DR. PRICES Cream BAKING POWDER iS ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL Its active principle solely grape acid and baking soda. It makes the food more delicious and whole some. The low priced, low grade powders put alum or lime phosphates in the food. Ask Your Doctor About That RECORD OF TIME'S CHANGES Surely Visitor to the Scenes of His Boyhood Could Not Fall to Be Impressed. "I reckon you see the old town look ing some different from what It looked when you left It thirty years ago," eald Uncle Eb Skinner to the native returning for a visit to the scenes of his boyhood. "All o' the back part o1 Peevy's storo Is new since your day here, an' that bay winder In the drug store was put In since you left us. The deepo used to bo painted yeller lnstld o' red, an tho town hall Is net by steam now lnstld o' with stoves, like It used to was In your time. Then two Iron hitch posts In front o' tho nostofnco ain't been there more than ton years, and that stone watering trough instid o' the old wooden one you remember Is another change I reckon you've noticed that HI Greene has raised his house a story an' add ed a summer kitchen. That plazzy in front o' the hotel is another chango In tho old town, an', of course, you've noticed the new boss sheds bock o' the church an' the broom shop wa'n't here when you was a boy with ub. It employs five hands reg'lar an' seven In the rush season. Time makeB changes, as I reckon you have seen." From Judge. A Question or Names. In some of tho country districts of Ireland it Is not an uncommon thing to see carta with the owners' names chalked on to save the expense of painting. Practical Jokers delight In rubbing out these signs to annoy the owners. A constabulary sergeant one day ac costed a countryman whose name bad been thus wiped out unknown to him. "Is this your cart, my good man?" "Of course it is I" was the reply. "Do you see anything the matter wld it?" "I observe," said the pompous po liceman, "that your namo is o'blltber ated." "Then ye'ro wrong," quoth tho coun tryman, who had never come across the long word before, "for me name's O'Flaherty, and I don't care who knows it." Youth's Companion. She Was a Duster. Mrs. Sutton advertised for a woman to do general housework, and In an swer a colored girl called, announcing that she had como for the position. "Are you a good cook?" asked Mrs. Sutton. "No, indeed, I don't cook," was tho reply. "Are you a good laundress?" "I wouldn't do washln' and ironln'; it's too bard on the bands." "Can you sweep?" asked Mrs. Sut ton. "No," was the positive answer. "I'm not strong enough." "Well," said the lady of tho house, quite exasporated, "may I ask what you can do?" "I dusts," came the placid reply. Everybody's, 'Twas a Pretty Thing. The young man produced a small, square box from his pocket. "I have a present for you," he began. "I don't know whether It will fit your Anger or not, but " "Oh, Goorgo!" she broke in, "this is so sudden! Why, 1 never dreamed " But Just then Gcorgo produced tho gift a sllvor thimble and It got sud denly cooler In the room. Ladles' Home Journal. The Usual Way. "Yes; he committed political sui cide." "How can a man commit political suicide?" "By shooting off his mouth." Practical Version. Mrs. Knlcker Laugh and the world laughs with you. Mrs. Bockcr Weep and you get a present. It Is not easy to be a widow; ono must resume all tho modesty of girl hood without being allowed even to feign Ignorance. Mine. Do Glrardln. Tho value of forethought is often demonstrated by the after effects. "He bit the hand that fed him" said Teddy of Big Bill, And didn't tell us if the bite had made the biter ill. Now had Toasties been the subject of Bill's voracious bite He'd have come back for another with a keener appetite. Written by WILLIAM T. HINCKS, iW7 Btate (St., Bridgeport, Conn. Ona of tho CO Jlnirtes for which the rostutn Co., Buttle Creek, illah.., paid tlUWOO III May. EFFECTIVE. ffk U First Walter Did that Arizona ranchman glvo