wmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmrmmwmmmmmmmmmmmammimm-. rTil SUITORS OF We Want Ten Million Dollars' Worth ci Furs Rtturn Malll lhMO aro pomoof the BJvfmtajttf that Aro rnurtwhrn you wnj your furtoFuntcn I ur Mouho In th Lnrfcpst riironrjr I ur Mnrket In tn World. Oar nlr am ttendctl br tho cmntont fur liDtcn of 4hUcountry. hurnpaB&d Canada. Cora pvittion ninong in ra ia ncrco. Ana up bo the prlcnl DenHiw direct with yoq m we do can't ycu ? why wo canuf f oru to I'Ojr you LUgcat prlcctt Big Monoy In Trapping 1 l1 Trap daring fparo time. Mink, (Toon, HknnV. Mutki-At.Uoir. I,vni.MLnVrflirI aodbarfura artuaMtouaiit, It'a actneh to cateh Itiem wltb Funitan Animal Hall. IT want Ten Million tviUrt worth of itnt auch fara and ILarfaal In ihaWarld! will pay eaih for lhm. Td cttbcit ttluiu air Funstcn Animal Bait $1 Can wa tuaranUa (hit bait to Incrtaaayoor eaten. Animals can't ratttt It On em, at a dollar, mad $1,199 clai profit for ona man UaaJbf U 8 Gotrrnmant and by ttpcrt aed trappori at aryn har. Took Orand frit. World'a ralr.lPOl A diffartot Hit fr aeh kind rf animal EUU kind wanted. TRAPS AT FAaTORVCOlT-iaftiidlnrUitfamoiuYio-tr, al an lira outAta for trappr All at a avlnf priest rUCI Trappar eOtildt.OamaUwa. f opplyCaulo IbooVt 1 I with FurMarkatHapork,SblpplncTafa,to. Wrltatoday. 'uaatan Brat Ca 1 ly Fun a Ian alldH ti. LuU( tie. Gifts- A Most Useful Present For You and Yours W&lgigifenSs q Ideal Kommmren The superior material, used, tho excep tional care in manufacture, and the well known and tho successful Waterman patents, mako thia pen tho standard of (ha writing world everywhere. Always ready and accurate. From" L.E. the Best Btorea " . Waterman Co 173 Broadwa; Brerywhero. N.Y. "The Pen That Fits Every Hand" POINTED WAY TO SALVATION Preacher's Advice Was All Right but His Friend Also Had Something Wise to Say. Senator Samuel A. Ettelson, speak ing recently at a banquot, told tho fol lowing: "A colored preacher stood up on a Sunday and Bald, 'My text this morn ing, brothors nnd sisters, am "What shall I do to bo saved?" To mo thoro seems only one way to be, saved, and ithat am to quit thU'ero extravagant living. Back to tho simple life, say I. .There am going to bo no chanco for you to bo saved so long as you keep up this high living. If thcro la any thing that Is going to kill our raco It Is theso'ero luxuries. Cotter go hun gry and cold llko tho wolf. Go out and face tho rains nnd fight the storms. Go wado like the crano. You will grow rugged uud you will grow tough, but you'll walk like a man. Yes, sir, that am do way to salvation, that am do way to get saved.' "Just then a tall colored man, ris ing from his pew In tho rear of the church, Interrupted tho preacher, shouting: 'This am no way to be saved. You just jump right through that back window and run just as faBt as your legs -will carry you, for tho county sheriff am here with a war rant for your arrest for stealing them chickens from Massa Martin's coop last Friday night.' "Chicago Tribune. Father's Admiration. Mrs. Shortley was discussing the latest fashions with a young lady caller. "Did you say your husband was fond of those clinging gowns, Mao?" "Yes, he likes ono to cling to me for aboufthree years." Llpplncott's Mag azine. Not to -Be Caught. Farmer (on one side of tho hedge to boy on the other side) Now, then, ,imy lad, didn't I toll you not to let me catch you here again? Boy (preparing to run) All right, .don't moke a fuss. You ain't caught i mo yet! XVaclily Telegraph. Gives. Him a Chance to Pursue. "Tho best way for a girl to catch a ,tnan Is by running away from him." "That's right, there's no danger of iher beating him out in a hobblo eklrt." To man tho most fascinating worn An In the world Is the ono he almost, Ibut not tiulto, won. Hope Is a pneumatic tiro that is fre quently punctured. NEVER TIRES Of tho Food That Restored Her to Health. "Something was making mo ill and I didn't know tho causo," writes a Colo, young lady: "For two years I was