Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 29, 1912, Image 4

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    -V VHoWSMnHDmumsMf
Wanted Farmer Depositors, Borrowers
-)J-lj-1yXXr-H"WVww'i'Mli" j J.
nf-im -J
YOUR Bank when you KNOW.
Wc have loaned to Farmers and Stockmen, since
1S80, with less than S50.00 total losses. We KNOW
them LIKE them Very Much Desire their Business.
They will feel at home from the first KNOW they
This the REAL Home Batik, for ALL the People.
Drop in and "Get Acquainted" even if no busi
ness. We wish to know YOU to have you know
"The Bank That ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Mid - West Batik
v(Paying taxes on
T. KEARNEY, President.
840 acres of Dakota county land.)
Dakota County Herald
Bnbucriptlon fried. $1.00 Tor Year.
a weekly newspapor published at
Dakota Oity, Nobraska.
FormisBion Iihh been grantod for tho
tranomiaeion of thia paper through tlio
mail') as second-class matter.
Telophono No. 43.
Official Paper of Dakota County
. Hon II P Hlmmway, who who ((loot
ed stato senator from tho sixth dis
trict, oirriod nil four counties compris
ing Hint district nnd would havo car
ried moro if tlioto hud boen more to
curry. His opponent 1ms no reason to
feel sore ovor tlio reuult. It is no
honor to bo UcUod by snoh n mini.
Bixby ia Lincoln Juurnol.
Itnmr, nf I iitaraot
alio 1 1 ID Wl IIIIUIUUI r,
a from our Exchanges I
Pondor Tlraca: Oounly Assessor
oloot Ilonrj ltixon was up to Hubbard
and Jackson Tuodny.
Bulix Items in Sloan, lo, Btur: Mrs
Olive Liukswilor, of Itoaalie, Nob, is
visitiug her sistor, Mrs 8 Oouo, this
"Wakefield Horns in Wayno Domo
ornt: Mrs LoVulloy is visitiug hor
' cousin, Mrs Alioo Sides, in Dakota
' City.
-' WHlthillTimoR: Mrs J V Oorlmm
und Mrs Loo Uioment woro guents nt
mi party given by Mrs John Ashford in
'Wiuuobago last Saturday,
Jefferson Itoms in Elk Point Lond
on Miss Margaret Ousey, of Jackson,
has boen a visitor here tlio past few
days at tho U Bovors homo.
Horgcant Bluff ItoaiB in Blonn, To,
Btur: Uurl Mogenson roturnoit homo
Sunday from Goodwin, Neb, whore he
uttendod tlio fuuorul of u uophow.
Allen News: W J Armour was in
Dakota Oity Monday. ...Mrs Kate
Nordyko and daughter, Margarut,
were Sioux Oity visitors Monday.
system is known us a ould air system
and fed by gasoline.
Lyons Mirror: Uort Brown cumo
down fiom Sioux Oity Sunday to soo
his parents beforo their departure for
Oulifornia,... James Elsea run noross
Frank Kinkead who used to bo u con
ductor on tho N W Ily, at Dalton,
Nob. Ho inquired about old friends
hero. ...Mr and Mrs Hilus S Brown
loft today for California to spond tho
winter. Thcas cstimnblo people are
surely pioneers iu every bcubo of tho
word und dosorvo the boat there in.
Tho former is n sou of tho Into O 8
Brown who settled in the oast purt of
Burt county iu 18G5 with his family
and lutor was known among tho Will
nebago Indiaus as tho "lion Man," on
account of Ins uroat strength and en
durance, being tho government bluck
smith at Winnobngo ugenoy a number
of years. Mrs Brown's parents, Mr
und Mis Enos Keel, were early pio
uuers also Buttling on a farm west of
Dakota Oity, Nob, in July 16GB. Wo
might nlflo inoidently stato that Mrs
Brown, then Miss Ella Keel, was in
the editor's Bpolliug oluuu iu Dakota
City sohools during tho winter of 18G7
with Oapt II 11 Brown as teacher.
