v- t. . 1. I' r ft. r wf . . M GUARANTEED, TO BE l-'UHta., Fh'Una AjE-fc THOMPSONS tt,teSi2, 5PYE WATER Jf'i&kWfS J0USIi.'IH''''rMJ.80KS4CO.. Troy, N. Y And most of our troubles are magni fied at short range. For Constipation, Ulllouws. Liver and Kidney Troubles, take (tardeM Tea. An optimist is a man who knows that his troubles might ho worse. ONLY ONn "IIKOMO QUININi:." That li 1.AXATIVI1 HUOMO OlllNINB. . l-ojvlt fpt tl, tSgnattiro of K, W. OIIOVIJ. Oiod tho World over to Cure a Cold In Ono Pay. sic. When n young widow makes up her mind to marry a bachelor ho muy pos sibly escape by dying. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murlno Eye ltemcdy. No Smarting Feels Fine Acta ijiilcKly. Try It for Itcd, Weak, Watery Kyes and Granulated Eycllrit. Illus trated Dook In each Fockaeo Miirlnn I eomtxjondcid hy onr Ocnllt not a Patent Med Iclnn" but ooa m nrcoifnl rhslclai' J;rac tlco for many rears. How drdlcauxl to tho Poh tin and told ty Druggists nt'Ua ami We porlkmin. Mnnne hjo Bilvo la Aseptic rin, V5b and Wo Murlno Eyo Romody Co., Chicago The Reason. "You mark all your compositions forte," said tho friend. "Yes," replied the composer. "They wouldn't havo any vogue among pco plo who llvo In flats if I had them lilaycd softly." Important to Mothors Examine carefully every bottlo oi CASTOftlA.'n safo and suro remedy foi Infants and children, and oco that it Hears tho Signature 'In Uso For Over ao Years. diHdrcn Cry for Fletclicr's Castorin Measure. ojiiulo Hzra Then you think inn "battlo of Wounded lCneo was a great er ovont than the reformation? Uncle Ebon Certainly. I'vo seen Ihom both and I'll bet tho "battla" inriV at least a luuiib.uid more feet f Illm-Puck. "Means to Enjoy Closing Years. Having made a million dollars by tho practlco of law since ho quit poll (tics, formor Congressman and (Jovor nor Frank S. Black, nged ilfty-elglit, lias confirmed tho reports thut ho has Totircd "After a certain point 1st reached It isn't money a man should work for, hut timo. You enn't defy human nature" lie says. Troubles Laid to "In-Law." "Tho cau8o of moro than half the, family scraps that nro scrapped to a finish," says an oxchnngo, "Is tho 'In law.' A man or a woman mnrrlos Homo ono absolutely antagonistic (o all tho other members of tho family, and then, putting this person on a pen csttil, demnndB that all shall do her or his will. For tho sako of courtesy, often a wholo family will yield many points, and gradually tho 'In-law' lje comes moro and moro InBlstont, nnd eo things drift nloug, always tho ono sldo giving liit until somo straw, some trlflo, will provo tho drop too much, ?and after (hat tho fius, With tho air cleared, a beginning can be mado over again on a basis of equal rights, or elso all Intorcoureo can cease. .Elthor way much has been gained." 8HE QUIT COFPCE And Much Good Came From It. It 1b hard lo believe that coffee will put n person in suoli a condition ns it did. a woman of Applo Crock, O. Sho tolls her own story: "I did not bellovo coffco 'caused my troublo, and frequently said 1 lilted It so well I would not quit drinking It, even Ir It took my life, but I was n miserablo sufferer from heart troublo and nervous prostration for four years. "I was scarcely able to go around at all. Had no energy, and did not care lor anything. Wus emaciated and had a constaut pain around my hoart until I thought I could not enduro It. 1 felt as though I was llablo to dlo any time, "Frequently I had nervous chills and hc least excitement would drlvo sloop away, and nny llttlo nolso would un met mo terribly. l was gradually get ting worso until Anally ono day, It enmo over mo. and I asked myself what Is tho uso of being sick nil tho time and buying raedleino so that 1 can indulge myself in coffoo? "So I thought I would seo If I could , jult drinking coffee, and got some .Postum