Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 20, 1912, Image 5

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A Child
Depends much
upon the nutritive qual
ities of its food. As
bread makes up a large
part of our diet, order
Metzs Bread and your
bread will be right.
J. Vskl
'Pftkota City
Tlio pupils of the high school havo
purolmsod HODg books. Tho opening
exercises aro devoted toeirgiug.
Tho Botany class are Btmlyiug the
different families of flowers.
Two ruemhors of the tenth grndo
piano geometry olnss scored 100 in
tho test covering tho first two weeks
work. They are Margaret Schriovor,
nnd Eva Graham.
Hazel Powell has been abflent tho
past week on account of tho illness of
lior sister.
Nino of tho pnpils of tho it.terrao
diato department attouded the fair at
Sioux City Monday.
MisH Murphy, county superintend
ent, visited tho high school Fiiday und
tho lower rooms Monday.
Ethel Brotherton and Aileen Stin
sou have bosn absent part of tho week.
Merrill Mooio entered tho soventh
grudo. j
William Sanford who had started to
school in Sioux City, Iran entered the
fifth grade. v
Mother of Eighteen Children,
"I am tlie mother of eighteen child
ren and havo tho praise of doing tnoro
work than any young woman in my
town," writes Mrs 0 J Martin, Boone
Mill. Va. "I suffered for five -oars,
with atorunoli tioubln and could not
eat us much as a biscuit without suf
fering. I ha.vo taken threo bottles of
Chamberlain's Stomuoh and Liver
Tablets and am now a well woman
and weigh 1G8 pounds. I can out
anything I want to ao much as I waut
nnd feel bettor than I have fft any
time in ton yoars. I refor to anyone
in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will
vouch for what I say. Chamborlaiu's
Tablets are for saloby all dealers.
Itemsjreproduoed in tho Sioux City
'journal from "flies of twenty years
ago, September 19, 1892:
Frank iluut says that tho talk of
South Sioux City people about secu
ring the removal of the Omaha shops
from this city to the other side of the
river h sheer nonsense. .He says that
the Omaha company was assessed
$150,000 in Dakota county ou its
bridge property and that a represen
tative of the company came there and
got tho assessment cut down to $100,000
by intimating the shops might bo
Select Your
SEPT. 30th
Three Reasons Why
FIrat Corn In Nebraska is
from one to three weeks Ute,
duo to the cool season. COOL
Second-SEED CORN In Neb
raska Is scarce, due to the lack
of good Seed Corn this spring.
Third Early picked corn can
be easily cured. Corn properly
cured will not be Injured by
cold weather.
Cicod Seed Means Bigger Yields
Nebraska, as well as the other states in Hie great corn
belt suffered from a lack of Seed Corn this spring. Early
frosts and Heavy rains Injured more than half the corn, that
was to be used for seed. Fortunately, the condition was dis
covered in time to obviate greafloss. That was accomplished
by general testing.
You Can Get Good Seed
By an early selection of corn and proper care of It dur
ing the cold winter months, Nebraska will have plenty of
good seed corn for 1913.
. The Week of Sept. 30 to Oct. 5
has been designated as seed corn selection week.
Select Your Seed Corn During That Time.
It Means DOLLARS to You.
Bulletins on the selection and care of Seed Corn prepared
by Nebraska Experts will be furnished FREE OF COST, on
application to either
ur umnnn
v .curt Mtfttfft J
dc Zedde
. Nobraska
Local Items
Miss Ituby Moore is visiting ut Or
chard, Neb, with relatives.
Headquarters for all school supplies
qt tho Dakota Oity Pharmuoy.
Ohas W Lynch, of Oletha, Kas, is
tho new assistant at tho E & H lum
ber yard.
Frod Parker nnd wife nutoed- to
Cunastotn, S D, Inst Saturday to upend
a few days with Fred's biothor, Bert
Wo have a nice display of nhim
uiunni ware and also a nico stock of
hardware, grauitware, etc, nt light
prices. Sehriever Bros.
Among the new subscriptions to tho
Herald tho past week wns ouo from
Mibh Mario Qoodfellow, n Dakota
county girl who is teaching scieuco in
the high school at Syrneuse, Neb.
If you are fond of smoking n good
pipe, go to Vau do Z'ddo's snd seo
the elegant assortment he has ou dis
play boforo you buy elsewhere. You
will find them priced so low that you
can't afford to look further.
