Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 31, 1912, Image 5

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I J Veurv
I Pikota City
Kcr. W. K. Warren, Pastor,
Sorvlces (it the Methodist Kplscopnl
church every Bundny as follows: French
lug at 11 am; Sunday school nt 10 a m; class
meeting 12 m; Kpworth Lensuu 7 p m;
Broaching 8 p m.
Iter.S. L. Keller. Pastor.
Sunday school every Sunday at 9:J5a m;
Miss Ulnuciie Hamilton, superintendent,
preaching at T:Mp m. ovory Sunday.
l'renchlng every Sunday at 11 am: Sun
day school promptly at 10 am. K. 1. Oul
bertson, superintendent.
The puullcls cordially Invited to all these
Now is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism. You can do it by apply
ing Chamberlain's Liniment und mas
saging tho tlio parts freely nt each op
plirution. For sale by nil doulers.
R R Time Table
C, St. P., N1.& O.
Trains loavo Dakota City at tho fol
lowing timo:
0:18 pra Oinnhu 7:58 nm
10:38 am Omaha t5.17pm
8 :88 pm . ." Norfolk f8 :33 am
9:37 am'. Norfolk 4:58 pm
7:35 am.
. Nowcnstk . . . 10 :88 am
'1 :01 pm .
3 :38 pra . .
" G:10pm
Omaha 2:30 am
....Norfolk 8:33 am
9:37 um Norfolk 4:53 pm
daily except Sunday, t do ut 6tP
C Bfi Q
No. 91 Local Freight 7 :15 am
17 " Passenger.. 12:57 pm
.No 92 Locnl Freight 2:25 pm
lfi Local Passenger" . . 0 :U0 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
' Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyone lending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether on
Invention Is probably pmcntnble. Communica
tions strictly conUdontril. HANDBOOK
on Patents
sent free. Oldest npency lor securing patents.
rntcnts taieu mrnuen munn s io. recci
tntcial notice, without cbsreo. In tho
. Scientific Jftiericam
Ahsndsomely Illustrated weekly. Lsruost clr.
culmiuii of any scientldo Journal. Terms, (3 a
year t .four months, JL. Sold, byall newsdealers.
IVIUNN & Co.36,Broada'- New York
Uranc'i offlco, (25 7 Bt, Waahlnston. I). C.
IbsGtmlae nAHNrCTin
Yoq eui pUea the lUt
motici, Kuin umnwt
FSyJnf I2. "SSStfTSE,
"iniy, n nmm
tuDvndous oQt.
We Will Take Yoan
Old Machine "W.U9,
liDm allow trie on m nicndid nw
lfcwneiuc Anil you cin aull take ad
vanUffaollha tpeclal prlca anJ easy
The perfect sewing machine that has always led ftlt other
matteaanu iiioaay oonar tnan var two macninaa
In ont-lecN atttch and chain stitch. Straight drop
tutnl. tlih arm. halt berffir A complete at of attachment-
wery on practical, ete., made for rcry-dar ua The LoowaUc U
rn eKMon of moim now tntr m"hir prosran. find oat about It,
INU FOI! HOOK. FREE, Tl.d'iVuth About Bewfnfl
KaehJnai," tcltlntryAU row rouean hare lIi fnMlhitil& rtrci
a maJa at a bpecisl Low Priea and at ONLY 12 a month. Lean
why (Mil H!r.t hfcr 7e havta no airrnt andrtv you a 85YKAK
(UAIIANI t E. tt ih- facta Man you bur an machina. Itua
t r U-ratura wilt aava yw money, Bo 1 for it NOW
fiffsiKStama MicIiiiaCa. 4IJichna atfa,0tat, U Cbcifj,
Mrs Mary R. McBcath, Agent
Tho nerald, $1 per
GOOD General Banking
URenlIy notfiing in banlting but we do and do it well.
HCheobing Accounts with some pleasing ways of keeping you
posted us to your oliecks and bnlances. (They'll suit you.)
U A fully equipped Savings Department with methods that pro
uludo tho probability of loss (we say an impossibility to lose hero)
UlntoreRt paid ou Time Deposits nt as liberal rato as safety permits.
