77j6s sxPfmiVm ROYAL CHILDREN OF ITAI Y AT PLAY 'T7T7J r-4jl KAJttj jt jm,m I VI CWt m $ J&Sll.AJZc tbjte"BDi raer s ibii ) VJL J& J-LJ3J1 T il"w"imiimiau if - ,- r m r jvtww y- -as v 5a II I I I I ' 1 11 fll miiij M-'fXH mmiJbMM. -u,-. jwv mm ""''' I vTimm irir- v'" l-i c .. ir n i r win ii . i imi cs . n . twit m v. s Dr. H. Bolte of Sapulpa, turn f turns 'SEEMED TO HAVE HOW&JT FACE 5 j MEW YORK. Dr. H. Bolte of Sapul ll pa, Okla., may And Eomo satlsfao tton In a notlco sent to lilm tho othe day by Deputy Police Cotumisslouur Dougherty to tho effect that Thomns Drown Is under arrest hero and will bo held for Dr. Bolto's ldentlflcntton. Mr. Drown said his arrest was an out rago and that ho never swindled a dentist or anybody else out of $1,600 'by a variation Of tho good old wlro tapping game. This was the tale, of the dentist: He camo from Oklahoma to New York to get to Europe. Ho had over $500 In canh and a chock for $1,000. Ho met a nice fellow In a Broadway bar room who called himself Walter Sims and said ho was a planter from Jackson, Miss. Sims introduced the doctor to J. W. Walsh, a "millionaire grain speculator of Buffalo." The two took Dr. Bolte to a "club" at 128 West Forty-fifth street, where ono might bet on tho races. Millionaire Walsh pried a wallet from bis pocket, unstrapped tho same and produced $20,000 In cash and a certified check for $20,000. He bet Woe Confronts JVomen CHICAGO. Tjho French heel, tho military heel, tho Cuban and all tho other leather prongs of fashion havo been discriminated against by tho South Park commissioners in fa vor of tho low- squat, broad, common place heel that is, on the Jackson Park golf course. Hundreds of women nro complain ing of the new rule. But the neigh boring cobblers regard it as a dis pensation of Providence and are writ ing for catalogues of tho 1913 model automobiles. Tho park commissioners, who have no soul for art and no eyes for beau tiful heels, aro enforcing this rule only for tho sake of their horrid old golf links, say tho women. Six hundred owners of fancy heels tho other day were refused admission td the course, and almost every one of them went to tho nearest cobbler to havo tho offending three inches or so of leather cut down to tho regula tion three-quarters of an inch. There were many protests from women who hesitated between their lovo for tho game and appearance. ''But I can't wear low heels," com plained one. "You see, 1 havo such a patrician instep, and those squat heels might cripple mo." "Is this too high," inquired another golf fan, exhibiting an Inch of heel shaped on the general order of a tooth pick. "I've had it cut down already, When Is a Lap Dog? HE WONT ) DARE- HURT YOU, ROMEO I UEARj-J LOS ANGELES, CAL. When Is a lap dog? Lap dogs are carried freo of charge on Los Angeles street cars, and the rule defines the limits and boundaries of such a canine as "ono which may bo carried In the arms and kept in the lap in such a way that other passengers will not bo annoped," or words to that effect. "She" came from somewhere out yonder and when the Arcade Btatlon was clear of her amplo bulk there was so much room loft that tho waiting room looked like a church on Tuesday afternoon. She had dog with her. A dog built upon good, old-fashioned sub stantial lines, long, low and rakish and a leg on each corner; a zoologi cal Hpmslnien weighing perhaps 60 pounds. All know every dog has his day. The animal had a kindly, open countenance It was open anyway Preacher Aids Bashful MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. "If any poor, bashful man in my audlonce has fallen in love with some worthy wom en, and wants to meet her for a wife, I will see that he 1b introduced, has a place to court, will help him get hlB license, pay for it if nocessary, marry htm freo of charge, and furnish him with a wedding certificate which ho may hang over the motto, 'God Bless Our Home.' " This is the offer made the other Sunday by Rov. G. L. Morrill, a prom inent Minneapolis pastor, In his ser mo non "The Masher Mashed." Mr, Morrill termed a masher "a bi ded who roost3 on tho corner and by look, gesture and speech takes fa miliar advantages of women who pass by." "And if tho fellow seems to want a hot tlmo, girls," tho pnstor advised, "wallop him with your bag nnd then throw red pepper in hiB oyos." Regarding eugenics, Rev. Mr. Mor rill said: "Woman was made to marry, and not bo a religious recluse, old maid or stenographer, unless sho possesses Speaking by the Card, Mrs. Taylor "What's that saying about tho watched, pot, Bob? A watched pot" "Mr. Taylor (ab sently) "A watched pot Is seldom bjr." feCK Sfe?l i V-V-J&v . Ey-ftrlW .