'- -I.!-"-.-1 - -A-KUh. .T73fr it. IH - i. vTS. "J. l k-ii 1,J 1- JiJ zzm lirsar-rt i - 5? ksu I ti J!i luii? J J I i ff L"23 s virt i II Wh I V ri .r . Very Far. "That's n pretty farfetched story." "Yes, I got It by long distance tele phone." Comparative Valuet. "My wife can make a tart reply." ' "My wlfo can do better than that. Bho can mako a plo speak for Itself." Garfield Tea lesures a normal action of the liver. Always remember to bo a gentle man unless you are ft woman WHAT WILL CURE MY BACK? CoUUaoa ccssc will 1 moro to euro backache than anything olso. Twill toll you whethor tho kldneyB are sore, swollen and aching. It will toll you In that caso that thero In no use trying to euro It with a plaetcr. If tho passages aro scant or too frequent, proof that thoro Is kidney troublo la completo. Then common senso will toll you to ubo Doan's Kldnoy PUIs, the best recommended special kldnoy remedy. A TYPICAL CASE- Jnmca 0. Hardin. Wcathorford. Tor., eaya: "My feet and limbs bo- cataa numo ana i naa ternmo pains uirawn niy uEvtrv back. Kid- jeture ncyBocretwns relit a causcduntold Stan." annoynnao and I began, to think thero I was nr hopp J for mo. I Doan's' Kidney Mia I CHrUUIIlUUIlU Ihacnotbal tho slightest troublo since" AT ALL DEALERS 50c. A BOX DOAN'S tf?ff (The Army of Constipation la Growing Smaller Every Day. BARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS arc responsible they not only give relief ' they pcrma' men tiy cure toa- 'ftipatiss. Mil' uon3 use them for BSioBineia. aaaifettioa, kick Headache, Sallow Skin. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. ' .Genuine most bear Signature " s9 T VT- SC-! -" ' sV'eiM'rrtZ''0. Sioux City Directory "Hub of th Northwest." i Fountains and supplies. We sell them. tftc8terman Co., DepL Ff Sioux City, la. 'HUMPHREYS STEAM DYE WORKS ! LARaeVflN WK8T IRY CLEANING k DYEIWOUR SPECIALTY t7frr:HCE STREET SIOUX CITY. IOWA CLEftNIHGandDYEING In all its branches modern methods. ICxpresa paid one way on S3 orders. W. 0. DAVENPORT to., Both Phonal 2677,417 DouolaiSt8louxClty,la. 'EERLESS CHICK FOOD EERLESS POULTRY FOOD ION MILLING CO, Sioux City, la. " " I.HI II I . ... II !.-.. , lWNINGSJENTS ick Ceven, etc TENTS TO RENT E. Martk Co.,307JacbMSt.,SiouCitr,la. ILFSON'S STEAM DYE WORKS Suits' cleaned and pressed for GJ1 AA Sspress paw ono way. v w iib em oiow 7tn, sioux wty la. GOING TO BUILD? JHK LTTU COMSTMJCTUHJ COkVAHT. Ska Or, Im an ueip you. moro uuuuingi, oanmnes, Bcuoot ouaea and large realdenoaeroledavcry where. 'LftXSEED FOR SOWING il Indications are that tb prim of it imd win lUmiA hlffh. benc a Drofltabls croo la Dot In thu tan. W r faaclu.f pioiu: CI We oner mm for owlnz atrial Mr buhl In i?.5- AMERICAN LINSEED CO. Vow C.et Value Received When You Buy TPIlBYSOAP 111 The kind with the 1 p YELLOW BAND Sold by all grocers, the band are valuable o Merchants Only ,roclcery,Chlna,Glnssware,Lamp3, plDishcs.Fbuntainbunphes.ctc. laaalera and MunufacturW Agents. IWrita tot catalog or talesman. SIOUX C1T7 CSOCBUY CO., 309411 Neb St, SWaiCHy.Ia. El( Plants for faCMis and townsj All kinds of electnojxtures arid supplies. Dettric Seffly Cj S2S 5th,ioax City, la., iiaiLisioAYLHAiR WITH DeLUTll'S GOLDEN DANDRUFF DESTROYER AND HAIR TONIC beforo too lata. WIkb atid Touiwrs to match ud nt nur bead. DtLUTH COLDLN TOILET COm 116 Crlln Exchute Uldf Sloui Cllr. lowi. Or vcnir drusglst. Comylete Trcatweut, poutpald II SO. CLAROX THi$ BRICK WITH A NAME Hfj.'lr SIOUX CITY BRICK & TILE WORKS . .. n n ...i Fw Sala Br Your Lumbarmaa BOCKUN fc LEHMN FLORISTS BIOUX CITY IOWA Frtkk Cut Fltwtrt It Ftral Emblemt ALL DESCRIPTION ON SHORT NOTICE. Order" by Mall, Telephone .or Taiegrapfa. OUR PRICKS ARE RIGHT. H!o i .nw pw 'HIH ibitti mmmmr W11 &!Mrw m rikLs. EmmmSWWJGHT