(?," 4? IN 1 "T" V What TOore Can Oive flsk? Xearning GOOD Dunking since 18SG. Using every scrap of knowledge every dollar made and saved in this bank for YOU. Giving it each moment, the conscientious care that makes for success. Guarantee ing each deposit with every dollar and every acre of land of the owners. It's the REAL Bank of ALL the People when they KNOW: (And they're learning very fast.) We especially desire Farmer Customers. May we not see vou soon? Just "Get Acquaint ed," call if nothing more. IT'S ABSOLUTELY "WORTH WHILE" knowing and dealing here. Banking by Mail here Safe aiTd Sure, Pleasant and Profitable. Id - West Baurvk EDWARD T. KEARNEY, President. Immhimimiiip WM 1 -I To vk jutuuai ii&ma Qk Wk J-s BBBM i ON THE FIRE That's when you begin to realize the kind of gro ceries we keep There is cooking satisfaction in them. Buy your Groceries from us. Save your patience and your home will be a happy one. j.f. Van. e Zedde Your Grocer Dakota City - - Nebraska Try Solace At Our Expense Money Back for any case of Itlioumu ism, Nt'iira gin or Hi. (1 cli1' tli.n Niliieo Fails to Ui'licYH SOLACE REMEDY Is a recent medlcfU discovery of tlneo German Scientists Unit neutiallzoi Urlu AcUl ami purities tlio blood. It l easy to tlco, unci will not ollect the weakest .stomach. It 13 guaranteed miller tho I'uro fond and Dims Law to lie absolutely (ice of opiates or lim mful d urs of liny description. SOLACC lsupuio ipealtlu III tablet form and tins been pi oven beyond quonion to lie the surest and quickest leinedy for Uile Acid trouble; known to medical science, no matter how long standing. It reuclio.aiid romovos the toot of the trouble (Uilo Acid) and purines tho blood. THE SOLACE CO, or ISattlo Oicok itio the Sole U. H. Agents and liavo over two thousand voluntary testimonial letteis which Jiuve been received fioni Kiatefm people SOLACE lias restoied to health. Testimonial letters, llteinture oiud FREE BOX sent upon request. V It. f.oe Mori Is. president of the Klrst Na tional bank of Uhlco, Texas, wroto tho Sol ace Company as follows: "I want 3 ou to send n box of -olneo to my fathqi' lu Memphis, Teun., for which I en close tl. This lemedy has been usod by Home fi Kinds of mind lieie Hli.l I only hope U will beuvUt my father us It has them. Slirnedl It. I.. Mollis. Put in) In 25c. Wo and ll.m boxes. IT'SMUHTV FINE TO BE WELL AND YOU CAN SOON BE SO BY T KING SOLACE "No. Special I'rcatnient. Koliutnes or Fees." Just SOLACE alone does the Trorl:. Write today for tho f i eo box, ot . SOLACE REMEDY Co., Jlattlo Ureck, Mich, They Make You Feell Good. Tho pluuhiiiit purgulivH -ffeofc pro dlleed liv ChiiiubHi Iain's Kliiuisoh and Liver Tablets and the healthy condi tion of body and mind wliiol. they cro ute make olio feel joyful. For sale by all desleis. Roal estate loans. Goo WilkiuB Adv Headquarters (or nil school supplies at tho Dakota Oity Pharmacy. Wn will pay 25o per doz for eggs, and 28j for butter. Knepper's Cash Grooory. Adv. J J Elmers returned Sunday from a weeks trip to Texas, where ho wont to look over the laud. Judge It E Evuus went to Pender Tuesday veiling n legul business, rp turning Wednesday. Mrs Edith Triggs Anil two ohildreu wore here from ft Dodge, Io, from Thursday Inst until Monday. Vati de Zodde is trying to mako your living comn oheaper by selling Homo article below cost. Adv F II March, a former druggist at tho Dakota Oity Pharmacy, movod with his wife to Omaha tho past week. Wo hnvo a nice display of alutn ninuw ware and also a niuo stock of hardware, grunitwaro, etc, at light prices. Schriever Bros. John Buoliert ttud wife announce tho ariival of a