HLoiujb made on till good securities (but they muot be QOOD).
ilTliodo who have borrowed of us for more thnn a quarter of a cen
tury past know that our methods nf loaning, not only meuu
wifety for tho bank, but aro better for the borrower. That wo
always have his interests at heart us well us the, bank's, '
tfStoamnliip Tickets. All of the best companies, nud just a Jittlo
butter treatment than you have ever bad (we think). At loast
our personal attention to scaure your maximum comforts at
minimum rates and careful, conscientious attention to details,
fl.Utogethi't A GOOD BANK ripe and ready to givo you excel
lent serwoo aud suro safety.
"Where you ahvay
V T.
it Over!
THERE is no reason
for you to trade
anywhere else. We do
everything we can to
entitle us to your pat
ronage, and will do any
thing you wish if you
will let us know your
Our stock of groceries
is complete; also our line
of bakery goods.
de Zedde
Ruby Van de Zoddo was home from
Homer over Sunday.
See Dakota City Pharmocy boforo
buying your paints and oils.
A Urge crowd enjoyed tho danco at
tho hall last Thursday evening.
Dakota City and Ilo.ncr play ball
hero on Thursday, Decoration Day.
Wo want Nobraskn Fnims. Soo
Land Co., 405 Fourth St., Sioux City.
Our base ball toam lost n gamo at
Seargeant Bluffs Sunday by n scoro of
7 to 1.
Ohas W Adair and "Hauk" Ander
son woro Sioux Oitians on our street!
last Friday.
Aileen Stinson visited over Snnday
with her friend, Fruo McElphrce, in
Sergeant Bluffs, low it,
The Odd Fellows re-elected Cnrl
Schriever Noble Grand and Ed Sunt
Vise-Grand at their meeting Saturday
Remember that wo carry a good
stock of hardware, etc, and that our
prices aro right. Wo also do all kinds
of repair work, Schriever Bros .
U S Marshal Warner, of Omnha,
and Dr D B Stidworthy, of Homer,
were hsrn Monday, closing up the af
fairs in tho late A M Nixon estate.
Lame back is usually oaused by
rheumatism of tho muscles of tho back,
for which you will find nothing better
than Chamberlain's Liniment. tot
salo by all dealers.
S L Keller, jr, hild a luolty catch
out of the Wishoun', the tint of the
week, a fluo sturgeon of the Sterlet
species measuring 43 inches from snout
to tip of tail and weighing eight
The holy communion will bo admin
istered in Salem and Emmanuel Lu
thoranqhurchos Sunday, Juno 2, at 11
and 8 o'clock respectively. Confirma
tion services will bo held in both
The pile of old rails bolonging to
the Foye line which have laid in tho
street in front of the City hotel for tho
past two yours, have beeu disposed of
by tho street car company and were
moved tho first of the weok to tho
north end of tho line.
Before pluoing your silo orders do
not fail to investigate the Common
Sense Block System Silo. Call at tho
Dakota City oiHco of the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co, and let us ox
plain to you why it is tho easiest con
structed, costs yon loss mouoy, and is
better than any othor Silo on the mar
ket. Omaii lodgo No 5, A F A M, oleot
ed officers at their mooting last Satur
day 'evning as follows: Harry H
Admr, W M; George W MoBoath,
SeniorWarden : Jas Allawav. ir. Junior
Warden; Walter Cheney, treasurer,
and Johu H Roam, secretary. A pub
lic installation will be held Saturday
evoning, June 8th.
Rev Fr Gensiohen preaohed Inst
Sunday,, the 2Ctu iust, at tho regular
two-weeks services in tho Salem Ger
mun Lutheran church and baptised
after tho services three children. He
mado tho twenty-mile trip from Ponoa
in tho morning under lightning, thun
dering and rain, but arrived on timo
for Sunday school. On the way liom
to Ponca in tho nftenmon ho was
caught agein by tho torriblo stormy
(veather and camo pretty noar beiuK
iu danger. He finally reached a house
aud, with his wife, was kindly re
I ceived and kept ovor night. The next
services in Sulem will bo held Sunday,
June 9th, the nozt confirmation school
Saturday, Juno 1st.