-ssSSS !. c( rfv. Tn7rfvrvSr2) Ja&UaF ESifeKi (SwKl1 T.fo'lu, , Okla., is Still Waiting. tho wholo $40,000 on ono race. Strango to say, ho won $30,000. Despite tho warning and caution of Dr. Bolte he hot $70,000 on another race and won again, at even morey. Dr. liolte'a eyes almost bulged out of his head. Millionaire Walsh sauntered over to the cashier to collect hla $140,000. "Sorry," said tho cashlor, "but wo will havo to investigate that $20,000 check before wo pay your hot." Mr: Walsh was much put out. Ho took Dr. Bolto and tho planter over in tho corner and confided in them. "That blamed check Is not good," ho informed them. "There is only $0,000 back of It. I havo got to get it back beforo they look it up. If you fellows can lend me enough to tako It up I will pay you $20,000 bouu3 npleco." Planter Sims produced $000 in cash and a check for $12,000. Dr. Bolte, thinking of what ho could do with that $20,000 in gay Paree and in tho concert halls of Vienna, could not con tribute his $500 and his chock quick enough. Millionaire Walsh put In a check for $6,000, representing his actu al cash balance. The dangerous overdrawn check was withdrawn. "But," said tho enshier, "of course, you must wait until wo havo heard from these checks. That will take week." Dr. Bolto is still waiting. Golfers With High Heels and, I simply won't wear them any lower." The attendant took ono hasty glance and explained that it was tho small, dainty heel that did the most damage to the links, especially when the rain had softened the Grounds. Tho "common-sense" heel, as the at tendants Insisted on calling It, despite femlnlno pouts and frowns and "I just don't cares," is not liable to do any damage, while any other kind will cut up the turf. So it was that many were angry when turned away from the grounds, but a glance at the sign convinced them that their only recourse waB to tho cobbler. The sign reads as fol lows: Men and women may not use thti golf course while wenrlng htgh-hccl shoes. Only low and broad heels such as are commonly us" In the practice of sports Will bo permitted. dame? nttendants are Instructed to en force this rule. "Just about one-third of tho would be players have the right heel," aid an attendant. Owner Solves the Question and the glittering array of teeth woula have been tho prldo of any dentist. Also, It was hot, and dogs aro pro vorblally more careless of their, teeth in hot weather than In tho idee of March, whatever they are. "She" and the dog started to mount tho cabin deck of a seagoing street car. Tho conductor obligingly throw out a life lino to tho struggling pas senger, and then aimed a well-meaning kick at the dog which was blight ly climbing aboard. "Howdaroyou doathlngllkethat? I'll report youtothecompany, Neverheard ofsuchathingthoveryldea," said "She." "Come Borneo," this to tho dog. Romeo "came," snapping happily at tho open work sox pn tho street car man Then tho "dog" rulo was .explained to "Sho." "Oh, very well," was 'the resi with a Laura Jean LJbby in flection. "I shall bold Romeo upon my lap,' 'and hold Romeo stio did, al though the effort used up seats In tended for four persons and gave tho car such a list to starboard after the fashion of a ship which has shifted Its cargo. Which brings us back to the original proposition, "when la a lap dog?" to Meet Future Wives. some defect of mind or body whlcl would result In degenerate ofilspring. "The ogling ogro is sometimes mash ed by the indignant victim or by soma manly looker on, who remembers hli own dear ones, some gallant pollco man, or by the Judpo, who, Instead ol giving n light flue, fclnss a heavy sen tence to the workhonse, whero Mr. Masher may flirt wtth tho mop, make googoo eyes at