It ; h 1 .! i tt - ? lii I ! I-4J l' P u J ! 1 li I. llT iil lw Si luuii I--! 331 I, .X I.Wi3 J! yynyj rcnn IKJU xn ' 5TI SU-.JKI IC a ETH .- 1 W ) if DAKOlA CUV IIKKAUi JOHN H. REAM, Publisher. DAKOTA CITY, - NEBRASKA THE CAT'S USEFUL WHISKERS. Wo aro apt to tlilnk that the cat's sblllty to sco In tho dark is due on tlrely to Its eyes, but competent au thorlty assures us that the feline's power In thia respect is due almost as Buch to Its "whiskers." These dell cato hairs that project from the muz tie of the cat family are wonderful mechanisms, says Harper's Weekly Each ono grows from a follicle or gland, nerved to tho utmost Bcnsiblll ly. Its Bllghtost contact with any ob SUcJo "3 Instantly frit by the animal though tho lmlr Itself may be tough pad insensible Tho exaggerated irhlskorB on tho muszlo often project lo such a distance (hat from point to point they Indlcnto the exact width of kho body of the beast. Consider tho lion stealing through tho Jungle at night in fioarch of prey, wlmn tho least stir of a twig gives alarm Tho lion's whiskotB indicate through the nicest nerves, any object that may bo In hla path. A touch stops him short before pushing through tomo close thicket whoro tho rustling leaves and bough3 would betray his presence. Wherever his head mayho thrust without a warning from tho vlbrissao there IiIb body muy pnss noiselessly. ItlHtho aid given lilm by his whlBkers, In conjunction with tho soft cushions ot Lis feet, that enables him to pro cued as silently as the snake. GUADAIAJAM'S DOQMABR Tho hour of dining has advanced with tho centuries. Froissart men tions waiting on tho duke of Lancaster i at five In tho afternoon after he had tupped and was about to go to bed, And tho preface of tho Ilcptnmcron chows that the quoen of Navarre dined at ten o'clock In tho morning. From tho Northumberland Household Hook, dated 1512, wo loam that tho ducal family rose at bIx, breakfasted at sev- . t&Pn . ttfrS"- - Wf! .,", Kill ECAUSB tho crater of a boiling. A 5a9 BIT STK8! ( " $ft. 'W't&& 'WW soothinc volcano is directly b.'neaui PS -'-' jt Jrf.' - Tr-"-' ! 1 vf this city of 1C0.000 souls, in all prou wMT'" Rm. Hj 1 1 ability Guadalajara, which is tlu BKLji ' .Jlmk ikI " JS.f rmVZi cd to a point somo distance from aBM&3fL if R4 lt; . -SP1) Ik what scientists say is to be ono of BSg 'JlWi HOSl:, bwtftfSL J3-i -J tho most nctlvo volcanoes on tho en- WMiM&m 7L" JkKffr:' V 'Hi F, y&i t'lwSr- &I tiro American continent. Tho sub- P'iraP-'Ki.r'J jl VCMMStS lLi52. tnrr.inPAii volcano has caused 340 WmM MlS. f'll l""'A Vrf IV'Sa)iA"'t3; r I f I iM p,i A.,j MgaBsig J I HJ4'? 'JX !' ClIHO HJliBSHW Wil !!l '-55v?yK4SS'2y'rS'SBl vV aiiHraiiBjis I A u.-. f V7flWtA. i H BY WM.A.RADF0RD, utniMwd Tftsr Mr. 'William A. Itacirord will nn?wer quentlona and gtvn advlco FHjCU OF COST on ail subjects pertaining to tlia subject cif building, for the readers of tills paper. On account of his wide experience) bb Kdltor, Author and Manufacturer, lio Is, without doubt, the highest authority on all th"o subjects. Addrcti all Inquiries to William A. Itadford, No. 178 WeBt Jockson boulevard, Chicago, III., and only cncloso two-cent stamp for reply. ECAUSB tho crater of a boiling. Hoothing volcano in diructly b'tieath this city of 1C0.000 souls, in all profc ability Guadalajaro, which Is tlu state capital of Jalisco, will bo mov ed to a point somo distance from what scientists say is to be one of tho most nctivo volcanoes on tho en tiro American continent. Tho sub terranean volcano has caused 340 nnrtlmunknH In flin Innt thrnu months. Twice, en. dined at ten, Bupped at four, and onc0 , July nnd onco ln August, tho shocks bo- retired for tho night at nine, says tho cnmo B0 ilcaVy that they practically depopulated tendon Chroniclo. Louis XIV. dM not lhu city for nearly a week on each occasion, dine till 12, whllo hla contemporaries. Sovcn scientists headed by Prof. Khmon Leon Cromwell nnd Charles II., took tho of tho seismographlo branch of tho National Ob- tueal at ono. In 1700 tho hour wao ad- sorvatory havo Just finished a report on the vanccd to two; in 17C1 wo And tho quakes nnd tholr causes. They declare that UucheBB of Somerset dining at three. Guadalajara, with its 150,000 Inhabitants, is built ill mo uiuiur ui a biaiii, vuivuuu vu.t.. ... .