Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 17, 1912, Image 5

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HmMimillMIMWJHIIIII flllll'LfltWHI'W '
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
lov. W. It. Wnrren, Pastor.
Horvlcas nt tho relW.Il EpUoopal
church every Sunday as follows! Preach
ing nt 11 nmj Sunday school it 10n m; class
meeting 12 m: Kpworth League 7 p mj
Droachlng 8 p m.
llev.S.Tj.Kellor. Pastor.
Huntlny school ovory Sunday ntd:4fin m:
.ilss Blanche Hnmllton, superintendent,
preaching nt 7:80 p in. ovory Sundny.
Preaching ovory Sunday at 11 nm! Sun
day school promptly at 10 am. F. P.Oul
bortson, superintendent.
The public Is cordially Invited to nil thtso
"That's when
you begin to
realize the kind of gro
ceries we keep There
is cooking satisfaction
in them. Buy your
Groceries from us. Save your
patience and your home will be
a happy one.
J. Van dc Zc-dde
i,'i. .Your Grooar .
Dakota City - - Nebrnnhn
1-oGe.r.aine ff MM f? "Bf I T
oawH a& iiv
'Mow $ A MONTH
Yoq can pl wm la lent
tnoci I. nnin Upmes
tlc. th raoqtrolccd
qun ol all eawtosM
miu'Kfnfia.ln vntir horn.. 1 1
rayirif$2a month, anden
ov a vorv SDecUl or.es
iaA It (nnljaiisliv nhiln'l
'direct to ton or from our nMml
Kifncy. A mmrniflccnt rochin ,
Htupendoua offer.
We Will Tnlcc Youn
Old Machine te.lJ'2
I'senti (iiiowanc on a pieuam new
ImMllc Anrl wttu sn till tAkat ad
nuiUffeoftha epotUl pneo and "
trrma. '1
The perfect sewing maohino that haa always led nil other
make find is tudny bsttar then aver. Two machines
l'i cnlojk stitrh and chln stitch. Straight drop
bAti. Mdh&rra. lAllbearinr. A ccmplat? t of Htljuhmantx-.
rvcrv ci piw'-cai, otc,, rnada (or ryd.y ucs. The Doncatic la
artvalKt'or of n (KtrnaewHtTinachliiproRreca, rnd out about iU
SCND FOR BOOK, FRGC, The iTuth About hew.nfl
tf ACi!rt ft,' tU'nrr yoii how ywi ran I aro thf Tnaat Mwlnir maeh
lanuJaat apcTc! uovt pn. nn. tUN.Y 2 -.nu-nth. Uf
why ! 8IMtrst whrowohnvnourTit andttof oukZSYKK
CUAHAKIfc.K, Utliwf. ULcfor ju liur any intthuia, Th-
rrvoIJUnnuriilrav yiru monry. Band for tt NOW.
CuutiU $)) fc.tVtu. Ca , 41 Jacasoa Lrvit. Dept, I . CtuC.a
Mrs Mary R, McBeath, Agent
The Herald,
Jshe Heralds
Superior Service
ha i v fctxwvsr ji 'nfrfv
These earnestly striven for by us.
Secured loans only. Ioans the life-blood of
any bank.
We keep our loans GOOD.
This a fine place to drop in at if you have
Too Little Money
Too Much Money
No Money At All.
Anxious to have a call whether you do busi
ness or not.
Always time for a handshake and a chat, and
occasionly there's a cigar handy by.
Id - West Baajrklc
"Where you always KNOW you're welcome"
U'mAJ O tfTUilTM i & O EBOT a
Abstracts of - Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees tho accuracy of every
Abstract I make
Local Items
Real ostato loans. Geo Wilkins.
Dakota Oily Pharraaoy for tho best
stock auil poultry tonics.
Bnukur Georgo IlnnBa wns down
from Emerson botweoD trains Sunday,
Rev E T Antiim of Wynot, Nob,
visited relatives lioro tho first of the
A now nnd comploto lino of wall
paporon band at Dakota City Phar
ranoy. H A Monroo of Sioux City, nuditor
for tbo E & B Lumber company, wns
u business caller bero Monduy,
A patched up bnll team from this
place- wont to Hubbard Sundny after
noon and trimmed tbo team there 3
to 2.