dalfle? in tho field or mash rock In quarries " Following tho sornior'i Rev. Mr. Mor rill was approached 1.t several young mon of his audlenco, who sought him to Introduce thorn to women they thought"worlby." Unhr-sltatingly, their request was granted, and they were told tn go ahead "with their courting and then como back for their marriage licenses." Defined, "Pa, what does It mean when It says a man has arrived at years of discretion?" "It means, Johnnie, that he's too young to die and too old to have any fun." Jude 1 5 HAT 3qcgg-i Stl wf A THEr)) 1 v aL. P HHnntflfc s. v. X7 MdAP'Vtt Afr-Affip. JHH V39nPllftMk KhTlfTW ir vH. ft "r "'to3JLjRjjfetiBrBSVrv v3Kr x " Tf JPjjnm ''riP-PlNilff9 UMBERTO, tho future king of Italy, is hero seen playing In tho park of the Bisters, left to right tho Princesses Jolnndo, Mafaldaet 'and Glovauna. HAS FLYING AUTOS Motor Car With Wings Is Latest in French Capital. Successful Experiments Have Been Made With Machines That Combine the Principles of the Automo bile and the Aeroplane. Paris. Paris Is gossiping over tho latest type of motor car ono with wings. M. Bertrand do Lesseps re cently drove some distance from tho capital in a machine thus equipped. M. FlllppI Is another searcher In tho same field, who has been oven more successful. FlllppI based his trials on. the principle of tho bird's wing -and al.. d at producing a propeller which should rcallzo the same effect as tho beat of a bird's wings in the air. Tho propellor evolved is not a scrow, but a brldo of wood, broader and thlckor in the center than atHho extremities, one of which tapers off nearly to a point Tho other Is comparatively wide,, looking like a wing, concave on one side and convex on the other. Furthermore, both ends are curved backward, forming an obtuse nnglo. The wholo Is Inclosed in n cage and measures only about 55 inches In dia meter, not projecting beyond the gauge of the car in any dliectlon. The maximum speed Is 2,200 revolutions a minute. This air propelling system enables the constructor to dispense with tho most delicate and compli cated parts of the machinery at pres ent employed no more gear boxes are required, as a change In tho num ber of rotations Is substituted for a change of gear, while progress back ward Is obtained by reversing tho movement of tho wing. This backward rotation also servos as a powerful brake when going downhill, and does away with "differentials" and back bridges. In traveling tho friction Is reduced to a minimum, and tho car seems hardly to touch tho ground, raising no appreciable dust, and consequently Inflicting but slight wear and tear on the tires, whilo the comfort of tho passengers is Improved. In general appearanco the car used recently re sombled an ordinary torpedo typo, but tho rear part forms an extension, from which projects tho axle carrying tho wing. Tho 40 horso-power motor Is in front, and connects with tho wiim by transmission chains Thorn Is no other mechanism, and tho wheels all run freo like the front wheals of an Young Woman Hurries to the Placo and Hears Shot Man Will Recover. South Orange, N. J. Writing a note to the girl he loved but could not mar ry because he has a wlfo living, and stating therein that he Intended to kill himself, Julian Dillon, twenty-two years old, sent a bullet Into his shoul der. The note, which was written to Miss Marie Blanchet, advised her of tho place he had chosen to end his life, so sho, with MIbb Mario Don nelly, a companion, hurried to the placo in order to prevent tho act. As tho two young women approach ed, Dillon waved his hand from a dis tance and disappeared Into tho woods. Then they heard a shot. Charles Stlastny of Vose avenue happened along, nnd discovered Dillon lying In the bushes. Ho sent for tho police. Tho wounded man was taken to tho Orange Memorial hospital, whore the bullet was extracted with little trou ble. He Is expected to recover. He told the pollco It was nn accident, but ho will probably he placed under ar rest on his recovery. Dillon Is the son of wealthy parents, both of whom aro dead, but ho never SN',VV-X-NNNrf"iS--'"WN-N1. Arrest Woman Who Chained Boy. Now York. Mrs. Minnie Sassa of 120 East Ono Hundred