-..-- about 1,800 years ago. Holow tho city, thoy add, Is tho center of this crater, in which a now crator haa formed, likely to break out at any timo. They warn tho residents of Guadalajara that be neath them Is nn enormous caldron of molten and ln 17C0 Cowpur speaks of four o'clock as the fashlonablo time. After the battle of Waterloo tho dinner hour was altered to six, from which tlmo It ban advanced by half-hour stages to eight So that In 400 years tho dinner stoho and burning coal and sulphur combined bour had gradually moved through at least ten hours of tho day. American habits, and customs, espe cially American clothes, aro appar ently becoming fashionable among Garmany'a young men. Young Ger many no longer contents itself with, tho sartorial products of the Father lahd, says tho London Answers. The exaggerated university suits of Ameri can cut and manufacture plcaso them better, and most of thorn nro novcr more genuinely flattered than when they aro mistaken for "Amcrlkancr." German clothiers have, In conso quenro, been obliged to lay ln large stocks of American clothing to meet the growing demand. Knglnnd's now torpedo boat destroy ers will be given nalnes front ShnkcB pearo and Scott. So, ln tho nonr fu ture, wo may expect to soo "Tho Mer ry Wives of Windsor" engaging in battle, accompanied by "ThovTwo Oon tlemon of Verona," "Tho Lady of tho Lake," and "Tho Antiquary." Tho vfur correspondent of tho future prob ably will be chosen from among tho book reviewers. Tho advice to mibstltute beanH for meat will recelvo n setback through the explosion ot eomo boiling beans ln Colorado town. Tho beans toro tho rove to pieces And threw tho ownor ot the house out the kitchen door. With tho ailltant spirit abroad, as It is, the adoption of beans as tho principal ar ttclo of diet had best bu postponed. A Chicago clil whllo playing tho Dlauo was struck by lightning nl though, not eorotisly hurt. But vtfiether tho casually la to bo viewod us' accident or retribution Is a iucb tfon tho nelghbora aro discussing that Is, of course, If the girl was tho avarago performer and tho neighbors avurago neighbors. A Toxas girl announces her will IngnesB to marry any nutn who will consent to Iibyq the ceremony per formed In a cage ot lions. And all we have to say Is that tho man who takes the offer will deservo anything that happens to him during tho cere mony and afterward. It Is now announced that a disgrun tled employe doatroyod Mona Lisa's Inscrutable emllos with sulphuric acid. Which settles tho Inscrutability of tho emtio for nil time, rs the pleasantry of no mystery can uurvlvo a sulphuric veld bath. Tho automobile, eays a St. Paul preacher, has dono more for sin than any other ono thing. Let us not bo discouraged. Somebody Is almost mro to discover n method of keeping tires from being punctured. with gases which come from still further down In the bowls of tho earth. Tho roport urges that tho city bo moved, or that at least tho inhabitants abandon it immediately. Tho centor of tho crater is located n trlflo west of the main plaza and practically undor tho stato palace or capltol of the Btate of Jalisco, Scientific measurements, soundings with a dia mond drill and oxperlmontB with tho gnscs which havo boon pouring through cracks In tho earth in tho city nro given, with dotnllcd results of tho study. Professor Leon and his associates deduce that as Btiroly as sclenco can forecast tho city will bo destroyed by this huriod crntor, which thoy say Is enormous, though thoy ndmlt that thoy cannot with accuracy forotoll when tho vol enno will burst forth. Thoy Infer thnt tho destruction will como with in a year, for they uny that tho volcano, whoso caldron Is placed 300 foot below tho surface of tho earth, Is what Is known ns rlpo for tho ex plosion, Tho report goos on to sny that this Is tho first Instnnco ln tho history of tho world ln which a city has boon