to help mo quit. I made it I Mrlctly; according to directions, nnd f I want to tell you that chango was the greatest sjep In my llfo. It was eaBy to quit cqffeo becauso I had tho ..Postum which I like better than I liked tho old coffco. Ono by ono the ojd troubles left, until now I am In aplendld health, nerves steady, hoart All right, and tho pain all gone, Never liave any moro nervous ohlllo, don't take any medicine, can do all my liouBowork, and have dono a great deal besides. "My sister-in-law, who visited mo this summer had boon aa Invalid for ' eomo ttroo, much as I was, I got hor to quit coffoo and drink Postum. She gained flvo pounds lu three weeks, and I never eaw such a chango In any- tone's health." "Thero'ii a reason." aiver read tba bov Utterf A new jcre from time to time. Tlier KH!ue, true, b full ( kunu r4DW& III'IE ll si 7"M m Wfi;i K&2 . MfffFtG w Miiii ii ntwi'. miim y ' iimrisrM nxiii -j .v. -J- p Up W r IP si u SYNOPSIS. Elnm TIarnlah, known nil through A1a.i kn ns "UurnlriB D-iyllRbt." celebrates Ills JOth birthday with a crowd of minora fit tho Circle City Tivoll. The danco leacH to heavy gambling. In which over J100.0OO la staked. Hnrnlsh loses lili money and his mine but wins the mall contract. Ilo starts on his mnll trip with iIori nna sledeo, telling his friends thnt ho will ho In tho blK Yukon gold strlko at the stnrt. jjurninir uavncni maKes a sensationally y rapid run across country with tho ma.'!. npponr nt the Tivoll nnd Is now rendy to Join his friends In n dash to tho new Kold nelds DecIdlnK thnt gold will bo found In tho up-river district Hnrnlsh buys two tons of flour, which he declnrns will bo worth Its wclpht In gold, but when he arrives with his flour ho nnds tho big flat desolate. A coinrnilo discov ers gold and Daylight reaps n rich har vest. He goes to Dawson, becomes tlm most prominent figure In tho Klondlko nnd defeats n combination of capital sts In n vast mining deal. Ho returns lo civilization, nnd. nmld tho bewildering complications of high flnaneo. Daylight nnds that he hns been led to Invest Ma eleven millions In a manipulated seller in Ho goes to New 7ork. nnd confront'ng his disloyal partners with u revolver he threatens to kill them If his money Is ot returned. Thev are cowed, return tb 'r stenllngn and Hnrnlsh goes back to r in Frnnclsco whero ho meets his fair in Dede Mason, n pretty stenogrnnhcr Mo mnkes Inrge Investments nnd gels Int' "ie political ring. For n rest ho goes to ' country. DnVIIght gets deeper Into I i nnnnco In Ban Kranclsco. but often i longing for the pimple Ilf nearly f ' comes him. Dede Mnson buys a horse t1 Daylight meets her In her saddle t- n Ono day he asks Dedo to go with 'm on ono moro ride, his purposo helm ! nsk her to marry him nnd they en t away, nho trylnsr to nnnlvzo her feell "i Dede tells Daylfght that Her happl s could not llo with a money manlpuli ir. CHAPTER XVI-Continued. "You seo. I givo tho vnluo to tho land by building tho roads. Then I soil tho land and get that value back, and nftor that, there's tho roads, all carrying folks back and forth nnd naming big money. Can't lose. And there's all sorts of millions In It. I'm going to got my hands on somo ot that water front and the tldo-Iands. Take botwoen whero I'm going to build my pier and tho old pier. It's shallow wa ter. 1 can. fill and drdgo nnd put In a system of docks that will handlo hundreds of' ships. Snn Francisco's wntor front is congested. No moro room for ships. With hundreds of shlp3 loading and unloading on this sldo right Into tho freight cars of throo big rnllroads, factories will start up ovor hero Instead of crossing to Snn Frnnclsco. That moans factory sites. The' moans mo buying' in tho tiiuUiiy hitfs before anybody gupsRea tho cat is going to Jump, much less, ' which way. Factories mean tens of thousands of worklngmon and