud
pile drivers.
i'ouca Journal: Dr Leahy, of Jnok-
son, waa in town this wcok... J M
Davey, pioneor merchuut of Ponoa,
was sttiokon lust weok with heart
trouble, no was hurrying to catch u
Allen Nown: Miss Mabol Twamloy
wont to tho city TucBday for a few
days visit.... Rev Kellor, of Dakota
Oity, preached to a largo audienco
both afternoon aud evening Sundav.
....The Walter Collins family has
moved to Jaokaon and John Kratise
and wife have moved into tho house.
.. ..Mr and Mrs James Hatch spent
Thanksgiving day at Homor with tho
lattcr's parents, Mr and Mra Charles
Uisoroto.... Frank Hill, who is the
proprietor of a barber shop at Sibley,
Io, spent Thankigiving day with his
parents, Mr aud Mrs II II Hill, and
Bister, Muriol... .W AV Harvoy, a for
mer farmor north of hore, visited here
ovor Sunday at the Grorgo Sohroedor
home, returning Monday. Mr Hur
voy ia now ruuning a hotel iu Sioux
Oity and doing a good business,
WolthiU Times: Swan Olson went
to Dakota Oity Monday evening ....
Miss Mabol Gilson, of Homer, visited
hor father Saturday afternoon. . . .Mrs
Oooley, of Dakota Oity, was a Walt
hill visitor Friday afternoon.... MrB
George Whaloy was down from Homor
Friday alteruoon to visit hor son, Hon
ry 8 toner. . . .MIhsps Mabel aud Goldie
uuson, oi notnor, wero Wallbill vis
ltoia Monday afternoon.,.. Mrs 0 R
Byorly aud child wero down from
South Sioux Oity Sunday afternoon to
visit Mr Uyorly". ... Mrs J Rounds re
turned to Homer, Monday evening,
aftor a Thanksgiving visit with her
daughter. Mra Jeff Oolo.... Miss Lillio
Johuson, of Jackson, was the gueat of
Missoa Agues aud Mabel Aamuu aud
Miss Jeuuie Ueding last Friday and
Saturday.... Mr W W Armour, of Da
kota City, uxpeotu to go fonth with
tho MathowBons and spend tho winter
iu Florida. Ho is one of tho pioneers
of Nebraska, having coma to whut ia
now Dakota county Ufty-aix joara ago.
Ho is a veteran of tho civil war. Mr
Armour ia aoiuowhat disappointed iu
not gottiug away before snow oamo us
be, hoped to tuijoy the novelty of a
fflntor without Boeing enow, II o cumc
to WolthiU yeatorday.
Homer Star: Horn To Mr and
MrB 0 L Ohuroh, a baby girl, on
Thauksgiving day.... Geo W Rock
well is visiting his daughter, Mm Ed
Only a Phone Call Away
Very anxious to talk about your next Insurance
Policy. Phone or write and will at once drive out
and see you. Any kind written RIGHT with treat
ment unexcelled elsewhere.
I have the agency of Ed. T. Kearney. The same
old companies good for n quarter century back, the
same brand of treatment he gave you.
I buy and sell lands and have an excellent list to
choose from. UST WITH ME.
I make Farm Loans and can guarantee my rates
very lowest possible, with service the very best possi
ble to give.
Steamship tickets in the best companies.
Conveyancing with thirty years experience learn
ing how,
Ripe Ready and Eager to serve you faithfully and
help build up Jackson and Dakota county.
H F. NoKeavsri
Jsk.ekson, NobraakBL
Successor to Ed. T. Kearney.
Put Duggan and wifo were shoppers
in the city Tuesday ,
A lino now invoice of dishes just re
ceived at O Anderson Co's.
, Fred Rartels transacted business in
the city Tuesday,
Mrs John Harty waa iu the city Fii
day of lust week.
Try a can of our floueymoou keen
cut coffee. You will 11 nil it the beat.
Geo Timlin .
Fred Nelsen mado liiu usual trip' to
Hubbard Sunday. That's Fred's bu
siness. Mrs II Nelson arrived laat Sunday
to visit at tho -homo of her aon, Ohas
Dodgo .
Bantu Olaus has taken up hia head
quarters at O Audernou Oo'a store.
Drop in and seo for yourself.
Pat Duggan and wifo autoed to
Sioux Oity, Tuosday.
Patrick Jones and wifo wont lo tho
city Monday, returning Tuesday.
Toys for tlio children and useful
gifts of all kinds at 0 Anderson Oo'a.