xafceaivswabfe. M Aba - - i MimXtlkr Mm 'a 18 SYNOPSIS Klnm Hornlah, known nil through Alas ta as "HurnlnK Daylight." celebrates hi; WUi birthday with a crowd or miners at the Circle City Tlvoll. Tho danco Innds o heavy Bnmhlln. In which over tlOO.ono m staked. Harninh loses his money and alB mlno but wins the mall contract. Ho itarts on his mall trip with dogs, and ledge, tolling his friends that ho will bo In tho biff Yukon gold strike nt tho, start. Butnlng Daylight makes n njnsntlonal y .rtrl,l mih onrnao rilintrV JtMfh lhQ tTlilli appear at the TIVoll and Is now ready to Join his frlendi In a dash to tho new rold fields. Deriding that gold will be found In tho up-river district Harnlsh buys two tons of flour, which lie declares will bo worth Its weigiu in B"u' ""i when ho arrives wlUi his flour ho finds the big flat desolate. A comraue uv ers goiJ and Daylight reaps a rich har vest. Ho goe to Dawson, becomes the most prominent flguro In the Klondike and dureats n combination of capitalists In a vast mining deal.. Ha returns to civilization, anil, amid tho bewildering complications of high finance. Daylight flndb that he has bin I'M to Invest his eleven millions In a manipulated scheme. Ho goes to New YorK. anu coniiuiiiuits his disloyal pnrtners with a revolver, he threatens to kill them If his monoy Is not rottirned. They nro cowed, return their stealings nnd llarnlsh goes back to 9un Krnnclsco whero ho meets his fat o in Dede Mason, a pretty stenographer. Ho mnki"! large Investments nnd gets Into the political ring. For a rest ho goes to the country. Duyllght gets deeper Into high finance In San 1'rnnelspo. but often the longing for tho slmplo life nenrly over comes him. Dedo Mason buys o horso and Daylight meets hor In her suddlo trips Qno day he asks Dods to go with him On nun more ride, his nurnoso being to asK her to marry mm nna inoy cumui away, she trying to analyze her feelings Dedo tells Daylight that her happiness could not llo with a money manipulator. Daylight undertakes to build up a great Industrial community. He l Insistent Hint hIio marry him and yot hopes to win hcr- CHAPTER XVIII. Wlien tho forry system began to" run, and the Umo botwecn Oakland nnd Snn FrnnclBCO wns demonstrated to bo cut In half, tho tldo of Daylight's terrific expenditure started to turn. Not that it really did turn, for ho promptly went Into furthor invest ments. Thousands of lots in his resi dence tracts wjro sold, nnd thousands of homos wns being built. Factory sites nlso wero Holling, nnd business proper ties in tho heart of Onklnnd. All this tended to a steady appreciation in tho value o! Daylight' nugn holding. Dut, as of old, ho had his hunch and was riding it. Already ho had begun bor rowing from tho banks. Tho mag nificent profits bo made on tbo land he sold were turned inlo inoro land, Into moro development; and Instead of paying off old loans, ho contracted now ones. As he had pyramided In Dawson City, ho now pyramided In Oakland; but ho did it with tho knowiodgo thai It was a Btablo enter priso rulliur than a risky placer-mining boom. Work on Daylight's dock system went on npneo; yet it was ono or thoso enterprises thnt consumed monoy dreadfully nnd that could not bo accomplished as quickly as a ferry system. Not coitent with manu facturing electricity for his street rail ways in tho old-fnBhionod wny, In power-houses, Daylight organized tho Sier ra and Salvador Power Compuny. This Immediately assumed largo propor tions. Crossing tbo Snn Joaquin Val ley on tho wny from tho mountains, nnd plunging through tho Contra Cor ta hlllB, thoro wcro many towns, and oven n robust city, thnt could bo sup plied with power, also with light; and it becamo a strool-and-houso-llghtlng project ns well. Ab soon as the pur chase of