I GARDEN ONE OF WORST WEED PESTS Horse Nettle Ranks with Canada Thistle and Quack Grass One Method for Eradication. Wo arc agtiin in receipt of our old friend, tho horse nettle. This tlmo It is n central Iowa correspondent who Bonds us tho prlckly-lenfed, potato blossomed weed, says Wallaco's Far mer. He says that in tho locality there Is only ono patch, and It is but sixty feet square. Ho wishes to know bow to get rid of the weed. As nil of our older readers know, horse nettle ranks with Canada thistle and quack grass as ono of the worst of tho weed pests. It is degenerato relntlve of tho potato and tomato, which spreads not only by abundant soeds, but by strong underground ootstorks. The only way to deal Horse Nettle. With sUch a pest Is continually to pre vent the leaves from spreading them selves out In tho sunshine. Everything considered, probably tho best method for our correspondent would be to take a sharp hoe and go over the patch every ten days, cutting off ev ery horse nettle plant just below tho eurfaco of tho ' ground. This treat ment is troublesome, but with such a small patch it probably is the safeot and best. CAUTIONS FOR CEMENT USERS Among Other Things Do Not Allow Material to Freeze Before It Is Properly Hardened. Never expose freshly made concrete to the hot summer sun. Avoid too rapid drying out, says tho Amorican Cultivator. Do not allow it to freeze beforo it is properly huidoned. Do not uso soft sand stono or brick except for filler In largo work, and oven then with discretion. Do not apply fresh coment to old and hardened surfaces without first thoroughly soaking with water and hacking a rough surfaco on it. Cleanse thoroughly and then apply a very thin, neat cement wash. Do not attempt to retemper and uso concreto that has stood too long in the mixing board and attained Its set. Use a uniform Portland cement and give attention to uniform methods of working and the results will be uni form. TIso a finely ground cement. The finer tho cement tho greater covering properties It possesses and tho more and It can carry. An excess of ce ment is unnecessary, as n thin, even coating is all that Is required. Do sure to mix thoroughly. Many faulty jobs are due to poor mixing. Do not be afraid of overdoing it, as longer mixing permits of 'using less cement. REMOVING A HEAVY HAY RACK Excellent Method Is Described and Il lustrated for Performing Job Without Much Hard Work. In order to removo n heavy hay rack from tho wagon nnd to reload again "without any lifting, tako two 2x6 pieces, eighteen feet long, two Bhort and two longer posts. Set the posts ubout four feet apart and spiko on long pieces as shown in tho Illus tration. Tho lower ends of tho pieces should be just high enough to como Lifting Hay Rack. under tho crosspleces of tho hay rack, says the Iowa Homestead. To unload the rack drive between theso two pieces nnd tho rack will slip along on top of tho planks as shown In the Il lustration. The nick can be loaded by reversing tho operation Selecting Proper Fertilizers. Thousands of dollars aro wasted In commercial fertilizers ovory year, not becauso tho fertilizer Is not all right but becnuso wo do not know whether tho kind wo uso is tho kind our land needs. It Is a great study jjnd ono that wo must mako for our selves. Make some simple experiment this year. Put in a strip with fortillzor you havo been In tho habit of using, and just bosldo it another without It. This will bo worth a great deal moro to you than tho opinion of somo In terested agents. CAREFUL DRIVER OF HORSES Some Men Can Get More Out of Ani mals In One Round With Plow Than Another Will In Two. How many acres of tillablo farm land will one horso work? This, of course, depends on tho kind or tnrm. lng done, on tho kind of machinery used and on tho efficiency of tho man who works