Mrs II Nelson went to Sioux Oity,
Monday, to seo her daughter, who is
suffering from so mo eye tronblo.
Leo Uoido and wifo aud Mrs W
Good, wuru iu Sioux Wednesday of
laas wook. They went by auto.
Ever) thing in staplo and fancy
China, goods that make uboIuI aud
beautiful Chiistmas pioseuts. Geo
Tom Long wont to Lincoln Monday,
returning Wednesday.
Dan Ilartuett was on tho Sioux Oity
market with a bunch of stock cattle
If you like a good rioh blend in
coffoo, try tho colobratod Millar's
coffee, and you will find it just what
yon like, 'J Anderson Co sella it.
James Harty Sundayod at tho James
ileeney homo near Nacora.
U Hanson and wifo wore over Sun
day fjueBts at tho homo of their
daughter, Mra II Jensen.
The froahcat and boat brands of
cookies at 0 Anderson Co's,
Tho mauy friendG of Chan Dodgo,
who rcoeutly broko hia leg, will bo
pluasod to know that he is recovering
Mrs Albert Hehroiuler rnluttiml tho
ilrst of thu wcok from South Dakota.
She had been there since August, hav
ing goue there for her health.
lhing in your produce, butter, ckrb.
etc. We always pay tho top prico. U
Anderson Co.
Henry Cain was visiting frieuds
south of niibbiiid, Sunday,
James Ilartuett returned to his home
iu Omaha, Thursday evening,
Everything iu tho lino nf candy for
tho holiday trade at O Anderson Oo'a.
William Nelson was a city passeu
ger tho llrat of tho weok,
Rev Soronaen was visiting frieuds
near Hubbard Tuesday.
Mou'n leggings, in leather and uuok,
also oveihhous at money saving piicea.
Geo Timlin.
Ed Cliukoiibeard and family from
near Dakota Oity, visited from Satur
day until Suuday evouiug at tho Jobso
Oraves home,
Uoury Hanson, John Jesseu aud
wife weie among those troui hero who
saw Santa Ulatis iu thu city last week,
Sleds and skates for tho boys, knit
goods, scarfs, hooda and sweatera for
tlio girls, and over.-thiug in fauoy
gooda or substantial everyday articles
for old and young, atC Anderson Co's.
Herman Nelsen aud wife entertained
several families at diutier Suuday,
Johu Jofcseu aud wifo ato Suuday
dinner with friends near Nacora,
Cooking utensils and overythiug iu
tho lino of- up-to-date tinware at C
Audersou Co'a.
A Leap yoar dauco will bo given in
tho Danish lfrotherhood hall Thurs
day, December 2Gllix. All, are invited
to attend,
JamoH Campbell returned Tuesday
to hia homo at Ceutoivillo, S D,
Some of thoso from hero who went
to seo Santa iu tho oity Tuesday wore,
Mr and Mrs Geo Johnson nnd daugh-
John Heffernau has gone to Chicago.
Mra O A Harbor and sister, Mrs T J
lloneli, of Maraland, Neb, aro visiting
relativia at Rolden, Neb.
Mra Horace Dutoui spent several
dnjs last week at the bedside of hei
falhei, J: Cuvuiiiiugli, at Allen, who is
quite ill. She lelt him much linptov
ed. Mrs Alex Frye, who ban been uudor
tho doctor's care tho past month, went
to Sioux City lust Thursday intending
to undergo an operation at tho hospi
tal, but alio returned homo not feeling
ablo to undertake it,
Harry Goodfeliow ia visiting hia
oouainB, tho Mcllcnrya, at Colonic, S
Mrs Etigono Garnor doparted Fri
day for Elkhorn, Nob, to visit her pa
renta, Geo Cookerell and wife.
Mra John Rolcr is visiting her aon,
Dr Thus I) lioler, and daughter, Mar
garet, at Omaha, this week,
Mra Emma Rico, of Portland, Ore,
is a gueat in the Joe M Twohig home.
Mrs Rico is an aunt of Mrs Twohig.
Geo 0 Smith returned homo fiom
tho hospital laat Saturday, recovering
uicely fiom an operation.
Next Saturday, December 11, bo
iug the anniversary of tho death of the
late P F McCarthy, formerly paator
here, a solemn mass of rrquium will bo
celebrated in tho chapel in St Cathar
ine's ncademy.