and Forty eighth street, was arrested for chain ing her seven-year-old boy In the yard of her homo. Agents of tho Children's society made the complaint. Offers to "Train" for Preildereoy. Washington. A citizen of La Junta, Colo,, has written to Secretary of tho Interior Fisher, offering his services as a candidate for tho presidency. Ho says he can start "training" at once. ordinary automobile. Ono lover only Is UBed to start, and movo forward or backward, by reserving tho rota tion of th? wing, and thero Ib ono pedal by which ex tra brake power is put on. Tho wholo car weighs about 1,320 pounds, or, with Its throo passengers and tho nccossary equipment, about 2,000 pounds. A start was made about 4 o'clock In the morning, In tho pres ence of several spectators, and after showing off its capabilities in varlpuB preliminary maneuvers tho car went off on Its Journey of 300-odd miles nmldst cheers. Tho travelers Bent telegrams reporting progress from dif ferent points on tho way, and arrlvod safely nt Lyons. The futnrt. trndo In forests Involved In this exporlenco may prove of iminense Importanco, and tho new typo of wing may turn out superior to the scrowa so com monly used in tho neroplano. In tho trials mado by M. FlllppI with a view to finding the best shape for tho wing tho present model gavo 70 per cent, of power, which Is at least 10 per cont. more than has yet been pro duced by tho best known scrow propel lor of the usual type. GIRL AND BEAR SURF PALS Dared by Companion, Younp Woman Braves the Waves With Bruin at Venice, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Anna Fred ericks, a pretty beach girl, wont swim ming through tho breakers at Venice accompanied by a half-grown cinna mon bear. For a while it looked as if the groat' seal of California had como to llfo and had gone forth for a paddlo In tho ocean. Miss Fredericks was ono of tho thousands of bathorB along tho ocean front. She was clad in an attrnrtivu silk bathing suit and was accampa nled by several friends, when R. I. Pierce of Pnsadena strolled by leading two half-grown cinnamon bears which ho secured In northern California when tho bears wore only a few weeks old. "I dare you to take ono of tho bearb In Bwlmmlng," said a friend to Miss Fredericks. Tho young woman took tho dare. Her escort, after futllo attempts at Idissunslon, secured ono the bears. Tho llttlo animal was quite tame and trot- -;.- shared In the ostato becauao ho mar ried, a few j ears ngo, u chorus girl. It Is roported here that his wlfo de serted him when she found that ho would not have wealth. He haB been living at tho Hotel Belmont. New York, making frequent trips to South Orange and paying attention to MIbb Blanchet. MRS. BELMONT JS MARKETER Society Woman Does This as a Pro test Against Petty Graft of Employees. Newport, II. I. Mrs. O. II. P. Bel mont 1b doing her own marketing this summer as a protest against a sys tem of petty graft, which sho says has bocomo well-nigh universal In tho households of tho wealthy summer colonlBts here. "This system of graft, by which em ployees profit at the oxpenso of em ployers, Is all wrong," snys Mrs. Bel mont. "We pay our aids good wagos, for which they are expected to do a certain servlco It Is certainly unfair for them to expect to make a largo sum of money on commissions that are bound to como out of tho pockets of their employers." TWINS KEEP Both Parents of New Colorado Arri vals Are Twins Themielves Long Lineage Likewise. Golden. Colo. Tho birth of twin boys In tho family of Prof, Charles D. Test of tho dopartmont of miner alogy in the State School of Mines hero proved no anomaly to an ances tral characteristic. Professor Teat himself 1b a twin. rojal palace at Rocconlgl, with his HONOR TO BRITISH GENERAL People of Drockvlllo, Ont., Laud the Memory of Commander Who Won Derolt In War of 1812. Drockvlllo, Ont. A monument In honor of the memory of Qen. Sir Isaac Brock, who was In command of tho Canodlnn forces ogalnBt tho Amer icans in tho wnr of 1S12, was unveiled In this city with Interesting but mod est ceremonies, Tho local chapter of tho Daughters of the Empire, to whoso efforts tho erection of tho monument Is duo, was In charge of