tho horses. It would not bo dimcult to nnd 100 ncros of till ablo land worked In ono caso with two good horses and from this on up to six work horsos. Probably moro depends on the ubllily of tho driver to hnndlo his horses than nny othor ono thing. Somo drivers will tnko more out of their horses at ono round with tho plow than another will in two rounds. In ono caso tho plow ing is done In a haphazard sort of wuy, the horses nro tangled at tho ends, nro backed and turned un necessarily, aro Jerked viciously when out of lino, and possibly tho harnesses do not fit properly. In tho othor enso tho horses nro given a steady, true gait which Is kept up, tho turns are smooth and without yelling and Jorklng and tho driver watches the working of his plow and fit of his harnesses all day long. No team should bo worked over an hour at hard pulling before tho harnesses nro looked over to sec that all parts set properly. To somo this carefulness comes naturally; to others it never will como. Efficiency In tho driver means efficiency In tho team, and It is a pleasures to seo horses worked well. HOW TO MAKE A CHEAP WELL Wall Can Be Laid Five or fclx Feet High, Arching It at Top With Large Stone for Covering. It is impossible to drive a pipe for a well in some localities, and stonea aro scarce to lay a wall in a dug well, writes J. II. Andre of Wisconsin in tho Farm and Homo. In such eases tho wnll can bo laid 5 or G feet high, arching it at tho top with large stones to 15 or 18 Inches in diameter, and cover it with a largo Hat stone, a, with a hole in the center to admit a G-lnch pipe. Place a stone, b, in tho bottom of tho well IS Inches in diam eter nnd 4 Inches thick. Concreto is best. Muko u concreto cono, c, 3 foot long, 10 inches In diameter, at tho bottom, 3 inches thick and of it sizo to fit the bell end of an 8-lnch sewer plpo at tho top. Tho large end of tho cone will need openings In tho side to alio? the water to enter irfly when pumping. Placo tho large end of the cono on tho stone. Tho first length, d, of sower plpo can bo 8 inches. When the pipe, o, reaches above whero the well is stoned it can be reduced to G Inches a few lengths nnd then f to 4 Inches. '. K. ' i A -'', 1 . ;; ''ftt -..M -.?". it i Making Cheap Well. Four feet of tho plpo at tho top of the well should bo iron to nvold breaking when handling tho pump. Nearly all of tho dirt can bo placed! back in tho well which saves the ex penso of drawing it away. When plac-' ing tho dirt back in tho well keep a round stick In tho plpo as large as the plpo will admit. This will keepi the sewer plpo straight and it need' not be put in placo faster than tbu well is filled up. More Profitable System. If the fnrnwr would cultivate tho garden better, nnd thus havo somo of tho many dollars ho spends for tho provisions it the store articles hoi could easily grow his field products would como nearer being clear prof its than under his present system. Saving the Manure. Suvu all tho manure and apply It where it will do tho most good. One reason why there arc so many poor! farms is because there Is so little manure to mnko tho land richer. This nlso explains why thoro nro so many poor farmers. OAJftDEN en Farm Notets Huy your clover seed early. Sorghum makes very good silago. Soy beans are a coming crop In the middle west. Tho output of broom corn Is about $1,270,000 annually. After all, It Isn't such a big Job to 'save your seed corn early. Alfalfa tields and silos nro land marks of a progressive community. Celery grown i,u four-foot rows may be earthed up with the celery plow. Soil for soy beans should receive as thorough preparation ns land for corn. At present prices for seed, the soy bean is ono of the most valuablo form crops. As a money crop broom corn fs one of tho most satisfactory that can bo grown. Hyo makes a fair grado of silago nnd should bo cut when tho seeds are in tho milk. Cabbage, sugar beets, oats, clover, nnd potatoes havo been found a good ilvo year rotation. Good milling wheat must bo free from nil mustlness or bad odor and should bo sound and dry. Few crops respond moro promptly to a thorough preparation of tho soil than winter grain and especially I wheaL fc.