i 1 ,"'Sj' ? ' '' i - t X. Jm v 'r ! idi Royal Baking Powder AbsolutelyPure The onl Baking Powdermsde irom Ktwai urapeiream ojrartar "If if nuus Heal Jo Parties indebted to mo pleiiRo coruo in niid pay part, if you cnn not pay it nil, as I lined tho tuouoy. VandcZeddo ON THE FIRE That's when you begin to realize the kind of gro ceries we keep There is cooking satisfaction in them. Buy your Groceries from us. Save your patience and your home will be a happy one. J. Van die Zedde Your Grocer Dakota City - - Nebruoka $ $&&&8& 1 Diamond and Precious - Stone Jewelry Watches Silverware Clocks Bronze China Cut Glass and Leather Goods Our exceptionally large stock affords ample scope for the exercise of your taste. Gifts that con vey the right impression. In every department our goods this season are more interesting than ever before. It will cost you no more to buy "AT BECK'S" and you will have complete satisfaction. Make your selections now and they will be reserved until called for. Will H j Iowa's Leading Jewelers Established 1877. fcfifeflMB &j J rGF5f it Real estato loans. Geo Wilkins Ailv Don't forgot Brcuns coffee, it i still in tho lead. Van sells it. Miss Kate Duggaii, of Sioux City, wan a visitor at tho Dr Maxwell homo horn Monday. Home-iiiado minco meat, lOo u pound nt Van do Zedde's. Try a pound and you will want moro. F H Forrest, wife and sou Frank, went to Moville, In? to spend Thanks giving with MrB Forrest's parents. Wo have u nice display of nlnm ninurn ware and also u nioo stook of hardware, granitwaro, otc, at right prices. Sehriover Bros . T T Lindsay and wife, parents of Mrs John F Sides, arrived hore Wed nesday from Butler, Fa, and will spond the winter with their daughter. Mr and Mrs S A Stinson entertained at a dinner party Sunday evening for their son Guy, who was homo for au ovnr Sunday vifit. Eighteen gentle men friends of Guy mado up the party. The Herald will forward your sub scription, either new or renewal, to tho Woman's Rome Companion for $1.00. Remember the Woman's Homo Companion is $1.50 per yoar now, and wo will savo yon 50o on it in connec tion with tho Herald. At a regular mooting of tho I O O F lodge Mouduy evening tho following ofllcers woro elected for the ensuing term : Noblo grand, Goo Hirsohbaoh ; vioo grand, Ward Joyce; secretary, Guy Sides; treasurer, Alfred Seymour; trusteo for three year term, Jas Funs ton. Installation will be held the first Monday in January. On account of tho rapidly increasing business of tho Mid-Wont bank of Sioux City, Ed T Kearnoy'sbank, another largo new burglar-proof safo has beon installed. This makos three excep tionally good ones, 'each with timo looks and carrying n low rato of bur glary insurance. Mr Kearney Keeps liis equipment up-to-dato as well as his biibiuess mothoda. Corner Fourth Q$ and Pierce Sts. & Sioux City, Iowa. $ f Pf Local Items w Beck Go. Tlio rural carriers took n vacation Thursday to eat turkey. Plans uro being prepared for a now M E parttonngo on the lots north of the ouuroli. Fran Eutrakiu, of Sergeant Bluff, Iq, visited Saturday and Sunday with Aileon Stinson. Harry H Adair attended a Shrine meeting at Omaha Friday and Satur day of hut week. Robert Evaus, jr, oaiuo homo Tues day from tho stato uivorsity at Lin coln for Thauksgiviug vacation. Anyono wishing pnro applo oidor, guaranteed, for making miucc-mcat, or to driuk, caii 11 ml it nt Van's. R J Browning, tho Rawloigh man, wont to Stewart, Neb, Monday ovou ing, to gather nud dispose of his corn crop. F H Way was dowu from Pigeon Greek piueiuut last Friday, ami mado tho Herald a friendly call while in town, Mrs Sarah Duesahle, of Maploton, Io, was here from Thursday uutil Sun day, visiting her mother, Mrs M F Adair. Mrs