W A Brown sold his farm consist
ing of 1G0 acres, near Goodwin, Nob,
to Milto Hernial) and Frank Curpeuter,
conalderatioL, $10,000. The deal was
madu through the Pioneer Lund and
Insurance Co, of this place.
Mr and Mrs John Brady departed
last week for Sioux Oity, whore they
oxpect to spend the wiutor iu tho
homo of their daughter, Mrs O A Bar
rett. t
Johu McUouigal and Fred Morgan
aro taking iu the sights iu Omaha this
Miko Carney and wifo returned
.Tuesday from a two week's visit with
relatives at Rnudolph, Nob.
Teresa Erlach, of Sioux Oity, spent
over Sunday with tbo homo folks.
Report of the Condition of
The Bank of Dakota County
of JnekHon.Oliiirter No. GS1, In thu Stnto of
Nebraska, at tho close of business .Noein
1)8 r 20, MS.
I.oann and discounts....; ... 111,741 f
Overdrafts ')ht
HauktiiR liouxu furniture and fix
tures -1,207 2S
uurreni expenses, tnxes and in for
est pulil , 1,712 t'S
Duo fiom nat'l aud statu ,
tanks..., , t:sf),2:lt 18
Ounency 1,870 to
Clold coin 1,01(1 hi
(Silver, nickels nnd cents... 877 Ofl 3I.C7H 2it
Total , $ lM.Staca
riapltal stock paid In 20,000 00
unuiviueu prouiH
Individual deposits sub
lectio check 160,608 13
Demand eertlllcates of
deposit 4C3 75
Time eertlllcates of du-
poalt 11W.807IW 16D,23S 81
Depositors' imaiaiity fund.. l.filfl 70
KrATi: W NlillHAhKA,
uouuiy or Dakota. i
I, lioei). Kearney, cnshlor of tho above
named bank, do hereby swear that Hho
abo.vo statement Isiu-nricctnud truocopy of
5.0U1 Oil
...S 185,81:) C'i
the' report madu to the state hanking board;
.wrnsT: i.kk u. jtKAiipnv,
M.O, Aykkh, Dliector, Cashier.
lUniiY H.AiiAiu. Director.
SuhscrllHKraiul sworn to lieforo mo this
Uth day of December, 11)12.
J.. I. KiMKita,
(sr.Ai.) Notary Tublle,
My commission expires J an, 20, 1017.
Report of the Condition of
Bank of Dtkota City
of Dakota CMty, charter No, SOI, In tho statu
of Nebraska, nt the close of nuslnuss Nov
ember SO, 1012.
Loans nnd discounts 10.1,892 7G
Hanking house furniture and llx-
tilieu 0,600 00
Current expenses, tnxcsnnd Inter
est paid . 0,011 08
Duo from nat'l and state
banks $12,080 65
Currency 1,181 00
Gold coin ,,...... 77S Oil
Silver, nickels and cents. 457 28 4S,i)00 8.)
Total.... S 868,890 E0
Capital stock paid In I 20,000 00
Surplus fund 1, wio 00
Undivided prollts 15,000 CI
Individual doposlts sub
ject tucheek. t SJ.OJO 71
Demand eertlllcates of
deposit 3,081 00
Time eertlllcates of de
posit 108,130 33
Due to national and
Statu banks 22,771 68
Depositors' guaranty fund
Stair or Nkiiuakka,
County of Dakota.
I, M. O. Ayres, president of the nbovu
named bank, do hereby swear that the
above statement Isn correct and true copy of
tbo report made to tho state lianlcink' bimrtl.
Aitest: M.O.Aykkb,
Harry It. Adair. Director. President.
G'Oyt1iirtMr, Director.
Hubscrllied and sworn to lieforu mu this
7th day of Decembr, U12.
J. J. Timers,
(skat.) Notary l'ubllc.
My commission expires January 20, 1017.
218,621 70
1. DAS 20
.J 258.800 60
Born To Mr und Mrs O A Goff, a
baby girl, on Wodncsday, December A.
Miss Virginia Sawyer was at homo
to spend over Sunday with homo folks
Miss Cora Snrouseu went homo with
Ruby Van do Zeddo and spent ovor
Sunday in Dakota City.
Mrs Wageuor was hero from LoMars
wheie sho was visiting, and spent Fri
day afternoon with her soub, tho Star
oditois. ,
Ed Wilkiits has a bad caso of blood
poisoning iu hia hand. lie ia having
it treated and oared for at tho homo
of his parents, Mr aud Mm August
Mra Geo M Beat ia on tlm sick
list, also Mrs T J Uchauder who has a
bad case u tousilitia.