Invitations are out for a double wed
ding at tho homo of Mr and Mrs Qlnis
Hiseroto, October 2ud, when their
daughters, Bertha M and Elizabeth V
will bii mariiuit to James F Hatch nud
George Truman, respectively.
Emil Seidel, late socialist mnyor of
Milwaukee, nnd vice-prsideutial can
didate of tho socinlit-t party, will
speak nt the auditorium in Sioux City,
Thursday evening, October .3, at 8 p
m. An admission fee of 35o will bo
charged for tho meeting.
A letter from Mrs Marie Mnndy nnl
daughter, Johanna, dated at Bever
stedt, Germany, announces the death
of Mrs Muudy's father, the artist,
Carl Bostelmau, in his 88th year.
They also stated that as soon as all
business matters there were settled
they csgcctcd to return, to the United
II P Shumway, republican candidate
for state senator from this district,
was heie on business last Thursday.
Mr Shumwny's home' is in Wakefield
where he has resided for tlio past
thirty years or more. Mr Shumwy
represented this district in the legis
lature some years ago aud is not a
novice in the art of law-making, neith
er is he an office-seeker "for what
there is in it," us he owns some of the
finest laud in Dixon county and knows
how to farm it successfully.
Seed Corn
to OCT. 5th
What it Means to You
By selecting SEED CORN
early and properly caring for
It, Nebraska will not face the
serious condition It did this
Well selected SEED CORN
means an Increase in yield from
five to six bushels per acre.
Nebraska farmers will not be
required to send out of the
state for SEED CORN, thereby
decreasing the yield.
Mrs E II Cornell has been quite
ill tho past week , '
8co Dakota Oity Pharmacy beforo
buying jour paints aud oils.
Frof Carl Solmovor mado n business
trip to Poncn, Monday, between trains.
I want to Boll niy house nnd lot ns I
want to go oust to live.. MrB Lizzie
U 8 Martdial Warner was hero fiotn
Omaha ou business Wednesday and
Mrs Ilomor Skecn was in from Cody
this week, visiting her father aud oth
er relatives,
llobert Evaus jr, wont to Lincoln
Monday to resume his work tit tho
Btiito iiuiveridty. ,
Frank Fueston wns down Ironi Von
ca Friday, gettiug repairs for his
threshing outfit.
George Carter jr, loft Bnndav for
Kearney. Neb, to re-enter tho Kearney
.Military academy.
Mra W It Warren vsitod in Tolca
mah and Omaha u couplo of day tho
latter part of last wok.
Georgo Haaso, wifo and baby wero
down from Emerson Bundny, guest
at tho A T Haaxo home.
Fred Marg of Onawa, Iowa, haB
moved his family into tho Giibblo
house vacated by Feto Mannion.
Woodrnw Vi1nnn. tint rinmnnrittln
oandidato for-president, drow tho only
big crowd tho Interstato fair had this
Fuul Kiuklo left Wednasday uooh
for Ht Paul, Minn, ou a woek's vacation
trip, which he will spend with rela
tives aud friends,
Tho W F Brandon oompany whole
sale furnitnro warehouse in Sioux City
was debtroyed by flroat 3o'olook Tues
day rooming. Property loss will bo
about $15,000.
Tho Teddy Hoars lost two mighty
close games tho past weok the firnt
at Walthill Thursday of last weok, '2 to
1, ten innings, aud tho second ut
Wakelleia, Sunday, 1 to 0.
Peaches by the osse, 85c. Jonathan
npples STo per peck. .Jersey sweet
potatoes 5o per pound. Nico canning
pears $1,10 pur bushel. Beat it if
you can. Knepper's Grocory.
Frank Sides uvnl to Lincoln Sun
day to eutor .the State University. Rl r
Siili'H uncnniDtininil hitu tn T.innnln in
holt) him look un a hoarding nluan and
get started in his sohool work.
U Wesloy Drown nutoed down from
Herriok, S D. Saturday to toko in tho
luterbtato fair. Mrs Drown, who has
boon visitiuir relatives hern for somn
time, will accompany him homo.
Boy Wioiaud, of Sioux Oiiv, ami
11 ai riot B..rr, of Elk Point. B D. and
E I Oady and Graco Dretinau, of Sioux
City, wero joined in martiage by Jus-
tico of tho Peace J P Rockwell on
E II Spurling oamo down from
Oheiry Creek, 8 D, labt Friday und
vub accompanied homo Tuesday Mrs
Spurling and two children, who havo
been visiting at tho .Mrs Cheney homo
the past summer.