Belinda Pago, of Omaha, ar rived Saturday evening for a wook's visit with hor sistor, Mrs 11 Bodon bender, Mrs Abbio Pierco, cf Watorbury, Nob, was hero several days last week visiting old friends and canvassing for a missiouery journal. Frank Sides arrived homo Tues day from Lincoln, whoro ho is n stu dent t tho stato university, for his Thanksgiving vacation. U P Matthews has sold his farm southwest of town to a Mr Loach, of Morningside. Mr Matthews eipects to go to Florida, whoro ho rocontly purchased land. Rev S L Keller will supply tho pul pit at Allen, Nebr, next Sunday, De comber 1st, for Rev Lowis, tho regular pastor iu ohargo, who is still in quar antine with smallpox. George Barnott, jr, arrived home Saturday from a sovoral weeks visit with relatives at Ilumcston, Io. He has again taken tho run as motorman on tho street car linn. Earl Frederick movod his family to town Monday from tho Madious Loa mer farm, and will resido iu the Jay Robertson lionno. Ho has taken a job for the winter on tho Burlington sec tion. Mrs Ed Mori n and baby worn down from Wynot last week for a visit with Sirs Morin's mother, Mrs Wm Cheney. Walter CIihiihv iKiivimjiaiiind them home Saturday for an over Sunday visit . A broken shaft on ono of tho gaso line ongines at the olectrio light plant seriously handicapped tho lighting system a few nights this week. It is expected to have the repairs made by toduy. Tho house on tho W 3 Hazelgrovo farm recently purchased by B M Boals, was sold to Jas Tobin, who movod it to South Sioux City this week whoro ho will tit it up for a res idence Miss Zita Simms leaves next Mon day for hor homo nt Attleboro, Mass, after spending the past fow months hero with her formor schoolmate at Trinity College, Washingiou, D O, Mies Mary Maxwell. 0 A Anderson, president of tho Un ion Luther Leagues of Sioux City, will deliver an address iu Emmanuel Lu theran church Sunday evening, De cember 1st. Special music will also bo provided for the occasion. Albert Schumaohor came down from Norfolk to spend Sunday with his fam ily, Ho has a temporary run as mail cleik between Norfolk and Columbus, but will soon be assigned a permanent run between Columbus and Albion. Robert L Chenuoy cumo down from his ranch near Phillips, S D, Sunday, bringing a bunch of G9 grass fed cattle which he cold on tho Sioux City mar ket for $7.25. Ho will remain here this woek for a visit with his mother and family . A social will bo givon by tho Ep- worth LeuRUe at tho home of Mr nnd Mrs Kuoppor Friday ovtniug, Nov 29. A light lunch will bo served. A fea ture of tho evening will bo that your height mcasuiuiont will be taken, at live cents per foot and one cent for ovory inch ovei. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Committee. Mr and Mrs Riohard Raw, of llodgO' vule, Mont, visited old acquaintances hero a few days this week. Mrs Raw 'wus formerly Minn Elizabeth Deborde, daughter of Gore Deborde, one of tho old timo residents of Omadi pre cinct. Mr and Mrs Raw had been to Shenandoah, Io, accompanying the remains of tho Inttor'd mother there for burial. Eugene Doughott aud wife, who were arrested lust week charged with running a "fence" ut South Sioux City, and at whose placo about $1,500 worth of stolon goods were found by tho South Sioux City nnthoritios, will bo given n hearing ucxt Monday. Their hearing was set for last Mouduy but was continued. Thov were una ble to furnish bouds aud are being hold in jail. James Oooley, who has served as mail meHfl'iiigor ut this placo for tho past decade, resigned his job recently owing to tho additional sorvico put on by tho department. liids for tho work wore asked by tho department and tho contraot wus awarded to J F Hall ob tho lowest