Tho Homor high school gave a sur
priao par'y on Fon eat Rook well Satur
day oveniug. It was sort of a hard
times party, and nmsio and games
were played, aftor which Mrs Rock
well, assisted hy Misi Ilolou, aorved a
midnight supper. All went home
saying they h;td a real good time,
Miss Virginia Brown aud Miss Na
dine Bin partition were Xmas shoppers
iu tlio oity Tuesday.
Dr Will Ream, of Walthill, was
horo Tuesday onrouto homo from Sioux
Oity by auto.
City - Mcat - Maurk.et
WM. F. LORENZ, Proprietor
Dakota. City, Nebr.
Back in the old standi, ready to
serve you at all times with the best
Meats at the lowest living prices.
Order your Poultry and Meats for
the Holidays NOW. ST ST
Agent for Seymour's Laundry, Best in the City.
ZZfye Heratid
for- All
Whan. It
IS Nows
Notlco Is horoby Rlvou that on or bcfoio
January 1st, IVli), sealed bills will bo reeelv
cU at tlio county clcrli's olllcc for furnish
ing books, blanks anil stationery as follows:
Records, 8-qr, plain, each.
Hecorils, 8-qr, printed beads, each.
ltecoruu, printed piiko, each.
(leiioral indexes, (1-qr, ruled, printed head,
All books to bo madu of best llnon ledger
paper, full Russia binding, to open Hat, and
to correspond with books now in use.
Letterheads, printed, Kiupliu bond or
equal, per M.
Knvolopex, printed. No 1, slo 6), white,
per M.
Knvolopea. printed, Manilla, No 10, per M
Kalier'a or Dixon's puuells. hw., ur itiuis.
Kanford's, Darter's or Arnold's Ink, per qt.
fcjpuneurliiu, Uluuluum or (illiott's pons,
por arosrf.
buimlesoratuli pads, poruo..
I.eual blanks., full shoot, por 100.
Legal blanks, half sheet, per 10o.
Legal blanks, iiunrter sliet't, per WO,
Legal blanks, eighth blieet. pur lot).
Separata sealed bids will r.Uo bo received
Dounty printing.
I'ubtlstilug tho delinquent tax list,
bounty pliytelnn.
The board resoros tho light to roJoetnnv
and all bids.
Accepted bidder to glvo liouil for faithful
porfoi inauco of contract.
Dakota Oity. Neb. Nov 29, 1(112.
Oeorgo Wllklns, (Jouuty Olork.
Try Solace At Our Expenso
Money Back for any case of
UlicuiiiuiiBin. Neuralgia or
UeaduclK1 that 8oIaco
bails tn Koliovo
SOLACE REMEDY Is a recent mudlcnl
discovery ul tlireo ilorinan Scientists that
neutralizes ITrloAoldandpurlllustho blood.
it is easy to tuu, ami win notoiieet inn
weakest stomach.
It la guaranteed under tho I'll re fond and
Drug Law to bo absolutely fieo of opiates or
harmful di uhsuI liny deBcrlptlon,
SOLACE Is a pure tpeclllo In tablet form
and hah lieeu pi oven beyond qiioallou to lie
tho surest and quickest remedy for I'rle
Acid troubles known to medical science, no
matter how long standing. It rcaohej and
leiuovos thu toot of tho trouble (Urlo Acid)
anil put llles the blood.
THE SOLACE CO, of llattle Greek mo
thu Hole I'. S. Agents and havo over two
thousand voluntary testluionlal totters
whloh have beun received from Kiateful
people SOLACE has restored to health.
Testimonial letters, literature ami FREE
DOX sent upon request.
It. Leu Morris, piesldont of the First Na
tional bank of Chtco, Texas, wrotu tho Hoi
acu liompiiny as follows)
"I want you to send a box nf Holaco to my
father In .Memphis, Tent)., for which I en
clone tl. This remedy has lnon used by
kuuiu friends of mlud hero and I only hopo
It will benefit my father as It has them.
(Signed I It L Mori Is.
I'm up In SCo MM aud 1 1.( boxes.
SOLACE "No Special Treat men t. Schemes
or Cues." Just SOLACE alouo does tho
work. Write today for thu fieu lox,et .