their families. Thnt means more houses rind moro land, and thnt means me, for I'll bo thero to sell them tho land Then thero's tho wator. I'll como prolly close to owning tho waterslii'd Why not tho waterworks too? Thero's two wator companies In Oakland now, fighting llko cntn ami dogs and both about broke. What a metropolis needs is a good wntor system. Thoy can't givo it They'ro stick-in-tho-muds. I'll gobblo tlium up nnd deliver the right nrticlo to tho city. There's monoy thoro, too monoy overywhero. Every thing works lu with everything else Each Improvement makes tho valuo of everything olso Jump up. It's people that aro behind tho vnluo. Tho big ger tho crowd that herds In one place, tho moro valuable is tho real estate And this is tho very plnco for a crowd to hord. Look at It. Just look at It! You could never find a finer site for a great city. All It needs Is tho herd, nnd I'll stampodo a couplo of hundred thousand people In hero Insldo two years. And what's moro, it won't be ono of theso wildcat lnnd booms. It will bo legitimate. Twenty years Trom now thcro'II bo a million peoplo on this sldo tho bay. Another tiling lo hotnls, Thoro Isn't a decent ono In tho town. I'll build a couplo of tip-to-dato ones that'll maico them alt up and tnko notice. I won't enro If thoy don't pay for years. Their effect will moro than givo mo my monoy back out of tn othnr holdings And, oh, yes, I'm going to plnnt oucnlyptuB, millions cf r them, on thoso hills." "But how nro you going to do It?" Dodo asked. "You haven't enough money for all that you've plnnncd." "I'vo thirty million, and if I need more 1 can borrow on tho land und other things. Intoiost on moitgngoa won't anywhoro near oat up tho In crease In lnnd values, aud I'll bo sell ing land right along." In tho weeks that followed, Day light was a busy man. It monnt quick work on a colossal scalo, for Oakland and tho adjacent country was not slow to feel tho tromondous buying. But Daylight had tho ready cash and it had always been bis policy to BtrlKo qulokly. Beforo tho othoiB could got tho warning of tho boom, ho qulotly accomplished many things. At the tamo timo that his agents were purchasing corner lo.ts nnd cntlro blocks lu tho heart of tho business soctlon and tho wnsto lands for fac tory altos, Daylight was rushing fran chises through tho city council, enn turlng tho two oxhnustod water com panies and tho eight or nlno Indo pendeut street railways, and getting his grip on tho Oakland Creek and tho bny tide-lands for his dock system Tho tidolauds had boon in litigation for years, and he took tho bull by tho horns buying out tho private ownorB and at tho same timo leasing from the city fathors. By the timo that Oak land was arousod by this unprecedent ed activity In ovory dlroction and wnB questioning oxcitodly tho moaning ot it. Daylight socrotly bought tho chief Republican newspaper and tho chlof Democratic organ, and moved boldly Into his now oincos. Of nocosalty, they woro on n largo scalo, occupying four floors of tho only modem olllco build ing in tho town tho only building that wouldn't be torn down later on, ta Dyllght put U. Thero was do j pnrtment after department, n scoro of them, nnd hundreUH of clcrlco anu Stenographers. Aa he told Dedo: ''I'vo got moro companies than you can shnko a stick It. Thero's tho Ala meda & Contra Costa Land. Syndicate, tho Consolidated Street Railways, the Yerba Buena Ferry Company,, , tho United Water Company, .trio Pied mont Realty Company, the. Palrvlow and Porto I a Hotel Company,, and half a dozen more that I'vo got' to refer to a notebook to remember. Thero's tho Piedmont Laundry Farm, and Red wood Consolidated Quarries. Starting In with our quarry, I Just kept agoing till I got them all. And thero's tho ship-building company I ain't got it nnmo for yet. Seeing as I had to havo ferry-boats, I