Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 15, 1912, Image 7

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Their Use.
"Why do ships have noodle gunT"
To thread their way, stupid."
What a Question.
"There Is a use for everything."
"Huhl Has anyone ever found
enslblo uso for a phonograph?"
Important to Mothers .
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and seo that It
Ttanra ttiA
Signature of uSxAVrfeJ&bi
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
So, Many Like Trlbble.
"Tribblo Is a discontented fellow. 1
don't bollevo ho even knows what he
"Oh, yea. Ho knows what he wants.
What makes him discontented is the
toot that ho also knows he can't get
"V .rfcS J i
"One Leetle Kees?" Thumped With a Rolling Pin
ah M&
L -,
.5 iii c,vn
English 8tump Speech.
'A correspondent, "Old Brlney,"
Bonds us tho following specimen of
fronrlod stump oratory: "Feller
fclokes! Thanks tor th' guv'ment, yor
sot yer d'mlnishln' wage, and yor lit
tle loaf, an all that. Wotcher got
tor do now is tor go fer devll-ootion
nd local anatomy, an go It blind 1"
XLoud cheers.) London Qlobo.
House Plans Important.
The caro in the homo and all other
Conns of household. work are greatly
facilitated by right planning and the
tue of suitable materials for tho
construction and furnishing of the
home. An adequate and convenient
Water supply and other conveniences
aro essential, not only for comfort
and for saving labor, but also from
the standpoint -of homo hygiene.
Quite the Thing.
"I told you that If you came tomor
row morning I would give you tho
money for my wash. Why did you
come tonlcht?" said Miss Philis to tho
daughter of her laundress.
"I know you said tomorrow morn
In'," responded the girl, "but me moth
er she told me to come tonight, 'cause
ho was afraid you might bo gone
away by tomorrow mornln.'
"I certainly should not go without
paying my laundry bill," said Miss
Philis sharply. "No respectable wom
an would do such a thing."
"Oh, yes, ma'am, they would," re
plied tho child knowingly. "There's
lots of respectable ladies does."
n IIICAao. "Ono kees! Just ono
V lectio kees! I Implore you,
Joseph Luco, recently from Italy
and with high notions of romance,
stolo unobserved Into a flat at 428
Wost Huron street tho other day and
assumed his most irresistible posturo
as he surprised Mrs. Mary Dellnsky
at work making a batch of bread.
Two hours later Luco sat In a cell
at the Chicago avenuo police station
nursing a big bump on his hoad and
trying to think how ho happened to
got from tho socond story window to
the ground so quickly. It happened
something like this, according to Mrs.
Bollnsky, who also charged Luco with
tho theft of $10:
"Ono what I" Mrs. Dellnsky had ask
ed in momentary alarm.
"Ono lootlo keoB, no more," said
"Well, hero's a regular smack!" ex
claimed Mrs. Bolinsky. Tho doughy
rolling pin waved through a cloud of
flour, thero was a Bharp crack, and a
dull thud. Luco took tho count. Mrs.
Bollnsky was frlghtoncd and tried to
to leave tho room. Then thoro wns n,
strugglo that aroused tho curiosity
of neighbors In tho flat bonoath.
"Here; horel What's going on?"
demanded Sam Dubois, rushing ujh
stairs and pausing at the door.
"I am going to kees you," Dubois
swore that ho heard Luco say as he
was gottlng a strangle hold nboutj
Mrs. Bellnsky's neck. ,
"I'll kiss you!" said Dubois. Hoi
snlrnd Luco about tho waist and bit
him on tho hand bo that ho had to
let go of Mrs. Dellnsky and sank to
tho floor.
"O, I would like to kick your face,
off," said Mrs. Dellnsky, according tc
tho story Bho told In tho pollco Btn
"Lpt's throw him out of tho win
dow," sugegsted Dubois. So Mrs. De
llnsky sat on Luco'u chest while Du
bois hurriedly raised the window. Thonj
tho two took tho invader on olthori
sldo and gavo him a sailor's tosB ovorj
tho ledgo. It was 25 feot to tko
ground. .
