Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 15, 1912, Image 5

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The Woman Makes the Home
She makes it best who, looking after the
culinary department, turns her back resolute
ly upon unhealthful, or even suspicious, food
accessories. She is economical; she knows
that true economy does not consist in the use
of inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She
is an earnest advocate of home made, home
baked food, and has proved the truth of the
statements of the experts that the best cook
ing in the world today is done with Royal
Baking Powder.
Advantages of
Everybody's Vacum Cleaner
Over Broom, Drnsh or Onrpet
1, It otaans thoroughly which is
impossible) with either broom or car
pot sweeper.
2. It HiiokH up tho dust insteud of
leaving it Hout in the air to settle back
nguiu on tho surrounding objeots.
!t, It wnrltH easier than cither
broom or onrpet swpeper, so easy that
ii child cun operate it without undue
4. It prevents discaso by removing
all disenBo-brocding dust.
5. It saves all the work and trouble
of taking up rugs und carpets to bo
uent to the cleaner,
0. It saved the money otherwise
spent for carpet cleaning.
7. It will not injure the nap of tho
rug and oarpots as broom and carpet
sweepers do.
8. It will also clean mattresses and
upholstered furniture.
0. It is light in weight, has no
parts which cun get out of order and
with ordinary cure, last a lifetime).
10. It coHts only $4 50. that is less
thun n good carpet sweepor.
J T Knepper, agetit, Dakota City,
Try Solace At Our Expense
Money Back for any case of
Jleiidticlie that, Solace
Fails'to uolieve
SOLACE REMEDY Is n recont medical
discovery of tbrvu Hoiinnn Scientists that
neutralizes Uric Acid undpurlllus the Mood.
It Ik easy to tako, nud will not effect the
weakest stomach.
It la (cuurantuud under tho Pure food nnd
DrUK Law to In) absolutely fieo of opiates or
harmful drugs of any description.
SOLACE Is u puie apecllla in tablet form
nnd lias been pi oven beyond quostlon to be
the surest and quickest icmedy for Uric
Acid troubles known to medical science, no
mutter how Ioiir standing. It roaches nnd
removes the root of tho tioublo (UHo Acid)
nnd purities tho blood.
THE SOLACE CO, of Hattlo Oreok nro
tho Hole O. S. Agents and have over two
thousand voluntary testimonial lottois
which have beou received from grateful
people SOLACE has restored to health.
Testimonial letters, literature and FREE
BOX sent upon request.
It. Leo Morris, president of the First Na
tional bank of (Jlilco, Texas, wrote the Sol
uco (Joinpany as follows:
"I want you to send a box of ctolace to my
father In Memphis, Tonn., for which I en
close 1. This remedy has boon used by
some friends of mind hero and I only hope
It will lieneflt my father as It has them.
(Signed I U. X,. Morris.
I'ut up In 25c. Mta and J1.00 boxos.
SOLACE. No Special Treatment, Schemes
or Fees." .lust SOLACE alone doos tho
work. Write today for tho free box, etc.
SOLACE REMEDY CO., Dottle Ureek,
S T O M A C H.
If you would hit the
mark buy your grocer
ies from US
We handle notning but the
very best goods in all lines, and
our prices are as low as good
goods can be sold at. We are
here to serve your every want.
J. Van de Zedde
Your Orooer
Dakota City - - Nebraska
The Herald, $1 per
Local Items
A bountiful rain fell Tuosday,
although it whs not needed.
F A Wood had businoss iu Omaha
this week,
Headquarters for all sohool supplies
at tho Dakota Oity Pharmacy.
Mrs Mary R McBeath returned Sat
urday from a weoks viwR at Homer.
Wo have tried Van's puro apple
oider nud Hod it delicious to drink,
Everybody likes it.
Homo-made minco meat, 10c a
pound at Vuu do Zeddo's. Try a
pound and you will want mora.
We have ti nice display of nltim
uiuum ware nnd also u nice stock of
hardware, granitware, etc, at right
priors. Hchriover Bros.
Miss Viola Konyou, of McOook,
Neb, visited hero the piiBt week at tho
homo of hor undo, Geo T Woods.
She returned homo' Wednesday .