tho ceremo nies. The principal address was de livered by Col. Samuel Ilughca, the Canadian minister of mllltta and do fenso. Tho dato for tho unveiling of tho memorial was appropriately chosen, since It was Just 100 years since tho surrender of Detroit, with which event tho nnmo of General Brock la most closely associated In American history. General Brock was born In the Island of Guernsey In 17C9 and had a brilliant mllltnry career In tho Brit ish service beforo ho was sent to Can ada. He was mado a knight of tho Bath for his victory at Detroit, but he survived his honors less than two months. ted down to tho surf lino with Miss Fredericks. Thousands of beach visitors throng ed tho water front to watch the novel performance. At first tho llttlo bonr snorted nnd fussed as tho spray splashed over hla .nose, but finally with a llttlo grunt, ho ducked Into the breakers and followed tho lenah which Miss Fredericks carried. GIVE MEN SOCKS TO WOMEN Chinese Who Take Ship Passengers' Clothes Make Odd Mistakes In Returning Them. San Franclsc-i, Cal. Tho Chinese nro assimilating Caucasian customs fast, but their Inability to dlffcrontlnto between masculine and femlnlno garb or to understand why half hoso are worn only by mon caused sixty-two cabin passongers of tho llnor Man churia much lnconvcnlenco nt Shang hai three weeks ago. Tho Manchria, which arrived from the orient rpoently, was ordcrod Into quarantine at Shanghai becauao of the death of a steorago passenger from a eommunlcablo disease, and nil pas sengers woro ordered nshore to take a plungo In a germ-kllllng Bolutlon. Each was assigned a bathroom nnd the clothing of each was taken away for fumigation. Tho Chinese neglect ed to marlrvthe clothing. A sedato man of sixty received a corsot in lieu of his waistcoat. Many of tho women received men's sockB, others no stock ings at all, while many garment., went astray, never to bo restored to rightful owners. Captain Dixon, voteran of many a storm, fled to his cabin when the wom en appealed to him. FIND WHISKY IN HAY WAGON Police Hold 500 Bottles for Bashful Claimant at Wilmington, North Carolllna. Wilmington, N. C Five hundred bottles of "Turkey Mountain" corn whUky, neatly packed away in gunny sacks, await an owner at the local po llco station. A wagon ostensibly loaded with hay broke down In tho street nnd when tho pollco, "soolng the trouble from 'afar," arrived on the scene tho negro river took to hla hcolB, leaving tho property without a claimant. Following a senatorial cam paign against "blind tigers" hero n week ago, no ono has tho temerity to claim tho goods. UP TRADITION Mrs. Test has a twin sister nnd Pro fessor Test's father came Into tho world with u brothor. Both Professor Test and Mrs. Tost came from a lln cago long noted for twins. Tho couplo wns married h year ago. Celebrates Her 10-lth Birthday, Troy, N. Y. Mrs. Margaret Van Rencolaer has just celebrated bor 10th birthday and Is In uv4 )ialth. Kb- HMi. & l-Ta-C1!' BKflti I ,, fji l. B Tht Fv.v I ,irFti .' I i v)tf4: X jmLw yy- vA. nPsHMir KXV't';;sl I iHS-L r N 4 v X I kMHIIHra--HlHl iV SS8&!ERr,! '":-w -BMfl fl ''"'rlflRH ll s "-"VI .1 xAiWVj4W?fNVV'iB Hi?;3ie?f-x - &&i&fH -MHMN? ":;,.. --- vX--wf;.' PRlraPES - v.OftrfAt jhsizznt QFZzera&nz IT Is only during very recent years that common turtles, or logger hendB, and tho easily ralsod water terrapin have been fully appreci ated as articles of food that may bo commonly enjoyed, Instead of rel egated to form tho choice dish of ban quets. Tho northern former, with drainage streams forming an Impor tant feature of his land, and tho own er of spring-fed ponds on suburban bounds, may learn much from tho tur do Industry oft tho south that will rovo Interesting as woll as practical. In tho early days, when all that por tion of tho coast of Florida Bwopt by tho Gulf of Moxico, afforded abundant hunting ground for turtles, thoy. wcro such a common article of food that thoy were llttlo appreciated, but dur ing recent years their commercial valuo has lucreaBod. Tho most Important commercially aro tho greon turtle, tho turukbneks, tho hawkbllls and tho loggerhondB. Though soruo of them wolgh only a fow poundB, there aro some