Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 29, 1912, Image 7

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    Sioux City Directory
"Hub of the Northwest."
Pool & Billiard Tables
Iceless Fountains
. H. Jenklnion Co.. 421-423 Petri St.. Slou City. It.
IXvc Stock Commission Merchants
Room 209 exchange Ilultillnir
Sioux City Stock Yards Sioux City, Iowa
Now Open for Business. 250 Rooms.
Absolutely Fireproof. Rates fi and Up,
Fon iikst srcuvicrc bihv
Live Stock Commission Merchants nt
BIOUX CITY, Chicago or ICanaaa City
Ask fur onoof ourlulg calendars
Sioux Oity Stock Yards, Iowa
Hudson & Greenameyer
Live Stock Commission
Live Stock Commission Merchants
Correspondence by Mall or Wire
Answered Promptly
You Get Value Received Yhen You Buy
The kind with the
Sold by all grocers, the bands are valuable
ifflia. Piano
1 for Christmas
We'll send you one, full slip, oak, mahogany or
wnlnut ense, FULLY GUARANTEED, and
FREIGHT PREPAID to your home for $155.
Pelietier's. Sioux City, Iowa
His Companions Safe, Philadelphia
Man Was Satisfied That He Had
Really Shot Buck.
Thomas Martlndalo, the Philadel
phia tnooso hunter, said, apropos of
the opening of the deer season:
"Buck fever la a Btrango disease.
The victim df It dodtf BOni'o 'remark
able things.
"A Phlladelphlan was deer hunting
In Maine. He shot four or five shots
into a thick copse, and thon he
"'All of you come out of there!'
"Half a dozen sportsmen Issued
from tho copse hurriedly.
"'Are you all out?' said the Phlla
delphlan. 'One, two, threo, four.
Where's Jake? Oh, there you are,
Jake. Aro you all out, sure?'
"'Yes,' they answered. 'We're all
out; the whole party's out.
"'Hurrah, then!' shouted tho Phlla
delphlan. 'Hurrah! I've shot a
buck!' "
Mrs. Wayupp No wondor I look
worried, my dear. My husband has
Just gone out, and If ho Is discovered
It will probably cost us our social po
sition. Mrs. Blase Goodness! Where is
Mrs. Wayupp Ho has gone out In
cog, to pay a bill. Puck.
"Hore's your portrait, sir."
"That my portrait? Well, I may
have sat for It, but I won't stand for
A man sometimes sees things from
& different point of view after hla wife
makes up her mind.
A Treat
Crisp, delicately
Ready to serve without
further cooking by adding
cream or milk.
Often used with fresh or
canned fruit.
"The Memory Lingero"
Pcrtura Cereal Co., Ltd.
Baltic Creek, Mich,
fr: i inl'TlrtlnJH mwmir rii it tiikmLmf
Illustration Shows How Inside Sheet
ing and Beveled Lath and Ce
ment Are Used,
In responso to a query for building
a silo 12x28, about 24 feet abovo
ground, Hoard's Dairyman makes tho
following reply:
One-half Inch lumber will givo fully
as good, If not boUer, service than
Inch lumber. Tho ni-companylng Illus
tration shows how the lnsldo shooting
and beveled lath nnl cement aro used
In a silo of this kind. Tho 2xl's may
bo set on tho foundation 1G inches
from center to centor. Wo like tho
beveled lath as suggested In tho draw,
lng, for it adds strength to tho silo.
End View.
We know of somo lnstancos whero
common lath has been used, but it
seoms to us better to use tho lath made
from one-hulf-inch material.
The 2x4's will not need any sort of
iron hoops. Tho lnsldo sheeting and
tho beveled lath are strong enough to
resist all lateral pressure. If Inch
lumber is used and lath as suggest
ed, it would be well to put on the
outside somo wooden hoops three feet
apart. These hoops may bo nailed to
tho 2x4s.
Tho capacity of the silo is sufficient
for ID milk cows. We believe that a
silo 11 feet in diameter and 30 to 32
feet high would bo almost better to
construct, for it Is necessary to re
move about one and one-half to.tfro
Inches of sllago per day, especially in
summer, if it Is to be kept in good
Make Valuable Addition to Winter Ra
tlons Because They Add to Va
riety of Feed.
