w aT1BflaMBBj'yaBi u fei '1 Li IF" J beV e IU 7! i) fl U WBB js. as r"M J rl i Iesht BSiWE Efl lajrai 6YN0P8I3. . The scene nt tlio opcnlns of the story In laid in the llbnuy of nn old worn-nut Kouthcrn plnntullon, known ns the B-jr-ony. The place Is to be sold, nnd Its history nnd Hint of the owners the tjulnturds, Is the subject of discussion by Jonathan Crenshaw, ft business man. a ptrnnEer known ns Blnclen, nnd Iioo Ynncy, a farmer, when Hannibal Wayne Ha2ard, a mysterious child of the old noulhcrn family, mnltcs his appenranco. Yancy tells how he Adopted the boy Na thanlel Kcrrls buys the Uarony, but tie Qulntards deny nny knowledge of tlio boy. Yancy to keep Hannibal. Captain Murrell, a friend of thn Qulntards, np pears nnd asks questions about the uar ony. Trouble nt Scratch Hill, when Han nibal Is kldnnpcd by Dave Ulount, Cap tain Murrell's uKcnt. Yancy overtakes Ulount, gives him a thrashing and seiuroa the boy. Yancy appears boforo Biulre Balaam, anil Is discharged with costs for the nlnintlft. Belly Mnlroy, a frlcn'I f the rcrrlaes, has an encounter with I ap tain Murrell, who forces his attentions on her. nnd Is rescued by Hruco CnrlriKton Betty sets out for her Tennessee home Carrinston takes tho samo stnee. Ynncj and Hannibal disappear, with Murrell on their trail Hannlintl hiiivuj at the horn of Judgo Slocum l'rlco. The Judge rcoB nlzes In the boy, tho KrmiJKon of an old time friend. Murrell arrives at Judge's lioiuu lutendiBii family on raft rtsiUf Yancy, who Is apparently dead 1'rlce breaks Jail Iletti and Currlnnton nrrlvt nt Bello Plain. Hnnnlbal's rllle dl' lose some startling things to the Judgo linn nlbal and Hetty meet again Murrell ar rives In Relle Plain. Is playing for big stakes. ancy awakes from long dream less sleep on board tho raft. Judge I'rlce makes startling discoveries In looking up land titles. Charley Norton, a young planter, who assists the Judge, Is mys terlously assaulted Norton Informi Car rlngton that Hetty has promised to marry lm. Norton Is mysteriously shot More light on Murrell's plot. Ho plans upris ing of negroes. Judge Price, with Hannl bal, visits Hetty, nnd she keeps the boy as a companion. In a stroll Hetty takos Kith Hannibal they meet Bess Hicks, daughter of the overseer, who warns Betty of danger and counsels her to leave Belle Plain at once, Hetty, terri fied, acts on Hcs' advlco, nnd on their "way their carriage is stopped by Hlosson. the tavern Keeper, and a confcdeiate, and Betty and Hannibal nre made prisoners. The pair are taken to Hicks' cabin, In an Almost Inaccessible spot, end tbero Mic roti visits Batty and reveals his part In the plot and his object. Betty spurns his proffered love and tho Interview Is ended by the arrival of Ware, terrified At posslblo outcome of the crime. Judge Price, hearing of tho abduction, plans ac tion. The Judge takes charge of th situation, and search for the missing one Is Instituted. Carrlngton visits the Judge and allies are discovered. Judgo Price -visits Colonel Fentress, where he meets Yancy nnd Cavendish. Becoming enraged, Price dashes a class of whisky Into the colonel's face and a duel Is arranged. Mur rell Is anested for negro stealing and his bubble bursts. The Judge and Muhaffy discuss the coming duel. CHAPTER XXVII. (Continued.) Ho waited now for tho night to come, and to him tho sun beomod llxed In tho heavens. At Hello Plain Tom Ware was watching It with a shuddering sense of tho swiftness ol Us flight. Out at last tho tops ol tho tall trees obscured It; It sank quickly then and btazod a ball ol lire beyond the Arkansas coast, v.'hllo Its dying glory spread aslant tho ht'avens, turn ing tho Hanks of tho gray clouds to violet ana purplo and gold. With tho first approach of darkness Carrlngton mndo bis way to