Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 29, 1912, Image 6

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    Siyi!P''SWWH')''n",iill'iiij"W"")H'wiiii iwinumin.M n
32. ,
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Matron Meant to Be Kindly, But
Youngster Was Not Convera
tlonally Inclined.
Thla story has been golnrj tho
rounds of Doston about tho ten-year-old
eon of Director Hussell of tho
Boston opera houso.
Ono evening during nn entr'acto at
tho opera houso Master Itussell was
promenading alono In tho foyer, In
faultless evening dress a very ulass
of fashion. A Boston matron, scoing
that ho was lonely, began to malm
horsolf "agreeable."
"You aro Director Russell's llttlo
boy, aren't you?" ulio asked, with
patronizing sweotness.
Master Russell resented UiIb lntru
Blon on his dignity, hut his courtly
manors were u'nruflled. ''Yes, mad
am," ho roplled, with an elaborate
"Whoro were you born?"
"In Franco, madam" Slightly more
"What part?" continued tho lady,
feeling tho conversation well started.
"All of mo. madam."
And ho bowed and walkod away.
Austin Ah! Evelyn, I sometimes
lsh,that I had been a humorist and
could make pooplo laugh.
Evelyn Dut you don't have to bo
a humorist for that, Austin.
Frontier Medical List.
In good old frontier days castor oil
was tho principal medical boverago
good full measuro, too. Only tho big
gest person could hold a whole dose
EeBt perron could hold a whole dose
one-hair a dlpperful, with halt n dip
perful of New Orleans molasses add
ed to help slick it down and make It
taste good, only it didn't tasto good.
In those historic days every old wom
an was a doctor and gathered her own
"yarbs" In tho woods nnd know how
to mix up medical messes that would
stir the vitals of a brasB monkey or
a cast Iron dog. All backwoodsmen
belioved In "yarb" doctors. Something
In "yarbs," at that
Turkish Counting of Time.
Through the conter of tho mosquo
of Jt, Sophia runs tho theoretical
meridian which gavo tho Turks true
local time one hour and fifty-six min
utes fifty-two seconds fast on Green
wichuntil, two years ago, tho now
government fell in with the standard
system of tlmo zones, and camo Into
the eastern European zone, exactly
two hours ahead of Greenwich time,
ror religious purposes, however, 12
o'clock always happens at sunset, and
noon thus wanders with tho seasons
all round tho clock. Westminster
Mrs. Hiram Offen I'm afraid you
won't do. As nearly as I can find out,
you have worked in six or seven
places during tho lnBt year.
Miss Drady Well, an' how manny
girls has yerself had in tho same
tolmoT No less, I'm thlnkin'. Doston
She Sometimes you. appear really
tnanly and sometimes you aro effeml
liate. How do jou Hvcoimt for It?
Ho I suppose It Is herodltnry. Half
of my hiiCrotoiri weio men and the
other-half women! Tlt-Hlto.
The Tender Spot.
"What have you dono toward pun
ishing lawbreakers?"
"Well," roplled tho shady police of
ficer, "I have dono a great doal to
ward hurting their feelings by taking
taolr money away from them."
"I likn nfTectlonato animals. Does
this dog attach himself to pooplo
"Not if thoy can run faster than ho
It always costs moro to acqulro
grouch than It Is worth.
Something Worth Listening To.
A young Nobr. man was advised by
a friend to eat Grape-Nuts bocauao ho
was all run down from a spell of
fever. Ho tells tho story:
"Last Bprlng I had nn attack of fe
ver that leftmo In a very weak con
dition. I had to quit work; had no
appetite, was nervous and discour
aged. "A friend advised mo to eat Grapo
TJuts, but I paid no attention to him
nnd kept getting worso as tlmo wont
"I took many klndB of medicine but
none of them seomed to help mo. My
nyBtem was completely run down, my
blood got out of order from wnnt of
proper food, und sovernl very largo
boils broko out on ray neck. I was
eo weak I couM hardly walk,
"Ono day mothor ordored somo
Grape-Nuts and Induced mo to eat
eomo. I felt better and that night
rested fine. As I continued to uso the
food overy day, I grow stronger stead
ily nnd now have regatnod my former
good health. I would not be without
Grape-Nuts, as I bellovo it is tho most
health-giving food in tho world."