bidder. The ohango in messengers will be mado Do comber 1st. Mr Cooley has boon a faithful omployo, and in the eighteen years ho sorved ho missed but ono mail and that, ho states, was uot his fault. SCHOOL NOTES. Tho first six grades aro onjoying their new supplementary readers very much. The Botany class havo finished their fall work in Botany und have takon up bookkeeping, They will take up Bot any again tho last ten weeks iu tho spring, thus doiug u semester's work iu each Hubjsat. Botany is studied, during the tlrst und last portions of the school your in order that tho plant itself ruay lie studied. Freeman Quintal hus minsod no words iu spelling during tho past month. Warren lleikos, Cooil Leodom and Lolu Miohuls huvo u record of 100 pur oont in spelling for tho punt month, This includes daily recitations and weekly tests, Gladys Arrabright ranked llrat this month in soveuth and eighth grado spelling. Riiyraond Roam ranked 11 ret iu tho eighth grado Arithmetic Tho iltth aud sixth grado girls havo completed tho tea towels on which thov wero working, aud havo be gun their Christmas work. Soma ex cellent work is lining douo by tho girls of these grades. COMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS. (OFFICIAL) Dakota City, Neb, Nov 25, 1912. Tho hoard of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment. Present. Thomin I.oni;, chairman: Oconto W Tlinck ur, Oliver W Klsher ami Clcurito Wllklns, clerk. Tlio folloulmi DrocoeuliifM woro hml, to wn: Tho following claims wcro allowed on tlio county Kcncrnl fund: Michael. I llynes, lirlilKe work 81 no Frank Malion. salary and delivering election Minnlles 113 Ml John lliicliert, boaullitit paupers ami toimcuo , ,. ., Hit's John liuchort, plowliiK 2fi acres on poor farm :t7 M 1) (J ICvaiii. im-UiiKO , I'd 71 Ira U'niUlell, road work i ou James Kuesltm, liuuitllnK uilnouuin, milary for NovomUir II ft) J 1 Uockwelt, salary focNovomlvr . 40 U) v A MorKan, sorvlmt on election boarU , 8 00 J M Mullen, same 10 Ni John Jenkins, . sauio. 8 00 O Htainm, saute, M on J It Hoitnn, same 8 00 VllluK" of South Sioux City, hull icnt 4 ut John ilnzulKiove, peace olllcur, ....... 4 do II I) Wood. election lKaril a (to Fred Hclirlover, same tl 00 1) M NulswuiiKor. santu e txi TWGrlbble, muiio I (Vi Win I.ahrs, satue ,, em James Fucstou. peace olllcor it 00 John Harty, election board fi UI K 1 Rockwell, same Mil K.l Green. riuiiuT fi U) Hoy Armour, same ,,.,, 5 (X) Win IhiKKan, same , fi IX) MW A, rent for hall 6 txi 11 II O rl libit), pencil olllcur. ... , fi tx) Uai'l Larson, election board it (XI (leot) HlessliiK, same t (XI It Mc Kin ley, Millie tt (xl Olias Davis, same , n tx) W F Winch, sanio il Hi) VlUitao of llonnir. hnll rout S (X) M UeHOom, election board ,. vm Winll lllnz, same 0 tx) John WTwolilir, same tt tx) Henry MuKlvurRiiu, same o oo John P Kniniper, sumo a 00 Mutt Mcklvortoin, poacoolllcor (1 tie J U UuKKim, hall rent fid) H Hliopko, election board 4 txi Fred Vofcs. same 4 00 J A Ireland, sumo , 4 u) HUbtoUe, sumo. 1 on Geo II Uoimli try, same H'M Fiinorson Flro Hall, hull rent fi x) V 11 Mickey, election board 7 (X) Dan Richardson, same 4 IX) J M Uranium, same , 4 tX) John Ryan, same 4 txi H Kiniilseiii 'ini 4ii Win Hlloy, hall rout , 5 tx) Krod Amlorson, Justice of tlio I'ouco. 4 IX) Amos Iilnufoltur, election board 4 1)0 Geo K Darnus, siuue 4 J W K McAITeo, same 4 IX) Mnrtlu Ueueo'ii, sumo 4 11) Andrew Urowo.KUino 4 00 School Dlst Noi.1l. hall rent 6 00 Jacob F IjOiiniur.eunvussInu Uiatd. .. '2 00 Fied Soliil.ivur. Jr. sanio 'J ( Goo Wllklns, same 2 tx) A liurooiiberu iron uo, road Urn k.... 21 60 Ur II J Leahy, hospital expense or J no McKluzuy, F llycrs, Dave Hatcher,. 