--i.. 1 I f'.-W- ','.. ..;.?,..- iO .--w' &??fe I IrilvS E-S2rSSiv?"w rt-i.-w sr sjpaHBaKMJijii)JSK t JT WMA.RADF0Rl),.r Mr. Wllllfim A. Rndforil will answer questions anil Klve ndvleo KIM2I2 OF COST on nil subjects pertaining to tho pulijcct of building, fur the reudcia of this paper. On account of a wide oxpeilcnco Tilltnr, Author nnd Manufacturer, lie In. without doubt, the liljrlicst authority on nil tlieso subjects. Address nil Inquiries to William A. Radford, No. 178 Wect Jackson boulevnrd, Chicago, III., nnd only encloso two-cent stamp tor reply. Architects nro applying thomsclvcs assiduously to the problem of supply ing the demnnd for moderate cost homes. In nil parts of the country more houses of what might bo called tho mlddlo class are being built than other styles. The designs show orig inality and in every caso there is evi dent the effort to make housekeeping easier, in fnct, a pleasure. Too often It is found that lnteriqr convenience Is sacrificed to exterior ornamentation. Many times moro effort is given to mere show than to utility and con venience Tho days of tho old parlor aro past, Tho old parlor was a room Bhut oiT from all other rooms and it was opened only when the minister callud, when sister got married, or when tho sowing society mot. It was a room jealously protected against Invasion by tho youngsters of tho household, and If one of tho boys ventured across tho dead line nt the doorway, thuro was 'nothing short of a trngedy. But tho peoplo havo outgrown this. Now, if a parlor exists it Is lived in just liko any other part of tho housn. The houses built now, even if they are supplied with a parlor, aro Intend ed to bo lived in all over. This Is a sign that proves the home, always the bulwark of v civilization, Is growing still nearer to tho hearts of the peo ple. It is the surest indication of tho stability of our Institutions. Even the summer tourist who travels tho country over In search of pleasuro and visits all the resorts, when ho comes to nnnlyzo his feelings, comes to tho conclusion that tho greatest pleasure ho has In going away from homo is (ho pleasure he has of returning to it. Wo do not know how much wo love homo till wo havo been away from It. So this little cottago Is shown hero as a typo of tho homes that are being built. Somo will call It a bungalow, and 'It will pass under that namo with many. But tho term "cottago" will be mora familiar to tho masses. You will notico that this cottago 1b in har mony with its surroundings. It sits In a largo lot and on that account all Its lines aro'effectlvo and beautiful. Unfortunately, in many cases homo builders are compelled to build on lots that are too small to display ade quately tho beauties of tho structures Floor Plan. they erect. Whenever It is possible, a lot should bo largo enough to pro vldo nn ample lawn for (lowers and shrubbery. And In tho nrrangement of tho dowers nnd tho shrubs, they should bo so plnced that thoy will bo in harmony with tho houbo, and seem to bo a part of It. This cottago is, twenty feet wldo and thirty feet six Inches long. Ono of tho marked features of tho design is tho porch, constructed of cobble stonos, Tho foundation Ib of tho sumo material. In many cuscs tho stone for this purposo can bo collected on tho building slto or near to It. Tho effect of stono used In this way Is ono, of strength and substantlnlness. Di rectly oponlng from tho porch Is n liv ing room 10 by 11 feut six Inches in sizo. In a corner is a fireplace that will add cheer to tho homo in tho chill days of spring and fall. Opening from tho living room Ib tho dining room. This room is ten feet 'square. Tho kitchen back of tho dining-room Is tho same sizo. This house Is de signed for a couplo whoso neods will not require much room, In tho nb sonto of, a pantry u cupbonrd for cul inary articles can bo built in tho kitchen. - & OP I Kitchen &8'iSI lO-O'AIO-O j la wrrwnmma r?i.