S L Keller, jr. who is attending the
School of Pharmacy at Fremont, Neb,
was an over Sunday visitor with bis
parents at iho Lutheran parsonage.
E 1 Frederick and family autood to
Jefferson, S D, Sunday, und mado a
short visit at tho homo of Ptof J A
Ohicoine, a former principal of 'our
Mm O L duller, of Hartingtou.
daughter of Mrs Win Adair, was op
erated on at a Sioux City hospital last
Thursday for gall stones, und is re
covering nicely.
iTio onl candidate so far to file his
expenso account with the count? olerk
is Sidney T Frum, county attornoy
eleot, who spent $27.05 iu hard cush
for his eleotiotf.
Hoy Stoner, of Homer, son of Mrs
Qeo Whuloy, was taken to a Sioux Oity
hospital lust Thursday for an opera
tion for nu ulcer on his hand. Ho re
turned home Monday,
F H Forrest, manuger of the local
telephone: exchange, was operated on
at Ht Joseph's hospital Wednesday
morning for an abcess in the ear.
His condition is quite serious.
Mrs E H Stono and J M Pinoknoy
and wife, of Sioux Oily, were calling
ou old friends here Sunday. E 11
8t( no, who died last spring, was a per
sonal friend of Roland D Orr, of this
plaoe, where the family frequently vis
ited. O M Dorry, who conduoted tho Oity
Hotel for the past year and a half,,
disposed of most of the furnishings
lust week, and on Monday moved to
Sioux Oity. He will put in his time
ou tho road for a rug und mattress
firm of Des Moines.
The Herald will forward your sub
scription, either new or ronewal, to
tho Womun's Ilomo Oompuuion for
$1. 00. Remember the Woman's Home
Companion is $l.(i0 por your now, aud
wo will save you COo on it in connec
tion with the Herald.
Max Hrcnton, ex-champion light
weight wrestler of the world, and ltuy
0 Lock wood, champion wrestler of
South Dakota, aro matched to wrestlo
here Saturday evening in tho Ayrrs
hall. Both men aro about the sama
weight, und tho mulch will be for
Dr W R Roam, of Walthill, arrived
here Monday ou liin ltturn from a
mouths sojourn ut Kuisimeo, Flu,
uhoro ho accompanied his mother,
aud sister, Dr Nina R Smith. Ho re
ports a vory enjoyable trip, and states
the Frank Hirsoli famiiy is pleis
ed with their location there.
S A Stinson, secretary of the MBA
lot. (jo in this place, received word
Monday that the claim of $1,000 for
tho policy carried, by Harry A flurt,
who died recently in Chicago, had
been allowed by the board of directors
of tho order. The policy was mado
payable to Mrs Charity Hart as bo
uefloiary. The wooden apron put in tho river
on tho Luther Hatdin farm this fall as
an experiment for protecting the bank
from tho ravages of tho river, was ro
moved Monday, and the invontor will
build a larger ono and install it instead.
Hoveral of those aprons have beet)
plaood in the river at Elk Point, S D,
and other plaoes, and tho promoter
claims thoy aro doing the work claim
ed for them.
At the scavenger tax sale, conduot
ed by County Treasurer D Q Evans
last week, everything offered was sold,
The salo will be held open until re
ceipts are issued to tho successful bid
ders, and in oaso any of them do not
como across with the amount of their
bids the property will bo offered again.
This sale practically clears up all of
DukoU county's doliuquont taxoi,
with the exception of that in which
errors wore mado in tho dosoriptlons
in tho ealo notice.
Jhs Oooloy was a passenger to
Wakefield Sunday,
Mrs 11 J Waldou visited frionds in
Wakefield tho past week.
Don't forgot Brcnns coffee, it is
still in tho lead, Van soils it.
Soo Dakota Oity Pharmacy boforo
buying your paiulH and oils. Adv.
Wo want Nebraska Farms. Soo
Land Co., 405 Fourth St., Sioux Oity.
Miss Mary Maxwell nud Miss Zota
Simms woro visitors iu Omaha laBt
John Shortluy and wifo of Sioux City
spout Sunday at tho Richard Shorlloy
Antono Wilko, of Emerson, was a
visitor horo on Monday night at tho
Sohriever home.