thin and sickly, suffering from in digestion tt ml Inflammatory rheuma tism. "I had tried different kinds of diet, and many of tho remedies recommend ed, but got no better. "Finally, Mother suggested that I try Grape-Nuts, and I began fit onco, eating it with a little cream or milk. A change for tho better began at onco. "To-day I mil well nnd am gaining weight and Btrength all tho tlmo. l'o gained 10 lbs. In Iho last flvo woeks and do not suffer any moro from in digestion, and tho rheumatism is all gono. "I know it is to Grapo-Nuts nlono that I owo my restored health. I still eat tho food twice a day and never tiro or it." Namo given by Postum Co., Dattlo Creek, Mich. The ilavour of Grape-Nuts Is peculiar to itself. It is neutral, not too sweet nnd has an agreeable, healthful quality that never grows tiresome. Ono of tho sources of rheumatism Is from overloading the system with ncld material, tho result of imperfect digestion and assimilation. As soon as improper food is aban doned and Grapo-Nuts is taken regu larly, digestion is made strong, the organs do thoir work of building up good red blood cells and of carrying nway tho excess of disease-making material from tho system. Tho result la a certnjn nnd steady return to normal health and mental activity, "There's n reason." Read the llttlo book, "The Road to Well vllle," in pkgs. Hrr rend Dm nlinre lettcrT A new one nppt'iir from time to time. Titer nre frenuliir. (rue, und full of human later eat. Adv. MI)f Mr,, vUi MELIS3A FEARS A TOO DURABLE MATE. Mrs. Merrlwid came into tho room whoro her maternal maiden aunt Jane waa unwinding a skein of bright blue Berlin from the back of a chair. There was a good deal of color In Mrs Mcr rlwld's checks and a 'mischievous light In her eyes, which tho elder lady not ed and which caused her to sigh quite pathetically. "What havo you been dolug now, Melissa?" she asked, with a decided accent on tho penultimate word. Mrs. Merrlwid made the dimple ap pear in her cheek. "Did you hear a sort of a rumbling noise, dearie?" she Inquired, In turn. "Why, no," Aunt Jano answered, wonderlngly; "only tho street door closing. Has Mr. Wellalong gone?" "I put the rollers under him, auntie," roplled Mrs. Merrlwid. "Ho has wont, and I had tho hair-breadth escape of my llfo, too. You camo aw Tully near having a new nephow-in-law, with an ash colored toupco and gold mounted teeth, denrlo. Not ex actly new, perhaps, but in perfect re pair and warranted to last." "You're the worst!" said Aunt.Tano, with an air of displeasure. Mrs. Merrlwid giggled. "I am a case, am I not?" she assented. "But when ever I see a well preserved man, I al ways seem to suspect benzoato of iitt... gjr rif' ' M- aajBBBBB-7.VlT'BBKt.r.lf..l(aW,Y I aHLHK y&JlAE TMllf&;m HBJEv. L-v jm (?k v t w Tfr "BF vir 111 I llPip .ss- ryw .- iLxma ijM 3S- -saafcasrt ; S5i J M .WaMIw 'tt aWKSrSS-XS mimn m IMc-jt444 ?r i'iw "I Want the Gentle Ministrations of a Woman In My Home. coda and glucose. Mr. Wellalong was very sweet, though, and ho certainly made an Impression on me. If he only hadn't made that last injudicious statement." "I wish you would stop talking non eohbo and tell me what he did say," said Aunt Jane. Mrs. Merrlwid curled herself in an armed chair and consulted the ceil ing. "Let mo see," she said. "What was It he did say? Well, ho said that a widower's life was a lonely ono and that with tho advance of years ho realized more and more keenly tho lack of female companionship. I re commended a Chautauqua camp meet ing. 'Or If you care to identify your self with the woman suffrago move ment, you'd get lota of it,' I sug gested. '"It isn't that kind of companion ship I mean, Mrs. Merrlwid,' he said, drawing his chair up closer. 'It's an association of a more intimate and domestic character that I feel the need of. I want tho gentle ministra tions of a woman in my home.' " 'And help is so awfully hard to got,' I murmured sympathetically. 