SOLACE REM COY CO., Rattle (.'reek,
Klrst publication U-22-lw
To all whom It may concern:
Stato of Nebraska. Dakota county. s
The eouiiulsslouur appointed to locate aud
rupoi t on .. proposed road commencing nt
the southwest corner of section thiee(il),
towfishlp twenty-eight (2HI noitli. lunge
six (U) east of thu sixth (iltli) 1. M on tho
line between Dakota and Dixon counties
aud running due north along tho said coun
ty Hie to the nort iwest corner of said sec
tion thiee(b) .thence duo east to tho south
west corner of see t Ion thirty-four (III), town
ship twou'y-nlue (?v) north, range six ()).
oast of the sixth (nth I 1. M thence due
north and teimlunttug at a point where tho
Dakota and IMxon county Hue oros.csOttcr
eieel:, nnd said loud to ls not less than
twenty-two 12S) feet wldu on tho Dakota
county side of said county lino, has ieport
ed In faor of the establishment thereof,
and nil objections theiuto. or claims for
damages, must bo (Red In the county dork's
olllco on or pefore noon o( the 'JiHIt day of
.liimutry. IVli). or such road will tki estab
lished without fuither reference thereto.
Hated this 21st day of Nu A. I). 101.
Oco Wllklns, dounty Clerk.
(bo Gtaulao
r nuujuiTJTJ
M lJr?M T J
RlH.W.AC tf. ..d ,a !!
.tlltf r
WW 1?
oyo mmmgm
3 iov'f my
Henry's Place
East of the Court House for the Best in J
I Wines, Liquor and Cigars!
Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies.
Nixlife Beer
Bottle or Keg
Henry Krvsarkviedc p"' ciy,w.brkl
Tbe Best Investment for the Family.
Literature with a purpose, entertainment
with an Ideal, Information and incentive
combined. Every Interest of family life
from housekeeping to athletics is covered
who cut out this advertisement
and send it with $2 for the 52
weeks of 19 13 will receive all the
remaining issues for 1912, also
The Companion Window Trans
parency and Calendar FREE
Full Prospectus for 1913 nnd Specimen Copies sent on request
.. NEW .. I
Great Family Combination Offer r
' We do not know of any Family Weekly tliat we can more heartily
recommend to our readers than The Youth's Companion. It jives us
pleasure, therefore, to announce that we have arranged with the
publishers to make the following offer :
The Dakota County JHerald, Regular Price,
The Youth's Companion,
Both Papers together, 1 Yr., $2.75
Send all Subscriptions to The Herald, Dakota City, Neb.
Licensed Embahner
Ambulance Service
Lady Assistant
Win F Dickinson
Yul f it ple tK UUM
inoJvl, swQUia Uotnoe
l i. rveoraltnd
jun f ll fwwinc
njicniBM.in fwir imii.
un u r mtinualljr wbU
paying 52 a month aodttn
lov a tenr sdcIcI orico
duwet to roa or from our DMrMl
ti-urt A mscniflcnt iBftstub-HfX
Wc Will Toltc Your,
niil Mnhlnp Iftouyk-h'
Jn4 tnK
lhmHMtta An4 you cfta fill UV J
Ball 71
Axito 2471
. 415 Sixth Street
Sioxix City, lows.
tShe Hcirald: only $1 a
Vu perf 1 1( winu much I no that Km ilwtra led all cthci
ntak. an J t touy bltr than vr. Two tnachlnii
tn -wedlock stitch and chain stitch, btrmtaht drvrx I
m m
msscm m
ll hltthnno, tiHHWJ1'i A camHt Ml ft ffUUctatnt.
ll 1 ( . MiL lara-lvu Tha IkjOWSlIC ttt
, i ', -".T---? - Nrf- . "... -i T. .i. I
i, linqmiiiuvviib i
f ikkbrnMviiif mi htncmrtitfi
tkCMD rUr) HOOK. MUC, JlioTr
ruth Atout bdwina
-0 trMi 1 W iriirJI hmra the fifMftt wlntf nfttT
't ,MHt ' I'- w JiUtlNty SJ a month ln
i' irci Mr MV oturat fivJrirrouK4 imi
i fc, i
hot ?m fvt bur
t mrltu
htj bur ku in art tki
rtt rvwulMM j i ib w kitl fnrtlNtnV
I Mis Mary K, McDcathi Agent
Abstracts of Title
A $10,001) Burnt; Bond
riuiirntoi(i the aoonrnoj of ercrj
AlmtrAOt I make
anna tmmr
9 Snooeisoi to
Dakota County Abstract Oe;
Bonded Abstraoter
J. J. K I M E
1 4fr. - - , i if fctf" '
.3 .