Mrs Jamos Forrior of Culliortson,
Nob, arrived bero Thursday for b visit
nt tho homo of her sister, Mrs Mollio
Barnoy Gnbblo returned Monday
from a week'a visit vitb relatives and
frionds at Meadow Grove, Nob, uud
other points in Unit vioihity.
Wo uro paying tbo highest mnrkot
prion for eggs. Our prico for but tor
for Friday uud Saturdav will bo 30c.
Drop in and feo us. Knupper'a gto
eory. Lumo buck is nau:illr caused by
rheumatism of the musoleH of tho buck,
for whioli you will Hud nothing bottor
thnn Charnborlaiu's Liuimeut, lor
sale by all dealers.
Mr aud Mrs Chris Yeuger, of Oaiii
ha, aro hero on a visit at tho homo of
their uncle, A II linker, and tit tbo S
A Mason homo. Mr Yeuger ict a iiiu
obisisi in tho TJ P shops, and is taking
a short vacation.
Prof Stophou TJnderwood of Kansr.o
City,. Mo, and All Harden of Spencor,
fown, were hero to attend tho funeral
of Mrs Luther Harden Saturday. Mr
Underwood is n brother of tbo dooeas
womau, and Mr Hnrdou is a btothor-in-law.
B, M Lorkn, road overeeerin district
No. 5, was n onllor at tbo Herald of
lico last Thursday nnd left an ordor
for some printing. Mr Lurke has the
roputation of being one of tbo best
road overseers in Dakota county, nnd
tho splendid condition of tho roads in
bis district will vorify tho statement.
W E Snetbon received n card on
Wednesday from bis brother-in-law,
O 0 Phillips, ouo of tho promoters of
tho propose! eleotrio lino from Omaha
to Sioux City by way of Fremont, in
which he stated that the contract for
tbo bond isauo had beed oiosod, and
that there would bo something doing
before long.
There never wns a tirno when poo
plo appreciated tho real morits of
Chamberlain's) Oongh Remedy more
than now. This is shown by tho in
croitse in sales nnd voluntary testimo
uiuli from ) eicons who have been cur
ed by it. If you or yonr children uro
troubled with a cough or cold Rivo it
n trial and become acquainted with its
good qnulitics. For sale by all de.il
ers. In remitting for tbo Herald from
Chihuahua, Mexico, John M Spencer,
n f inner Dakota county boy, now with
the Amorican Srnolting and Reilning
company, writes that ho enjoys the
paper very much and receives it regu
larly when tho trains are runniug.
"Tho plant bore," be states, "has run
steadily all through this trouble, nnd
iu fact I think we would get lonosomo
without n revolution, ns wo nro getting
usod to them now. I hopuyou are
prospering, nnd expect to drop around
and soo you somotimo this year."
sidy $1 a yV
Sure Safety
" Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstractor
Soo Dakota City Pharmacy boforo
buying your paints nnd oils.
M O Ayres is roruodoling his real
donee nnd will build a now kitchen.
A gnng of telophono liucmon nro re
pairing tho Boll linos iu this viohnty.
Wo want Nebraska Farms. Soo
Land Co., 405 Fourth St., Sioux City.
Olydo Orfgo hns sneoocded "Bob"
Poasloy in tho Doolittlo harbor empo
rium, Frank IlirBch nnd family of Sioux
City visited relatives hero buudny nf
tornoon. Frod Bcermnnn hnd n shipment of
hoes on tho Sioux Oity market Fridny
of Inst week,
Dakota City Pharranoy will deliver
in any quantity 200 tons of best Mis
souri river ico.
Assessor A Ira Davis of Emorson
precinct, had buuiuesa at tho county
capital Tuesday. '
A J Nordyko and family of Sioux
City, visited Sunday at tho Mrs Mollio
Broyhill home in this p.aco.
A light frost visited this locality
Tuesdny morning. No vory eorious
daniago is roported, howovor.
Go nnd get n pound paokngo of cof
fee at Ynn do Zmldo's for iJOo, and
you will got n handsomo souvenir with
each puokago.
Huvc your communion or class pho
tos mudo at tho Do Luxo Studio, 405
Fourth St, Sioux Oity, In, Ouo en
larged photo Free,
Mra J J Eimors of South Sioux Oity
wns tnkon seriously ill Monday, and is
in n Sinux City hospital for treatment,
wiiero she is recovoung slowly.