tho shed Hidden in tbo shadow bo paused to listen, and fancied ho beard dllncult breathing from within. Tbo door I creaked hideously on its wooden binges when ho pushed It open, but as It swung back tho last remnant ot tho day's light showed him eomo dark object lying prono on tbo dirt Hour. He reached down and bis band rested on a man's booted foot. "Qeoige " Carrlngton spolco coftly, but tbo man on tbo floor gavo no sign that bo beard, and Carrington's ques tioning touch stealing higher be found that George if It wero Ucorgo waa lying on bis side with bis arms and legs securely bound. Thinking bo slept, tbo Kentucklan shook him gent ly to arouse him. "George?" be repeated, still bend ing above him. This time an Inartic ulate murmur answered him. At tho samo Instant tbo woolly bead or the negro carao under bis lingers and bo discovered the reason of bis Bllenco. He waa as securely gagged as bo was bound. "Listen, George It's Carrlngton 1 am going to take off this gag, but don't speak above a ybisper they may bear us I" And be cut tbo cords that bold tbo gag In place. "How yo' got hero, Maa'r Ca'lng ton?' asked tbo negro guardedly, as the gag fell away, "Around the bead ot the bayou." "Lawdl" exclaimed George, In a tone of wonder. "Where's Miss Betty?" "Bhfl'fl In thn cabin vnnrinr tri tbo lovo'of God, cut tbeso here other ropes with yo' knlfo, Mas'r Ca'lugton I'm perlahln' with 'em I" Carrlng ton did ae be asked, nnd gruaulug, Georgo sat erect. "I'm like 1 was gone to Bleep all over," bo said. "Y6ull feel better In a moment Toll me about MIbs Malroy7" "They done fetched us here last night 1 was drlvin' Missy Into Hut elgh her and young Mas'r Hazard when fo" men stop ua In tho road " "Who ero they, do you knowr asked Carrlngton. Lawd what's that?" Carrlngton, knlfo In hand, swung about on bis bccl. A lantern's light flashed suddenly In bis face and Uesa Hicks, with a low startled cry break ing from ber lips. pauBod In the door way. Springing- forward. Carrlngton seized ber by tho wrist. "Hush!" be grimly warned. "What are you doin' here?" demand ed tho girl, as she ondcavorod to shake off bis hand, but Carrlngton drew her Into tho shed, nnd closing tho door, Bet his back against it Thero waa a brief Bllenco during which Uess re garded tho Kentucklan with n kind ot Overwork Is Words of Two Prominent Men That Should be Considered by Every Busy Person, Woman can rail at tbe folly of overwork and she gets scant heed Here Is what two prominent men havo to say about it Wbother they prac tice as thoy preach la beat known to tbemsolves. hut tho sentiment Is all right Cbauncoy Depow has said: "I do not ,cllove In nvorwork, and the body can jot endnro it" Kirkhnm, In his "Recources," writes: "If wn do not play enough It Ic bo causn we aro overfond of business and because tho modern Ideal Is, not a well-rounded man of elevated mind, bealtby body and dlvera resources, but I rich roan, n man ot property oi one Jesource only. Another reason Is, play Implies leisure, and leisure la tho cardinal heresy against the religion of trade, tbe dogma of business. Tbe orthodox view 1b a lite of constant t- mm j 7""wn v si 'i fotfty'Wf wmmmmmMMammmmHamzmmmmmmmmmixmmmmmmmHm He Was as Securely Gagged as He Was Bound. stolid fearlossncss. Sbo was tho llrst to speak. "I reckon you-all havo coroo after Miss Malroy," . sbo observed quietly. "Then you reckon right," answered Carrlngton. The girl studied him from ber level browB. "And you-all think you can take ber away from here," sho speculated. "1 ain't afraid of yo' knlfo you-all might use U fast enough on a man, but not on me. I'll help you," she added. Carrlngton gavo ber an In credulous glance. "You don't believe mo? That would fetch our men up from the keel boat No yo-ail's knlfo wouldn't stop