"Dear mo, do you supposo he's klll-j
ed?" whlspored Mrs. Dellnsky as sho;
and Dubois lokcd out tho window at
Luco, who lay on tho ground. After)
a moment It seemed ho was about to:
get up and go r.way. '
Dubois pormltted himself to bo'
dragged downstairs und stood overj
Luco until Mrs. Dolinsky returned
with a wagon load of policemen.)
Luco heaved a sigh of rellof as tho,
policemen half carrlod him Into tho
Made of Two Sections, Hinged Back,
and Doors Are Arranged to Allow
Access to Interior.
Tho illustration glvon horewlth
showa a frult-troo ventilator de
signed to circle tho trunk of a troo
at its baso as shown. It Is mndo In
BuIltHer Own Hom,e.
Miss Frances Lyon of Westwood has
tho distinction of being tho only
woman in New England who lives in
a house literally built with her own
hands. Miss Lyons belongs to a club
whoso members are practicing the doc
trine of going back to the farm. Tho
club is limited to 40 members nnd
owns property to the amount of $1,000
and about 70 acres of farming land not
tar from Westwood. Each member
holds a deed. to ono acre and the bal
anco of the land Is held In common to
Iba rented to any member who wishes
to try farming on a larger scale.
Genus Hobo Approves of Kiosk Tent as a "Flop"
Daisy By the way, Frank, that's a
lovely waistcoat you have. Now, Isn't
Frank No.
Daisy Strange; I never saw It be
fore. Frank That's because my brother
sever called on you.
Sut Change of Food Gave Final Relief.
stormed nnd fumed about tho kiosk
in the Square tho other day, wonder
ing how tho thermometer and tho rest
of tho public-spirited instruments lo
cated thero worn conducting them
selves in tho gelid air.
Everybody who onmo to sen and
could not was frankly angry. Even
tho Socialists excogitating aloud on
tho Squaro wcro aroused.
Tho kiosk 1b surrounded by a little
tent without a roof, formed of paint
er's flies. A week or so ago an energet
ic painter and decorator painted tho
kiosk a nico, peaceful battleship gray
color. Then, to keep the folks from
coming up and demonstrating tho ef
ficiency of tho Bertlllon system In
their excitoment over learning that
the mercury had gone down a point or
so, he put up the tent. Quito acci
dentally ho left a largo sign bearing
his name and business in bold letters
on each sldo of tho tent.
Tho paint had been dry for three
or four days, but tho tent remained.
No doubt tho man has forgotten all
about it. Detective Julius Specs of
Central station walked by thoro tho
othor night, and, shivering a bit in
tho chill air, bethought himself of
finding out whnt was what. Ho no
ticed a movoraent of tho canvas that
: . 0&?
Fruit-Tree Ventilator.
two sections, hinged at tho back, and
doors aro carried In tho top of each
section to allow of access to tho Interior.
Common Mistake lo Choosing Soil
That Is Too Rich, Causing Wood
and Little Fruit.
made him suspect someono was be
neath tho tent.
Lifting it nnd looking underneath, ho
discovered tho recumbent figures of
two members of tho box car gentry.
They had calculated that tho tont
would not bo a bad place to sloop, al
beit there was no roof.
"Wot aro you doln 'there?" demand
ed Specs.
"Well, wo thought it would bo a
good place to 'flop,' " replied ono. "Out
of tho wind and all tho modern con
veniences pretty swell to havo a reg
ular thermometer und all tho rogular
tools for knowing just what kind of
weather it is, right In yer bod
room." Specs advised them to movo on. As
thoy started away n diffident young
ster approached him nnd said:
"Please, mister, when does tho show
start, and can I carry water for the
"Backnumber Joe" Quits Business With a Fortune
rMr CCj"y5
tssl mm
$7S 53
IT 13
Most diseases start in the alimen
tary canal stomach and bowels.