Sioux Oity Journal, 2IJ: Tho sur
vey of Crystal lake park lias been com
pleted und the park him boen roplut
tod. Oottngo owners have been ordor
ed by tho Crystal Lako Park company
to movo their oottugeB to the north
end of tho park. About twenty cot
tages will hnvo to be moved. Most of
this work will bo done this full, state
members of tlio park company, in pre
paration for improvements to be made
in tho Bpring . . . .Tho "dregB" of South
Sioux City will not bn permitted tn
settlo in Kioux City, Chief of Detoo
tivea J B llicliHrtl has announced.
Chief Richard says his men will pick
up as vugs any oi too "ox-gamblers
or resort habitues who, fleeing boforo
tho wrath of Dakota county and South
Sioux City officials, seek to locate
hero. In pursuance of this plan a
ohargo of vagrancy yeBtordny was en
torod ngainst Charles Samoni, said by
tho poliue to huve beeu u huiigeron at
the Tnllny Buntain pluon in South
Sioux City boforo tho recent raids.
Samoni was picked up for investiga
tion by Deteetivo Harry Luoo. He
took a change of vonuo from tho police
court to the justioo court of 0 T Hag
lust ud.
river, Tho Crystal Lako Improve
ment company has furuishrd a $0,000
bond to enrxy out its .part of the
Sloan, Io, Star: Tho body of Frank
M Stamper, of Dnnbnry, onn of tho
monitors of tho nutomobilo party
which is suppled to hnvo gone into tho
river near Dakota Oity, N"b, was
found on a sandbar in the MiHSouri river
south of Sloan last Wednesday after
noon by Chester Ping. Mr Ping had
notiood an objnot lying on the sand
liar for several dnjB but did uot in
ventigato until that day. Tho coroner
Was immediately notified, who in turn
advised V It Barnard to go nnd bring
the body to Sloan, At first it was
thought it wus tlio body of Louie Liud-
wig, another momhor of the party, but
nn examination of tho body disclosed
papers which proved his idotitity.
ItalativcB at Danburv were notified
and en mo to Slonn Thursday. Tho
remains woro buried iu tho Sloan cem
etery. Stumper had on his person a
valuiiblo diumond ring, n gold watch
and $05 iu money and two receipts for
insurance premiums which ho had paid
to tho Pliootix Brotherhood nnd tho
Lincoln accident insurance company.
The body was partially buried in the
sand, which prevented it from wash
iug further down stream. This is the
third find sinco the disuppcarr.nco of
tho party, which left Sioux Oity on
Soptombur 80 in n Jackson nutomobilo
driven by Louio Lndwig, for Omaha.
Tho party comprisod Stampor, Lud
wig, George Miller and Mrs Bertha
Holbrook und Mits Ida Hall. Miller
and tho Holbrook woman woro found
ou a auudbur opposite Winnebago two
weeks ugo, Stnmpor's wifo commu
ted suioido nbout n year ugo by jump
ing iu front of a' paBsongor train lit
on, after serving timo for robbery.
Ljneh is described ns being D feet 0
inches tall and smooth faced. Ho was
dressed iu light brown clothes and
woro a brown fedora hat when ho was
last seen iu South Sioux Oity. Ken
nedy is nearly 0 feet tall, and has a
rod comploxiou. Ho was dressed In a
light gray suit and woro a broad brim
med hat.
Poncu Journal: Mr and Mrs John
Wilbur, who went to South Sionx Oity
lust Thursday for sovoral days visit,
oamo homo Mouday noon. Their
briof vacation from tho farm was much
enjoyed by thorn.
Dixon Journal: A Iiumihjhb meotr
iug was held at tho W L Ross homo
Tuesday ovening by tho Epwotth
loague. Plans wero mudo for doing
moro t-tUcioiit work. Luncheon was
Borvod by tho hostesses. Mrs Ross and
Miss EsthoJ Ross.
Ponder Republic : Last Thursday,
Novembor IU, Miss Fay Elsiugor nnd
Kni.'Mt Kingston wont to DakoU Oily
whoro they wero unilou iu mnrriugo
by County Judge Dan Ueffuruau.
They woro uoaompanied by Miss Con
stance and Qleu Frecso.
Homer Star: Henry Loo mis re
turned Sunday to tho soldiers' homo
t Gtaud Island. ...Miss Gruoo Wll
kins loft for Wntorbury to toaoh school
after u mouths vnoution ....Mrs Joo
Harris und dutightor roturnod from
liorsov, Wis, uftur a short visit with
relatives.... W E Smith hud a new
lighting plant installed this weok at
his place of busiueBS, Tho lighting
Sioux Oity Journal, 24 : Tho con
struction of a ditch from tho Missouri
river to curry water into crystal lake,
Nobraska, will be started soon by tho
Oryatal Lako Improvement company.