granddaughter at the homo of Mr and Mrs J A Toby ut Ft Dodge, Io, ou the 6th inst. Why not come to Knepper's cash grocery und buy good calfskin gloves for 75c something that tho sandburs won't go through. Adv. Arthur Seymour, who is still farm ing near Ryder, N D, reports a yield if 20 bushels of wheat to the acre ou a field of 320 acres. This is not bo bad. A fair sized crowd assembled at tho oouit house 8 turday evening to hear Geo L MoNutt, of New York, discuss the political situation from a Roose velt standpoint. Kiik Ream, of Axtel, Kas, travoling representative for a Kansas Uity hur ness Urm, was hero to attend, tho fu neral of his uunt, Mrs Geo T Woods, and remained over Sunday with rel atives. Fire destroyed tho MyBtio mills in Sioux. Oity early Sunday uorning, at a loss of $80 000 This will be a great inconvenience to the farmers ou this side of tho river, as it whb a hundy plucn to disposo of their grnin. Tho river commenced cutting again near tho Altemus place southwest of town laHt Friday, itud thero was con siderable hustling done to get tho re maining buildiugs, m-ichiuery, etc, out of daiigei of beiug swallowed up by the river. E A Selby, of Dakotnh, Io, and A E Minion, ofQumbolt, Io, just across the railroad trucK, were cullers nt the Boruld offiVo Tuesday. Mr Selby is here visiting relatives, and Mr Min ion to attend the I O O F grand lodge Hussion in Sionz City. Mrs Pearl Orowlev. a bride of o week, and a daughter of Mr nud Mrs Tim Murphy, of Qnmor, was seriously injured in an uutn when it collided with a street oar in Chicago Monday afternoon. Her husband, Ur Ed wind Crowley, escaped with slight inju ries, Thny were married at Homr last Wednesduy morning and were on their wedding' trip. Mrs Crowley's skull was fruoturod aud eho is now in u Chicago hospital in it very critical condition, tier uiothor,, Mrs Tim Murphy, and two sifters, Mrs TIioh Anli'.ird und Lor.iine Murphy, ,of Ho mer, left Tnomliiy morning for Cliioiign to be at her bedside. News of the uu fortunate atoidont came as u shuck to her rolutives and friends here. When You Go To California Excursion tickets to North Pacific Coast, Go via the North Pacific Coast. California may be routed via the thnce through scenic Northern California to San Francis co, Los Angeles and San D ego, on the return tiip any number of interesting routes are available. Make your winter trip a comprehensive tour of the Western States. Excursion fares to the North Pacific Coast, California, Southwest, Florida and the Gulf Coast via the N ort Klnr ester a Li tie For travel information call upon or address B. C Buchannan. Agent, Dukotu City, Neb. Lmian Sholes, Div. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr. G. H. MacRAE, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. The Herald for News whon it is News Olias T llarto roturuod to Wakefield Tuesday for tho winter, Sen Dakota City Pharmacy before buying your paints aud oils. Adv. Cotton (l.inno) gloves xt Knepper's Cash Grocery a now stylo of gooiU 10c Adv. Corn ehuokers supplies of all kinds at tho Edwards & Urudforil Lumber Bioro adv Mrs W L Ross was down from Dix on tho past week visiting her daughter Marie, aud old frieuds hereabouts. It will pay you to watch Van do Zeddu'n blackboard. Iio Iihb it special Bale on some articlo every day. Adv. John F Hides went to Lincoln Thins day to sou his sou Frank, a student at the university, who is suffering with an injured knee. Sam Ni lnon wont to Lincoln Monday as u represontetivo to tho grand lodge, of tho I O O F from Dakota Oily lodge No 18 Olurk Owuns, an old losideut of Ho mor, died Sunday. llo whh in the 70'i, and