Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 12, 1912, Image 1

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Stole Histoiicnl Society
Motto: All The News Whch 1 1 Is News.
VOL. 21.
NO. 6.
Stats Unlverelty Heavy Drawer on
Investment Fund Other State
Capital Matters.
Stata Treasurer Georgo Issued a
statement ot the condition of the
Btato treasury for the month ending
September 30, Bays tho Lincoln Jour
liaL The condition of the treasury
Is not flattering:, but It is hollered tho
remittances from county treasurers
during the next month or two will bo
sufficient to replenish the general
fund and to keep enough Investment
funds on hand to caro for state war
ranto. Tho general fund Is now practical
ly oxhausted, there belio; only $108.83
In that fund. As thero Is not enough
In tho general fund to cash ctato war
rants ot any magnitude, the state
treasurer Is obliged to use invest
raont funds, which ar available for
that purpose. He has total of $105,
,944.18 In tho Investment funds with
which to buy state warrants af tor tho
seneral fund is exhausted.
Dnrlng the month of September
the state treasury TecoAved less than
$7,000 from county treasurers. Last
yew during the same period it re
ceived $165,000. Treasurer Georgo
accounts for this falling off by tho
(act that county treasurers mado
largo remittances to him in July.
The Btato university is a havy
drawer on the investment funds bo
cause it can spend any portion of its
t mill levy boforo the money Is in
the state treasury. This is done ac
cording to a decision of the supreme
court. The university can issue war
rants on the levy not yet collected
end if thero is no money in the per
manent university fund, tho fund to
which the 1 mill levy is paid, the
state treasurer must buy tho war
rants so issued with investment
funds. This reduces the Investment
funds which the treasurer may need
to keep state warrants at par. If ho
runs out of both general funds and
Investment funds he is unable to pay
cash for state,"warrants and the war
rants must be sold by tho owners to
At present the state has $147,104.35
invested In . university warrants,
which represent money expended by
tho university boforo it 1 mill tax
was collected and in the stato treas
ury. ' The ctato treasurer vithln tho past
week had to use $38,872.54 of invest
ment funfia to buy state warrants bo
cauco thoro was no money in the gen
eral fund. He carries these warrants
as cash, after tho old established cus
tom. These warrants were Issued to
pay for construction work on two uni
versity buildings and two buildings at
the Lincoln asylum. Had it not been
for these warrants for pay of new
buildings the general rand would not
now be exhausted.
The total balance In all funds for
August and September was as fol
lows: AugUBt 31, 1012, $680,098.99;
September 30, 1912, $573,643.19. Sep
tember figures ore mado up as fol
lows Cash on hand, $6,637.25; cash
on deposit, $529,138.40; genoral fund
warrants on hand, $38,872.54; total,
Price of Apples.
With Jonathans and Grimes' Golden
leading, apples are now wholesaling
for from $2.50 to $1 for a barrel con
taining three bushels. Jobbers be
lievo that Nebraska raised a crop of
About the same size as last year,
Supreme Court Fees.
Clerk H. C. Lindsay ot the suprema
court has reported to the governor
the receipt of fees amounting to $1,
1C7.6G for the three months ending
October 1. Of that amount $92,40
was fees received from the West
Publishing company for copies of su
preme court opinions. Tho balance
was for court costs, bar registrations
and $144.20 from the State Bar com
mission. Importation of Absinth Forbidden.
Under a provision of the puro food
and drug act the importation of ab-
.Hlnth Into this country, and the traf
fic In absinth or abslnth-bearlng
liquors between the states, Is now
forbidden, that part ot tho federal
statutes taking effect October 1.
Knowing that the law was to go into
effect on October 1 saloon keepers
over the country have in many cases
HIS In a supply ot the liquor, and un
aer the law this can be sold within
the state In which It now is located,
After the supply is exhausted there
will be a ban on the absinth drinks,
except where It is manufactured.