power sites in tho Sierras was rushed through, tho survey par ties woro out and building operations bogun. And so It wont. Thero wore a thousand nmwa into which ho pour ed unceasing streams of money. In the spring of tho year tho Great Panic came on. Tbo first warning was when tho banks began calling in their unprotected lonim. Daylight promptly paid tho lirst of several or hla pcracrffaT notes that were present ed; then he divined Unit tlieso de mands' but Indicntcd tho way tho wind wns going to blow, nnd that ono of thoso terrific nuunuiul Hlurum be liuu heard about waa coon to sweep over tho United States. How terrlllo this particular storm was to' bo ho did not anticipate. Nevertheless, ho took every precaution In his power and tint! no nnxiuty about his weaUior ins it out. And In tho end, whon early summer was on, everything bogan to mend. Came a dny whon Daylight did tbo un precedented. Ho loft tho oulco an hour earlier thun usual, and for the reason that for tbo first Umo since tho panic thoro wns not nn Item of work waiting to bo done. He dropped into Ilcgan's private office, beforo leaving, for a chat, and as he stood up to go, ho said: "Hogan, wo'ro all, hunkndory. We're pulling out of tho financial pawnshop In fine shape, and wo'll get out with out leaving ono unrodootnod plcdgo behind. Tbo worst Is ovor, and the end Is in sight Just tight rein for a couplo moro weeks, Just a bit of a pinch or a flurry or so now and then, and wo can let go and spit on our hands." For onco ho varied his programme Instead of going directly to his hotel, ho started on n round of the bare and c.-foa. drinking a cocktail hero and a cocktnll there, and two or threo whon he encountored men bo knew. It was after an hour or so of this that ho dropped luto tho bar of tho Partuonon for ono Iabi drink beforo KP'nK d'n nor, Dy this Umo nil his being was pleasantly warmed by tho alcohol, and I ho wnB In tho most gpuinl and best of spirits. At tho corner of tho bar sov oval young mon wero up to tho old trick of resting their elbows nnd at tempting to forco each other's hands down Ono broad-shouldered young glnnt novcr removed his elbow, but put down every hand that came WKtiinst him. Daylight was interested. "It's BlosBon," tho bark barke-vjer told him, In answer to hs quory. "Ho's tho honvy-hammor thrower nt tbo V. 0. Kroko all records this yonr, and tho world's record on top of It. Ho's a husky all right all right." Daylight nodded and went over to him, placing his own arm in opposi tion. "I'd Uko to go you n flutter, son, on UM proposition," he said. Tho young man laughed and locked hands with him; nnd to Daylight's ns tonlBhment it was his own hand thnt was forced down on tho bar. "Hold on." ho muttered. "Just one more flutter. I reckon I wasn't Just ready that time." Again tho bunds locked. It happen ed quickly. Tho offensive attack of Daylight's muscles slipped Instantly Into dofenco, and, resisting vainly, his hand was forced over nnd down. Day light was dazed. It had been no trick. The skill was equal, or, if anything, tbo superior skill had been his. Strength, sheer strength, hod Jono It. Ho called for tho drinks, and, still dazod nnd pondering, held up his own nr.m and looked at it as at somo new strango Uilng. He did not know this arm. It certainly was n tho arm he had carried around with him all tho years. Tho old arm? Why,( it would havo been play to turn dbwn that young husky's. But this arm ho cop tlnued to look at It with such dubious perplexity as to bring a roar of laugh ter from tbo young men. This laughter aroused him. Ho Joined In It at first, and then his face slowly grow grave. Ho leaned to- ward tfio hammer-thrower". "Son," ho said, "lot mo whisper a secret Get out of hero and quit drinking before you begin. Tho young follow flushod angrily, but Daylight held Rteadlly on. "You listen to your dad, and let j'rv if H11 I y 3?ssi ..