'zmjytsj&B&i k.ir H, ' Vf'-r ' bujsctjhusje. 3! "FfT A COUNTY HERALD. DAM "iMorivnl ZJiii.zi viay : MOTTO-All The Ndws When It Ii Newt. VOL. 20. DAKOTA OITY, NEBRASKA J FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1012 NO. 41. .- - Tqrw - - -' ... ...... - i vi EFT (Mil VICTOR PRESIDENT WIN3 TWELVE CON TESTED DELEGATES FROM STATE OF INDIANA. MAKING 84 VOTES TO DATE Session of Republican Natlonat Com mlttee a Stormy One Chief Execu tive' Forces Claim 660 on Tempori , ary Organization Roll Call. CONTESTS DECIDED BY RE. PUDLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE. Alabama. Delegates-at-largo .Taft 6 Five congressional dis tricts Taft 10 Arkansas. Delegates-at-largo Taft 4 Six congressional dis tricts Taft 12 Florida. Delogates-at-lorge Taft 0 First district Taft 2 8econd district Taft 2 Third district Taft 2 Georgia. Delegates-at-largo . .... .Taft 4 Twelve congressional dis tricts Taft 24 Indiana. Delegates-at-largo Taft 4 First district Taft 2 Third district Taft 2 Fourth district Taft 2 Thirteenth district Taft 2 Total Taft gain 84 Cbicngo, June 12. The Republican national committee here Monday afteij the most stormy session tlie commit tee has held since It assembled, seaM led the twelve Taft delegates from Indiana. Tho four Taft delegates-aMarRo wero seated by a vote of 62 to 0, the Roosevelt members, seeing their hope lessness, voting with the Taft forces: The committee also seated the Taft delegates from the First, Third, Fourth and Thirteenth districts eight in all a total of twelve for the day, against none for Roosovelt. ; In the First district fight the vote twos unanimous, tho Roosevelt men Joining with the -Taft members of the committee. In tho Third district there was a smattering of unidentified "noes" in tho viva voco ballot, but no roll call was asked. In the Fourth the Roose velt contest was withdrawn and tho, Taft men were seated unanimously. In tho Thirteenth there was a real fight, but the Taft men wero seated by a vote of 30 to 14. This contest also required more than two hours for Its hearing, because of a battle over the presentation of 71 affidavits by tho Roosevelt men. By a vote of 20 to 30 tho committee refused to permit them Jto bo admitted, because they hod not made their appearance soon enough for their examination by tho Taft men. Despite this vote the committee directed that tho affidavits bo read. This makes 84 contested delegates al ready seated for Taft. The Indiana delegates-at-largo thus confirmed are Col. Harry S. New and ex-Vico-PresIdent Charles W. Fair banks of Indianapolis, ex-Representa tive James E. Watson of Rushville and Joseph E. Oliver of South Bend. The defeated contestants ore ex-Sen- lator Albert J. Beverldge of Indianap olis, Edwin M. Lee of Lawrenceburg, ex-Representative Fred K. Landls of iLogansport and Charles H. Campbell (of Shelbyville. ' The Taft forces now flguro that on troll call the temporary organization of the Republican national convention will disclose 560 votes for William H. 'Taft. This Is a margin of nxaotly 20 iabove a majority. On the other hand, friends of Rooso velt are claiming that In spite of tho domination of tho national committee by the Toft forces with its coxrollary of a Taft majority in the temporary roll call that T. R. will control the icommlttee on credentials. jBILL WILL OUST GEN. WOOD (Conferees Agree on Army Measure Concerning Holding of Office of Chief of Staff. Washington, June 12. By the nnr jrow margin of three votes tho friends of Gen. Leonard Wood, chief of staff jot the United States army, Monday lost tho fight in the senate to prevent legislation that will retire him from Itho head of the army on March 4 next land mako it impossible for him to 'again be appointed to that Important office, t $45,000 Diamond Story. Duluth, Minn., Juno 12. The four-year-old child of Charles Meyer ol New York "played raindrops" with 145,000 worth of black diamonds Mon day In a local hotel room with tho Iwlndow open. None wero lost. I i Queen of Sweden In Airship Trip. J Berlin, Juno 12. The great Zeppelin airship Schwaben carried several roy al personages Monday in a trip from Baden Baden, the queen of Sweden and a Siamese prince enjoying a-two hours' cruise. , English Chancellor Resigns. London, June 12. Earl Loreburn, lord high chancellor of England, ro slgnod his office here on Monday and has been weeeeded by Viscount Haldano, who was formerly secretary pf war. EIGHT ARE MURDERED WHOLE FAMILY BRUTALLY SLAIN ' IN IOWA HOME. Four Children, With Their