fit'iiksStiS'' i wiH0Wimfty 1T "''! ?V ru -awr- A ', rw is i1 f T 7. V ; T fe'r u r ; r I L . I J n a U -J JJ SI 31 s W 3T M 1 KIGHT CARE OF TEETH MOST HIGHLY DESIRABLE POINT OF BEAUTY. Increasing Dally Attention and Consci entious Visits to the Dentist Are Imperative If Good Looks Are to Be Preserved. A good, tlrm white act ot teeth la moro to bo desired thnn a rare string of pearls. Unfortunatolj, all cannot possess good teeth, but the few wom en who hnvo a perfectly good white set of teeth should guard them as they would tho finest Jewels. On good au thority, it may bo stated that a bad Btomach caufios bad teeth, and If tho stomach is not kept In good condition, no matter how strong tho teeth may bo, they cannot last. Germs develop and Hvo nlmost overywhero. When there Ib one bad tooth in the mouth, there Is certain to bo germs. One bad tooth not taken care of in time reay lead to many vis its to tho dentisl mid possibly the loas of one or moro teeth. Some years back tho dentist would bo visited onco a year, later on twlco a year was considered suillcient, but now four times or overy threo months is deemed none too often to hnvo tho dentist look jour teeth over. Thoro may be a tiny cavity, so Binall, In fact, that It is rovcalcd only when tho dentist looks through his magnifying glass. But that cavity attendud to In tlmo will Involve small cost, littlo pain, and result In tho preservation of tho tooth. Sometimes tho dentist's examination may fail to roveal a small cavity way down near a root and if you jfoursolf do not ilud It soon it will mean a good-sized filling when you next visit tho dentist. Therefore, If longer than threo mouths is allowed to clapso between tho visits to the dontist It Is ensy to estimate tho dam ngo that may result to your teeth. Much has been written and said con cerning tho caro of tho teeth, and in many Instances tho statements are ox1 tremo. Ono of thorn that the condi tion of tho teeth depends wholly on tho caro given them Is arbitrary and untruo. Ab a matter of cleanliness and n means of aiding tho ' preservation nnd enhancing tho beauty of tho tooth, unceasing dally attention should be beBtowed upon them, but even undor these ministrations tooth will decay, lose thoir color and becomo usoless, nnd it is not unURiinl to see rows of strong, whitn, sound-looking teeth that have never known brush or dentifrice. Unsound teeth nro duo to constitu tional dofect, unless tho toeth have boon abused by being made to servo as nut-crackers or having somo oqunlly abnormal task forced upon them, Their color, too, if dark, may result from tho use of Iron, as a modlclno, or from an acid condition of tho stom ach, and all brushing, cleaning and polishing that may bo given thorn will not rostoro them to their original whiteness. Tlierft am also tooth which aro of a waxen-white or yellow ivory tint. The former have pearly, transparent edges, Indicating a dollcato constitution and like It are frail and doomed soon to decayi The latter aro strong and generally belong to a porson of vigor ous constitution, but no amount of brushing or scouring will over bloach them to whitonoss that Is not natural to them. It Is claimed by somo that sweets aro Injurious to tho teeth. Pure cano sugar candy or maplo'sugar will not corrodo the tooth, oven If ono partako plonteously of these sweets. Tho toeth need work and exorcise, and, if proper ly used and not abused, whatever Is good for, tho stomach and can bo prop erly dlgosted will not harm tho tooth. Tho real harm Is dono Whon crumbs nro loft In tho toeth, especially over night. Then acid accumulates and slowly eats tho enamel, and onco tills occurs thoro will soon bo a cavity. Nover uso a toothpick of any kind. For removing tho crumbs botweon tho teeth dental (Iosr is better. It should 19 drawn hntwonn tho tooth after oat Ing and alwayB before retiring at night. It is not neccuary to use pow der ovory day, but It Ib nocossary to brush tho tooth morning and night with tepid water to which a pinch or two of borax boon nddod. This ewootens tho breath and keeps tho teeth clean. Two or throo times a wook brush thorn with