Itwrtrf.ffiaVrw y ,jy, gftwAgfari .- J ittC' 4 V U E t fin otHS NITRO CLUB JSteel Lined SHSteSHELLS '"Jf V. Oi V iLy lis'' Tt rt.mtnrt. t.i'"y a Haka .i."".',. i ,WJ?c.wiiPttm Ar.iMi3 35ffiraHf maw lEz&ffit&i i E?i. I SH 'fflg M, 5 m OU !(. Cut down the lead -Cut down the guesswork Shoot the speed shells and watch your field and trap aver age climb. The steel lining gives the speed grips the powder charge with just that compression needed to put all the drive of the explosion behind your load. And with Eprt Factory Loading, you're ufe of the Mmo peeJa uniform ipread of pattern in each and every hell. Shoot Arrow andNitro Club teel lined Eipit Foctory Loaded Shelli for ipccd plut pattern in any make of shotgun. Remington Arm-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway ta New York City Dakota County Herald TOHN II. REAM, PUDLISHER Subscription Price. $1.00 Tor Year. oioiiiiwitowiiioWMCw 1 Items of I ntorest $ Official Paper of Dakota County Tho lint isauo of tho NubroHka Pro gressive, publitditcl at Liucoln, Neb, found its way to our desk lnht oek. D C Vmu Durou and Will 8 .Tny nro its edit ra. It Buocoodu the Nubrurkn State Capital. awi from our Exchanges $ W)WW)KWQ!K31M(if Lyona Mirror: Lx-Shoriff J V Rockwell, of Dakota City, was down here yesterday. -. Wnkifleld Items iu Wayno Porno cmt; Miss Gertrudo Fair, of Lusk. Wyoming, is visiting lior sistur, Mrs N I li flansou. Sixteen yoars ago, bjb the Wayne Herald, the cost of living was too low, and everybody wns linrd up. Now the coat of living is too high, anil every body is prosperous. Hixteen years ago farm products wore hardly worth hauling to markot, and thero woro ti ball dozen men for overy job at low wages. Now whutevnr a farmer raises ho known is marketable at piofitablo i.rliws iimL every man. willluK t work, is employed at good wages There was a good deal of complaint sixteen years ago and there is n good deal of complaint now. What wo de manded sixteen years ago wo lmvo got now. Does auybody really know what lie is kicking about. try pprained his ankle very badly last wook in Rotting down from a hay stnok which ho had been helping to pnt up.... Cecil Dommo and Walter MoLniighlin worn offered a frro auto ride to Uionx City last Friday woro too greedy to lot tho ehauoo slip by. The bonevolonl person whs a strangor from Sioux Oily who drove an old heavy "Rambler. Tlio war eugino panted its last tlirro tulles on tho other sldo of Kit corn and tho boys walkod back to the junction uhero thoy caught tho tralu to Emerson thut day. Sioux City Journal, 1 tth : Seven violators of automobile trafllo ordi nandi yesterday in tlio police court were II Led $7 or two diijs each. All ploudud guilty to tho charge. They wore H A Burr. O II Olbson, 1 U Harding, J A Duff j, Henry Aaron, colored, and Hugh Uriihnw.uif Daao- tn City, Neb. Runuiug without thtf proper lights oT number plates woro tho offenses, Graham was the driver of tho oar whioh struck T W Jordan, 1215 Nebraska street, yesterday after noon. It 0 Rerlok, who was acoused of driving on the wrong Bido of tho street, forfeited a cash bond, Sioux City Journal, 18th: Failing to find iu Sioux City tho dootor whom ho wished to consult, W II George, G9 voars old. returned to his homo in South Sioux City and within a few hours died of a heart attaok. Mrs George and two of tho children were in tho room at tho time, llorhusbaud was sitting in a chair aud had com pluined about his hoatt A physioiau was called after ho was stricken, but Mr Georgo diod boforo he arrived. Mr Georgo had boon a resident of Soutn Sioux City for twonty-two years. Ho was born in Richmond county, Ohio, co in i ii k to Iowa iu 1850. but re turned to Ohio in 1801 and enlisted iu the army. Ho returned to Iowa at tho clone of tho war, Buttling near Waverly. In 1890 Mr Georgo mar ried Miss Libbio Rook. Mrs George nuoMlvo children survive) him. Thoy nro Eurl George, IUlph George, Glouu George, Gladys Georgo uud Mtrra Georgo, Albrt ton Items in Sloan, Io, Star: Messrs and MoBdamcs Horace aud