-n vm . DINIMG E'M.1 fen ;b Lji lW M FaEiCH uvingE'm'J ! I lOO'tiffi' g r- I For, )aTteczr'-5&. - lrv -vrW A bedroom eight feet six indicia by cloven feet six Inches Is sttuntcd oh tho dinlngroom and n wludow gives a vlow'tout onto tho porch. Hack of tho bedroom nnd oponlng also Into the kitchen is a bathroom. This cozy little dwelling has been built for $1,500. NIAGARA FALLS ONCE DRY Occasion When Ice Was Too Much for Even the Vast Flood That Pours Over Ridge. Only once in history has tho roar of tho mighty falls of Niagara been si lenced. This startling phenomenon occurred on March 31, IS 18. Early on that morning peoplo lliug near tho falls woro surprised by a strange hush, as startling in effect as would Jjo nn unexpected and tremendous ex plosion In un ordinarily quiet com munity. Many persons thought they had been afflicted with deafness, and all wero oppressed by a sensntion of dread. With tho coming of light the ntnnz ed peoplo comprehendpd tho renson for tho disquieting sllcnco. Where they woro used to seo tho great fall was a bare precipice down the face of which a few small and constantly diminishing streams trickled. Above tho falls, lnstond of a rushing river, was only a naked channel, with in significant brooks splashing among tho rocks. All day long this nstnund lng condition continued, and persons wulked, dryshod, from tho Canadian sidu, along the very edgo of tho preci pice, ns far as Goat island, on the American sldo. Early In tho morning of April 1, tho familiar thunder of the great cataract was again heard, and has never slnco been silent, though similar conditions, with ltko results, might prevail nny spring. Tho winter of 1847-48 was one of extreme severity, nnd lco of unprecedented thickness formed on Lake Erie When tho break-up came, townrd tho end of Mnifth, it strong southeast wind was blowing, and the lco wns piled Into banks as largo as Icebergs. Toward tho night of March 30 tho wind suddenly changed to tho opposlto direction, increased to u ter rific gale, and drovo tho lco Into the entrance of Niagara rtver with such force that a hugo dam was formed, of such thickness and solidity ns to be practically impenetrable, and strong enough to hold back tho great mnsh of water pressing ngalnst It. At last, in tho early morning of April 1, the lco dam gave way under tho tremen dous pressure of restrained wnter, and tho falls wore onco ngaln ono of tho scenic wonders of tho world. Date Worth Remembering. Naturalists tho world over should regard July IS ns nn nntiivi-ittiiry worthy of rommunmrntlon, ns It wan on July IS. 1720, that" Gilbert White was born. Tho "Natural History of Selborne," which did not appear until toward tho end of his life It was pub lished In 1783, and ho died four years later is ono of tho fow scientific books that have survived ns a elnsnle for woll over a eentury, nnd Is today still read for Its Ilhrnry valuo as much as for Its interest to tho naturalist Llko tho "Compleat Angler" and Ilos well's "Johnson," It Is work that has no exact parallel In tho literature of other countries London Gloho. Marriage License Twelve Years Old. Judgo Mnrtln of tho munlclpnl court married a couplo whoso license had been obtained twolvo years ago Christopher C Owens obtained n 11 censo to marry Miss Emma Hrandy from County Clerk Philip Knopf on August 13, 1900 "Wo had a quarrel," ho