mot" "Don't bo too suro of that," said Carrlngton sternly. Tho girl met the monace of bis wordu with soft, full throated latightor. "Why, yo' hand's sbakln' now, Mr. Carrlngton I" "You know me?" "Yes, I seen you onco at UoggsV Sbo mado an Impatient movement. "You can't do notblng against them fo' men unless 1 help you. Mlsa Mai roy's to go down river tonight; they'ro only waiting fo' a pilot you all's got to act quick!" Carrlngton hesitated. "Why do you want Miss Malroy to escapo?" ho said. Tbo girl's mood changed abruptly. "I reckon that's a prlvato matter. Ain't It enough fo' you-all to know that I do? I'm showing bow It can bo done. Them four men on tbo keol boat are strangers in tbeso parts, they'ro wnlting fo' a pilot, but they don't know who he'll bo. 1'vo heard you-all was a river-man; what's to hinder yo' taking tbo pilot's placo? Looks tlko yo' was willing to risk yo life fo' Miss Malroy or you wouldn't bo hero." "I'm ready," said Carrlngton, bis hand on tbo door. "No, you nlu't Jest yet," lntorposGd tho girl, hastily. "Listen to mo first Thoy'B a dugout tied up 'bout a hun dred ynrds ubovo tbe keel boat; you must get that to cross In to tho other stdo of tbo bayou, then when yo'ro ready to coino back yo'ro to whistle thrco times It's tho Hlgnal we're ox poctlug and I'll row across fo' you In ono ot the skiffs." "Can you sco Miss Mnlroy In the moiiutitnu?" "If I want to, tbey's nothln' to hin der mo," responded Mobb sullonly. "Tell her tben " began Cnrrlng. ton, hut Hess Interrupted him. "I know what yo' want Sho ain't Great Folly fjrt, followed by retirement and rest. Tho fruit of that doctrlno Is a host of prematurely old men, synlchl, dyBpep tlc, norvoaUy dopleted, without re sources, ut.t with monoy; that Is to say, dead won." If InBtend of nagging, tho worrying wifo or juotbor has those two nnra. graphs stuck In tho mirror of the man ,whoa overwork Is rankest folly, abe may make an Impression before the ovomralu has oarned Its euro pennlty ot a bad breakdown. Removal of Tattooing. Until tho p'eBont time It was thought that tattooing on tho skin wob of a porraanont character, but It Is said that u French array ofllcor has discovered a process which, If care fully followed, will take theso marks from tbo flosh so effectually that thoy cannot be detected by any means what ever The procoss consists of first rubbing tbo skin until a thin layer ot tho Burfaco Is worn away, then apply- , THE I PRODIGAL JUDGE Jy VUOHAM KESTER. M miSTQATlOffS ISY 'JJ.MELVIU Cop"!"!! it" fmOctei Meo'itt Ccvwr 1 to cry out or nothln' when sho Bees you-all. 1 got sense enough fo' that." Carrlngton looked nt her curiously. "This may bo a serious business for your people," bo said significantly, and watched her narrowly. "And you-all may get killed. 1 reck In ir yo' want to do anything bad enough you don't mind much what comes after," sbo answered with a hard llttlo laugh, as she went from tbe shed. "Comet" Raid Carrlngton to the ne gro, when ho bad seen tbo cabin door close on Bess and ber lantern; and thoy stole across tbe clearing. Reach ing tbe bayou side they began a noise less senrch for tbe dugout, which they quickly found, and Carrlngton turned to George. "Can you swim?" be asked. "Yes, Mas'r." 