Mrs O E Johnson, of Jackson, wna n
visitor horo at tho Ed Sunt homo a
fow days tho pact wook.
Anyono wishing puro applo oidor,
guaranteed, for makitiR mince-meat,
or to drink, can find it at Van's.
FOR SALE Pony, harness and
buggy, $-10.00 takes tho outfit. S H
Mooro, Dakota Oity, Neb. Adv.
Parties indebted to mo pleaso como
in nnd pay part, if you can not pay it
all, us Inood tho money. VaudeZeddo.
Quit broathing that poisonous dust.
Buy a vacum carpet oleauor. J T
Knepper, agent Adv.
Anton Wilko nnd Attornoy O O
Wisdom, of Emerson, ami Dr D O
Stinson, of Leeds, Io, wero lodgo vis
itors hero Moudny ovening.
Mrs M C Snyder arrived horo last
week from Sterges, Mo, whore sho re
sided the past summer with her son.
Sho will again take up hor residenco
Nels O Hanson has just about com
pleted n sot of up-to-date buildings on
his farm southwest of town. For neat
ness in appearance thoy are hard to
We have Nebraska, bo Dakota, Min
nesota, Iowa and Texas farms for sulo
or trude. Also oity -property. Soo
Land Co. 405 Fourth St., Sioux
City. Adv.
The sacramelt of tho Lord's supper
will bo administered at tlio M E
church next Suuduy in tho morning
service. We invito tho attendance of
all christian pooplo.
On account of somo dofeot in tho
lighting plant no services wero hold ut
tho M E church Sunday evening, aud
the pastor and n largo percentage of
tho Methodist peoplo preferring light
to darkness went to the Luthoran
church aud heard n good sormon by
Rev Keller.
Tho Homo Mission program by
Emmanual Lutheran Sunday sohool,
postponed from last Sunday ovoning,
will bo given this coming Sunday
evening at 7:30 o'olook. A liberal
ofliuring for this important object 1b
earnestly desired. All are most cor
dially invited.
A rousing big meeting was hold by
tho Odd Fellows lodgo in this place
Monday evening. Tho degree toam
from the Emerson lodgo attendod,
eighteen strong, and put on the first,
second and third degroes in splendid
style, their work being complimented
by nil prosent. A delegation from
South Sioux City was ulso present.
A bounteous supper was served in the
hall at the oloso of tho meeting. The
local lodgo feels proud of the bugccsb
of the meeting.
A diminutive war broko out in tho
Krumwiodo sulooou Wednesday, whon
a coaplo of corn huskura from tho J O
Gribblo place, got into a racket with
Louis Krumwiede. Ono of the corn
buskers used a knifo on Louis Krum
wiede, slashing him on the forehead
and across ihc face, leaving nn ugly
gash on his noso. The other corn
busier shied a brick at Henry, break
ing u largo pane of glass in the front
of the building. Both the corn busk
ers wero lodgod in jail pending a
Declare War on Colds.
A crusade of education which aims
"that common colds muy becomo un
common within tho next generation"
bus been begun by prominont Now
York physicians. Horo is a list of tho
"don'tb" which the doctors say will
prevent tho annual visitation of tho
cold :
"Dont't sit in a draughty car."
"Dou't sleep in hot rooms."
"Dou't avoid tho fresh air."
"Don't stuff yourself at meal tirao.
Overoating roduocs your resistance."
To which we would add when yon
takd a cold get rid of it as quickly as
poRniblo. To accomplish that you
will flud Ohamborlaln'H Cough Romo
dy most excellent. Sold by all deulers.
Tho Ilotnny class huvo leon Dorformlnu
oxparlmonts to show tho relation of carbon
tlloxldo to animal and to plant life, nlso to
show tho proportion of lho wis.
Tho ninth Kratle Algebra ulusxurolMittlliiK
vail ntlr with a blitllst of review problem.
Which way tho tide of battle minlt ko Is
yet uncei tain,
Tho elvonth Krado 1'hyslcH class aro do
lux ItilHJiatory work, htudylns tho dllfereut
classes of lovels, the wheel and axle, pul
leys, aud the Inclined plane.
Mils Ida Orr nud Miss Harvey wore wel
come visitors In tho primary department
lust Wednesday,
Tho first nud second Krudvs nro belnit
much In tore ted In tho study of lllitwatha,
Ulydo I'orry has been out tho past ueek
helping linslccoru.