Mrs Qulon Unthowny and baby
oamo dowu from Magnet, Neb, last
Friday for n week's visit with her pa
rents, Mr and Mrs J T Knopper.
We hnvo Nebraska, bo Dakota) Min
nesota, Iowa and Texus farms for Biilo
or trade. AIbo city property. Soo
Laud Co. 405 Fourth at., Sioux Oity.
W L Ross wan down from Dixon
over Sunday. Ho and Johu W Turu
bull drovo to DixouMonday morning
and back iu tbo oveuing iu Mr Ross
Judgo GrnvoB baa banded down a
decision making po manent the in
junction restraining tho farmers from
closiug the outlet betwuon tho Mibsou
ri river anil Crystal luko.
A flno baby girl was born to Mr and
Mrs Frank Orr. of Bounhland. Mont.
on Ihp 7th inst. Frank says ho is bo
ousy with ins now duties as postmaster
that he can bardlv find time to rook
tbo babv.
Poor appetite is a euro sign of im
paired diueatlon. A raw doscn of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor
tablets will strengthen your digestion
and improve your appetite. Thousands
have been benefitted br takinsz tbeso
Tablets. Sold by all doalors.
A suit was filed iu the district court
hero recently by Marv F llarrincton.
of Sioux Oity, against Charles O'Con
nor of Naeoia, this county, nuking for
J-7,000 dumages from the defendant
for breach of promiso. Mra Harring
ton was a former housekeeper for Mr
U Uonnor.
The.enlortainmont held in the M E
church in this pluco Saturday evening
to raise funds for building a new oom
etery fonco, was givon n crowded
house, and n neat sum was realized
for tho cause. The entortainmp nt was
given entirely by looal talent, and nil
who took part woro highly compli
mentud. Tho humorous and eloquent lecturer,
O W Bluiu, of California, will give an
illnstratod lecture entitle! "Across tho
Sea," in the Methodist Church next
Tuesday, tho 21st, 8 pin, undor the
auspice of tno Ladies Aid Society of
tho M E ohuroh. Mr Blain has- been
ou the lecture platform for 22 years.
Admission 10c and 25o,
Vernon, tho seven ybnr old Bon of
Mr nnd Mra Obas Fueston, was Ber
innsly ii.jnrnd Monday at their home
southwoht of town. Tbo littlo follow
was in tho barn whero tho hired man
wan throwing bay down from tho hay
mow, when an old pitchfork that wuh
buried iu.tho hay struck tho boy in tho
eye inflioting a dangerous wound. Ho
was taken to n Sioux Oity hospital
whero tho doctors hopo to tiavu the
Mr and Mrs R E Evans left Mon
day to attend the annual pnssinn of
tho grand chapter of tho Order of tho
Eastern Star, hold at Fremont, Nobr,
the first four days of tho week. Mrs
Evans will attend a houso party nt tho
N M Winebrenner homo in Walthill
follwjng tho lodge session, nt whioh
Gov and Mrs Aldrich will be guests of
honor. Mrs John F Sides left Wednou
dny 'noon to attend tbo chapter ses
sions ns tho representative of the local
James McAllister rceeivod n severe
elrctrio shock Sunday whou ho took
hold of u braoo wire on tbo polo in
front of S A Stinson'a store, that car
ries the street car trolloy wire. In
some way the brace wire bad become
connected with tho braokot whioh sup
ports the trolley wiro and was receiv
ing the full voltage of that wiro. Tho
shock knookod Jimmio down, but ho
soon recovered from tho effects of it,
Tho brace wiro was removed from its
dangerous position by F Jl Forrest,
manager oi tho telephone oxchungo.
Au adjourned session of tbo distiiot
court will convene hero next Monday,
May 20th, wbon tint trial of JumesCoi
nMl and Ed Glenn, who were cap
tured in Sioux Oity in possession of
Hovorul bolts of silk that bad been
stoleu from tho Farinera Exchange
store at Homer, will com up for n
hearing boforo Judge GruvtH. It may
bo a hard mutter to connect tho pris
oners with tho burglary of tho (tore,
but tho fact that they woro "caught
with tho goodh" is pretty good nvi-d-
nee that thoy kuow something about
tbo deal
Tho Forty-Bevouth semi-annual bos
siom of tho Noitb Plattn conforonco
uillcoDveuoin Salem Lutheran ohuroh
on Tuesday ovoniug of May tho 21st,
Tho address of welcome scheduled at
8 p nt will bo delivered by Jaooh F
Learner of tho Snlein community, and
the response by Dr L Gruh, of Omuha.