141 00 Klonn .v Ilartlolt Oo. niuriiiiKO cortl- llcntUH 7 fiO 11 wanner, onvoiopoH linn lottor heads 0 (XI Klopp A HartlottUo, tnx leoolpts. ... 48 (X) Mike llulforniin, .uppralsluK road (lanuiires a 70 Klopp A Bartlct tOo. supplies 6 18 11 in wanner, tor nan rent pant to VHIiiRoof iloinor 6 00 Klopt) .V Hurtlott Co, election supplies M 12 II J Barker, applo trees , 28 tl Homer Hardware Uo. hardware 13 io J W TwolilK, npprnlsltiK road damnKo 4 20 Martin Hough, road work 11 IX) John Thackor, oil aud wnKOii K reuse.. 0 76 SAllrown, repair work 8 26 Fields J: ShuiKhturOo. 20170 lbs coal... 119 60 Hurt JCrocscu, SO bar dockets ,.., SOW L N Mappes, medicine for paupers..,. 6 60 Homer Hardw110 Oo, iHiddlliir 7 715 H N WaKiier, unvelopes 2 76 Nebraska School bupply Oo, Jury chairs 108 Nob School Sunnly Oo. ty oowrllor ua- por..., 8 10 llnininond .t Stephens Oo.report cards 80 Klopp A Hart lettOo, olllco supplies.. IU 45 ' " " pons 1 01 " " " IpkiiI blnuks t) Ml " " " criminal docket 24 W) " " ' probate record. . 24 60 " " " legal lilankH (i ti " " " chattel mort- Kiicollles , 16 00 University I'uullshlntt Oo.o.xum ques tions 8 00 Klopp .V Hurtlott Go, sea ttei board.... 60 " " " chattel mort- kiiko (lies 6 (X) State Journal (Jo, letters, (lies und .,,.,tk.,iu 11 fVl 'Mercy Hospital.carlnijforOit HoiiVi- iiliiKlinin so Ml Tho followliiir claims woro allowed on tho county bridge fund: II O llnsdnl, brldKO work $ 1ft (X) Albert Robertson, same 1ft (X) Sam Thorn, sumo 2 00 Kd Rockwell, bridge piling..... 16 1X1 John .lessen, bridge work 1 tx) Geo Kiwi, same II (X) Ohrls Snreiisen. same Hi 00 KdwmdsA Ilradfonl Lbr Go bridge inatorlal .' 88 155 Fort Dodge uulvurt Oo, culvert nnd drags , :tA3 02 Tho following claims were allowed ou tho county road fund: II U llnsdnl, road work, commission er's dlst No:i s sin lvti.i' Sorensen, same .'. II 1X1 Oluis L Dodgo, Enuin U v) Sam Thorn, road work, commission er's dlst Ni)2 llKl Ot) Ira Wnilclell. ihiimIih aud toad woik commissioner's dlst No 1 WO (X) Jose nil Itngan. road work, commis sioner's dtHt No 2 21 (X) Henry Hanson, same 81 (X) Thos .1 llartuett, draglng load from Vista to Jackson 110 00 Louis Knuilsen, road work, com dlst No2 4 (X) l'tr JfttiKAti, sniim h () Rasmus Rusniusson, same 4 tx) Jus II Love, k.-imu H'l 00 Kd l'olly, suiiiu io 10 Larson ilros. same 8 txi t Diaries F.rlksen, same 41 00 Geo Jensen, sanio 44 88 James Nelson, same , 4 (x) Allwirt Wf.hrfpfler. smile 2 (XI J 1' Jensen, same 28 (xj Uhrls riorenhensanie iin ixi Hen Lnlleriimi, sanio 70 (X) John Knudson, sume mm John UThueker. uriidliiK. ( ldlht.1 . IRit m John I) Thackor, sumo 217 00 John D rnaeker.sBine , 217 ft) John I) Thackor.uradlng, conicllst 1.. 201 60 John DThaokor, sanio 217 60 John I) Thackor, sittno : 217 oo Thos Graham, road work, com dlst 2.. IB (X) Hert Francisco, same , 4H 00 Ohrls Korensen. same Kx) (XI Mux Nelson, same 4 (X) Geo Jensen, sumo 1 (XI l'ntrlck Iloonuii, Biiino 48 (X) John Gill, same 21 () John GUI. same 21 (X) l'eter JoIiumhi, same 8 (xl Roy Armour, same . 12 80 Frank Learner, road work, com dlst 1. 0 00 Alljert RolMjrtson.road work,coinUt:i KX) 00 The following claims woro allowed on the road district fund: Michael. I 1I. nes. road work, dlst 8 .! CA 60 Alltert Kobbrlsoii, same, distil 4ft 00 Ollle Halo, same, dlst 10 lil(X) Nols Andersen, same I (X) J H Smith, sumo fl 76 O J Goodfellow, same, dlst 7 17 60 James llendrlcksoii, same, dlst 10 1 4 IXI HO lllleman, same, dlst Hi 42 ! Junius Ryan, same, dlst 4 4 ixi I'O Van Glove, sumo, dlst 1 62 76 Ohrls Horenscn, same. dlst I its (XJ Thos J llartnett, same. dlst7 il'J 00 John LelMilm, same, das t ft fi (x) (I J Goodfellow. same, dlst 7 117 IX) lllram rrlest, same, (list i) in in Frank Davis, same 2ft 01 11 (J