A great deal of our stomach and
bowel troubles come from eating too
much Btarchy and greasy food.
The Btomaoh does not digest any
of the starchy food wo eat white
bread, pastry, potatoes, oats, etc.1
these things aro digested in the small
Intestines, and if we eat too much, as
most of us do, tho organs that should
digest this kind of food are overcome
by excess of work, so that fermenta
tion, indigestion, and a long train of
alls result.
Too much fat also Is hard to digest
and this is changed into acids, sour
etomach, belching gas, and a bloated,
heavy feeling.
In these conditions a change from
Indigestible foods to Grape-Nuts will
work wonders In not only relieving
the distress but in building up a
strong digestion, clear brain and
etendy nerves. A Wash, woman
"About five years ago I suffered
with bad stomach dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, constipation caused, I know
now, from overeating starchy nnd
greasy food.
"I doctored for two years without
any benefit. The doctor told mo thero
was no euro for roe. I could not eat
anything without suffering severo
pain In my back and sides, and I be
came discouraged.
"A friend recommended Grape-Nuts
and I began to uso It. In less than
two weeks I began to feel better and
Inside of two months I was a well
woman and havo been over since.
"I can eat anything I wish with
pleasure. Wo eat Grape-Nuta and
cream for breakfast nnd nro very
fond of it." Name given by Fostum
Co., Dattle Creek, Mich.
Read the little book, "Tho Hoed
to Wellvllle," In pkgs. "There's a
' Ber rtna the above letter? A neTt
one niiprnrn from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of huiuun
Interest. A dr.
NEW YORK. Lawyers of this city
who handle will cases requiring a
search of early records lament the re
tirement of "Dacknumber Joe," for
ho wns their first-aid and searcher-ln-chiof
in digging up facts from the
"Dacknumber Joe," despite his
namo, nevor lOBt touch with the events
of the day. His specialty, though, was
tho accumulation of back numbers of
nuwupuperu, back numbers of maga
zines, back numbers of religious
tracts, back numbers of comic sup
plements, and back numbers of almost
anything that over was printed. He
included In his stock of back num
ber newspapers publications from
nearly every city in tho country, and
from every foreign city.
Even if "Dacknumber Joo" did not
havo tho particular copy of an old
newspaper needed by a lawyer who
was straightonlng out a tangled suit,
ho always managed to got the desired
publication in tho course of a few
days. How ho did it wns u trado se
cret for which he mado his customers,
pay well.
His systom of payment was the I
strangest feature of his novol busi
ness. Ho fixed the price he demand-!
ed by tho ago of tho paper doslred.
"Ono penny a day from tho date of
publication, for any paper In tho
world, in addition to the original
cost of tho paper wub his rule. It'
wns a lucrative trade. A paper a year
old, by this rule, was worth 3.65
above tho original prlco; a papor two!
years old was worth $7.80, und a pa
ted ton years old brought $36.60. And'
when it Is borno in mind that vory,
often he supplied newspapers 30, 60,
or even 100 years old, tho profits of'
the business aro apparent,
"I'm a Jeweler by trado," ho would;
say, with a twinkle in his oyo, ro-i
ferrlng to tho value of Ills wares. '
Ac tho fame of Joe grow among)
lawyors and antiquarians, ho nc-j
quired more and more stock and nood-j
ed larger quarters for It than ho orlg-1
tnally occupied in his littlo shop in)
Fulton street. For many years ho
stored his papers in a warehouse of
hi . own somowhero on tho Wost aide
of tho city.
A common mlstako in tho soloctlon
of a slto for tho npplo orchard tract,
largo or small, is that of choosing n
soil that Is too rich; that will causo
abundant giowth of wood, hut mighty
littlo fruit In tho valley In which
tho writer's ranch Is loented is nn
orchard of maturo nprlo trees, as pret
ty a Bight from a standpoint of follngo
as ono could ubIc to seo, which has
lately beeu felled becauso It did not
deliver tho goods.