located over tho crator of a volcano and that tho heat from tho burled bowl of flro nccountB for tho warm climate of Guada lajara, which, whllo n.OOD foct abovo tho eea, has tho tomporaturo all tho year round of a coastal resort, with practically nc change between sum mor and winter. Increasing heat notlcod In this part of Jalisco for tho past year and recorded by tho local hrnnch of tho government weather bureau first gavo Pro fessor Leon tho lden that subterranean fires wuro responsible for tho cllmato. Thon cnmo tho earth quakes, tho opening of fissures ln tho main streets of tho capital of tho state, and tho escape of largo volumes of sulphur laden gases from these fissures. ( Fullest publicity is bolnr; glvon to tho roport hero, and Koverninent officials aro seriously con sidering tho removal of tho cnpltal to Juanncat Ian on the Santiago river. Tho removal will follow tho taking away of All tho government papors, which havo boon transferred to Mexico City nlrcndy. Tho stato palaco or capltol In Guadalajara Is ono of the largest and most beautiful of nil tho buildings ot lis Uui In Mexico nnd coat approximately 7,000, 000 pesos. It frontB on the main plaza or public squat o and occupies ono entire end, being uenrly thrco hundred yards ln length. aunrnlajnru Is lh hcCoiuI city In tho republic, ranking next to Mexico City In population and above It ln wealth, bolng second only to Morlda, Yucatan, In thia respect. It In tho market place of two of tho richest statos In Mexico. Jnllsco nnd Mlchoacnn, and is commonly cnllcd ''tho Pearl of tho Occldont," whllo tho surrounding torrltory Is known ns tho granary ot Mexico. For thcao reasons tho people who llvo hero are loath to loavo tho city. Tho Cuthollo church will bo especially hard hit If tho removal Idea 1b car ried out. Tho cathedral, which Is ono of tho tin est ln Mexico, contains more gold nnd silver orna ments than nny other church savo tho cathedral of Puobla, and has In nddltlon tho distinction of having beon completed ln 1C18 nnd of having boon almost destroyed by nn earthquake In 17C0. It was severely shaken ln 1818, nnd crnckod in three places by tho first sorios of tho 340 qunkos of tho past three months, in Juno, 1912. The towers aro 200 foot high, Ilyznntlno in construc tion and tho structuro occupies ono of tho moat valuable pleceB of land In Gundnlajara. Tho moBt precloUB nrt possession of tho entire ronubllo is contained in the sacristy of tho cathe dral. It Is Murillo's painting of the "Assumption of tho Virgin," nnd It hangs directly abovo tho entrance. In point of color and freshness thia pnlntlng Is hotter than nny Murlllo now known to the art world of Kuropo or America, whllo tho Although that Now York broker who lost his money and went on tho stage Is utterly unablo to act, ho need not lot Kuch trlflo disturb bis his trionic ambitions. Somo of our most Huccesstul players aro ln tho same bast A French stowaway, given tho freedom of tho ship after his discov ery, was clapped Into a dungeon cell because he Insisted on flirting with nil the females aboard. At sea In his love affairs, tnaybo. 3&3f3 GftSfcZf5- work Is ono of tlta best examples of tho famous master. Tho beauty of this canvas ha3 attracted thou sands, nnd not a few offers have been liuido to purchase it, ono of $250,000 coming from a New York financier. Seven times thieves havo at tempted to cut It from Its frame, but each tlmo they were foiled by tho vigilance of tho priests. Four of tho would-be robbers were captured and nro now serving terms or have died In the pris ons of Jalisco. In June, 1818, whon tho cathedral was nearly destroyed, tho section of wall on which this painting Is fastened stood through all tho quake. In Juno, 1912, whon a crack more than a foot wide waB oponed ln tho top of the wall abovo this painting tho gash ran downward almost to the end of tho mahogany framo and then divided into two cracks or llssures, encircling tho can vas, but novcr touching it. Tho Indians believe, and tho prlosts aid them in this bellof, that noth ing enn harm "la santlsslma Vlrgen de Guada lajara," and so