Parent! and Two Girl Visitors, Killed by Unknown Assailant VUHsca, la., Juno 11. An unknown assassin wiped out an entiro family here by foully slaying eight persons while they slept at the Moore homo. Tho dead: Joseph B. Mooro, Mrs. Joseph B. Moore, Herman Moore, eleven years old; Catherine Moore, nine years old;a Boyd Moore, seven years old! Paul 'Moore, six yoars old: Lena Spllllnger, aged fourteen; Ina Spllllnger, aged cine. The Spllllnger girls woro daughters of Joseph Spllllnger, a well-to-do farm er, who wero guests of the Mooros. All eight wero found dead in their beds with their heads literally smashed into a Jolly. The ax used in tho terrible execution was found In an upstuira room, where the murdor ouc visitor probably did his last work. Tho ax is one that belonged to Mr. Moore. Mr. nnd Mrs. Moore and their (our children occupied the lower part of the house and tho Spllllngor glrlB were sleeping In an upstairs room. The vicinity of Vllllsca Is patrolled by members of tho Villlaca militia company. In common with officers all ovor southwestern Iowa, they are look ing for John Vangllder of Omaha, di vorced husband of Mrs. Moore's sis ter, who is suspected of some knowl edge of the crime. Ho is reported to have been seen in Vllllsca Saturday. Tho position of the bodies show that thero was no struggle and that they were slain as they slept. FLASHES OFF THE WIRE COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXM Washington, June 12. Rear Ad miral Benjamin Poffer Lamberton died at his home on Sunday after a lin gering illness, aged sixty-eight yearn Death was due to a general breakdown-Washington, Juno 12. Tho senate will vote on the Lorimer case July 6 unless tho present session is ended be fore that date.. The agreement for a date for the voto was reached without any opposition. San Quentln. Cal., Juno 12. One convict was killed and four desperate ly wounded on Sunday when the guards at the state penitentiary fired on a mob of rioting prisonors who started a mutiny in tho dining room. Chihuahua, Mex., Juno 11. Rich men who havo been providing the monoy to flnanco tho revolution un der General Orozco are displeased with his conduct of the war and sev eral of tho wealthiest among them have flatly refused to advance another dollar. Raleigh, N. C, June 9. Tho stato Democratic convention elected eight delegates-at-largo on Friday to tho Baltimore convention and by a voto of 503 to 396 indorsed Governor Wood row Wilson's candidacy. Sioux City, la., June 10. Sioux City and the nation Friday afternoon paid final honor to Congressman Elbert H. Hubbard, deceased. National respect for the late congressman was extend ed by a delegation from tho 'United States senate and house. Washington, Juno 8. Attended by President Taft, Vice-President Sher man, senators, congressmen and of ficials and dignitaries high In tho serv ice of tho United States, obsequies for Senator Qcorgo E. Nixon of Novada were held at his resldonco in Woodloy Lane Thursday afternoon. Washington, June 8. In tho presi enco of a number of western con trreatnen, President Taft sinned the three-year homestead bill Thursday. This law decreases tho tlmo for prov ing claims from Ave to threo years. 23 SINK IN SUBMARINE French Battaleshlp St. Louis Rams Vendemlaire as Smaller Craft Ap pears Under Ship's Bow. Cherbourg, June 11. Franco suf fered another marlno disaster and lost her fourth submarine when the Vende mlaire, In mimic warfare Saturday off Cherbourg peninsula, was crushed down by the battleship Saint Louis and disappeared In 150 feet of water with tho 23 members of tho crew. The BQbmarlno undoubtedly was ripped apart by tho steel prow of the battleship and all hope has been aban doned of saving tho crew. An official statement Issued by tho minister of marlno fixes the number of mon aboard as 23, including the commander, Lieutenant Prloul. and Ensign Audlc. Although a board of Inquiry was immediately appointed, It Is said that no blame attaches to tho Saint Louis, as tho Vendemlaire came to tho sur face directly under tho battleship's bow. Sues Judge Landls for $500,000. Chicago, June 12. William J. Am men, counsel for George F. Harding, following the colloquy In the federal court, filed suit In the surerlor -rourt last Monday against Judgo Landls for $500,000. Direct Election of Senators, St. Paul. Minn., Juno 12 The up per houae of state leglHlaturo Monday .ratified tho amendment to the fed eral constitution prrvl'Hng for th direct election of I m'ed Stntes senators. PRINCES