Local Items
est ISafclk
KEARNEY, President.
you're welcome."
Real cotnto loans. Geo Wllkins.
Tho Herald for News whou it la News
Wo aro paying 104o for eggs at M
M E Knoppor'a grocery.
Frank F llaaso was down from Em
oreou ovor Monday night.
Albert Schumacher went to Dead
wood, S D, last week ou business.
A Ira Davis, assessor in Emorson
precinct, transacted business here on
Pr6f,Oorl Schriever on Thursday de
livereu two now pinnos to patrons at
FAitiHGncENl Paris GheknI! at
lowest prices on earth, at Dakota Olty
Tho Toddy Bears go to WalthiU
Sunday to "mix it" with the team at
that placo.
A million dollor rain visited this lo
cality Sunday, just in time toav tha
Btnall garden stuff.
Ruby Moore entertained tho eighth
grado of tho high sohool at hor homo
Saturday evoning.
John W Gribblo of South Omaha,
vibited relatives from Friday until
Sunday in this vicinity.
Lillian and Mabel Roam visited
ovor Sunday at Allen at the homo of
John N Roam and wifo.
Ohas Bryant is the latest to join tho
nutomobilo enthusiasts, aad is now
driving a bran new Iluiuk.
Try a dish of ico cream nt Van do
Zedde's. Ho servos tho best of cream
by tho dish, gallon nr car load.
Ohas Heikcs and S A Bridenbnugh
shipped a carload of hogs from horo
Tuesday, und Waltor Cheney a car
Huvo jour communion or olaes pho
tos made at tho Do Luxe Studio, 405
Fourth St, Sioux City, Iu. One en
larged photo Free.
Found A small sum of monoy, on
the rond. Owuor can have same by
calling on J J McAllister, proving
proporty nud paying for this notice.
An 8-pound girl wur born to Carl
Young nud wifo, of Wulker's Island
on tho 16th iust. This is their first
girl; flvo boys ulso gtaco their homo.
J Van do Zoddo, Chas Hall and
wifo and Airs Jessie Little were pussen
gors to Walthill, Sunday, to witness
tho uuvailiug of a monument by tho
W O W.
Tho annual joint council mooting of
Salom und Emanuel Lutheran church
lis will bo held in Emm'unuel Luthorun
church, Dakota City, tho 1st of June
nt 2 o'clock p m.
Tho following letters roraan uncall
ed for in tho postoflice at Dakota, Neb,
for the month ending May 31, 1012:
Dun Snyder, Mrs John Scollard, Three
8tur Oil Co, (3), J Cttrtiy (dead lettor).
The Herald nokuowlodges the re
ceipt of an nnuounodment of the grad
uating exercises of tho Sioux City high
school, to bo held. Juno 7th. In tho
class of 157 uppoars tho uamoof Frank
M Sidos, of this pluoe,
Bcforo building that hog fenoo, con
sider the American Field Feuco is sold
by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. It is constructed of heavy wire,
bus n greater breaking straiu, and
weighs more to tho rod than any other
fence ou tho market.
M O Ayrcs and Goorgo Oartor and
wife, of this place, and Homer 3
3 keen nud wife of Cody, Neb, left
Sunday morning for Washington, D O,
by way of Chicago, on an extended
fuitomobilo tour. They will take a
southern routo icturping.
During tho wind and rain storm
that visited this section Sunday even
ing numerous trees were broken t ff by
tho gale, nnd Bevgrul small buildings,
including the hay barn nt tho Fields
& Slaughtei elevator woro blown over
aud damaged enmowhat.
Tho swamp w'est of Coburn Junction
resembled a vast lake Monday, the
result of tho hoavy raiu that fell dur
ing tho night previous. There was
water standing from one to three feot
deep all the wny from tho Omuha
truck across the swamp nearly to the
town of Jackson.
W L Ross camo down from
Saturday, und packed up his
hold goods and shipped them to Dixon
Wednesday morning, where he nnd
his family will make their future homo.
We rogret to soo this estimable family
leave Dakota City, as wo can ill afford
to lose families of this charaotor.