This will bo followed by tho syuodioal
sermon by tho Rev L J Powell of
WeBt Point, Nob. Tho sessions of
conference will continue through
Wednesday nnd Thnr&dny. A num
ber of important subjects will bo con
sidered at this session, and tho public
l . nAM.l2n11H 3.t2.n,l M nil llin Dl.nn.1a
19 WUlUlUiJJT lUTiLU fcU Uti fcUU OUiyiUBQi
Mrs. Luther Harden Answers
Final Summons.
Surrounded by her family nnd im
mediate friends, whoso tender onto
hnd been so faithfully and willingly
administered to her during her last
long ticgo of siakni'fi Mra Luther
Hnrdou, ono of tho old nnd respected
residents of Dakotn City, passed qui t
ly and ponoofully nwnydnst Thnrsduy,
May tho Oth, 1012, nt tho home of her
dnughtcr, Mrs Evn L Orr. Her death
was duo to nilmenta incident to old
Docoased wns born Jnly 7, 1839, in
Illinois, nnd wns iu her 73rd year,
llor mnidon name was Snrn Juno Uu-
dorwood. Sho was married to Luther
Harden March 6, 1657, in Jefferson
county, Iowa, nnd enmo to Dakota
county 1 1 reside, May 9, 1807. just 45
years to dny provions to her death.
Besides bor husband sho is survived
by two childron, Mrs Eva L Orr nnd
Burgess G Hnrdou, both residonts of
this plaoo.
Her homo lifo nnd ohnrnctor had
boon a noblo example of truo woman
hood, nnd tho memory of hor kindly
disposition and loviug wnys will bo
cherished by hor host of friouda nnd
acquaintances who deoply sympathize
with tho boroaved family,
The iunoral services woro held Sat
urday nt 2 o'clock from tho Methodist
Episcopal church, of which tho doccd
eut had been a dovotod member dur
ing hor long rosidouco among us, tho
coromouy being conduotod by Rov W
R Wnrren. Iutormont was made in
Uracelaud cemetery, Sioux City.
lif uiirM-j crwooi wi-itc-o ft
Edith Perry re-outcrod oohool Thurs
day of last week.
Lottio Ililoman, Leono nnd Emma
Schmidt, Loyd Moore, Theodore Fred
erick, Clnrlotto Wnrren, Elsiu Loreuz,
Alex Quintal nnd Gerald Hall uro pu
pils ot tho Hist intermediate denart-
meut whb have rooeivod largo certifi
cates for flvo months' porfoct attend
Helen Barnot. Blanch Bliven. Mario
Giese. Merril Moore and Josenh Ernm-
per aro pupils of tho second intortno
diato department who have received
largo oertiilcnteft of perfect attonduueo.
In last week's school column wo
stated that tho pupils of tho oichth
grado are given throe trials to pass tho
statu examination. Wo woro in error
uud aro Bind to make correction. Tho
statu department makes it optional
with tbo county BUPoriutondont wheth
er tho pupils aro given two or three
trials. Iu this county tho pupils aro
givon only two trials,
For tho past few days tho agricul
ture class have been figuring out bal
uueed ration for tho diffuieiit animals
on the farm.
The numes of those who successfully
passed thn niahth crrnrin nttln innmin.
utiunaro: Rulby Monro, Holen Biir
mnu. Ruhy DierkiuK. Daisy Knepoor.
Keith Evnns, Rudolph Lischko, Sum
uol Ileikus, William Loronz, Albert
Biermau, and Harold Van do Zoddo.
Rank 1, Ruby Moore; rank 2, Samuel
Items reproduced in the Sioux Oity
Journal from files of twtinty yoars
ago, May 10, 1802:
A largo crowd of sports wont to
Covington yesterday to tako iu tho
Wurd-Bridcownter flcht. Bridcrewat-
er wns on dock bnt Ward wiib not. Ho
had gono to Chicago,
Oovinjton people have dooidod not
to hold uu elootion to vote on the ques
tion of issuing bonds for tho purpose
of raising money with which to build
piotection lor tno river fiont. Tno
reason is that it is thought tho Chioa
ao. St Paul. Miuuniiiiohs & Omaha
company will build protections along
tno nvor trout to Keep tho rivor from
cutting a channel south of tho Nebras
ka ond of its bridgo.