Ed Dakke, of Homer, Neb, spout Buveral days at tho Rakko home. Dundeo Items io Omaha Uoe, 15th: Mr uml Mrs W P Warner and fami ly have returned from thoir summer's sojourn at McGregor, Miuu. Iliirtlnston News: Mr aud Mrs T A Hlivou returned Saturday from Sioux Oity, where Mrs 11 liven has beon in a hospital for tho past few weeks. State Normal Notes in Wayno Dem ocrat: Conrad Jacobson, of Ponder, Horse Owners of the Missouri Val- ""! J1!n "ook,r.n' ?? lhbl' T,1!1 a8S18t air Drigut iu uu uuinij mm lev Take Notice Importantl year. At a meeting of tho prominent vet erinarians at Lincoln, called at tiie in stance of Governor Aldrtch, to investi gate tho disease commonly onllod For age Poisouing or Cerobro-Spinal Men ingitis, tho following precautions were recommended: 1 All horses aud mules should be removed from pastures aud plaoed iu barus or dry lots whioh are entirely free from vegetation, 2 Xiust year's or an early cutting of this year's hay should be fed. Old grain should be usod iu preference to new or recently threshed gntiu. Add a' small quutity of iUxsood moal to the feed morning aud night and contin ue until a laxative effect is produced. U Water with a bvtokot directly from the woll. Whore tauks must be usod, iiorub aud riuso tho water tauks thoroughly. When dry give a ooat of lltno whitewash, Wash tho tauk ov ery week as long aa tho disoaso exists in the neighborhood. 4 When ouco the diseuso attacks an animal the powor to swallow is more or Ions impaired and owners should exercise duo otutiou iu admiu istoriug any niedioino iu tho form of a drench. So far, medtonl treatmeut is unsatisfactory. In thd light of pres ent information moro good oau be accomplished along tho lino of preven tion. 5 We recommend that nil horses and mules dying from this disoaso should bo burnt or buried six feet under ground aud one bushel of lime used on each and every carcass. G We also recommend that uuituals dying fmni this disoasn should not bo skinned siuoo transportation of such skins tnuy spread Ihu uiaettntt. E T DAVISON, Votorhmrv Inspector, Uuro'tu of Animal ludustry In testimony whereof I have here unto u flixed my hand aud tho great aeul of tho State of Nebraska this 13th day of September. 1U12. Ry the Govhi nor, OUE4TER U ALD1UUH ADDISON WAIT, .Secretary of Statu Ponoa Leader: Leo Lowo aud n party of frionds motored to Jackson, Suutluy....Mr and Mrs Poto Mnnnion visited with his motlfer hero a few days the puBt week. Walsiiill Times: Mrs Wm Roam is entertaining Mr aud Mrs William Her mann and two children of Sioux City, and Mrs LL Ream and bubo of Homer this week.... Mrs Carl Ruroiim and ohildreu and Mr aud Mrs John Smith, of Winnebago, returned homo Tuesday oveuing after a visit of Bovoral days with tho family of O E Rates. Ponoa Journal: A barn at Vista wus struck by lightuing Monday after noon and bnrued. Tho same man lost his barn two yours ago by lightning. ....Sheriff Maskell aud Leslio Kings bviy went to Sioux City, Monday. Loslio weut to take up work nt Morn ingsido college. At Vista, on tho ro turn trip, it began to rain, and it was necessary to loavo tho autu thoro and return by rail. Ruy a good farm on county bottom. I have Novoastlo Times: Mr and Mrs Clint Wilbur autoed to tSioux City, Sunday, lta Wilbur going from Sioux City to Platte Conter, Neb, to visit httr parents, Mr aud Mrs Frod Myers. Mr Wilbur returned homo Monday.... Mr uud MrB Puto Muuuion, of Dakota Citv. snout Sunday horo at the home of tho tatter's parents, Mr and Mrs O M Duke. Pete wss also playiug ball with tho Dakota Oity team hero Sunday. Sioux Oity Juuruul, lillr. itay Pmuoiseo. of Hubbard. Neb, who fell nut of the window of his homo while walking iu his sleep, is dying of blood DOIhouiiiK at Ht Josephs Hospital NnrHes nt tho hospital declare tUis morulug that Frauoisoo had only u few hours to livo. Fruucisuo when ho fell from tho window cut hi foot on a pleo of glans. llloml poihoniug set iu aud he was hurtled to St Joseph's hos pital in hopts of saving his life. thn Dntnta, Emerson