'I know ust exactly how you feel. I couldn't begin to tell you the trouble I've had since Hilda left mo. Havo you tried the intelligence offices?' " 'I'm not speakiug of aervants,' ho said. 'I can get all tho servants I want, but It Isn't so easy to get a wife a lady of refinement, intelli gence and bpauty, with an affection ato nature, an amiable disposition and domestic tastes. That's what I want, Mrs. Merrlwid. Am I presumptuous In hoping Jhat I may bo fortunuto enough to secure such an inestimable bleating?' Ho hitched his chair a llt tlo closer and looked at me with four magnitude-? of Boulfulnesa through his double glasses. "I said, 'If you nsk mo, Mr. Well along, I should say that It was bomo presumptuousness. There's no law against hoping, but a lady of that de scription is a pretty large order. Still, I have read of them being liko that In books.' " 'Yon are too modcAt, Mrs. Merrl wid,' ho said, meaningly. 'I know n lady not a thousand miles away who ia exactly what I ('escribe, and I have permitted myself to hope that she will listen to my eult.' "I remarked that his suit didn't seom to be n very loud ono. As. a mat ter of fact, it was a very neat dark bluo serge. Ho merely smiled patient ly and waved tho remark asldo with a graceful gesture. "'I am not In tho first flush of youth,' he went on, swinging hlH eye glasses. 'I am no longer a romantic boy and I shall make no Impassioned plea, i prefer to stato plainly my qualifications nnd clrcumstunced. I havo sufficient property to yield mo a very good income and I should expect to Sehavo liborally In tho matter of a settlement and maintain a comfort nblc, if not luxurious, establishment. I believe In allowing a woman a roa Bonablo amount of frodom whllo re serving to mykelf the right of final de cision in all in ttters of mutual con '' i m tnkraily go id nnturcd cnutctcd, my tastes are " e) r uacJ, I do not fkwi WH IMirJM t EIS uso tobacco or alcohol in any form, and I should mako my wife's happi ness my study. 1 am Inclined to think that it would bo entirely her own fault if she were not happy.' "That was whore I hesitated, auntldr I had to admit that it wasn't every woman had an opllon on a roflned and non-alcoholic husband, with a good income, a substantial settlement and tho assurance of as much free dom as would bo good for her. I cer tainly hesitated. Perhaps lu another moment I might havo been lost, but right at that point ho queered him self. "'As I said, I am not in the first flush of youth,' he repeated. 'But op posed to that, you would havo noth ing to fear from my Indulgence in youthful follies, and I havo alwayo taken particularly good caro of my self and, as a consequence, enjoy re markably good health. Furthermost, I come of a long-lived family. My fa ther lived to tho ago of ninety-four, and with the exception of a slight deafness was in full possession of all his faculties. My grandfather wati actually a centenarian.' "Well, what then?" nRkod Aunt Jane, as her niece paused. "It was then that I got out tho sklK adjusted tho rollors carefully and let him go," replied Mrs. Merrl wid. "It was a good jrropositlon an far as it went, but it seemed likely to go altogether too far. I don't say that an elderly husband Isn't endur able, auntie, but believe me dearie, there ought to bo a limit to his dur ability." (Copyright, 1912. by W. G. Chapman.) English War Aeroplanes. After long deliberation and much ex perimenting, England has finally ac knowledged tho nocesslty of the aero plane In modern warfare, nnd has placed Its seal of approval therein with an initial order for sixty machines. This number will be Increased to one hundred just as soon as a sufficient number of sky pilots can be trained to navigate them. To fully appreci ate the Importanco which this arm of tho service has already attained, one must note tho appropriations for the curront year by the three great Con tinental powers. France will spend $0,250,000, a sum sufficient to build a very fair warship; Germany, $3,500, 000, and Britain, $1,500,000. Tho to tal for three countries