No matter what somo people toll
you, turnips and other roots make
fine milk producing feed. Turnips
will not affect tho flavor of milk If fed
at tho right time.
If turnips aro fed In large quanti
ties and two or threo hours beforo
milking, they aro llkoly to give the
milk an unpleasant taste, but If fed
directly after milking no flavor what
ever will bo noticed.
A peck of turnips to each anlmai
per day is sufllr.lent hi most cases. A
good plan Is to feed directly nfter hay
in the early morning, and once a day
Is often enough.
A llttlo salt scuttered over tho
turnips, which should be chopped In
quarters or smaller, add to their
Roots mako very valuable addition
to the winter ration because they add
to tho variety of the feed and no ani
mal on tho farm appreciates variety
moro than tho dairy cow.
In Wisconsin, Iowa and other west
ern dairy states tho root crop is be
coming a very important part of tho
crop of the farm.
Two Buggy Wheels and Axle Used In
Its Construction Handy for
Carrying Fertilizer.
I saw a home-mado cart, made from
tho two wheels and an old nxlo of a
buggy, says a writer in the Rural New
A Handy Milk Cart.
Yorker. It was used to wheel three
canB of milk and feed or fertilizers
around farm or barn. Tho Illustra
tion shows how it was made.
Silo Is Money Maker.
Tho dairy farmer who does not build
a silo thinks he Is Justified in
following his policy, hut tho longer
ho puts it off the less money ho will
Good Separator.
A good soparator, when properly
handled, should not leave moro than
.05 per cent, of fat In tho sklmmllk.
ThlB means that but 1 pound of fat
Is left to evory 200 takon out.
Avoid Germs.
Tho first few squirts of milk drawn
from the udder may have gorm3 in
them, aa they might got Into tho
ductB. If you aro very particular
milk thoao on tho ground beforo milk
ing Into tho pall.
Get Best Cow.
Like a dairy cow, tho best way to
get a high-class farm horso Is to
raise him.
i mm u,"
i Hil L
i jj 7r$
i !! U
Siij ;
( ZrS)
In Selecting Cattle Real Test Must Be
Scales and Babcock Test Con
formation of Cow.
Professor W. J. Kennedy of tho
Iowa station recommends tho follow
ing In roferenco to tho selection of
breeding stock for tho dairy:
In selecting dairy cattle tho real test
must bo tho scales nml tho Babcock
tester. Tho cow Is a machine to con
vert food Into milk, thus slio must
hnvo .1 largo middle ami a aUong con
stitution to Insuro tho best results.
She must also havo a largo udder,
largo milk wells, largo crooked milk
veins and good sized teats. Her head
Bhould bo clean and angular in ap
pearance, with tho eyes standing out
prominently. Tho neck should ho
rathor long nnd lean In appearance.
Tho shoulders pointed, and the back
bono rather prominent. Tho akin
should bo loose nnd soft to tho touch.
In selecting liord bulls, oithor maturo
animals which havo already demon
strated their worth as sires, or
younger animals from high testing
dams and sires only Bhould be used.
Tho best and surest results will
always follow tho use of a maturo
sire which has Blred heifers with good
records. A good dairy bull should ho
kept until ho Is 12 or IS years old, In
fact as long as ho Is a sure slro. Real
good sires nro so rare that when wo
do And one, he should dio only of old
age. All breeders of dairy cattlo
should secure yearly tosts on each and
every cow In tho herd. Shorter tosts
do not really mean very much. It Is
tho cow that stays by her Job that la
really valuable.
Operation Performed by Compression
In Device Recently Invented by
Wlsonsln Man.
Tho Scientific American in describ
ing a milking machine, recently In
vented by O. C. Sibilsky of Algoma,
Wis., says:
Tho Invention pictured in tho Illus
tration In nctual use, provides a ma
chlno which will causo tho milking
operation 'to be performed by compres
sion rather than by suction or strip
ping; provided a devlco detachable
so as to accommodato It for uso In
connection with different slzo cows or
Milking Machine,
thoso having different slzo udders;
pi o Ides an actuator for tho milker
which is adjustable In ac6rdanco with
tho size of tho teats; and provide a
milking machine in which the com
pression cups are formed and oper
ated so as to simulate tho form and
operation of a person's hand in hand
Keep Calves Well Bedded.