Enterprise: Geo Cough- Lincoln Stato Journal, 15th: Mi'bs Cora E Sinclair, of this oity aud Geo Wilkms, of Dakota City, Neb, woio married at 3 o'clock at tho homo of tho briJe's parents, 2815 Starr street Tho pretty homo wedding was carried out with tasto aud dignity. Tho sis ter of tho bride, Mibb Sadio E Sinclair, played tho "Lohengrin" wodding uiaich ns the brido desconded the Btairs, Hho was met at a bower of ferns aud palms bv the groom, Tho Rev Charles Goman of the Epworth Methodist church oflioiuted iu the ser vice. The bride was gowned in white oropo meteor, trimmed with pearls aud bands of oriental lace. She carried a bouquet of whito rosobuds. Tho greou and white decorations wero car ried out with forns, palms and white caruntioUB. Only relatives wituesed tho oeromouy. Immediately after the sorvico a four course dinner was served. Tho decorations of the dining room wero also in greeu and whlt Miss Graoo Pioroe and Mies Sadie E Sinclair assisted in tho sorviug. Mr and Mrs Wilkifin lft Thursday even ing for Deuver and other points in tho west. Upou roturning they will make their homo in Dakota City, Neb. Tho groom is county clerk of Dakota couuty . Wiunobago Chieftain: Hermann Pitts, of Homer, was in Wiunobago last Friday, visiting with his uncle and auut, Mr and Mrs Louis Herman and family.... M S MausUeld. D M Day and E P Chamberlain started for Rook county, this state, on Thursday moruiiig in Mr Maustleld's now auto ....Mrs J W Starkey wont to Lyons last Saturday to attend tho wedding of her cousin, Mallory Morgau, to a lady whoso namo wo did not learn. . . . John Ashford, jr, left on Tuesday for ot Paul, Minu, where ho will nguin enter St Thomas' Catholio school.. . . E O Norris and wife, of lloujer, to gether with their niece, Mrs J J Doo oghtte, ot Chicago, wero in Wiuuebago one day this week, tho guests of Mr and Mrs M A flannroft... .It would appear that real oBtato was ou the movo somewhat, as we notice theRnck-ualtor-Smith company, of Wiuuebago, recently closed one dtal in Kunx ooanty for $30,000, and another in Omadi preoiuot, Dakota county, for $35,000. Resides those, Mr Ruck waiter, president of this compauy, hntidld tlm Nixon pluce, near Homer, for $15,000. I CORRESPONDENCE HUBBARD. Georgo Komerllnk and wifo wero shoppers iu town Tuesday, Fall shoes, work shoes Biid school shoes at U Anderson Go's, Freo Pounds nnd wifo woro over Sunday visitors aith relatives at Pender. Wo havo hint received a Ann lot of now dishes which you rnaj havo by thn sot or pieco. Oomo in when you need anvtliiug lu this line. Geo Timlin. Fred Hnrtols 1ms begun tho erection of two moro silos, in addition to one ho built last yoar. Ohceso is an excellent food which von uiay substitute for meat these lUvB. It Ia not crprnsivc, nd Hie offuiings wo Imyn now nro of flue quality. Geo Timlin. Carl Anderson and Carl Fredriokaou wero among tho fair visitors Tuesday. Fall bouding and blankets of all kinds at O Anderson Go's. Thos Graham lost a horso tho Hirst of tho week from tho disease that is affectiug tho horses in this state. A veterinary was out from Sioux City looking aftor others that wero affected.. With overy $2.00 worth of goods purchased at our storo you nro entitled to a fiuo framod picture, hy n paymont of only 49c extra. O Andorsou Co. Will Mitchell nnd wife camo over from Lakeviow, Iown, last week for a visit at tho Joe Loedom and Sam Thorn homes. Mr Mitchell is a broth-or-in-law of Messrs Leedom and Thorn, All our candies nre carefully bought and como from a faotory wo know to bo absolutely right. Always fresh and clean. You can suit your swoot tooth hero. Geo Timlin. Hnrry Pounds bus purchased n pool hall at Wynot, Neb, nnd has taken up his rcsidenBo there. You need a rain cont and rubber boots, nnd you can get just what yon ueed ut C Andorsou Co. The grim messongor, death, o tiled to his eternal homo on Tuesday morn ing, lUjnionil I'ranoisco, son ol Air aud Mrs Rert Francisco of this pro duct, after nn illness of only about odo short weok with blood poisouing. Tho