told Judgo Mnrtln, "nnd wo didn't seo each othor for about eleven years. Recently wo patched up tho trouble" Chicago Tribune. Prognostics. Tho Cinnamon Sclmltnr's flnnnclal editor writes: "Tho dontal profession Is looking down in tho mouth. With tho scavenger, howover, everything Is picking up. Tho stooplejack's busi ness, If ho Is not careful, will bo fall ing off In tho automobile and rail road lino everything is running down. Tho sausago and scrapple trade Is on tho pig. With tho nBtronomor, how ovor, things are looking up." Good Advice. "Valuo your frlonds, my boys; valuo your friends," remarked tho moss backed citizen. "Homo men seom to think that peoplo who aro willing to bo frlondly with them enn't amount to much." Wiping Out Grease Stains. For grouse st'ilns on faut colors benzlno can be used For drv pain' stains, rub with equal parts of tuipi." tlno and alcohol MADE A CLEAN JOB OF IT First Time Old Gentleman Had Eaten a Crab, and He Left Nothing on the Dish. A jolly old boy from tho Midlands ontored into ono of thu hotels nt tho sensldn. nnd, seeing on tho slab on tho right n crab dressod an tho shell with legs, claws nnd parsley ranged round, said to tho landlord: "What d'yo call that?" "Crab," was tho answer. "Looks good. I'll havo 'un; nnd gio us n pint o' ale." Hrcnd nnd buttnr was added nnd tho diner left to his dinner, in about nn hour the gonial landlord entered tho dlnlng-toom to seo If his guest was getting on nil right. Ho found him chnwtug up tho last claw, thu chnwor red In tho faco, but beaming. "Yds; ho was capital. I novor tasted ono afore. Hut 1 think you baked 'em n little too long; tho crust wns hard Lot's havo another pint." Ho had eaten tho lot shell, claws and nil complete. London Tit-Hits. JUDGE CURED, HEART TROUBLE. I took about G boxos of Dodds Kid ney Pills for Heart Troublo from which I had Buffered for 5 years. I had dizzy spoils, my uyoa puffed, my breath was short and I had chills nnd back ache. I took tho pIllB nbout a yenr ngo and havo had no return of tho pnlpltntlons. Am now 63 years old, ablo to do lots of mnuual labor, nm and weigh about Judgo Mlllor, well nnd hearty 200 pounds. I feel very grateful that I found Dodds Kidney Pills nnd you may publish this lottor if you with. I nm sorving my third torm ns Probato Judgo of Gray Co. Yours truly, PHILIP MILLBIt, Clmnrron. Kan. Correspond with Judgo Mlllor about this wonderful remedy. Dodds Kidnoy Pills, COc. per box at your dcalor or Dodds Modlclno Co., Hurtnlo, N. Y. Write for Household Hints, alno music of Nntlonnl Anthem (English nnd Gorman words) nnd re cipes for dainty dishes, All 3 sent froo. Adv. k GOOD NAME. Weston I'm going to call my prl rato golf Hnl Huukor Hill. Preston Why? Weston I can novor win on them. RASH SPREAD TO ARMS 759 Roach Ave, Indianapolis, Ind. "At first I noticed small eruptions on my faco. Tho troublo began nB a rnsh. It looked llko red pimples. In a fow days thoy spread to my arms and back. Thoy Itched and burned so badly that I scratched them and of courso tho re sult was blood nnd matter. Tho erup tions fostorcd, broko, oponcd nnd dried up, leaving tho skin dry and scaly. I spent many slecploss nights, my back, arms nnd faco burning nnd Itching; sloop wnB purely and simply out of tho question. Tho troublo nlso caused disfigurement. My .clothing irritated tho breaking out "Hy this tlmo I had uccd several wfll-known remedies without success. Tho troublo continued. Then I began to uso tho snmplo of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. Vithln seven or eight days I noticed gratifying results. I purchased a full-sized enko of Cutl cura Soap nnd n box of Cutlcura Olnt mont nnd In nbout eighteen or twenty days my cure was comploto." (Signed) Mlsa Katherlno McCnlllstor, Apr. 12, 1912. Cutlcura Sonp nnd Ointment sold throughout tho