Are you Interested in
the Taylor Cemetery?
All those that nro interested or have
relatives or friends buiied in tho Tay
lor cemetery uro kiudly asked to mott
at tliH cemetery on Decoration Day,
May 30th, botweon 9 and 10 o'clook
n in for tho pnrposo of decorating tho
gruvos, aud doing what repair work is
nocessury. Tho men will plonso bring
u spado, hammer, uxe or wrench, and
have thin work dono up on that day.
It would also be greatly appreciated
if tho ministers would como nnd givo
n short program at noon. Thq ladies
may provide a basket dinuor to oat nt
tho noon hour. This has boon sug
gested to mo by people that havo an
interest in tho com ot cry. Every one
como and rnaku tho day interesting.
Fred Bnrtcls.
Sylvester Carney and wife, Lena, to
HiiKli (Jnrnoy, utrnot of land In tho
village of Homer Ixwlerlmr on Omi
liaoreek.au undivided liulf Interest. t 2000
Vorn Ijiko and wlfo. T.ucrotln, to Hen
ry Ostinuyer, lot 7, block 2, Hmltli'a
add to vlllitHo of llomor 1815
Ilonry Kriiiuwludu and wlfo. Mlna, to
Jl O Ayres, undivided liulf Interest
In part of lots 11 and IS, block Hi), l)n
ItotaOlty 1MX)
W W Stcvenn and wlfo, Zona, to II K
Mosby nnd J It Yonii, lot 7, blocl:
fl. Oovlimton auuox to Koutli Hloux
Oity.. , 8X)
WIUiHlnilnn HartoU. widow, to Anna
llurtoN, iitA, fco4 21-24-KeitKt nndui)i,t
of Bwuinp dltcli, resorvliiK life estato 1
fl K HrovliUI, filiiKlo, to MuyU llmmli-
man, wiro or Y H, lot ID, blK 174. Da
kota Oity H)
Ilalpli I, Huiltli and wlfo Haruli 1), to
Martin Maloney, lots 1 and 2, block
IS, Uentral South Hloux City . ... !io
Surnh O MiuiHlli'ld, widow, to M H
Mauxllold. block 11. orlirlnal town of
Homer M
Arvld Jlnllln, nlnle, to Fred Ktowart
and O K DanloUon. lotsfi and (I, block
8, North add to Kulbiitou ")
Katella.lonoiiaud lnmlNinU Walter r,
to II O Horn, lot 7. block 10,2ml odd to
houth Hloux Ulty W5
Itolxirt I'llurlm and wlfo, to Jolin l)c
tune) , lot 6, block 11, lty a Id to South
HluuxOlty W
M 8 Miiimlloldand Mlfi, Ktiielyu, to
B y MuKlnley, uH lot ll,lilouk2, Ho
mer . .. . 600
Now is tho tiino to got rid of your
rheumatism. You o in do it by apply
ing Chamberlain's Liuimeut uud u.ui
ending tho tho parts freely at each up
plirutiou, For sulo by all dealers,
Miss Georgia Jay Sues
for $50,000 Heart Balm
Chicago, May 11 Special to Sioux
City Journal I Miss Georgia Jny,
daughter of Mm Lnurn Trnoy Jny, for
merly of Sioux Oity, Iowa, has Hied
stitt horo for $50,000 damages for
breach of promit'.o lisuinst Homer Ro
dohonver, now choirmnhtcr for Billy
mimiay, the ovnugelist. It is declared
thoy fell in lovo nt n revival meeting
in Hloux Uity.
Sionx Uity Journal, 15: Tho suit
iudioated in tho nbovo dispatch is tho
outcome of n lovo affair whioh prow
up in Sionx City during tho visit of
Evnngelint W E Blederwolf iu the lntu
summer of 1009, Homor Rodchonver
wns thn ovangelist's ohoitmnBtor. Mixs
Jny, with her mother, MraLnnra Trn
oy Jny, lived at 1824 Pieroo stroet un
til about a year ago, wbon the; moved
to Chicago.