yotuig man met with an accident about a week ago, when sleeping near a window, iu some manner he out his foot bv thurBtiug it through tlie win dow pano. Rlood poising set iu nnd ho was removed to a Sioux Oity hospital, bvt thn disoaso had gut such n hold on his system that surgeon could do naught to relievo him and he passed away Tuesday after n weoka iuteuso suffering. Tho funeral wan held nt the home of his parents Wedns- day morning, Rov J L Phillips, of South Sioux Oity, otlloiatiDg, taking as his toxt John 14 G "I am the way the truth and the life." A largo concourso of frionds nnd neighbors nttended the MORE LOCAL. Real cstato loans. Geo Wilkins. , Tho Herald for News when it !b News We havo Nebraska, 6o Dakota, Min nesota, Iowa aud Texas fnrms for snlo or trade. Also oily propel ty. Soo Lnnd Co. 405 Fourth St., Sioux Oity. Mrs Ella Dnrr, of Sioux Citv, n sis ter of Mrs J T Kneppor, died last Fri day at the Samaritan hospital follow ing un operation. Tho funeral wus held Ntinduy from the Kneppor homo in this placo, i iterment being made in the Dakota City cerootery. Caught a Bad Cold, "Last wiutor my son caught n very bad cold aud tho way he coughod was Moiuething dreadful," writes Mrs Ha rah E Duncan, of tiptou, Iown, "Wo thought sure lie was going into con sumption. Wo bought just one bottlo of (Jhamlierlniu's Uough Remedy and that ono bottlo stopped his cough aud cured his cold completely." For salo by nil denlers. For Sale. 3-Picoo Mnhognuy bed room suite. Mrs Goo W MoDeath. Dakota City, Keb. Despondency Is often caused by indigestion and constipation, nnd quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets ar'o taken. For ealo by all dealers. Rriug in your produoo, butter, eggs, etc. Wo Blways pay tho top price. O Anderson Co. I Report of the Condition ol The Bank of Dakota County of Jackson, Ohnrter No. 651, In tlio Htnto ot Nobruskn, at the close ot business Soptuin ber4. 1U12. ltKSODltCKS Loans nnd discounts t 118.878 60 Ovonlrnfts 123 17 HmiklnK liouso lurnlluro and na tures... A 4,207 28 tfnrrmit. nnfnsa. tnxtsmnl ltltt?r et paid 1,1itt02 Duo from uat'l and state banks, eo.oui 71 auriency... .GM 00 Gold coin 66O0H0 ail or, nickels nnd cents... 1HM 72 11.051 72 Total , J 1W5.677 63 LIAIIILITIKS Capital stock paid In S 20,000 00 Undivided profits 2,658 S9 Indlv Icliiul deposits sub ject to check t til.uas w) lKuniiiul curtilk-ute-t of dotwtt 210 00 Time certificates of do- no-rtt 107.119 25 171.118 85 Depositors' guaranty fund 1.516 7t Total '.. .111)5,577 W Statu ok Kr iihahka, ( County of Dakota. i s' 1, l.ooO. Kearney, cniliier of tlio iJoo ntunvd bank, do hereby sweiir that the ubov o statement Is ucorrcct and truu copy of tho report initue to the stttte Utiikluu board. ai-usi: Lbk C. Kn.vuEY, M.O. Aykks, Dlreetoi. Cashier. II VlillY II. Aiiaih, Dln'dtor. Subscribed and sv.-orn to before nt" thl llth day of Seutembur. 1912. J.J. Kimkhs, (SKAL) Notary Iubllc. My eomtnlsilon oxplres Jan. 26. 11)17. funeral, there being sixty teams in the proceslion. Interment was made in tho home burying ground. If you havo tried the so-called tly chasers made from coal tar nnd othor inferior goods that will not give re sults, get a can of Lee'a Ily Cnro today. We sell it with an absolute guaranteo tq do the work or your mon ey will be refunded. Geo Timlin. JACKSON. Reacom is visiting rein- After 11 is Said aid Done safety counts most of all. Secured Loans spell SAFETY here. Keep the loans good and success is assured. They are the life blood of the banking system. The Mid West comes to you with a record of its owners of More than a Quarter Century's Loaning with Less Than Fifty Dollars Losses. That's "Worth While." Everything in banking done WELL. If you will try Mid-West Methods you will not won der at the Rapidly Increasing Business Going Ther. Those who come, stay, approve and bring others. Drop in tmd get acquainted and Know for Yourself. Mid -West Bscivk 'That ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" EDWARD T. KEARNEY, President. Homer