Name given by PoBtum Co., Battlo
Crock, Mlcb.
Head the book. "Tho Itoad to Well
TlHe," in pkss. "There's a reason."
Vst r-id ilir ulxne lettrrt A new
uo ftn;ienr from time to time, 'lliey
nre Kviiulit true, uud lull of liuiuou
lii((-reHI. Adr
ssmtr asasLW HUT asaasasaasLBa.
. .!.'
i 'P A THF
!.. .,. I. -" V.
The sceno nt ttip opening of the story li
Inld In the library of un old worn-out
miutlurn tilnntntlon, known nn tin- Ilnr
ony The pliicu la to bo sold, and Hi
history nnd tlint of the owners, the
Qulntnrds. I tho subject of discussion by
Jonathan Crenshaw, a builntHs mini, a
MrnnKer Itmmn an Murien, and Hob
Vnncy. a farmer, when Hannibal Wayne
llnziird, n mysterious child of the old
southern family, makes Ills nppenrancu.
Yancy tells how he adopted the boy. Nn.
tlinnlH Torrls buys the Ilnrony, but the
Qulntnrds deny nny knowledge of tho
boy, Ynncy to keen Hannibal Captnln
Murrell, a friend of the Qulntnrds, np
ponrs and nks questions nbout the Bar
ony. Trouble nt Scrntch Hill, when Hnn
nlbnl Is kldnnpcd by Dnvo Hlount. Cap
tnln MurrPll's nKcnt, Ynncy overtnkes
mount, Klves nlm a thrashing nnd secures
the boy. Ynncy unpen before Hqjlre
llnlanm, nnd Is dliclmwd with costs for
the Plnlntlff. Detty Mnlroy, a friend of
; . '19rrlcs, 1ms nn encounter with Cnp
tuln Murrell, who forces hlo attentions on
her. nnd is rescued by Ilruco Carrlngton.
IJetly sets out for her Tennessee home.
CarrlnRton takes the snme stage. Ynncy
nnd Hnnnlbal disappear, with Murrell on
tliclr trail. Hannibal arrives nt the home
of Judge Slocum Price. The Judge recog
nlies in tho boy, the grnndson of an old
tlmo Iriend. Murrell arrives at Judgo's
homo. Cavendish family on rnft rescue
Ynnry, who is apparently dead. Price
breaks Jail. Itctty nnd Carrlngton nrrlve
HI Hello Plain. lfnnnlbal'H ritFo discloses
some stnrlling things to tho Judge. Han
nibal nnd Hetty meet again. Murroll ar
rives In Uelle Plain. Is playing for big
stakes. Ynncy awakes from long dream
less sleep on board the raft. Judge Price
makes startling discoveries In looking up
land titles. Charles Norton, a young
planter, who assists the Judge. Is mys
teriously nssnulted. Norton Informs Car.
ring-ton that Betty has promised to marry
mm. Norton Is mysteriously shot. More
light on Murrell's plot. He plans upris
ing of negroes. Judge Price, with Hanni
bal, visits Hetty, and she keeps tho boy
as a companion. In a stroll Hetty takes
with Hannibal they meet Bess Hlck!.
Daughter of the overseer, who warns
ftty of danger nnd counsels her to
leave Belle Plain at once. Betty, torrt
"ed. nets on Bess' advice, and on their
way their carriage It stopped by Slosson.
the tavern keeper, nnd n confederate, nnd
Uetty and Hannibal are mndn prisoners.