Rodohoavor first mot Miss Jny nftor
tho rovivnl inootingB in chargo of Rov
Biedorwolf hnd been started in tho
huge, tompornry taborusolo nt Tenth
nnd Nebraska streets. Tho extraordi
nary popularity of tho ovangelist
caused tho meetings to bo protracted
into tho fall, so Into it was necessary
t-j install furnaces. Incidentally tho
delay gavo tho ohonmiiBter and tho
Sioux City girl n ohaneo to progress
along the path of romance
Tho attentions of Rodohcnvor woro
markod nt tbo time, say friouda of
Miss Jay, Rumors of a sorious at
tachment, however, diod out nftor tho
singer had loft tho city.
Miss Jny wns otuployod for Bomo
timo as bookkepor for tho Waltors
Bros, company, n livo stock commis
sion firm,
Miss Jay was well known to Dakotn
City peoplo, v. horo sho was born nnd
grow to young womanhood. Sho wns
a daughter of tho lute Mell O Juy.
Please do not forgot that wo ulwnys
carry ou hnud n vory good stock of
hardwnro, grnnltownro, etc, nnd that,
our prices canuot bo boatou auywhero.
Sohriover Bros.
For Sale.
A good nix room house. Also 2 Rod
Polled bull oalves, 9 mouths old.
B M Bonis,
Dakota City, Neb., Routo 1.
district Court Dates
For tho Eighth Judicial district oi
Nobraskn, for the yonr 1012:
Ouintni? KobrunryB, November 11
Dakota February 12, Soptoiuborl
Htnuton February 2ft, Octolor7
Oolar March l. .September I)
Dixon March 25, DerombnrS
Thurston .....April IS. October 12
The. first dny of each term Ik sot for hear.
nppliuutious forullUuiihliln pAriors.
Ouy T Graves, Judgo,
Buy a good farm on tho Dakotn
county bottom. I havo Eimors.it,
R R Time-Table
C 8t. P., M.&O.
Trains loavo Dakota Oity at tho fol
lowing tim6 :
0:48 pra Omaha. 7C8 run
10:38 nm Omaha 5.17 pm
8 :38 pm . . . . ...Norfolk t :!18 am
9:87 am Norfolk 4:58 pm
7 :!ir am Newcastle ... .10 :88 nm
2:01 pm " GilO pm
12 :13 pm Omaha 2 :80 um
3:88 pm Norfolk 8:88 um
0:37 um Norfolk 4:58 pm
daily except Sunday, f do not stop
' C B& Q
No. 91 Looal Freight 7 :15 nm
17 " Passenger'. .12:57 pm
No. 92 Local Freight ..,,,, 2 :25 pm
16 Looal Pnsaongor..6:UOpm
daily. daily oxoopt Sunday,
Now Idea Magnzino $1 85
Sionx City Daily and Snudny
Jonrnnl 5 00
without Sundny 4 20
to rural routo patrons 8 50
Iowa Uomuntcud 1 (10
Wntnon'8 World 1 20
Hampton's " 1 75
Lippincott's " 2 75
McCall's Magazine
and McCaii Patterns
" i. For Women
Havo More Friend than any other
magazino or patterns. McCall s is the
reliable Fashion Guido monthly in
ono million ono hundred thousand
homes. Besides showing all tho latest
designs of McCall Patterns, each issue
is brimful of sparkling short stories
and helpful information for women.
Saro Monay and Keep in Stria by luburtblng
lor McCill's Mafjiino at oiu.e. Cciti only so
cenli a year, including any out of the celebrated
McCall Pattern! free.
McCall Pattern Lead all others In ttyle, fit,
almtillcity, economy and number told. More
dealers sell McCall Patterns than any other tno
makes combined. None hlch:r than i j cents, buy
from your dealer, cr by mail from
230-246 W. 37th St., Nov York City
Lii.ooSn Sac.!faris23s.
Suipho-Salino Snrlng
Looiitod ou our owu premises aatl ul
Natural AUnernl Water
Dniurpatsed In th treatment f
Heart, Btotuaeb, Kidney and Liver
Mulctats Caar(. AildiMt
Bfl. 0. W. EVERETT, Mflr.. Lincoln, He-b.