Js $11,250,000, thun illustrating the Increasing and high cost of military living. Popular Mechanics. On Manliness. Fortitude comos' next, which Is necoaaary in temptation, since perfec tion of sanctity cannot bo so unin terruptedly maintained in this llfo that Its serenity will bo disturbed by no temptations. Happy Is ho who becomes valiant In his anger, now resisting, now light ing, now flying, so us to be found neither infirm through consenting, nor weak through despairing. Therefore, whoever Is not found valiant in his augur omiiiot exist In his glory. If wo havo passed through flro and wa ter, so that neither did the flro con sumo us, nor tho water drown us, whoso is tho glory? Aelred (1109 11CC). Left Wedding Party Hungry. When a wedding party returned from Merstlinm church to Chaldron, near Iledhill, Surrey, England, tho other day, they wer dismayed to find no wedding cake or other materials for tlin llinnlinntia If wna frt.in.1 Mint tt motor lorry in which a London ilrm of caterers had sent the goods had been completely burned down on tho road, and tho wedding party accordingly had to go without. Clothes. He "Did you ever obscrvo what a difference clothes mako on one's mind? Now, when I nm In my riding togs, I'm nil horso; when I havo on my business suit, my mind's full of business; when I get into my evening dress my mind takes a purely' social turn." She "And I suppose that when you take a bath your mind's or utter blank?" Stray Stories. Odor Not Wanted. Church They do say tho atmos phere of London's subways is now mado to roscmblo that of tho aeaahoro by blowing ozono Into them. Gothnm -Now, Just atop to think. Were ycu ccr at tho si ashore when, there was a d'ad whale on tho beach? ffl IU aflTtshk. rmfflwrssuii k ,,3B: x Navy to Test Battleships WASHINGTON. Corrugated battle ships will be tho subject of testa thla winter by Naval Conatructor Da vid W, Taylor, on duty In tho bureau of conatructlon nnd repair, in tho na val testing tank at tho Washington yard. Four vesaols for tho merchant servlco have been -built In England on thla plan. Two outward curves, 23 inches deep, run the length of the Bhlpa botwecn tho load lino and tho bllgo. Bctwoon tho convox curves is n coqeavo surface of equal depth. Thla partial application of tho tube principle) greatly IncrensoB tho strength of tho hull. So much Btrength la added that tho stringer platea may bo diaponBod with. This incrensos tho apaco avallablo for bulk cargo. In addition, howover, It Is said that tho corrugated hull saves fuol and lessons tho offoct of waves on Uio ateadlncBB of the ship. Engllah reports lndicoto that a cor rugated hull will savo 1C per cenL In fuel over tho cost of driving n smooth hull of equal displacement. Two mod els, of equal weight and dimensions, each about twenty foot long, will bo Postal Deposit Savings POSTMASTER General Frank II. Hitchcock mado public tho other day the latest avallablo figures show ing that the deroslts In postal savings depositories havo now reached the sum of $28,000,000. The system was Inaugurated January 3, 1911, but most of tho deposits havo been mado within tho laat yoar. The deposlta represent 290,000 indi viduals, making an average of $SG per depositor. The Hyslum In now operat ed in 12,773 postofllccs, in cvory ono of tho forty-eight states, including C14 branch postofllcca. According to tho figures compllod by tho controller of tho currency tho total amount of the deposlta In tho savings bonks of tho country in.1911 was $4,212,583,598. This amount waa deposited in 1,884 banks by 9.794.G47 individual depositors, and tho average savings bank account for each depos itor was $430.09. Comparison of theso statistics shows that the averugo amount held by each savings bank depositor was about flvo times tho av erage amount held by each postal sav ings bank depositor. According to the report of the con troller of the currency, tho postal sav- j J laWMJIMBkal a 1 Tf nJajjajaB Army Officers on Detached Duty to Be Removed aB,L5,aBal IT is