had beeu iu fecblo hoalth fur bomo time. Chatley Smith and family autood iu from Kock county Mummy, anil uro visiting relatives at Homer and vi iui- ty this week. Watch tho blackboard on Saturday, for Monday is wash day aud you will get ohoap soap, cheap starch at Van's. Adv. Guy Stinson Iiur taken a position with tho Waiileld-Pratt-Howoll Coin Sioux Oity, wholesale, grocers, us trav eling salesman. Prof Oarl Sohriovor delivered a beautiful Norris E Hydo piano to whas liondorson ut Emerson tho the past woek. Franklin Orr, who had been assist ing Alfred Seymour with his work, re turned to his home near Mockliug, H D, lust Tuesday. W E Snotheu and family returned homo Sunday from a two weeks visit witu relatives at Exetor, and other poiutri iu Nebraska. Geo Penry purchased a now Ford car of Frauk Urovhill, Wednesday, This makes fifteen Fords Frank u..s sold so far this year. Mrs F H Forrest and son Frnnk spent a few days last week at Moville, lo, with Mrs Forrest's parents. They returned homo Sunday. Robert A Woods an i veil hero lust Friday morning to bo iu attendance at tho funeral of his mother, llo expects to return homo tho first of the week. Joseph Orr, of Meokliug, S D, was down tiunday to s e his uuelo, Alfred Seymour, who is recovering from iu juties received in h runaway recentlv. Fied Lahrs camo over from Moville, Io, last week, where ho spent tho past summer, to do some plowing ou the home place, which ho will farm next season . MtB J T Knnppor was summoned to Magnet, Neb, Monday, by tho illness of her daughter, Mrs Galon Hathaway, to whom a child wits born, which ditd at birth. . Fouud a motor boat Homing iu tho river about three miles Bonth of Dakota Oity, Neb. Owner will call on or address Clutido Penry, Dakota City, Neb. Fred J Ochunder drovo up from Ho mer Huuduy morning and took Mr aud Mrs Vuu de Zedilo homo with him for a Sunday visit, briugiug them back in tho evoning. Ashton O Shollouborger, democratic candiduto for senator, will speak hero Saturday Outober 2G, at 0.30 a m. llo is making uu uutomubilo tour of this part of the statu. Mr Georgo Herfel, of Allon, Nob, and Miss Hess Waddel, of tho same place, w, re married at tho M E par sonage in Dukota City ou October 9th, Uev J Grows nflloiating Tho board of count commissioners aro advertising fur bins for renting the poor farm and hoarding tho ouuuty paupers for next your. Bids will bo received until November 4th. Dr Nina R Smith aud hor mother, Mrs A J Ream, departed Tuesday for Kisniiuoe, Fla, whore thev will upend the winter, if thn climate suits thorn, with Mrs Ream's son, I1 rank Hirnoli. Mrs W S Raughinan was tendered a surprise party Tuesday evening by hor iiaiighteis, Gretchon mid Myrtlo, it beiug her birthday. About n dozen ladies were present to eiijoy tho occa sion. Alfred Soymour has rrcoverod sufll cicutty from tho effects of ii jniies re ceived in u runaway a few weeks ago to bo out and down town He in ruth er wnk yet, but is g ining iu strength every nay. Mrs (Rov) J Grows loft on Monday to attend the national meeting of the Woman's Homo MUsionaiy society of tho Mothodist Episcopal uhuruh, held at Des Moines, Io, Shu will returu the middlo of next week, W E Rash, engineer on tho pniiRon ger train that was wrecked here a few weeks ago when it struck a freight that wus taking tho siding, was seri ously injured near Ouuwn, Iowa, Mon day night when his train ran into tho rear of a freight train. He wus in jured by jumping from his engine. In tho published accounts of tho uo eident to Mrs York last week by an automobile driven by Ohue Bryant, a Dakota county farmer, it was ntatnd that ho was driving