decided to build them myself. They'll bo dono by the time the pier Is rendy for them." For months Daylight was burled In work. Tho outlay was terrific, and thorn was nothing coming in. noyond n general rise In land values, Oakland had not acknowledged his irruption on tho financial scene. Tho city was waiting for him to show what ho was going to do. and he lost no timo nbout it. The best skilled brains on tho market woro hired by him for tho dif ferent branches of tho work. Initial mistakes ho had no patlenco with, and ho wns determined to start right, as when ho engaged Wilkinson, almost doubling his big salary, and brought "If You'd Just Let him out from Chicago to tako chargo of tho street rallwny orguulzatlon. Night and day the road gangs tolled on tlic streets. And night and day I pllo-drlvors hammered tho big piles down Into the mud of Run Francisco Bay. Tho plor was to bo three miles long, nnd the Berkeley hills wero do nuded of whole groves of mature eucalyptus Tor tho piling. At tho sarno time that his electric roads wero building out through tho hills, tho hay-flelds wore being sur veyed and brokon up into city squares, with hero and thoro, according to best modorn methods, winding boulevards and strips of park. Broad streets, woll graded, wero mado, with sowors and wntor-ptpos roady laid, and ma cadamlzod from his own qunrrlos. Ce ment sidewalks wore also laid, so that all tho purchaser had to do was to select his lot and architect and start building. Tho quick servlco of Day light's now olcctrla roads into Oak land mado this big district Immediate lv accessible, and long beforo tho fer ry system wob In operation huudreds of residences wero going up. ino profit on this land was enormous. In a day, his on-slnught of wenlth nnd turned open fnrralng country into one of tho best residential districts of the city. But this monoy that fiowod In upon him wns immediately pourod back Into hs othor Investments. Tho need for oloctrlc cars was so great that he Installed his own shops for building them. But no mattor what pressure was on Daylight, IiIb Sundays ho re sorvod for his riding in tbo hllln. It was not tho rainy winter weather, howover, that brought these rides witli Dedo to an end. Ono Saturday afternoon In tho olllco aho told him not to expoct to meet hor next day, and, whon ho pressed for nn explana tion. "I'vo sold Mab." Daylight was speechless for tho mo mont Hor net meant ono of so many serious things that ho couldn't classl- - lfylt njmacked almost ot treachery, . ILJU .fiss rffi mbzw &v 'fiiyyjir a. t M I I rcssd' H r: r- B4YLIGHT Ai&m -" -twf- J 1 - ack London uMfre 7Wh" (Copyright, 1810, by tho New York Herald Company.) (Copyright, 1310, by tho MabMlllan Company. shn mleht imvn met with financial dls-1 that's tho point. Drive n sharp ba. aster. It might bo her way of letting i him know sho had bcoh enough of him. Or . . . "What'3 the matter?" he managed to ask. "I couldn't afford to keep her with hay forty-five dollars a ton," Dedo answered "My brother's expenses havo been lilfelior, as TVcll, and I wns driven to tho conclusion that slnco 1 could not afford both, I'd better lot tho mare go and keep tho brothor." "Who bought her?" he asked. Dcdo'a eyes flashed In tho way long since familiar to him when sho was angry. "Don't you dare buy her back tor mo," she cried. "And don't dony that that was what you had in mind." "I wish you would reconsider. Miss Mason," ho bald softly. "Not alono for tho maro's sako, but for my sake. Money don't cut nny lco in this. For mo to buy thnt mare wouldn't moan ns much as it does to most men to send a bouquet of flowers or a box of candy to a young lady. Thero's no body I feel chummy with except you, and you know how little wo'vo chum medonce n week, If it didn't rain, on Sunday. I've grown kind of to de pend on you. If you'd Just let