Tho ladies of tho Eastern Star ten
dered u reception to W L Ross and
wifo at tha home of Mr and Mrs Mell
A Oohmiod Tuesday evening, on tho
eve of thoir 'doparturo for their now
home ut Dixon, Neb, whero Mr Ross
is engnged iu tho banking business,
Mr nnd Mrs Ross were preuuiitud with
n handsome net of ailvor forks by tho
Star nnd Mnsonio orders.
There, never was a timo when peo
plo appreciated tho real merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more
than now. This is shown by tho in
orenso in sales and voluntary testimo
uiHis from i eiKonB who have been cur
ed by it. If you or yonr children aro
troubled with a cough or cold givo it
a trial and booomo noquninted with its
good qualities. For Biilo by all deal
ers. Capt H 11 Brown, who taught tho
villugo school in Dukotu Oity in 1800,
was u pleasant caller ut tho Herald
sanctum Tuesday. Mr Brown now re
sides in San Fruuciaco, Oal, und is ed
itor and publisher of n journal of
ufilrmution. no recalled many of the
old landmarks, snob us tho old brick
schoolhouso, whero ho taught school,
tho Luthorun chinch, etc, and asked
about many of the old timers who lived
here at that time, eomo of whom have
crossed tho dTirk river und others
who have moved awuy. He is on n
lecturing tour und has been ubsent
from hone for over u your.
OKS Chapter No, 03 installed the
following set of ofllcors at their moot
ing lust Saturday afternoon: Mis
Jenuio Boucher, worthy matron : R E
Evans, worthy patron j Mrs JoHephine
Niemeyer, usHociate matron; Mrs Ma
ry R MoUouth, frecrotnrj ; Mrs Anna
M Evans, treasurer; Mrs Ruth W
Warren, uondiiotress; Mrs Helen M
Evans, nNsnciate conductress; Mrs
Mury EMcllenth, Ada; Mrs Maine U
King, Ruth; Mrs Jouetto G Adair,
E.ther; Mrs Ada Manning, Martha;
Mrs Mary E Morgan, Electa; Mrs
Martha F Adair, chaplain; Miss Lu-
.lit. Al!irnnilir nrrrnvtta. fru MtttHn
Conference Meeting
at Salem Church
The North Flatto oonforenoe of tho
Nobraskn synod wns hold in Salem
Lutheran church during tho past
Theopoulug sermon wns proaohed
by tho president, tho Rov J L Powell,
of West Point. .
Tho old officers wers ro-elected for
tho ensuing year, viz: Rov L J Pow
ell, preeidont; 8 W Snyder, vico pres
ident, nud S H Ycrinu, Boorotary.
Tho following ministers nnd dole
gatos responded to roll call: Rovs
LGroh, DD;OD Bnltzloy, Ph. D;
BHYerUn. Ph. D;0 J Rlngor, L J
l'owoll, 8 L Keller, O H B Lewis,
John Soronson, Floyd Blossing, with
delegates F P Oulbertson of tho Sa
lom pastornto nud Mrs Clayton nud
Mrs BroyhiH from tho Homer Luther
an ohurch, There wero two nbsontees
and ouo vaoanoy notod in tho confer
onoo. Tho conference was welcomed by tho
Hon. Jnoob Lonmor to his own fluo
nnd well nppointed homo nnd tho
homos of tho community, in a well
timod nnd appropriate addroes.
A plonsing responso was nmlo by
Rev Groh, D D, of Si Marks, Omaha.
Tho program wns carefully prepar
ed and ably carriod out by tho speak
ors assigned. Every subject elicited
further disoussiou by wny of elucida
tion nnd prnotioul application.
Tho musical featuro is deserving of
special mention. Wednesday evening
tho muhio vus furnished by tho choir
of tho Lutheran ohuroh, Dakota Oity,
in ohnrgo of Mell A Sohmied. Fred
A Vood sang tho solo or tho evoning.