AMONG Hum AlwH flv HktiiiasLV gffilMHMf BMkH fyHjBB LHIHIsH yKiBvn g-aqsijEia HPfr"J9S$r' ''BBBSBBmX BEBQIBlBiSBVaiBV RiMsilB jKEBt iflH 11 Hlllb SbssLbLbH a )" "v. ) IbVAVAVABbVH am & m y ' wvvywn n. w... x-x, j, MMMMMMMMMMBMlXM ?!SbTb1 - r. JVIsbTbbTbWIs HERE are the two princes who are officers of the vlaltlrig German squad ron. On the left is Prlnco Christian von Phessen and on tho right Prince Henry XXXVII. of Reuss. ATTACK U.S. TROOPS CUBAN REBEL8 IN BATTLE WITH MARINES NEAR SANTIAGO. NO CASUALTIES REPORTED First 8hot8 Fired by American Force Since Landing of Men American Warships Enter Harbor at Havana to Aid Gomez. Santiago, Cuba, Juno 12. A com pany of United States marines, com manded by Capt. Edward B. Manwar ue, engaged In guarding El Cuoro pilnfiR, was attacked Monday by a force of Insurgents, who woro repulsed after considerable firing. These wero tho first shots that have been fired against United States ma Jrlnea sinco men have been landed ifrom warships for the protection of property. ; Rebels attacked a plantation at Hatlllo, burned several tons of sugar jcane. Thoy were attacked by armed Ivoluntcers and driven away. Several volunteers were wounded. Hatlllo is 9r? tijku rt. Hit. rtti- General Marie Menocal, ono of tho foremost leaders of tho veterans as sociation and four other CubHii gnnr nl voltintnernrt to raise two thousand men and offered their services to Gen ertl Monteagudo, the government com mander at tho front Monteagudo sent one reply declining the offer and later dispatched another saying that ho might accept later. Havana, Juno 12. Tho United States armored cruiser Washington entered Havana harbor and exchanged salutes with the fortress of Cabana. Fifteen minutes later tho battleship Rhodo Island passed into tho harbor. FAILURE HITS THIRTY BANKS Liberty Tower Building, In New York, Bankrupts East St. Louis Firm Liabilities Are $1,400,000. East St. Louis, 111., Juno 10. Tho C. L. Gray Construction company of East St. Louis filed a petition In bank ruptcy In tho federal court at Danville. Tho company alleged It has liabilities of $1,400,000 and assets of $450,000. Thirty Illinois and Missouri banks aro named as eorao of the creditors in amounts from $1,500 to 7C,000. Ono of the causes of tho failure stated in tho petition was tho building of tho Liberty Tower building In Now York. French Strike Extensive. Havre, Juno 12. The strike of fire men, trimmers and seamen on tho Franco threatens to Involve all tb shlppliiG In tnls harbor, a meeting of 1,000 men allied with tho shipping trades otng for a general strike. King of Greece to Abdicate. Athens, Juno 12. King Georgo will abdicate in favor of the crown prince tn lf'13. when ho will hao completed re gn of CO years, This announco irn was made on the return of the ' 'kl from Cci enlngen. GERMAN VISITORS . HIGH COURT DECREES -JJL U. 8. SUPREME TRIBUNAL HANDS DOWN MANY DECISIONS. Reverses a Number of Commerce Court Rulings Chief Justice White Defines Power. Washington, Juno 9. What the Su premo court of tho United States did hero on Friday: Reversed Commerce court doclslon upholding Interstate commerce com mission in suit -brought by Proctor & Gamble to ulllfy order of commission which permitted Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad to collect demur rago on tank cars owned by the Gam ble company, even whllo on own sid ings. Reversed commerce court In caso Involving rfght of receivers and shippers association of Cincinnati for reduction of ratos to Chattanooga. Re versed commerce court decision in tho caso of tho interstate commerce com mission against a number of eastern railroads Involving the maintenance of rates on coal for steaming purposes different from rates on coal used for other purposes. Afflrnled tho validity of tho Indiana stato law of 1907 regulating tho sale of commercial foodstuffs and requir ing submission of samples on the ground that ii docs not conflict with fedoral puro food act. Awarded the Weatinghouse Electric rompany approximately $139,000 from tho Wagner Eloctrlc company. Chief Justlco White defined tho powers of the commorco court In tho cases decided, declaring In effoct that the commerce court could not sub stitute ita own opinion for that of tho interstate commorco commission and that tho court has taken to itself pow ers not conferred by law. ASKS DISSOLUTION OF TRUS1 Report of Stanley Commltteo Ready for Admission Says Morgan Is In Control. Washington, Juno 12. Tho Stanloj committee, which mado an exhaustive Investigation