ranmmoth Bpoclmous captured, the claim bolng mado, on good nuthorlty, that tho largest havo 1.0011 known to reach n weight of 1,200 pounds. Tho green tur tlo Is also known as tho Cholonla my das, and Is tho variety most prized by tho natlveB of Southern Florida. Captured by Nets. At tho prosent day turtles aro cap tured mainly by nots, nnd also from tho land by probing Into tholr hiding places along tho banks of streams with a turtle-hook fantonod to a long, stout polo. What Is known as "tur-tlo-turnlng" is mainly followed as a sport by boys. But tho old residents claim that 1c tho early days turtlo turning wnB mado tho most Important manner of capture, as well as sport. An early authority thus tells of tho method used: "Hero (along tho southern coast of Florida) ono can follow tho most sar donic of all sports turtlo-catchlng. You walk along the lovely beach at night, when tho turtlo has como up fiom tho waters-to deposit her hun dreds of eggs. You seo one. You advanco, and coolly turn it over on Its back and that 1b all. You leave it leisurely and pursuo your b troll; turn another on Us back, lcavo it, and so on uutil you aro tired. Wbon you como again on tho morrow thoro thoy aro. To walk up to a turtlo In tho morning, having troatod him in thiii manner ovor night, nnd look steadily In tho oyo thereof without certain titillating sensations at onco in your diaphragm (whero you laugh), and In your consclonco (whero you do not laugh) requires more grim rigidity of tho formor andsmoro supplo elas ticity of tho latter than borne people possess. Nor can thoro bo anything lu llfo, considered without reference to your own act In making It so, more preposterous than an upturned tur tlo lying, poor lnnocont, on Its mildly convex back, with Its mildly whlto oyos starlug weakly at heaven, and Its iilppors wriggling In Habby helpless ness toward tho four quarters of the earth'.' In thoso moro prnctlcal days ono questions why they should havo been turned on their backs, thus to remain over night. Why thero was not n pos Elblllty of porno ono olnn getting thero first In the morning and reaping tho fruits of tho "turner's" labor, Why thors was not considerable danger of tho "wriggling flippers" giving tho sudden twist that will sond tho aver age small turtlo "right Bide up with caro," alter a few effective struggles, nnd why it would uiot bo Just as oaBy, and much moro sensible on going a-turtllng, to tako along moans of car rylug homo tho prizes when flrat caught. Instead of allowing them to Ho on their backs until morning. Only a fow years ago, when tho turtlo industry first began to bo ap preciated from Its commercial stand point, tho beef and turtle markets of Koy West stood side by side, many proforring tho latter as a regular meat supply, and It then begen to bo a profitable Industry to ship turtles alive to tho northern markets, not only from Key West, but from all CHARACTER SEEN IN BACK Rear View of Men and Women Often Reveals Their Personality to the Student. Havo you evur noticed that the back views of men and women aro in tetuvoJ.y characteristic of tho persons? Thon look carefully at that very or dinary young man who has passed you. Ho has ono hand In his pockot, and shoulders Bllghtly stoopod. From what you can boo of htm, his head Is bent, and ovory now and again ho gives an aimless llttlo kick at eomo object in his path. What back view could bo more eloquent of Indecision of character? Now glanco at tho receding back of the man who has passed you by. Why does it fill you with an instlnc tlvo Bonso of reliability? Because there Is strength In It; not necessari ly physical, but mental. Tho back Is straight and alert. Tho head Is hold well buck, the arms swing ea-lly, and thu walk Is buoyant, confident, hope ful. Now direct your gaze across tht along tho southern coast of Florida. Tho turtlo eggs aro also valued as food, nnd tho ploneor sottlerB In tho far south found them a vory appreci able item in their provisioning, a. tho largo varieties of turtles havo boon known to lay from 100 to 300 eggs in each neat. What is known as the Florida "gopher" is a species of tor tolso of tcrraplp, that burrows In tho Bandy soil nnd furnishes