Tho stomach of tho llttlo calf Is
very sensitive and easily ruined. Noth
ing will do It quicker than keeping tho
animal confined in a wet, dirty pen.
Clean the calf often nnd bed It with
a liberal supply of dry straw oflner.
It Is no little labor to keep a ft till
where several calves run clean and
dry, but there Is no other way If you
want to raise good calves. Eternal
vigilance is tho price of everything
good in tho stock line.
Making Stables Comfortable.
Stop tho cracks and chinks in tho
stables. The horses and cows will not
get cold outside If It Isn't raining, but
In tho stable, with tho wind blowing
in through somo llttlo hole, thoy will
actually suffor. Get In a warm room
and lot tho cold air from outsldo
reach you through just ono llttlo
opening If you don't believe It.
Economy In Liberal Feeding.
Economy on the farm, as well as In
all other business, is admirable, but
economy demands that you get every
drop of butter fat poaniblo from
q'very cow. In other words, tho great
est economy cornea from feeding tho
cow to her greatest capacity and hav
ing a cow which will mako tho best
uso of her feed.
Beef Is high, but butter and cream
aro higher.
Silage may be fed tho day aftor tho
silo Is filled.
Thoughtful dairymen will keep up
the milk flow this fall.
Back of many a shortage In tho
dairy business Is a poor slro.
Separating cold milk means that
some cream v. ill remain in tho sklm
mllk. Dirty calf pails aro ono sign that
tho calves aro not getting care
If tho hired man Is careful with tho
cows a few of his faults may be over
looked. To get rich milk is possible for tho
avetage farmer, but it must bo through
To get top prices for farm crops,
try selling them to the dairy cow or
tho shoal.
A good many cow stables resomblo
hotels. They havo both "roomers" and
Shado, water and flood grass aro
threo essentials for profitable milk
It la highly Important to feed pro
ducing cows some concentrated foeds
In connection with paBturago and
You aro making your dairy cows
now while tho heifer calves aro loss
than a year old. Bo liberal with shut
ter, liberal with all sorts of kindness.
1V P i I SUB, J&. I NSta?
Sfe-rS , lit B S
A ri
J-A lJl
jfgrg ' ' ''"'"' ' "
A DECLARATION of war la al
ways a serious matter, but
In ono who has been on tho
ground, tho nowa that Mon
tenegro had declared war
.against Turttey inevitably aroused a
'certain modified merritnont. Sub
'soquont proceedings have reduced tho
'element of comedy materially, hut
when tho llttlo mountain kingdom first
Istood forward against tho Porto, tho
two antagonists offered a sulllclent
contrnBt for smiles nt leaBt. Conalder
Ing tho slzo and resources of tho two
antagonists, it is very much as If Now
'Rochollo declared war on Now York In
itho hopo of capturing and nnnoxlng
'Yonkers, tho last-named city being re
presented by Scutari d'Albanlo, a
place about ten times as largo as tho
(Montenegrin capital, and ono which
tho Montenegrin monarch has always
'. Contrary to current Impression,
Montenegro Is not at all difficult of
'access. Excellent Bteamshlps tako
ono from Trieste down the picturesque
'Dalmatian coast and disembark ono
;at tho town of Cattaro, which Hob at
'tho head of tho lovely bay of that
Iname. A mile or two back from tho
'bay rises a steep, stony mountain
'wall, with a smooth, white military
.'road zigzagging laboriously up it, and
Jovcr that mountain range is Monto
jnegro. , Tho drlvo from Cattaro up to Cet
tlnjo is ono of tho most beautiful In
tho world. From tho mountain-top,
(West over Cattaro and tho smiling
hay nnd tho sparkling bluo waters of
jthe sunny Adriatic, and cast across tho
great, gloomy, dosolato gray moun
tains, the views are leutaikftble. In
my opinion, tills drlvo Is far finer thnn
tho much-lauded Upper Cornlcho, bo
tween Nice and Monte Carla. Until
iqulto recently tho drivo by carriage
took seven hours, but now ono can go
iby motor car.
Some Royal Financing.