Epidemic Still In Evidence,
No new cases of the horse epidemic
have been reported In Lancaster
ounty for a number of days, accord
fag to word received from various
parts ot the county, says the Lincoln
Journal. Cyrus Black of Hickman
aid that there are no casus at pres
ent In the southern part of the
county. He ustlinated te number of
deaths due to the disease In that sec
tion at twelve No new cases ha
ieen report -i in tie Oal n.-k ril
ley, acorli' to In . i iii,n
Inspecting Officer of Regular Army
Makes Report
Adjutant Genoral E. M. Phelps has
received a lottor from Captain Rob
ert V. Kerr of tho medical depart
ment of tho United States army, who
aots-BB tho inspecting ofllcer of tha
regulni army, In which ho glvos tho
hospital corps of tho Nobrnska guard
a boost and gives Major .Blrknor, who
has charge of tho medical corps, an
especially good recommendation. In
speaking ot Major Blrknor ho says:
"One of tho best militia ofllcors
that 1 havo served with." Ho reports
tho major excollent in hlo knowledgo
of field Bervlcc, professional quallfica
tlon nnd zeal, and vory good in hla
knowledgo of army regulations, manu
al of tho medical department, knowl
edge of blank forms and Internal ad
ministration of sanitary organlza
tlonsj, ur tho other officers, Captain Jo
seph R. Cameron, Captain Ernest J.
C. Sward. Captain George E. Spear,
First Lieutenant John I. McGlrr and
First Lieutenant Frank L. Borglum,
tho Inspector says:
"Tho above four medical officers
have a limited knowledgo ot army
regulations, manual of medical de
partment, field sorvlco, regulations,
blank forms and internal administra
tion of sanitary 'organizations. Thoy
are qualified for the service, and It
would be ot great help to them If, In
the coming year, thoy could camp
with a field hospital of tho regular
The enlisted men aro marked "ex
cellent" In soldierly appearance,
school of the detachment, manual of
the litter and manual ot tho loaded
Utter, knowledgo of equitation, very
good in bearer work without litter
and in practical and thcorotical first
aid. Tho noncommissioned officers
aro marked "vory efficient" in leader
ship nnd efficiency. The corps took
charge of litter squads on ono gen
eral field maneuver at the Grand Is
land camp.
Ths Inspector furthor says: This
detachment of tho hospital corps Is
an orderly body of men, prompt at
formations and free from tho use of
intoxicants in ca'mp."
In regard to tho efficiency of tho
corps for field service, increasing its
personnel to war strength and allow
ing one month for training in a con
centration camp, tho Inspector says:
"The enlisted personnel with ono
month's training would bo a most ef
ficient organization."
He considers tho weakest features
'of tho Organization Its lack of field
work and smalt attendance at campv
The mos encouraging features, ho
cays, are the attitude of the men to
wards instruction and tho efficiency
of Major Blrkor as a medical officer.
The Inspector says he was Informed
that part of this field hospital camped
at Polo Mountain, Wyoming, during
a part of tho tlmo army maneuver:
were held thero.
The New Postoffice Law.
Postmaster SIzer has sent tolhe
newspapers of Lincoln a lottor set
ting forth tho provisions of tho act of
August 24, 1912, whereby tho papers
are required to file with tho post
ofllco department sworn statements
concerning their management and
circulation. In case any paper falls
to comply with tho new law it will be
denied the privileges of tho malls. By
the provisions of tho act tho editor,
publlshor, business manager, maga
zine, periodical or other publication
entered as second class mail at tho
postoffice, except religious, fraternal,
temperance, scientific and other sim
ilar publications, is required to file
with the local office not later than
April 1 and October 1 of each year
two sworn statements setting forth
the names and pOstoffico addresses
of the editor, managing editor, pub
lisher, business manager and owners,
nnd, if owned by a corporation, tho
names of persons owning 1 per cent
or more of tho stock or other securi
ties. Criticises Court's Work.
Paul Slegler, Just liberated from
tho penitentiary after a term of threo
years, wanted Attorney Genoral Mar
tin to call tho supromo court together
to hoar what he had to say regarding
the conviction of prisoners. When
Mr. Martin said he could not do this
Sleeler consented to outllno his
thorles to tho attorney general. Ho
said the theory upon which most men
were convicted of varions crimes was
all wrong. Indefensible and unjust In
every way.
Paying for Man Hunt.
Lancaster county Is up to tho pro
posltlcu ot paying the expenses In
curred In tho hunt after Gray, Morley
anU Dowd, the men who escaped from
the penitentiary last winter after
killing somo of the officials. Tho
commissioners have cut out some of
the claims entirely and havo lopped
off about half of others, and in con
sequence there Is dissatisfaction
anions those who Joined In tho hunt.
Soonei than see some of tho mon en
tirely loso out on the deal, Sherlft
Hycrj paid them himself.