mo buy her hack " "No," no; I tell you no." Dedo arose Impatiently, but her eyes wore molBt with tho momcry of her pet. "Pleaso don't mention her to mo again. If you think it was easy to part with her, you rfro mistaken. But I've seen tho last of her, and I want to forgot her." Daylight mado no answer, and tho door closed behind her. Mc Buy Her Back." Half an hour later ho was con ferring with Jonos, an erstwhile ete ator boy and rabid proletarian whom Daylight lonit bufoio had grubstaked o literature for a year. Tho result ing novel had beoii a failure. Editors and publishers would not look at It, and Duyllght was now using tho dla gruntlod author In a llttlo private secret norvico system ho had been compollod to establish for hlmBolf. Jones, who nffocted to bo surprised ot nothing nfter his crushing oxperienco, betrayed no surprise now when tho task was given him to iocato the pur chaser of a certain sorrel mare. "How high shall I pay for hor?" ho asked. "Any price. You've got to get hor, House With No Stairs Pittsburg Man Plans New Residence Embodying 8ome Very Unique Features. Tho new resldouco which la being built on tho Clcarvlew plan at Mount Lobunon, Pittsburg, for A. O. Smith of Pittsburgh, has somo features which aro unique nnd probnbly not embodied in any other resldenco In this section. Tho houso is without stairways or stops, tho slope Idea having been sub stituted. Tho grndo of this slopo Is about ton por cent Entering from tho voronda to tho largo reception hall ono's attention Is directly drawn to tho uulquo method employed ot reach ing tho upper floor. In tho living room, which is probably 20x35 foot, a largo concrete flroplaco and mantel Is tho principal feature, with a wide bay window. Thoro nro no corners to tho houso, aa each ot tho four onds ot tho rosldence are of tho bay typo. Tho only wood used in tho construc tion of tho building Is to bo found In tho door Bills, windows and floors, tho latter of which will bo hardwood. Tho walls of tho building aro ot cement, jfiulshod with white cement trimmings 1 fmrN DEN.nr& gain so as not to excite suspicion, but got her. Then you dollvor her to thnt address up In Sonoma County, Tho man's tho carotakor on n llttlo ranch I have there. Tell htm he's to tako whacking good care of her. And nftor that forget nil nbout It. Don't toll mo tho nnmo of tho man you buy her from. Don't toll mo nnythlng about It except that ouv pot her and de livered her. Savvcc?" But the week had not passed, when Daylight noted tho flash In Dedo's eyes that boded troublo. "Something's gone wrong what Is It?" ho said boldly. "Mnb," sho said. "Tho man who bought her has sold her already. If I thought you bad anything to do with it" "1 don't ovgn know who you sold her to," was Daylight's answer. "And what's moro, I'm not bothering my hond about her. Sho was your marc, ond It's nono of my business what you did with her. You haven't got her, that's Buro, and worso luck. And now, while we're on toivchy subjects, I'm going to open another ono with you. And you needn't get touchy about It, for It's not really your busi ness at all. ItV oout that brother of yours. Ho cods moro than you can do for him. Selling that maro of yours won't send him to Germany. And that's what his own doctors say ho needs thnt crack Gorman spe cialist who rips a man's bonos nnd muscles Into pulp and then moulds thorn all over again. Woll, I want to send him to Germany nnd givo that crack a flutter, that's all." "If it wero only possible!" she said, half breathlessly, and wholly without anger. "Only it isn't, nnd you know it Isn't I can't accept money, from you " "Now look here, Miss Mason. You've got to get some foolish no tions out of your head. This money notion (s one of the funniest things I've seen. Suppose you was falling over a cliff, wouldn't It bo all right for mo to reach