Into tho United States Steel corporation, will fllo Its report with the house of representatives within tho next ten days. Tho report will directly nccuso J. Plerpont Morgan of being tho arch enemy of tho Sherman anti-trust law nnd pf the Independent stool business In tho United States. It will show that In tho organization of this ono company Mr. Morgan and his personal associates reaped tho unprecedented profit of $030,000,000. Havana Has Race War. Havana, Juno 11. Following a dead ly riot hero Saturday a raco war raged for hours In tho city of Havana. Thousands of young men of tho better classes paraded tho streets with shouts of "Down with the negroes!" RetUice J. D. Rockefeller's Taxes. Columbus, O.j Juno 11. I)y reduc ing tho appraised valuation from $1,120,270 to $983,550 on Forest Hill, John D, Rockefeller's Clovoland estate, tho Ohio tax commission lowered his' usual taxes moro than $1,500. GROWERS OF WHEAT A CONTEST IN WHICH ALL CAN PARTICIPATE. GO AFTER THE SILVER TROPHY The Individual Having tho Highest Five Acre Yield Takea What la Worth Capturing. Nebraskan will bo interested in the 1912 flve-acro hard wlntor wheat con test, which is open to every wheat grower in tho state. Threo yearB ago tho South Platto Millers' association donated a $200 silver trophy to bo awarded annually by tho Nebraska Corn Improvors' association to thd whoat grower in Nebraska producing a G-acre field giving tho highest yield per aero of god quality hard winter wheat. In addition to this trophy, tho Nobraska Corn Improvers' asso ciation offers $50 In cash prizos to bo awarded as follows: First premium, $20 j second premium, $15 j third pre mium, $10; and fourth promtum, $5. Tho object of this contest rs to pro mote tho growing of mora and better hard winter wheat Nebraska now produces 45,000,000 bushels of wheat annually, which is threo times as much as twenty years ago. During the last ton years, " wheat has avoraged four bushels por aero moro than dur ing any provlous ton-year period. These Increases aro duo chiefly to In creased acreage, tho replacing of spring whoat with Turkoy wlntor, and hotter methods of sowing, espe cially tho uso of tho prJBfl drill. Tho Nebraska production of wheat can, and should be, still greatly In creased. Thoro is no bettor way of arousing Interest than for tho whoat growers of tho stato to entor Into a friendly contest of this character. It will do much to call attention to tho best methods of whoat growing. It coats nothing to eulutv You aro in vited to register ob a contestant by filling out tho following blank nnd mailing at onco to T. A. Klssolbach, secretary Nobraska Corn Improvers' association, Lincoln, Nob. Here's How to Get in. Secy. Nebraska Corn Improvers' Association. Lincoln, Neb. Denr Sir: I wish to enter tho 5-ncro wheat con test. My field is located In.Rang3..". Section Town County P. O Name Lincoln's Federal Building. Just how tho $25,000, which will probably soon bo .appropriated for tho remodeling of tho federul build ing at Lincoln, Is to bo expended Is not yot known by tho officials at Lin coln. An architect visited tho city several months ago and made an ex amination, and It waB Bald that $100,000 should bo appropriated to put tho building in proper condition and enlargo It to handle tho growing post office business. Thla plan contem plated remodeling the rooms on tho first and second floorB and also ex tending tho building to tho west for forty feet, making the extension full four Btorles. Grand Army Appointments. Department Commander M. V. King of Geneva, Grand Army of tho Repub lic, department of, Nebraska, haB ap pointed tho following special aides-do-camp: J. M. Walker, post No. 22, Ohlowu; W. II. Loo, post No. 151, Shlckley; J. K. Darbor, post No. 7C, Eexetor; Joseph E. Spencer, post No. 129, Wlsner; M. J. Combs, post No. 284, Huntloy; Judeon Clark, post No. 77, Falrbury; Goorgo W. Prather, post No. 131, nioomtngton; Thomas Rohon, post No. 22, Geneva. Omaha Gets Next Meet. Tho Nebraska Stato Press associa tion, at its recent Lincoln session, do elded to moot in Oranha next year. Tho action was unanimous. Looking for Bad Eggs. Tho eye of tho stato food commis sioner's department is at present fo cused on tho egg market. Tho Inspect ors report that eggs aro bettor than usual because the weather, has been cool Uiub far this spring. Yot occa sionally many eggs of the kind tho old hen sits on aro found on tho mar ket. Application Granted. Tho State Railway commission granted tho application of tho Chi