Tho tract Is fat, rich and well wa
tered. Within u gunshot of this tract
Is a block of winter Jellls pear treos
of tho same ngo that for sovornl yoars
past havo grossed their owners closo
to a thousand dollars por acre, Bays
a writor in an exchange. Never was
moro emphatically demonstrated tho
fact that soil can bo too rich for ap
ples but not for pears. Within a mile
of theso unproductive npplo trees, on
thlnnor nnd llghtor granitic soIIb, tho
applo trees bear prollflcally to tho
point of breaking down.
Problem of Congestion of Transporta
tion May Be Solved by Erection
of Large Warehouses.
(By n. u. hushing.)
During three or four months In tho
fall thoro has, of lato yoars, boon an
umiBunl congestion of farm products,
duo largely to tho shipments of re
cently harvested crops, In addition to
tho regular traffic.
In tho winter tho problom becomes
easier and such things as can be kop
without loss had better bo kopt, es
pecially if tho prlco scorns to bo a lit
tlo low.
Tho winter npplo Is about tho only
fruit that londs ltsolf readily to stor
age for any conslderablo length of
tlmo and, In fact, It Is about tho only
fruit kept in commercial Btorago.
I bollevo that whero fruit is grown
on n commercial scalo tho problom of
congested transportation must bo mot
in tho very near tuturo by the con
struction of largo cold Btorago ware
houses at all tho principal shipping
Whon apples aro being Bortcd for
Btorago, the following points should
always bo borno In mind. Only tho
best grndo should bo placed in Btor
ago and thoy should bo stored as soon
bb possible aftor being picked or gath
ered. A uniform tempcrnturo of 31 to 32
degrees F. is best and thoy should ho
placed on tho market as soon as they
reach their highest maturity, or a lit
tlo before, provided tho prlco is suf
flclont to warrant selling.
Tho qunllty of tho fruit Is main
tained much better in Btorago when
tho fruit Is wrapped with thin papor
and will usually nlways sell for enough
to pay exponses nnd n littlo left.
It is nlso truo that tho develop
ment of tho fungi producing npplo
rots Is checked to a great extent by
Btorago. Freedom from such troubles,,
however, Is bo dopondont upon tho,
carefulness In handling tho fruit dur
ing tho picking and packing, that th
better orchnrdlsts will nlways bo but
littlo troublod with lossos through
theso causes.
Also, indirectly, cold storngo tends
to promote a higher order of orchard
ing by teaching tho grower bolter bo-
lection; better methods of culture;
moro skill In the nrt of hnndllng nnd
marketing his crop, nil of which tend
to mnko for tho grower moro money
and higher knowledgo of tho buslnoss.
rsnnnnv'.snw ananas Vaw'vannm.snnW ennnnm.nnnni nnnTr.nnnnank'aannnmannBTr - m m
"Real Fisherman's Luck
- n..l-? 7LS1..Z. 2 i
Good tobacco and n pood reel I That's surely n lucky
combination for tho angle: and here's the way you can
have them both.
j '-$'-
All smokers should know Duke's Mixture made by
Liggett $ Myers at Durham, N. C.
Pay what you will, you cannot jjet better granulated
tobacco for 5c than the big ounce and a half sack of
Duke's Mixture. It's good any way you Btnoke It.
Get a Good Fishing Reel Free
by saving the Coupons now packed in Liggett $ Ityert Dulcu's
Mixture. Or, If you don't want tirccU-gct nny ouoof tho hundred
of ocli-r articles. In tho list you will find something for every
member of tho family. Pipes, clgarctto cases, catcher's gloves,
uiuiuuD, nuii:u u'ucb aikiwca, oil:.
These liuiidsonio presents cost you
nothing not one cent. They simply
express our appreciation of your
Remember you still tret tho same
blgono and & half ouncosack for 4c
enough for ;na;iy satisfying smokes.