Candidate Under Wire.
Notices from legislative candidates
who forgot to sign statement No. 1
of the primary law relatlvo to sonn
torlal candidates are coming Into the
office of Socretnry of Stall- Walt
iult lively, and tho question jiiis
been inlsed as to tholr right to get in
at this time However, Mr. Walt hap
ruled that thoy can make ood any
time before the official ballot In pre.
tared Mi u'f is alrand pn-p.ir-l'
- ' "t th- ballot, 'i,. i
i '! f' '1 ' injnti i ' , j.
' b (ii i a lie hi,
Gen. Zeledon It' Killed by Federal
Cavalry Troop Southerland Re
ports Another Attack From Insur
rectos at City of Chlmagalpa.
Washington, Oct. 8. American ma
rines and bluejackets, in a gallant
assault, drove tho Nicaraguan rovolu
tlonary leader, General Zeledon, and
his forces from Coyntepe and Barran
cas Hills, near Masaya, after thirty
seven minutes of fighting, Saturday.
In tho action four privates of the
United States marine corps wore
killed and a number were wounded.
The victory of tho Americans
opened tho way for tho Nicaraguan
government troopB to assault tho
town of Masaya, which they took
from tho revolutionists, and the starv
ing Inhabitants were relieved.
Tho insurrectionists losses were
heavy, while the government forces
lost 100 killed and 200 wounded.
General Zeledon, tho rebel, escaped,
but .later was cornered and killed by
a troop of federal cavalry.
The American marines (all pri
vates) killed were:
Ralph Victor Dobbett; enlisted at
St. Louis. His father, William H.
Bobbett, lives at Nevada, Mo,
Charles Hays Durham; enlisted at
Indianapolis. His mother, Mrs. Lue
Durham, lives at Junction City, Ky.
Clarence Henry McGlll; enlisted at
Boston. His nunt, Mary Herbert,
lives at 2G Hancock street, Portland,
Harry Pollard; enlisted at Roches
ter, N. Y. His mother, Mrs. Bliss B.
Pollard, lives at Medway, Mass.
The Americans most severely
wounded were:
Second Lieutenant Georgo W. Mar
tin, Company C, First battalion, en
listed at Boston. His mother, Mrs.
Flora A. Martin, and wife, live at 437
Medford street, Winter Hill. Mass.
Sergt. A. P. Sherburne, enlisted at
Boston. His mother, Mrs, Francis L.
Shorbourne, lives at Georgetown,
Private William Harvey, enlisted at
Boston. Relatives not known,
Private Alfred Lunder, enlisted at
Fargo, N. D. His brother. David
Lunder, lives at Baker, Mont.
Admiral Southerland reports to the
navy department another fight be
tween marines under Lieutenant Long
and rebels at Chlmagalpa, in which
live marines were wounded and thir
teen of tho enemy killed.
!; HUMS j
TTTmrt ''
Boston, Oct. 5. Stephen B, Dow,
head of Stephen B. Dow & Co.,
brokers, who failed recently, was ar
rested Thursday on a warrant charg
ing him with the larceny of $100,000
from the Franklin Mining company.
Cummlngs, On., Oct. 7. While four
companies ot militia from Atlanta pre
served order in the court houso Fri
day, two negroes were convicted ot
assaulting a young woman of this
community nnd causing her death.
Madrid, Spain, Oct. 7. King Al
fonso convoked tho Spanish parlia
ment Friday, to meet on October 14,
to discuss the situation caused by
Jio strike on the Spanish railroads,
A'hlch has held up the traffic of Spain.
$100,000 Lost In Coal Yard Fire.
Chicago, Oct. 8. Fire swopt
through the four-acre coal yard of tho
Philadelphia Roadlng Coal & Iron
:ompuny, Sunday, causing a proporty
Air.R of $100,000, and probably causing
.ho death of an employe.
Woman Shoots Her Rival.
Cincinnati, Oct. 8 Enraged at sco
ns her husband talking with another
Aoniuii, irs Crnco lianey of WeBt
r viiifioi K tuiitioi ti d tho couplo
. ,.II l' al (I ! . . lilt r ETl la Sun
I. . I t '
5 1
Lieutenant, Second In Command, Is
Picked Up Floating 'on Seal
Only Man 8aved.
