t 1 jnrasnniunrKy; rryijyj n" t ' . Gsnsa o csmru e c&xw a ousto o cast o ctscsn o issam o "TT'jVP 2ZJ1'??Z2?.T2Z?Z 0 m, ;iamgi '.gyyAlr,. i-'j.ii.r-r ( lfWWjy,-ili1 1TTr JMWIC'lfalf yy THE MIND OF A Child fMU&ItiKKaifSUE n (J )epends much upon the nutritive qual ities of its food. As bread makes up a large part of our diet, order Metz s Bread and your bread will be right. u l.ikota City Ni-brnska rteraes c cgMYC t dcansc o csaeoa o cress c sercswr t PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. (official) DnW.il City, Neb, August 19 1912 Tho board of county commissioners met pursuant to luljouriimciit, niPiiibyro prt'i mit, Tlioinus I,oiik, chairman: Ueori?o W Tlinckor. Oliver W Flshor, anil GoorBu Wit 1:1ns, clerk. When tho following nrocceillnBs were linil : Whereas, A certain roml petition, sIkiioJ by Martin llotch nuil others, prujlin? lor u roml, coniiiienelimiit tho boutlienst- corner of section thlrty-blx tSrt), township twenty nliioCHO.rnmio xlx toienst.thenco riiiinlint on the action lino on tho south side of suctions tlility-ono CIDiiiul thirty-two (!li), In town ship twonty-nlno (S!), rniiKO foven (7) enst, two miles oaat mid theio terminate, leavlnc a Jo In said road, I'ouimoiiclin; nt the north west corner of the Danish cemetery, thence running norsh sixty-six W) loot, thence rimiilnu rust thirteen (13) lods. thence south sixty-six (OC) leot to the lino ngnln, enmo on ,to bo hemd, tho petitioners up penrliid In person nuil by their attorney, J J McAllister, I! vi, mid tho reinonstriitora nnrt ohjectois apucnrlmr In person, when both parties submitted their arguments to tho county board, onconsldoratloii whereof, lieoriro W Thnokor iniitlo a motion, asking uiayine county iioai intuitu tho petitioners ft iud forty f 40) feet wide, coniuienclne at northeastenrnerof the nnlthcnstnlmrt- (NK corner of the NK i) of section llo , townsnlp tvouty-elBlit(2S), rniiRo seven east, thence runtilmt west on the north uunMiHI 11,11, nf aritil unnll.in .!., I K. ....rt ..til.. thence ruiiiiliiR south one-half mlln on tho west section lino of said section live (6), to the county roml and there terminate, and ' leaving a Jos In tho toad at the Danish comctory as prayed for In tho petition, which said motion was seconded by Oliver "W Fisher, and afterward the follow inn voto wbs takon, to-wlt: CJeoicn V Thackcr and Oliver W Fisher, each voting nye. Anil afterwards, on tho same day, said jounty board directed tho county clerk to appoint tlueo (.1) dlslnterestcil persons, iseulioldors. In Eiiltl county, to appraise the (InnniKtM to tlio lauds sustaining ilninwrus by the ald load, on the west side of section live (5), township twenty-eight (t'Sj, range seven 17) east. Xow, on this 10th dav of AuKiist, 1012, tho matter of making the county levies, etc, forthol'JU nssossmoiit, of Ii'HIi real and nnd peisonal moporty,, eiinie on for dlspo- ' sal, when tliu county honril imulo the fol low) nn levios, to-wlt: Mills County Ooneral Fund 4 L'-G County I'.iJiIko Fund 1 County Itoud ifunil a Special KinorKoncy IirldKe Fund 2-5 Road District Redemption Fund UlstS. 5 " " " " " 1(5.. 1 Covins toil .Iiidgmmit , School DistriutJudifineut, Dint No 11. .l.ri .School 1 load, District Moj 11 I ' Y Local Items School JJls t 'o 1 if 0 7 , 0 , 11 13 15 17 19 . 21 a Mill') ...2U . 1 .m . r. .17 . ii . H .12 . M .li " :il. , 01 School DUi 4.. ... s.. in.. 12.. 