Wednesday evoning tho tnusio was
provided by homo of tho talent of the
Salom Lutheran church, Madius
Loamcr was solist; n selection was
sung by Vera nud Frnuk Brown nnd p.
soprano nnd tenor duet by Mr and
Mrs Guy Sides.
v Tho oonfuronoo proved to bo very
helpful to ull who attended. Many
expressions of appreciation wero heard
from thoso present. The hospitality
of tho Sulem peoplo was in unbounded
ovldenco nnd ii vote of thanks and ap
preciation wns passid by tho confer
ence for tho same. "
It would surprise you to know of tho
groat good thnt is being dono by
Ulirtmborlain'a Tablets, Darius Dow
noy.of Nowburg Junction, NB, writes,
"My wifo has boon using Ohamber
laiu's TubletB and finds them very ef
fectual nnd doing her lots of gcod."
If you havo nny trouble with your
sluuiaeh or bowols givo them a trial.
For sale by all dpalers
Tl.o graduating exercises will bo
held Thutsday oveniug, Juno 13, 1912.
Further uuuoiineement later.
Tho Homer sohool boys played ball
with the Dakota City sohool team on
tho local diamond Friday after bguooI.
Tho scoro was as fo'lows:
Homer 0 0010110 03
Dakota Oity... 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 210
Batteries. Homer, Smith, Thaokor and
Church; Dakota City, Londrobh und
Tho high sohool students und teaoh
ers were entertained nt tho home of
Eva nnd Helen Graham Saturday
evening. Au elegant four course din
ner was served nt 7 o'clook, after
whioli tho gueBts were eiitertnincd
with various contents, games and with
music. Everybody enjoyed tuemselvos
and tho Misses Graham showed them
selves royal entortaiuers.
Miss Vira Buugus visited tho
ous departments Monday.
Charles Dorry was absent
school liiBt Thursday afternoon.
To improve the roads of tho stato of
Nebraska, to got them properly mark
od, and to divert nutomobilo trallio
through tho t-tate, n sories of "good
roads" tours havo beeu arranged by
tho Commercial club und tho Omuha
Motor club.
Committees representing theso or
ganizations, and uowspnper men will
tour the state in, n seven passenger
antomobilo, with tho objeot of seour
ing tho co-oporutiou of all citio3 in the
stato. So far, three tours have been
The Ural will bo hold Saturday,
Juno 1, and will cover tho towns be
twoo Omaha und Sioux City. Tho
"good roada" boosters drsiro to got nil
auto travel between these cities ou Hie
Nobraska side of the liver. At prcs
OTt, most of tho travel is along tho
Io .vii side.
Tho flnt will includo Oulhoun, Bluir,
Herman, Tekamuh, Craig, Oakland,
Lyons, Walthill, Winnebago, Homor
Dakota City, und Bionx Oity. At
"Wulthill tho Omaha dolcgatiou will bo
met by it delegation from Sioux City.
Stops of thirty minutes will bo made
in eaoh of these cities, All interested
in good roads should attend tho meet
ing so that plans can be mado for
proporly marking nnd improving tho
roads. This movement is of direct
bonoilt to every Nebraskau und the
co-oporation of ull will bring ubout
the desired result. Locul commercial
organizations and business men of ev
ery city nro urged to join in tho uudei
tukiug. This party will lie in Dakota Oity
on Saturday, June 1, at 4:u0 p m, In
tho party will bo II E Frederiokson,
Harry Laurio, C U Rosowater, N E
Newbrunoh, E V PnrrisU and othois.
All motorists aud good roads boosters
should turn out and meet tho purty on
this tiip,
For Sale.
A good six room houso. Also 2 Rod
Polled bull calves, 0 months old.
B M Boals,
Dakota Oity, Neb,, Route 1.
We havo Nobraska, So Dakota, Min
nesota, Iowa and Texas farms for sale
or trade, Also city propotty. Soo
Lund Co. 405 Fourth St., Sioux City.
Premium Coupons with all
your Purchases at
M. E. Knepper's Store.
Construction of tho Manchester Ohlp
Canal Shown to Have Resuscitated
Many Dying Towns Many Givo
8lmllar Experiences.
la previous articles It wns shown
that tho waterways carry goods more
cheaply than railways do or can nnd
compol tho railways to carry for less
than they otherwise would, and thcrr
tho claim was mado that tho Improve
ment of waterways Is a boneflt to tho
railways with which they compote
Several Instances woro given to sup
port this claim and many more might
bo given if spneo allowed, for tho
writer, who has studied tho subject for
25 years, has found many Instances
of benefit, nnd not a single lnst.inco
of harm, to railways from tho Im
provement of watorwnys. It Is now In
order to seo If wo can find n reason
for this rather surprising result.