world? Snmplo of each frco with 32-p, Skin Hook. Address post-card "Culluuta, Dopt. L, Dostcn." Adv. Gome Names Easily Remembered. "Now, children," asked thu teacher, addressing the uluss In United States history, "who wub It that shot Roose velt?" "Why er-oh! " hesitatingly an swered tho brightest pupil. "I think It was a crank by thu name of Swank or Prank, or something llko that." "What surgeon attended tho colonel, and" Thereat, thoy nil aroso and exclaim ed ns with ono voice: "Scutry L. Tor rill, M. D.M!" From this wo should loam that on unforgottublo name Is rather to bo chosen than great riches. Very Hobble. Mrs. StlleB How do jou llko my now gown? Mr. Stiles Reminds mo of a crowd ed theater. Mrs. Stiles Crowded theatorl How bo? Mr. Stiles Thoro seems to bo stand ln room only. Judgo. Sympathetic Affliction. "Don't you think Jack ought to feed that cold? Ho Is a little hoarso." "Ho Ib with hay fever." His Authority. "I thought you told mo that man was a golden-mouthod speaker." "Woll, I had It from his dentist' Peoplo will oncourngo your fads nu long ns you nro willing to squander your money on thorn. r PUTNAM Color more BoodbrlBhterndfastercolortisn dye any garment without ripping apart. Wriu ' ' "'" 8peck on Their Black Scutoheon. Molllc, n light-colored mulatto housemaid who has been in tho otn ploy of a South Sldo family for a numb3r of yonrs, recently gavo up hor position to got mnrrled, relntos tho Knnsnn City Stnr. A fow days ago sho returned nnd asked to havo her old placo back. Tho woman of tho houso was glad to have her return, but surprised thnt sho camo so soon after bolng married, nnd questioned hor as to her reason for wnlting to return. In reply tho maid said: "My husband's folks is all JenlouB of mo becauso I'm so light colored. You know my husband is very dark and nil his folks Is dnrk, too; and w mad becauso ho mnrrled mo. Why, ono of hla slstors told me, 'You's so bright you mako n spot In our family.' " Her Name Was Not Polly Ticks. During tho Into campaign nn Illinois candidate for th legislature wan drlv. lng through tho country, seoklng votes among tho fnrmcrs, when ho mot a young mini In farmer's garb, walking by tho rondsldo. Having In mind a proBpoctlvo vote, ho stopped his horso, nnd snlutlng him In a familiar manner, inquired: "Aro you paying nny attention to politics nowadays!" Tho young mnn Btoppcd, looked at him suspiciously, nnd drawled out: "No, stranger; that don't happen to bo my gnl's namo; but of It was, I wouldn't think It wns any of your durned bUBlncsfl," This ended tho Intcrviow ns woll na the prospect. Lot of Money Well Spent. Arthur HInnchnrd, who spends much of his tlmo traveling ovor tho coun try, for tho govornmont, wns seated behind a brldo and groom in a Pull mnn car ono nftcrnoon when tho train wont through a long tunnol. As it emerged Into tho light of day tho brldo was grabbing desporntoly at her hat and fighting three fust rounds with ono or two hairpina which had becomo loosonod. In order to rellovo tho oituntlon nnd Inject somo hnrmlcss conversation Into tho gap Hlanchurd remnrkod: "This tunnol cost $12,000,000." "Well," Baid thu bride Judicially, "it was worth It." Popular Magazine. Calumet Ends "Dad Luck." Remember when you wero a youngster, what n trlnl linking tiny was? If Mother was lucky, everything went finely but It sho hud "biul luck" her c.lUert and lior plea nnd her brend woro failures. Hnr HiieccBS In bnktilK Deemed to ilepond al meat altogether on "luck." Nowadays tlicru'tt no such thins n "bukliiK luck." At least, not in tho kitch ens of tho up-to-ilato cooks. Simply bo cause Calumet Uaklnml'owtler bus munch ed that old tlmo Idea. It )ihr mnilo bnk In sure of succcis. It hii nim ln perlenced cooks nblo to bnko perfectly, utitl riiiy nftor d.y It Is eavlnif hundreds of dollars' worth of tlmo