very accopt ablo food. Gopher calipash is the most popular dish mado from this small turtlo. . Among tho visitors to tho famous tur ning grounds along tho coast of Flor ida, Inquiry la often mado as to why tho name tortolso 1b bo seldom applied to tho many varieties of marlno chclo nlans found on tho borders of tho Gulf of Mexico. It is truo that tor toise is tho correct namo for all these various species both tho land and tho marlno species a tho namo Is de rived from vnrious French and Latin words meaning twisted, crooked or contorted, describing tho crookedness of the curious foot nnd head protrud ing from tho tortolso sholl. How tho tortolso of early days became known by tho namo of furtlo in explained by tho fact that certain specleB of sea turtles show such great affection for their mates, fhat tho name of turtle (from turtledove celebrated for tho constancy of Its affection) camo to bo applied to them. Later tho namo turtlo wns applied to many species of tho marlno tortoises, with turkey frequently used for the species found In the WoBt Indies. Green Turtle the Favorite. Among tho private turtlo ponds own ed and operated by progressive Flor ida farmors who possess many acres of Bubmorged land bordering famous turtlo Btreams, many Interesting fea tures await tho study of the northern tourist. The green "turtle 1b the fa vorlto, not only bocauso of Its fame In regard to "green turtlo soup," but also for tho delicacy of its flesh for various articles of diet Tho tortolso shell of commercial valuo 1b also most highly prised when secured from the green turtle, with its dellcato color ing!.. Both tho upper Bholl the cara pace, or carapax; and tho lower shell tho platron, are utilized for articles and ornaments of commercial value. Tho most common method of prepar ing tho shells for ubq is to soften them by means of boiling. They are then formed into various shapes, or aro flattened by being passed through n press. , Tho Florida native entertains tho visitor wtth many Intel eating legonda and traditions concerning tho numer ous turtles commonly known In tho early days ub Chulonlas. This name, applied to various river and sea tor IoIbcs, was derived, 'Ub said, from tho beautiful nymph Cholonla of mythological fame. According to tho legend, sho alone of all tho nymphs, waB not Invited to tho bridal of Zeus and Hera, because she had amused herself at the cost of tho Immortal couplo. But Hera was not contented with this vengeance. Sho mndo Mer cury throw the witty but unwise maid en into tho sea with ber house, and motamorphosiug her into a tortoise, condemned her to carry li on her back In eternal silence. IJor this reason tho anclentB called the torfotso Chcl--onla. Quite Likely. "Hero la a country newspaper which contains tho account of a rural danco, but, strango to say, the editor doea not refer to the crowd os 'tripping thq light fantastic." " "Perhaps they don't." "How Is that?" "Oh, rustic folk aro much enlight ened these days. Perhaps they did the 'turkey trot' and the 'grizzzly bear.' " The Resemblance. "My easy chair always puts mo in mind of a mountain gorge." "How's that?" "I Bupposo becauso a sleepy hollow naturally recalls a yawning chasm." street a moment. There goes a girl who, under a cursory scrutiny, looks, the personification of what wealth can do. Walk behind her- a llttlo way, and take good stock of the back view presented you. You soon discover that the end of a fringe net hangs down on to tho coat collar. The col lar of the blouse Is dono up with a largo pin. Tho middle seam of the Bklrt Is not In its placo. There Is a hole In tho stocking Just above tho anklo, and tho shoes, In splto of be ing expensive, need repairing. Evi dently tho wearer Is an untidy, shift less woman. The Folly of Women. "Women aro tho slaves of fashion," he grumbled. "Yes, dear," his wife roplled, "I know. Wo are an awfully silly lot By the way, I found your laBt num. mer'a straw hat yesterday, and it's Just as good and as clean as new. Shall 1 get it for you?" "What! Do you want me to make myself ridiculous by wearing that thing? It isn't tho right shape for this season." Si a! ft y 1 "i I l . .-a,,.... c"-,i 1. -.-- ;ij-.".3U-irjtL-.