Tho work will ooHt $3,000. Yostor
day tho improvement association
und farmers liviug on Walk
er's ielulld rouohod a settlement out of
court. The injunction case instituted
by tho farmers agaiust tho association
wus dismissed iu tho Dakota county
eonrt. Tho association dismissed itB
ciibo enjoining tho farmers from inter
fering with th construction of the
ditch, With tho dismissal of those
two cases, tho waterway, which Iihh
boon fought i i tho courts, will bo con
structed. Tho association concedes to
tlio farmera practically evonthiuR
thoy asked when tho light started.
inn in iuii win iii) moro man iivii nines
long And built on a lovul doxigutite.il
by the 0-foot stage of tho rivor. This
will allow water to How from tho riv
or into tho lako when tho Btreum ia at
approximately tho 10-foot stngo, The
ditch will bo from eight to ton feet
wide with dikes high enough to insure
BHi'sl' an overflow. Locks will bo
placed at each end. Tho wuterway
not only will bo usod to keop a good
stugo of water iu tho lake, but can bo
uuuu ijjr iuu inrmers to drain iiieir
farms. In case Crystal lako Bhould
become too full of water on account of
rains the excess can bo drained to tho
'Sioux Oity Journal, 25: Sovornl
yours may bo noceHsaiy to bring to
fruition tho projeot for a high bridge
ovor ovor the Missiouri river which has
beeu started by the South Sioux Oity
Commercial club, uccording to busi
ness mon und municipal officials
"Sioux City wbb heavily taxed when
tho combination bridgo was built,"
deolnred Mayor A A Smith, "und I
hardly bohevo that at the present tho
people would fuvor bondB to build u
freo bridgo ncross tho Missouri. The
projeot probably will bo realized ulti
mately, but tho present heavy taxation
for very necessary things hardly will
malic tho people voto an increnso to
build tho bridgo now, I beliovo that
tho freo bridgo proliubly would bo u
good thing, but tho cost is bound to bo
moro than tho published ostimate,
$180,000." Tho sumo opinion hu's
beeu voiced by busiuoss men of tho
city, although most of them sem to
beliovo that tho projeot ultimately will
bo carried through. The question has
been prcssnted beforo und tho belief
was ontertainod that tho freo bridge
would tend to draw ou tho population
of Sioux City, ns many people would
muko tho cliungo in rcsidenoo bsauuso
of tho lower tbXes, nooenHibility lo the
business couter of Sioux City and ub
Honoejnf tho toll now col looted on tlio
combination bridgo. Ouo of tho chief
arguments which bus boen advanced
in favor of tho froo bridgo is that it
would tend to draw farmers and other
residents of Nobraska to this city if
thoro woro no tolls. At present it is
suid that many farmorB no x put tlioir
horses in livery stubles in South Sioux
City nnd take tho street cur to Sioux
Oity. whon othnrwiso, it is Baid, tboy
would como hero to do their shopping.
Tho preliminary surveys for tho bridgo
will bo started today by Keycs O Guy
nor, who will bo ussociuted iu tho
work with u firm of Chicago bridgo
engineers. A corps of about flvo en
gineers will bo engnged in tho survoy ,
Oompleto data will be gnthorod on tho
availability of diffoJout sites on the
rivor frout between Pearl und Jucksou
Btreots, with tho distanco across tho
river, possibly of uppronohes and tho
ohuruotor of tho gtound whoro piers
would bo constructed.
Sioux Oity Journal, 22: Mrs Mnbol
ChroniBtor was grunted a divorce from
Normuu Ohn.nistor on tho ground of
desertion. Judge Dnvid Mould grant
ed tho decree.... Solomon's record for
partition of affections is but little
ahead of tho show lug mado by John
BUokhuuk, a Winnobngo Indian, no-
cording to Mrs Allio Vlandery. Tho
woman, who now goes by tho uamo of
MrH Vlandory, wiib in court to havo
herself pronounced one of tho roiiuy
Blnokhawk wives and to huvo hor mar
riage to William G "Vlandery annulled.