you a tip? Second Waltor I should say ho dldl He told me If I didn't stop lively he'd blow off the top of my head! Another Matter. Hewitt We aim to please. Jewett Dut what do you hit? Garfield Twt Is Invaluable for nil Irregulari ties of the liver, kidneys nnd bowcR It It mode frum pure and wuolewmu liurbs. I say tho degree of vision that dwells in a mnn is a conect measure of tho man. Carlyle. The Worrier. Knlcker Does Jack worry? Docker Yes; he wants to pasteur ize split milk. Judge. A better thing than tooth powder to cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay Is a prepara tion called Paxttno Antiseptic. At druggists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. Getting Rid of It Tyres I tell you the man who takes care of his own motor car has a good deal on his hands. Byres Woll, soap is cheap. His View. Hewitt This place Is 1,000 feet above tho sea level. Jewett But the sea Isn't on level; it always makes me sick. tho Mixture of Caution and Economy. At the Union depot a few evenings ago a mother who had gone to see her daughter, a miss of about eighteen years, safely started on a Journey, was hoard to give tho young lady tho fol lowing words of advice Just beforo tho train started: "Now, goodby, my dear. Take good care of yourself and re member not to be too free with strang ers on the train. But If a nice looking man should speak to you bo polite to him he may buy your supper for you." Kansas City Star. Her Ruling Passion. Thj woman who had chased dust and dirt all her life finally reached St, Peter. "Come in, you poor, tired woman," he said, and held the gate ajar. But the woman hesitated. "Tell mo first," Bhe said, "how often you clean house?" Tho saint smiled. "You can't shnko off the ruling pas sion, can you?" ho said. "Oh, well, step Inside and they'll give you a broom and dustpan instead of u harp." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Shock for a Brother, "John," Bald an eminent physician, wearily, entering his home after a hard day's work, "John, If nnyone calls excuse me." "Yes, suh," agreed John, tho old family darkey. "Just say," explained the doctor, "that the masseur Is with mo." A little later the doctor's brother called called and received the shock of his life. "I want to seo the doctor at once," Bald he. "Yuh can't do It, sur," solemnly an nounced tho old darkey, turning up his eyos till the whttos alone showed. "Yuh can't do it, suh. The doctor(suh, nm wld do MesBlah." Now York livening Sun. mKM ana INJURY TO TRUMPET CREEPER One of the Most Beautiful Vines Is Subject to Attacks of Small Black Beetle. (By PP.OF. L. BWINEY.) Tho trumpot creoper, ono of our most beautiful of vines, is, compuird with other ornamontal plantB, rela tively free from posts, but It la subject to the attacks of a singular small black beetle that may lnjuro tho loaves so badly and cause them to become so unsightly as to render tho plant value less for the purposes for which It 1b planted. Tho adult Insect is a flattlsh olon gato boetlo belonging to tho same family as the cucumber beetle. Seen on tho leaves in July when It Is nbun dant aB an adult. It looks llko a bit of Egg 8ealed Down With Gum. a. Egg With Gum Cover Turned Aside. bark, or otlior rubbish, and Blnco It remains qulot to escape detection, with Its legs foldod up about tho body, and drops to tho ground If tho leaves are disturbed, tho collector Is moro likely to collect It by accident, than from a recognition of it as an insect. Tho females begin placing their eggs promptly In Juno, and may bo found on the plants until July 18, or there abouts. Somewhat later they disap pear, but reappear again in numbers about September 11, these being tho IndlvIdunlH that hibernate. The oggs aro placed singly on tho upper sldu generally over tho midrib, and toward tho tip of the leaflet. They are fastened down with a brown glue which hardens and giveB them tho np pearance of being a deadened part of the leaf. This separates from tbo leaf readily