far tho terrific tremblers have failed to injure It In the least. Tho canvas was glvon to the Guadalajara dlo ccbo by tho king of Spain shortly after the Penin sular war as a mark of gratitude for tho large sums of money turned over to the crown by thia branch of tho church In Mexico and it was hid den ten years in a niche In tho cathedral to keep it from tho French nt tho tlmo of tho occupation of Moxlco. "Tito top of tho bowl of tho crater beneath Guadalajara," said Professor Garcia whllo here, "Is approximately 1,500 foot In diameter, but tho actual hwl is much wider. I should say it is a quarter ot a milo In width, and how deep no mnn can say. "Tho composition of tho escaping gases Indl cntos thnt they aro coming from burning coal and sulphur ln a molten state, precisely the com bination which cntiHos tho eruptions of Mount Collma, tho only actlvo volcano on tho North Amorlcnn continent, nbout 90 miles due couth of Guadalajara. Undoubtedly Collma. which blows oft ln a regular eruption about tho middle ot every Soptombor, Ib connected In somo unknown manner with tho -hot springs, mlnlaturo goysers and mnny dead volcanoes which cover tho ter ritory reaching from tho Bouthorn end of the Sierra Nayarlt, about 60 miles north of Guada lajara, to tho sea atManzanillo. "I would not caro to prophesy, but I believe that tho annual fall eruption of Collma will see HOm cort Of dlbtutbuuco here, though II nmy b only heavy enrthqtmkeB nnd not the breaking out ot tho volcano Wo ran diamond drills so deep Into tho earth In tho center of Gundalajara that they caine back almost red hot, no matter how slowly wo operated them. Wo lowered tho hcBt thermometers Into tho IioIoh mndo by these drills and thoy rocordod heat beyond tho melting point ot load. "Wo analyzed tho gases coming from tho fis sures In various parts of tho city and wo found thnt thoy were not surface gases, coming from pockots ln tho oarth and released by th eaith quake, hut thnt they exhibited nil tho character istics of gast-H which havo been taken from the vents of Collma and Popocatepetl volcanoes. "Lastly wo traced tho scores of earthquake Bhocks which wore felt horo during tho ton dnyH of our stay and wo found that every ono was volcanic In Its origin and not caused by the slip ping of faults In tho earth, as aro somo of tln coastal quakes of this country nnd tho United States. All were tropldatory, that is to say, up and down quakeB, usually local ln charncter and not oscillatory, as aro most oarthqunkeH which extend over a largo section of tho world's sur face. "This was our first hint thnt tho quakes were volcanic tho confined aren ovor which the" tremors wero felt. Then tho seismograph, which was brought here from Mexico City and sot up, indlcntod with Its needle finger thnt tho sourco or mo shocks wero almost beneath the city. "Wo knew tho quakes wero volcanic and fined to nn area not moro than L0' miles ln diameter. Neither Collma nor any other volcano lit Mexico was in eruption Vo had to look closer to Gundnlajara for tho cause. Wo mado n trip through tho surrounding country and discovered that the city lies In tho center of what was onco a volcano. "Tho walls of this ancient crater aro fully 15 miles on all sides from tho city. From tho character of tho stono composing these walls, their evidences of flio nnd tho condition of tho lava fragments which litter tho bowl of tho crater, I should say it was last actlvo from 1.800 to 2.000 years ago. "Tho mountain range which surrounds tho city on all sides Is tho vall of this ancient trrater. On tho north and east, you know, tho plateau of Mexico b 1 o p o a downward to theso ranges; on tho west nnd south the an cient volcano wall 4 slopes nwny 5,000 feet downward through nomo 70 or SO miles to the Pacific ocean. This was an ideal location for a volcano, and pre cisely similar to tho lo cation of Collma. still active, and Orizaba, which, while still smok Ine. has not been ac tive for 400 years. "Now, In tho centor of this ancient crater, which must have beon larger than nny volcano of which wo have knowledge at the present day, was