Mis Blackhawk, or Mrs Vlandery, ns
tho oiisn may be, was Miss Allio Hurt,
tho daughter of Dr Edwurd Hart, a
Wiunebiign, Nt-b, physician. She is
nu American, Blackhawk had fifty
wive at different times by tho common
law method, according to tho woman's
testimony. II never obtained u di
vorce fiom nny of tho women, Mrs
Vlandory declared, but she asserted
that sho was Blackhmvk's legal wifo
and hud no right to rnnrry Vlnndery.
Vlandory is u quarter blood Iudiua.
Tho woman's plan is to huvo her mar
riago with Vlnndery annulled nud
later got u divorco from Blackhawk.
"I do not beliovo in theao reckloss
mnrriuges," said Judgo John F Olivor.
"If tho woman know of Blaokhawk's
provious wives she wbb auroless in
marrying him, nnd this nnuullment
will havo to bo based on absolute
proof." Tho ca60 wbb oontiuued to
givo tho woman opportunity to get ev
idence from tlio Winnebago reserva
tion showing that tho Blackhawk mar
riage was logal. If this is proved tlio
Vlandory ulliunco will bo annulled.
... .Keepers und inmates of tho resorts
iu South Sionx City nnd suspicions
characters who havo been ranking tho
town their headquarters began their
departure yesterday, following tho or
dm of Major Ed Metz to vacate tho
municipality immediately. South
Sioux Citj's hotter element, is deter
mined that tho town bo riddeu of all
lawless chiu'aotera, Deputy Oity Mar
shal A L Mnthwig deolnred last night.
If the remaining resort owners and in
mutes don't luuvo within the next few
days, the better class of peoplo will
drive them out, ho said. Sheriff Ma
lum and other Dakota uouuly ofliciuls
have lent their aid to South Sioux
Oityuns iu the moral cleanup.. . .No
truco of Joo Lynch, ulias "1'orky," and
Georgo Kennedy, alias "Slats" Ken
nedy, alleged thiovos, who aro beliov
ed to hnvo stolen the $1,500 worth of
sillts, furs nnd satins, found at the
Douthitt homo Wednesday, have not
boon approhendod. Employes of tho
Ringsoud Morountilo company, of Elk
Point, S D, yesterday identified tho
stolon goods as tho store's property.
Dakota county officials today sent out
descriptions of Lynch and Kennedy to
authoritinH in neighboring Btates.
Thoy believe the men will soon bo in
custody. Eugene Douthitt nnd his
wifo, bettor kuown as "Grandma" Ap-
leton, ou whoso property tho stolen
goods woro found, wero released yes
terday from the Dakota county jail ou
bonds. Jeuuotto Gilmoro, of Omaha,
was reloaded from custody, tho officors
deciding that they hud no caso against
ntid Mrs Ohas Borowsky, jr, oamo
down from Miller, S D, to spend
Thanksgiving with friends und rela
tives. Miss Hattlo Van Houton, mtisio
teacher, kmvo a surprise party on John
Jordon, otto of her pupils, on Friday
evening, it being his 14th biithday,
Ho rccoivcd sovoral nioo remembrances.
Mrs D C Ames, Homor's popular
central girl, spent from Saturday oven
ing until Monday noon, with friends
in Dakota City.
Tho Lutheran ladies will gill give a
basket social Saturday oveuiug of this
woek nt tho Wm Bergor homo, Every
body como and hnvo n good time.
Girls, bring your baskets boys,
briug your pockethooks.
Dr W A Bnrko, of Omaha, formerly
locatod hero in the practico of medi
cine, was caught in tho drugnot when
173 person vere nrrestod throughout
tho country Inst week on n charge of
using tlio mails to promote tho sulo of
drugs and instruments used for crimi
nal purposes.
Tim O'Connor had a car of cattlo ou
the Sioux City market last Wednes
day .
A Night of Terror.
Fow nights ure more terrible than
that of a mother looking on her child
choking and gasping for breath during
an attack of croup, nnd nothing in tho
house to relieve it. Many mothers
have passed nights of terror in this
situation. A lif.tlo forethought will on
ablo you to avoid nil this. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy ia a certain cure
for oroup nud has never been known to
fail. Keep it at hand. For sale by
ull doalers. Adv.