when pried up with a needlo. Tho adult always gougos the leaf JuBt above the place whore tho egg Is at tached aB if sho meant to brand it and warn away other females bent on sim ilar errands. The mines mado by this Insect are very striking and characteristic. Tho larva penetrates the leaflet above the midrib and works toward the center in a straight course at first, then at inter vals makes excursions to the right or loft on each side of the midrib, and often reaches nearly to the margin of Manner of Placing Eggs After Goug ing the Leaflets. tho leaflet before turning back and starting another. The final result Is a branched mine with long curved or slightly tortuous extensions on each side of tho midrib. When ready to pupato the larva returns to the center of the leaflet and pupates in the cen tral chambor over the midrib. Treatment for the Insect is simple. The adults can bo destroyed in the spring when they appear on tho loaves to placo their eggs by spraying with arsenate of lead. MEASURING HAY IN STACKS Kansas Experiment Station Issues Bulletin Giving Instructions for Doing the Work. Bulletin No. 155, of the Kannna Ex periment station, contains Instruc tions for tho measuring of hay In long and round stacks. Tho measur ing of a stack or rick to ascertain tho tons of hay It contains Is, at best u guess. Tho bulletin states that when alfalfa hay has been in the stack 30 days it requires 512 cubic feet to make a ton; that when tho hay haa been in tho Htnek five or six months, 422 cubic feet aro calculated for a ton. In the case of old, well settled stacks, 343 cubic feet aro figured as making a ton. It furthor says that slough hay Is heavier than nlfalfa and that upland pralrlo hnys are lighter than alfalfa. Having found the contents of n stack in cubic feet, di vide tho numbor of feet required to make a ton to find the numbor of tons In tho stuck. Shrubs for Birds. Smoothly trimmed hedges nnd the stiff troos of a formal garden aro not nearly so attractive to birds ns un trained bushes und tangled thickets. Shrubs of sterile varieties or those closely pruned after blooming aro not sought by birds, while thoso allowed to ripen fruit aro often crowned with feathered visitors. Moreover, plants clustered with fruit of varying color aro moro beautiful and interesting than thoso whloh oxhaust their energy In ono burst of bloom nnd nro of mo notonous appearance thereafter. Sweet Corn. No vegotablo withstands severe drought and heat so woll as swoot corn. It succeeds well in either hills or drills; probably In tho latter plants do not blow ovor so much during wet and windy weather. Tho soil should bo very rich for the best results. GARDEN ji&ffi&&i gag fr wr WHITEWASH SURE TO SIIUK Preparation Easily Made and Will Add Greatly to Appearance of Many Farm Buildings. Thoro aro many brick and stone walls, as woll ns woouon outbuildings, fences nnd tho llko, about n subur ban place which, lacking paint, de tract much from tho general appear ance of tho homo. But paint Is somen what expenRlvo nnd cannot bo applied with too lavish a hand by tho avcrago citizen. Thero Is, however, white wash, which 1b easily mado nnd ap plied, Is inexpensive nnd which for moat outdoor work will answer qulto ns woll as oil paint. For chicken houses, brick wnlla and tho llko it Is excellent. To make tho whltowash slnko half n bushol of fresh llmo with boiling water, keeping It covered during tho process. The lime should not, of course, bo confined, but merely cov ered, as confined, it possesses consld erablo explosive force. Strain It and add n pock of Bait dissolved In warm water, threo pounds of ground rlco put in boiling water nnd boiled to a thin paste, half a pound of powdored Spanish whiting nnd a pound of clear gluo dissolved in warm wator. Mix thoso woll together nnd lot the mix turo stand for seven days In a reason ably cool nnd Bhndcd place Koop the wash thus prepared in a kottle, and when It Is being usod put It on as hot ns possible using a palntor's