lliisdal, same -n in Martin llogh, same, dlst 18 08 W Olirls RasuiUBseu, same, dlst ft 10 10 11 i-;rinsen, same, nisi io hiii Honrd ordered county trenstiror to trans for IH.M from commissioner dlstrlst No 2, to road district No U, and 1-Wi.lB from com missioner district No 2 to road district No 21. Hoard ordered county clerk to correct tho personal assessment of Harvoy Jlros, tho same being a double assessment, Hoard orderej county clerk to deduct poll tnx from assessment of Richard Shortloy, ho Ixilng over 60 year of ago. Hoard adjourned to moot Monday, De cember I'), ltd'.'. George Wllklns, (lounty Clerk. Day a good furm on oounty bottom, I huvo Adv. tho Dakota Elinors, it. HUBBARD Miko Beacom tried to outtravd an auto with his trotter the othor day and it looked just like it runaway for a while. All tho best grades of heavy under wear at C Anderson Uo'a, Hiris MogonBon and family woro Sunday visitors at tho Carl Anderson homo. A "slug party" was giveu at tho Louis Federttou homo Monday night. If you need rt good moat and food ohoppor, remember wo havo it, Ueo Timlin. Adv. Mrs Hayes nnd daughter visited at tho Joo llugan homo last Thursday. iTP Jensen aud wife are tho proud parents of a babe, born to them ou F.ritlay, tho 22nd. Crauberrios and everything good in oatables, at C Anderson Go's, The wind lust Friday night demol ished it partly lluished outtlo ulied for Nets Hanson. Fred Bartels wont to Omaha ou bus iness lust Friday, returning Saturday. Bring in your produco, butter, eggs, oto. Wo always pay tho top price. U Auderson Co. A petition was being circulated here Saturday for putting in waterworks. It would bo a grand thiug help it along. The foundation for tho Duggaii & lleffornuu butcher shop is now com pleted and ready for the oarpuntors to begin work. Feed your hens Leo's Egg Maker and get eggs now, when the price is high. Qeu Timliu. Adv. Most of the farmers hereabouts ox poet to Iluish up ooru husking this week, Jiih Campbell ounto dowu from South Dakota. Saturday to visit relatives. Heine's minco meat is likn nil of the Ueiuz goods, and can't be beat. C Anderson Co soils it. The moving picturd show horo Mon day uigut was fairly well attended Tho boys attending tho Wavno Nor mal school cumo homo Wednesday to remain over Thanksgiving. A full lino of everything needed du ring ooru shucking. Geo Timlin. Adv. Tho Danish Brothorhood danca giv en hero Hiitiirduy was largely attend, ed and a high old time hud. Joo Ebel is out putting tho finishing touches ou tho John Hogau resilience. Everything iu blankets and bedding ut C Anderson Co's. Tho littlo daughter of 0 Erickscu was taken to St Joseph's hospital Inst week for treatment. C M Riismusson and wifo entertain ed a few frionds at dinner Sunday. Mary Jano aprons and kimonos, el cgantly made aud of tho best goods. Cheaper than you could buy tho goods and muko them yourself. At O Au derson Co's. Knttd It iHinussen and O Jacobson of near Watorbury woro over to attend tho Danish Brotherhood dance. Mrs John llartnett ppont a couple of days last week visiting hor sister, Mrs Frank O'Donnoil, cf' noar Watorbury. Wo will pay over tho market price for eggs, uIbo best price for cream and butter. Goo Timlin. Adv. Mary LTogan cumo homo from Sioux City to spend Thanksgiving with her folks. Jas Oieen was at tho county seat lust Friday. Warm mittens and sheep lined coats of all kinds and at all prines, at C An derson Co's, John Ilurly marketed u oar of hogb lust Thursdiiy. Fr English was a visitor in tho oily lust Friduy. For best quolity cotton bats, boo" C Auderson Co. Bessie Varvais is spending this woek visiting her sister at llartingtou. Thos Long had n cur of hogs ou the Sioux City market Saturday. Outing iluntiels