-nasga "We're Pulling Out of tho Financial Pawnshop In Fine Shape." him say a fow, I'm a young man my self, only I ain't. Lot mo tell you, several yoars ago for me to turn your hand down would have boon llko com mitting aBsnult and Wttcry on a kin dergarten." Slosson looked his incredulity, whllo tho othors grinned nnd clustered around Daylight encouragingly. "Son, I ain't given to preaching. This is tho first time I ovor como to tho penitent form, and you , put mo thoro yoursolf hard. I've soon a fow In my Umo, and I ain't fastidious so as you can notlco It. II tit let mo toll you right now thnt I'm worUi tho devil alono knows how many millions, and Uiat I'd euro give It nil, right hero on tho bar, to turn down your hand. Which means I'd give tho wholo shoot ing mntch just to bo back whoro I was beforo I quit sleeping undor tho stars and como Into tho hen-coops of cities to drink cocktails and lift up my feet and rido. Son, that's what's tho matter with mo, and that's tho way I fool about It Tho gamo ain't worth tho candlo. You just tako caro of your self, and roll my advlco over onco In a while. Good night." Ilo turned and lurched out of tho placo, tho moral effect of his utter ance largely spoiled by tho fact that ho was so patently full while ho ut tered it Still in n dazo. Daylight made to his hotel, accomplished his dinner, nnd prepared for bed. "The damned young whlppersnup por!"' ho muttorcd. "Put my bund down easy as you please, My band!" Ho held up tho offending member and regarded it with Btupld wonder. I Tno hand that bad never baan, beaiebl ACKLOrJDON Awwm or stmt (Copvrtftht. H10. tiy th Now York Hernia Company.) (Copyright. 1910. by tha MncMllInn Company. Tho band thnt had mado tbo Circle City giants wlncol And a kid from, collogo, with a laugh ou his face, had put It down twice! Dedo wns right lie was not tho same man. Tho situa tion would bear more serious looking Into than ho had ever given It Dut this was not tbo Umo. In tho morn ing, aftor a good sloop, he would give It consideration CHAPTER XIX. Daylight nwoko with tho, familiar parchod mouUi and lips and throat, took a long drink of water from tho pitcher besldo his bed, and gathorcd up tho train of thought whero ho had left It tho night beforo. Ho reviewed tho casement of tho financial strain. Things were mending at last. Whllo the going was still rough, tho greatest dangers wero already past His mind moved on to the incident at tho corner of the bar of the Par thenon, when the young athlete bad turned his hand down. Ho was no longer stunned by tho event but he was Bhocked and grieved, as only a strong man can be, at this panning of his strength. Ho bad always looked upon this strength of his as perman ent and hero, for years, It had been steadily oozing from him. As ho had diagnosed it, ho had come In from un der tho stars to roost In tho coops of cities. Ho had almost forgotten how to walk. He had lifted up his feet and beon ridden around in automo biles, cabs and carriages, nnd electric cars. He had not exercised, and he had dry-rotted his muscles with alco hol. And was it worth it? What did all his money mean after all? Dedo was right It could buy him no moro than ono bed at a time, and at the samo tlmo it had made him tho abject est of slaves. It tied him fast Which "was better? ho as'ltod himBelf. All this was Dedo's own thought It wob what the had meant when, she prayed ho would go broke. He held up nl3 offending right arm. It wasn't the samo old arm. Of courso she could not love that arm and that body as Bho had loved the strong, clean arm nnd body of yoars boforo. Ho didn't like that arm and body himself. A