the blow hole, or vent. Over this blow hole tho Spaniards who conquered Mexico sot up tho city of Guadalajara, lltHe thinking that they were se lecting a veritable death trap for their settle ment. Slowly through the eighteen or twenty centuries since it was last nctlvo thl3 central melting pot or tho old volcano ha& been forming a now and equally powerful mass of molten ma terial, which sooner or later will blow Guadala jara off tho face of the earth. "An earthquake, landslides, cloudbursts or othor olomental disturbances filled the opening of this ancient crater with a cap 300 feet ln thick ness. This cap, much thicker than that which any other volcano has had to blow oft. Is the only thing that has saved Guadalalara from destruo. tlon years ago. How long it will protect tho city now Is a question no man can answer and provo tho answer. It may bo years; to my mind It is a matter of months; ln any ovent, I believe that tho only way to save tho capital Is to movo'it bodily nnd movo It while there is time to do so." ABldo from its scientific interest, and from tho unique situation of a city built on a volcanu, there remains tho very practical problem whi.h confronts Guadalajara the job of moving a city of 150,000 souls to a new location. So far, Junna catlan is tho most likely candidate for tho honor of bolng tho capital of Jalisco, but there nro n number of other towns out of rango of tho burled crator, all of which will be considered before tho change 1b mndo. All sorts of wild propositions to tap the crater and draw off tho menacing fires havo been made to the authorities of Guadalajara, but tho men of sclenco say thero Is no way to curb the demon of flro caged by naturo below and that thj city muBt bo removed or It will bo destroyed. One man proposed to turn the waters of the Santiago river Into a huge tunnel, driven to tho heart of tho crater, but the earthquake specialists quickly Informed tho city officials that this merely would caube hii Immediate and moro torriblo explosion than If tho crater wero left to Itself. Another man offered to tunnel Into tho critter from a point five miles outside tho city, and on tho slightly lower or wcHtorn sldo, and let tho contents of the crater flow out. Ho was disap pointed when Informed that his tunnel would have to bo about COO feet ln dlamotcr and that the h"Ht would 1, no roat a hundred foot from tho Inner end of tho tunnel thnt human beings could not endure It. Thus It appears that unless a "surgeon for pnrthqimkeH" appHttrs, and that vory shortly, Guadalajara will havo to pick up her houses and movo to n now location. Tho result to real estate owncru ntid men vrlio have bought or built moiik1 of the flue blocks which mnrk tho main streets of tho Jnllsco cnpllnl will bo flnanclnl ruin. Somo of these men profess to doubt tho word of tho Hctentlsts nnd to bellovo thnt tho city is saro. Thoy will throw their Influence and their votes against moving tho city unless thoy can be convinced that thero Is a very real porsonal dan ger for themselves nnd their families. This Is ono of tho best low-cost houses ever built It fa medium in alzo as well as in cost a sort of com promise between the large houso, largo rooms, and high ceilings of twenty or thirty years ago and tho little, narrow, contracted, close-communion affairs that aro being built In order to save expense becauso of tho high prico of all building materials. Tho Blzo on tho ground Is 26 feet In width by 44V6 feet long, which 1b six or eight foot longer than most new city housea that aro built ou this gen eral plan. Thero are fashions ln houses tho came as in othor things. Somo of tho fashions are all right, but somo are nothing but silly fads. Ono of those lato fashions Is tho dining-room ex tension, which is built something after tho fashion of a bay window, but is very much wider and has squaro cor ners. Sometimes theso extensions havo windows ln tho ends, but ln such cases they havo the appearance of being overdone. Such an addition to a dining room Is intended to let In an abundanco of light, as well as to add to the uppearanco