11.. in., is.. 21). Mills ... 3 . in ..IS .. 5 .. 8 ..ID .11 ..12 20. in. . K . 5 .IK .25 fiS it. l. 21. 20.. 2S.. !W.. '.. ill.. IA.. SKI . 12.. Sfcnnil quaitiirjy report of Deo Wllklns. county ele.Ic anil cloik of the district uourl, approved by tho county boairt. lleport snows the following feus oarneil mid collected, to-wlt: To lllinitand iccoidlliK 13 real estate mortuaiies ; $ (VI HO To llllnzand lucoulinn :7 leleases of liuirtB Kt's 3UW i mini mm rncoiiiiim .i itssisnmeni mortRiici'H n h.i a'lVllmtand rocordum 12.)di-eds Ir.l 70 TollllluK mid ii'coiului; 201 cliattel mm wanes .. 6J SO To llllnil iiml lOJordim; flj mlsuella- ncouj ll'Miis .... 4T 55 TosKooiul iiuurtor saluiy lUMil Total oarnltiKS for second Quarter In county clunt's olUcu $127 10 Total eiirnlmjs tor hecond ouaiter in clerk of illsulot com t' olllce 107 20 Tota'e.trnliiKsln the olUce'of county clei k and clerk of dutrlct couit . $0il CO Tho following claims were allowed on county foncial fund: Ivlpp ". Ilartlittt.'n, olllco supplies . C Jul-. Sinilh, upprati.lus road d'liuii-ue- Mull A Huhinlod. notice of equaliza tion mccilPK Alfied Deinainy, appialslnR road dain.iKe H II (Irlbliio, legs of commtslouur to locate load Hammond & Stephens i'o, school sup plies Tho University Publishing Co, school supplies Thomas 1,'juu. fielsl.t ni.vancrd N Ileiicom, appralsiun (Ininiines and viewiiiK load . . . Tho rnlvorslly Pulillshlin; Co, school supplies Andiuw II Anderson, appialsiiiK flntiiniroii and vlowhiK load John llachort, lioardliii; paupers ... jaines Fueston. Jailor's salary for Auumt, 1012 J P Hi'kwell, deputy sherlfi's salary for Mirfilsl. and eiiusu for takli.R blind loy to hloux city Ayies, ror lu cords or wood iJ7iih jmuuiii siiui in auiaij nil n uu, anil ior laicim; insane patient to NOlllllIC .. lMw.irds.t- Itiadford I-uiubeiMJo, lum her, nails, etc, for court house mid nun poor farm Claims allowed on commissioner' trlcis: T V Cliirklmr, rtrBBBliiK road, (list 1 th)Wjt 1 10 a txi a so l 10 6 1)0 li 30 0 10 0 S7 7'W 10 (VI 11 Si) 31 11 Xi W) ii no 15 no US DO HI 76 'a lllb- f 20 21 X.i an 82 in 3 l 10 ill 10 IKI 1 2.) 25 b no i w MI&0 W II Hundt.UruKBiiiK nmd.illst 1 Sam Thuin.diaisKlm: road, etc. itlst 2 Claims allowed on toad district fund: Chris .Smith, poll taxor lftH refund on loaddlst No I ,. . .J Geo W I'haukoi, ro.id woik. dlstNo5. Alfred Dennuiiji. Kmue. dist No I Ilt JiHrke, Hiime d.st Nu 5 AUKUii llhlns, jl , siiiiie, illst .No A . Dan lloek oll, miiiii . disi Nii9 Ira U iKldeli, smile, dUl No 11 Marti I Uouli. -iiuie dltt No IN (Mn i . allowed :n county brldue fund: It.M i.. :'- '.Ii.IiIku work 10 ai Uilwiu.-. . l.-iiJIi ril i u, nrldtff mute rial Mdwaidstt lli-uiiford Co. hiidw unite rial St Antli.jny iV. DukoIu l.lvatur fu, brldKc mntet'lul, bill for $tti 10 allow ed .. . Huardshear . Hiivls, brliUu mateilHl Kilwams &. lliadfoid I.umlur Co, hrjdiie matHiial KUWuhIs A. KnulJonI I.lif L'h, budge niHteilal Kdwarils A t,rudfold l.br Co, lirldHD iniiti'riiil.. llraeisln'iir . lniU, bildKi nmturlal. no? v. f-'ilidiisty. f it twofiVft and one i.i-it ridKes . . -v.i u nioaril ailjourned to met'. Monday, tfep- riemb t ltf. lali. CJiornir "V llkliiH. County ( Icrk. M75 2K in m i; tots tot is UK 70, The Ileralil for News wlion it in Nows Cull up No 78 wlicn you want tlio grocoticfi to