'Thon go down Into tho water and drag the canoe farther along tbe Bboro and for God's sake, no sound I" he cautioned. They placed a second hundred yards betwen themselves and tho keel boat in tbU mannor, tben ho bad Goorge bring tho dug-out to tho bank, and they ombarked. Keeping within the shadow of the trees that fringed tbo shore, Carrlngton paddled silent ly about tbe bead ot ,tbo bayou. "George," ho at length said, bend ing townrd tbo negro; "my horBe Is tied In the woods on tbo right-band side of tbe rond Just where you were taken from tbo carriage last night you can bo at llollo Plain lnsldo ot an hour." "Look here, Mas'r Ca'lngton, those folks yonder is kin to Boss Hicks, ir ho gets his hand on mo first don't you reckon ho'll stop my mouth? I been hero heaps of tlmos fotchln' let torB fo" Mas'r Tom," added George. "Who were tho letters for?" asked tho Kentucklan, greatly surprised "They waa fo' that nnptaln Murrell; Booms llko blm and Mas'r Tom was mixed up in a Bight of business." "When was this recently?" In quired Carrlngton. He waH turning ovor this natonlBhlng statement ot tho slavo over In bis mind. "Well, no, Mas'r; seems llko they ain't eo thick here rwi'itlly." "I reckon you'd hotter keep away from the big houso yot a while," snld Carrlngton. "lnstcnd ot going there, atop ut tho Hello Plain landing. You'll Hud a raft tied up to tho shore; It be longs' to a man named Cavendish. Tell him what you know that I'vo tound MIsh Malroy and tho boy toll'blm to Ing a mixture ot lltno. slaked Just bo foro use, and powdered phosphorus. The tntooqd part having been coated with this paato, a plcco of gauzo Is laid over it, covered with u bandage. Tbe dresrtng is removed after 48 hours, Tho scab Is allowed to dry In the air, and comes away In nbout a fortnight, without leaving a scar. If any trnco of the tattooing thon ro mnlnB, tlio treatment L repented Tho discoverer claims to havo applied this treatment In a great many casos with perfect success. Bas.Rellefs of the Stone Age. Some largo baa-rellefs dating from tho Stono Ago havo Just been dis covered at Lanosot, In the French prov Inco of Dordogne, Thoy are sculp tured on tbe rock of a shallow grot to, and solely represent animals It Is thought that the primitive sculptors probably refrained from Introducing tho human figure In art by a tabu similar to tho present Mohametan tabu on such representation The animals shown In tho reliefs are rein deer, oxen bisons and a hugo horse ot prehlstorlo dimensions. mst off and drift down hero. I'll run tho keel boat aground the tlrst chanco I get, po tell him to keep a sharp lookout." CHAPTER XXVIII. Tho Keel Boat. A few minutes later thoy had sepa rated, Georgo to hurry away In search of tho horse, nnd Carrlngton to pass bnck along the shore until ho gnlncd a point opposite the clearing. Ho whistled shrilly threo times, and alter an interval of walling heard tho splash of oars und presently saw a skiff steal out ot the gloom. "Who's there?" It was Hess who asked the question "Carrlngton," ho answered. "Lucky you nln't mot tho other man!" sho said as Bbo swept her skirt alongside tho bank "Lucky for him, you menn. I'll tnko the oars," added Carrlngton, as no entered the skiff Slowly tho clearing lifted out ot tho darkness, then the keel boat beenrno distinguishable; und Carrlngton checked tho skiff by a backward stroko of tbo oars "Hello!" ho called. Thore was no immediate answer to his hnll, and ho called again as ho sent tho skirt forward. "What do you want?" asked a surly volco "You want Slosson!" quickly prompted tho girl In a whisper. "I wnnt to see Slosson!" said Car rlngton glibly and with conUdcnce. "Who bo you?" "Murrell sent you," prompted tho girl again, in a hurried whisper. "Murrell " And In u!b astonish ment Carrlngton spoke aloud. "Murrell?" cried tho volco shnrply. " sont mo!" said Carrlngton quick- ly, as thougb completing an unfin ished sentenco. The girl laughed nerv ously under ber breath. "Uow clostcr!" camo tho sullen rommnnd, nnd tbo Kentucklan did as he waB bidden. Four men stood in tho bow of tho keel boat, a lantern was raised alort and by Its light they looked hlra over. There was a mo ment's slleuco broken by Carrlngton, who asked: "Which ono of you Is Slosson?" "I'm Slosson," answered tbo man with tho lantern. Tho previous