Dovor, Oct. 7. Tho British subma
rine B-2 was run down by tho Hamburg-American
liner Amerika here
Friday. It sank at ontio, drowning 15
of tho crow. Only one onlcor was res
cued. Tho disaster occurred whilo tho
third patrol flotilla of submarines, con
sisting of six vessels, was maneuver
ing off the south foreland on tho coast
of Kent. Tho Amerika nppoars to
havo cut the submarine completely in
Lieut. Richard I. Pulloyne, who was
second in command, was the only man
among tho crew of 15 who was sovod.
Ho was found floating In the sea, too
exhausted to say more when he was
rescued than: "Tho submarlno Is cut
in two. I went down a alle."
Bragg Is Winner Italian Badly In
jured In Accident on Last
Lap of Auto Classic.
.Milwaukee, Oct. 8. Ralph Do Pal
ma, In a desperate effort to win the
Grand Prix race, was perhaps fatally
injured Saturday when tho Morcodes
car ho was driving crashed Into Caleb
Bragg's machine, traveling 100 miles
an hour, nnd overturned. Tom Alley,
De Pal ma's mechanician, escaped
with minor Injuries.
Bragg's car leaped from the tangle
and carried Its driver to victory.
De Palma suffered a fracturo of tho
loft hip, a broken rib nnd nbdomlnal
Injuries. Surgeons said ho had a
"fighting chance" for recovery.
Bragg's victory without De Palma's
competition was decisive. His time
for tho 410 miles was 5:59:25, an
average of G9.3 miles per hour.
Erwln Bergdoll, tho Philadelphia
millionaire, was second.
Wild Car Hits Two Other at Fair
mount Park, Philadelphia Over
Embankment With Six.
Philadelphia, Oct. 8. Nine persons
aro dead as a result of the terrific
collision between three automobiles
on tho edgo of Falrmount park, Sun
day, Ono of tho cars, which Is re
ported to havo boen running at high
speed, struck another car, which was
hurled agalnBt a third. Tho "wild"
car, containing six men, crashed
through a railing on a bridge and fell
forty fcot, killing all Its occupants.
Threo other mon In the second car
also met death by the force of the
The dead: Robert A. Boyd, Edward
Shaw, Jr., Daniel WilkoH, William II.
Lawrence, Gordon H. Miller, Leon
Nevln, Jesse Holmes, Robert Glefol,
Ernest Shofleld. All uro residents of
Halifax to Have a Triple Execution
Drink Followed by
Halifax, N. S., Oct. 5. Threo broth
ers, Alfred, Fred and Harry Gravos,
will be hanged here Jan, 15 next for
tho murder of Kennoth Lea near Fort
Williams In Juno. The brothers whilo
Intoxicated started a quarrel with
Lea. Ono of them struck him with tho
butt of a pistol, which was discharged,
mortally wounding Lea.
Two Girls 8uffocated In Fire.
New York, ct. 8. Two young wo
men employed as waitresses In a res
taurant at 25 Park row wero suffo
cated Sunday In a flro that started on
tho fifth floor from a dofectlvo' fluo
and spread rapidly to the other floors.
Scientists Marooned by Rains.
Phoenix, Ariz., Oct. 8 SIxty-Ilvo
European scientists who have beon
touring tho United States as he
gutBts of tho American Gi ograpliteal
poclety wero marooned H it la by
hray rains at Roosevelt I'ati
Denies Story of $70,000 Gift to Rival
Camps $10,000 Is What He Gave
Wilson John D. Archbold to
Again Testify.
WnBhlngton, Oct. 9. Tho sauato In
vestigating committee was told Mon
day by Charles It. Crano that ho gave
$26,G84.40 to Senator La Follotto'B
campaign and $10,000 to Gov. Wood
row Wilson's fund beforo tho Balti
more convention.
Treasurer E. II. Hookor of tho Pro
gressive party, who appeared as a
witness last week, volunteered the
testimony that Mr. Crane gave $70,
000 each to tho La Folletto and Wil
son funds at tho samo time.
"Aro these all tho contributions you
made either to Sonator La Follotto
or Governor Wilson?" asked Sonator
Clapp of Mr. Crano.
"Yes, sir. nil."
An account of tho receipts and ex
penses of Senator La Follotto'a cam
paign was filed with the commlttoo,
showing collections of $63,9G9.50 and
expenditures of $G3,961.56.