AH kinds of pipes suitable in price
to your pooketbook. If you want a
high priced pipt something flue wo
have it. Or if you want u cheap ono,
and a good ono, too we havo them
also. Van de Zeddo.
A special teachers' examination will
ho given ut Dakota City, September
20 und 21. All subjects for county
und lilo certidcates will be givou at
this examination. Margaret A Murphy,
County Superintendent.
Miss Florence Fendall, who has been
assistant operutor in the telephooo ex
change hero for u fow months past,
left Monday for Danoroft to luku a
similar position. Mies Alioe Doolittle
is assisting at tho board here.
Chris 'Paulsen returned Satnrdny
from a summer's trip through Canada
and North Dakota. He says they have
had considerable winter weather up
north already, two inches of snow hav
ing fallen at one timo several weeks
Hubert J Drowning, of Stuart, Neb,
has urohased the agency aud outlitof
the IUwleigh Remedy Co from S 11
Mooro. Mr Drowning comes well
recommended aud enters upon his
work as agent for the company in a
businesslike manner.
Mr and Mrs John Barnes an?l family
of Owanka, S D, aro expected hero
Saturday for uu over Sunday visit
while enrouto to Modal", Iowa, where
Mr Barnes goes to tako charge of un
elevator, Mrs Barnes was formerly
Marguerite Brnslleld und resided hero
several yoars ago.
Beginning next Thursday, tho 2Gth,
mail ficrvico will be extended on tho
Norfolk'lruins from Emerson to Sious
City. Tiain No. 9, at 8:33 a m, will
receive and dispatch mail at this oillco
on Sunday only; ttain No. 10, at 3.38
p m, will receive and dispatch mail
daily, except Sunday.
Georgo Willi ins was intercepted at
Omaha lust Friday while on his wed
ding trip und summoned homo long
enough to file un injunction in the
district court in tho dniinupo distiiet
matter. He 1 t on tho noon Burling
ton and met his wife at Ashland, Neb,
and they resuraeil their trip to Denver.
Ah a result of tho telephooo merger
in Sioux City wherein the Bell and
Antomatio companies wero cousoli
dated, the toll station of the Automat
io was moved Sunday from Vmh do
Zedde's Btoro to the exchange olllcti of
tho Bell company. F II Forrest, man
ugor for tho Bell liue here, will havo
charge of both systems.
While unloading a oar of shiogles
for tho E & U Lbr company Weudes
day mornipg, Alfred Soyraonr wob
denousiy injured uy tailing irom a
load of shingles. The team started to
run away and Mr Seymour was thrown
under the wIio-Ih, tho wagon passing
over'his body and iujnring him inter
nally. It will be a day or two before
the extent of his iujuries will be
Weill Well 11 nnroweare. Who
said tho IUwleigh Co. had quit (or
was busted). We thank yon ouo aud
ull for past favors and liberal patron
age, and solicit yonr futuro trade. We
havo a complete lino of Iluwleigh's
Itemediea ou hand, with headquarters
just north of tho court house in Dakota
City. We are hero to stay, I'm glad
to say with IUwleigh goods, the best.
The IUwldgh Man,
Robert J. Browning.
Information Concerning '
the Horse Plague.
Tho Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
havo been in touoh with dtzeus of
towns in Kansas during tho past week,
trying to get authentic iufornmtnn ns
to tho beat mothod of lighting tho
hnrso plaguo which is now Bpteadiug
over northeast Nebraska. They aro
mailing out letters to about 3,000
farmets this weok and hnvo asked
their managers to givo tho information
to tho nowspapurB aud to spread it hit
over their territory, because it is iu
formation that in reliable. The pie
scriptiou given in their letter has bicti
tried around Liruoil, Kabsatt, as re
cently as September 13 aud the n p rt '
id that this prescription gives the bjt
results of uuy euro that has yet boon'
tried. Wo give below tho letter which
the Edwards & Biudford Lbr Co is
muiding nnt all over uorthoa&t No
bruBkn: '
Dear Sir: Wo uudorstand that tho
horse diseuso which has killed uoarly
20,000 horses in Kansas and a largo
number of hoge, has spread over tho
South Platte tonrory iu Nebraska aud
has workod its way up into northeast
ern Nebraska. Wo givo below points
of information gathered from the ex
perience of men who havo been light
ing tho diseato in Kansas and n pro
suiiption, which will bo mentioned
later iu this letter, Tho information
given'bolow ia valuable, because it
comes from men who have mado a
oaieful study of tho disease iu Kansas.