night Mr. Slosson had been somewhat un der tho enlivening and elevating In fluence of corn whisky, but now ha was his own cheerless self, nnd rath er Jaded by tho passing of tho hours which ho had sacrificed to nn Irk 8omo responsibility. "What word do you fetch from tho captain, brothor?" bo demanded. "Miss Malroy is to be taken down river," responded Carrlngton Slosson swore with surpassing flu ency. "Say, we're live able-bodied men risking our neck? to oblige him! You can get married a damn fclght easier than this if you go about it right l'vo done It lota of times." Not under standing tbo significance of Slosson'a allusion to bis own matrimonial ca reer, Carrlngton held his poace The tavern-keeper aworo again with un impaired vigor. "You'll And mighty few men with more experience than me," he asserted, shaking his head. "But if you sny tho word " "I'm oil for gottlng shut of this I " answered Carrlngton ' promptly, with a sweep of bis arm. "I call these pretty close quarters!" Still shaking bis bead and mutter ing, tho tnvern-keoper sprang ashore and mounted the bank, wbero bla slouching figure quickly lost ltsolf la tho night Carrlngton took up bis station on the flat roof of tbo cabin which tilled the stern of the boat "If I'd only pushed my quarrel with blm!" ho thought bitterly. He heard Slosson'a shuttling step In tho distance, a word or two when he spoke gruffly to some ono, and a mo ment lator he saw Betty and the boy, their forma darkly silhouetted against tho lighter sky aa .hcy moved along tho top of tho bank. Slosson, with out any superfluous gallantry, helped, his captives down the slope and aboard the keol boat, wbero be locked them In tho cabin, the door of which fastened with a hasp and wooden peg. "You're boss now, pardner!" ho said, Joining Carrlngton at tbe steer Ins; oar. "We'll cast oft tben," answered Carrlngton. Thus far nothing bad occurred to mar bis pinna. If they could but qutt tho bnyou before tho arrival of the man whose pinco ho had taken tbo rest would bo. If not easy of accom plishment, nt least within the realm of the possible. "I reckon you're a rlvor-manr oc scrved SlosBon. "All my llfo," The, lino had been cast oft, nnd the crew with their setting poles wero forcing tho boat away from tbo bank. All was quietly dono: except Tor nn occasional ordor from Carrlngton no word was spoken, nnd soon the un wieldy craft gilded Into the Blugglsu current nnd gathi ny. Mr Slos sou, who clearly regarded his relation to tho adventuro as bolng of nn ofll clal chnrnctor, continued to stand at Carrington's elbow (TO BR CONTINUED.) Not tho Real Thing. From n city npnrtment llttlo Jnck waB going for tho first tlmo to spend Christmas at bla grandfathor's farm. As ho ran up tho steps of tho old houso his grandmother cnught him up , In nor nrms and put him down, rosy and laughing, boforo tno greai tog uro In the living room. "Isn't that tine, Jncklo, boy?" she said "You don't have big log Urea llko that In New York, do you?" Tl; boy looked with wldo-eyed de light at tho huge logs bb thoy blazed and crackled In tho gonwous old tire place, but bo wob stancbly loyal to bis "alx rooms and bath." "It's nice, grandma, but It's only an Imitation gas log. isn't It? Wo have real ohcb In my house." Llpplncott'o, Less Poetic. As I was walking along tho street I saw a little girl who usually Inter ested me, nnd 1 said to her; "What a brluht llttlo girl you nre, I can Just boo tho sunbeams playlug all over your faco" She looked up laughing and said "Hum! My mamma call those trockloB." Exchange, SHE COULD ANSWER FOR HIM tittle Comfort for Candidate In Rea son Assigned by Wife for Her Being Confident. Mr Wllllnma, one of five candidates for the olllcu of sheriff In one of tho northern countieB of Wisconsin, was making