Try Solace At Our Expense
Money Back for any case of
Rheumatism, Neuralgia or
Hen duche' that Solaco
Fails to iceliovo
SOLACE REMEDY Is n recent medtcnl
discovery of three. Uormnii Scientists Unit
noutriillios Uric Acid ami purines tlio blood.
It Is easy to tnku, nnd will not ofTect the
woiikest Htnnineh.
It 13 guaranteed under tlio I'll re food and
OniK Law to ho absolutely free of oplutoi or
Harmful uruKs of any description.
SOLACE Is a pure epeclllc In tablet form
nnd lias been pi oven beyond question to bo
tlio surest and quickest remedy for Uiic
Acid troubles known to medlunl science, no
matter liow Iouk standliiK. It reaches and
removes tho lootof tho troublo (Uric Acid)
and purines the blood.
THE SOLACE CO, of lltittlo Greek nro
the Hole U. 8. AKonts and have over two
thousand voluntnry testimonial lotters
which hnvo been received from grateful
peoplo SOLACE has restored to henlth.
Testimonial letter, Utniuturo and FREE
SOX :vnt upon request.
It. I.ee Morris, president of the First Na
tional bank of (Jhlco, Texas, wrote the Sol
nc (loinpany as follows:
"I want you to sond a box of dotaco to ray
father In .Memphis, Tonn., for which I en
close tl. This remedy has boon used by
some friends of mind hero and I only hopo
It will benefit my father as It has them.
(Sinned I U. I.. Morris.
l'ut up in 25c. 60c and S1.IK) boxes.
SO LACE. "No Special Treatment, Schemes
or Fees." Just SOLACE alono does tho
work. Wrlto today for tho freo box, ot".
SOLACE REMEDY CO., llnttlo Oreek,
Our Aim
The Best MEAT at All Times
and at Prices that will make it
an object for you to Trade at
at Home.
Yours for Business and a Square Deal
Lrcruis F Lrorosvz
Dakota. City, Kcbr.
Agent for Seymour's Laundry, Ikbt in the City.
Everything in the line of
Harness and Horse Goods
Harness Made To Order Only
Blankets and Robes of all kinds.
Big Assortment of the best brand of Whips
Repair Work that's our specialty.
Slubbard Ncbraslcch.
Only a Phone Call Away
Very anxions to talk about your next Insurance
Policy. Phone or write and will at once drive out
and see you. Any kind written RIGHT with treat
ment unexcelled elsewhere.
I have the agency of Ed. T. Kearney. The same
old companies good for a quarter century back, the
same brand of treatment he gave you.
I buy and sell lands and have an excellent list to
choose from. LIST WITH ME.
I make Farm Loans aud can guarantee my rates
very lowest possible, with service the very best possi
ble to give.
Steamship tickets in the best companies.
Conveyancing with thirty years experience learn
ing how.
Ripe Ready and Eager to serve you faithfully and
help build up Jackson and Dakota county.
H. F. McKeevor
Jackson, Nebraska.
Successor to Ed. f. Kearney.
Sioux City Journal, 21: 8ilkH,
turn ami satiiiH, valued nt $1,500,
Btolon from tlio lUngwrud Mercan
tile couiiMny'fl Htoro nt Elk Point,
S D, on tuu liinlit of Novumliur 10,
woro fmunl iu South Binux Oity yenter
day afternoon. Tlio rooiIh wero hid
dun umlur n jiilo of alfalfa nud utraw
in a bog pun ut tho Eugene Douthitt
homo in tlio north part of town, Mr
and Mrs Eugono Douthitt, tlio lattur
bottor Icltown nw "Grandma" Aplotou,
nud Jcnii Gilmoro. of Omnba, nro uti-
(lnr urrost. Dakoln cuunlv oflluialH
aro BoarobinR for Joo Lynob, aliaa
lurky, nud Grorgo Konuody, alius
"Hlata" Konnoily, Buspoottul of tlio rob
bery. With tlio discovory of tho Btol
on booiIh, South Dakota oflloiulH bo
liovo thoy huvo located tho bond.