Gilford Plnchot, Amos Plnchot and
Representative William11, Kont ot Cali
fornia each contributed $10,000. Al
fred L. Bakor gave $2,000, Rudolph
Spreckels $3,000, William Fllnn ot
Pennsylvania $1,000 and Senator La
Folletto himself $1,500.
When Charlos Edward RusboII, So
cialist candidate for governor ot Now
York, took the stand. Chairman Clapp
rend to hlin a report of ono of his
speeches In a Now York paper, de
scribing an alleged telephone convert
Batlon between J. P. Morgan and the
Whlto Houso during tho 1904 campaign
in which Mr. Morgan was asked for
a $100,000 contribution to tho Repub
lican campaign fund. Tho published
roports said Wayne MncVeagh, for
mer attorney general, was a wltnoss
to tho conversation.
Mr. Russell Bald tho story carao
to him In 1910 from a magazine
writer who told htm ho had tho story
from Mr. MacVcagh.
Senator Clapp announced after tho
political funds hearing adjournod that
tho commlttoo find arranged for John
D. Archbold of tho Standard Oil com
pany to resumo tho stand.
Washington. Oct. t. In tho follow
ing word3 Theodore Roosevelt sum
marized his testimony hore Friday at
the close of tho first part of hla hear
ing beforo tho Clapp committee of tho
scnato investigating campaign funds:
"I asked no man to contrlbuto to tho
campaign fund when I was elected
president of the United States, and I
wish to reiterate that Mr. Bliss and
Mr. Cortclyou both assured me that
no promise had been mado as a roturn
for nny contribution. Neither they nor
anyone else having nuthorlty aBkod
mo to act or refrain from acting in
nny mannor whilo I was president bo
cause any contribution hnd been mado
or withheld.
"Gtmtlomen, could I put It moro
Tho colonel specifically denied that
ho over aBked for contributions to his
1904 campaign fund or that he had
known of any contribution by J. P.
Morgan, To theso statements he
added that ho had ordered the roturn
to thoStandard Oil company of any
contribution It might have mado In
1904; that ho had been assured by
George B. Corlolyou "only yesterdny"
that he knew of no such contribution
and that ho did not beliovo Cornelius
N. BIW3 over demanded a contribu
tion from John D, Archbold or from
any corporation by any methods ot
Edward Clark, Cincinnati Man,
Changes Plea to "Guilty" In Dy-
namite Conspiracy Case.
Indianapolis, Oct. 9. Edward Clark
of Cincinnati plcadod guilty Monday
to the government's charges In tho
dynamite conspiracy. Clark was busi
ness agent and president of tho Cin
cinnati local of tho Structural Iron
Workers' union from 1908 to 1911.
As soon as court opened District
Attorney Charles W, Miller addressed
Federal Judge A. B. Anderson:
"If It please tho court, tho defend
ant Clark of Cincinnati wiBhos to
change his plea from 'not guilty' to
"Do you plead guilty?" asked Judge
"I plead guilty," said Clark.
45 Killed, Hundreds Hurt.
Tainplco, Mex., Oct. 9. Dynamite
stored In n warehouse hero exploded
during a flro and killed more than
45 porsons and injured several hun
dred. The cause of tho flro Is un
known. Those killed were firemen
and spectators at tho burning ware
house. Hour's Work 8avet Life.
San Francisco, Oct. 9. An hour's
heroic treatment brought back life
here Monday Into the body of Bert
Edgar, an electrician, after ho had
boon pronounced dend from a shock
of 2,200 volts of electricity.
Four Trainmen Are Killed.
Hagerstown, Mil., Oct. 9. Four
tralnmon wero killed and four others
hurt in n h'-'idou collision between
a tt.Mn ff einrt p.m-Mttiii r cirs nil '
i. If !! t t lilt 1 I 1 I T I
rantUl Hearing of Ex-LTeutenani, Ac
cused of Gambler's Death, Oe
glna In New York.
Now York, Oct. 8. Charlos Becker,
former lieutenant of police, charged
with tho murder ot Herman Rosen
thal, lost a fight to delay his trial
when Judge Colt denied his lawyer a
continuance Tho attorney In 1 plea
aid his assoclato was 111.
The murder Saturday night ot "Big
Jack" Zollg Is also said to havo boon
a serious blow to tho defonso, Mr.
Mclntyro mnkihg public for the first
tlmo todny tho fact that tho notori
ous gangster had boon under sub
poena as a wltnoss for Becker.