Waterways, as nan boon said before,
produco boncflts in throo principal
ways by direct saving In the, cost of
transportation of goods carried by
water, indirect saving, by tho lower
ing of railway rates through tho com
petition of water routes, and by What
may bo called a crentlvo offect. It
Is this Inst named offoct which wo
aro now to consider.
Manchester, England, bcforo tho con
struction of tho ship canal, was a
dying town. Hundreds of stores and
thousands of dwellings woro empty,
factories wero closed somo moved
awny nmUpopulatlon wns decreasing.
With tho opening of tho canal nil this
was changed. Fnctorloss reopened,
now ones wero built, tho empty housos
wero rofllled and thousands of now
ones built to accommodato tho popula
tion that rums pouring In. And tho
benefits woro not confined to Manches
ter nlono, but wero distributed ovor
tho wholo great Industrial region, con
taining ovor 8,600,000 peoplo, of which
Manchester Is tho contor. It wns not
only natural, but lnovitnblo, that tho
great lncreaso In population and pros
perity In Manchester and tho surround
ing region should ho rouoctod lu the
business and tho profits of tho rail
ways therein.
Liverpool Aleo Aided.
Liverpool fought desporately to pre
vent the building of the canal nnd the
establishment of the new port of Man
chester; but instoad of being Injured
by tho canal, tho business of Liverpool
has increased faster than before. Dur
ing tho 13 years beforo tho canal was
opened tho increase In tho hafbor re
ceipts nt Llyorpool was only $310,000;
In tho same length of Urns after It
was opened tho IncrottBO was $1,365
000. The 6,000,000 tons of traffic at
Manchester havo not beon stolen from
Liverpool, they have been created bj
tho canal.
Frankfort, Germany, before the
River Main was Improved, wns not a
dying city but was decidedly stagnant
Mannholm and Mayonco on tho Rhino,
which had been improved, woro grow
ing rnpldly, whllo Frankfort was grow
ing very little. As soon as tho canal
ization of tho river was finished, which
was in 188B, tho city began to grow
and has kept on growing over since.
Tho population, which was 154,000 In
1885, has Increased to 229,000 in 1895,
to 335,000 In 1905, and Is probably
more than 400,000 now. Evidently tho
peoplo of Frankfort oxpect their city
to keep on growing, too, Thoy spent
over $1,500,000 on a harbor whou the
river was first improved and aro
hard at work right now building 11
new and much" larger harbor at a cost
of $17,600,000. Just as In tho case of
Manchester, tho boneflt was not con
fined to tho city of Frankfort; tho In
dustrial and commercial llfo of tho
wholo region wbb grently stimulated.
Mines long closed were reopened, new
Industries wero started, nnd todny
there Is an nlmoBt cuiiUiiuoub (succes
sion of factories lining tho banks of
tho liver from Frankfort to the
Everybody Reaps Benefit.
Hunt the world nround and always
and evorywhero wo find that tho Im
provement of watorways sots cities to
growing, fnctory wheels to humming,
and commorco to moving in a wldor
and cwSftcr stream. Railroad" ki
more business In bis cities than In
small towns, In a densely populated
manufacturing region than lu ono that
Is thinly settled. Waterways, there
fore, beuoflt railways aud utatos and
nations ns well by promoting on ln
creaso In population. In manufactures
nnd in commerce But for one who
likes to get clear down to tho hot
torn of things thcro still remains thw
question: "Why do watorways in
create population and crcato com
merce and industry?"
Consul General Mason, now In Paris,
but for somo years at Frankfort, says:
"German statesmanship was among
the first to foreseo that tho timo
would corao when, railways having
reached their maximum extension and
efficiency, thero would remain a vast
surplus of coarso, raw materials coal,
ores, timber, stone, and cmdo motals
which could bo economically carried
long distances only by water trans
portation, nnd that In n fully de
veloped natlonnl system tho proper
rolo of railroads would bo to carry
passengers nnd tho higher classes of
merchandise manufactured from tho
rnw staplos that the waterways had
brought to their doors."