or an ordinary whitewash brush. Al ways use magnosian llmo for white wash. HOW TO MAKE WEED PULLER Tool That Will be Found Extremely Handy on Any Farm is Made of Heavy Galvanized Wire. Tho weed puller Is mado of n piece of hoavy galvanized iron, 5 by 5H inches, as shown In A, nnd bent Into the shape B. After shaping tho metal, tho smnll -inch projection Ib placed under tho opposlto stdo and then soldered. Tho tube-shaped motal la AD C Handy Weed Puller. then fastened to a handle with two plecoB of strap iron, using bolts and rivets as shown at C. The puller Is usod by pushing tho sharp point of the metal Into tho earth, having flist inserted the stalk of tho weed in the hole. Then turn tho handle and draw the puller out, and tho weed with its roots will bo re moved. Popular Mechanics. SURE DEATH TO ALL INSECTS Paris Green Mixed With Land Plas ter Is One of tho Best Preventives of Ravages of Bugs. Parla green mixed with dry pow dered land plaster or ryo flour, one tableBpoonful to the gallon, is tho best preventive of the ravages of po tato bugs, coddling moth, caterpillars, slugs and worms. If In solution mix ono pound in 200 gallons of wator. Buy pure freshly mado par Is green. A cheap kind is lacking in strength. Tho parls green should bo applied as soon as tho first worms appear. Tho quickest way is to sprinkle It on with tho hand. An nctlve man can cover several acres In n day. Apply oarly In the morning when the dew Is on the leaves. Two applications will nearly always answer. In caso a shower should wash off the powder, a third application will bo needed. Slug shot may be used instead of parls green. For Better Farm Homes. Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture, has always recognized tho lnfluonco for good farming which flows from an attractlvo farm home, and has developed a branch of the department which, through Us corre spondence and Its publications, has becomo a burenu of Information on household topics. Bulletins on sub jects relating to food and to home making have been prepnred which havo had a circulation of more than 10,000,000 copies. Ono of these, tho ICronomtc Use of Meat In the Home, reached an edition of a million and a half copleB. At tho same timo tills branch of tho department has given special attention to agricultural edu cation, assisting states to plan and organize schools to secure teachers, and to prepare courses. GAPDDN and Fapm Notes Tako caro of your surplus garden crops. Well-graded seed grain is frco from foifl seed. Corn silnge haB passed the experi mental stage. Millet should bo cut for hay when It is Just heading out The cultivation of kafflr corn and mtlo malzo is very similar. Wheat may be cut for hay whon It is in blossom or shortly after It has honded. Every season sees some new use to which explosives mny bo put on tho farm. Mllo malzo Is similar In composition to Indian corn and will make very good silnge. Ccmont will solve tho fence post problom for thoso who havo a gravel pit near by. Corn sllago Is perhaps tho moBt economical stock food any western farmer can raise. It doesn't pay to uso old, worn-out cultivator teoth when new ones enn bo bought so clioHply. Alfalfa Is too good n food to be con demned by thono follows who do not know much about It. In growing kntllr corn and mllo malzo fnll preparation of t'no land li preferable to sprlne plowlug hi 1 l ' J"r ' 3 1 -"Sw. Tii wrm ii - itmw .ivAs jl rinv.1 v-m. - m .