out nnd catch you by tho arm? Suro it would, You'ro standing In your brother's wny No matter what notions you've got In your head, you've got to get out of tho way and givo him a chance. Will you let me go and see him and talk It over with him? I'll make It a hard and fast, business proposition. I'll stake him to got woll. and that's all, and charge him interest." Sho visibly hesitated. "And just remember ono thing. Miss Mnson: It's his leg, not yours." Still she refrained from giving her , answer, and Daylight went on strengthening his position. "And remember, I go over to seo him alono. He's a man, and I can deal with him better without women folks around. I'll go over tomorrow afternoon," CHAPTER XVII. For six weeks hand-running Day light had soon nothing of Dedo ex cept in the oiTico, and thero ho reso lutoly refrained from making ap proaches. But by tho seventh Sunday his hunger for her overmastered him. It was a stormy day. A heavy south east galo was blowing, and squall aft er squall of rain and wind swept over tho city. Ho could not tako his mind off of her. nnd a poralbtent picture cams to him of hor sitting by n win dow and sowing feminine fripperies of somo sort When the timo came for his pro-luncheon cocktail to bo served to him In his rooms, ho did not tnko It. Filled with a daring determina tion, ho glanced at his note-book for Dede's telephone numbor. and called for tho switch. At llrst it wns the landlady's daugh ter who was raised, but in a minute ho heard tho volco ho had been hun gry to hour. "I Just wanted to toll you that I'm coming out to seo you." ho said. 1 didn't want to break In on you with out warning, thnt wns nil." "Hns somothlng happened?" camo her voice. "I'll tell you when 1 get thoro." no ovaded. Sho came pursuit to the door to receive him nnd shako hands with him. Ho hung bis mackintosh and hat on the rack in tho comfortable hall und turned to hor for direction. "They aro busy In thero," sho said, Indicating the parlor, from which camo tho boisterous voices of young people, and through tho open door of which he could seo several college youths. "So you will havo to como Into my rooms." (TO BE CONTINUED.) Even tho two bathrooms aro fitted with coment tubs. In all thoro nro ten rooms. Tho root Is of concrete, surrounded with a parapot, tho porch roofs aro of tho samo typo, thus af fording second story porches In the front and rear, both of which aro fit ted up with concreto flowor troughs In which blooming ilowors aro now to bo seen even in tho unfinished condition of tho houso. On tho front second story porch a fountnln is arranged Engineering Rccqrd. Freedom. "How well Mrs. Burllson Is looking since hor return from Reno." "Yes, sho says sbo finds It a splon did relief to bo troo-" "But sho is going to bo married again next month." "Oh, woll, I suppose Bho agrees with thoso studonts who Insist that too much freedom loads to disaster." Selfishness of Love, Ho who loves deeply finds a sweet rovnngo In acting so that bis beloved ono shall appear ungrateful. BOY fiLB til AX HI New York Lad, Facing Revolvers, Drives Off Robbers in His Employer's Store. OWNER FIRST BEATEN Joseph Healy Then Batters One In truder and Forces Both to Hurried Flight Pursues Men Into Street, But They Escape, ; Now York. After seeing his em ployer, William Davis, a grocer at No. 134 East Fifty-third street, beaten un conscious tho other night by two hold up men Intent upon robbery, Joseph Healy, 13 years old, battled with the intruders, blackened the eyes of ono of the men, and put them to flight with an ax when thoy threatened him with revolvers. , Tho boy was badly Injured, but was ablo to give chaso through the streots, shouting an alarm, while tho retreat 'ing robbers brandished their weapons and cursed him as they fled. Davis had Just counted the cash he took in during the day and