now estimated at the war de partment that moro than CO per cent, of all army officers now on de tached service will have to bo re moved from thoir present posts at once, owing to legislation by congress during tho last session. This means that moro than half of tho officers now serving as military attaches at Amor lean legations and embassies abroad, as instructors in tho military academy at West Point, as Instructors In tho Army Sorvlco schools, as Instructors of stato militia organisations and as instructors in various mllltury aendo mlea in foreign military schools will bo ordered back to their regiments. The lnw, as one officer put It, Ib "excessively mandatory," Inasmuch as Spanish Minister Rejoices IT was stated in an nuthetic quarter tho othor day that tho Spanish min ister, Scnor Don Juan Blnno, has 50 suits of clothes and n corresponding ly largo number of accessories. Spa cious und perfectly equipped qunrtflrs aro required to accommodato this wardrobe, and in selecting tho now legation special attention wns paid to this feature. Tho prcsont legation, In Now Hamp shire avenue, lias commodious dress ing rooms and closots for each suite, but such an outfit as Sonor Illano's In order to bo easily handled and ac cessible has to havo a room to itaolf, and, if posBlblo, ono built for tho pur poso. Tho garmonts nro classified, and that thoy may bo easily found an In vontory Is fastened on tho door. Ac cording to tho most advanced authorl. ties "wet" and "dry" rooms aro necos aary for tho comploto wnrdrobo. Tho "wet" room removes tho creases and takes the place of sponging; tho "dry" room hardens tho coBtumo in tho linos It has taken. Whether Senor Rlano's new homo is Her Reason. "Did you struggle when ho triod to kiss you?" "No, mamma." "But why did you not?" "Why, mamron, you ought to know from his apponranco that he isn't vory strong." ' Improved Incandescent Lamp. Incandescent lamps In which the fil aments are in tho form of an Inverted tono havo been found to glvo ona-flfth mora llcht than thoso of tho samo size i In which filaments form cylinders. With Corrugated Hulls constructed hero, ono with n corru gated and tho other with a plain hull. Each wlii bo attached to tho traveling crano which spans tho experimental tank at tho Washington navy yard, nnd tho resistance of tho models to tho water when pulled at a given rnto of speed will bo accurately registered on tho dollcato gauges attached to tho crano. If tho corrugated hull presents less reslstnnco to tho water tho fact will bo instantly indicated on tho gauges No vessel of this typo has yet been conBtructod In This country, Tho first corrugated vessel wna built In England In MOH Cnpt. G. S. Macllwaine of tho Brit ish navy, recently asked tho admiralty to mako a test of corrugated ships Ho spent a month on tho Baltic In a ship in which tho ordinary stiff bllgo kcei Is icplnccd by a keel bearing dcop horizontal corrugatlona. H1b ob servations convinco him that tho cor rugated ship la vastly superior to tho ordinary typo In Btrongth, stability, speed and carrying capacity. Captain Macllwaino claimed that tho idea of tho corrugated ship was worked out by Arthur H. Haver, a naval architect Tho seventh vessel of tho kind to come, into cxistenco Is now being built for Norway. Tho British ofTicor says that a corrugatod vessol la carried about twenty per cenL furthor with tho same amount of coal than n plain ship of similar dimensions. Thla In n warship means either IncrcnBo In offectlvo rango or Increase of armor, aimamcnt, etc. Show Average of $86 WSrALSAWsl -.'hoc ypof, , WfVSlTOH j u)- inga bank of tho Unltod Kingdom In i 1910 held $112,0G8,5CG, out of a grand tot.nl of $1,07G,2GG,509 in private, and postal savings banks. In round num bers tho postal savings deposits In the United States nro about ono-hnlf of ono por cent, of tho combined depos its In postal depositories and savings banks, whilo in tho United Kingdom tho postal savings constitute, about IVi por cent, of tho combined depos