Daring November and Decern
ber only, we wilt tend our new
illattrated catalogue of present!
FREE. Simply send us your
namo ana address.
Minnesota Man Arrannes Dovlce By
Using Strong Hickory Pole With
Chain Attached.
My treo puller is onsily mado,
writes I. C. Glesoko of Now Ulm,
Mlry., In tho Missouri Valley Farmer.
Take a strong hickory polo 3 or 4
Consists of Thimble, Which May Be
Tied to Thumb and Which Ter
minates In Bharp Blade.
A very convenient dovlco for pick
ing fruit has neon designed by a man
living in tho fruit regions of Califpr
nia. It consists of u thimblo, which
may be tied to the thumb and which
Tr2. "CLlJ
"W .-4 J
For Picking Fruit.
terminates In a blade with a keen
edge. Tho fruit Is Bolzod in tho hand
and the atom Is severed by means of
the thumb knifo. With such a device
ns this tho picking of fruit is materi
ally expedited and thoro Is no danger
of tearing tho branches or marring
tho fruit when it is plucked. Scien
tific American.
Her Babies' Entreaties Causes Woman to Steal
KANSAS CITY, Mo. "Dring us
some red coral bends, some red
ribbon, somo red sweaters, and a now
dress, mnmma," begged two little
girls of Parsons, Kan., when their
mother kissed them good-by tho othor
morning to come to Kansas City on a
shopping tour. To make sure that tho
mother would not forgot thoy handed
her a slip of paper on which they
had written their wants. All tho tlmo
she was shopping ahe carried that pa
per In her hand, looking nt It every
little whllo, until Its entreaty had
burned Itself Into her thoughts.
Tho words of her little daughters
cut deeper and deeper, for ehe had
come to the city with, only enough
money to supply long needed wants
money that her husband had glvon
her to buy a dross. As she walked
through somo of tho largo department
stores tomptatlon came.
This is tho story tho mothor told
Cnpt. CharleB Edwards of the Walnut
Btroet Btatlon. Tho watchful oyo of a
storo detective had caught her and a
companion who had como with hor
Everlasting Fame.
"Wo must go to Stratford." "What's
the ubo. Wo can buy Stratford post
cards In London." "My friend, ono
travels for something moro than to
send postcards. I want to wrlto my
namo on Shakospoore's tomb."
Louisville Courlor-Journal,
The Apple Aphis.
Spraying to kill the applo aphis Is
a dldlcult Job. Tho insocts work on
the under side of tho leaves, nnd this
can bob them to curl up, and it is
very difficult to renrh nil of them
with spray material. Tho Insoctn mul
tlply rapidly, nnd tho few thnt aro
not reached with poison soon bring
on another crop.
J& -s
w ffinai
L i,Bi
rJfl " '' - ---M-fj-M
' .. .. ' "W
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Covpont from Duke's iVixturt may il
asserted triM (nrt i HOHSE
Tree Puller.
Inches thick and 7 or 8 feet long.
Hold ono end of this polo to tho bot
tom of tho treo und twist a strong
chain around both polo nnd treo to
prevent Its clipping, thon put a slnglo
tiee on tho othor ond, and you are
ready to pull nny treo up to 4 or 0
Inches In diameter.
For Tree Wounds.
In California tho following mlxturo
was used on trees throo yoars ago
and Is still In good condition: Ono
pnrt of crude petroleum to throo
parts of resin; warm in separata
dishes, mix nnd apply warm to cuts
made by pruning or by cultivator In
Jury. Whllo this mixture Is not bet
ter than grafting wax, It 1b much
cheaper and Is worthy of trial.
Theory of Mulching.
Hero is tho theory of mulching. A
bunch of big weeds growing vigorous
ly hesido a tree rob it of moisturo.