powdor, and onco a month glva thotn a general cleaning with pulverised pumice, rins ing tho teeth thoroughly afterward. A clonnstng aud rotroshlng tooth powdor rnny bo tnndo with tho fol lowing Ingredients: Equal parts of precipitated chalk, powderod orris root, borax and pow dered castllo soap. Weigh thoso In gredliilH, and, If a half pound or wore. flvo cents worth of oil of winter greon may bo addod. Thon sift all through saveral times. Whon not us ing, keep closely covered. If tho practlco of rinsing tho toeth nnd month after oatlng wero moro generally obsorvod, tho tooth would last longer and dentists' bills would bo fowor. Pour a pint of boiling wntor over a tablespoonful of blcarbonato of soda. When cool Is muy bo used to rlnso the tooth, as this destroys tho Hcumulatlon of acid. Largor propor tions may bo mixed and kept baudy for uso. It takes but a moment to rlnso tho tooth, and this precaution helps in a largo measuro to preserve them. Ostrich Plumes. Ostrich plumos. llko laco, aro nevor allowed to remain In tho background for any length of tlmo, aud an early return to favor is predicted for thorn as tho season advances. Tho smaller hat shapes of satin and plush aro so chic In form and fabric that thoy real ly requiro but littlo trimming of any kind. Tho "Borots" of volvot aro very becoming, and real Tam o' Shantor shapes In tho samo fabric donoto a tendency to return to tho styles of 1E8C. New 8carfs Attractive. Somo of tho now scarfs are quite attractive, Ono modol is in all black silk with longlsh black tassels, Oth 'en are black, with a gay lining of jplaid or striped Bilk. &trcf jttfertcmifflGfli A, Budget of Queries. Would llko to know In tlm next is sue, If possible, If It Is proper to ac knowledge nn Invitation (l( ono In tends going) to a luncheon, when Invitation Ib on ordlnury calling enrd Also when invitation is formal. Ib it proper to call after n reception or luncheon and should onu loavo cards 7 Is It proper to acknowledge an Invita tion to an "at home," and If so, how should It bo worded? Also, Is It pro pur at a homo wedding to tnko placo nt six o'clock for a brldo to wear a dross with a train without a long veil? Jeanno. Every Invitntion where tho hostess provides a luncheon, dinner or sup per should bo acknowledged nt onco, or elso how is sho to know for how many to piupain? My theory is that every Invitation should bo accepted or regretted Just ns soon us possible. In tho strict seiiBO of tho word and according to tho old-fashioned rules of etiquette, calls should bo mndo af ter accepting hospitality, but In this busy generation nnd on account of the great distances In cities cnu over looks tho fart that guests do not pay party calls, for it Is almost impossible, A brldo may decide for herso'f exact ly tho costumo Bho wishes to bo mar ried In, and a short gown ml'ius veil nnd train Ib proper If It best suits her plans, her purso nnd her convenience. Concerning a Shower. Am grvlng a shower for n girl friend of mine and would llko If you would givo mo n, few suggestions. Do not wish to play cards, but would like, to do other things. I thought for ono thing I might hnvo each guest hem a towel, nnd to tho ono doing It tho neatest nnd quickest givo n littlo prbo of somo kind. Would 'hat bo suitable? Tho colors aro to bo yollow nnd white. How could I best carry them out? What would bo nlco for tho luncheon? Anna. For your decorations all you will noed Is yellow and white chrysanthe mums and carry out tho Bchomc a bit In your menu by having a cienm of celory soup with tho grated yolk of hard-bollod eggs sprinkled over n spoonful of whipped cream; servo In bouillon rups; fried chicken breasts, sweet potnto croquettes, corn fritters, plnoapplo salad, chceso crackors and Now York ico cream with sunshine and angel food cako. Tho towel idea is a good one, and you could give tho towol for tho prise. Conoernlng a Wedding. I am to havo a morning wedding with about thirty guestB; may I ask sovcral questions, and wljl you pleaso help mo plan for It? Aro Invitations sent whoro only tho rolatlvon In tho samo town aro invited? Do the brldo and groom stand