- 3MimPi, WWS" ""i h. WESKMSSb 6-Wr wmamdhS Mr. William A. llnilford will nnstver (mentions ail gv ndvtco KHCG OP COST on all subjects iwrUlnltiR to tho lubject of bulletins, for tlio readers or thli baper. On account of his wide experience Is Editor, Author nnd Manufacturer, ho Is, without doubt, the highest authority Dn nil then subjects. AddreM nil Inquiries to Wllllnm A. Bitdfoitl. No. ITJ West Jackson boulevard, Chicago, III , nnd only inclose two-cent stamp for reply. A small, convenient houso thnt mny be built tor f 2,000 is just what n good many young peoplo nro looking for. Tho perspective and floor plnns horo shown go to make up Just such a houso. You can't havo everything In n little houso tho samo ns In n largo houso, but you enn leave out n good many things that aro not necessary; nnd lhat gives nn opportunity to rotnln tho Intportnnt features. A big living room for lnstnnco Is ono of tho great luxuries of modern houses. Not so many years ago everybody seemed to havo n crnzo for double pnrlors. An architect wns obliged to doBlgn double pnrlors If ho had to cut thorn down to ton feet square each. It Is a curious comment on human nnturo that such n foollBh fad would havo to run itself complotely out bo foro peoplo wcro rendy to abandon it for something bettor. But smnll houses aro no longor built with double parlors and the owners of old ones nro having tho pnrtltton taken out. .whorovor It Is possible and thoy aro In that way making the two rooms Into ono good, big, comfortable, nlry, Bonslblo living room. Wo aro loarnlng something all tho llmo. Wo hnvo learned better than to cut tho frontpart of a houso up Into small rooms.' Another thing wo havo loarnod Is to put In windows enough to light tho rooms nnd to put them opposite or on different sides of tho room wherever possible, nnd another thing wo nro relearnlng 1b tho uso of an open fire. Good houses nro all built nowadays with a grato or flroplaco of some kind In tho front part of tho bouse whero It may bo used when wanted. When tho country wna new and poo plo wero obliged to heat their houses with flroplaccs, or freeze, thoy got very tired of them so that when stoves wero Invented fireplaces wero consid ered a back numbor; but tbo human ruco has boon accustomed to an open fire from tho tlmo when fir was first brought down from the clouds. In nil these centuries the comfort of an open nro has boen bred into tho marrow of our exlBtonce until it has become second nature to enjoy it Wo would not llko to go back to a fireplace as tho only means of heating tbo house, but as an auxiliary heater It novor haa bad nor novor will havo an equal. It adds more to tho comfort, cheerfulness nnd sociability of the LnvuiSivwi . liiv- it it "-' First Floor Plan. front room than any other, or all jother articles of furnlturo. You can got close to a grate llro and Ret warm land you can go back In the far end of 'tho room nud get cool, but its glow and sparkle will follow you with their lAttentlons. A graUi flro Is better company than some people, but its influence will brighten up dull persons. It adds a charm to music and wit to conversa tion and you enjoy your dlnnor bettor aftf.r sitting a few minutes before a grato fire waiting for tho coffoo to boll. The one Illustrated hero Is a six. room houso with a good clothes cloBet for each bedroom, nnd t splendid bath room directly over the kitchen, Just jWhero It ought to bo bo that plumbing for both tho bath room nnd kltchon sink may bo nrranged together to savo first cost and after expenses. Tho stalrwny arranged llko this ono is to bo rerommendod for a small houso becauso It docs not cut up the front part of tho houso olthor up or down. It comos Just right for tho col Jar and It glvos a short hull upstairs ml takoB scarcely any space from the first lloor. ypzzzp " ; -r rr,v?s? wf "! rr i " fepE3lMMBiMffjMM'''iiwi j ",i"j'-u-i-i Jr x . j m"'1 ' V ' 1 1 . ' i i it if j ' K "" .rirjxfN I urw" I L .ELj i 'HPl t- 7 (ASjjR, iUUD - Km l"tNWWl(y w A very nlco nrrnngemont Is tho kitchen, pantry nnd tho entrance to tho collar. Tnlk nbout having things In n nutshell; It would bo dlfllcult to get any nearer putting tho working end of n house Into a nutshell than this. In tho pantry you havo shelf room enough to nccommodato all tho dlBhca Second Floor Plan. necessary for a good-sized family nnd thoro Is n splendid chnnco for a num ber of narrow shelves on both sides of tho cellar stair to hold Jars of fruit, Jollies, marmnlndo, etc. BATS TO FIGHT MOSQUITOES Texas Man Believes He Has Found a Way