Bosldos Becker, six mon of Now
York's underworld havo boon Indicted
for tho crlmo, but Becker, as alleged
Instigator of tho murdor plot, will bo
tried first.
The two hundred nnd fifty tales
mon from whom a Jury will bo choson
reportod early at tho criminal courts
building nnd curious crowds swnrmod
through tho corridors, waiting to sea
Becker brought across tho brldgo of
sighs from tho Tombs for his arraign
ment Tho prosecution will attempt to
show that Bockor actually ordered
that Rosenthal bo murdorod, that
Becker know tho tlmo fixed for execu
tion of tho crlmo, and that ho after
ward used his official position to
shlold tho four men nccusod of firing
tho shots "Gyp tho Blood," "Lofty
Louis." "Whltoy" Lewis nnd "Dago"
Thoso men will bo tried later with
Jock Sullivan, who rode uptown with
Becker In an automobile thn nlcht of
the murder, and William Shapiro.
chauITour nnd pnrt owner of tho
car used in killing Rosonthnl.
Kansas City Southern Passenger
Robbed Near Poteau, Okla. Ex-
press Safe Is Dynamited.
Fort Smith. Ark.. Oct. 7. -Bandits
Friday night hold up northbound Kan
sas City Southern passongor train No.
4, onrouto to Kansas City, on Tarby
rralrle, threo miles north of Poteau,
Okla. The banditB rode away on the
samo train. A call waB Bent hero for
Tho men wero seen to board the
train nt tho Frisco crossing, n mile
northeast of Poteau. whero tho train
hnd to stop on orders. John Dozler,
who resides near by, went to invest!
gnto and found tho pnssengers In ono
car wero holding upvtholr hands.
Whilo a masked man kept them cov
ered with a pistol another man was
searching tho passengers.
When, tho trt In reached Splra,
twenty miles north of Poteau, it was
learned that tho iouncrs about six In
number dynamited tho safo In the ox.
press car and stolo a large quantity
of registered mall.
Naval Parade Will Arrive In Chicago
for Celebration August 17,
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 5. At a meet
ing hero of the intercity committee
for tho Perry victory centennial cole
bratlon In 1913 tho Itinerary of the
naval parade which will fix tho dates
of local celebrations around tho lakes
was arranged tentatively. Every large
city on tho lakes and sovornl of the
smallor ones wero represented at tha
Erlo, Pa., obtained tho first dates
durlpg tho wook of July G, 1913. Tha
other dates follow: Cleveland, July
13; Detroit. July 20; Toledo, July 27 f
Milwnukoo and Green Bay, WIb
August 10; Chicago, August 17; Buf
falo, September l; Loraine, O., Sep
tember 5; Sandusky and Put-imBay,
September 10.
Youth Charged With Killing Parents
and 8lster Is Taken Into Custody
on Murder Charge,
Qulncy, III., Oct. 9. -Ray Pfan
schmldt was arrested Mondny on a
nhuige ot murder lu connection with
tho quadruple killing near hore.
Tho victims of tho tragedy wore
Charles PfanBchmldt, a prominent
farmer, his wife, their daughter,
Blancho Pfanschmldt, aged sixteen,
and Miss Emma Kaempen, aged twen
ty, tho school teacher ot tho district,
who roomed at tho houso.
The formal chargo against tho pris
oner Ib that of tho murder of Blancho,
his sister. Young Pfanschmldt Is
twenty-threo years old.
Killed In Cuban Political Row.
Havana, Cuba, OcL 9. Two woro
killed and the chief of police and sev
eral others mortally wounded in a
faction fight at Colon, In tho province
of Matanzas Monday. The combatants
used revolvers and machetes.
Kankakee Hat a $200,000 Fire.
Kankakee, 11., OcL 6. Kankakee
was alacked Thursday by the worst
fire In its history, two city blocks of
buildings Delng practically destroyed
and a loss of $200,000 suffered. Three
horncs were burned to death
Jim Corbett Improving.
Philadelphia. Oct. 6.Tho condition
of Jsmoh J Corbett. who was operated
C'U Ur nppendu-ltls In a hospital hero,
w i.-. iti'iro l i ..ri!v Ri-corJ'tvR to
ii i ei 1 ' , i ' ni " t !t hop
, . i .