nnd materials by dolnp nwny with costly failures. Calumet rtnldntc Powder Is tho purest baking powder mndo and guaranteed not only to BE pure, but t stay pure In tho CAN and In tho BAKINCJ. Calumet hnn twice been ofUclully Judged tho DEBT bnklng powder inado receiving tho high est awards at tho World's Puro Kood Im positions in Chicago (1907) and in ParU (1012). Adv. Farms for Children. Perhaps vthe smallest farms in tho world, each four by oight feet, hnvo been dovlBed by Mrs, Hunry Parsons for tho International Children's School Farm loaguo, and demonstrated in Now York. Each child bocomos ownor of his dlmlnutlvo farm, in which ho works, grows and harvests Sovon dif ferent kinds of vogotnbles, and theso are homo by him in triumph to hlB family. About each farm is nn 18-Inch path, which ho kcopa In order; urtdor his Instructor It becomes a Uny ob ject lessen In nood mads, His Suspicions Aroused. Lecturer All statistics provo thnt tho blond womnn is more difficult to got nlong with than tho brunettes. Astonished Man In tho Audience (starting up) Aro you certain of tho fact? Lecturer It is a fact. Astonished Mnn Thon I bollovo my wife's black hair Ib dyod. A Tender Point. "What got you Into troublo with thin noiijpman?" domnnded tho Now York judgo. "Just trying to ask him n civil ques tion, your honor," said tho visitor, "nothing more," "What was that question?" "I Just risked him when the next official murder would bo dragged off." In New York. First Prison Official Wo'll havo to stop giving permits to peoplo to go in nnd seo thu prisoners. Second Prison OfllcInl-rWhy so? First Prison Ofllclnl Too much con fusion. They lip getting In tho way of tho fellows who nro escaping. Puck. Parched. "Ho snys tho mado his lifo a Sa hara." "Muybo that's why ho has such a tuniblo thirst." Mrs. Wlnslow'H Rontlilnif Hrup for Children loHliliiu, Hoftens tliogiuns, reduces Intlamma tlou, nllayspulu, cure wind colic, Kk! a bottle jUi, As a girl grows oldor alio becomos wiser nnd quits wearing so many pins In tho vicinity of her waist lino. Tho moro tho trusts want tho less tho common peoplo got. FOLEY KIDNEY PIIXS Are Klchcat In Curative Qualities FOR DACKACHC, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEYS AND DLAOOER SMARTING SORE LIDS $400 From One Acre in Mississippi In 1911, Mr. James A. Cox of Centerville, Mississippi, had one acre of unfertil ized ground. He planted sugar cane and that acic produced just 662 gallons of molasses. He put it up in ten pound tins and sold it, deriving a net proGt of $400. How Much Did You Make Per Acre? Go South where there are no long cold winters or crop failures. Land b Mississippi and Louisiana is very cheap and can be bought on very advantageous terms. Write for beautifully illustrated booklets to J. C CLAIR, Immigration Commissioner, Room M600 Central Station, Illinois Central R.R., Chicago, ILL FADELESS DYES any other dye. On. 10cpektecoVranfibr. Thydy.bccMwMerrtterUintnyctheTdvt Ycwmss tor Ire, booklet How to Uyo. lUsaci. and Mix Coloina. MONBOC DHUG COHtAHt. QsTlsiev SS ' " " ' ii us' miii " " vjkw-tjia HOW GIRLS MAY AVOID PERIODIC PAINS The Experience of Two Girb Here Related For Tho Benefit of Others. Rochester, N. Y. "I havo a daugh ter 13 years old who has always bcon very healthy until recently when aha complained of dizziness and cramps ovcry month, so bad that I would havo to keep her homo from school and put her to bed to Ret relief. "After giving her only two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pennd she is no?.' enjoying the !v"t of health. I cannot praiso your Compound too highly. I want every good mother to rend what your medicine has dono for my child." Mrs. Hicham) N. Dunuam, 311 Exchange St, Rochester, N.Y. Stoutavillo, Ohio. "I Buffered from headaches, backacho and was very irreg ular. A friend