its In prlvato and postal savings banks. In Franco, according to tho latoet available flguros, tho postal s&vlngs in 1909 aggregated $31G,45G,8GG, or an averago of about $57 for each depos itor. Postmaster General Hitchcok's fig ures show that 7,357 banks havo quali fied to receive postal savings funds. it requires that any officer responsible for a failure to oboy It to tho full shall forfeit his pay and allowances. Consequently every officer who has not served at least two of tho laat six yeara In command of troops will have to return to his regiment botoro Do comber 15. It has also boon found by tho law officers of tho war department that about a third moro of tho officers on detached service will have to bo removed within six months. A largo number of officers on detached duty in Washington aro caught pretty se verely by this order. It la said that thoro aro officers who have not boon with thoir commands for years, as thoy havo had pull enough to keep them in easy jobs horo In Washington, whoro they can do their stunts and not half try, and fill in tho rcBt of tho tlmo doing society acts. Washington socloty without Its nrmy and navy officers Is mighty Blow. Thorn hns always been feminlno in fluenco to keep plenty df tho young men on detached duty In Washington. Of course, this order of congress is l obligatory. in Fifty Suits, Etc. co provided uuli all ihiau comforts Is not known, but that every means lias been adopted to koep tho minister tho "beat dressed man In town," aa ho was considered In Paris when con nected wltti tho Spanish embassay thoro, Is certain. And It may bo montloned In thla connection thut nn much caro is exer cised In tho selection and proper preservation of tho Bo-called "acces sories" aa In tho actual uultB. Theso "accesborles" Include many articles of porsonal adornment llttlo known to tho ordinary man, but aro considered absolutely necessary In mind of the Spanish Don. Of courso, undor this head, may bo considered first, tho very latest in hats, gloves and ties. Remarkable, Indeed. "How well Mr. and Mrs. Grasswid soom to got along togotbor." "Yes, it la quite roraarkablo, tho moro so because sho wears a necklaco that was preaonted to her by her llret husband and he keeps a plcturo of IiIh Urst wifo In his' watch case." Telephones In Theaters. On tho back of eacti seat of a now London thoater thero will bo coin in tho slot telephones to unnblo persons with dofectlvo hearing to llston to what Is being said on tho stage. IWYarWKm- irtti mvkltr Qca f .CIrgiD rf "i-iY-j yjf&jf vsRl M A' ?1 This is a Duke's i 8 Whatever way you smoke Duke's Mixture it to dc liRhlfully Bntisfyinfr. Everywhere it is the choice of men who want real, natural tobacco. &QwJ&'&?flh i fi In each 5c sack there nre one and a half ounces of choice Virginia nnd North Carolina tobacco pure, mild, rich best sort of granulated tobacco. Enough to make many good, satisfying smokes anyway you want to use it. And with each sack you get n present coupon free. Get an Umbrella Free The coupons can be exchanged for all sorts of valu able presents. The list includes not only smokers' articles but many desirable presents for women nnd children umbrellas, cameras. $t g& es$W&:3Lsssfie&b HUBBY GOT IT. L fizaJ Wlfoy I want to got a big effect with my now spring gown, doar. Hubby Don't worry, darling; you'll got it all right in tho bill. ' RASH ON FACE FOR 2- YEARS Sioux Fails, S. D. "My troublo of skin dlseaso started merely as a rash on my faco and neck, but It grow nnd kept getting woreo until largo scabs would form, fostor and break. Thla was Just on tho ono sido of my face, but it Goon scattered to tho othor sldo. I suffered a great deal, especial ly at night, on account of its Itching and burning. I would scratch It nnd of course that irritated It vory much. This rash wns on my faco for about (wo yean, eomvtlniCH brenklnc out lots worso and forming Inrgor sores. It kept mo from sleeping day or night for a couplo of montliH. My faco look ed disgraceful and I wua almost ashamed to bo seen by my friends. "A friend naked mo to try Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment. I would batho my face with hot wnter and n lot of Cutlcura Soap, then I would put on tho Cuticuru Outliui-ul. In loss than two days' timo, tho soreness and Inflammation had almost entirely dis appeared, and In four weeks' timo you could not bco any of tho rash. Now my fnco is without a spot of any kind. I also ubo thorn for my scalp and hair. They cured mo completely." (Signed) Miss Panoy HutchinB, Feb. G, 1912. Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment sold throughout the world. Hamplo of each frco, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, DopL L, Boaton." Adv. Tho man who takes no intoreat in public schools, good roads, religion or politics isn't even u satisfactory has bcon. Hard to Go. "This caso hits some ugly features about It." "Then put a good face on 1L" PINK M J 7i lul l-I-l W Ka MMiKl O o rr Mixture Umbrella B 'utiJCAXf toilet articles, tennis rackets, catcher's gloves and masks, etc. Durlitft December and January only vc rvilLtcnd our illustrated catalogue of presents FREE to any address. Ask for It en a postal, today. Ccupor.s inn Zhrce'j Wi xhirr may be astartfjtinlli tags from HORSE SHOK, J.T.,TINJLEY'3 NATU UAL LEAF. GRANGER TWIST. rrvr rmw FOUR ROSES (IX tm diuU nwxm), PICK ri UG CUT. PIEDMONT CIGARETTES. CUX CIGARETTES, and ether toe or coupons issued by us. Address Premium' Dcpt. St. Louis, Mo. n Made-to-Order Kind. "My wlfo is always bringing homa bo much toothpowdor," complained a man tho othor day to a friond. "Its a waste of money. As for me I Just tako tho bathtub cleanser and scrub my teeth." Tho pair wcro walking down Chest nut streot and his companion stopped In amazement. "What! Doesn't It hurt your teeth nnd gums, too?" ho oxclnimnd almost in horror. "No," camo back the surprising re ply "You see." they're tho kind you buy at tho dentist's." Good Job. "Now, Johnny," said tho teacher af ter sho had explained tho meaning of tho word. "I wish you would write a sentence containing defeat." After a strugglo which lasted for about twenty minutes Johnny an nounced that he wus ready to be heard. "Pleaso read your composition," the) teacher directed. "When you git shoes dat's too tlte Johnny read, "It's hard on do feeL" No Call for Anxiety. Tho citizen put tho solicited coin in tho hand of tho tramp. "And now 1 want your assurance," ho said, "that this money will not bw used for any unworthy or'unnecossary purpo'ae," Tho trnmp drew back. "You don't think f'r a minute that I'd waa to it on food an' clothes, do you," ho Indignantly demanded. Plain Facts. "Men rn a lot of four-flushers." "How BO?" "They tell a girl that all thoy want la to batik forovor In tho sunsbinoofi hor smile. And after marrlago they oxpect her to cook, mend clothes, keep houBo and do an endless lot of plain hard woik." nr.ricroc'sricarant reflets rrsnlntonmllnvir umtti blomuch, liver und bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny gmnulen, easy 10 tuko us cauJy. A4v. An old tqpor says that uono are so blind as thoso who refuse an eye opener. . Mrs. Winston's Stmtlilng Byrnp for Children teething, softcus the puma, reduces lulluipm Uou,alla)spaln,ciircMwliulcollc,?5cabotUe.U Every woman should have an aim In llfo, even if she can't throw a stono with any dogreo of accuracy. Borrowed monoy often causes n total Iobb of memory. FOLEY KIDNEY RHUS Are Richest In Curative Qualities FOR BACKACHE. RHEUMATISM. KIDNEYS AND ULADDCR JOHN L.T110MI'h()N bON(Jfc CO.,Troy,N.V. EYE DISTEMPER CATAKUHXL FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES C2PEYE WATERKIlf- Cures the sick and acts as a preventive for other. Liquid ctven on U tanaue. Baf for brood mares and all others. Bestkldncy remedyj SOp and II a bottle; t5 and (10 a liaien. Sold by all drcsxlsts and horsS gooda) bousea, or sent, eipreas paid, by the manufacturers. SPOIIN MEDICAL CO.. Chemists. GOSHEN. INDIANA aiIJKj ..3,1 1 "35 1 ,t '.