Motoring In Montenegro has, how
ever, its limitations, as there is prob
ably not a road In tho country, except
'the ono previously mentioned, ovor
which an automobile could pass,
'Even tho Cattaro-Cettlnjo road Is haz
ardous enough at that, bocauso on It
there are no less than ono hundred
'and thirty turns so acuto that a car
Iwlth a long wheel baso finds difficulty
In negotiating thorn at all, and moat of
theao turns aro on a considerable
Once over tho mountain and across
tho Montenegrin frontier, tho first
Impression Ih that of tho absolute
'desolation of tho country. Nothing
but bleak, gray, stony mountain
ranges, ono after 'ho other, as far ns
'the eye can ronrWnto tho misty dis
tance. Not a hubltatlon, not a tree of
,any size, not a sign of life. Tho out
look suggests an lmagluatlvo litho
graph of the beginning of tho worn!.
Only ono evidence of humnno exis
tence is seen. Along the roadside aro
numerous flat-bottomed pockets of
land, where a little culllvablo soil has
washed down tho rocky slopes, and in
each of these pockets a few potato
plants havo boon carofully sot out.
Often tho pocket Is bo small as to
contain only a dozen phtnU, but la a
land so aterllo and stony overy square
foot of Boll In thriftily utilized. No
houses nro visible, and pcoplo must
como miles to cultivate theso strugg
ling patches.
A Homely Mountain Village.
Cottlnjo lies In tho mlddln of a small,
.fertile plain which waB onco the bed
of an ancient lake, surrounded by
grim hills. It is a town of about
thlrty-flvo hundred Inhabitants hard
,1y moro than a village und yet It Is
(tho capital of a nation that has for
.generations preserved Its Identity
Wisdom of the Orient.
How much wo may loarn from tho
'Orient with Its conturies of tradition,
already old and wlao when Columbus
(first planted tho seeds of all sorts of
ftroublo by discovering America. Hero,
for example, Is a gem of sclenco that
(reaches us from Morocco and that
tolls us how wives may compel tholr
'husbands to rctraco the footsteps that
evon In tho homo of tho bravo will
'sometimes wander from tho otrnlght
mud narrow path of conjugal felicity.
!ab soon as tho wlfo haB received tho
Pinkorton report that tolls the old, old
story of who ho was with last night
lot her draw a straight lino of pure
'honey down from tho mlddlo of her
forehead to hor chin nnd collect tho
drippings In a Bpoon. Lot hor then
rub tho tip of her tonguo with a Jig
leaf till it blends and soak Hovon
grains of salt In tho blood Mix it nil
u, together witli the honoy, add somo
m ro salt which tins boon carried for
i .lay t.nd a night in a tiny Incision In
'm skin between her eyebrows To
:.u n.tiftt ha added a pinch of oartn
.0 1 ni pritu of hrv baro right foot.
tla i-iouiid, una the wlolo doso
-w w , r
against far greater neighbors, whoso
rapacity for territorial expansion la
too well known to roqulra comment.
In her sturdy spirit of solf-defcnso llt
tlo Montenegro leaves naught for
There is not much of tho formality
of a European capital about Cettlnje.
Tho relglng monarch can frequently
bo seen leaning out of a window In
casual conversation with ono of his
subjects, in ver much tho snmo pos
ture as that of a Third avonuo tene
ment dweller, who wntcheB tho ele
vated railroad trains go by. Tho
principal hotel of tho town Is kept
by a magnificent man, who at tho tliuo
of my viBlt was minister of wnr. Tho
conduct of his hotel was decidedly un
ceremonious, except thnt tho Austrian
mlnlstor and tho Italian minister np
pear for dtnnor every night In
full dress. Probably each ono felt
that tho dignity of his country must
be maintained at all hazards, and
nclthor ono could tnko It on hlmsolf
to suggest a Bartorial disarmament.
Strict formality Is exercised in somo
branches of tho government; a tele
gram which I sent to tho telegraph
olflce at nine o'clock ono morning wns
returned to mo unsent at flvo o'clock
that afternoon with tho criticism that
I should havo wrltton it in Ink instead
of lead-pencil.
It goes without saying that the
Montenegrins nro a warlike race.