ad vised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and beforo I had taken the wholo of two bottles I found relief. Iom only sixteen years S old, but I havo bet j ! tor health than for two or thrco years. I cannot express my thnnks for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgotablo Compound haa dono for mo. I had taken other medicines but did not find relief. "Miss Coiu B. FoSNAUGO, Stoutsvillo, Ohio, R.F.D., No. 1. Hundreds of such letters from moth ers expressing their grntitudo for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotnblo Com pound has accomplished for their daugh ters havo been received by tho LydinE. Pinkhom Medicine Company,Lynn,Moss. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nino times in ten when the liver Is right the stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently butfirmly com-j pel a lazy liver do Its duty. Curc3 Con- etlpation, Ir digcilion, Sick Hrndncho, fciidDittrc:i After Eatinj. SMALL PILL, SMALL. DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature z: CANADA'S 0FFERINQ TO THE SETTLER THE AMERICAN RUSH TO WESTERN CANADA iS'iNCREASiNe Free Homesteads in the new Plitrlctn of laoltoba, Saskatche wan and Alberta thera aro tlioutandi of Krea ItomnleaUi loft, which to the man making entrj In Tuara lima wilt b worth f mm fj) to C5 per acre. These lunda are wnll adantetl tn vraln growing and cuttle railing, uciuin luiiniT nauma In manr casra the railways tn Canada hnvti ht-n hullt In ad. vance of settlement, and In a abort time there will not be a, Bottler una need be moro than ten or twelro miles from a line of railway. Hallway ltates am rriulatod bj Uorernment Oooi muilon. Social Conditions The American KctllerUatbome In Western Canada, Ilelanota, stranger In a strange land, bar ing liearlr a million of his own peoplo alroadr settled there. If Son desire to know why thecon Itlon of the CanadlanSrttlerls Srosperous wrlto and send for toraturo, rates, eio., to J. B. k-tdichlu. Driwtr S7S. Vitrrtm. S. II M. W8SHI. )l J Jjdus SL, SL Paul, Un. Canadian GoTsmmentAgents, or address fiuporlntondent of lmmlKTutlua, Uttawa,Cau4. Cost- The Original Price of a is trifling. It is spread i nvnr n mlmhpf rt w years. Long tho cost is forgot , m ten the roonllcc-, tionot quaht remains. From tho L. B. Ilent Stores Everywhere Waterman Co 173 U'wuy, N.Y. The Pen That T Everybody Uses" FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS a you feel Mout of aorta1 "run down'orVot tba chronic, woakni-sst-e. ulcers, iklneriipllous.pl les.Ac write for my Fit KK book. U la the mow Instructiyo medical book ever written. It tells'all about thes diseases and the reronrkeblecuren eft ec led by IbeNev -renculleroOy"TIIKKAriON"No.l.Noa,No, and you can decide for yourself If It Is the remedy for your alloiunL Dont soud a oenu It's absolutely FllHH. No-TollcnT-up-clrculiirs. Dr.I.oClercSIed. Co., Jfuvoratoclc Itil., llauinstonU, Leuiu, sag. ues."HUfforimia aluner.bladuer.nenrous diseases. INVESTING for PROFIT FREE Fur Nix Months. If li worth 110 m copy to any man Intendlnfr to .nveat anr monty. howvtr tnll who lit Invett. monrr uuprohUblr or who can bay 15 or mor pcrjnontti.t.uf who tia-n't tWoed the art of lnvMtlnjr forproilt. Itaemoniiratratt. rrul eamlnsr powr of money, th knowledge financier! and b-vnke n bide from tuernasa. It rTwli the rnorrnoua mflta tanker inakeandahowi how to raakatheNe pronta.lt axplalna htiw impend oua rnrtUDM are made and hymadeibow 1.000 arowa tnf-rttvo. To Introduce ray matrailne write sue now rilacndlttU months, abeolutely FKC II. L BARBER, P0b.,R.4 W, 2o W Jackiea Bird., Cnlct,UL I'ni'iniiii mini .T3dig :3f?i ww-yjzj 2H&ev In .r 'n , -i-i-rTn vain .nu i hln JEBSSP WITTLE 'vMSMLw 'vlk J&9m r-l 1.1-3. $JjT JUeH ' ' I I ISfivRMfe m mm lab Iter B Vlromaini. m v.. .ii M if 5 i $ I in