Kdtth I'orry has bcon absent ou account
of tho Illness of her mother.
The llftli and sixth grades have nenrly
completed their ThnulcsKlvlUK booklets. L
this wori is iHiiucruono in connection wui
drawing and language Iwork. Tho liookx
nro excellent speclmons of tho composition
work being douo by tlio pupils of thoso
Parents, do you know tho teachers nro
always very glad to have you visit the
school? vVo aro somewhat surprised that
so vory few patrons visit the school. Como
and see what Is doing In the big brick
Kreomnn Quintal ranked first lu tho Hfth
nud sixth grade arithmetic contest last
week, also In the sixth grade spelling con
test. Theodore Krldorlck ranks first In
Hfth grade spelling.
Tho high sohool pupils nre getting ready
for basket ball,
A Night of Terror.
Few nights aro tnoro terrible than
that of a mother looking on her child
choking and gasping for breath during
an attack of croup, and nothing in tho
houso to relieve it, Many mothers
have passed nights of terror iu this
situation. A little forethought will en
able you to avoid all this, Ohamber
lain'd Cough Remedy is a certain ouro
for croup and has never beeu known to
fail. Keep it at hand, For ualo by
lull dealers. Adv.
Fred Sohuraaok waa down to tho
couuty seat Moudny on business,,
Bedding nud blankets of every de
scription nt C Anderson Oo'a,
John Wuugh was in tho oity ono
day Inst wook.
Mr and Mrs O M RuBmusson Sun
day od ut tho L Larson home,
A full lino of overythiug neoded du
ring corn shucking, Goo Timlin, Adv.
John Grcon was a south bound pns
eengor from horo Monday.
Mr May fluid nnd family drovo to
Dakota City Sunciny to visit Mrs May
Hold's brother, A Pederson.
A full lino of Mary Jane nprous and
housu droBSOB at C Anderson Co's.
Ed llnrtuett camo down from tho
oity Monday. While horo ho bought
u iluu buuoh of calves from Patriok
Joo Hagan has boon confined to his
homo tho past two weeks owing to ill-ut-Bs,
but is slowly recovering.
Wo will pay over tho market prioo
for eggs, also bust prioo for cream nud
butter. Qeo Timlin. Adv.
Tom Long shipped n our of hogs
from hero to tho city last Saturday.
Henry Cain visited south of town
Saturday. Well, Henry has a
to visit us well us nuy ono ulso.
Soo tho new outing flannels
dross goods just receivod ut O Ander
son Co's.
Mr and Mrs W Goorlz ontertainod
a fow families ut dinuor, Suuduy.
Mrs John Greon was a Sioux City
shoppor lust Friday.
Feed your lions Leo's Egg Makor
nnd got eggs now, when tho prioo is
high. Geo Timlin. Adv.
Ed Hurtuett wns nu over night vis
itor nt tho pureutal home, Monday.
E Jensen and E ChristiuBon wero
business cullers iu Jackson Saturday.
Heavy work shirts all Bizcs and
kinds, ut 0 Anderson Co's.
11 Nelsou uud family and O Nolson
nud wife woro Suuduy guests at Kuud
RumusBeu's home near Wutorbury,
The danco given in tho Danish
Brotherhood hall lust Friduy wus fair
ly well utteudod, ubuut thirty num
bers being sold.
Bring in your produao, buttor, oggs,
etc. Wo always pay tho top prico. O
Anderson Co.
A Andersen, L Jeppersou, Chris
Jonsou, G Lursun, John Frodouoksou,
Hurry Gribble, Ernest Persiuger, Bill
uud Bon Roouey, woro couuty sent
cullers from hero Monday.
Curl Anderson m d Martin Hawk
drovo out to O Mogeusun's Monday.
If you need a good moat und food
chopper, remember we have it, Uuo
Timlin. Adv.
Georgo Book oame down from Wa
kandu Saturday. Ho returned Moudny
und his niece, Laura Beck, ucoompuu
iod him, Sho will muko her homo at
Wukuudu with her undo.
Wo carry n full lino of Ball Bund
overshoes und rubber foot wear, tho
best ou tho market, C Anderson Co.