quartora of a gang of tolib.TH that linn
beuu uutivo iu Bouth Dakota, Nubrua
ka und Iown. Tho Douthitt homo,
whoro tho goods woro found, ia nu al
leged res rt. lloUtsvinR tlmt tho
Douthitt and otlior resort ownors hnvo
boon bnrboring tho bntul of thieves,
Major Ed Mutz uotiiled ull tho occu
pants of tho placen to movo from South
Sioux Oity immediately. Deputy Oity
Marshal A L Matliwig, of South Sioux
Oity, found the loot. Ho has boon
uiKinK un urn uiino ior moro man u
weok with Sheriff Muhon, of Dakotn
Oity; Marshul John Oazulgrove, May
or Metz and "Hazel" JoIiusod. Tho
posse, with brnudishod revolvers,
searched every resort in tho town late
yesterday nfteruoon nud uight for
Lynch nnd Kennedy, who nro boliovod
to bo tho ringleaders of tho band of
robbers, Douthitt, bis wifo and tlio
Gilmoro woman, who wore nrrestod,
woro tnkoo to Dakota City by Sheriff
Mnliou for safe kceniiiK. Tho South
Hionx City oBloials' suspicion fell on
the Douthitt homo wbon the Gilmoro
woman wus soon weuriug u now silk
gown nbout the bouso. Deputy Mar
shal Mathwig imuioiliuti'ly bngan an
investigation of tho oaso. Ooulldent
that ho had tho loot located, lie culled
iu Sheriff Muhon nnd deputies They
went to tho borne and after u search of
tho plaoo found tho goods. Ljnoh
was seen leuvlng tho plaoo by tho oil!
onrs boforo tho caohu was found.
Whuu thoy found it they started a
seuroh for "York)" nnd bin oompauinu,
Kennedy, who huvo been seen nt tlio
Douthitt homo. Tho (iflluials believe
IiViich nud Konuody nro headed west.
"Yorky" was released a fow months
ugo from tho South Dakota stute prio-
Georgo E Smith wus removed to n
Sioux Oity hospital Snadny, whoro bo
wiil undorgo un operation.
Mrs William Sharp, of Skidmore,
Mo, wus n guost in the Frank Konuolly
homo last week.
Lucy McCormiok returned to her
homo ut Sioux Fulls, S D, lust week.
O J Goodfollow is building a now
houso on bis land near the lake, whero
ho expects to live.
William McUonigal, who spout the
past Hummer iu tho Dukotus, roturnod
homo last wook,
John ltyau was transacting bnsi
nuHstiiii Jefferson, S D, lust Friday.
Joo Duvuy und family, of l'oncu,
weio guests iu tho Mrs Oathariuo
Twobig homo Sunday.
Mrs E M Nordyko nud children, of
Sionx Oity, ato turkoy iu the IS F
Snwyor homo ThankFgiviug,
Mike Mitchell bus gone to Omaha
to soo bis brother, who is seriously ill
with a tumor ou his liver.
Tho Sioux Oitv high school defeat
ed tho Jucksou foot ball toum hero
IrtNt Saturday afternoon by n score, of
G to 0, but ou Sunduy afternoon our
boys defeuted Homer ou the borne
grounds by a scoro of 10 to 0. Onr
team expects to go to Bancroft ou
Thanksgiving day for u gamo with tho
liunorott team. A number of motors
are planning ou uoanmpuniug thorn,
Mr nud Mrs Jas W Finnoll ontor
tninod Mr und Mrs Ed T Keurnoy nud
daughters, Helen nud Gertrude, und
Dr Fred Roost, of Sioux Oity, nt din
ner Sunduy.
Dr E A Jonkinsou und wifo of Sioux
Oity, spent Sunday with tlioir folks
Luaretia Maun spent Thanksgiving
with relatives ut Wntorbury.
Ohas Dodga had tho misfortune of
breaking bis leg botweeu tho kneo nnd
hip lust Friday, ranking u misstep
from his wagon ut the N F Ilansen
Uessio HncheH. also her mint nud
uncle from Sheldo . Io. oamo to help
I out turkey at tlio G Hughes homo
First publication 11-8-lw.
In tho county court of Dnkotn county,
Stuto of NobrnsUi, Dakota County ss.