without lights, Mr Bryant statod to thn Herald that the reports were in error, and that ho lit his lights before leuviug Sioux Oity. South Sioux Oity voted $25,000 bouds Tuesday to build a system of waterworks . A total of 132 votes wero oust, 100 for aud !)2 against the prop osition. Mayor Ed Mctz onl'ed u meeting of the council following tho oleotion, and appointed Joseph Clem ents anil W A Morgan u oommitteo to select u sito for the works and to re port at tho next roguliir meeting of the board, November 7th. Tho ninth a mum I oonventii n of tho Dai otit County Sunday School Amo oiatiou will be held Novomhor 1st and li ii in tho Dakota Cuy Emmanuel Lutheran church. Both the gtmeiul and olHinenlary sooretiry, Miss Mar garet P Drown, and tho Adult Direct or, w n Kunberly, of tho statu iibko in'io'i, will be proiont during tho en tire conveutiu Plau to utteud, Look for program next woek, Mrs James Fnriior of I'tiluert-oti, Nebr, is hero to see her mol her, Airs Mary E Nordyko, who is ory low Henry Lomift eaine up from the oldiors' homo at Grand Island, Neb, Monday for h visit with reUtives at Homer and this plaoo. II y went to Algona. Io, Woduesday, to visit rela lives thero. The Herald will forward your sub- soriptliui, oithor new or renewal, to the Woman's Homo (.lonipxnlon foi $1.00 Remember tho Woman's Home Companion is Jl 50 per jour now, and we will savo you 00c ou it in conneo tion with tho Herald. Jack Kelt., who whh sent to the penitentiiiy from this county about n year ngo for stealing a team of horsis from D Messerscluuidt, of Emerson pruninet, escaped from tho pmi b sealing tho wall. Ho was a trusty and was givon n job us utcitu Hitter. If you waut tho real doings of nil the parties during thii exciting presi dential oauipiiigu sendjj quarter today to Thn Lincoln Statu Journal and thev will nviil you b ith tho daily aud Sun day under thoir special campaign-tiial-offer until after oluctiuu. This is about half price. A Marvelous Escape. "MlitiTo boy had a marvelous es cape," writes P F BuRtiuniB of Prinon Albert, Cape of Good Hope "It oc curred in the night. He got a very so voro attack of oroup. As luok would Have it, I had u largo bottle of Ohani borltiln'n Cough Remedy iu the house After following tho directions for an hour and twenty minutes ho was through all danger." For salo by all dealers. 3 CORRESPONDENCE J M Of HO KGtOH J wxo 0 X K0O HUBBARD. Mr and Mrs Burt Fiauoisoo drove to Sioux City ouo day last week. Husking mittens and buskers sup plies of all kiuils at 0 Anduison Co's Mrs Marliu enjoyed u visit from lei ativis over Sunday. Cotton and woolen undor'vear, extrn high quality goods at special low prioes. Goo Timlin Adv. Mamie Clausen went homo Smida to help celebrate herfathei's birthday. Mrs Edward Jensen oelebrated hei 20th bluhday Monday, by iuviting iu a fow friends Bring in your produoo, buttor, eggs, etc. We always pay the top price. O Anderson Go. Mr aurt Mrs C Rasmussen Sundayed with rolutivos near Waterbury. Seo the now stock of hats and fall caps at O Audorsou Uo s. Adv. Louis Sorseuseu, with his family, spent Sunday at tho Carl Anderson homo. Fall caps for nion, and knitted hoods for women and ohilureu, iu all Into styles aud colors. Wo waut you to look over these goods. Geo Timlin Adv Andrew Johns, father of Mrs Leon ard Harris, was taken with a stroke of paralysis Sniiday and died Tnesday afternoon, without reguiuiug"oon8oious uess. ' Cotton and wool blankets and a big lino of comforters at O Anderson Oo'j. Mrs Joe Ebel aud baby spout last woek with Mrs Ebel's parents at Pium Giove. v A largo number of frieuds gathored Sunday at the Ueoigo