young whlppersnnppor had been ablo to tako liberties with It It had gono back on him. Ho sat up suddenly, No, ho bad gono back on It! Ho had gono back on himself. Ho had gono back on Dedo. She was right, a thou sand times right, nnd sho had senso enough to know it, senso enough to i JNew Use for Plan Is Put Forward to Utilize Some of the Sixty Per Cent. Waate Time. Tho American school plant Is valued at moro thau $1,000,000,000, and as used for school purposes alono uUllzea but thlrty-nlno per cent of tho tlmo which could bo given to tho needs of the community. This, nccordlng to tho National Magazine, represents a total loss of school plnnts to tho country of moro than ?30,000,000 every year. An actlvo movement Is now taking placo to turu school proporty during tho suuimor months into children's playgrounds nnd places of amusement nnd to mako them tho center of recre ation, of political and social life, the samo as in country places, whoro they servo many purposes, oftentimes even for church services. Evening schools, freo lectures, In door sports, folic dnnces, clylo and ed ucational mcoUngs and gymnnBtlo ox erclsoB are among tho things men tioned tue vkich Bcbool plants Bhould w utOliffi H la propod by some ciu or 7WMZQ rofuso to ranrrr a money-sUve with a whlsky-rottod carcass. Ho got out of bed and looked at himself In the long mirror on the wardrobe door. Ho wasn't pretty. 'The old-tlmo lean checks were gone. These wcro heavy, seeming to hang down by His Arms Went Out and Around Her. their own weight Ho looked for tho lines of cruelty Dedo had spoken of, and ho found them, nnd he found the harshness in the eyes as well, the eyes that wero muddy now after all the cocktails of tho night before, and of tho months and years before. Ho looked at tho clearly defined pouches, thnt showed under his eyes, and they shocked him. Ho rolled up the sleevo of his pajamas. No wonder the hammer-thrower had put his "hand down. Those weren't muscles. A rising tidp, of fat had submerged thenu He stripped off the pajama coat Again ho was shocked, this time by the bulk of hi3 body. It wasn't pretty. Tho lenn stomach had become a paunch. Tho rigid muscles of chest and shoul ders and abdomen had broken down into rolls of flesh. And this was age. Then Ihcro drifted, .across the field of vision of his mind's eye tho old man ho had encountered at Qlen Ellen, coming up the hillside through the fires of sunset wblto-beadol and white-bearded, eighty-four, iu ills hand tho pall of foaming milk and In his fnco all the warm glow and content of tho passing summer day. That had been age. "Yes siree, eightr-?our, and spryor than most," bo could hear IHe 6ld man say. i Next he remembered Ferguson, tho little man who had sculUed into the road like a rabbit, tho ono-tlmo man aging editor of a great newspaper, who was content to live in the chnpar ral along with his spring of mountain water and his hand-reared and mani cured fruit trees. Ferguson had solved a problem. A weakling nnd nn alco holic, ho had run away from the doc tors and tho chicken-coop of a city, and soaked up health like a thirsty sponge. Ho sat down suddenly on tho bed, startled by tho greatness of tho idea that bad como to him. He did not sit long. His mind, working in Ub customary way, like a steel trap, can vassed tho idea in all its bearings. It wns big bigger than anything ho had faced beforo. And ho faced It square ly, picked it up In his two bands and turned it over and around and looked nt it Tho simplicity of It delighted him. He chuckled over It, reached his decision, nnd began to dress. Midway in tho dressing he stopped In order to uso tho telephone. Dede was tho first ho called up. "Don't come to the offlco this morn ing," he said. "I'm coming out to see you for a