The pair are taken to Hicks' cabin. In nn
almost lnnccesslblo spot, and there Mur
rell visits Betty and reveals his part In
tno plot and his obiect. BUv spuriig
his proffered love and the Interview Is
ended by the arrival of Ware, terrified
?. P8lble outcome of the crime. Judge
M?".. ,"' JuJK tnkes churgb of the
situation, nnd search for tho missing ones
Is Instituted. Carrlngton visits tint Judgo
nnd allies are discovered. Judgo Prlco
visits Colonel Fentress, where ho meets
Ynncy and Cavendish. Becoming enraged.
Price dashes n glnsi of whisky Into the
colonel's face and a duol Is arranged. Mur
fell Is urrested for negro stealing and his
bubble bursts. Tho Judge and Maharfy
discuss tho coming duel. Carrlngton
makes frantic search for Betty and tho
boy. Carrlngton nnds Betty and Hanni
bal, and a norce gun tight follows. Ynncy
uppears and assists In tho rescue. Uruco
Carrlngton nnd Betty come to an under
standing. Tile Judun reeelvrn nn Imnnrl.
.ant letter. Solomon Mahaffy's last Aght.
' 'Shts duel for the Judge and Is killed.
Hannibal proves to tt Judge's gTnndaon,
and told the story of his life.
"What does this ridiculous mockery
mean?" ho demanded harshly. "Mr.
Sheriff, as a member of the bar, 1
protest! Why don't you clear tho
building?" Ho did not wait for Uotts
to unBwer him, but continued. "Whoro
is this man Hues?"
"Yonder, colonel, by tho captain,"
said Uctta.
"I havo a warrant for tils arrest.
You will tako him Into custody."
"Walt!" cried tho Judgo. "1 repre
sent Mr. Hues. I desire to seo that
Hut Fentress Ignored him. Ho ad
dressed tho crowded benches.
"Gentlemen, It Is a serious matter
forcibly to seizo a man without nuthor
lty from tho courts nnd expoBo Mm
to tho dangor of mob violence Mr.
Huos will learn this beforo wo liave
dono with him."
Instantly thoro was n noisy demon
stration that swolled Into a burst ot
applause, which uulckly spent Itsoir.
The struggle seamed to havo nar
rowed to an lndlvldunl contest for
Miipitunacy between Kentross and tho
Judge. On the edge of the ralled-oll
spaco thoy confronted ench other: the
colonol, a tall, wollcnrod for pres
ence; tho Judge, shabby and unkempt.
For a moment tholr eyes met, whllo
tho Judgo's faco purpled und paled,
and purpled again. Tho silenco dcop
encd. Fontresa' thin lips opened,
twltchod, hut no sound came irom
Ihem; then his glunco wavered ana
ten. Ho turned away.
"Mr. Slierlff!" he called ehnrply.
"All right, colonol!"
"Tako your man into custody." or
dered Fentress. As he spoko ho hand,
ed the warrant toward lletts, who
looked at It. grinned, and stepped to
ward Huos, Ho would havo pushed
tho Judgo asldo had not that gentle
man, bowing civilly, mado way lor
"In mj profound respect for the law
and properly constituted authority
yield to no man, not oven to Colonel
TINAS' tftAtl t. .!- ..SAl .- .1
rcuucBD, uu buiu, wun a gracious
gesture. "I would not placo tho slight -
M "'itWW E
Why Neighbors Fall Out
Here Are 8ome of the Remarks That
Often 8tart the Clothesline
"Yes, I'm going to bring your lawn
mower homo tomorrow, suro. Tho
blamed old rattletrap is no good, any
wny." "Ma wants to know If sbo can bor
row another cup o sugar of you to
day? Sho's keopln' track of all of It
"1 wish you'd keep your chickens in
your own yard. ThU is tho sixth
tlmo I'vo planted corn lu my garden,
and I'm getting sick of seeing your
hns got It Ml."
"Say, that kid of your wants to quit
his heaving rocks against my barn;
or, by heavens, I'll got after him good
and plenty."