Star; liessio iiugiios left ou last Saturday for Sheldon, Iowa, whore slio will attend high school.... Marga ret bmith left ou Monday evening for uioux City where she will attend Morn ingsldo college, ...Mary Ashford left ou Tuesday for aineinnnn, Wis, where she will attend school tluiooiniug jear, ....The county board decided to send Willio Duker, n blind boj who has been living at the Will O'Dell homo, to a blind school at Nebraska Oity. Georgo 1'haoker took tho boy to that placo lat Thursday, returning home tho next duy,...Mr and M'h Ohas Villi Cleave, residing at Rlyburg, mourn the loss of their "four mouths old baby girl, Anna May, who sub oumbed ou Suuday morning. The fuuerul sen ices woio held at tho n si deuce ou Monday forenoon and its body w us laid to rest iu tho Omaha Valley cemetery . . . .George Jacobseu, youngest son of Mr uud Mrs Jacob Jacobson, died on Suuday morning fol lowing a four weeks' illness. Tho lit tle fellow contracted acute Btomaoh trouble four weeks ago aud later brain trouble sst in. He was bom Novem ber 0, 1004, and was 7 years, 0 months aud 8 duys old at the time ot his de mise. Tho fuuueral was held from the house, Rev Sorenson iQloialiug intermeut was in Ureen valley cemo-otery. DIarrhoe Quickly Cuted. "I was taken with diurrhoea uud Mr Yorks, the metohant here, persuaded me to try u bottle ot Chamberluiu's Colio, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy, After taking ono dose of it I was cured. , It also cured others that I ga e it to," , writes M E Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That ' is uot at all unusual, Au ordinary at ' tack of diarrhoea can almost iuvuriu 1 bly be cured by ono or two doses of I this renudy. For salo by all dealors. MrsD O tives nt Rolmond, Iowa, Mrs J R Smith returned last Fri day from Ropsou, Nub, where she ac companied her graudohildreu, Glndys and Clarice Royle, to St James' or phanage to attend school. The bans of matrimony wero pub lished in tho Catholio churoh here Sunday for tho tlrst time between Mnry Z Rolor and Gilbort O'Gara, of Smithwick, S D. Mrs Paul Sharp doparted Monday for Charleston, Okla, to boo her broth er who is ill with n cancer. William Hartnettis building a largo burn on his farm. Carpenters from Nowcaatlo aro doing the work. Mrs A Roece and sister, Pearl Welsh, are visiting relatives at Onnwa, lo, Margaret Keufe, who is taking a nurse's course at St Josoph'a hospital, Sioux City, spent Monday at Lome. J A Hali, John Flannory and M lloler had a load of hogs on tho Sionx City matkot, Tuesday. Mrs Ed T Kearuoy uud daughters Flolen uud Gertrude, uocompanied nnr Lintta, oivrcKamaii. JNeo. ou a motor trip to Lake Okoboji, Io, and St Cloud, Miuu. They expect to bo gone ten duys, Jumos Keefo doparted Wednesday for Lincoln to attend the university tlio uomiug year. Sea it ho does not make good on the foot ball team if he attends noxt year. SylveUi Uranuan, who spent the summer vaoutiou at Deuver, Col, ar rived homo Saturday. Mr nud Mrs E J Mulluloy camo down from their ranch uear Cham bers, Neb, Tuesday to attend tho In terstate fair. Ronuy Rnrry left Saturday for Chicago to rcsumo her studies ut tho Columbia college. Gertrudu Couway, musio instructor" at St Catherine's academy, spout Suu day with her folks iu Sioux City. J C Smith uud II J Rubs, seotiou foremnu ou tho liurliugtou here, huvo been chungud to the Ashland division, L P Murray Iisb gouu into tho hotel business nt Wutcrbury, Neb. Mat ZiUatit weut to Fremout nud Omaha, Wednesday. I James Murphy, of O'Dell, 111, is spending the week iu the homo of his cousiu, John W Ryau. Mr Murphy iB euroute home from Minnesota, whore ho had been visiting his sous, Frauds Sawyer came homo from Omaha, Suuday oveuiug, to visit her folks aud prepare to go to Madison, Wis, where she expects to take up Germau at tho university this year. Mrs 11 J ilitmeuheimer, ot Gasper, Wyo, is a guest of her brother, Lee C Kearney, this weok. Ap- First Publication 0-20-4W. NOTICE An lies McCoruilcL.. John K. Gruff nud the southwest quarter of tho northeast quarter of section ltfteen (Ifii, township twonty nine (210. range seen(7), in Dakota county, Nebraska, defendants: You nnd each of you nro hereby notified that Alice K. HtliiKon, plalntllT. on the 1.1th day of September. A. 1).. 