Arthur Mogonsen is soriously ill
with diubotcB. No hope is hold out
for his recovery Lator Ho died
Tuesday night. Funeral services will
bo held at the house Thursday nt 11
n m. Rev Soreuson will preach tho
fuuorul sermon.
Duck coats, juckots, overalls, mit
tens, uud in fuot everything iu tho lino
of supplies for corn buskers' ut O An
derson Co A,
Tho young Danish pooplo, it is said,
will huvo u leap year dunoe next Fri
duy, November 15th und tho oldor
Duuish folks aro to huvo ono Novem
ber 23, aud u third is beiug pluuncd
to bo held Thanksgiving uight, No
vember 28. Guess Unit's going some,
Thorosa Krlach was hero from Slouz Oity
over Hundiiy.
11 V Hnwyor was appointed mall inossen
gor to the llurllngtau station, vlco Michael
Sullivan, resigned.
Horace Dugim lnul n loud of hogs ou tho
market ono day the last of tho wook.
Tho pupils of the public school enjoyed a
vacation last Thursday nnd Friday while
the teachers attended the teachers' con
vention in Omaha.
The insuruujo adjuster wus horo last fri
duy aud settled tho Insurance ou theoiturch
nud parsonago, which wero recently do
strojed by lira.
Thos Sullivan was transacting busliicss
In Wnlthlll lust Saturday.
Mrs M Boyle returned homo Saturday
ovoning from a fow days visit with ruin
tlvos aud friends lu Hloux City.
Mary Uolmighory hud a load of hogs on
the Hloux Oity market last Friday.
Coin picking Is tlio principal occupation
of tho farmers hereabouts these days,
liolpls vory scarce.
H F Hawyor bus Just completed raising
bis little cottage occupied by Mrs Vlda
Mixer, and putting a foundation under It,
Ho also turned It around so that the kitch
en faces south,
Tho Hlckoy llios huvo built a largo cave
and have It nicely contented to hold their
surplus iioiutoes until mo mnricci goes
higher. They hud In llftcon acies nud huvo
u lino quality uud yield.
KutoHulllvnn und little nephew, Milton
. McUiino, of Sioux (Uty, spent over Shiiduy
with her brother, Thos Kulllvun,
I Died November A. 1012. the six months
old daughter of V .1 Hellley iiul ulfo, after
a weeks Illness. Interment was mado lu
Ht Johns cemetery.
Fioderlck Hclzor. Jr. violinist will bo horo
ut the opera house, Saturday evening, No
vember 10, IW.
The Walthill Indians proved easy picking
for the Jackson ft ot bull teum here Sunday
nnd wero ilefontod by u score of lu to 0.
I .lack (Jlaik.wlio hud the llgnments of his
leg badly torn while nluylng. Is getting
along nicely at tho homo of his aunt. Mrs
1) F Waters, whoro ho was roinoved nt tho
tluioof the accident.
William A Honshuw. of Council Illuffs.
Inwn. und Florence A Hicks, of this place,
wore married at Uiualia, Monday, They
will live ut Council mulls.
On election day tho I.uthoruu Indies clear
ed IAJ serving dlunorniid supper.
Several hog doctors from tho Hwlnu nnd
Veternlary (Jo, of dhorokeo, Io, aro around
this locality doctoring sick hogs.
Miss Itessle Hughes who Is attending
school In Sheldon, Iowa, wus homo lust
wook ou a short visit witu noma folks.
I'o tor Knutz Is erecting n now brick
building for a saloon.
Mnbel Olnpp, formerly of Homer, nnd
who tho past year has beon losldlng In
Now York state with her parents. Is hero on
a visit nnd expects to go to work soon for
tho Nebraska Telephone Oo In Hloux Oity.
Ilov L H Heckler, the M K pastor, and
wife, were the recipients of a pound social
nt the parsonage Inst Thursday evening.
Mrs John do Meyer visited with rolattvci
In Nacora several days Inst week,
Mrs Mary Hymll received a telegram
Monday from Seattle, Wnsh, that her
daughter wns dangerously sick, and left
Immediately for that place,
Miss KmuinWIlktns resigned as teachor
In tho public schools and Is now working at
tho Security Htnto bank, Her place vacated
nt school will bo filled by Miss Anna 1)1
neon. She Is well known hero, as sho bus
lieou teachor lu Humor before.