Specials for Saturday, May 18
For th la Dsvy Only
21 pounds Gooch's Best Flour ;. 80c
Seedless Rnisins, per pound 9c
A 10c Ctin of Stinson's Pure Bnking Powder 8c
4lb Pure Breakfast Cocoa . it . . .'. .- -. ....20c
Good Standard Corn, per Can . 7c
A nice Rice, per pound 5c
lib Can of Salmon 15c
Calico, per yard ..6c
We will have Strawberries, Lettuce.
Oranges and Bananas, at the Right
S. A. Stinson
Edftitoic. Catty
IIcxvo Yotxr Ticket R.oE.d vlc. "Burlington."
Vasal Yellowstone Park
This St2ramer
SEE AMEKIOA FIKST. Travolora from Europe visit Yellowstone Park
and hiv thoro in nothing comparable willi that wonderland. Tho season of
1012 eff orn still moro atttaotivo routes through the Park. For instance 3011
will 1 ahlo to go throuKh thu palk one TV ay vin Cody, tho scenic entrance over
Sylvau Pass, roturniug via Gardiuor, North eiuranoo, or vice vemu. A crSM--plotn
nystom of automobiles und Park couches is operated between Ootlj nr.d
the Luko Dotel, in connoctiou with the park hotola nnd stage lines.
You can buy rouud trip rail tiokctsto Gardiner or Cody for about $32 nnd
inako yonr own arrangements, including if you like, Wiley Pormtiuuut Camp
sis-days tonr, or you can buy round trip tiokots to Cody aud there nso tho
Frost & IHehertl siitccn day personnlly cnduolnd naiuptuu tours through thu
Park. There aro no ouch vacation tours iu this country.
You oan raako tho Turk tour ouo way through Denver, Scenlo Gol rndo
ond Salt Lako City, tho other via Gardiner. Thou thoro aro sido trip Park ti.u'.s
from Livingston on tho main Hue ot tbo Northern Pacific for those gob g beyond.
If you will consult with us we will ! gld- to ohow t,u tho various attrac
tive ways of making the tour of tbo Park und hand jou folders, .
a3csrtKaanagiiaV itfiacsM
'She Ilerld
Special on Photographs
Cut Out This Adv. and present it to us before June 1st,
1912, and we will make you one Beautiful Enlargement
with each order of 12 or more Cabinet Photos.- We can
boast of low prices because we believe you get twice the
amount in Photos for your money at the De Luxe than
Weddings and Children Photography Our Specialty.
De Luxe Studio.
CT-U. F. SAWYER was born liny 8, I8b0, in MannDt-Id, Mt.. H
titarted us an apprentice) for three year in the Undertaking bin-inm it.
Nn" York Oity with the lajgent llrm in tint city, remuiulug with tin m
for flvo yenrn. lie hax followed the profi-Milou i ver fine-, comit g lo
J a o!i Hon, Nobr, in 1880 and starting the bnsinefri here, lie line rue. of
tho liest tquippud TJndnrtndiiig Parlors iu the Mute, with comruotlii ux
quarters, lady nHslptimt, fine henrsob aud c(tiiirce ct and a large xtocl
always on hand.
He uudnrhtands all thn succcHflll mMioda ef embalming and
inaken a speoiiilty 'of the Mitw syattm. which prfaerri the n iiu-h'r
forever, rqniioa no eultiig nr oxeiioii of the body, dnrt talteA:tititliiTig
away nor udda anything ti the subject, the thorough embalniiiig lieiii
dono exclusively by external methods.
H. l iSsilV.VJ', Itttrkson, Nebr.'tsl.H
tJiJdwmii'jihHgwna Sssurvc
Static Froo Special Esrvlco Ospertmcnt Guidon Evarv Customer to Succasa
To crovt payxnz croii you must hnvo good
with tuts. tle crentitit uurscnr In the Untteil
Okarrers o a cent urn to ronn.
9 film Vtnm in1 5nrlr Trnni- ",0 aoi wv-icnr-oltl btorlt I)e clouo nppio tree rarnca
Q,UUU riOrri lU'J O.UfK IICCS a,oO(firlliclr owner, Mr. llaller.liUifar,uuU UUUN
11IIC1:H AVi:iti: LCmV-IICV. T. II. ATIllHJS, Ctu-lun Cnuutr, WuUlturtou.