Theao same weeds cut off and put on
top open so that tho rays of tho sun
snvo water.
from ParBons, secreting goods undor
their cloaks. Their arrest and confes
sions followed. Tho mothor had takan
all that hor children had asked for
and more. In two suit caseB that thoy
confessed thoy hnd brought ompty
was found moro than $100 worth of
silks, scarfs, ribbons, Jowelry and
bends. Theso thoy had B.olen by
wrapping them as ub tho articles lay
on tho counter.
"I don't know now why I dl it,"
the mothor snld, tearfully. "It seemed
such an easy thing to do, and tho
things didn't look liko tlioy would bo
mlBsed." Thon sho showed her daugh
tern' nolo to tho captain.
Obsolete Garment,
A Now York firm of pottlcoat manu
facturers fallod with 5700.000 of lia
bilities recently, and glvos tho ox
plnnatlon tlint women's skirts mo so
tight thoy havo quit wearing petti
coats. Did j'ou know that? Kiusm
City Star.
Worthless Trees.
Neglected fruit trees ure not worth
the ground they occupy, und besides
thoy nro an eyesore to everybody, and
whon infested with worniB and insects
n constnnt menaco to tho neighbor
hood. Thero outfht to ho n luw pro-'
hlbltlng any man from allowing treos
of this kind to remain on tho farm.
8hredded Fodder and Clover.
Shredded corn fodder combined1
with clover hay makes an excellent
and most vnlunble food for dairy cows
tiM It contains tho needed protein and
supplies the mURclo-maklng material
for growing anlmnls.
iron TOUR ROSES (Wf-tix ttouhlt
cnufinn), PICK PLUG CUT, PIED.
CARETTES, and etktr lots or
coupons issued by us.
Address Premium DepL
Can b hsndlrd Terr eullr. The alrktre rural. and itllothon la
Jii," l,r uilng HIIHINU LlQUlo DLm.iiri.il CUKE. OIt. oa
'tho lonffMfi.iir In fcetU Aru on tho blood una iplf germs o
all lornil Ol uuieniper. lirat rvmwy btbt mown lur m. iu iuw
. una bottle vtiarantml tocura on cam. boa and II a botUoi as and
1 110 doron oCdmgKUtf and harnaM dealer. or aent ezpreaa liald bj
I nwnufaoturera. l"ut thowa how to lwultloe throata. Our frea
I ItnokletutTeeaTerrthlna. I.oeal acenU wantod. lArgcat Mills!
Loraa remedy In eaiatenootweWajeiftrtf.
SPOHN MBDIOAI.COm CaKWUa4BatrWUU. Qothon lltCha UaSaAaj
All the Year Apples.
From tho yellow Transparent, our
first rlpo npple, to the latest keeping
Brother Jonntliun, with tho several In
termediate varieties for connecting
links, wo havo apples tho year round.
Mrs. Hoylo I can read my hus
band llko a hook.
Mrs. Doylo I'vo heard ho wasonco
ft page.
Just Llko Other Men.
Most Burgeons simply go way up in
the air when ono of tho world's great
ones Is stricken. Whon Sir Frederic
Proves was callod to operate on King
Kdwnrd ho split him open as non
chalantly ns If tho king had been an
applo or a watermelon, New York
Pi ess.
The Army of
1 GroWins; Smaller Every Day
responsible they
not only give relief
they perma
nently cure Con-j
tlpation. Mil-.
lions use.
them for
IiJiieition, Sick Hdac., Sallow Skk.
Genuine must bear Signature
TaaTB r
.HVai 9K1TT1 P.
r AgE i
of this paper desiring to buy any
thing advertised in its columns should
Insist upon having what they ask for,
refusing all substitutes or imitations.
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of th NorthweaL"
Constlpntloii causes and aggravates many
lerloun rtlnn.. It is tlioruuulily cuied by
f)r. I'lerco'n Pleasant VelleU. The favortw
fainlly laxative. Adv.
Pruning Fruit Trees.