"Why In thunder don't ynu keep
your dog nt homo? llo's chmaU our
cut upon the bouia three tlmtM this
monirrj I'll shoot We critter aura H
c i tcit ltu Mm tied up"
f tj iu'.id my boy's coaster
Jii.isr?ATo,vs By D.Mlv..
. n
t9'i TteDofa) ftcii Crvwr f'J
est obbtuclo lu the way or Us sutiC'
tioned manifestation. Colonel Fen
tress comes hore with that high sanc
tion." Ho bowed again ceremoniously
to tho colonel. "I repeat, I respect his
dependence upon tho law!" He whirled
suddenly, "Cavendish Ynncy Car
rlngton I call upon you to arrest
John Murrell! 1 do thla by virtue of
tho authority vested In me as n Judgo
of the United States federal court.
His crime a mero trifle, my friends
passing counterfeit money! Colonel
Fentress will Inform you that this Is
n violation of the law which tails
within my Jurisdiction," und ho
beamed blandly on Fentress.
"It's a lie!" cried tho colonol.
"You'll nnswor for that later!" said
the Judge, with abrupt austerity of
"For nil we know you may be some
fugitive from Justico! Why, your
name isn't Price!"
"Aro you suro of that?" asked tho
Judgo quickly.
"You'ro an Impostor! Your namo
is Turbervillo!"
"Permit mo to relieve your appre
hensions It Is Turbervillo who has
received the appointment. Would you
like to exnmlne my credentials? I
have them by me no? I am obliged
for your Introduction. It could not
havo come at a moro timely moment."
The Judgo seemed to dismiss Fentress
contemptuously. Onco moro ho faced
the packed benches. "Put down your
weapons!" ho commanded. "This man
Murrell will not bo roleuaed. At the
first effort at rescuo he will ho shDt
whero ho sits wo hnvo sworn It his
plotting is at an end." Ho stnlked
nearer tho benches. "Not one chance
In a thousand remains to him. Elthor
ho dlos ho.ro or ho lives to bo tnken
before every Judgo, In tho state, li.
necessary, until wo ilnd ono with cour
ngo to try him! Make no mistake
It will best conscrvo tho ends of Jub
tlco to allow tho state court's Juris
diction In this case; nnd I plcdgo my
self to furnish evldenco which will
start him well on his rond to the gal
lows!" The Judgo, a tremendous pres
ence, stalked still nearer tho benches.
Outfacing the crowd, a sense of tho
splendor of tho part ho was being
cnlled upon to play flowed through
him like some elixir; he felt that he
was transcending hlmaelf, that his In
spiration was drawn from the hidden
springs of the spirit, and that ho
could neither falter nor go astray.
"You don't know what you aro med
dling with! This man has plotted to
lay tho south In ruins bo hns been
arming tho negroes It Is lncredlblo
that you should all know this to
such I say, go homo and thank God
for your oscapo! For tho others"
his shaggy brows met In a menacing
frown "If they force our hand we
will toss them John Murrell's dead
carcass that's our answer to their
Ho strode out among tho gun muz
zles which wavered whoro they still
covered him. Ho was thinking or Ma
haffy Mahaffy, who had said ho was
still a man to bo reckoned with.
"Do you know what a servllo insur
rection menns? you mon who havo
wives and daughtors, havo you
thought or their fate? or tho mon
strous savngery to which thoy would
bo exposed? Do you bellovo ho could
limit and control It? Look nt hlra!
Why, ho hns never had a considera
tion outsldo or his own safety, nnd yet
ho oxpects you to risk your necks to
suvo his! Ilo would havo left tho
state before the 111 at blow was struck
his business wns all down river
but we ure going to keep him here to
nnswer for his crimes! Tho Inw, ns
Implacable ns It Is Impartial, has put
Its mark on him tho shadow in
which he sits Is tho shadow of tho
Tho Judge paused, but tho only
sound In that expectant silence was
tho heavy breathing or men. Ho drew
his uuMloldly form erect, whllo tils
volco rumbled on, ngsfcsslvo and
threatening in Its every Intonation.