1, Iu Kansas only horses that havo
been on pasture get sick. No horo
that has boon 'kopt off pasture has
died. Not a siuglo town horso has
boon sick or died in Lamed. Kas,
2, Tho horseB on pasture appar
ently contract the disease from eatiug
the fungus on plants which havo de
veloped since tho recent iniim Ap
patently horses fod on old hay aud
grain havo notbeon affected.
3, Keep horses aud mules off tho
pastures and givo them clean food and
water and administer a laxitivo RAW
linseed oil and turpentine being about
tho best. This doso ia best adminis
tered to n horso from u bottlo, mixing
two or thn o tablespoons full of tur
pentine with tho RAW linseed oil, und
feeding it it.to the linrHeV mouth from
tlio bottlo, tho horse's head being held
high bo he will swallow it, and rubbing
the throat on tho outsido to holp it
down. Wo would udviso ugalnbt try
ing to put this into tho horso'a nos
trils, as it huB better effect by feeding
into thu mouth.
'4. Disiufect stables with a good
disinfectant, such nB fonnahloydo, or
narb"''G,,!Q nt HAn nthv frond d?-
infeofant. Thn farmer might bettor
spend $0 to $10 in disinfecting his
promises, than loso u fow horses worth
from $200 to $200 oaoh.
0. Bleeding u hoiso in tho early
stages of the disoaso Beoms to do a lot
of good. Somo horses get wild, and
others very quiet during tho ravuges,
and this is duo, tho veterinarians say,
to tho clot of blood thut forms ou tho
bruin settling on diffoiont uervo cen
ters in the brain and causing tho dif
ferent actions of tho horse. Ipe pack
ed around tlio head and neck of tho
wild ones, gives relief and in somo
oiihps cures. Feeding thp horxpa milk
in some cases does a lot o(.good.
G Oon't forgot that flies aro caus
ing aa much troublo with sick horses
as anything elso. Clean up around
tho barns and lots and disinfect the
premises thoroughly, us suggested
above. When a sick horso is discov
ered, he should bo i&olatod from tho
well ones, and ho should bo covered
up or sprayed with some nnti fly dopo
so that ha won't hnvo to spend all his
vitality in keeping the flts from oat
ing him up. Tho horce ehonld bo
made comfortable, and kept free from
ilies, as this gives tho horso und tho
medicine a chance.
7. What seems to bo a euro for tho
horse disease is now being tried around
Lamed, Kus. It is being used syste
matically, cortain doses at certain
hours, temperature being taken reg'
ularly, and thu effects being noted
regularly. Horses that do nut oat, or
oan not eat or drink, aro being fed
and watered through tho rectum, so
thoy do not die of thirst or starvation.
Fliej aro being kopt away from tho
siak horsf r.
Now, 'wo DO -NOT give this pro
scription as a sure cure but recim
moml it us tho best remedy that has
yot boon discovered. Most drug stores
have in block tho ingredients of tho
formula. ,
Now, talk this mutter over with
your veterinarian and physician and in
case tho Hypo Injection is used for the
first doso, it rhould bo administered
by n veterinarian or a doctor.
RHiiiHinlier. NEVElt uivh more than
ouo Hypo Injection and NEVER givo
more than ono capsule a day. Give
ouo capsule a day, twenty-four hours
apart until temperature is normal 101
degrees, The Hypo I jnoiiou is to bo
tiH"d for the first dole ON LI' uud to
be followed up wi'h tho capsules ono
day upart. A full omirse takes five
dnfleH. If the liormi'H water or bowels
are not storking wiopurlj, tliwo mils
be attended to evory day. Oloiiu up
tho prcmiiea, disinfect the stalls and
mnugHrs, us this diseano is probably
infectious und should be treated thut
The prescriptions for tlio Hypo In
jection und Capsule aro given below :
Hypo injection
Quinine liisulnbate 1 CO grains
Tarter Emetic. 1 grain
Stryc. Btiln'iato i grain
Salt soli tion (Q30 to make 2 oz dns
Never givo moro than ono Hypo In
Quinine Sulphate lfiO grains
Calomel 50 grains
Tarter Emetic 1 grain
Btryc. Tulphttto grain
Bichloride of Mercury grain
Now wo cannot givo you mneh in
formation as to handling the hogs,
but would adviso their being kopt off
the pastures, if tho diHeaso is in your
vicinity, and that their quarters be
disinfected as much as possible, and
that they have plonty of clean water
to drink.