come quick. Prof nnil Mr A U Rich wolcorucil a ou to their L'ouio MoDilny, Sou Dakota City Plinimncy heforo buying jour juiuta nnd oils. Utft of liarveslor ami hard oils at E.lwWils & BruitfunlH, Dnkotn City. Miss RtFsepieu, of Sontli Sioux City, will teach the Purker tchool thii yenr, Tlio highest prion paid for rggs nuil butter at Kneppei'a caali grocciy. MisK Lu ,ile niuigliniil returni'il last week from u vitit to her liomu at Cen tral City, Nnh. Mis Fannio Grtzier wn.t to Lircoli. today ('llliusdiiy) to see tho tights nt the stuto fair. About a doa-jti lady fiicndH of Mrs Qfo 3art.ett (unpriced her m her homu Tuendny evebitig, it being her birthday. A J Nordyko and family, of Kionx O.ty, tun) Mrs (leorgn Nordjke, of Al leu, wt re hern hut Thuisday for thf Old He ttlerb' pieiiiu Tho, Her.ild ill rei.ow your nub-f-cripfciim to tho Wotihii'm Flomo Com panion for 1 00. Tjat us send in jour renewal or now t.ubsoriptiiia ll"tDi rubor that we carry u good otoclt of hiir'dwaii', eto. ai;d that our prices arn light. VV aloo i'o t-11 l.iudR of repair work. Solirinrer Urns. Elmer nieunan, of t'oloim, .S D, ar rived her liint Thutti'tiy from u visit with lii.s lirothnrs at Dcs Moines, !. lie will nttud eehool in Sioux City the comirg year. M O Ayrrs went tn Cody, Iidi, Sat urday, for iv visit with bis iini(;bler, Mrs Homer rtkeeu. Iucideuily ho took Ins nun along to take tuiriiitnge of the ohiokei) season. Tin; following lettois lproain unnall ed for at the postnfliimin Dakota, Nob, for the mouth ending Auuust HI, 1012: Mjm Cora t'oier, Misa Edith Carter, ?iIiK Ehni DeDaslniiiitt, Anulen New ell, Harry Smith, Ernest Stonder, (2) John Jl Ueain, PoslimiHlui. Rut ui omii'iH Ed Eirt.lpriek ncd Doe .MeKoruan fiom this planer-havu Dually icecivt'd (lie weeomo imws from WashiiiK'on tht a laiso in sala ry fiom $1,000 to 41,100 has been ijrnnted to earnVrs on stanoaid routes of 24 nuleti in lenpth'. The now -ohcd-ule tuktu e(f(ot after Rept 30, 1012. Pete Mauniou ivm a busine&fi M'titor at Dubuque, fo, over bunduv, and u. a result hu.s aceejiied a poniiioii with the Central Lumber Co, of Duhuqit", and will b. hlatuuied at Hiversido, a I own in siutUua.tein Iowa, an niana gor of a yiod. Ho Iihh fevered his coiinrelion witii tito E & T. Ijbr'Co of this pluae and lnavea lo take up bit woik ut hia new locution Tuesday. U. can ipii,! ou the Lincoln Diiilj and Sunday Stiito .Icuinul from now until Jkiitiary 1, 15)13, for oiilv"l 20, either willi a iiii Mibmiription lo Tho lli.tttlil tr ., r.,,mi'i 1 nivitiir vm tlt.i mwo iinpciH, Tho Hoiiilil for a lull year and Hin Statu lourn-il, the leading Hlvte pnuer, tor tlio rrmninder of thin year, tor $2. 20' The ao-mcr you titbit advhiitngo ut this offer tho better the bargain. C, V M.Doath left Turfdr.y for Florida with the jn'Hiiti-m of looking up a location, when lie wiM letum for his family. Ho was much pleased with tlio country don n there on his re cent tlip, and will loo.ite there bofoio another winttr stiikes nn llo hub iui oompanied on this dip by Kriink Uiisuh and fa mil--, of Sioux City, who have purohnsod land iinur Kinjiiuiee, Flu, and will make lh.it statu their home. County Attorney J J McAllister, whilo returning from tho Old Kettlers pienio la.it '1'liurnday evening was "inn into by an automobile coming up from behind and wuh thrown from his huugy, whish was smashed