Prune tho topa from tho tall, slen
der fruit trees. Thoy form a high
mark for tho wind to blow down, aro
less vigorous than low-down trees,
will not bear up as much fruit and
mnko fruit picking a harder Job.
Excellent Virginia Orchard.
In a Virginia orchard of 4,000 trees
the owner Bays that during tho past
twonty-slx years thoro has been only
one failure In apples. Tho 1909 crop
sold for ?15,000 caBh on tho trees.
Profitable Apple Orchard,
A well solocted npplo orchard of flf
toon acres In a good location next to
a big mnrkot will In ton years produco
a largo, permanent Income.
Bad Orchard Site,
It 1b a mistake to cultlvnto an or
chard on a hillside. Nothing but tho
sod will hold tho soil thero.
Strawberry Vines.
Go after tho extra tArawborry vinos
mid cut them out. Do not ho afraid
to slash them.
Golden Queen Is tho best yellow
Cherry trees aro an Ideal fruit
homo groundH.
Young peach trees nro novor
sturdy aa applo trees.
If you want to grow "qunllty" goono
borrles try somo of tho Kngllsh vari
eties. The cellar Is a good place to store
llower roots In winter, provided It Is
a dry ono.
Cherry trees aro ontlroly free from
diseases, on which Account nursery
men like to hnndlo them most.
Thoro is such n distinct gain from
planting tho small fruits in tho fall
thut tho prictlco ought to bo goncral.
Somo lunula thnt pick apples do not
seem to caro much vthether they
break off tho bronchos of tho trees or
Finish sowing cover crops; what
ever land not yet clonrod hnd bettor
bo trenchod over winter or covorod
with manure.
Vory fow pears aro at their best If
allowed to rlpon on tho troe. A good
rulo Is to pick whon the seeds havu
, turned browj
Quite 8o.
"Whnt Is tho latest thing In fashion
able weddings 7"
"Very often it Is the bride."
lira. Wlnalow'n Hootlilns Syrup for Children
teething, aoftens thi;uma, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays iJiUn.ciiri'u wind eolle,5o a bottle JU.
Success cannot turn a man's head if
ho has a stiff neck.
Pool & Billiard Tables
Iceless Fountains
0. rUenktmon Co.. 421-423 Pearl St.. Sloui Cltf. la.
Stock Yards, Sioux City, la.
You Get Value Received When You Buy
The kind with tho
Sold by all grocers, the band are valuable
wl(l J
ror liackache, Rheumatism, ludneys and Bladder i;
HFlInllKr oontain no habit ronMiNQ onuos (
utunuui. AHC aAfe, sum, and savb you money U.
83.00 3.50 4.00 M.S0 AND 55.00
Bay wwac W. L. Douelam ta.OO, 92. BO tS.OO School t
Sftoem, hoomuam one) mult' will pommvoly ouiwonr two
pair of ordinary mhooa, mamo am thai mmn'm mhoea.
W.L.Douglaa makei and aella mora $3.00,$3.50 & $4.00 ahoca j
than any other manufacturer in tho world. (
Tho workmanship which haa made W. L. Douglas ahoea famous the worltl
over is maintained in every pair.
Ask your dealer to show y ou W. L. Douglas latest fashtons for fall and winter
wear, notice tho thort vamps which mako tho foot look smaller, point In a
hoe particularly desired by young men. Also the consarva tlve styles wolds
have mado W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere.
If you could visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mass., and
for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then un
derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape anal
wear longer than any other mako for the price. fatt Color Cytl$tu
CAUTION. To protect you aralnit Inferior shoes, W.L. Douglas stamps kt nam on tha Vat.
torn. Look for tho stamp. Uawara of substitutes. W. L. Douglas ahoea are sold la 78 wa
alores and shoo dealers everywhere. No matter whero you lire, they are within yeurreavcav
If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct bo factory for catalog showing how to oral at
by mail. ths seat aTsrvwher. delivery caaraas prspaU. Vf ' " t'-- Hrr-lilnn Maaa