Report of S. S. Convention.
Tim Ninth Annual Convention of
tho Dakota County Sundny Sohool
Association whioh convonod Friday
nnti Boiurcfuy, JNovomuor 1st and 2nd,
at tho Dakota City Emmnnual Luth
eran church, wna quito well attended
and much intorcst manifested in tho
subjoots brought boforo tho convention.
Delegates wero present from nino
diffurout Sunday schools. Tho pres
ence ol Miss Margaret E. Brown, tho
General Soorutary of tho Nobraskn
Stnto S. 8. AsBoointion, aud of V. 11.
Kimborly, SupcriLtendont of tho Adult
Department in the Btato Association,
was an inspiration to all, thoir fitting
talks nud uddrossos should provo a
help toward tho advancement of Sun
day Sohool work In our county,
Tho printed program was folio sod
quito closely. The president, Mr. J .
b. Bacon, was not able, becnuso of
business, to attond tho morning meet
ings. Rov.S. L. Keller presided iu
bimuBonco. Friday morning, greotiug)
woro received from tho Btuto ofllor-ra
und roportB of olllocra nnd department
superintendents woru given,
Tho sou rotary rovo quito a compre
hensive report, nooording to tho Btato
meut of tho Geuoral Beorotary. Thoro
nro fourteen protostant Sunday schools
lu our county. Two-thirds of them
now lino tho grndod lessons in tho Ele
mentary Dopartmouts. Most of them
show u epirit of growth aud advauoo
mout at tho present timo.
Mr, Kimborly gavo an instructive
address ou "Toaohor Training," Impor
tant points of whioh woro: Tho Im
portauco of Teacher Training, Tho
Why of it, Tho Tho Toaohor Musr
Know The Book, Tho Toucher Must
Know tho child, The Teachor Must
Know tho Suuday Sohool, Tho Teach
er Must Know tho Associations,
(County Stato, &o.) Tho Teaoher Must
know now to study tho lossou. Every
body is eligible to tako tho course.
Tho Noou Hour Prayer Cirolo was
explained by Miss Brown. Always at
tho General oflloo iu Chicago nud tho
Stato oflloo prayer for Suuduy Sohool
work aud workers is offorod just nt
noou timo. This year tho Gouoral
officers huvo nrrnnged it calender of
piuceu for prayer. Tho plnooB for
prayer ou November 1 woro tho state
of Illinois uud Italy; ou November 3,
statu of Indiana and Malta . On both
of thuso days spocinl prayor was offer
ed for ubove places. November 22 is
chosen for prayer for Nebraska. All
are asked to remomber tho day,
Ou Friday afternoou tho Presidont
gave an inspiring address. 'Hub was
followed by u most interesting Bynv
posium on "What Should bo Done to
Iucroaso tho Attendance at Sunday
Sohool," By tho Pastor, by Rev Joliu
Sorouseu; by tho Suporiutuudout, Miss
Blunoho Hamilton; by tho Toaohor, J.
1'. Knoppor; by the Parents, W. fl.
Kimborly. Many oxuelluut thoughts
wero expressed,
Tho Itound-Tablo ou "Graded Sun
day Schools" by Miss Brown wub also
Friday night wns given over to tho
two nddrossea by tho stato workers
Miss Drown, very ontortaiuingly telling
us of "Somo Boys und Girls I Huvo
Kuowu" uud Mr. Kimburly explained
the different orgunizatious of Suuduy
School Work, uud why ouch S. S. is
ii8kud to puy an npportioumout tn
county and Btato work.
On Suturduy moining delegates from
tho different schools told "The Best
Thing Our Sohool Hub Dono tho Pust
Miss Brown gave n talk on "Tho
Weak Points of Rural Sunday Schools
uud Remedies," followed by two stories
intertuiuingly told to tho primary
children prosent.