facing tho guests? Is tho double ring ceremony becoming moro popular? W. J. Indeed, you may ask Just all tho questions you wish. I am right hero to answer them to tho best of my ability. For a slmplo homo wedding you need not send engraved Invita tions, but Just littlo notes or ask tho relatives and guests yourself to wit ness tho coromony. Tho double ring coromony Is qulto popular, but It and tho question of whothor you stand fnc Ing tho guests or with your back to them Is JuBt for you to deoldo and tho clergyman who is to ofllclato usually has somo proforonco to expresB which no will do at rehearsal. Reply to Teddy 8mlth. Perhaps If you put It Just rlcljt your boy friend will qrter to Bond you his eollogn ponnant If you toll him you aro getting a collection. Juct watch tho dopartmont botweon now and tho holidays and neo if you find Just what you want for your party. I put all tho now Idons in tho paper Just as soon as I get thorn. I am sorry you cannot danco, it is such splendid oxorclso as well as nniuso inonL If your slstor dons not object I do not seo why should not go out oc casionally with her huBband, but I would not go very often, unless "Bho" went, too. It all doponds upon how much you think of tho boy, whothor you givo him your picture or noL I do not think I would. Your last two ques tions regarding "date" and making your hair light I cannot answer. Questions of Precedence. Whon does a gontluman precodo a lady whllo escorting borT Oreon. It Is tho man's place to proceed ahead of tho lady ho Is with when going through a crowd, In going through a door, In getting off of a street car or railway train, in going upstairs and down an alslo. Country Girl's Answer. It is porfeclly proper to ask a young man to cull again if you really would llko him to do so. There probably would be no harm in going motoring alono, but I do not thins it wlso. ICIghtcon-yearold girls can not be too careful of what they do, and how, and when, and with whom. It may soeru a bit prudish but I assure you I do not mean it so. Reply to "Anxious." I do not think girls your age neod mako a "curtsoy." It is Tory pretty for the younger girls aud la taught in dancing school. I think your hair down your back for a couplo of years yet, is beet MADAME MEJUIL LEADING POCKET BILLIARD PLAYER OF EAST w.v - -mj'ji t s. jtvr5w . Bain .vr.... ; . -- -. j- -r r & - i. wv i& Frank Sherman, For many yars ncknowledgoii as tho leading pocket billiard player of tho east and twico winner of tho International title, Frenk Shermnn was lefeated recently in Now York for tho world's championship by Alfred de Oro. ONE OF BOSTON'S STANDBYS Hall, Whose Clever Pitching Helped Win Championship, Began Career at First Base. Pitcher Charley Hall, whoso clever work aided inutorially In winning tho American leaguo championship for tho Boston Red Sox, began his profession- Charley Hall. nl baseball career on tho Santa Bar bara (Cnl.) team, playing tlrot base, Tho ilrst gnmo ho over pitched was for tho San Francisco team of tho Pa cillc toast leaguo in l'l. The noxt year he Joined tho Cincinnati team, Kolng from there to Columbus, O. In 1908 ho was with St. Paul, and went to tho Boston America In tho mid dle of thu 1U10 season. Ho Is n right hnndur, lut bats with his left. Hugo Profits for McAleer. Tho Boston American league club hnB proved a littlo gold mlno for .lames H. McAlot-r dm tug hla ono j oar's con nection with tho team He has ?200, 0U0 In tho itoston club, of which KS0,. 000 represents his Bavlngs. Tho re maining $70,000 was borrowed with out Intorest from Prosldutit Comlskoy, of tho Chicago White Sox. McAleer tolls wlthiu'ido that for tho last eight years his Income as malinger and scout has been J'JO.000 n Benson Ho saved his money. Already Mio profits for this season nearly equal his In vestment, nnd counting tho world's series ho will havo a Bung sum loft over Peculiar Touchdown. Ono of tho most romnrkablo errors over mndo In a football gamo la re ported from Low oil, whoro Denn academy played the Lowoll Technical school. In tho course of tho contest Kownll of the aendomy eloven blocked n, kick on Iowell's