If yon havo been fortnnato enough
not to havo thn diseasu strike your
loo-iltty, would advino you to thor
oughly disinfect your barus and stables
as a II rut preventative,
We hope tho above information will
do you some good.
Yours very truly,
Elwards & Brudford Lbr. Co,
It took an organized body of stove ex
perts nearly fifty years to perfect it.
There is no other Base Burner like it;
because the features that make it such
a wonderful and economical heater are
patented. It is the most attractive
and best made stove, too.
In the Triple exposed Flues you will find one
reason why it will save fully one half on your
coal bills. But there are many other
reasons too many to mention here.
Come and see u,s, and we will show
you that there is no other base
j3HKa burner that
SIS the Favorite.
Edwards &, Bradford Lmbr. Co.
Dakota City, Neb.
Dakota City, Nob, Snpt 10, 1912.
The toonrd of county commlftHlnnnrs mot
pursuant to adjournment, muiiilHtrs pres
ent, Tlioman Lome, chairman; (leorno V
Thockor. Oliver V FUhur.
When the following proceedings ruru
Hoard mm!" ortlitr to allow John Hum
itoods to thu amount of tfjOt) pur month un
til further ordur from tho hoard.
Hoard mucin older to allow Mr MUur
BoodM to the amount of llo.eopur month un
til fur t nor oi (lor from tlio board.
Itiiport of Margaret A Murphy, county
superintendent, uxpuimo of limtltulo for
Dakota aud Thornton countlu unmoved
by the board.
Claims wero nllowcd on tho aovoral
county funds as follows:
County General
I) V Watern. Rood furnished Mrs
Mixer and John Ilurna, I '1 70
John llyan, Koods furnished Dave
Hatschu 10 40
John Kynn, Roods furnished Mra Min
or , 1WW
K A V'ood,houu rout for Olldlu Hay re
4 months 20 00
0 11 Muxwoll.niodlcalsorvlcos and In
sanity casus M (XI
H A Ilrown. rupnlrliiK county Kradur. 2H 00
J I Rockwell, deputy shuiiir salary... IIMO
James Kuoston, Jailor fuos and bouid
Ing prlsonuts 43 (JO
Frmik Million, expense In locating
man who run over McAllister, phono
lent for Juno, July and August SI 10
John Thuukur, repairs for county grad
er 15 0
Oeo Wllkliis.llrd quarter salary, ex
pense, etc, 1K2 25
Geo W Tliucko r, expense to Kiemrint
with blind lMy, freight bills, etc.... 10 II
John llachart. boarding paupers.,,... 50 VI
II N Wagner, printing onvolopcs.ctc.
for county superintendent 5 75
J O Ileullngtou, supplies, etc 18 00
Margaret A Murphy, salary, expound,
etc , m 88
Ohas A UlsurntK, cuuiliilsnlouur ou II
KusmUHSun road 0 50
Fred Helimldt, nuto hiro for J J Me
Alllstor.otc 17(0
V A Nlomeyur, paper hanging In
cleik'a olllee, painting, etc iff 80
1 lorry it Morrison, (maiding blind itoy it Ki
Hammond a. Htovuns (Jo. suppllos,,., 7 70
Wilfred K Vosi. to correct error in
Institute fund 7 00
Hniumond .V Stephens (Jo. supplies fur
county superintendent. ...r 7 ft)
Dakota Oity I'liarinncy, drugs, utu.,. C 76
County Hridgo Fund
(ioorgu Jouus, bridge work I 27 25
H H Heaty, bridge work , )) Ml
K H Iteuty, bridge, work 760 00
Hnn Honnlnksmi, lirlilgn work Wl un
lioardthoar A Davis, cement, sand,
etc, for bridges 31D ffi
Uoui'ty Hoad Kuud
Daniel liar t no tt, d raggl hg road, com
missioner dlst no 2., ( IS no
John Tlmckur, work ou county grad
MSr, commissioner dint No 8 INI Of)
John Tluickor, work ou county grad
er, commissioner dlst Moil IS.J (j0
JotinTliuckur, woiL on county grnd
er, comiiih-loner dlst Noll. ,,,2I7I
1' U VauUluitVe, hitullug amid and
work,eoiniulsslouerdl8tNo... ... MOO
Wellington nuiltli, ioikI wulk, com
missioner tllst No II V)lil)
Qioer Wldner, road work, commis
sioner dlst No a r2 W)
Cleo Keek, road work, commissioner
dlst No a , 83 Wl
Oeo Tliiuikor, road uork.couiinlsslon
ur.dlstNoi) , m to
Sam Thorn, road work, commission-
r dlst No t 1 (j
Ohas K Hntes, road work, coiiiinlmloii
erdlst No i) Will
James Hiultli, road woik, comnilslou
urdlstNo2 , n m
Hoy Armour, bridge work, commis
sioner dlst No 3 i-u (io
lload District Fund
HA Hrown, repairing grader, dlst A..! 10 26
8 a Hrown, reparlng griuler.illst 6... 7 flu
(Jurl lilrseh, road work, dlst No 16 hu 1,7
I'O VaiiOleavu. snme. illst No 1 HI '.'