"You aro hero to defend something
that no longer o.lsta Your organ
ization Is wrecked, your signals and
piiHNWOidtt are !non, jour secrctx
havo become public property 1 can
even produco a list of your members;
thoro nro nono or you v. ho do not
stand In imminent peril yet under
stand, I havo no wish to strlko nt
iiiuso wuo navo neen misiod or
I coorcod into Joining Murrell's band!
! m ..
me juugo s sodden old fnco glowed
1 now with tho magnanimity or his son-
last night, and I'vo como over to seo
what ou proposo to do about It."
"Can't you put somo kind ot a
muzzle on that blamed old rooster you
aro harboring? llo's tho pest or tho
neighborhood. Nobody can got a de
cont night's rest around hero,"
"Yo, ought to havo sent your pa
por right back; but I'll havo Johnnlo
bring It over in a row minutes, ns
boon as I read tho sports page." Los
Angeles ICxproHB.
Legislative Optimist.
A novol doscrlptlou of an optimist
was given recently by n cougrossmau
who hart Biifferod an onslaught of
popular proteat In "appeals" from his
district Ha Instated that an optim
ist was a man who could make "nice,
sweat, pink lemonade out of tba yel
low, sour ihluga called 'lemons' that
have ben bunded hln."
"Tli.it " he juid, with a grliniee 'Is
"lint 1 'I in . i tli'ilst " M y It not
t.lho li (in,, of his i ii,;,iuliint
t.i enis hut I nave nu toelii g ol
mercy for your leaders, nono lor Mur
rell hlmselr Put down your guns!
you enn only kill us aHer wo hnve
killed Murrell but you can't kill the
Inw' U tho nrch conspirator dies in
thli room nnd hour, on whose head
will the punishment fnll?" He hwuiik
round his ponderous nrm In a sweep
ing gesture and shook a fat but ex
pressive foro-llnger In tho laces of
thoso nenrest him. "On yours and
yours and yours!"
Across tho spaco that separated
them tho Judge grinned his triumph
nt his enemy He had known when
Fontresa entered tho room that a
word or rt sign from him would pre
clpltnto a riot, but ho know now that
neither this word nor thl3 sign would
be given Then quite suddenly ho
strode down tho nlsle, and foot by
loot Fentress yielded ground beroro
his advance. A murderous light
Hashed from tho Judgo's bloodshot
eyes and his right hand wns stealing
toward tho frayed tails of his coat.
"Look out he's getting ready to
shoot!" cried a frightened voice.
Instantly by doors and windows tno
crowd, seized with Inexplicable panic,
emptied Itself Into tho court-house
yard. Fentress was caught up In the
rush nnd borno from tho room nnd
from tho building. When ho reached
the graveled space below tho Bteps ho
turned. Tho Judge was In the door
way, tho center of a struggling group;
Mr. Uowen, tho minister, Mr. Saul
and Mr. Wesley wero vainly seeking
to pinion his arm
"Draw damn you!" ho roared at
Fentress, as he wrenched himself
free, nnd tho crowd swayed to right
and Iclt as Fentress was seen to
reach lor his pistol.
Mr. Saul made a last frantic effort
to restrain his Irlcnd; he seized the
Judge's arm Just as tho latter's anger
pressed the trigger, and an Instant
later Fentress staggered back with
the judge's bullet in his shoulder.
Good Times Coming.
It wns not strango that a number of
gentlemen In and about Raleigh yield
ed to an overmastering Impulse to vis
it newer lands, nor was It strange
that the Initial steps looking toward
tho Indulgence of their desires should
hnvo been taken In secrecy. Mr. Peg
lou v,ns one of the first to Icavo; Mr.