five-yard lino. Ho picked up tho ball ran CO yards to ward his own goal lino. Ho wns In full flight when he discovered his mis take. Ho turned and run back 05 ards In tho right direction and made a touchdown. Entries for 1913 Glldden Tour. PlodgeB of 25 ontrlos for tho noxt Glldden tour hnvo boon given to Char Iob J. Olidden during tho first throo days of his tour ovor tho lakeB-to-tho-gulf route. Motorists havo given him nn enthusiastic wolcomo at tho com pletion of each day's tour. Open Public Golf Course, Liverpool's first municipal golf links havo been thrown opon to tho public. Tho groon foe Ib slxponco por round of 16 holeB, pud this applies to all comer .? S4i J& '' ' f Z?i ' ;; - . " . twtf :;-", ,s .ivs:K?:M &. .&?rpvs&. ,&MW,; m. a iSXKWSw J.- V aV A'JAOA ' A i'AW,..,. 1 .AA W"7r ss nx, - -- xrf;: i4vAmvs'MWM' . Pool Player. ORIGINAL 'BONEHEAD' PLAYER Inventor of Expressions Which Havo Become Byword In Baseball Was Southern Leaguer. Eddlo Ashenback, the well-known minor leaguo manager who died re cently, was tho Inventor of tho expres sion "bonehcad," which, with "con crete dome," "cement skull," solid Ivory," has becomo a byword In base ball. When Ashenback was manag ing tho Shroveport tenni of tho South ern leaguo Boveral years ago, ho had good catcher, who could also hit some, but ho had tho vory serious weakness of not being able to gaugo a foul fly, no matter how easy it was. One day a batter raised a high foul directly over tho plate, and the catch er, misjudging It, was hit squarely on top of thu liuad by the descending sphere, which knocked off his mask and bounded away about thirty feet. That night Ashonback finished his supper early and was passing out of tho dining room when he happened to walk behind his catcher, who was devouring his evening meal with gusto nnd enthusiasm. Stopping nt tho ta ble, Ed passed his hands over tho backstop's bond, feeling for tho bump which ho thought would surely bo thoro on account ot tho contact with tho ball that afternoon. But there was no lump to be felt. "No, wontlor," said Ash. "How could thoro bo a bump? Your head is a solid bono." Joo Birmingham may bo a bench manager of tho Naps next season. Denver of tho Western leaguo wants tho services of Bill Lollvelt, the Min neapolis pitcher Gnbby Street is rapidly going thiotw;h tho alphabet o minor leagues. Ho lit out of tho double A'h Chicago boxeis holp koop thoir town on the map If they do appear at homo only for photographic purposes. Tho Buffalo fann bcliovo that Hugh Duffy, ox-Mllwnukeo inanacer. will pilot the Mlsnn ship next tenon Bonis Becker, tho spoedy youngster and sub outfielder of tho Giants, will most likely bo a regular noxt bcason. Woild's seileu publlcltv Ik h two- edged scimitar It made u hero out or Hugh Bodtent nnd a bum out of Snodgrass. Owner Lcnnon of tho St. Paul club of the American association wants .lohnuy Kllng fur manager of tho Saints noxt year From developments this year It would seom thnt players' organization wne to bo given an Immediate chance to piovo its worth, Jim McGuiro says tho reason pitch ers don't hit Is becauso hitters don't pitch. Which lines James up as a maker of opigrnuiB. Hero's a ball player that would llko to become an aviator Bill Chappclle, a pitcher of the Chattanooga team of tho Southern leaguo. Venn Gregg, tho Naps' star south paw pltchor, nnd his father havo opened a plastering contracting busi ness in Edmonton, Altn. Pitcher Itny Flshor of tho Now York Amoricnns hns been coaching tho Mlddlobury football sqund sinco tho closo of tho baseball season. Jako Daubort. slnr first basomnn of tho National loague, used to be kicked around tho Southern leaguo boforo ho mndo his big lenguo debut. Tho torm "froo agent" In baseball means precisely that tho player Is allowed to draw his breath without tho consent of tho club owner. Somothlng no other big league manager can boast of Itoger Brosna ban holds this ono record: Ho is tho only major leaguo manager flrod by a woman. Tho Brooklyn club Is to turn ovor Harry Van BuBklrk, a pitcher socurod during tho closing days of tho soason, to tho Nowark club for a year of conditioning. 