Johnson home lo Help "dr Johnson eiijoy his blilhility. Pure maple syrup, wo liuvo it, goes good with cakes made from "ream pancake flour. Givo both a trial. Geo Timlin. Auv. Fred Nelsen took his usual Sunday drive. Ask hiW. who went along. Ed Jenson, .Walter Jensen and Oarl Hanson wero oity visitors fiom here Tuesday. Our stock of heavy underwear is now iu aud embraces tho best grades at the lowest piioes. U Audorsou Uo, Fred Uarttls was in Dakota Oity Monday. Mr and Mrs Mayfleld returned Tuesday evening from their two weeks visit ut Plattsmuuth, Neb. Flower bulbs for transplanting ami now is tho time to buy und get them started. Tulips, hyaoiuthB, lil ies, orouuses, and many other vuritit-s to soluct fro n.. O Audursou Co. Adv Mrs Louis Ltirsen drove io Emersou Wtduesday to ueu her mother, who has been so'iolisly ill with pneumonia, Shu has bo fur recovered as to be atlu to Bet uu. y Outing flannels, ilmnelottj, and all grades of uress goods in assortments to please you, ut O Anderson Co's. Mrs Lars Larsun aud Mrs ti Mor-g-iisen visited l'uesday at the home of tho formers parents. Get your husking mittens now, wo liuvo a good supply at right pricoB, al so hooks and pegs. Geo Timlin. Adv. Patsy Duggau has so far recovered as to bo able to wulk down town. Mr Duggau has been laid up ubout three wtoks. Tho now dwelling of Frank Ufllng is Hearing completion. Mr Ufllng says ho is ciighty glad of it as hu is getting tired of living in a tutit. Sweater ooats for everybody at O Anderson Go's. Adv. U Hanson's team becamo fright ened ut au uutomobilu and run away. Mrs Hanson wus hurt somewhat al though nut seriously, Hie otners es ouped with just u scuru aud only flight dumugu to tho carriage. Coronlc Dyspesia. The following unsolicited testimo nial should certainly be suflioieut to give hope aud courage to persons uf ilicted with ohroniodyspesia: "Ihavo been a chronio dyspe) tic for years, und of all the medicine I have tuken, Cham berlain's Stomaoh and Liver Tablets huvo done mo more good that) any thing olse," says W G MatHson, No 7 Sherman St, Homellsville, N Y. For sale by all dealers. J)5JJ5iirn Up lourAlcwDreSiS Scores of women will do it this winter, in some poor, old base burner ; and they'll get very little warmth out of it, too. Don't you think it would be a good idea to buy a First Class Favorite Base Bur ner, with Triple Exposed Flues, and save enough on your coal bills this winter to buy a new dress in the spring? It is a positive fact the Favorite does burn less coal and throws out more heat than any other base burner made. , It took an organized body of stove ex perts nearly fifty years to perfect it. There is no other Base Burner like it, because t1 .e features that make it such a wondei ul and economical heater are patented It is the most attractive and best made stove, too. In the Triple exposed 'Flues you will find one reason why it will save fully one half on your coal bills. But there are many other reasons too many to mention here. Come and see us, and we will show you that there is no other base burner that will compare with the Favorite. Edwards &. Bradford Lmbr. Co. DakoUi City, Neb. ixBffflRlfc Reason, in tig health at St Charles ho had to Rive up a good "position aud thiuks of loonting in tho west, wnero ho hopes his hoalth will bo benefited, Geo Gaines, section for man, is Ink ing a few weeku vacation, whieb ho expects to spend at Chicago mid Kan sas Oity. Fr.d Holllf, of O'H.Ul. is takiug his 1 laoo while he is i.way. Thofl Harttictt hud a load of hoijs on tho maiket last Thursday. Dr Luburg and wife arrived home the last of tno week, after on extended visit