Saul had Informed him of tho Judgo's
declared purpose of shooting blm on
sight. Even without this useful hint
"Draw, Damn Youl"
tho tavorn-koopcr had known th.it he
should experience Inleiiao embarrass
ment In meeting tho Judgo; this was
now a drenry certainty.
"You rockon ho moans near all he
says?" ho had asked, his fat sides
"I'd tako Ms word a heap quicker
than I would most folks'," answered
Mr. Saul with conviction,
Pegloo promptly had a sinking spell.
Ilo recalled tho snultlng or the can
dles by tho Judgo, nn oxtromoly de
pressing memory undor the clicum
stances; nlso tho reckless and head
long disregard or consequences which
had characterized so many or that
gentleman's acts, nnd his plnns
shaped thomsolves accordingly, with
suggested, Hint somo of tho swootest
things In life owo much ot their at
tractiveness to tho subacid, aromatic
Inlluonco of this samo sour "lemon"
which is so frequently "handed" po
litical lenders?
Tho Joke wnB ropoated In tho pres
ence of an nttacho of a foreign dele
gation, who thought It so good that
ho wanted to pass It on, but he fnlled
to catch tho full significance of the
plunso 'handed a lemon," bo ho
changed the expression to "mnklng
nico, sweet, pink lemonndo out of yel
low nddled eggs thrown ut him, you
know," nnd when thoro was a smllo
ho retorted hastily: "Oh perhaps
I've got the yellow egg3 broko?" Na
tional Magazine.
Swift Experiences.
"Somottmos a man has a hard time
getting finally located in the United
States senate "
'Yes. ' replied Senator Sor,ghura
Sometimes a legislature sends along
a man h saarewr ' through
leulliig the word 'Welcome on the
door mat befmc jEip oi cil'3 his
Bittutlou to n sign. .rL( Wuj out "
trim result, tlini w.ui u
occulon to call at the tavern, and tin
hostile nature of his visit was em
phaslcd by the cautious manner ol
his approach, he was greatly shocked
to discover that his intended victim
had sold his business overnight lor a
small lump sum to Mr Saul's brother-in-law,
who had appeared most op
portunely with an offer
Pegloo's flight created something of
a sensation, but It was dwarfed by
tho sensation that developed a day or
so lator when it beenmo known that
Tom Waro nnd Colonel Fentress had
llkewtbe lied tho country. Still later,
Fentress' body, showing marks ol vio
lence, was wnshed ashoro at n wood
yard below Ulrard It wns conjec
tured that ho and Waro had set out
from Tho Oaks to cross the river;
there was reason to believe that Fen
tress had In his possession at tho
tlmo a considerable sum ot money,
nnd It wns supposed that his com
panion had murdered and robbed him.
Of Ware's subsequent career nothing
was over known.
These were, after all, only opisodeo
In tho collapse of the Clan, sporltlr
manifestations of tho grent work of
disintegration that was going forward
and which the Judge, more thnn nny
othor, perhaps, had brought about.
This was something no ono ques
tioned, and he quickly passed to tho
first phase of that unlquo and peculiar
esteem In which he wus ever after
held. His famo widened with the suc
ceeding suns; ho had offers or help
which Impressed him as so entirely
creditable to human nature that ho
quite lacked the heart to refuse them,
especially ns he rclt that In tho Im
provement of his own condition tbo
world had bettered itself nnd was
moving nearer those sound and right
eous Ideals of morality and patriotism
which had never lacked his Indorse
ment, no matter how inexpedient It
had seemed for him to put them Into
practice Out ho was not diverted
from his ultlmnto purpose by the
glamour of a present popularity; he
was able to keep his bleared eyes
resolutely fixed on the main chance,
namely tho Fentress estate and tho
Qulntard lands. It waa highly Im
portant that he should go east to
South Carolina to secure documentary
evidence that would establish Mb own
and Fentress' Identity; to Kentucky,
where Fentress had lived prior to hta
coming to Tennessee.