moment" Ho called up others. Ho ordered his motor-car. To Jones he gavo In structions for tho forwarding of Dob nnd Wolf to Oien Ellon. Hegnn b surprised by asking him to look up tho deed of tho Qlen Ellen ranch and make out a new ono In Dede Mason's nnme. "Who?" Hegan demanded. "Dedo Mason," Daylight replied lm PGrturcably "the 'phone must be In dlsUnct this morning. D e-d-o M-a-s-on. Got it?" Half an hour lator ho was flying out to Berkoloy. And for tho first tlmo tho big red car halted directly beforo the house, Dedo offorcd to receive him In tho parlor, but ho shook his head and nodded toward her rooms. "In thoro," ho said. "No other placo would suit" As the door closed, his arms went out and around her. Then he stood with his hnnds on her shoulders and looking down Into hor fnco. (TO BE CONTINUED.) the Schools to have the schoolhouses opened every day or the week. Sundays In cluded, so that the community may get tho greatest posslblo benefit from them. If this movement grows pupils will no longer And after vacation a musty smolling deserted building, but rather ono which has been In uso every day In tho year by thoso who love to give tho public every posslblo ndvantago or tho buildings provided for public pur poses. Other Things. Drnges There nro still other things than money oven in this dollar chas ing age. Wages Good! Thut's Just what I'm looking for. Let's grab them and form a trust Hrnggs Dut I was referring to such things as a clear conscience and self respect Wnggs Doosn't matter at all. It will read all tho better in the pros pectus when wo como to sell tho stock, -Hi. bwi;a( ( 2S i yjfl Ml I Vs m Flw LAND OF DISTURBED SLUMBER India Also Is the Abode of the Festive Mosquito and the Sleepy Punkah-Wallah. You cannot circumvent the moBqul to ns you can tho fly. Bho has too ninny brains, wherever sho may stow thorn. Dut sho In (rail and feeble on tho wing, nnd you can get her thero For example, In India it is well known that mosquitoes will not blto under tho punkah, therefore exiles In thnt land of tho twelve plaques Blcop un der a swishing punknh for tho six summer months, and under n mos quito not for tho rest of tho yonr, for thoro is no closed season for mos quitoes In India. Ono sleeps as sweet ly as may bo In that hot, intermittent gale, lulled by tho creaking ropes as the punkah Hops and sags; sloops fairly well until tho punkah-wallnh. who sits outside on your veranda ami puliB tho punkah by a string thiough tho wall, himself begins to doze, and finally nods as tho punkah flags, and slowly, nfter a spasmodic Jerk or two, sinks to rest Tho hot air settles down upon, you, Tho mosquitoes set tle down on you, too, not singly, but in battalions. I havo counted seven teen separate bites on a Btng'lo linger. And ihen you wnko, slowly, confused ly, as souls will awako in purgatory, wondering what is wrong. F(nnlly you awako enough to discover what la wrong, and realize thnt tho punknh hns stopped, and that in consequence you nro threatened with nn accumu lation of heat apoplexy,, malaria anil blood polBonlng complicated by np proachlng nervous prostration. You might as well resign yourself and mako your will. uut If you aro un resigned and choleric you tnko a cork screw from the shelf, as tho White Knight said to Alice, nnd go to wake him up Tor yourself. Then, Tor the rest of that night and for several nights to como tho punkah blows a gale. Or If you aro diplomatic rather than choleric you calculate that the punkah-wallah has almost certainly gone to sleep with the punkah-cord in his fingers. You reach up In tho mosquito-haunted dark for the 3lack or the cord on your side of tho wall, pull In tho slack as cautiously as If you were playing a salmon In a pool, not a punkah-wallah on a veranda, and