Every tntm is expected. to carry arms,
and, in fact, It Is against tho law to
go unarmed. Even tho clergy nro not
excepted from this rule, yet a stranger
can hardly holp feeling surprised when
ho sees a dlgnllled priest of tho Qrnek
church In his professional robes, but
with a couplo of enormous revolvers
stuck In his belt. I heard of but ono
fatality during my stay In town, nnd
that was whon a somnwhat exhilar
ated native fell down stairs in a cafo
and ono of his own revolvers was
accldently discharged, shooting him
through tho stomach. As a mark of
repect to tho deceased, tho proprlotor
of th.. cafe turned oif the talking ma
chine on tho day of tho funeral ,
It Is surprising that there aro not
moro such nccldents, since tho con
sumption of ammunition Is tremend
ous. In fact the oxerclso of firearms,
bo far as I could learn, constituted
about tho only national amusement.
Over In Scutari, a man told mo of what
a splendid tlmo ho had had at a wed
dine! on tho previous day; ho had
II red off nearly two hundred car
tridges. High Art Price Despite Size.
What aro declared to bo tho two
highest priced paintings In tho world,
In proportion to their slzo, aro being
shown In tho Kleinborger galleries.
One, "Tho Portrait of a Man," by
Hans Memllng, is a small panol, ten
nnd a half by eight Inches, and tho
other, by tho same maBtor, supposed
to bo a portrait of one of tho sons of
Philippe- lu Bon, duke of Burgundy, is
twelve and a half by ten and a fourth
While tho exact prlco paid for tho
canvases has not been announced, It
Is known that It reached woll Into six
figuieH. They aro magnificent r.pcci
mens of the work of Memllng, who Ih
known as the Raphael of Flemish art.
Wanted No Extromes.
Employment Agent -What was tho
matter with your last place?
Domestic Tho couplo had only
boon married a month an' I couldn't
Htand th' lovo-mnkln'."
Agent- Well, hcro'a a chance In a
house vthoro the peoplo havo boon
married ten years.
Domestic That's too long. I llko
poaco an' quiet. Now York Weokly,
should then be put into tho erring
husband's breakfast food when ho
Isn't looking. Tho charm of tho thing
Is Its harmlessncss and its simplicity.
Llko Infant baptism, It cannot possi
bly do nny harm, and it might do
good. And tho women of Morocco
say that It never falls, and thuy ought
to know.
First Sending of Dispatches.
Tho transmission of dispatches In
tended for popular distribution Is nt
least as old, lu our own history, as the
account of tho battle of Aglnrourt, cir
culated on behalf of Henry V.; but It
Is to tho Civil war that wo must first
look for a definite nowa gathorer, oven
though ho waH an official. This was
"Master Bedford, i.cout muster gen
eral to tho commlttno of both king
doms," and this worthy had nsslstunta
formally termed "messengors" at tho
various contort) of the parliamentarian
campaign against Charlos I. It was
their duty to nnnd to tho house or
commons dotnlled acrountH of tho
progrosa of tho fighting, and pnrlia
mont promptly publlshod thorn In their
accustomed "nowabtjok" form.
Worth Three Times a Diamond.
Noarly all tho emeralds mlnod to
day come from Colombia. And, In
spite of tho supposed higher valuo of
diamonds, the emerald la tho most
precious of gems. Carat for carat, a
flawless emerald would bring perhaps
threo times tho prlco of a flawless dia
mond in tho Jowelry market. India,
tho storehouso of precious stones, ia
credited with producing tho first em
eralds, but tho Oriental emerald is
not identical with tho modorn gem, as
It Is a variety of tho ruby, of green
color and extremely raro.
Smelled a Grafter.
A Boston clubman recently returned
from a visit to Now York city. In
discussing his trip ono of his friends
asked him whether ho had a pollco
man in his pocket. Tho clubman hesi
tated for a moment, seriously nues
Honing his friend's sanity, whon tho
latter added!
"1 didn't know whether you could bo
thoro a week without somo grafter or
other getting into your pockoL"
Not According to Rule.
"Her emotions arc ungrammatical."
"What do you mean' by that?"
"All hor moods aro tonae."
Beforo marrying a poet n girl should
aavo hor appetlto amputated.
AYeertablcPrcparationfor As
similating Hie Foot! and Regula
ting Ihc Stomachs and Bowls of
Promotes Digcstion.Chccrful
ncssandRcsl.Conlains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic
fbthtl. Salts -.
Anut Sttd
hirm Sitd
AoerfcclRemcdv for Constipa
tion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions. Fever 1 sh
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
The Centauh Company
1 in"
Guaranteed under tho Fo
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Mr. Hall Roonlo Billboards
very annoying.