"She Hersv-ld aurxd
Now Idoa Magazino. . .' $1 8f
Sionx Oity Daily and Sunday
Journal 5 00
without Sunday 4 20
to rural routo patrons 8 50
Iown Homestead 1 00
Womnn's World 1 20
llampton's " 1 75
Lippiucott'a " 2 75
Specials for Saturday, June 1
For this Day Only
" Good Country Butter per pound 25c
2 cans Best Standard Corn V.". 15c
Bakers Chocolate per pound. ; . ,'V. .?. ... .77 45c
5 pound package Rojlcd Oats .......... 20c
3 packages Washington Crisps .25c
12 packages Matches 40c
Two 12-oz. Cans Pork and Bealis 15c
Our Fresh and Dried Fruits are al
ways cleankept so in our Large,
Sanitary Ice Box.
Dakota City,
Hnva Your TZoltet BCesxd via. "Burlington"
Visit Yellowstone Park
This Summer
REE AMERICA FIRST. Travelers from Europe visit Yellowstone Park
nnd sav there is nothing comparable with that wonderland. Tho season of
1912 effers still more attractive routes through tho Park. For instanco jou
will bo nblo to go through the park ono way via Oody, tho sconio entrance over
Sylvnu Pass, returning via Gurdiuer, North entrance, or vico versa. A com
plete njHttMn of automobiles and Park voaohes is oporntcd between Oody and
the Lnko Ilotel, iu connoetiou with the park hotels and stapo lines.
You can buy round trip mil tickets to Gardiner or Cody for about $32 nnd
mnko your own nrrnngomonts, including if you liko, Wiley Permanent Camp
six-days tour, or you can buy round trip tiokots to Cody nnd thero use tho
Frost & HicliPid sitteou day personally conducted camping tourB through -the
Park. There aro no such vacation tours iu this country.
You can mako tho Purk lour olio wny through Denver, Beenfo Colorado
and Suit Lake City, tho othor via Gardiner. Thou thero aro side trip Park tours
from Livingston on the main line oi tho Northern Pacific for those going beyond.
If you will consult with us wo will bo glnd to show ycu tho vnrious attrac
tive ways of making tlio tour of tlio i'nrk una liana you routers.
L. W.
Abstracts of Title
A $10,001.1 Surety Bond
Guarantees tho ncournoy of very
A bbtraot I make
!$diiliilfiSfl -
Special on Photographs
Cut Out This Adv. and present it to us before June 1st,
1012, and we will make you one Beautiful Enlargement
with each order of 12 or more Cabinet Photos. We can
boast of low prices because we believe you get twice the
amount in Photos for your money at the De Luxe than
Weddings and Children Photography Our Specialty.
De Luxe Studio.
Under taker
11. P. SAWYER wus born May 8, 1860, in Mansfield, Mass, Ho
started us an apprentice for three years iu the Undertaking busiueas in
Iow York Oity with tho largest ilrm iu the city, remaining with thi-ni
for five years. lie has follow oil the profession over sinoe, coming to
Jaoksou, Nebr, iu 1880 anil starting the business here, lie has one of
tho best equipped Uudortndiiig Parlors iu the ftate, with commodious
quarters, Wriy usBlstaut, Duo hearses nnd equipment and a largo stock
always ou baud.
lie understands all tho sucaeKsful methods of embalming nnd
makes a specialty of the Mioo system, which preserves tho rtmaius
forever, requires no putting or eicibiou of the body, and takes uotbtag
a way nor adds anything to the subject, the thorough embalming being
dono exclusively by external methods,
B. Jb Sawyer, Tackson, Nebrasla
fS &
. W. R, Snethcn, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
WAKfeLET, G P A, Oinnhn, Neb
Snooeisor to
Dakota Connty Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
403 Fourth Street
Sioux City, Iowa.
1 r-7fj25ffiAAW R23 P
..iia uat " 4 uiutti
v. jTjDv.
The Heral
OS.lV tfei EL "V i cnn) war(ler; Geo Wilkina, sou-