Home low n
Beauty of the Town la Badly Marred
If They Ara Allowed to Show
Halt the charm ot tho New Eng
land towns and villages that ovory;
year aro drawing moro summer resi
dents and motor tourlstB from be
yond tho Hudson, surely tho better
half, Is morely a innttor of what the
old assessors called tho home lot,
Arching elms, like those of Hadlcy
and Doerfleld, lend a beauty that
prairlo towns cannot duplicate; but
tho aosthotlo value oven ot a shado
tree varies with what it shades; it
Us shadows movo on open windows
and groon, closo shaven lawns, that
is ono thing; It thoy fall on broken
fence nnd tangled weeds, the tree
Itself is llttlo noted. Width of atreeL
nmplo space between tho houses,
efficient lighting systems, theso all
aro needed for a pleasing vlllago or
a pleaBlng city yard; thoy only in
crease tho disappointment if the door
yard show neglect
All tho more pity that, In conse
quent ot tho steadily growing vaca
tion habit, tho very roadways that
should most delight tho visitors with
trimly kept lawn and cleanly swept
walk, with clipped hedgo and well
ordered flower border, now repel hi
eye and quicken tho paco that should
be slowed for leisurely enjoyment.
Every second or third houso is closed;
the shutters aro folded In upon the
windows; the approaches are dusty
ami liltiv.lj th lawn Is gray with
drought or degenorato with weeds
and tall grasB, A very llttlo ot such
desolation blights the cheer and fresh
ness as a dead branch blights tho
Brace and lightness of a living tree.
Boston Globo.
Kansas City Newspaper Thinks Highly
of Method of Illumination Re
cently Installed There.
A now systom ot street lighting has
appeared on the South Stdo, and It ap
parently solves the problem ot orna
mental illumination for residence
streets. Tho lights have been placed
on Oak street and lead Into tho Coun
try club district by way of Brooksids
boulevard to Broadway tand Hunting
ton road. A lamppost that should ba
ornamental by day as well as by night
was tho purpose ot tho dcslgnor.
Tho post is ot iron bronze, about
12 feet high, slender and graceful in
line. Tho shaft is fluted and tho globo
is of ground glass 12 inches in dl
anietor. Electric lights are used and
milk whlto globes cause an unusually
offcctlvo illumination. Tbe first cost
bf tho completo electrolier Is little
moro than that of tho ordinary street
lamppost, but thero Is no comparison
in effect, day or night. Kansas City
Newspapers Best for Theaters. '
David Belasco, ono of America's
greatest theatrical managers and play
rights, In speaking of the various ad
vertising mediums recently, said that
he had found that tbe best results were
to be secured from nowspapor adver
tising. They aro, he declares, tho
most direct means for reaching tho in
dividual. Mr. Belasco continues:
"If a man nnd his wife suddenly de
cide after dinner to attend the thea
ter, they do not rush out on the
street and scan the billboards for half
a mile; they refer to the amusement
column of today's paper. It they can
not find It t?y hunt up yeslrdy. So
this column is a standing guldo to the
theater goers. Under present condi
tions I am convincod that tho daily
nowBpaper carries stronger influence
and sooures better results,"
All of which is sound common sense
and will be endorsod by thousands ot
business men who appeal to the pub
lic through advertising.
Value of Parks.
Public parks are Important factors '
In promoting tho health, happiness
and general well-being of all tho peo
ple, but more particularly thoso liv
ing In crowded parts of cities. Parks
also bring all In closer touch with
nature, encourage outdoor sports ami
recreations, giving exorcise and pure
air to tho lungs of tired factory work
era and those of sedentary habits;
people who are always glad of a
chance to spend a day amid restful
scenes and under conditions of ease
and comfort. Tired wives and moth
ers; children of all classos, without
distinction, all meet on common
ground in public parks where thera.
are equal rights for all; special privi
leges for none.
Cities With Civic Pride.
Conspicuous among the cities which
aro now brushing up, or planning it,
are San FrancUco, Portland. Or.;
Minneapolis, Seattle and Chicago,
while many towns ot smaller sli Ilka
Cdnr Rapids, la., are also In tfa
movement. The westers cities aro al
most making a race of this work aad
the city boautlflers. as tho architects
who hare taken up this work may fc
called, ar otercrowdoi -with "rork.
Tho profession mora thaa U ca
. moi e'ewr mes w,- aaJ &s.tcat
owa'l .T4 s tc fans Sir
, lie r " ,