Louis IVder.en, siiiiih. dlst No t VI 76
Ham Thorn, same, dlst No B. . .
K7 (O
Joseph IIngitn,sauiiiH,dlt Noi'l ...
Henry Knuil.cn, siime, dlst No 4. .
Ham Thorn, same, dlst No V
Henry Hanson, same, dlst No'.'.' ...
Hort Kranclsco, same, (list Nov.' .
Hans Honulcksoii.snmo, dlst No 20
1M 1 0
W (Ml
H7 (l
71 25
21 IO
1M 60
8'J 60
.Martin iiogu, same, dlst wo 1M
Henzu .v Oreeii, repairs on scrapor,
dlstNo VI
Heii7e A Oreeu, repairs on grader,
dlstNo S2 . .,
Reiuo A. (Jreon. repairs ou grader
21 m
(list No 4 720
J I' Jensen, rood work, dlst No in hmi
Oarl Hansen, sauio, dlst No U It no
Win w ltonlnger, same, dlst No 20.... 14 no
IU HefTornnn, keg nulls, dlst No 21.. 60
llenry llloe, road work, dlst No 17.. .
It Al firku, same, dlst No 6
i;w (i
7 60
n no
4 no
111 -.'.i
ku Kicnort,mime, dlst No 6
A K Hiirtols.saino.dlst No6
Win Learner, same, dlst Nofl
Oeo Jensen, same, dlst No 111
John Johnson, same, dlst No 17 4 dl
Dan Harris, same, dlst No& A (n)
Harry 11 (loodrellow, same, dlst No I 12 no
Hoard adjourned slue die.
Wo want Nebraska Farms. Soo
Land Co., 405 FourtU St., Sioux Oity.
J)CTBlJ&lirD Up
Scores of women will do it this
winter, in some poor, old base
burner ; and they'll get very little
warmth out of it,- too. .
Don't you think it would be a good idea
to buy a First Class Favorite Base Bur
ner, with Triple Exposed Flues, and save
enough on your coal bills this winter to
buy a new dress in the spring? It is a
positive fact the Favorite does burn
less coal and throws out more heat, than
any other base burner made.
will compare with
Specials for Saturday, Sep. 21
For this Dfe.y Only
3 packages of Corn Flakes ."". 25c
3 dozen Howell's Best Jar Rubbers .25c
1 pound of good CoiTec 25c
2,r5c package of Oats , 20c
Kirk's 10c Toilet Soap, per cake 5c
1A pounds Sugar for 50c
Sweet Potatoes, per pound 5c
Our New Stock of Fall and Winter Goods are
arriving daily, and we will have the Moat Complete
and Up-to-date Line we have ever shown . 3f? 3f
SCHOOL SHOES J, the beginning of the
bcliool Season we arc dis
playing a large line of Children's School Shoes, guaranteed
iu every way for wear and comfort. Look our Shoes over
and be convinced of the bargain opportunitiei awaiting
Dafcote. City
B s.i. It1 "J -AOI.ur.
I I Wrk.
iT iMiinii 'ii
Zihe Herald:
Abstracts of 'Title
A 110,000 Surety Bod3
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