Landlady Thay don't worry como
people I know, half as much as board
905 Lowell Place, Chicago, 111.
"Tho trouble bognn by my hands burn
ing and Itching and I rubbed and
scratched thorn till ono day I saw llt
tlo red sores coming ouL My hands
wero disfigured and swollen, nnd trou
bled mo so that I could not sleep.
They wero cracked and when tho
small Bores broke a whlto matter
would como out. I could not do any
hard work; If I did tho sores would
como out worso, For two yearB no
body could euro my eczema, until ono
dny I thought I would try tho Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment. I used warm wa
ter with tho Cutlcura Soap and after
that I put tho Cutlcura Ointment on
i my hands twlco a day for about five
or six months when I was cured.
(Signed) Sam Marcus, Nov. 28, 1911.
C'utlctiia Soap nnd Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
freo, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston."
Adv. ,
"Is It really easy taking candy from
a baby?"
"Not If tho baby takes tho place."
For Backache, Rheumatism, Kidneys and Bladder
HrllAIINr oontain no habit ronuiNOSjnuos
-M S 1
Ileal Cooch SrruB. Tubs CwuJ. I'm
la Cms. 80U If Pnxsuts.
Not the Same.
"You used to call your wife KK
ton.' "
"I know, but she has grown cine
then." Judgo.
Dr.Flerce'sFleasant Toilets rcKuUta tad lirrljf'
orateitomMhlverandboweU. Bufraroottod,
tiny granules. Eay to Uko as candy. Adv.
A deaf mulu lu Ohio recently gava
minister a $2F0 marriage feo. A wlfo
ought to be worth that to a deaf man.
(OopyrlBht WIS by tho Tonltl veu Co.)
When tho blood Is tired, It falls to
supply sufllclont gastrlo Juice- to prop
erly digest tho food, and. we hav
Dyspopsla, Indigestion, Nausea, Heart
burn, Gastritis, Bad Breath, etc. Build
ing up tho blood Is tho only way to
prevent and euro this condition. For
TVialiTIWEC thls Purpose,
, I UN'sVfc5 T.onltives will be-
VfriBBffln S- &S
their action on tho blood, thoy holp to
supply tho necoBBary gaatrio juico,
and also to lncrcaao tho strength of
the muscles of tho stomach. 7Co. per
box of dealers or by mall.
Tho Tonltlves Co., BurXalo, N. Y. i
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 48-1912.
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
'vr jif
Shipping Fever
Influenza, pink eye. epizootic distemper and all nose and throat
dUeases oured, and all otbom, uo matter how "exposed," kept
from having any of tuesa dltcases with BroHN'8 LIQUID Dl
TU.urir.Il UUttK. Throo to six doses ofteu cure a cose. One 60
cunt bottle guaranteed to do so. llest thing for brood mares.
Acts on the blood. 6O0 and $1 a bottle, to mid 11 udoien
lxittlcs. Dnigglita and harness shops. Distributors ALL
IiacterlolofflsU, Goshen, Ind., V. 8. A.
Miss C. JUijosbv, of 2708 K. St.,
W. Washington, J.0 write I "I suf
fered with rheumatism for Uts years
and I have Just got hold of yourXlnl
ment, and ft has done mo to much
good. Jly knees do Dot palaandthe
swolllng has gone."
. , Quiets the Nerve
Mns. A.Wkidman, of 03 Thompson
fit., ilaryvlllo, Mo., writes i " Tho
nerve In my Ira w destroyed aro
years ago and left me with a jerking
at night so thnt I could not sleep. A
friend told me to try your Liniment
and now I could not do without it, I
and after Its uso 1 can sleep."
"Is a good liniment. I keep it on
hand all the time. My daughter
sprained her wrist and used your
Liniment, and it ha not hurt her
of Belma, N. O.
At All Dealers
23a, fiOe., $1.00
Blou's took on
horu. c4tle, lions
and pnnltrr sent
tit. Address
Dpnfprc of this P0!1, desiring to buy
iCuU C 1 3 anything advertised in its col
umns should insiit upon having what they
tsk i owef using all substitutes or imitations
I HI all Iww niimiuMa. Jt rwulta.
Dr. sPf m
Mihjr JmmW