Early In November the Judge set
out by stage on his Journey east; ho
was accompanied by Yancy and Han-
nlbnl, Irom neither ol whom could ho
bring himself to bu buptutiledy and as
tho woods, flaming now with the
torch ot frost, enguircd tho llttlo
town, he turned lu Ms sent anil looked
back. He had ontorcd It by that very
road, a beggar on toot nnd In rags; lie
was leaving It In broadcloth and lino
linen, visible tokens of Ma altered
fortunes Moro than this, lie i-ouiii
trust his hunda deep down into Ms
onco ompty pockets and hear the
clink of gold and silver. Tho Judgo
hlowly withdrew his oyos from tho
last gray roor that showed among tho
trees, nnd facod tho east and tho tu
tun with a berenoly conlldont ex
pression (TO Bn CONTINUED.)
Got Even With Critic.
Tho Abblo d'Aublgnnc, who wroto
admirably on dramatic composition,
nnd hnd Instanced many living exam
ples of failure in that direction, was
so imprudent, after thirty years' si
lence, ns to wrlto a tragedy himself.
In tho preface he boasted that ho. of
all dramatists, had "most scrupulous
ly obticrved tho uile of Aristotle,
whoso Inspiration ho bad followed!"
To this It wus replied by ono who hnd
suffered from Ms criticism: "I do not
quarrel with tho Abbo d'Aublgnac Tor
having followed tho procepts ot Aris
totle, but l cannot pnrdon the precepts
ot Aristotle that caused tho abbe to
wrlto such a tragedy."
A Coed Cure.
"V ow-m h-w h-vs hat dud do j -y-you
d-ildoalo luffor y-yvour s-s-slss-stut'
tut-Uitt.rlnn old idiim-ronn?" naked
on couttrraed lUmmirir the other
Ida of another
"W w w-wow-neii aaic mo recoou.
"1111 va tuf-fuuud cuk-eonsldarablu
j ruh ruh ro'if tulfuffrora ktik ke?ilng
Ul 111 1 .1 IM " 1 JU10 Sll U
?& nri i- rv,,K- n.,Wll
Every member of
i iiriitrv inline: iviialitil. iiiii
ciate the many handsome, useful presents you
can get free "with the coupons now packed in
Duke's Mixture Is ono of tho biff favorite brands
Men everywhere prefer it because of its true natural to-
bacco taste. Duke's Mixture is simply the choice leaves
of fine Virginia and North Carolina bright leaf thoroughly
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it's impossible to get a purer smoke or a more likeable
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Why He Wept.
At a reception ono night, says tho
Woman's Home Companion, a loud
voiced young man was invited to sing.
Desultory applause followed, and he
responded with a vociferous rendering
of "My Old Kentucky Home." The
hostess was passing among her guests,
beaming at tho success of her enter
tainment and sure that everybody was
having a good time, when suddenly,
to hor surprise, she camo upon a middle-aged
man but slightly known to
her, who was weeping silently but bit
terly In a secluded corner. Thinking
that his hoart had been touched by
tho old song, she asked sympathetic
ally: 'Why do you weep? Aro you a Ken
tucklan?" "No, madam," ho replied. "I am a
Senator Borah was talking about a
disgruntled political opponent.
"His attitude," said tho eloquent
senator, "reminds me ot a young lady
nt tho seashore.
"Discussing this young lady and a
Chicago millionaire, a girl remarked:
" 'She says he's not a very good
catch, after .all.'
"Another girl, tossing her head, then
mado the comment:
"Sho says that, does sho? Then
ho must havo dropped her ' "
The couple wore being married by
an out-of-town Justico of tho peace.
"Until death do you part?" the mag
istrate asked, In tho usual form.
Tho man hesitated. "Seo here,
Judgo, can't you mnko it an lndeter
mlnato sontenco?" quoth he, after
thinking a moment. I'uck.
"I ulwuys embiace an opportu
nity." "Dut, then, you must bo careful you
are not hugging a delusion."
"Pa. what Is tho Hrldgo of Sighs?"