The song by tho girls of Mrs. Nate
Millet's orguuizod S. S. clues was en
joyed. Tho business mooting ocourrod Sut
urduy afternoon. The following ufll
oors woro elected for tho ensuing your:
President J. 3. Bacon
Vice-President.... Rov. J. Crows
Mrs. D. M. Neiswanger
Tho following Superintendents woro
elected :
Toucher Training.. t... Mrs, S. Lopp
Elomontary Division
, Mrs. John Clayton
Seoondnry R. E. Evans
Adult , S . G. GuBSor
Pastor's Dnp't Rev. J. Soronsuu
Homo and Visitation Dop't
'. MUs Auna Hugor
Missionary Dup't. .Mrs. Samuel Hoikes
Temporuuco Dop't. .Rev. L. R.Heakler
Tho invitation of tho M. E. B. S. nt
Homer wub unanimously acoeptod as
tho plaoo of holding tho next year's
Thu following resolution was adopt
od: "We, tho resolution oommittno ro
spcctfully offer thu following resolu
tions: Ho it resolved l'irst, that wo ex
tend our thanks to tho mombors of tho
Lutheran ohtirch nnd tho people of
Dakota City who huvo so ugroeubly
entertained us in their homes aud
opened their church for our conven
tion. Second, That wo formally nok
nowledgu tho presonao und helpful
service of W , H. Kimborly und Miss
Margaret E. Brown for thoir work
among us.
Third. That wo reoognizn tho
faithfulness of Mr. J . 8 , lliicou und
Mrs, D, M, Neiswunger uud tho vari
ous othor ofllosrs.
Fourth. That wo also appreciate
tho help that bus beeu extoudud by thu
other spoakers, musicians und com
mittees who huvo helped muko this
mooting so successful,
Mrs Nato Miller,
Mrs. R . A. Voss,
Burt Kroeson,
Tho Beginners Oluss, consisting of
thirteen little children from tho South
Sioux City Presbytorian S. 8,, taught
by Mrs. S. B, Lopp, wus very inter
esting. Thoy woro aftorwards enter
tuined by sovoral Btories told by Miss
A moat interesting quoation box was
conduoted by Mr. Kimberly. A letter
of greeting from tho President of the
N E District, Mr. John Winebronner,
now iu Florida, was read by Mrs, Goo,
Bates. .
Tho oonvontion adjoumod aftor a
most suooessful sosaion,
Mrs. D. M. Noiswangor, Soo.
Tho Hornld and MoOall's Magazine
with frco pattern, for $1.30, is somo
bargain, Ask for froo sainplo copy,
Specials for Saturday, Nov. 16
For this Dsvy Only
7 pounds of Sweet Potatoes 25c
2 Cans Extra Standard Corn 15c
6 Cans Oil Sardines 25c
75c Can of Ripe Olives. . 65c
3 Cans Strawberries '. , . , , 25c
2lb Can Extra Pumpkin. 4 . ..10c
Sack of Puritan Flour $1.40
HOSIER Y c nave iust received an elegant new
line of the famous Arrow Brand Hos
iery for men, women, misses and children, from.thc cele
brated Richmond Hosiery Mills. This is considered the
best brand of hose on the market for the money, and we
have marked them at prices that cannot be duplicated
Dakota. City
Our Stocks are Complete
and We Can Make
Prompt Delivery on
Hsurd stfid.
C 0 A L
Try Our V
Wcnonai Lump
for Kitchen Stove
Edwards and Bradford
Lumber Co.
rU U
(Henry's Place;
East of the Court House for the Best in
I Wines, Liquor and Cigars !
Bond & Lillard, Old Elk,
Nmlife Beer
I Henry Kriimwiedei
November 19tli and Docombor 3rd
io Powell. Wyoming
Join mi on one of these excursions and let me show you
these rich farm lands irrigated, by the government vhere you do
not have to pay a profit to anyone, simply return to Uncle Sam
during the next 12 years the actual cost of irrigation.
ALFALFA; Here you can see about 12,000 acres of alfalfa
now in stack. It is a wonderful showing and tells you better
than I can what you can do on yonr homestead.
more than three or four miles from Powell to get as good farms
as any now growing bumper cropi.
Write today for illustrated folder with map showing how conven
iently these gifts of the Government are located.
1). Clem
City, Neb.
11 for All nhe
mSk-KJL 1Wr, Wh.n I
Sherwood Rye Whiskies. I
or Korf
Dakota City. Wtbrmtka
Denver, Immigration Agent