when the cord Is fairly taut you give one long, quick pull that whirls the tiunknh-wallah half way across the ve randa, where ho wakes In a cold sweat, thinking the long-nnlled de mons havo got him at last. Your sotto voce remarks carry Just that meaning you hope they have. Har per's Weekly. Drab China. Not a single little Chinese hat with a button is to bo seen in Wuchang to day, but such an assortment of caps upon badly barbered heads caps, of ordinary English make and stranger varieties made frojn natly fabrics; fplt hps of every, ecfip'tlonj fjom the soft guen, called Alpine, to Eng land's familiar yillycock. One coolie was seon carrying water with his bamboo over his shoulder glorious In n silk tapper. Nearly all the queues are gone. I hear of Chinese gontlcmon on all sides hastening to discard their charm ing silk gowns, white socks and pic turesque shoes for ordinary prosaic European dress. I begin to fear that I may never seo a gorgeous mandarin In all his grandeur of robes and um brcllas and lovely, buttoned peacock feathered hat again. It seems possi ble, and evon probable, that mnndarlns oh, and tho pity of It! they woro so beautiful may become Just ordinary mortals. Fancy a mandarin In frock coat and black silk hat Wuchang correspondent Pall Mall Gazette. Poisonous Snuff. t All sorts of odd ways of being poi soned by lend aro recorded In medicnl history: The man who reffularly took tho first glass of beer each morning In a saloon, the beer standing over night in tho lead pipe running from Uie keg to tho bar spigot; tho maid using the first glass of water from tho tap sup plied by a lead sorvlco pipe; tho painter who ate his luncheon ovory day with paint-covered hands; tho painter apprentice who slept in the back room with the paint palls and white lead kegs. It might reasonably have been expected that the posslbil iUos in the way of surreptitious lead poisoning had been exhausted. Not so. It was recently discovered, after tho death of a woman who had been suffering from a mysterious case of lead poisoning not affecting nny other members of her family that she was nn lnvoternte snuff laker. The snuff wns examined and found to bo badly contaminated with lead from tho foil In which it was wrapped. A Rockefeller Fake. "It's a Tlockeroller fake," said a Philadelphia broker, "ono of those in numerable Rockefeller fakes that float around tho country, but, fake or not, I'll tell it to you. "John D. (so tho fako runs) got a very suspicious looking cako by mall tho other day. Ho wrapped It up in a newspaper and took It to a chemist "'Is this likely to bo poisoned?' ho asked. " 'It certainly looks liko a poisoned cako to me,' said tho chemist. 'Leavo it here.' And he smcllcd it, then ho tnsted and spat out a vory tiny cur rant 'Leave It hero, Mr, Hockctcl lor. I'll analyzo It for you.' '"How much will tho analysis cost?" " 'Ten dollars, sir. "John D. bundled up tho cake to tho newspapor agnin. "'Humph!' ho sold, as ho tucked it under his nrm, 'It'll bo cheaper to try it on Archbold's cat.'" Conducts Sunday School In Jail. Isaac JonoB, retired whaler, steam boat man and soldier of Somerset, Pa., teachos what is probably tho most unique Sunday school class in tbo country. For 20 years ho has taught n class In tho Somerset oounty Jail. During that tlmo six of hla pupils, ho Is rruoted ns saying, havo boon hanged and ono other has beon convicted at murder. Man's Overlooked Opportunities. Oh, tho littleness of tho lives that wo aro living, denying to ourselves tno 'bigness of that thing which it Is to be a man, to bo a child of God. Phil Hi r?J?JV- ., ... Write For This Free Book Shows 20 Beautiful Modern Rooms tells how you can get the very latest effects on your walls. Contains a sampls of the Color Plant our artists