"That's tho bridgo your mother
plays, my son."
Their Class.
"How would you doscribo these let
ters ot a chiropodist?"
"I'd class Uiem as foot notes."
llrs. Wlnalow'a Soothine ?yrup for Children
teething, softena the eutua, reduces luflamma
Uon, allayap.-iln, cures wind colic, Jic a bottle Aft.
Tho first tlmo a oung man Is In
bvo he honestly believes he means
Nhat he says
il ""11 fl1 Willi ' ri 1
QfflSL 'aw if
kT.i ? v.ls ' 1 "i ' 'a in -
HP lie Cheerful Li
It Is the right of everyona to live and enjoy the cheerful life. Wo owo
It to ourselves and those who live with us to Uvo the cheerful Ufa. We
cannot do so If ill health takes bold of us. '
Tho vlfe, mother and daughter suffering from hot flashes, norvonnoss
lioadViche, backache, ilragtrlng-down feeling, or any other weakness duo to disorders
or Irregularities of the dellcato female organs ts not only burden to hoMolV
but to her lovod ones. mmi.
Thtr li a rmdjr. rorty
rt'l rwtoiw beaHvi to v ikened womankind. Tor VO viori It f... .
.. ,.,' j. , .,l.i .1 t ii,ui..i..i'T.', ' "" '
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your family will appre
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Don't Persecute
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Cut out csthartics nnd purgatives. They are
brutal, harsh, unnecessary. TnBjaw
Purely vegetable. Act .
gently on trie liver.
eliminate one, ana .
soothe the delicate
membrane of the
bowel. .Curt.
Sick Utid-
schs and laiifetllon, as mlHJooa know.
Genuine must bear Signature
California Irrigated
Apple Land
Do yon know that pooplo from all pnru of r C S.
am fiiBt nettling In tlie fertile Omiiu Valley bocauts
of Its tlno toll and perfect cllmatlo condltloni, nut
onljr fur raising apples, but alto for alrulta and all
kinds of berries ami vexotables 1'otatueu especially
5 leldlng enormously, tlood Incomes nro also bislnn
iuade f rum chickens, turkers, boos and llvo stuck.
All onr land adjoins thriving llttlo towns nhera
thore aro guodbchooU and churches. 250 miles from
os Angeles on tbobo.PaclHo'irunx Una to tbo cask
Water Goes Vilh Each Tract Sold
I1M por acre and upward, EASY TEKMS.
Mow Is the time to tea ns about this exceptionally
Soodlund. V. It. T1IUHAH it MN, a-Ji'lltl
nuritnc IlulldliiR, I.o AiiKluu.r!lfornla.
Belling Agents for Owens Valley Improvement Co.
is mon ANT SO
For years the Provlnto
of Albortu (Western
Canada) was the Big
of these runcbts today
aroluimcnso grain Holds
and tliH rj.ttln li.Lv.
given plnoa to the cultivation of
wheat. oats. barley and fiax. tba
chango has made man r thnuunds
ot Americans, settled on tliese
plains, wealthy, but It lias In
creased the price of Uvo stoir.
Then Is splendid opportunity
now to get a
Free Homestead
of 160 acren (and another as a pre
emption) In tho newer dtr'rletj
and produce ettbercattleurgraln
The crops are always good, the
cllicatols excellent, schools and
churches are convenient, markets
splendid. In either Manitoba, bal
katcbewan or Alberta,
Bend for literature, tho latest
Information, railway rates, etc, tu
J. S.Kjdidlsa, trmf 57S,Wjttrtoi, S. 0.
8.A. U8rn, Jl 5 JxbN St., SI. TjiI, Won.
Canadian Qoverntuent'Agent. or
address Superintendent of
Immigration, Ottawa, luiii,
years experience baa proven BnalatakcUy tilt
'""'''at'atBsi us wtHM
i on T 1 .-"in In I , t ,Wni T. 7
bbbbi inTcnc
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