cago & Northwestern Railway com pany for authority to cancel tariff No. 41-1, local and Joint baggago reg ulations, and publish in lieu thereof tariff No. 81-5, with such exceptions to tho latter tariff as aro referred to in tho body of tho order. Under this order dogs may bo carried In bag gago cars not muzzled. Brewer on Stato Board. Georgo H. Brewer of Omaha has heen appointed a member of tho Stato Board of Health. HIb dutlos will begin July 3. A State-Aid Bridge. Tho contract for tho Loup City itato-ald bridge has boon awarded to tho Standard Urldgo company of Omaha, whoso bid was $19,800. State Engineer Price and tho county board awarded tho contract. The bridge Is to bo of st2l, 480 fe. long, four M'iiib and endcreto plain. WORK FOR CONVICTS. Governor Has Plans for Their Em ployment, Tho proposition of "what shall wo do vlt'i our oonvletB," which hoa been troubling tho governor for somo time, Booms to have been partially solved during tho last wook, says a Lincoln correspondent of tho Omaha Deo, when a doal was mado with Secre tary Mollor of tho Stato Fair board for tho employment of a fow ot them in making improvements at the fair grounds. For eomo tlmo Governor Aldrlch han boon trying to study out somo plan which would keep tho convlcta at work and at tho samo tlmo not como in contact with union labor. Ho is strongly opposed to uny plan which will bring tho convict Into competi tion with tho man who labors on tho outside. "In another year," said tho gov ernor, "I hopo to havo every convict who can bo trusted employed in euch a way that it will bo hotter for tho stato, tho community and tho man himself. Tho ctato owns lota of land, and I proposo to Inaugurate a plan to put Juut as many men as posstblo to farming. I havo two obJoctB In view, in doing this. First, it will bo a source of revonuo to tho state, and second, it will glvo tho convict a chnnco to learn a lino of employment whereby, wnen ho has served hla term, ho can go out on a farm away from tho temptations of tho cities, and find employment which will bo bonetlclal to him and keep him out ot mlBchtcf. "I want to bco a system effected, too, which will separato tho first termers nnd tho younger men from tho old tlmorB and tho vicious. Wo ought to uso ovory moans posslblo to koop tho young man who may havo fallen under temptation in which thero woro extenuating circum stances from coming Jn contact whllo in chargo of tho ntato with anything or anybody which would tend to mako him worso. Wo should havo a system which would mako men of our convicts nnd not criminals. "This plan, I understand, haB boon In voguo In Florida, Colorado and Oregon With success, and I would like to sco it put into effect In Nobraska. Tho success of this plan will depend a great doal upon tho uoxt legislature. A great work can be dono by our convicts upon tho roads of Nebraska, but It will depend a great deal upon what means tho legislature will pro vldo for putting them to work. Will Not Be Inspected. Dlstllatc, gas oils and fuel oils, which nro Intended for power pur poses, will not bo Inspected by Stato Oil Inspector Husonettcr. Ho bases his announcement on a decision of Judgo Lesljp of Douglas county that euch oils may bo used for fuol. Kero sono and gasoline will still bo In spected, as heretofore. Demonstrate Apple Packing. Tho board of directors of tho Stato Horticultural society at their meet ing at the Llndell hotel decided to glvo a demonstration In npplo packing at tho stato fair this fall. An expert packer will bo Becured to glvo tho demonstration. Boosting Girl 8couts. An organization ot girl scouts, aim Slav to tho boy scouts, Is to bo organ ized in Lincoln. Miss Clara A. Llse-tor-Lano, newspaper woman of Des MoincB, who founded tho order in 1910, Is in Lincoln to interest people in tho movement. New Well at Prison. Tho Board of Public Lands and Rulldlngs visited tho penitentiary and decided to put down anothor well at that Institution. Tho water press ure has bocomo so weak that tho third tier of wells is without its uso and Jho sinking of anothor well Is neces sary, both as a precaution against firo and also for sanitary causes. To Inspect 8tate Work. A commltteo to Inspect tho public work under construction over tho en tire stato has boon appointed by tho building trades council, and this com mittee after the tour of Inspection, will offer a report to tho central body that will be used next winter by tho unions In nn attempt to got legisla tion. Randall Prepares Placards. Firo Commissioner