To Ruth MnrlcOrr. John GustiivOrr.Oluir
William Orr; Will H.Orr. mmidlanof Kutli
Mnrle Orr. John Oiistnv Orr nud Olnlr Wlll
lnm Orr. and nil persons Interested In the
estate of Gustavli. Hurler, dec rased:
On icndliiR tlio potition oi .Marion u.
Ayres prnylui; n llnnl settlement nnd allow
ance of Ills account tiled In thlscourton tlio
2nd day of rsovoniDur, luiz, anil tor ins ins-
cliarRU ns oxeoutor of said estato nud the
releaxuoi his mmilsmtni.
It Is hereby ordered that you, aud nil
porsotis Interested In said matter, may and
do, appear at tho county court to bo hold In
and for said county, on the 3th dny o' Nov
ember A. I). IPlS.nt lOoVlook A. M.,toshow
cnuse, If nny there lie, why thoprnyerof the
petitioner should not lie Rrnnted, nud that
notice of tho pendency of said petition
nnd the henrlim thereof bo Riven to nil
persons Interested In said mutter by pul
llhlilliKucopy of this order in the Dakota
Oounty lloinld, n weekly nowspnpor print
ed In snld county, for four successive
weeks irIor to said day of lieuiiiiK.
I). O. Hkkkernan,
.skat,. County Judge.
First Publication 11-8-Sw.
Notlco Is horoby Klvon that by virtue of
un ordor of snlo Issued by Geo. Wllklns,
cloi k of tho dlsti let court In and for Dakotn
county, Nebraska, nnu uireciou io me,
Frank Million, sheriff of snld county, com
mandluK mo to sell the promises hercln
uftor described to satisfy n certain JiuIk
liimit of tlio snld district court or said comi
ty and state, obtained at the September,
Bird, 11)12 toi in. thei oof. In favor of Hiisiuus
Andorsuu, pliilnlllf, una Cornell Hrothors.n
partnership, doss-petitioners, nnd nunlnst
the said Hurton C. Kinptlold, Onthorliie M.
Mmpllold, Cornell llrothors, u pnrtuejshlp,
Mi-limn V. Nelson, (Jennie M. Nelson, Will
iam 11. HoKan, Cyrus II. McColm. Nnucy K.
McColm, liiilu Larson und lliinnnh Smith,
for the sum of four thousand llvo bundled
-eventy-ilve dollar himI no-ieo cent
(JI575.no), and costs tnxed nt forty-elcht dol-liusundslxty-lKoeonW
(JI8.IW), In favor of
Kusiius Anderson, plnlntlir, and for tho
sum of nine hundred tweiity-olBlit dollars
mid ninety-two cents ($92H.(tt), In fnvor of
Cornell llrothor, a partnership.
I havo levied upon tho following desci Hied
property, to-wlt: Thoonst thlrty-tliroo l!H)
fpotnf lots to('') und three (1) mid nil ac
cretion thoroto, In section thirty-two (as),
Uowiishlptwonty-cisht (2S). ruiiKo nine 19),
east of the sixth prlnelpnl merldlnn in Da
kota county, rsenrasKii. .nu, i win. on
Haturday, tlio 14th day of December, 1012. nt
11 (iVUmIc A. M.. of snld dny. nt tho south
front door of the court house In Dakota
City, Nebraska, proceed to sell nt punilo
miction to mo iiiKiiosi nnu uusi uuiuui,iui
cash, all of tho nbovo described property,
or so much t,hoseof ns may Iw necessary to
sntlsfy snld order of sale issued by Geo.
Wllklns, cleric of tho district court in mid
for Dnkotn county. Nebraska, theumotint
duo thoreon In tho nKitrccatc bcltiB the sum
of live thousund llvo hundied three dollnrs
line nlnoty-two cents l$.VJ.S2) nnd prior
costs txed nt forty-olKht dollars nnd sixty
llvo cents (fls.rtS) and iiccruliiK costs.