tn suiithen ons by the maohino wbich was Ubiug driven ut a forty mi!o clip by n drunken ohuuffor Mr MoAlliuter and L U Smith, the other occupant of tho bug gj, wore severely out an.l bruised by the emushup McAllif.tor s-iys he uuowh the jk.iHch with tho niachine, and also got the uninber of tho unto, but a yut is nudeciilod whether to proaccito or not. Mr leun, of Leeds, lo, prefcented a pti'j'iti in to tho irupmt owners at. Hit- n lions, in thin lctt HuturM.ii 'T. i ' .r HI whii'll ho Klliiralltei-H lo pm .i ilif baiiks of tint livor from Wuhi.iu a way. The fiut 13 iicootn plislolbya iloaliug uptoii aiiohortd wlior- the uuitent htril.es the bun It. ThW i HiNpoiidid in the water ami the MYnr ounei t in supprs.-d to depos it aauil unit form u 1)111 jllht ns snow will blow under h fence nr other ob struction, nnd fonn a diift. I.'i plau ing thtun at. intervals along tho liver Headqunrteis lor nil roliool Mtpplips at the Dakoti City Phnttiiucy. 8 Wlifu in need cuoumbeiH lo picUc, oll at Kiumiier's Oasti Qrooery. I A sou was bom to Mr nnd Mrs J q i"oo, jr, iu bloux Uity, August lOtb,' I Wo want Kobrntikn Farmn. Sou jLind Co., 105 Fourth tjt Sioux City. I LyIm Olsen was down from Magnet,' Neb, lust week for the Old Sotlleib' picnic. ( Mrs Merlo Ililenutn wii oprralod on , for appendicitis at it Slcu. City hos 1 pitnl, Sunday. j Everything iu hay carriers, forks, i sllnps and iopn at Edwards Si llrud Jfoidn, Dakota City. Howard Rockwell loft Monday for Akron, t'ol, wliem ho will tako up his residence on a claim. Fruo E-itniUn, of SerKo.tut Uloff, lo, was n viMlor several days last nick with gul tiieuils hero. Try i ilifch pf iec cream at Van do ZsiIuVd. He B0iVr3 llio IknI of crcnui by the dish, gallun or car load. H A Stiiibou went to St Pnu!, Mint-, Tuesday, to put i-i n week with tho whohsale houses lepleniihiug his stock ot dry goodo Uljhis nilemftu, wifo ftlltl balij", p turned to their homo nt MoutevUo, lliun, Kftcr a weeks visit hoio with Jfr Ililemcu's mother. Miss Idu Oir and Puul Mason ar rived Immn Saturday from u six wcel:&' visit rith relatives ih Canatlu, They report n very enjoyable time. Mib V L Strong and two children, Ethel and Clair, left Wednorday for their 1 omo nt Mihuout, .Mi n, .ftrrn weel.6 uuiy with old fiiouds here. -The public Kchool opened hero Mon day with a full corps of touoher.1 as anni untied iu tho Herald last week A vary fair sltendanco was also noted, Mro Woods M Hiluman, of Jnlen burg, Colo, Wrtb taken to the Suninri tau hotpilal iu Sioiu City, Sunday, for an opeiation for tho romoval of it tumor. Mr Hilemau ariived fiom Jnlesburg, Sunday, to bo with hii wife durii g her slay tit tho hospitnl. Rugh Altemue, who recentlyraded his farm southwest of this placo for Iowa land, has decided to remain in good old Dakota county and has taken charge of the Onindi Co operative Grain company's business at Homer', siicceotli g J M Davis, thi retiring manager. Cliiia Hhll and wifo nutood to Ft Hoilgc. lo, Tti Rdny, to sro Ernest Tiiggs, a btotber-iu-law, who is rceov orieg from injuiics received iu u rail road wieek recently. They wpre ac comj'aiiied on the ttip by Scott Dnu cun and ,Tms Jensen, tho former in tending to remain for the ninttr with his daughter, Mrs 1'riggn. F.illoning U a list of thn petit jurors selected for the September 2ilrd term ot Hstiiol court: J P Ooodwin, M ,1 Uuitcnni, S A liideulmugh, Peter Our ney, A U Anderson, John Delnney, V A lleikes, Geo N Georgensn, Charles L Dodge, Ed Morgan, Art Rymil), Matt McKivorgan, J S bacon, oiike Fin roll. Samuel Knox, 1'ruuk Davis. V V lloninger, A O Sides, Munrico Keilox, Philo MoAfee, Clnis Geistei, M J FoiHt-boe, Fred J Wnllwuy, Win Httttucet- wwatmmm.'miw-imA'i.iB . My Tcaith. Aia.rt'MsS Great Interstate Piano Sale Arc ITotz Commjj to JE6c Ksvtcrstsxtc Fair? Cosrtimciracxr!. Monday, Sept. 1642, and V7.:su SS Ptajra&9 12 Cars - 1""''" "ni n A Full TrsIi!D&.d Wl THIS IS JONES "The Piano Man" Who will gtiatant.ee to save you $100 to S150 on a Piano. Meet ME AT 620 Fourth St., Sioux City, Iowa, during the Fair. msranrsror cciiasira txsxcHjsiBEzxcnas "You Can't Compare It Quite, or JJken It I Will Save You $100 to "Ghs WOSULrlO'S BEST Chickcring, Vosc, Steinvay, Knabe, Fischer, Tccple, Kurtzman, Shoningcr, pianos Un Ml FNE PAN0S -You Never Saw the Like" $150 on a Piano PIABJOS Everett, Schiller, Price & and player .pianos TV fTtf PTuKllf N 1hv upoiimulntoa 50 or moro pianos duriiiR tho past year, M.J lAlts A LIK?11K,, taken as part payment on row pianos and plnvcr pianos, that wo must disjioeo of alonj; with our rat array of tho world's best makes of pianos. Wo como to you on a so.lo of greater magnificence, than any piano silo evur hold niiyvlir-iA at any tinio. Wo como to j ou, Mr PIiim Purchaser, with un offeriug'of $50,000 worth of high grade stand aid i)inotf, that must bo sold wi'hiu tho next few days. Wo bought them at our prioo, which was so low that wo know wo could foreo tho sale. .Just think of buyiug 200 pianos of ono factory for oabti at jour own price and then you will in sumo way conoeivo of what wo. aro ublo to do for you. The pnblio f Sioux City and vicinity havo boen deluged with piano sales u perfect Hood of oales repieeentatioi's withont any sense or reason a milo for every day in tho calendar year. Tins is no clap-trap, drumnied-up piano suln, but a geuuiun, bonti-lldo Halo wheio $50,000 worth of pianos must bo sold. A tieinondotii Miirlwiud of dazzling, irresisti ble bnrgnius awaits you. We most respectfully solicit jour attention for a moment, for duriug this great Milo every piano is included und will bu sold. JONES The Piano Man Bears Lose to Biscuit Shooters Tho Teddy Hoius gave the Johnson Hindu it. Co. tenm ft run for their money at Rivered.lo Patk Sunday in a 1 to 0 game. A littlo bobble tho failure of Uyke or Miller to cover second ivhen an eusy gionndcr was hit to McAllis ter v 1 1 It ; luau on Hrfrt, rohbod our boys of n dmblo play anil the game, the man making second scoring on a' hit soou after. The same teams play hero next Suniliiy. Tho scoru : Johnsons. AH. It. 11. I'O. A. K. Hers.Sli... iHlirHM, HI) -Maek, cf. . (Joutoi, if . iiiihni's. h v HaNetli.lli :t Leu, If .. .. .' -J (loan, If I Wallen. i- ;; llliikley, ii :i Totals PnUota (lltv. McAllister, Kb W. .Miller. Jl) fitlnson, e f, .Mi!lu,2l II ruilirs, ef llyke, s, Muri iHiiu, rf Alvln LonUiusli, If.. Alia f.omliosli. If... he hull 1 1, p People Who do not Live in Sioux City Read Carefully. If you want tn sivo money iu tho purchase of n piano, out out and mail the coupon today, wo will write yon a detailed desciiptinn of every piano advertised Yes, tr will ship y pinto, freicht prepaid. (You can try it for a month and if found