will furnish you, FREE, for any rooms you wish to decorate. Alabofltfiie Tie Beautiful Wall Tint cornea in 16 exquisite tints. More artittio than wall Jper or psint at a fraction of the coit." Ajtitominp colon are harsh and common betide the loft-hued water color tlnti of Alabartine. Absolutely sanitary easiest and quickest to use, goea furthest ana wu not emp, peel, ox niD on. Doesnt n4 ta otrnt ta sat on Eur dlreetlMii In over udkue. Full $ lb. TU wbhe. Ife rtfuW Uott. ISc Alabastine Company MCnaMkbai, On Kfe, Ska. tor Tt Or, tat 4. It) f skr Sattt nnNT P All . wnnr )?ORTHEFREEBOOK VERY GOOD REASON. Startem Why dldnt you get a big ger automobile? Shovem I wanted one I could push up bllL PIMPLES ON FACE 3 YEARS 1 "was prcufcicd Trlth acne for thre long years. My face was the only part affected, but it cauBed great disfigure-, xnent, also suffering and loss of ejeep.' At first thero appeared red, contained w i great dcal.ca.used ?&s in a sUts d perpTeirtf-when walking the streets ..i...?ti XI. ..vii- r'-fl w tuiywueia ueiuro cuu uuuiw, r,c "I used pills and other remedies but they failed completely. X thought of giving up when nothing would help, bujomethlng told me to try tho Cutk cura--&oap and Ointment J sent 'for a Cuttourff-Sooklet which I read carl' fully. Then I Dought Bomo Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and by following the directions I was relieved In a few days. I used Cutlcura Soap for wash ing my face, and applied tho CuUcura Ointment morning and evening. This treatment brought marvelous rosults so I continued with It for a few week and was cured completely. I can' truthfully say that tho Cutlcura Rem edies are not only all, but more than; they claim to be." (Signed) G. Bau-" mel, 1015 W. 20th Place, Chicago, 111 May 28, 1011. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment aro Bold by drug gists and dealers everywhere, a sam ple of each, with 82-pago book, wilt1 bo mailed tree on application to "Cntlcum," Dept. L, Boston. Altogether Too Late Now. A lady who was anxious to obtain good general servant applied at an intelligence office and was assured by the proprietor that she had Just th penjon to suit A raw-boned Irish woman some fifty years of age cam forward. "Well," said the lady, after a Bborfc conversation, "I would be very cad! to engage you, but" "But what, prayr "Well, you see I wanted ono who Who Is rather younger." An' lndadel" exclaimed tho womas, foiling her arms -and glaring indig nantly, "It's a pity the good Lof dldnt make me In tbo yare tt guttj your convanienco." What Sha Wanted. Before the fire on Christmas Erd two old maids were planning for holiday. "Sister Mallie," said the younger, "would a long stocking hold all y want for a Christmas gift?" "No. Elvira," said tho older, "but, pair of Bocks would." to VIVESCVWED XN e T0 14JU, vbpss: W1U raauu hwud a fUMdliuc i ProttudlB Files ta mim any a of ItobJM. lagwuwaji. If a man saves money it is because he la kept too busy at work to spen It narftrlil Tan. hr nfirlf vlnir thn blood, i atcs Hbcnmatiam, Dyspepsia and maayj cbronio aumenu. Our Idea who nover pleon. of a lazy woman Is on gets busy with her com- 'rinkHTolaEpWomlolnthBSpTlng. Try Marin So Uemely tor Sellable HeUet if a girl really wants a man's lovet sho returns it TWO WEEKS' TREATMENT AND MEDIGSNEFREE no matter what your disease. If you suffer from Rheumatism.write. If you suffer from Sidney Troublo, write. No matter what you snfiar from, write to RfUNYON'S DOCTORS B3d and Jeffercoa Sta., riiltadelpbU. Paw NOT A PENNY TO PAY Offer U Good ior tho Next Thirty Dal rVj KlfBKvPl uESSEISA I'tSjSSS'BHBBl gg!p ism pimpies jaiaa later matter. T suffered i by the itching. 1 &Foati A J i. " - ari i to-at W-H-tiwllj, f JAi, jsf r. W38KXB kt-iMM'-mxm !