1912. lilcd her peti tion in the district courc of Dakota couuty. Nelnuska, ngnlnst Aitnes McUornilck, John K.GratT.und the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section fifteen 15, lutviishlp twonty-nlnc 29, range en 7, tu Dakota count) , Ncbiaska. the object nnd prayer of which are to foreclose n tax sale certlllcute, now owned by the plalntllT as nsslituee. on the nboo described renl estate, said land being sold for the taxes for the year 1MI6 and the subsequent taes for the years 19)7, 1B0S. 190(1, 1810 and 1911 behiE paid by the ownorof suld certificate, the amount thereon being J7I.K, lth Interest therou at the rate of 15 percent, from the 4th day of No ember, 1MI7, una that said sum Is n tlrst lieu n non suld renl estate. Drior to the claim ot alt the defendants. 1'lulntltT prays for general equltnble relief. You are required to answer said petition ou or before the 2Sth day of October, A. D., 1912. Dated this 14th day of September, A. D 1912. Ai.ick K. Stimson. Plaintiff. First publication 9-20-3W. Ordor of Hearing on Petition for pointment of Administratrix. In the County Court of Dakota County, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Dakota ss. To Groce K. Armour and to all pel sons Interested in tho estate of l)u id Watermau, deceased: Un reading the petition of Ginco E. Ar mour pruning that the administration of said estate bo giunted to Grace K. Armour, ns administratrix. It is hereby ordered that ou, and nil peisons Interested In said nmttor, limy, and do, appear at the county court to be hold In olid for said county, on the .7th day of October, A. D 1912, at 10 o'clock a.m., to show cause, If any there be, why tho prayer of the petitioner should uot bo granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition nnd thut tho hearing there of lie gl en to nil persons Interested in said mutter by publishing n copy of this order In the Dakota County Herald, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three itiocHNsi weeks prior to said day ot hear ing. Witness my hand, and seat of said court this 14th day of September. A. D. 1912. D C. Hkkucknan, skal Couuty Judge. First publication 9-1S 4w NOTICE OF OPENING ROAD. To all whom it may concern: State of Monrnskn. Dakota county, si. Th eomml-"liir unpointed to locate aud report on n proposed road commencing on the section lino botwtcu sections thlrt) four Kill uml thlrty-tt0 (i!S) In township tweutj-soen (27). range eight (8) 'ust of the sixth Olth) P. M., lu Dakota county. Nebraska, aud running thouco uoi til ou the seotiou lino between sections thlrt) -four (SI) nnd thlrt) -tl e (), and si cttous twenty six (29)nud tweuty--een i27) nnd Htkii tweiuj-two(221 aud twenty-threo (Sl all In said township nnd rnnge, to th north cast corner of the southent quarter of the outhi'ntquarter of ald ectlon twenty twot22) anil runuiug thence east to inter nct with tho mihlto roiul known ns tho 'Honier and Wiunobago road nnd there ter minate, hai reported in lavor or tnu estab lishment thereof, and all objections thereto, orclalms for dninnges, must bo filed in tho county Clerk's oillco on or before noon of thoBthdny of No ember. A. I)., 1912. or such road wilt bo established without fur ther reference thereto. Unttd September 7th. A. D . 1912. Geo Wilkin. County Clork. For Sale. I have fotty notes of growing hay for sale, one mile west oCohuru Juuo titju. Frank Davey, Sioux City, Iowa First publication !M5-4w SIDKW1I.K RESOLUTION QJ? YILLAOE DOAUD. Ho It resolved by tho Chairman and Hoard of Trustees of tho Village of Dakota City, Nebraska, that new sidewalks, ut least four feet In width, be constructed of cement, along and abutting upon tho following lots and blocks In said lliag as follows: Along tho west sldo of lot IU In block IS). K. A. Wood owner; ulong the east side of lot 1 In block 17B, A.T. Ilnoso owner; along the tast stdeot lot 12 lu block 17A.S. A. Helkos own er: along tho west end of lot 4. S uud 0 In blcck ss. Fields A. Slaughter Co. owners: along tho west end of lots 7. 