as repreaeiitedjvou onn mul you n II llllV it on monthly payments. If it is not aa represented in tverv respeot mo take it away froo of ohatgo to y on. Evory new piano fully gnnrantctd 10 to 25 years by inanu'aclnrer. Mv If) in 9Fi Yflnr Pnr;nn.nl Rnarantno (1?!).1' !!nr"' MortffBir.e does ...j . ... - - . , v..v.v,,ui vuwiuin.uu Willi l;ucii nisirumrnt Sold Open Evenings. The Largest and Oldest Piano hou se m bioux City Cut Out and Mail Today. (CP) JONES, the Piano Man Please send me list of your Bargains in Pianos. Tell nic about your 30-clay Free Trial Oder. Name Address . Terms s ow as c Pcr ay or onc two and thtcc years time at No Advance in Price & & & You Know What These PianOS Are: Read the Prices A S195 Cable & Sons up right piano, now only $67 $99 $125 A Chickering upright piano, rose wood case, cost new S500, for oidy A Kimball upright piano, sells regularly for S300.00, now only , J. & C. Fisher upright pi- r-k ano, regular price S400,now..plOU Everett piano, was $400, a r during this sale J105 A Knabe piano, regular price qj; $500, during this sale p 1 i O Vose & Son upright piano, cost new S600, during this sale rf.rjQr only piO Chickering upright piano, AQryj- cost new S650, for only p 3 Steinway upright piano, beautiful case, sells regularly for S750, aoA I mv once onlv DjJJ I H SjflBUk H H jlR lbw THE PIANO AN M GZO Fourth St. Sioux City, Iowa X22OT22 JWSaafiffi (lzSJifgMiSiSaSSiiSSSSS .rtwai,WirrliH iingrt ..111 J 7 57 V i All. 11. 11. I'O. A. K. , I II 1) 2 I 0 ..a ii ii ii ii ii .. ;i ii l h I 1 "., t (1 tl 1 ." 0 ..2 II 0 I (I II , . ) a ll I I I .. ,1 0 I) (1 l (1 ..2 il 0 II 0 ..II II II II 11 11 '.. :i ii 2 0 :i n II il 21 U 2 O II I) 0 Ilnhmi-i, II 0 l II 0 0 ll lIlllMltll. Li.idti ut U 'I'ui'Hd.iy for IMll ltll!llll ' iioin no uarautees to srop lire cat uifj Not the bunks and form u saiiillinr Unit i permanently pn't-et the laud from 1 1 stt u, I lis HL'l.eiiii is civer-d bv patm.ts, nt'il the only objection eff-red I y thoso who attended the Some by limine-,: JllllllhUIIK 0 0 DaltotatJU) 0 0 Tivo-baso lilts I'oiitei Saerlilee hlt Mack.Ooatos. HIoIhii Ihiiim l.ittiri '2), Her. Dmililo ilay IIke to W. Miller. I.elt on bases Juliniuiis, 1, Dm kotn tlty,.l. ItnuONOii ball itf IlinlHey il; olf .sciianb, 1. Hit 'd piluhei 1 .. . 1 1 1 -. iUrtlcl: out lly HluUley, II; by Seliaiib, H. Willi liltelies Hlnlley. 1; Scliatib, 1. Umpire HlHiie. J l.,e l:lii. i HIIRBARD. Minnie KiHiniiHien, Sundajed at hnr home. riclionl Httppliifu of all Auduison C'o'r. Mary lliutuett loft Sioux City, wlieio bIio iclioul. Hi ruiiin Nelseii and wife, Mr iui'2 Mrs tin iv k, U Andoti-en, wife and baby, an. I Mads Hanson und family wu aiiuduy iichts at tliii Sam Lumen uuuie. All our ctiidiee aro caiefully bought ami Clime fiom a f ictory wu know to be ubboliitt lj lillt. A1wuh fieili and olo.n. You citu euit your aw net toolh here. Geo Tiiclin, Mr Millor, of Luko Viow, Iowa, uu loed up bundiiy to visit fiiouds. They lutumed Tuestluy. Work on the now hull is coming light along. . tin r in your produce, butter, eggs, ite. n n ni wit n pay tho top price. U Al.ll' ,r'll (Ju I':. N hiii drove out tn sen his b..i . ! fiituiUy, Wo mint tull wlio Ue , , MiiH Pedorsen and Mr and Mm May tl.ld and baby, drovo to Dakott Guy Hominy utttunoou to visit ut tho homo of the fotmn'w brother, A Pedorsen- Huhool btjokingb tho