of tho room, and 1b one of the most commendable now building features. In somo of these extensions the win dows are placed high up; but there Is an advantage in tho deep window, especially If you want to use the epace for a window seat. When tho windows como low down, a wide seat may bo built Just a little below the window stools, which, if carefully up holstered, makes a very pleasant lounging place both ln winter and In summer. Theso extensions must bo very carefully built and thoroughly papered, and the paper must bo very carefully put on so as not to leave any cracks for tho wind to blow through. Where you have bo much glass sur face, tho radiation of heat goes on very rapidly. For comfort ln using such a window seat a little careful en range, and ono for each grato, and theso prato flues are ventilators of tho very best possible typo. Thoy aro nt work night nnd day, earning out tho foul air that Is so objcctlonnblo. Venti lation will recelvo moro attention as tho scientific treatment of tubercu losis nnd pneumonia becomes bettor understood Theso dlfen-r arn caused or aggravated by lack of fresh air; and they aro cured. If cured at all, only when the patients nro ablo to breathe abundantly air that comes directly firm outdoors. Sometimes h "1 ' U I rTMimrr-TiB I ttoi I A j .r7 ii i tMTH I I I TH 1 OB" 10 U MJ K A f- f- DTD ffOa'H I no I ... J Second Floor Plan. c sovere cases havo been cured by leav ing the window in the sleeplnj room open day and night. When peoplo get to understand tho value ot fresh air wo shall havo better vcntlluted huusea. In thu meantime, if v.e can smuggle in a couple of extra flues llko this, wo may bo ablo to save somo lives without anybody knowing It. The front hall Is no larger than necessary. It Is Bhut off from out doors by a vestibule with doublo doors, so that it may bo kept warm. Each bedroom has two clothes closets something that is unusual, but an Improvement that will be appreciated. Another splendid feature Is the size of tho bathroom. For a hundred years people have been learning to pay more attention to bathroomB. There was a time when Americans actually felt rjv'rfy"? v&tjp-' ?j ccsy' .j jyjw TrT&SA!'' WSmBsryJum systematic attention when building is especially valuable. You would hunt a long time before finding anothor suclt a dining room in a low-cost house. The room is 12 by 13' feet, but is larger than tho size indicates, because of the largo china closet and the extra large pantry, whero a great many thipgs that are commonly kept ln tho dining room will find more convenient places. In fact, It is not abnolutcly necessary to huvo a sideboard ln this dining room. PATERNAL WISDOM. "Son, are you really determined to get man ried?" "Yes, father." "And you feel that you can support a wife?" "Oh, yes." "Well, Just remember that the dlctonary says 'to BUP!Krt' also means 'to endure,' " volcanlo and con- A PROFESSIONAL TRICK. Tho Young Lawyer How do you expect to provo that your client Is mentally Irresponsible? Tho Old Lawyer Easy enough. Ills wlfo hns preserved all his old love letters and I'm going to read 'em to the Jury. trrcrr 1 aj u ; y at i a; 4 I - ashamed of having a bathroom In tho house. It was generally a llttlo af fair Just big enough to get Into; and It was placed in the most Inconven ient part of tho house, and, if it had a window at all, it was a little nine Inch affair set up almost out of reach. However, as peoplo become bettor ed ucated they are appreciating more and more the advantages of a bath room for health and comfort. Ono Important consideration ln arranging a bathroom Is to have It over or near tho kitchen, so that the samo pipes that supply water to the tub and wash stand will supply tho kitchen sink; and the Bamo rule works In regard to tho wate-plpes. It not only effects a I Enving ln first cost, but it is better for several other reasons. The short er tho pipes are. the better they will work; and tho more condensed the space, the more easily they are kept Trom freezing in tho winter timo. The kitchen 1b largo enough, and It is both light and airy because of tho