with relatives at Whiting, Io, aud poiuts iu South Dakota. Miss Naomi Davitt was on over Suu day guest in tho J M Davey homo at Ponoii, Neb Mrs lloraoe Dugsn returned Mon day from an over Htindii; visit with relatives at Allen, Nub. W F llartlett. of Sioux City, had business hero Tuc-dy. Pearl Welsh departed Tuesday for Ouawa, Io, to vitit frionns Jttfl Harry, jr, was homo from Sioux Oity over Sumluy. Mrs Sara Erluuh is putting a ooment wall in front of her resilience und is olio having some new oemont wulks laid around the house. Mrs H F McKuover and two sons, of Dig Timber, Mont, have j lined the MoKoevor's hero and will livo in the Ed 1' Keaiuoy house Mr and Mrs Frank Lilly, of Hinton, Io, uro visiting relatives hero und at Goodwin, j T aims Sutherland is onjoyii g a vis it from his fatuor, J Suiherlaud, of Ponca, this woek . O A Oakley and family have moved to Windebngo, Neb, Mrs .loo Hogan and little son, of Waterbury, wuro visiting relatives hero Tuesday. j William Hartnett bought eighty acres of laud adjoining liini from MtH O P Giiivey, of lli.itiiiGt.in, N. I), j Thn deal who mado through tho Pio neer Laud und Loan comptny, a firm ro.ieutly organized heio. The "Social Dozen" surprised Mrs Clara M union at tho bomo of her sis ter, Mrs A lie-ce, Monday ovoning. Tho ovoning was spent with cards and duuciiig. Mica refreshments wero set veil. Tho Leap year dauoo that was to bo given last Ftiday night was postponed on account of tain until this (Friday) evening, Outober 18 Ford's orchestra of Sioux City will furnisu tho music aud supper will be served by tho par ish ladies. All invited. I ST IN SON'S Specials for Saturday, Oct.,19 For this Day Only yZVo Rockwood Cocoa 20c 3 p':gs Macaroni 25c 7 Bars Beat 'Km All Soap "...'. 25c Kirk's 10c Toilet Soap, per Bar . . . ; 5c 3 Cans Pork and Beans 25c Candy Beans, per pound 10c 1 doz Frosted Cookies 5c Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food 20c Puritan Flour guaranteed .-. A $1.40 Sweet Potatoes, 0 pounds for , 25c High Cut Shoes for Children and Misses. Also High Cut Shoes for Men and a complete stock in Black . and Tan, button and lace. Best line of men's high shoes on the market. Stinson's I Dakota City, Nebraska flw I Y (.., . lUlr. COMCORD.TEAM HAJtNESl. CARRIAGE HEATER JACKSON. Chuiles Diigati, of this place whb married iu Sioux City last Tuesday to Miss Nellie Umstot. Fred Morgan, of St Charles, III, foimer munagor of tho E & li Lbr company at this place, is visltiug frieuds hero, Ou account of poor I school classes hare arrived. SCHOOL NOTES. Tho girls of the fifth and sixth grades uro much enthused over a sow ing class which was organized Thurs day evening. Tho class will rseet for this work onco a week immediately utter four o'clook Edward Ansnes ranked first in last week's-arithmetic contests. George and William Sanford have returned to school after n woeks ub soiico. Throe woro tardy lunt woek in tho seciud primary room. In tho numhor drill last Friday, Helen Suudt ranked first in tho third grado aud Emma Schmidt first in tho fourth grade. Konnoth Wulden entered tho llrst grade lust woek, lain os Loodem has been absent from school on account of siokuess, Edward Londrosh and John Wus- mntid were absent 1 ist week. Tho botany cIosb have received theii lierbetiuuuia and uro busy collecting, pressing, unalyzing uud lemountitig spuoimous, i 1 lie uiusics lor tuo various tiigu yAjV Vi! HrQll JftUABK wngtf lAmrrr SlxlYaW - . j -1 "HftlPgn H11B11 M.ftMlfg'lr? Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Service Lady Assistant Wm. F. Dickinson Hall 71 A.itu 2471 415 Sixth Street Sioux City, Iowv o i I