celebrated iiiiom bruuil at O Anderfcon Co. Mi and Mra ILirty drovo to Sioux City, TucBduy. Auu'Im Anilenieu i tithing iu tho lUy Jlcllir home. ( Iiuh Dodge ami wife and II Nelson and nifc iiuKicd to Ctieiukcu, li, huu- Real estate louns. Geo Wilkins. meetiug U the oxpeuso of the priject. day, 126 tu'lea. TUoy mudo qt ilu vimt and loturned by 10 o'clock in tho evening. Wo havo just received a fine lot of new dishes which you nmj havo by the But or piece. Oomn in when you need anything iu thin lino. Ueo Timlin. Janiei English omI CJarmel Hurt nett left Tunilny for their homes iu Oninlni after u two weoW viait hero. Ilaus NoIvpii ud wifo returned to their homu in Holt county, Mondy, lifter a brief vitlt hero with lolativrs .uid fricuda. Mrio and Thorvald RinmnsHuu v5n iied ut the C RitamiiDMUi homo Sunday. Thiii stock muut bo cloned out : Tinware, oniunwaia, hardware, nnd other articled too nuit'eroiiM toineutiou. Hacrilico milo uulil Hint of new Tiiar, Uuo tfniin dump Willi liorMo power, 11SO.OO; ono potato digger, J.12 00. I) O Hifferniin. T Deioin and wifo veiled ,il t J i Iiouis Deroio hoiiio (lie f Ir b t of tlio weolt. Mubol OInu.sHcn ia spending a fmv wei k at tho Mai tin lUbmutiiol) homu. No otffeo given the Hutisfaotion for tho mono tbat Milliu'd coffee (Ioch. (J AudeliJOII Co HOllHlt. Mrn Frank Hogau vihited iclativc iu thin vicinity file Unit of tho week. Tlio passengers from hero to the oity Tuesday were: Jou tiugun and wifo, llenrgo tSatinderti and wifo und Muniie und Mabel Claimon. Two packages of Majilo Flukes whilo Ihey last C Anderson Go's. Tom Long had u oar of hi i;h on tho Sioux City market Mouduy. Ella und Mury llcenoy wore Sioux Ciiyshop)orH lust week. If you havo tiled tho so-ealled fly nluiHeru mudn from coal tur and other inferior goodu tliut will not give in sults, get u can ot Leu'd tly Cum today. Wo ucll it with uu absolute gunraiituo to do Uiu work or oar inou oy will be refunded. Geo Timlin. Thn tull game pluyod hero Sunday betwoi n Hubbard nnd Martimdniig wont (i in. I iu fawn'ot lliioliuiii. Mit- i'o Ebol and baby went to Si ux it, Tuesday iVeiiiug, tur it vinlt i. it i fm lids. Light wi'ii!it oupi fm full WDurnt C AntterNOti C'o'n. Our sohool btftiU Monday, Sepltitn bei tlio l);h. Sam Thorn wont to Somh Dukolu, ThuiHilay of luht u k to Inn., uftur hia farm intitot. Childiitn'a clothing, for fuhnnl weal, u id u largo li.-o ot punt, (iverulln 111111' jackets for men, ut U Audurson Co'h, Puter Jolinujii and family v.ere Mm duy guentu at tlio C M JU uiiott 11 home. Nib Ilauseu had tho mlsfoituno tu have thruo horses killed by lightning last week. Tho lo.H was partly cover ed by iuHiiruuco. CheeHuisuu excellent food which you may substitute for muut these daH. It is not oxpeiihive, und tho offerings wo liuve now uro of fine quality. Geo Timlin. Tho sisters of St Oiithmitie'ri ucudo- my at J noli Hon were at tho Uiali'im homo oniduy last week to vliit Wil- llini Graham, who is Mok. Wu have a dandy new line of school shoes for the chihtiou. C Andurbou Co. For Sale. I have forty ucrert of growing lift' for sale, one mile west of Cobuiti Junc tion. l'iank Duvey, Sious City, lowu Despondency Is often caused by indigestion and constipation, and quickly disuppeais uhuii Cliambeiliiiii'H Stomach and Liver Tablutb uiu takun. For sulo by all dealeis. For Sale. I'i-Pieeo Miihogauy bed