windows on the Bide and tho door In Iho end. ThU door opens onto a very Amfortable baclf porch that can easi ly be screened from flics and mosqul 'oes. It Is estimated that tills houso can 'to built where conditions aro all fa lorablo, for nbout $2,000, without heater, plumbing, mantel or lighting' fxtures. Vending Devices in Germany Automatic devices ot every descrip tion havo supplanted small tradesmen and llttlo shops to a groat oxtont ln Germany. Germnny might almost bo called tho "land of tho nutomat" Fur thormoro, theso dovlcos aro popular. At all postofflcaB, stamps and post cards aro sold by nutomatlo machines; at tho railway stntlons, platform tick t and cuburban tickets aro sold by Automata; automat rostaurants, whero ono can socuro a glass of beer, wlno, or liquor, a sandwich, squaro meal, cup of coffoo, chocolate, etc., by drop ping a coin In tho slot, abound ovory whoro. Every city of 15.000 or 20,000 population nnd ovor hns from ono to several hundred such restaurant. At railway stations automats sell choco lato, candy, plcturo post cards, and oven a llttlo kit of "llrst aid to tho injured," containing a tow drops ot pain klllor, bandages, noedlo, thread, oto. Ton pfennigs ln a slot opens the doors of tollot compartmonts, deliver ing a towel or piece of soap. A coin ln a slot obtains a cigar, a tuno from n mechnnlcal music box, a pair of shoestrings, a collar button, n v'Bitlng card, nana plate for aultcaso, tells ono'a fortuno or wolght, otc. I could never draw tho lino between meanness nnd dishonesty. What is mean always grades Into dishonesty. G. MacDouald. Should Be Removed. "You say ho Is useless In his pres ent position?" "Yes." "How useless?" "Oh, about as useless ns a lemon 6eod In a glass of Iced tea." Had to Keep It Closed. Physician You shouldn't Blcop with your mouth opon. Patient My donr sir, your advlco Ib entirely unnecessary, as I live In a flat and I slcop at homo. First Floor Plan. Ot course, a sideboard looks well ln any dining room; and, If you want it, there is room betweqn the, two doors or on tho side against tho kitchen. Tho use of u dining room In a houso like this depends very much on how tho living room la furnished. Living rooms aro used for general purposes more than ever before; so much bo that tho world "parlor" has almost gono out of ubo ln somo sections of tho country. Dut thero are women yet who want a parlor or a living room so elaborately furnished that no one feels comfortable ln It It Is ln just such houses that tho moro or dinary dining room comes ln for a great deal of solid family enjoyment and thU Is ono reason why a good, comfortablo window Beat ln this din ing room projection would be appro coated. Tho flreplaco, being opposite the big window, makes a combination that for convonlenco and luxurious comfort Is hard to beat Ono great advantage ln this houso la tho largo central chimney. A chim ney llko thia Is worth a great deal In a dwelling. Thero are four flues one for tho furnaco; one tor tho Ultch- Innocence of Kittens. An English naturalist has raised the question whether kittens nro born with a propensity to eat ralco. Three Manx kittens kept ln a cage for six weeks with a mouse, which was Intro duced when thoy wero five months old, made no attempt to Injure it, al though they wero hungry, until tho mother cat was introduced and showed how mice should be treated. Moro than one observer has noted tho In disposition ot kittens to attack ralco but tha question whether mouse-killing' la instinctive or educational with them' can hardly bo said to havo been eet-i tied. His Proud Boast. "Ah!" Intereatedly ejaculated tho city visitor, "and that is your oldeat Inhabitant? A vonorablo figure, truly. I fancy he looks back on a Ilfo aa full ot useful achievement as It has boon long?" "Well, not to hurt, exactly." a trlflo pessimistically replied tho landlord of tho Skoedeo tavern, "About all ho's over dono that I know of Is to brag that he had a second cousin a good many years ago who got arrested on suspicion of being Jesse James." Kansas City Star. ' I (flf mmriM X T-yr vUi '- mn 9K5SR5