a housc-to-houso ennvaas of a rural district, soliciting votes Com Ing to tho houso of Farmer Thompson, ho was met nt tho door by tho good housewife, and tho following dlaloglio ensued . "Is Mr Thompson at homo?" "No; ho has gono to town." "1 nm very borry, ns I would havp liked to talk to him." "Is there anything I can toll him for you?" "My name Is Williams, cnndldato for sheriff, nnd 1 wanted to exact a prom lse, from him to votn for mo at tho coming election." "Oh that will bo all right I know ho will promise, for ho has already promised four other candidates the Bame thing" Norman E. Mack's Na tional Monthly. PIMPLES COVERED FACE 1C13 Dayton St., Chicago. 111. "My fnco was very red nnd Irritated nnd was covered with pimples. Tho pim ples festered and came to a head. They Itched and burned and when I scratched them becamo soro. I tried soaps and they would not stop the Itching and burning of tho skin. This lasted for a month or more. At last I tried Cutlcura Ointment and Soap. They took out tho burning and Itching of Uf j skin, soothing It very much and glv'.nc; the relief that tho others failed to give mo. I used tho Cutlcura Soap and Ointment about threo weeks and was completely cured." (Signed) Miss Clara Mueller, Mar. 1C, 1012. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Samplo of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dopt L, Boston." Adv. Explains the Undertaker's Grouch. "Who is that fellcv Bitting humped up and muttering to himself out thero on tho horse block?" "Aw, that's Ezra Toombs, tho under taker," replied 'Mio landlord of tho Skeedeo tavern. "Ile'B feeling soro over tho way his business has been going of late. You see, tho doctor gavo Judge Peebles two weeks to live; that was six weeks ago, nnd the Judgo is up and around now and ilggerln on marryln' again. Every tlmo Ezra meets U" doctor ho asks him, 'Kow about It hey?' and they have a row And now he's slttin' out there watch ing a tramp painter gliding the weath er vano of tho church across the street. Ezra says, by Heck, he's about ready to move away, things Is so dead here." Kansas City Star. Wise Young Man. That was a very wise Cambridge ftudent ot whom tho London story tellers were talking some tlmo ago. One ot his college friends finding him self without funds, went to this Sol omon ot students to borrow. He found him In bed. Seizing htm by the shoul der, ho shook him. "I say," he Bald, "are you asleep?" "Why do you ask?" queried the other, sleepily. "I want to borrow a sovereign." "Yes," salt the other, turning ovor and" closing his eyes. "I'm asleep." Protected Both Wsys. Two conservative, ladles or old fashioned notions were traveling In tho west and, becoming Interested in n young girl on tho train, finally asked why she was making so long a Jour ney alone. They wero greatly shock ed at her blltho explanation: "Well, you see, my mother and step father live at ono end of the Journey, nnd my father and stepmother live at tho other. They send me to each other twlco a year, so there Isn't a bit ot danger with four parents all ou ho lookout!" Mooted Question. "How's Willie getting on at that free thought Sunday school you're Bending him to?" "First rate, from last accounts. Ho asked his pretty lady teachor who It was that first bit tho applo in the Gnrden of Eden. Willie says she looked him straight In the oyo and Bald nobody know; that they'd beon trjlng to figure It out for tho last 6,000 years." Mother Goose In Poultry Trade. "It is roported that tho following occurred In a small poultry store kept by tho widow ot tho deceased merchant. "I should llko to sco a nlco fat goose," said a customer, entering the shop. "Yes, sir," replied the boy. "Moth er will bo down directly." Woman's Homo Companion. Official Scoring. "Should