'Mm NOTES f 5PQRTD0M PLAN A NEW COMBINE Movement Under Way to Form Rival of "Big Nine." Five Colleges and Universities In cluded In Conference In Middle West Notre Dame and Mar quette Are Included. A movement Is on foot which will, If It materializes, result In a now con ference of colleges and universities In tho middle west. Sponsors for the lnns aro working secretly and with n dispatch that augurs well for ulti mata success. Notro ifamc, Marquette and Wabash have been named ns chartor members, with tho possible Inclusion of the Michigan agricultural col lego and Lawrence university. Thero will bo six or eight institutions In tho confer ence, nnd it will enter upon Its offi cial existence In tho fall with tho opening of the 1913 football Henson. An effort wns raado last spring, It will be remembered, to form a confer enco of tho Catholic universities in tho middle west, but owing to tho wcnltndss of tho teams the plan was abandoned. The necessity of coment lng athletic relations between the prospective members of tho new con ference Ib recognized as tho principal reasofi for tho launching of tho com bine. Tho strength of tho Institutions nnmed for membership Is too well known to need advertising. Notro Dasio has always turned out a foot ball team thnt t mdo It a feared rival on any gridiron and a Riirc-flre con tender for tho championship of Indi ana every year. Wnbash, tho homo of the "Littlo Giants," has given the South Bend eleven n bitter fight, and a meeting alwitys brews oodles of in terest. . Marquette and Notro Dame have a three-year tie to wipe out, which says plenty for tho evenness of tho two teams representing these schools. They will endeavor to settle their dif ferences Thanksgiving day 'at Comls koy park. Michigan "Aggies" havo always been bitter football foes of Notro Dame, and Is a powerful team. Lnwrencn this yenr walloped Mar quette, demonstrating that it Is a worthy candidate for membership in tho now conference. While the plans aro in the making discussion of tho rules which would govern eligibility of football players has already taken place in a Bketchy way. The majority of tho schools in lino for membership already comply with tho regulations that govern tho "big nine" with tho exception of tho training tablo. Notro Dame, Mar quetto and Wabash have promised, It Is understood, to enforce the fresh men rule, and the abolition of the training tablo may follow. ART ERDAHL fw$Mty&& w. vt M l 4-4tmr A Minnesota has long been noted for its brilliant football plnyeisand among tho most prominent this season is Art Erdahl, tho subject of tho illustration given herewith. Cuba an Isle, of Real Sports. That Cuba Is a real sporting island is proved by tho fnct thnt they havo got Boveral baseball clubs from tho United States, Including tho New Orleans Southern leaguo team, to play ball thoro this wlntor, nnd aro nlso negotiating with tho Tulnno college football eleven, of Now Orleans, to havo that team play a post-season gnmo around the Christmas holidays with tho University of Havana team. Motorboat Race Aross Atlantlc7 ThoniaB Fleming, who crossed tho Atlantic ocean in a small powor boat, is trying to arrango a motor race from New York to Paris. Sir Thomas Lip ton is said to havo ngreed to build a yacht for tho raco, provided thero aro threo other entrants, and he suggests that tho contest finish nt the house of commons of London on Westminster bay, Instead of Paris. Outfield Is Hard Job. "Wahoo Sam" Crawford, tho slug ging right fielder of tho Detroit Tigers, says that tho outfield Is us difficult to play as any othor position on tho tonm. "Thero aro a lot ot angles In tho outer garden," avers Sam, "and mistakes in that department are usually costly." I fKtfttHIOli VS.V-- . .WWAIUL.afavul . WaSsfJWT WDU sTjm AND 1 1JL. GOOD BASE FOR SMOKE FLUE Side View Shown In Illustration Embodiment of Invention as It Is Applied. Is In describing a smoke-flue, Invented by W. A. Deck of Nowark. Ohio, the Scientific American says: In carrying out the objects of tho improvement, a single block Is cast of concrete or constructed in any de sired manner, arranged