IlmlJca boylnu wtaranttiA treon at low ))rl,
both tclentlflo odueatlon nnd. atlll
timlar tuoMtv, beet plaatlnit iQCtboiis, pruning,
nf nfiirAil trrrltiio4. Thov advua
Clnr!r Dr)A4 I ftuinrnrl fn 1fl19 llooanse) onr olame, of lituinou lias bom fmutvioti for 1311.
Ola Ift t TICS3 LOWOlCQ I0r lUl. wooSt-r M n norM-tamoa Stark LlKUClUUb applu trixia
Uemfs per trti chtaptr than tait viart I ho 1.110
lanod uj to eron tho.o trves la lirPfcUt nuontltles thn;
cmfs ner trn chrattr than lait vrarl
,n niiaa i n iirntitui
Lo sarlnir. BUrk
Lutlior Uurbuiik entt "JJullelotw l o em. Jtni-i u;': in tin acrid, ltljtao
.. .I.A aaulnn llt..L. Rn
bctt lo quality of aay
tirlics for 10IU,
or more, rrooboilng
irutl. fUkluoNjr
lullllou-tlollar nursery
Vutn flrAil Rnnbe
mtrj Stark Yiar ttoolt
1... ..... . .i.u A.... ....
f. J...J tTlani. f?i K VT.
- Jty5?S2ii''STOr
mr&iXnlj tf"?Z&hllirj
hK.'fl'AIC. -V; &5jP
)W i vwiW't
fif-k f '!iSF Hf ael
?VMir.dtrKivy and
Till: CONI)r.NSi: HTAHIC YIJAlt llUOK. lldes being veritable tolas of
linltil.rfn. n InfnrniAtlnn ou oouimaralal and haina orr hard frrowlnj. rtvaa tha fauta abooa
Btark trees and prloes. Wlhtrbuok can tit punttatoii. I'hejaroourlreeB'Jttoym-, Write.
W. E. Snethcn, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr
L. W. Wakklky, G P A, Omaha, Neb
for All
When, U
IS Mows
403 Fourth. Street
Sioux City, Io-wtx
BAMS'-' '1Ptm.mZ&P2rVBSP:i
tries. To bo positivs that yonr trees are nxht. , deal
Btatcs a
firm fiimixl far Its honDat rjalicy for over lArtf
Btorl: trees iiroduru f rosi 1600 to S2.0OO an aero.
each Btark tr bufer may reeolra the k'HKE wi-rlcea or
butter, liavo the knonlodin
it vhtali eomi
.eeonly (rota roars
sties tor your car-
you fWl of eharot as to ttio
secret ot spraylair, earo ot trees, cto.
boet vurtc
Tho i:itorinona Dfiiiau'J. far MtarK IMllclouabM
nnnni 11 I linn iivht. nnn auua sovrr Lilts iiul ui nriTUUt iiuu.
lVilii'loua U the most sensational ralue In the fruit world.
II nil. 1 1. ,,A hi,..,.
in ever. B
applo 1 i"i'" '"' tttd. '
Exclusivo Feolurco Given Stark Cuslomors ttalSgSfor
I. rco lioott. ioiaiiva etntc varieties o
rnfplirMrutnv f rritulit firvlrn. ! rn!tit natil ft
co Hooks, lfiolailve Htntk varieties ot prlin-w tnnlnir
L rouut paid on oruere, mi uw
MiJ lafa arrli-nlof trees. Three
rnniH.linii fnr .rnmra .IaaI tutlilnil n.Arv HtRrfe nrndtict. A
t'rao rektna. fluarnnteflj uie errlielof trees. .Three-
behind orrry stetuaient mado and erory Stark troo itold.
Prnn IhofiJartOrpaiirdPlanti'njilook, the splendid work
rrCO of our Hpeclal eonlca penartment. and tho Cm
aro HOT II 1THKK. 'J ho orchard plenum! book la the nn
I...ll.i.llii.l.l.i,,n.l.a KjA. .in .1 il..., Inn..., ,. i. . A .&!&
il tluutln8 guldo to t-ath eiperlencod and beslnner, eibovs how to maks (As orcAara
to build ud ot-eaf proUs by HaM plaiitdu aaTsolentlflo. thounh common sense, ears.
f-5-rTVpfc-- -
--jma wzti m :.ittiXK