Bluchor got tho credit for winning Watorloo?" "No; that victory Is properly cred ited to Wellington. Bluchor didn't ro Hevo him until about tho eighth In ning." Palliating News. "Oh, dear, ofllcor, was my poor hus band shot when you got him to the station?" "No, madam; only half shot" Mrs. Wlnslow' Soothing Bjrnp for Children teetblng. sollens the gumn, reducett lailatnma t Urn, allays pain, cure wind colic, I5ca bottle. AilT. i More firm and euro tho hand of courngo strikes when It obeys tho watchful oyn of caution. Thomson. Is It a blow to spiritualism when a man strikes a happy medium? For DISTEMPER Sura cur tndpMlttTt or 'eiDoeed Liquid trivtn PoiMuouijrorms from mo bodjr cairrallt oiltry LrirrtMlilnif lit Mock remedy and l.fln kldnej reraMj rMl Mlllllir lit PUTNAM Solormoreiroolt)nBhterndfa,iter colors tnananrotherdye. UneJOc package colors all fiberi. Iheydyelncold waterlwtterthananvothfrriv.. Vminn ye any sarment without ripping apart. Wnte for tree booklet How to Dye, Uleaca and MU Colori. Mo N R O I? i !tj jj G cu M PAN 1 Y. Qui nc y. l JSSfiE Every Boy and Girl K Every Boy Wants a i ft P i We want every smoker in this country to know how good Liggett Gf Myers Duke's Mixture is. Every grain in that big one and a half ounce 5c sack is pure, clean tobacco a delightful smoke in a pipe or any other way you wish to use it. And with each sack you now get A Free Present Coupon These coupons are good for hundreds of valuable pres ents, such ns watches, toilet articles, silverware, furni ture, and dozens of other articles suitable for every member of the family. ' You will surely like Duke's Mixture, made by Liggett cf Myers at Durham, N. C, and the presents cannot fail 8 Hlillfe sV ' j1iS!ak.8L ly sww Ty i 'i r3 - . aw :.t . Tii-w "HgiBiji1 ,t j i" il" ,'i.M 227 Bushels of Corn to the Acre This crop was raised in the season of 1911 by a boy in Mississippi Can you do as well on your high pneed land? Living is pleasant in the south. You can be outdoors all the time and can raise from 2 to 4 crops a year. Alfalfa, cot ton, com, oats, cowpeas, cabbage, tweet and Irish potatoes, tomatoes and fruits of all kinds grow equally well. Go South, Young Man and Grow Rich For beautifully illustrated booklets and full information write to J. C. CLAIR, Immigration Commissioner, Room D600, Central Station, I. C. R. R., Chicago SUGARED. Kitty (blushing) I nm angry with Horace, and I only gavo you that kiss through revenge. Harry (laughing) It reminded mo of revenge. Kitty In ubat way? Harry Woll, you know, "rovongo Is BWeoL" Timely Reminder. "We aro still mining ore, growing cotton and manufacturing steol," said tho American host. "Why do you tell mo that?" in quired tho foreign visitor. "I Just wnnt to remind you that the country is producing something be sldeo politics." Big Difference. "Did you havo any osculatory entor talnmenc nt your party?" "No; only soma kissing games." Accounted For. 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HOUSTON PEH COMPANY " Manufacturers of TUK Hodbtoic Pen A Projt erlyUalnnceil Foiirj talnPen, "Built for DtiBltiCha. anil Always Ilenily for Action." We rrp.ilr all makes of Fountain Pens. Eictiini!li!c,SlajiCilj,l. Pool 6 Billiard Tables Iceless Fountains 0. II. Jenklnion Co.. 421 -423 Pearl St.. Sioux City, Is. RICHARD VEEBER CASH BUYER OF POULTRY Stock Yards, Sioux Cify, la. You Get Value Received When You Buy TOIIB I p YELL ysoap The kind uith the YELLOW BAND Sold by all grocers, the bands are valuable I II AVE a fine KNABEFIANO, in Rood: cqpdition. Must sell it. Will take 1175 cath or part caili, balance on monthly payments. Write at Once to J. Sioux f!ifv i laws C-0 Box 282 State I u,uu -"7 pay down and what size monthly payment!. H I JWKmtTstwXSSxf -v HUH &424avg ' '.' "n Hk. m -