with a project ing lower portion for engaging the in terior part of tho chimney, and an upper squared portion for engaging ;ho exterior part of tho chimney. Ra Hating from tho upper part of tho Smoke-Flue Base. block is a substantially circumferen tial flango which defines a pair of over-hanging members designed to thoroughly protect tho opening In tho roof through which tho reduced part projects. The side view presented is an embodiment of the Invention shown applied, part of tho chimney and part of tho root shown In connec tion therewith. TOO MUCH LOW GRADE ROSIN Industry Has Approximate Value of $20,000,000 Crude Methods of Grading Prove Costly. In this country there Is produced nnnually forty million 280-pound bar rels of rosin, having a value of ap proximately $20,000,000. For many years tho crude methods of grading this product for shipment have lost the producer millions of dollars. Tho question today between tho producer and user is ono of samples cut in cor rect size. Undo Sam, through his department of agriculture, has devised a method which does away with cutting the sample. Ho has invented an appa ratus which will mold a samplo the exact size, by which tho producer himself can grado the rosin as it is mado at the still, and thus know defi nitely beforo shipment exactly what his product will grade. The simple apparatus which is rec ommended for this work comprises a small mold mado of two pieces of or dinary roofing tin. It la nbout one and a half Inches high and exactly seven-eighths of an Inch wide on the sides, insldo measurement. This is the size in which tho standard grado samples should bo cut. With the ap paratus Ib needed an ordinary tin dipper, a knife and a sot of standard rosin types. Tho samples for grading aro mado In molds while the rosin Is still In liquid form In the barrels. Tho type numbers aro printed on tho tiny block samples to Indicate tho season in which it was produced. HANDY FOR THE BRICKLAYER Very Convenient Way of Holding Line In Laying Bricks Is Shown In Ac companying Illustration. In building a wide chlmnoy or man tel a bricklayer attaches tho string used for keeping tho work straight to nails that are pushed into the mortar botweon tho bricks. Tho illustration shows a very convenient way of hold ing tho string without nails, wrltos C. It. Poolo of Los Angeles, Cal., in tho Line Holder. Popular Mechanics. Two wood blocks aro cut as shown and a hole, A, bored on an anglo to receive the end of the i string A block is placed on each end of tho string and fastened so ns to draw tho string tightly whon In placo on tho work. Tho string, B, is held tightly when the blocks are slipped on tho corner bricks. To Reulst Rust. By a now process the galvanizing ot Iron nnd steel for tho purposo of resist ing rust haB been greatly simplified by tho application of a coating of lead or lead alloy, Instead of zinc, which is used at tho present time. Lead, with 1 per cent, of tin In It, has been found to bo a very durablo combination, es pecially sultablo for electric railway work. Tho economy of the now pro cess lies not only in the fact that the value of tho alloy mado uso of Is very much lower than that ot zinc, but also in that a very much thinner coating may be applied. Big Hydraulic Press. A hydraulic press that can exort a pressure ot 11,000 tons has been in stalled In a German stool works to ropluco a steam hammer that shook tho earth for a considerable dlstanco ovory tlmo it was used. Coffee From Java. Java oxpoctB to protiuco more than 7,000,000 pounds of coffee this year in comparison with an nverago for sov oral years of less than 5,000,000 pounds. 0msmS HANieS 1 LARGE BUSINESS IN "MOVIES" It.