8 and 10 tn block KS. George II. Gran owuer: along tho west end of lots Band 11 In block 83. Will II. Orr owner: along the west end of lot 12 lu block SS. John Foley owner: along the west qnd of lots IS. II and 13 lu block SS. Nancy, M. Altemusowner. ' Tho ntxne sidewalks shall bo constructed according to law- nnd tho ordinances aud specifications mlopted by snld lllugo. A special meeting of tho Hoard of Trus tees of said Ullage will bo held for tho pur pose of considering benefits derived from said Improvements and placing aluutlons and assessments according to law upon tho lots and blocks adjoining said lines of slde wulk.ou Friday. October 1. 1912, at 8o'clo-k p. in. nt the ottlco of Sidney T. Fruui. In suld Ulttgeof Dakota City, Nebraska. I hereby coi tlfy thut tho foregoing reso lution Is a true and correct copy of tho slde wnlk resolution passed by tho Village Board oflrusteesof the Village of imkota City. Nebraska, at a regular meeting of said WmrU, held ou tho Jrd day ot September, 1912. Sidnkt T. From, Village Clerk. 0ir Aim The Best MEAT at All Times and at Prices that will make it an object for you to Trade at at Home. ours for Business and a Square Deal, loxiis F Lrorervx Dalcotsv City, Nebr. Agent for Seymour's Laundry, Best in the City. 1 H F NcKeeFer Jackson, Neb Farm Loans, Real Estate, Insurance of all Kinds, Steamship tickets, Conveyancing. I expect to bring my family to Jackson this fall lend ing my best efforts to build up town and county. I have ALL the good Insurance. Companies represented so many years by Kd T. Kearney, and promise you my very best efforts to "ALWAYS treat you RIGHT," as he did for a quarter century. Just phone or drop me a card, and will call at any time. H. F. NcKeever, Jcxoltson, Nebraska. EVERYTHING in Insurance: Companies Rates Treatment The Very Best Possible for Me to Give. I (Henry's Place; East of the Court House for the Best in I I Wines, Liquors and Cigars ! Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies. 1 Bottle or Keg I Henry Krunwiede pkt C1y I I L W- 11 for All E6e 9w wmz jiiisi armji.. nir.,0 wht u IS News !H ARN ESSj I Everything in the line of Harness and Horse Goods I I Concord Harness, .$35-00 j 1 I See our fine new stock of Fly Nets in all styles, I See our fine new stock of Fly Nets in all styles, grades and prices. Also a complete line of Pads, Whips, and all Harness Furnishings. Bring us your repair work, that's our specialty. ' FVedriclcser ffii ! Hubbard . Nobraaktv g BBS BBS i i Atriums Specia.1 Rates Low One Way Rates to Pacific Coast Special colonist rates Sept. 25 to Oct. 10, $30 to California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia; S25 to Utah, Central Montana, eastern lciano secure ueruis earty. i-tueii yuuu j in chair cars or through tourist sleepers to Salt Lake, Los An- ' yJ geles, San Francisco, via Scenic Colorado, and to Spokane, 1 Portland, Seattle, over the Great Northern and Northern Pa cific railways. Round Trip, Pacific Coast The $60 coast rate is in eltect daily until September dutli with speeial S55 rate Oct. 12, 14, 15 to Portland and Seattle. Summer Tourist September is the last month for these rates to Atlantic Sea board, Eastern resorts, Colorado, the Black Hills, or other summer localities. Yellowstone Park rates expire Sept. 12. Dry Farming Congress At Lethbridge, Alberta, October 21-25. Special rates available. v Special free publications cover any journey yon desire to make. Describe it to your nearest Burlington Agent, let him furnish you printed matter, or obtain the same from the undersigned. W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr. L. W. Wakklky, G P A, Omaha, Neb S. ttf!Jk PidmrKiHmv. vmfftmnmmmmwu. fivtifai&wnn-miwr -?mWV$kvMi&&.z-sz 1 JC Star . XA ' V I t.fii.1