SANSON'S I l Specials for Saturday, Sept, 7 For this Isxy Only 1-lb Can Rockwood's Coeoa 20c 1-lb package of Soda . . , ; 5c 2 packages Macaroni or vSpaghetti 15c !5 packages Quaker Coijn Flakes 25c 2 Cans Northwestern brand Beets 25c Best Jap Rice, per .pound 5c mom Mule. Mrs Ueo W MrrlJouth. Dakota City, Nob. We havo NebrHia, bo Dukota, Min nesota, lowu und Texas farms for eale nr trade. Aim) siiy propel ty, Soo Laud Co. 405 Fourth ht., Sioux City. SOUTH SIOUX CITY From the llecoril Mr. iuhI Mrs, Uoy J'ilgriin wore over .Sunday visitors l'rtim Oiinwu Mrs. I. H. Kollur is nt Whiting, Iu., this woolc 'visiting relatives iIiss Ai'Iilicl Allen, of Allen, is the guest of her friend, Miss Al moin Nnsli. Miss Khnira Chard, of Lyons, is visiting ut the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. 11. Miller. Hubert I'ressey is at Iliilfton, S. I)., working during llio har vest and threshing season. Mrs. J). MeMonioH, of Lyons, was a fiiest hero with her sister, Mn. L- .lis ,h'ji, this work. .Tin; L. 15. Wilbur, of Occ.. tno. ' !),, was an over ti;m ia visit .it tlio home of his mother, mvH. Fitniiie Wilbur. Willin J. Maniiiiig and fumiiy, of I'te, Li., are in town today, ta'dng in tho Old Settlers' picnic and visiting friends. They made the trip in their automobile. Mrs. I. P. Huberts will tnieh the Walker's island sehool the (liming year. Mrs. Huberts is a diiuu liter of M. Penell, one of the IHi(.:i'iiieut residents of Walker's slinl 1. Mi'i Ahnr Sberwoi-d loft Mon da, fiif IV lar Falls, la., where Our New Stock of here in two weeks. Fall and Winter Goods will be We will hfive the Moat Complete and Up-to-date Line we have ever shown 9? 3? SCHOOL SHOES th ,l,c rk of ;!ic bchool Season we arc dis playing a large line of Children's School Shoes, guaranteed J in every way for wear and comfort. Look our Shoes over you. an njiiMjnmrgtMiiwrnKBriHaM Stinson's E3aBcotec Giiyt maccawfflttJfl McijrasScev. Mrs. M. V. Uui'iictt was at Hock Kapids this week, imllod there by the death of her mother. Mrs. Kitterman. The tunuval was held Tuesday. Mrs. Harnett was accompanied homo by llor father, arriving "Wodnusdny evening. she is assistant principal in (ho public schools, and Miss Margar-t Sherwood left for (Jottenburg, .Vol)., where she is u teacher iu tho aohools. Attorney Ward Evans and his mother, Mrs". Anna Kvans, re turned this week from Arnold's J'ark, where they havo boen spending tho summer enjoying the delights of Luko Okoboji. Mrs. E. R Hall and children were here Tuesday on their way home to Chicago, leaving here Wednesday. Mrs. K E. Town send and children, of Lake ( itv. T n 1 ., !. 1Vi;..lwill Immn 1 T,n ..'IwUmonlaH sent Uc. JTIcd cnu ptc 111,, UU" llinu Ilk IIIU .MIHIIVIl I1UIIIV. I Dottle. How's This? Hundred Dollars ncvranl tor ant that cannot be cured by 1UU' Vo oflfr Or.o rud ot Calami Cnturrh Curt. r. J. CIIHNKY & CO.. To!rdo. O.' Wc. tlio undrmUncil. lave kiiuun 1. J. Cbcnry tor tlio Uut 1 Jf3r, auil hclK'io tilm perlrrtly hou. crtblo la nil tmslnisi traneartlona and llnancUllf r51i tu carry out any obligation ratdo by liU arm. YALD!.d, 1INSK & MAHVlN, Wliolculo Qrutttl. Toledo. (X It. 11 Pfttftrrh rtrrf 1. Ll.n Intrnallv. ailln I dlrrctly uin llio blood and mucous turl&ce ot ta uld bv all nruuUta. fate UVJ'i t'umlly 1'UU tor conMlpaUoo. l t jjja.xu.1 u.hriJ.ri.rfcj;-vji.-j sat. xmstvrunjt