-.ports and Exports of "Unexposed" and Completed Films Interna tional Exhibition Planned. In tho 1 t fiscal year 16,000 miles of motion picture films woro exported from the United States, whllo near-' ly 3,000 miles woro Imported. Tho. exact length of tho motion plcturo, films exported in tho year ending, Juno 30, 1912, according to govorn-i ment statistics, was 80,835,302 foet. valued at $C.81C,W)0; tho exact length was 11,274,708 feet of "positives," valued at J825.083, excluslvo of othor! films and plates valued at $179,130, of which tho quantity Is not stated. A large proportion of tho motion! Picture films now used in the various' parts of tho world aro manufactured In tho United States, remarks tho In-i dlanapolls News. About two-thirds of thoso exported go In tho "unexposed"' form, ready for uso in taking pictures In thoso parts ot tho world to which sent Tho other one-third is in tho' completed state, having been utilized In the United States in making fin ished motion plcturo films ready for use In placing Illustrations upon tho screen. Of tho importations, practi cally all aro "exposed" films, views ta en In other parts of the world for use in tho United States. A cinematograph exhibition, prob ably tho first of its kind, will be held at Olympla, London, March, 1913. Among those actively interested in this exhibition, and assisting In Its arrangements, aro representatives oC tho British war office, the Canadian government and tho Queensland gov ernment, tho head master of West minster, and tho head master of Eton. It is tho intention of tho pro moters to mako tho exhibition inter national in its scopo, and manufactur ers of every sort of apparatus con nected with cinematographs through out tho world will bo Invited to ex hibit their products. USEFUL DESK FOR TEACHERS: Consists of Casing Mounted on Stand' and Having Blackboard Hinged to the Front. The desk invented by a Texas man and shown In tho cut is of intorest. This desk Is for tho teacher, not the pupil, and consists of a casing mount ed on a stand and having a blackboard hlngod to tho front. This blackboard can be let down to form a desk lid, and in the lower part of the casing; A Useful Desk. are a series of maps which can bt spread out over It when needed. On & roll in tho upper part of the casing aro a number of charts which may carry1 figures or pictures or any objects re quired In demonstrations. Any one of these charts can bo pulled down sepa rately and fastened whllo the teacher points out tho features sho wishes to impress. At tho side of this cabinet Is an assortment of pigeon holes for chalk, papor or othor stationery. INDUSTRIAL and ;CHAN1CAL H&NOTES Tho life of a dollar bill Is about fourteen months. Tho earliest mention of coal is said to havo been mado by Thcophratus. Out of a total number of 54,000 pas senger cars in this country 3,000 aro of steel. Twenty-five per cent, of industrial accidents, it Ib estimated, aro duo to insufficient illumination. Ouo iKiund of good coal releases suN Hclent energy to iitlso an average, man to a point fourteen miles high. Metal legs to bo snapped on wash tubs to raise them from floors bavoi been patented by a Wisconsin man. Long Island ha3 a school in which) forty women are learning tc become carpenters and bricklayers. It Is proposed In Germany to indi cate tho character and purposo ot all pipes In industrial plants by a distinc tive color. Gas light mantels mado from arti ficial silk obtained from wood pulp havo been found to bo moro durablo than thoso mado from cotton or ramlo. Backed by a $50,000 endowment fund, an English university has estab lished a chair of coal, gas and fuol Industries. Shollac, either melted by heat or dissolved In alcohol to mako n thick paste, is an excellent filler for cracks in furniture. For tho Inst ten years tho average number of days worked per week by tho miners ot tho United Kingdom averaged 5.19. If the appetite of a man were a great In proportion to his size as that of a sparrow ho would eat a whole sheep at a sitting. Gamo birds havo almost disappear ed from tho sections of Franco fre quented by aviators, who seem to havo driven them away. By tho addition ot small amounts ot molybdenum and chronlum a Ger man chemist claims to have produced' an acid proof Iron alloy. A school for the instruction ot na tive mechanics employed on the na tional railways will bo established by tho Chilean government. A wlro netting thumb stall, Invented by n Nebraskan, protects a wounded thumb from sudden blows much better than tho usual rubber affair. pj , if I v. Vr ',