to at Least Reduce the Plague of the Insects. Thero Is a mnn In Texas who haa found out a new wny to light tho mos quito. Ills name Is Dr. Charles It. Campbell. Ho is ofllclal bacteriologist of tho city of San Antonio. Ills Idea, sayB a wrltor in tho Tochnlcnl World Magazine, la to employ bats ns mos quito fighters. Tho neighborhood of San Antonio Is especially plagued by mosquitoes malaria 1b moro or less rifo in that vicinity and for a long tlmo past the inhabitants of tbo mu nicipality nnd Its BUburbB havo eager ly sought to find a solution of tho problom. Much benefit haa boen ob tained by keoplng minnows In cisterns nnd ponds these small flahos being greedy devourers of mosquito larvno but such measures havo not alto gether mot requirements. Bats, as Is woll known, are Insect enters, and aro particularly fond of mosquitoes. In tho twilight, where thoy rovo around, they devour Im mense numbers of tho pestiferous, in sects their manner being to dash back and forth through a Bwarm and gobble tho victims up by wholesale. In view of which fact, It occurred to Dr. Campbell that it might bo a good idea tn establish in nnd about San Antonio a numbor of "bat roosts," ns ho calls them that Is to say, struc tures so contrived as to Invito bats for sleeping purposes. Ho has already put up two of them, and proposes to erect others, thoso already In opera tion having proved highly successfuL Intelligence of Bees. In Franco, Uonnlor has communl cntod to the Academy of Sciences the results of experiments which, ho thinks, demonstrates that bees pos sess f sort of collective Intelligence. One of tho experiments consisted in placlns a lump of hard sugnr within runch of some bees, and near it a basin of water The bees, finding that their mandibles wero lncapablo of breaking tho sugar, organized n kind of buckot brigade to carry water from tho bnsln to tho sugar, llnvlng re duced li to n syrupy stato, thoy had no furthor dlfllculty. It was noticed, in all of tho Honnler experiments, that slnglo bees gnvo no such Indica tions of Intolllgonco, Their minds seeniod to wake up only when thoy wcro acting In company. Local Comment. "I seo tho editor of tho Plunkville Palladium has started a vigorous cm undo against Wall street and the money trust." "So ho hns." "What is tho circulation of tho Pal ladium?" " 'flout 250 cnplos per week." "What do you think of its editor?" "Woll, he'H got plenty of wal If ha ain't got much Bonse." Business g Business. "Thero goes a man who continual ly boasts of his ability to please women." "Weill Woll! That's very bad form." "In fact, ho uBes n great deal of printer's Ink to sot forth his claims." "Tho Idea of such a thing!" "Oh. his conduct Uu't so surprising 1 U noils millinery." Il3 IttP'RtKVA &KTH . 1 c im. M TESTIMONY OF FIVE WOMEN Proves That Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound Is Reliable, Roodvlllo, Ore. "I can truly recom mend Lydm E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to nil women who nro passing through tho Change of Life, na it mado mo & wen woman niter Buffering three years." Mrs. MAUY BoaART, Rccdville, Oregxjn. New Orleans. La. "When passing through tho Change of Lifo I was troubled with hot flashes, weak and dizzy spells ana backache. Iwoanotfltfor anything until I took Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vego tablo Compound which unwed worth its weight In gold to mo. "-Mrs.GAS-TON Blondeau, 1541 Po lymnia St, New Orleans. Mlshnwaka.Ind.-" Wo men passing through the Chango of Lifo can tak nothing better than LydJ E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I am rccom mendingittoal! my friends becauso of what it haa dftno for mo. "-Mrs.CilAS. BAUER, 623 E. Marion St, Mishawaka, Ind. Alton Statlon,Ky.-"Fo months I sufTered from troubles in consequence of my ago and thought I could not livo. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound mado mo well andlwantothersufferinp: women to know about it " Mrs. Emma Bailey, Alton Station, Ky. Mr i-7 IWft MnOinOauiri Deiscm. No. Dak. "I was passing through Chango of Lifo and felt very bad. I could not sleep and was very nervous. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored mo to perfect health nnd I would not bo without It" Mrs. F. M. TllORH, Deiscm, No. Dak. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Tn thli ge of research nrul experiment, all nlnr rrrnn HclancA haa Indeed made giant ttrldee In the putt renturr, and among the by no iumd (mat Important lltniTerlra n mmUclnaU that of Theraplon, which hai been used wit b Kreatauoeewla V renoli Htxptlali and that It 1 J worthr the attention of thorj who unrter from kldner, bladder, nerrom dleaes,chronlo weaknies,ulceri.kln eruptions, pllei, Ac, there la no doubt. In tacMUcemaeTldent from the big itlr created amunmt apeclalltia, that THKItAl'ION la dratlned to cast Into oblivion all thoae qneillonable remedlea that were formerlj the aole reliance of medical men. It la of courae lmpoe ttble to tell auBerera all we ehould like to tell them in ttila ahort article, but triple who would like to know more abont thla remedy that haa effected so manr we might alraoit aay. miraculous cares, should send addresiad enrelope for K1UCH book to pr.IeOleralled. OalIaTeratockHoad,llampatead, !ondnn, long anddecldeforthcraaelTea wbethertbe New ITrenoli nemwlr "TIIKHAI,ION"No. I. No.S or No. B I what thrj require and have been sreklnc In Tain dnrlna a life of mlserr. snlTerlnff. HI healtu - i . . -: . . irr . --.... i: :. , in nraitu rafffftata n. mall II 00. Fonuora Co., W Deckman tit.. New lork. ana unnappinona. 'inernpioDiaBoiupTarnjnnxisar DAISY FLY KILLER ? iMnV Si tits. Keat, cieaa or. namental, con Tenlsat. cheap, lasts all linn, Had ( natal, caatsplllerila 0Tn win not soil eat Injure anything1. Guaranteed affeotlT. Botdbydaolarae f nut wepald far tU BABOLD I0HIM, 113 SaKalb At.., Sresklra, X. THOMPSON'S welamtiL: CVC tUATCDBoldererrwhareUo. JOHN 1. 1U03CFU0N SONS CO. VrorTH. Tj LANDS In west Texaei (3 acre up: farma an! ranches; abatraota furnished: titles perfect ed! free Information concerning Texas lands. B. II. Ilusaell, Attjr., Maria, I'reetdlo Co Tex. ..... ,.. ii ii ii ii i, ., . ......... .ii. ii W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 29-1912. Sioux City Directory "Hub of ths Northwest" HUMPHREYS STEAM DYE WORKS LARGEST IN WIST DRY CLEANIN6 & DYEING OUR SPECIALTY 617 PIER0B STREET SIOUX CITY. WW AUTO TIRE REPAIRING Dry Bteam Vulcanising. Agents for KaUay Springfield Tires, Banners, Auto Acceaworlaa. HALLER BROS., 621 Petri Street. SIOUX CITY. I0W4 GOING TO BUILD? THE LTTLK CONSTRUCTION MUTANT. Men dry. leva enn help rou. Btoro buildings, churches, sohoot houses and large residences arotd srsry whrs ELECTRICITY HB rM purposes on tha farm. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ask your local gas engine dsaler or write IlECTtlO EniNEf DIM CO, K OmiUi llraat lieu City. Is. SCOTT PLEATING & BUTTON CO. 3IQ 8IXTH ST., SIOUX OITY, IA. Aeeordlou. Bide Pleating and BUTTON. Call or write Tor prloes. Prompt attention siren all Mall Orders. JOHN. J. KEEFE CO. Building Malarial.. DiitrOraler for AUBURN and OHIO Astomobllea. Agents WsaUd. 112 Nebraaba Street Sieos City, Iowa IOK 3CAJDXI -VVXCXaXf KOTSLTT SIAKKIT ACTUKXXU CO IVAN If MACHINERY DOCTORS Bteam Bnglnea, Gasoline Burin!, Automobllos gx?t-i!iCk?ogJ;y', 'vVl1B WATKI? VnnAsLfC AND FINISHINQ El U HA IV O ENURQINQ, Eto. Writo or call on us for prices. Full line of Photo Supplies for Professionals nnd Amateurs. Fresh and Up-to-Date. Addrcs9 Zimmerman Bros., 615 Pierce SL, Sioux City, la. ClXROX THE BRICK WITH A NAME Kii. by SIOUX CITY BRICK & TILE WORKS For Sale Br Your Lumberman RICHARD WEBBER CASH BUYER OF POULTRY Stock Yards, Sioux City, la. 91 .Vt JtU MrjfKhwn CflJasE99' 3VbIbBSBBSBBSBBsPST Bs33smE3ii'ig3BHf Galvanized Metal Tanks FOR ALL PURPOSES STEEL TANKS DO NOT LEAK SUN DOES NOT EFFECT FREEZING WILL NOT INJUR! Send for Catalog No. 21 Wm.WarDOCkGoKanuficturir,SIOulCltf,la.