put the currency In an insido pocket. Tho two robbers evidently had watched him from tho streot. Tbey entered Just as he started to closo tho cash drawer and inquired the price ot a Jar of Jam. Davis turned toward a sholf. when nnn of thn mnn Rtrnok him a heavy blow on tho back of the head I 'with a club. Davis foil to the floor un- I conscious. One of tho men reached over the i counted nnd took between six and soven dollars in small chango from the open drawer. To reach tho fallen man the second Intruder ran to the rear of tho store to get behind tho coun ter. Back of a partition he encountored Healy, who with remarkable coolness decided upon a plan of action. Without a moment's hesitation tho boy, who Is strong and largo for his k-Cs- : i-&.. ,h 35?; Armed With an Ax Lad Starts Toward the Men. age, sot upon tho robber. Tho man be ing tho stronger of tho two, flung him aside. I Tho boy then struck him a heavy blow In tho face, which not only stag gored tho man, but took him by sur prise. Blow after blow tho boy de livered in rapid succession and the be wildered thief was soon defending himself Instead of leading in the at tack. When tho boy had him practically 'whipped, tho second man, who had bounded ovor tho counter, ruBhed to his companion's aid. Ho sprang at Healy and trlod to catch his arms, but 'the boy was too quick for him. Tho robber then struck at the boy 'with his club, but tho blow was a glancing one, and failed to land. With stained faco and blackened oye, the tlrst luau pulled hie revolver and started for tho boy. , "Don't shoot yet," shouted his com panion. "Let me get him with .this." Ho swung a vicious blow in the dl 'rection of the lad's head. The boy fell Jto his hands and knees In avoiding the blow, but wns up again in an Instant in tho corner, ho found an ax. Armed with this he started toward tho two men. Both aimed their revolvers and held the boy at bay, but with careful aim he let tho ax fly at tho head of tho rob ber nearest him. Ho mlssod tho man, but tho ax crashed through the front window of tho store, making a fearful racket. Evidently fearing thoy would bo trap ped in tho store tho robbors fled. Tho boy pursued tho fugitives Into Third avenue. Thoy waved their re volvers at him In a threatening man ner nnd shouted thoy would kill him If ho did not stop. Then thoy dashed up tho stairs of an elevated station, boarded a train and escnpod. When Davis was revived ho and iho boy gave tho rtilico a good descrip tion of tho men. In tho houso at tho timo were N. D. 'Bates, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Bates, Louis D. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. William Tuck er ot Gano, O., and the Filipino lad. Tho walls woro blown out by tho forco of tho explosion, and many plecos of furnituro in tho rooms thoy 'occupied were shattered. Books Diseased? Pittsburgh, Pa. Wllklnsburg wom en threaten to havo tho branch of the Carnoglo library In that town cloBod becauso thoy Bay the books aro disease germ carriers. IN zz 1 ws BACKACHE A SIGNAL CF DISTRESS rnlnlnthobnclcis tho kidneys' signal o( dlHtresn. If this timely warning Is Ignored, there Is era to danger of dropsy. Rrarel, urla polsonlng.orllrijht's dlftAnse. When you have reason to suspect your kldneyu, iibs n siieclal kidney tnedl clno. ' Doan'e Kidney Pills rclloTo weak, congettod kidneys euro backache rg. nlato tho urlno. Oond proof in tbs followfiigstAtemeat, A DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY Dr. n. Green, 21S If. Mb Street, North V nkituu, WbsU. nuysi "I havo used Dean's "Hvaru Picture TelleaJStory" ., . iviuiiey tnus In my practlco for years nnd they havo given satisfaction, 1 havo taken Dean's KTdnsy Pills personally and pronounce thorn t& best remedy I havo prescribed in my long career as a physician and surgeon." AT ALL DEALERS 50c. a Box DOAN'S "?,, The Farmer's Son's Great Opportunity iii nuiKiui iuo um larui to Become WItrt 11 tl A4 (A Hani ! i jumtuuwiiBuiui Ut'KIUUUniU yiofuiu jur juur juiuro . yivoyeritj mm lcuoprn- aenco. A great oppor tunity awaits yon in Manitoba, has katobenan or Alberta, wbro you can secure a PreoIIome- fttnri nrhtiw lartisl n a sonablo prices How's iheTime not a year from now, wnen land nlll bo talch- er. Tbn tirnHta HAC.ttrMl thn nlinrwlfirit- nrmia nf Wlient, Out ond , Hurley, as well ss cattle raising, aro c-ansloa a trad? ndranco in frlco. aoremment returns novr hat tho number or Bottler In Woatnru Canada from the U, H, vrnH oo jmr cent farcer In 101O than tbe prelonjiyear. Many farmers have paid for tliolr lnnd out of tho proceeds of ono crop. ncres nnd pro-omntlons of 'b jiauicsieaus or xuu juu urros nc Qa.in, till Hurt;, line climate, cood echools. excellent railway facilities, :er bud luiiilr easllv nli- For pamphlet "Last nest West." particulars as to ealtablo location and low settlers' rate, apply to Kept of Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or to Canadian Gov't Agent. E.T. llilmn. 315 Jxlsog St., St tu, Hlgn. J.M Kjdjctitia, Dri.tr l!i,W4terta,$.l. I'leass write to tUo agont nearest you LADY AGENTS WANTED "Semy-Mayde" Garments for Children Scmy-Mayde" means earments cut 2nd rrsdy to sew. Including all trimmliica and binding- A Good Living from the Start, wltn an ever-Increasing and permanent patronage. Dresses for children are needed to-day, to-morrow, every day. "Semy-Mayde" dreBsca are ex actly what mothers need and went. Wo want yon to tell your neighbors the facts, show ths Hoods, and tnko orders for "Semy-Mayde" garments. No capital or investment required, cln, enjoyable, profitable, employment for sparo time or all tbe time. Wrilo for fall details. WARNER-GODFREY CO.. 86 WORTH ST., N.Y. CITY THENEW FRENCH REMEDY. NO.I.K0.2.K0.3. TUCD AElrfeREUsedinFrencn n d r Mr i wiv Hospitals wim ORK1T HUlOEbti, CUKES I1DJ.CV. SLADDrk WR'ARKS, PILES, C1IROMC ULCERS, SKIN ERUPTIONS-EITDKR SEX ban addrM afa!opa far PP.EK kk.t vt DR. I. It CLEkU JOINTINE is guaranteed to curejolnt disease, blood poison and leakage of tbo navel In colts. (.1 per box. Writs for tnstlnionlAls and de scription of tbo disease. T. U. lluwman.lloone, Neb. HER PREFERENCE. "Well, Susan, you havo boon mar ried a year. How do you llko your husband?" "Sober, sor." When to Call the Doctor. When to summon the doctor la a point which has probably puzzled most peoplo at ono timo or another, but In tho cast) of throat and Intestinal troubles thero should bo no uncertain ty, says a medical authority, Tho doc tor should bo summoned at onco, for tho soro throat may bo diphtheria, and the Intestinal symptoms may mean peritonitis, appendicitis or any on o a dozen complications of seriouB char acter. Vnluablo timo and tho golden' opportunity may bo wasted by wait ing for symptoms that are severe enough to Justify calling the doctor. His Business to Know. Wife Look. I bought this fur coat today. They tell me wo aro going to' havo very cold weather soon. Husband Who told you bo? Wife The furrier. Sure Does. "The pen is mightier than tho sword." "But the typewriter puts It all over tho pen." There U nothing heavenly about war, or Dyspepsia. Tho world Is outgrowing: too first, and Oarlleld Tea will conquer Dyspepsia. Theory alono never accomplished anything worth while. Thero ftro a few thlngB that even ft young man doesn't know. TWO WEEKS' TREATMENT AND MEDICINE FREE no matter what ysur Jaease. If you suffer from Rhenmatiirn.wnte. I you suffer from Kidney Troublo, write No matter what you suffer from, write to MUNYON'S DOCTORS Snd and Jefferson fits., l'hlludolphla, Pa. I ml I I B YTVn I ftlVallt PJirNt I wwm UT2bf)M xmvm iv VQflTaibl B tbiKJ from ! -st Ty SilSk. In HOT A PENNY TO PAY Otltr Is Good for the Next Thirty Day 5i