Randall has pro pared somo cards of different descrip tions which will bo for distribution over tlie stato for tho edification of pcoplo who do not tako sufflclont caro with nrticloB liable to start a blaze. Colorado Tourists Coming. . Tho train of Denver automobile tourists who will mako nn olghtoen days' trip from tho capital city ot Col orado to Chicago and rotum, will pass through Lincoln on Juno 28, accord ing to advices recolved by Walton O. Roberts, chairman ot tho local recep tion committee, Meeting of Postmasters. Five hundred postmasters of tho state nro expected In Lincoln this ,wcok nt thd three days' session of tho Nebraska Stnto Postmasters' associa tion. All ot these officials havo been granted loavo of absence for tho ovont and nearly 80 por cent of tho 1,000 postmasters In tho state have indi cated that thoy would mako an nt tompt to attend. Tho sessions begin Juno 11 nnd concludo the evening ot Juno 12 with a banquet, Tho fodrth assistant postmaster general will oo present. Ill A SWIFT AUTO PLUNDERS IT HI Man In "Grey Ghost" Is Terror ofj Southern California Foothill Cities. "BURNS UP ROADS"- Mysterious Pirate Sweeps About Nlglttt After Night Robbing as His Fancy! Dictates Valuables or Trifles Ap peal to Him Alike. , I Los Angoles. Cal. "Grey Ghost," a low-swung racing car, with its gog gled, supposed owner at tho wheol, and with tho exhaust roaring and thundering a protest from Its powerful engines, has boon sweeping through) Glendora and Surrounding towns up on a piratical mission that has spread torror in its wake. Along foothill boulevards, tho stretch of woll-pavcd road that leads from Los Angeles through Glendora, tho plrato car and Its owner havo sped night after night upon marauding ex peditions. It is only when tho car la out on tho boulevards, whore other cars nro wending their way to and from tho llttlo cities near tho foothills, that tho "Grey Ghost" is lot loose with all Its speed. Then it flashes by other automobiles, giving the occupants a moving-plcturo view of a swlft-spoed-Ing car with a driver huddled bohlnd tho wheol, a moro blur of & human being, whizzing op. Seven tlmes.tho "auto pirate" and his gray streak of a car havo been seen by orangs growers who lire along tho boulovard. That ho is tho ono who is committing tho various depredations which have aroused resi dents along- the mountain road hoa been mado certain by traces that ho haa loft after bold crimes. Tho men who havo seen the driver of tho "Gray Ghost" say ho handles his oar with nil the skill of a professional racing driver, and that he evidently knows Seems to Know Every Crook in the Roads. every turn of tho roads In tho sur ' rounding country. Evldonco that tho "Grey Ghost's" owner docs not caro what ho takes and is as willing to commit a petty theft as a daring burglary ot con' sequence, is shown by tho fact that on ono occasion ho went so far as to steal a drilling machine belonging to a ranchman, who owns a place at Grand avenue dnd Foothill boulovard. Tho tracks of tho automobile tlrca showed plainly where tho "auto pl rato" had hitched the machine to tho back of hla car, and then sped away. Ono of tho strahxo features In con nection with tho caso Is tho fact that tho "auto plrnto" seems to know every crook and turn In tho roads leading in and about Glendora, Covins, Duarte, Monrovia, Claremont and oth er towns. When shooting his car along over tho smooth highways ho never seems to hesltato at a turn or Blow down for a railroad crossing or bridge. Tramp Runs Mansion. Leavenworth, Kan. When tho Chee ver house on Miami street was open ed (ho other day it was found a tramp had taken possession. The house Is richly furnished, nnd during tho ab sence of tho owner, Mrs. B. H. Che ver,, had been without a tenant excopt tho'tramp. Ho bad slept on the spotless linen in tho massive brass beds, washed his hands tn marblo basins, waltzed with his brogans on tho Oriental rugs, eat en from silver plate and drunk from cut glass goblots. Cnn3 ot Imported dainties wore robbed ot their contents and cobwobed bottles wero taken from their musty hiding places in tho cellar bins. Six Fractures In Ten Years. Marshalltown, la, To fall six times in ton years and suffer that number of fracturos Is the peculiar record of accidents established by Mrs. Sarah A. Wheldon, eighty-one years old, of this city. Recently sbo fell and re ceived a compound fracture ot both bones ot the right arm. Owing to her ago her condition is critical. M W n : 71 V ! 3 II I 55 TTJ ZJ i 4 "4 )