Given unilor my hand this 7th dny of
November, A. D. IMS. , ,
Frank Mnhon,
SliorllT of UaWota County, Nebrasko
The Be'st Investment lor the Family. '
'Literature with a purpose, entertainment
with an Ideal, Information and Incentive
combined. Every Interest ol family Hie
from housekeeping; to athletics Is covered
who cut out this advertisement
and send it with $2 for the 52
weeks of 1 9 1 3 will receive all the
remaining issues for 1912, also
The Companion Window Trans
parency and Calendar FREE
Full Prospectus for 1913 and Specimen Copies sent on request
ngfn pm4 " f
Great Family Combination Offer
We do not know of any Family Weekly that we can more beartily
recommend to our readers than The Youth's Companion. It fjives us
pleasure, therefore, to annouuee that we have arranged with the
publishers to make the following offer :
The Dakota County Herald, Regular Price, - $1.00
The Youth's Companion, " " - $2.00
Both Papers together, 1 Yr., $2.75
Send all Subscriptions to The Herald, Dakota City, Neb.
Licensed Embaliner
Lady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wm. F DJcksntioi
Klrst Publication 11-16 aw
Notlco Ih hereby Riven tbat on the l'Jtb
day of Dci'enilHjr, 1U12, at 1 o'clock p. in., at
thoolllcoof the county tioanurerof Dakotn
Oounty.tlieOominlsslonorof l'ubllo Ijimls
ami llullilliiKorlils nutliorUeil represent
ative, will olTer for lease at public auction
all educational limits within wIU county
upon which forfeiture of contracts has In'en
ileolareil a& follows: ,...,, , ., . ,
Lot Four, H5-20-8, S. 11. Cattle I.aml Ooin-
P,l"y' M. . (JOWI.KB.
OoinmUslonor l'ubllo Lands and llulldlngs.
Duted Novoinbor U, 1U1S
M Y 1
Bell 71
Auto 2471
415 Sixth Street
Sioixx City, Iowa.
When You Go.
To California
Houier'a foot bull team lost auothor
gamo ut LyoiiH last Friday bv a scoro
of 10 to 0,
Mrs Wamsloy, mother of Mrs J
lUaueliard, ih lioro ou a vinit. It is
tho first timo motlior and daughter
havo boom together in twenty years.
Willie Ilupliea, of Ruveuna, Nob,
wns homu over tiuuday ,
Tho Luther Day program given ut
tho Lutheran church was rendered
Hum) ay evening to it large crowd. All
who took part did very well In their
Leo Wagner nud Mi Lulu Ilirsoh
spent Thanktigiviug iu LoMurs, Io,
Mih O 11 horowtiky, hou Norman,
Klrst publication 11-Si-lw
To all whom It may concern:
Stato of Nobiaska, Dakota county, ss.
The commissioner appointed to locate and
report ou n proposeit load couunciicliiK at
the southwest corner of koctlon three (3).
township- twonty-elHht (is north. lanuo
slxldl east of the sixth (flth) 1'. M.. ou the
lino between Dakota and Dixon counties
mid rutinliut duo north iilonu the said coun
ty line to the northwest corner of said sec
tion three (6) Alienee duo east to the sout h
west corner of sectloiuhlrty-fourlSI). town
ship tvonty-iilno i) north, ranae six (a),
east of the sixth (fltfil 1'. M.. thenco duo
north and tormlnatliiu at a point where the
Dakota and Dixon county lino orossosOttor
creek, and said road to In) not less than
twentymo IK) feet wide on the Dakota
county side of said county lino, has report
ed In fuor of the establishment thereof,
nnd all objections thereto, or claims for
damiiKes. must lw llled In the county clerk's
oillco ou or peforo noon of tlio sot li day pf
January. 1V1S. or sued road will bo estab
lished without further reference tlieieto.
Dated this 21st day of Nov.. A. D.IUIS
Hon Wllklns. County Clerk.
Wo waut Nobraska Farms. Soo
Laud 0o 40D Fourth Bt Sioux Oity.
Go via the North Pacific Coast. Excursion tickets to
California may be routed via the North Pacific Coast,
thence through scenic Northern California to San Francis
co, Los Angeles and San Diego, on the return trip any
number of interesting routei are available. Make your
winter trip a comprehensive tour of the Western States.
TfExcursion fares to the North Pacific
Coast, California, Southwest, Florida
and the Gulf Coast
via the
N or tlvliV esterjft L
For travel information call upon or address
B. C. Buchannan, Lyman Sholes,
Agent, Dakota City, Neb. Div. Passenger Agent, Omuhu, Nobr.
G. H. MacRAE, Gen'I. Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn.
nf M it l " im- '
rTfflS5K? M I
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