iu the best grades, and a splendid assortment, at C An derson Co's. It D Bookwoll was down to tho county seat lust Thursday liquidating his tuxes. CliaM Dodgo lust Friday while help ing with some building material at tho homo of his futhur-in-liw, N F Hanson, in Homo manner slipped and broke his leg between tho knee aud hip. Drs Utidworthy, of Homer, und Muxwell, of Dakota City, assisted by u Sioux City physician, set tho limb, aud ut present the patient is ;ttinj along nicely. For satisfactory service tho Bull Bund overshoes have all othor makos bout a milo. C Anderson Oo bundles them. Cause of Insomnia. Tho most common cause of iusomuiu in dinordcra of tho atomuch and con stipation, Chumberlnin's Stnmnoh and Liver Tablets correct these dis orders aud enable you to sloop. For sulo by all dealers. Adv. $15 to $25 an Acre Crow Creek Valley Weld County Tho bost dovelopod und improvod county iu Colorado. Our valloy pro duced $20 to $30 an aoro ou uvcrago farms in 1012. COLORADO land shows greater net profit por aoro than lands iu Iowa and Illinois soiling at $1 DO an aoro or moro. Write for maps, full descriptions and informa tion to C. H. IRELAND 1)01 Colorado illdg. Denver, Colo, Stat or omo cirr or Toirao, I.UCAI CUUHTT. 1- nil ths Fiunk jr. CiiENir maku oath that ha I tmlor partner ol ths firm o! Y. J, CntNir A Co Onlng LtulnrM In tho City of Tolrdo. County u4 UUUt afoniuld. and that ult firm will pay tha un U ONB HUNDIU2I IJOM.AKH for each aud avery raaa ot Catarrh that caunot bo cured li t W (( IIall'i Catarrh Cuuc, FJIAN1T J. CIIEKEV. Hworn to before me and aubarrlbed In my prwentA thLi (th day ot Decembgr, A. U., WW. i i a. w. atnAOOn, I i!l I NOTARY PUBUC. Ilatl'a Catarrh Cure Li taken Internally and aeta directly Ux:i tho blood anil inurous mrfacca ot th tyatem. bind tor teatlmnnlala. frrv. V J. ( llh.ll.y it CO., Toledo. 0. Hold by all DruKeUta, 7tc. Talc Hall's ramlly nib for comtlpatlon. STINSON'Sl Specials for Saturday, Nov, 30 JTor this Dcvy Only 25c pkg Onts ' 20c 4 lbs hand picked Navy Beans 25c 2 Cutis Kxtra Standard Corn '.-.... 15c 2 mouse traps for 5c 7 Refund Cigars . ." 25c One 31b Can Spinach 15c 30c Can of Asparagus , 20c Nice table Peaches and Apricots, 31b cans for.. ..20c 2 Cans 15c Sweet Potatoes 25c All kinds of Fruit Oysters Sweet Potatoes Grapes Oranges Grape Fruit always in stock, and at the Lowest Prices Stinson's Detk.otsi Cityf SSESS Our Stocks are Complete and We Can Make Prompt Delivery on Hard and Soft C 0 A. L Try Wenona. Lump for Kitchen Stove Edwards and Bradford Lumber Co. Dakota City, Neb. ye Herscld jHsnry's P!a.ee East of the Court House for the Best in I I Wines, Liquor and Cigars ! Bond & Lillard, Old F,lk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies. I Niilife Beer ;' Bottle or Korf I I Henry Krumwiede( pkot Clty " I V Special HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS KoYwnbor 19th and December 3rd io Powell, Wyonrking Join mi on one of these excursions and let me show you these rich farm lands irrigated by the government where you do not have to pay a profit to anyone, simply return to Uncle Sam during the next 12 years the actual cost of irrigation. ALFALFA; Here you can see about 12,000 acres of alfalfa now in stack. It is a wonderful showing and tells you better than I can what you can do on yonr homestead. HOMESTEADS CLOSE TO TOWN. You need not go more than three or four' miles from Powell to get as good farms as any now growing bumper crops. Write today for illustrated folder with map showing how conven iently these gifts of the Government are located. .IIUIH I). 01cm njoiun.-imi M Nebraska. i. MIL Our for All 'She News Whan. It IS Nawi I Doavor, Immigration Agent OMAHA, NEBRASKA i-tpi